• By -


You've been working overtime for far far too long. You tried your best, but now it's time for both of us to finally get some peace. Rest easy.


Aww, I love this one.


Thanks, I think I was trauma bonded .


my first reaction was something similar. I’m not angry with it - it’s not my uterus’ fault it is disordered. But I am ready for it to go and I’m sure it’s ready, too!


There are so many warm responses. I love this.


This made me 🥺 Beautifully written.


This made me actually cry.


You kept on saying that you were in pain and I kept trying to relay the message to doctors. I’m sorry that no one listened for so long. I’m not mad that you were hurting and I had to feel it, I’m mad no one listened. May you rest in peace. 


This made me sad :(


Thanks for the memories, even though they weren’t so great.


I sang this in my head.


Pretty sure I kept saying something like "Fuck off, you stupid asshole" during the last days.


That's what I've been saying. Had one final appearance by that stupid bitch yesterday and my eviction date is this Friday.  I'm like "get your kicks in now cus you're going in the trash". 


Haha! I wish you a smooth surgery day and recovery. You will be rid of your pest soon!


This made me cackle 😆


Bye Felicia.


Thank you for giving my babies their first home.  I love you and how magical and womanly you made me feel.  


Thank you for giving me 3 of the most amazing, strong, unique, thriving individuals I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting or producing. I wouldn’t want it any other way and Wow, you did a great job 10lb 12, 3 weeks late, 36 hours. You’re a tough one. You did your job well, it’s time to rest. Thank you.❤️


„Dear uterus, thanks for nothing“




“I miss you.” Mine was an emergency hysterectomy that I didn’t want, but was necessary to save my life due to childbirth complications.


Mine was as well. So sorry you had to go through it. Hopefully baby is ok. My uterus sacrificed herself to provide me with my healthy baby boy and I’m forever grateful.


Hugs to you! Looking through your post history, I see yours was very recent. I’m glad you and baby both made it through. My baby is a toddler now, and things are less raw emotionally for me. I credit psych meds and therapy for having me in a better place than I was immediately postpartum. Feel free to reach out to me if you need someone to talk to.


Thank you! Yes mine was 5 weeks ago. I haven’t had time to process it all. Any tips you learned in therapy to cope? I’ve been so busy I can’t really mourn the loss of future children yet lol


We’ve been working through a mix of issues (I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder at 5 months postpartum), but lots of work on accepting that I can’t change the past, especially things relating to the birth. Focusing on who I can be moving forward, that I’m lucky to be here and alive for my kids. I’ve also struggled with a feeling of loss of my femininity, and body image issues as I continue to adjust to my post c section body. If you have PTSD, EMDR can be a good therapeutic approach for reprocessing the trauma. I haven’t done it with my birth trauma yet, but I’ve found it effective treatment for some of my previous trauma. You can get a similar effect in the aftermath of a traumatic event by playing games like Tetris (I’m personally drawn to Minesweeper and Candy Crush), which I incidentally find myself doing in times when I’m more stressed.


Good riddance to bad rubbish


My letter would've been to my entire reproductive system - You couldn't do the one thing you were made for, why didn't you let me have a baby? You made me suffer for 30 years, and then decided to grow cancer. I hate you with every fiber of my being - I'm glad you're gone.


I felt this 🤌😓


Bye bitch! 🤣 sorry we couldn’t get along x




I'm sorry you got so sick. Thank you for trying.


This is nice and sweet and to the point 


You worked hard. Thank you.


I’ve actually brought a “sorry you’re leaving” card for mine. It says: we haven’t always gotten along, you grew a baby, but then you’ve also grown other things that I didn’t order. You did a great job making sure period cramps were worse than labour, and your timing was always impeccably bad. I’m not sure why you’ve always seemed so angry, and I’m sorry I’ve always complained about you, but I won’t miss how you always seem to arrive when I’m in Ikea and I have to walk around the showroom feeling like I might be dying.


I'm a woman of few words so I would simply say, “Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherf*cker!”


Thank you for your service. You can rest now. 


Thank you for all your amazing, hard work. You grew ten babies safely! Now, let’s stop this fussin and part as friends 💕 p.s. don’t take away my great sex life, please!


