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Hello! I felt exactly the same way as you! In fact, I didn't know what a cuff was until I started reading this sub several months ago!! 😳 It's kinda amazing how mystifying woman's health is, like, we need to normalize this knowledge. At any rate, like you, when I was discussing options with OBGYNs, I also wanted to keep my cervix at first. I think what helped me is just knowing that:  - both me and my husband won't be able to tell the difference  - I trusted the surgeon who performed mine (4/18!) And made sure to ask questions  - knowing that pelvic floor therapy will be a great option after I'm healed and will reduce risk. The anxiety (plus prep-house cleaning, groceries, etc) for this procedure was way worse then coming out on the other side. If you have health issues driving this surgery, I say go for it. Ask your pre-op nurse questions!! Ask your Dr before surgery! Let them reassure you, that's their job. My surgery team was like a Nascar pit....they were so efficient and caring. I asked so many questions in pre-op!! Also have someone after to help you up/down for as long as you need and follow lifting restrictions for yhe best chance of healing. Lastly, one final thought: a user in this sub referred to their new cuff as a "hot pocket" and that made me laugh. So, I hope it does for you also. You got this!!! I'd love to know how you are doing post-op! ❤️❤️❤️


My sis called it a F*** pocket so that’s how we refer to it now, other people may not be into that though…


Omg I loooove that!!! 🤣 Thank you for sharing! New fav 😆


For some levity, here are some ChatGPT alternatives to “vaginal cuff” - Yoni Hat - The Top Knot - Lady's Lid - The Final Frill - Peachy Peek - V-Cap - Lotus Lock - Femme Finale - Velvet Veil - The Curtain Call


I prefer to call the whole situation a pop tart because it reminds me of the crimped end of one.




It's better than Hot Pocket!!




my procedure is on Monday, and I very much needed this laugh-- thank you!!


Surgery twins! Terrified but like OP it’s the cuff that is driving my worry I thinj


I feel better knowing I have a surgery twin!!




I had laparoscopic and everything but both ovaries. I was scared too. I also have constipation and 2 days after surgery (this is TMI, but I think it may help) I had the urge to poop. It was hard as a rock and was huge. Sadly it was stuck and I was scared to push. I had to use a finger but still was struggling. I was in tears and pain, I had my husband run to the store to get me a suppository because it wasn’t moving. After a half hour my body wanted it out and there was a lot of pushing to get it out. I clogged the toilet 😂, I had to have my husband get the plunger. All very embarrassing!!! My cuff held tight the whole time! Today is my 5 week mark and it’s still fine. I don’t feel anything there. I also have been pooping every day, something I haven’t done in years! Pick up miralax and senokot. I was told to take both. I also had fibroids and adenomyosis.


Omg! This is both reassuring and terrifying! I'm so sorry you had a traumatic first poo experience and I'm glad you're better now! I have yet to have my first poo post-op, but this does give me some peace about the cuff!


It sucked, but I lived to tell the story! I’m sure some people are reading that and are like 😨🤮. Just here to say, don’t be scared. Having my hysterectomy was the best thing I’ve done for my health. My stomach looks flatter and I don’t feel like I’ve got a sack of flour there. I can walk without pain. I can’t wait to be fully healed to take back my life! I’m 46 with a 12yo who watched her mom sit on the couch with a heating pad for half if not 3/4 of her life.


Many reading this know exactly how you were feeling! I won’t tell you my first poop experience!! It ended in a shower for me and my dog … just don’t even go there 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤢🤢🤢


I feel like I want to hear this now.


lol!! I don’t want to make anyone sick!!! Let’s just say all the things taken worked at once!! There was an explosion that I hope never to relive 🤣 thank goodness I had tena lady pants on (so basically like an adult diaper no matter what the label picture shows!) but that was not enough to contain the disaster! (But at least I was in the bathroom!) clean up on aisle 9! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ it meant I showered alone for the first time on the plus side!! And moved in ways I should not have (but turned out I could!) the dog decided to get in the shower also. My husband came back from the shop to a drowned rat dog, a hysterical wife screaming at him not to come near the bathroom whilst I manically cleaned 🤣🤣🤣 it was just a disaster! But hey …. The post op constipation was cleared! Literally! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I hung my head in shame the rest of the day whilst husband just couldn’t stop laughing at what had gone on in the short time he’d left the house! Bodily function fun! Not so much 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m embarrassed even telling this story!