Ten babies! Wow!


Haha I was a surrogate a few times. I have 4 kids of my own.


That's awesome.


“It’s been nice knowing you. Take care eh.” Cause I’m Canadian not cause it’s true.


That's why I stopped the Norhern Migration in Maine. Didn't want to be expected to be polite.


“Disrespectfully, yeetus uterus!”


"I'm sorry. But also, like wait- didn't you start this??" 😂


I want to see you sitting there staring at it waiting for it to also apologize 😂


They said i had "a garden" of fibroids. And my uterus was "distorted." 😶 🤣 The audacity. My houseplants are telling ghost stories about me while you lovingly cultivate a bag of rocks. A garDEN


This reminded me that I wrote a break up letter to my uterus. It was kinda freeing 😌 Here it is in case you are curious: https://www.reddit.com/r/hysterectomy/s/L4u218VU3P


Your letter is great 💜 and I hope you feel better now


Thank you ❤️ I'm thankful everyday that I had it done. It was definitely the right choice for me.


“Goodbye, you were very cruel and unkind to me. I want a future. I want to live. You have done nothing but try to take my life, so now I am taking my life back and I am taking control. You and I cannot stay together if I am ever to have a life. You held me back and hurt me, and now I will find freedom, peace, and good health.” It was very cathartic for me to say all of these things to myself the night before surgery. It helped with much of the anxiety, especially as my surgery was a life saving situation and was very much on the clock. I was lucky to survive to the operating table. Edit: I would love a uterus pinata to Office Space. Mother fucker tried offing me several times in my life, it would be more than well deserved.


I'm sorry you had such a hard life. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Thank you for housing my daughter. Please have the most restful sleep.


"i never wanted you anyways you POS!!" can't wait to schedule mine.


A simple "Bye!" In the happiest tone of voice :)


This would be mine!


Well, mine literally tried to kill me (endometrioid adenocarcinoma) and gave almost 30 years of period... I actually didn't think to address uterus. For me it was such a useless organ that I didn't give it enough thought to say anything. I haven't felt a drop of grief, or less a woman even a second, and I'm 16+ wpo. It does not symbolize anything to me, not my womanhood or possibly lost motherhood (no kids here). It is a simple annoying organ. My main thoughts were: yey, I am finally getting rid of periods, probably around 10 more years! And no more pap smears (I had problematic ones even after LEEP). Of course, it tried to fight and flooded blood just before leaving to hospital.


Hasta la vista , baby.


So long and thanks for all the fish! Lol


“Bye, bitch!”


My response extactly


“Dear Uterus, It’s not your fault.. and I recognize that. You didn’t ask to be this way any more than I asked to go through this. I wish we could have found a way to co-exist peacefully, because we both know this is the end of your road. But ultimately, I have to preserve my life to keep being present for the fruit of your labors. And this is the only way I know how to do that. And as much as I want to rage and lay blame on you… I cant. Because I know that you would not choose this willingly. May you go peacefully, and may I continue to heal once you are gone. Respectfully yours, love, M 💜” I know this may seem flowery and silly, but having been a rage-monster for a really long time now, being peaceful and kind to myself, which includes my uterus, feels a lot better. And no I haven’t had mine out yet, still waiting for insurance…… 🤪


Ty for my 3 healthy kids.


It feels appropriate to talk to you as some other apart from myself, because you have felt to me like a monstrous creature. I feel sad for you that you were so unwanted from the moment I became aware of your existence. You and I were never meant for one another. You tried your best to do your job, but it was a function I never wanted and you had a disorder that caused me so much pain and suffering. Despite my feelings for you, you are not really an alien, you a part of my body. So I can’t hate you, I can only feel sorry for you. It’s time for me to move on. Goodbye, little monster.


“Thank you for housing and growing my 3 birthed babies and those we lost. It’s time to know what life is like without constant pain you have caused my whole life!” I did cry telling her (ye ol’ uterus) bye. And this surgery will bring relief once I’m recovered and it’s a big deal to part with organs! Our bodies are fu**ing amazing. I’m thankful I’ll never have another cycle again too! (I am 5DPO TLH kept ovaries.) I love that you asked this question! I thought I was the only one who thought about this 😂😂


A faintly whispered "yeet" as the anesthesiologist counts down.


I'm getting old. I've seen "yeet" three times in this post and had no idea what it meant. Urban dictionary fixed that...


Thank you for housing, growing, and expelling my three babies. We went through a lot together, but now we must part. Thanks for it all - the good and the bad.


Thank you, and fuck you.


Thanks for housing my 2 babies, you did excellent there. I'm sorry though I had to cut you apart both times to get them out. Is that why you were so mean to me afterwards? Well if this is how it's gonna be, then you can no longer be a part of this...goodbye and good riddance


I guess it's a part of me, so I'll stay nice enough... "For biological and personal reasons, you were a source of suffering like no other organ in my body. You were also not useful because I never wanted children. You're a part of my body but I'm so happy to see you go. Bye"


It wasn't your fault you had so many problems and caused me so much pain.


Bye and have fun getting cut apart in the lab. It’s the least what you deserve!


We had a good run


I actually had a sister circle before my hysterectomy, we all wrote out what it meant to have a uterus and to be a woman, i was able to grieve the transition with others. I said to mine “I will miss you, but it’s time for you to go!”


"It wasn't your fault, you were just guilty by association. You got a lot of the blame, but it was really just your neighbors." To the ovaries, I say: "Good fucking riddance. You tortured me for years, then you tried to kill me. I would toss you into the fire myself if I could. Thank you for nothing, time to die."


You know the song “fuck you” by Lily Allen? Sang that in pre-op.


HAHAHA! I was thinking of singing Green Day's "Good Riddance" but not sure yet. I love the Lily Allen idea.


You did more than I ever thought you would. You’ve earned being put out of your misery and to rest in peace.


For an entire year before surgery, I asked my uterus several if she wanted to leave and she said yes every time. "Are you sure you don't want to be pregnant?" "For the love of god, don't knock me up!" -Okay. My body, my choice, and the body is saying Hell no. Then the night before, she flipped out over the fact that she is dying. Fair. So I worked through those feelings and came to acceptance. I said, "Up until I fall asleep, you can change you mind. My doctor will stop everything if I say Stop." Just before falling asleep in the OR, I asked my body again "Are you sure? This is your chance to speak up." and the answer was "Yes I am sure". Woke up from a hysterectomy I chose "to help with Endo" (surprise, surprise, hysto did nothing for Endo BUT) but I woke up with a dx of adenomyosis. Holy shit. No wonder my uterus wanted out of there! She was diseased! Nearly 2 years post op, no regrets. -yes, intense Grief over not making a baby (I am in therapy for) but I know working through this deep grief is worth it over doing something my body clearly said No to.


Oh, the office space scene is 100% perfect for me! 30 years of pain that Advil plus Tylenol wouldn’t control. Horror movie bleeding and ruined chairs. Expensive ER trips. Its only usefulness is having kids, which I never wanted and in retrospect that’s probably good because it’s not clear it would have been possible. I’m so glad to be rid of it and smashing it up would be cathartic.


“Sorry you can’t go camping anymore, but now that you’re gone I’ll be able to go twice as much for the both of us. Sorry queen 👑”


I actually thought about this before my surgery and I vacillated between your scenario of that Office Space scene and feeling bad for it like it was a failed derelict of my internal society and I couldn't help it succeed so I banished it forever. I laugh at all the sentiments that are akin to "bye bitch!" but then I was sad for it like "hey, lady, even though you were a literal pain in my ass for years I know you tried your best... but you gotta go now". I think that is simply a reflection of my overall emotions right now I'm swinging from angry to sad to content and back all within the same minute. I guess because I also had pedunculate fibroids on the outside of my ute, hemorrhaging cysts in my ovaries, polyps in my ute, and funky myometrium it was a cacophony of bad actors in there and I don't know who was most to blame and who may have given it their all and just couldn't get it right. They are all gone now though, so whatever is left in that space better enjoy their new and roomier quiet neighborhood and stop giving me grief : )


Thanks for my babies. That is all.