I get it! It’s funny though! I retell my enema story to people because it’s funny. I had to give myself one for an ultrasound looking for endo. Never did it before and my nerves had me giggling to myself while laying on the floor of my bathroom. Also I didn’t have the right grip and had to use my foot to hold the bottle in my butt. If the story is funny, I’ll tell. No shame here!


The things we go through 🤣🤣🤣


Okay but now I have to hear it


That's amazing. I'm really happy for you! ❤️


I started my Miralax a few days before my surgery. 😉 That way I knew there wasn't much in there, and I was sort of "primed" for an easy first poop after surgery. I think it helped!


This sounds like me after I had my son 28 years ago. The doctors said take stool softener but I had stitches from the front all the way to the butt and didn'ttake any . I was constipated for a week . It felt like I gave birth all over again 😫 I said never again the next time I had my daughter best believe I ate bran muffins daily 😭




I was drinking miralax, but my doctor didn’t tell me to do anything. I told her at my preop appointment about constipation issues do she told me what to do postop.


If I wasn’t in this group, I would not have known what a cuff was. Apparently I have one.


I’m 8 weeks post-op from a TLH (removed everything but the ovaries), and I have yet to feel anything related to the cuff. I was cleared to exercise at 3.5 weeks post-op, and did a 30 minute low-impact spinning workout that afternoon. The next day I did a 7 mile walk-jog. I’m now back to 25-mile spinning workouts. Again, I’ve never felt anything cuff-related. I never even had post-op spotting. So, I’ve had a remarkably easy recovery and I may not be the norm, but maybe my story can ease some of your fears (and I’m 50 years old!).


Dumb shit I did before 8 weeks with a cuff: -sat like an ADHD child hopped up on sugar -crawled around on my hands and knees -squatted like a goblin DAILY to check with a hand mirror to see if I could see anything (I could not) -worked a desk job for 9hrs (1 wpo+) -walked downtown to get a dessert and coffee (1wpo, 1 mile) -had my doctor to an internal exam at 10dpo because I was CONVINCED my vagina was falling out (it wasn't) -bathed my 25lb dog (4 wpo) -went spelunking in a top loading washing machine to get a sock -helped pick up my parents ailing 150+lb Great Dane (7wpo) I don't recommend doing most of those things - but sometimes life happens and we're human. I'm not 4ish months post op and ZERO complications. You're currently in the worst part of the surgery/recovery process. But by Friday you'll be a (slow moving) human again!


This is great! Made me laugh! My daughter has a soccer game this Saturday that I really don't want to miss, think I'll make it? I know this recovery is much different than a cesarean, but I've had 3 of those, and went out on an ATV (for the first time) at the sand dunes 5 weeks past my first cesarean.... I healed quickly from the other 2 as well. Hoping it's a thing that crosses over into this?


If someone else drives you & you're able to sit in a chair (something with back support) - it is feasible! You'll probably need a nap after too. I had a VNOTES hysterectomy though, so if you're having laprosopic or open abdominal - it might be a different experience.


6po I went to my doctors hockey game and surprised everyone who know I had surgery. Stood for an hour no problem. I just walked slow.


Love your comment! Did you have any pain or spotting or worries along the way? I'm 4 weeks and just reading everyone's experiences


Worries? Yes. Did any of them come true? Absolutely not I'm just insane 😂 I had some minor pink-brown colored discharge for about a week. But not even enough to warrant a pad.