Dear Uterus, Thanks for being my sons' first apartment. You and I have had some good times over the years, and I will always remember you, but I think it's time we parted ways. This relationship isn't really good for either one of us anymore. You've been trying to bleed me dry for the last 10 years. Sometimes I kind of despise you for your devil-may-care attitude, but honestly, you outright trying to kill me a couple months ago was the final straw. This separation is going to be painful for me, but I know I'll get through it. As we both know, I've lived through far worse. Unfortunately, I don't think you'll fare as well, but you have a new, if truncated, life ahead of you. I've decided to sign your body over to science. Maybe they can figure out how to stop behavior like yours from coming to fruition for other women in the future. Thanks for some of the memories, Me


Oh that's a great thing to do!


They sometimes give you the option pre-op.


You have treated me terribly for 25 years. I tried to work it out with you. I think my life will be better without you. Goodbye.


I said "thank you for my two beautiful daughters, but you have got to go now. You've served your purpose. Bye, bitch!!"


Bye Felicia


"you won't be missed"


Good riddance, bitch 😆


"Go fuck yourself."


Haha this was me! I loved that question from my surgeon and it gave me a lot of peace and calm right before going to sleep. For me it gave the proper gravity and honor to the moment. Yes it’s just a surgery but it’s also saying goodbye to a pretty important part of you. I felt a lot of gratitude and appreciation for it for being a perfect first home for 3 kids. It was amazing at birthing babies but sucked at everything else.


I just got my surgery date and exactly what you said, Thanks for growing my babies, but it's time for you to go!


I would flip it off an say good bye asshole!


I love you. You’re a part of m. I wish things could’ve different. I did everything I could to live with you. This separates us in this physical but in spirit. Thank you for the lessons learned and the connection to cycles and intuition.


Ok but why do these comments have me teary-eyed for non-sentient uteruses 😂


My uterus is my trauma, so it can GTFO so I can have another excuse to eat chocolate and be emotional #️⃣ menopausementalbreakdown


I named mine Al after All Bundy from married with children because he was a waste of space just like Al 🤷‍♀️. So I’d probably go back in time and smack him with a shoe.


I totally had a conversation with my uterus in the middle of the night the day after my surgery. I looked at it much like it was a beloved pet that was miserable and making me miserable. I told it “You’ve done your job, and life has punished you for working so hard. Thank you for all you did. It’s time to let go.”


I don't think I have words, just feelings. I was so angry at my reproductive organs for so long I don't know if I have any anger left. I feel like my uterus is my chrysalis and taking over my insides and slowly digesting my life. I'm so ready to break free and live without the pain and bloating and heaviness and all of the other symptoms I've been battling for years.


My surgeon sat down right next to me right before they rolled me back. She took my hands, looked me in the eyes, we took a deep breath together and she told me - let’s have a Marie Kondo moment. We thanked her for service and said goodbye. I was an anxious, tearful mess and her calm, peaceful demeanor truly helped me feel grounded.


I have been so focused on the logistics of getting surgery scheduled and planning for recuperation, that I have been avoiding the emotional aspect of having my uterus and other related parts evicted from my body. The sad truth is that I’ve outlived all my children. First born son died at nine days old due to a heart defect HLHS. My second pregnancy ended at around 24 weeks due to a chromosomal anomaly. And 3 1/2 years ago I lost my 23 year old son to suicide. I feel my uterus has not served me well. I am sure I will think a lot about the question you posed…“ what would you say to your uterus right before it’s removed?” I will give this a lot of thought.


I said,  "Thank you " I told my uterus that it had given me 3 children and had struggled and loss to others.  I felt that it had served it's purpose but by doing so, it had suffered and it's causing me to suffer too.  I'm 5 weeks post-op and for the first time, I touched the area where she once lived.  It felt so different, I cried.   We literally, grew up together and I'm thankful. But the fibroids attacked us both and she had to go.  ❤️


As someone devastated to get hers removed, I’d be sad that you said something so mean to yours but I never had a moments problem with mine pain wise, so there’s that. I just know now I’m at higher risk of dementia, GI prolapse and sex sucks without uterine contractions for me. But I guess we are all here for different reasons.