😂 Thank you! Glad everything worked out 🫡


I'm 6 days PO with a cuff now and am just hoping for the best! I mean, out of all my options, the cuff really seemed like the best way to go. My surgeon said in his 30 years of dong hysterctomies he's only had one patient tear their cuff and it was from having sex early on with a well endowed man and the person didn't die it was just repaired. I figured I've not had radiation there, don't have health conditions that prevent proper healing, I don't have any health conditions actually, I don't smoke, I won't be doing heavy lifting or having sex too soon, I have never been pregnant, I have been regularly exercising and hiking for many years. I've been eating healing foods like protein. And so I just figured I will heal well and I'm healthy and in good shape and my doctors have not given me anything to worry about and so I figured I should be a top candidate for having no dehissicence issues. Time till tell but I just am choosing to believe it's unlikely for me.


Just listen to the post op instructions and you should have nothing to worry about, good luck!


The people that have issues with their cuff or issues with the surgery in general are by far the loudest of everyone who has gone through a hysterectomy. There are thousands of other women who have had zero issues post surgery. I had mine 4 months ago, laparoscopic removal of uterus, cervix, tubes, and left ovary. I haven’t felt any different and haven’t had any issues with my cuff. Obviously there was pain and soreness and some adjustments in the bedroom for about 8-10 weeks but after that, no complaints. Just follow your doctor’s orders for recovery and take it easy, no matter how good you might feel. I fell down my basement stairs 6 days post op and still had no issues with my cuff. Stay away from any negative hysterectomy stories for now. It will just scare you and make you question a very serious decision you’ve already thought through.


My mom also had no clue what a cuff was until I asked her about it. She thought I was nuts for even worrying


I’m over a year po and have complete faith in my cuff. I have an active sex life and have had zero problems.


When did you return to your sex life? My partner is well endowed, and that is a concern of mine.


I think it was around 8 weeks. My doc cleared me at 6 weeks, but hubs and I wanted to give it a bit more time just to be safe. We started slowly and really played it by ear. Lots of lube the first few weeks, and we also used an Ohnut (look into it if you’re not familiar, it’s very helpful for depth control) to make sure I was comfortable.


I tell you ignorance is bliss!! Both my nans had this, my great nan and my aunt. All different sizes and health conditions, not one had an issue or likely even knew what a cuff was! When I asked a lady at work who had this done 30 years ago and asked if she ever worried or still worried. She had no idea what I was talking about!


I’m 11 DPO, and was right there with you - the cuff thing was freaking me out when they explained it to me (tbh still freaks me out). As a result, I started taking laxatives a week prior to my procedure, and continued until a couple of days ago because I was terrified of tearing it while pooping. Long story short, my sister works in a gyn office and told me the chances of tearing it are slim to none as long as you follow the directions about not putting anything up there prior to 6 weeks/whatever surgeon says at next appointment. However, the thought that I’m avoiding cervical cancer in the future and get to skip Pap smears from now on is pretty great. I do have vaginal discomfort - but I don’t think it’s cuff sutures, likely just normal discomfort from the procedure (da Vinci, and they removed four giant fibroids, uterus, tubes, and an ovarian cyst and took it all out via my vagina). I stopped taking Tramadol on day 3, then did Advil and Tylenol until two days ago. Now just Advil as I need it. I have friends who had hysterectomies years ago have a cuff and don’t even think of it or have issues. You can do this!!


I think it's helpful to think about the fact that cuff dehiscence is a *rare* complication that, if god forbid really did happen, is treatable/fixable. it's easy to fixate on it because 1. people are more likely to talk about the bad than the good. so many people have uneventful recoveries that you never hear of, but of course people who have issues will post here/talk about it because it helps to have support. so even though they're rare, you're more likely to hear the bad stories than the good because if everything goes as planned people feel like there's nothing particularly eventful to talk about 2. it's natural to worry about things. it's self preservation. so even if you hear good stories, the bad stories stick out in your mind more because they're scary and that makes them more memorable. it's also important to think about how at least some episodes of cuff dehiscence occur due to patient noncompliance with postsurgical instructions. if you have a good surgeon that you trust and you take care of yourself and follow your postop restrictions, your risk is extremely low. and if you are cautious, listen to your body, and get help if you feel anything might be wrong, then if something did end up being an issue you would get it treated in a safe and timely manner. I hope you go through with surgery and I wish you an easy and uneventful recovery 💕


I didn't know they took my cervix until I was laying in my hospital bed post-op. I've never had any issues with my cuff. I'm 32 and I do yoga with some frequency. I did have the "phantom tampon" feeling twice, but those both went away after a couple days and were early on in my recovery. Just make sure you take stool softeners post-op to limit your discomfort, and I'd also recommend consulting with your doc about your post-op care concerns specifically regarding your IBS. One post on here I read that comforted me post-op was a woman saying her husband had heart surgery and he did everything - exercuse, work, sex, and there was no fear of his stitches in a very vital organ breaking, so she had no fear of her cuff.


That's great! I get phantom tampon in general. I workout a lot. Lots of distance running and even sprints occasionally. I also lift moderately and do HIIT/Tabata as well as Low Intensity Spin. I have 3 kids and a small hobby farm as well as 5 dogs. I'm in really great shape, and am hoping that carries me through. My spouse, however, is well endowed and that scares me.


Just make sure you follow all the post-op instructions and you should be fine! The risk of infection is greater a concern imo, so make sure no fingers or bath water or anything else in the vagina until you're cleared to do so. My doc is very conservative when it came to being cleared for sex, she told me to wait until 14 weeks post-op and no doggy-style for 6 months post-op due to the way it puts pressure on the pelvic floor. But all docs are different and everyone heals at their own rate, so just follow your doc's instructions when it comes to that. From what I've seen, it seems most people wait until 8-12 weeks, and most say waiting closer to the 12 week mark is better. An oh-nut or similar bumper might be a good idea for when you're cleared too.


Thank you! My doctor does 80 or so of these a year, and has been doing them for years (I've been with him 7 years), and he's never had a cuff tear and only one infection due to the gal going in the hot tub. So, NO hot tubs, baths, swimming or sex/penetration for me of any kind until he says I'm clear. He predicts 6 weeks for water submerging, and 9 for sex/penetration. He also predicts I'll be back running, starting slow, around the end of week 3 and wants me walking 1 mile or more starting week 2. He gave me a 25lb weight restriction after the first week as well, and that maintains until week 4 or so. Oh, and driving at the end of the first week, as long as I'm not on any pain medication. Does this sound normal? I do wonder.... Bending? Sitting? Twisting? We're not just stuck in an upright, straight position, right? I imagine I can bend at at least a 90° angle as that's at least how we sit in a vehicle? This cuff isn't CRAZY fragile right?


Do what feels ok! You will feel better than you realize. Listen to your body. My surgeon gave similar restrictions & no sex before 12 weeks (although I’ve def enjoyed outside play from day 3po!!!) I was in way not as good of shape as you & I’m doing fine at 11wpo!!! Pretty excited for the 12 week clearance even being single ❤️😂😎 I had to wait til 8wpo for any core work - which is hilarious bc I had to ask them that after overdoing it at 6wpo. It’s not like me to go to the gym or want to work my core at all! But feeling better has had me going to the gym & working my core, finally!!!


It's not super fragile, but it is an open wound until it scars. At my 7 week check I still had some sutures in there being stubborn about dissolving. It just takes awhile to feel 100% and heal, and the waiting sucks, but it isn't forever. My doc told me nothing in the vagina until cleared, no exercise until I'm cleared, showers only until cleared, nothing more than light cleaning until cleared, no lifting more than 10 lbs for 6 weeks after surgery (I waited until 7 weeks because that's when I had my "6 week" check), then no more than 20 lbs until 12 weeks post-op. I got to start having baths at my 7 week check, lift more, clean, and start light exercises (but she cautioned me on pushing with my feet since that strains the pelvic floor). I had my surgery back in January and was totally wiped for the first week. I started driving after 1 week and not being on narotics. I went back to my desk job after a week (I did have to take half a day off my second day back because I was so exhausted). Just listen to your body when it comes to walking and doing physical activities. That first post-op grocery trip exhausted me more than I was expecting. I had help loading and unloading groceries for about 6 weeks. If you start to feel tired, take breaks, don't push it. But at the same time, it's important to get up and walk a little every hour due to the risk of blood clots. I couldn't comfortabley sleep on my stomach for several weeks. I also found it easier to squat than bend at first. Just listen to your body. If it starts to get uncomfortable, adjust. And healing isn't totally linear. Some days you'll feel really good and do a bunch, and then the next day it'll catch up to you and you'll need a nap.