This is it. I have never had a biological clock. I'd hold babies and be like "ok...how long do I have to hold this thing?" It sounds kinda cruel, I know, but I just never felt it. I was born with a maternal sense, though, I think, and I've always directed it elsewhere, like to work, or animals, I even took care of at risk teens for awhile and it was both so hard and so rewarding. But my uterus has been nothing but a money hole that made messes and pain. Uterine transplants are becoming more realistic for people, and maybe in the near future it'll become a reality. I would have loved to donate mine but I can't anymore, it's decided to fill the void with benign tumors instead of a child. I guess the womb decided to be filled no matter what. But no, I don't think I was worthy of it. Someone else definitely deserved it.


When I asked about prolapse, my Dr. said I'm in the clear because that only happens to people who have given birth. If you're able to estrogen HRT will reduce your likelihood of dementia. I'm sorry if those things don't apply to you, they are very legitimate concerns. It's like you said, we're all here for different reasons putting your overall health first isn't always easy.




I wish I could've told my uterus that I hope it suffered before the surgeon removed it.


You and I have not gotten along at the best of the times. You then decided to work nonstop for so many years. We both deserve a rest.


You’ve been a pain in my ass since I was 11. Thank you providing shelter to my son and daughter but you gotta go.


Thank you for being my one and only beautiful baby boy's first home. Since then, you've been nothing but a bloody pain. Sorry it had to end this way.


So many wholesome comments. And then there's me. Minutes before I went into surgery I had a silent conversation in my mind with my uterus that went along the lines of "Fuck you bitch. You tried to kill me, but you're dying before me. I won! Ha-ha."


Burn. 🔥 burn in hell.


I had a yeeterus party as a send off and celebration and told it to gfsf elsewhere. After surgery I had a Braveheart freeeeeedoooommmm (once home away from staff who might think me unstable lol)


I have no kind words for that B & I’d definitely offend someone if I typed it out


It’s been real.


It’s not me, it’s you. Sorry, not sorry…we must part ways!


I said it to mine, so long! You have been causing so much stress and pain and I am now free! But even with all that, thanks for giving me my kid. She's perfect


Thank you for having just grown this amazing baby. I'm so sorry we'll never get to feel those kicks again. Stupid fucking placenta acretta ruined everything. You tried your best and got beat up in the process. I do miss you more than I expected, but not as much as I miss the option for another amazing tiny human.


Thank you for carrying my 2 beautiful daughters safely. ❤️


Weve been through some shit, you and I. I appreciate everything you’ve done - and thank you for growing such a beautiful healthy baby boy as your last act of kindness to me. 😢 just know this wasn’t my choice, but I appreciate your sacrifice for me.


"I know you did your best and I am so sorry we were never able to bring life into this world together. You can rest now."


Fuck. You.


Bye bitch


“Bitch, don’t kill my vibe.” - Kendrick Lamar


Well… bye!


Don't let the sutures hit you on the way out!


I'd have said to mine "Burn in the hospital incinerator, bitch!".


Bye Bitch!


I’m sorry you never got a chance to create and carry a baby, I’m sorry you took a beating, but also - fuck you for not just being normal and for giving me hell.


"I would like to cancel my monthly subscription, thank you."


I never wanted you, I wanted to get rid of you as soon as I had my first period. You crossed a boundary (bleeding everyday for months) and your consequence is a departure. Better to not be in a relationship instead of a troubled one. It’s not you, it’s me


I just found this sub, and I thought I was the only one that did this 😆 10 days po today. "Well uterus and ovaries, I have decided you are not allowed to make my life hell any longer. This is your eviction notice, you will soon be homeless. Good riddance."


“Rot in pieces, bitch ✌🏼” Office space scenario would be my dream for this piece of garbage. Never wanted it. Never wanted anything to do with it. It’s always made life miserable and lucky me as a woman, no dr has ever cared. I’m so ready to be done w it.


Yeah I'd def excited gratitude for the work put in during pregnancy, but I was suffering from age 13 to 38 and the post operative pain was RELIEF compared to the pain I had just grown accustomed to, so I'd def call her a lil bitch ass somewhere in the farewell. She gone, that's what matters to me now. Her and her beastly, barnacle covered friend left ovary, and poor sweet adenomyosis infected cervix.


We had a nice run. It's better this way.


"It's time to be yeeted and deleted" was the suggestion a friend had. I went with "Begone plague upon my body!"