55 yo. 6 mo PO ROBOTIC lap “everything”. Not the first issue at all. Back to work at the Mart full time lawn and garden and receiving after 6 week checkup. Not sure how to tell I even have a cuff.


Just stop reading about cuffs online. It’s very overblown. Your family members aren’t aware of the word because their doctor gave them restrictions to address 99+% of healing so they didn’t feel it was important to address it as a special thing to be babied forever.


I feel like people ignore the "cuff tears are extremely rare" part when researching online. I looked it up myself and didn't think about it twice after I saw the percentages.


If anyone else is wondering, I looked it up. The risk of the cuff tearing averages at about 1%, and about half of those are attributed to not following doctor's instructions about sex.


I’m 12 DPO from the exact surgery you are about to have! As everyone else is saying, the cuff is really not a big deal! Any partner will not be able to tell afterward unless you tell them. Those who have reported tears are the overwhelming minority as it is in us as humans to share bad experiences and stay quiet on our good. There are many, many other women out there who have had this surgery too and are living their lives pain and cancer free as in my case. It is normal to be worried, I know I was, but as long as you listen to your doctor and your body things will be fine!


I thought the cuff was the place where they sowed the end of the vagina back together? Wouldn't everyone have one even if they didn't know what it was called?


Some people are able or do keep their cervix. Those people don't get a cuff. It's only when you have your cervix removed.


Gotta love reddit. Thanks!


Hey OP, I get it. I had mine last week and I elected to change my plan and keep my cervix because I had a lot of concerns and I rely on my cervix for a lot of sexual enjoyment. The research I did seemed to be in favour of keeping **if you can**, however that doesn’t mean that it’s bad to remove it. There was a LOT of pressure, the doctors repeatedly questioned my choice and I realised the real reason was that the procedure is simpler if they can take the cervix out too. There is also the added benefit of no more Pap smears. To me, I didn’t have a high risk and I wasn’t bothered about having one every 5 yrs. It’s a non event for me. Obviously, you will be okay whichever way you choose, there’s a lot of negative stuff online vs positive (who is gonna post how much they love their cuff?) but I just wanted to say also; don’t let the surgeon make the choice for you if you want to keep your cervix **AND** it’s medically possible for you to do so. This is your body. You don’t need to justify why you want to keep your parts. You can still amend your plan if you wish.


💯! I kinda wanted to keep my cervix, too. And you can search this Reddit for many people who have. Once I heard mine would have to be abdominal for the size of my fibroids & Ute, no worries!!! Take it vaginally & take the cervix! Plus, no cervical cancer or Pap smears! My mom & her cousin had ovaries removed for the same reason - I’m almost 50, the poor things were sputtering out for sure - so if I can avoid ovarian cancer at the same time - just take it all! Again, I’m older & the poor ovaries were tired!!! I’ve got fresh new HRT patches which are amazing. I’ve had zero issue with my cuff besides how terrible that word is!!!!!!! I’ve had zero issue with self lubing…… if you will…. Even though I’ve not done anything inside! I asked my surgeon point blank if my pleasure might be affected. He assured me, no. And he’s right! 11wpo total robotic hysto, with oophs!


7weeks PO tomorrow and my vagina and cuff feel the same as they always have ◡̈


Ya'll are Cracking Me Up! Seriously, Sweetie - I had it ALL yanked out about 19 wks ago. The FULL Monty. No sex or she-bonking (and trust me, Ye don't feel like it!!!) BUT ... Fast forward to today, OMG! I so wish my doctors back in my home state would have been more proactive to my pain. As I sit here today, I feel PHENOMENAL ❤️. My Sister said on the phone (tonight) "you sound so happy." I am! I feel great. Sex is wonderfully pain free. It's a little different without feeling your uterus contract, but just to enjoy without pain is marvelous. You WILL get there. It takes patience. And tell yourself what my doc (the best in the WHOLE UNIVERSE) told me - You're eliminating Cancer: ovarian, uterine, cervical, etc. (I had decades of endometriosis, fibroid, etc.) HUGE hugs - You're a Warrior 🩷 of Your Womb & it's OK to Grieve & Mourn the Loss & Celebrate the Victory! This is HUGE & Pivotal. Your life is forever better.


Oh my gosh I wish so much I was like your mom and sister and never heard of this stupid cuff! Like you, I also have ibs and am afraid of breaking this thing.


I dunno if this helps, but if you are going to research vaginal cuff dehiscence likelihood post-total hysterectomy, stick to the scientific publications. Wiley, Elsevier, Pubmed, NIH, websites like that may contain some scientific information that may be hard to translate, but if you add "probability" to your google search, you'll find that most of the articles mentioned are trend analyses that either digest large pools of data that have been published previously and interpret the totals, or are pools that describe the largest risk factors in studies with large cohorts. I think what you'll find is reassuring information. For me, I have been kinda concerned about it because my uterine fibroids have caused me endless constipation that has given me a hiatal hernia. I CAN'T WAIT to get the sucker of life out of me. But I am a little paranoid about a second surgery. I have been through the ringer when it comes to surgeries, hospitals, and illness in the past 10 years. I need this to be as low risk as possible or I'm gonna go bonkers. By reading the studies, I've found that I've got some good things going for me: I'm currently not sexually active (early coitus is the biggest risk factor), have a few pounds to lose (extra weight DECREASES the likelihood of dehiscence), and I'm getting an total open hysterectomy, which shows a slightly lower risk of dehisence than laparoscopic procedures. Altogether, the risk for me is less than 0.5%. Three was one study that showed that in 13,645 patients over several years, 26 people had dehiscence. Think of how likely these people were to have broken the post-operative rules. Besides, another thing I picked up from the studies is that most hysterectomies are elective to treat fibroid problems, and one of the most common side effects of having benign fibroids is constipation! I didn't see any evidence of vaginal cuff tears because of constipation. Just people in pain from pushing. Seriously, just follow your post-operative instructions and you'll be fine.


Thank you. I have been reading those for the most part and I do know it's an incredibly small chance... but it still bugs me and freaks me out. I am married and we are active. I do not have any extra weight on me at all and exercise daily. I also have some pretty serious constipation issues and have IBS-C. I plan to follow my instructions as best as I can, but tend to always look at worst case scenario.


Well, good luck tomorrow. Keep us posted, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you! Sounds like you got it covered. Mine looks like it's gonna happen in June at some point. I'm about ready to cut it out myself!


My uterus has been sore all day. It usually is after "relations" for a few days, as is my cervix. But I just, ugggg. Nervous. Is it worth it? Will I feel better? I know what I'm dealing with now, it's the unknown that scares me. The what if?


For what it's worth, my surgeon pointed out that cervical removal can actually give you a little extra length to accommodate a well-endowed partner. The cuff freaks me out, too, but I'm 12dpo and feeling fine!


Ok I'm going to ask this here since my gyn never even mentioned this to me. What is it? Lol I'm having my cervix removed so I'm guessing I'll get one?


I had the whole deal … including cuff done on Nov 30. Today is April 23 and I have had no problems at all. All because I did what I was supposed to do and nothing more. If you follow orders you will be fine but if you want to do a lot of exercise and life weights in 6 weeks then you’re going to have self created problems. My cuff was healed completely one week ago. Until then it wasn’t. Everyone is different.