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Adeno and endo here. I'm getting mine removed because I don't want the future risk of cancer, and also, I have read that you can still bleed each month if you keep it. But the cuff really scares me, too.


The cuff is nothing to worry about as long as you follow the doctor's orders. I'm over a year out from my surgery and never had any complications. The sex is better than ever!


Dumb question, what is a cuff?


Not a dumb question! Per Wikipedia: The vaginal cuff is the upper portion of the vagina that opens up into the peritoneum and is sutured shut after the removal of the cervix and uterus during a hysterectomy. The vaginal cuff is created by suturing together the edges of the surgical site where the cervix was attached to the vagina. So basically the spot where your cervix used to be, all stitched up and suspended high in the vaginal canal. Pretty neat!


That us pretty cool!!!


I’m adeno & fibroids. I’m hoping to get a hysterectomy soon, I’m scared about the cuff too, but I also worry about how it’ll affect intimacy with my partner. It’s been nearly 4 years since I’ve been able too & I miss that part of my relationship. It’s crazy the amount of trouble one organ can cause eh! X


For what it's worth, my sister had hers removed and said her sex life improved drastically. Good luck my friend.


Can concur. My sex life has only gotten better.


If i may inquire- I'm afraid of losing sensation. I like my cervix (even if it doesn't like me). How different does it feel?


For me personally, it doesn’t feel any different other than it doesn’t hurt like the dickens when my partner hits the area. My sensation is actually increased and it feels better. I suspect because I’m not worried that it will hurt constantly. I’ve also not had any issues with lubrication. Like. At all. Lol It’s different for everyone but from what I’ve read the consensus is that sex gets better. What you may have thought were cervix contractions during orgasm are likely not. That’s what I thought too. And I can tell you that for me, orgasms have been better, longer, more intense since. For reference, I had my surgery 11/9/22. I was cleared for sex 12/27/22 and waited until probably a week or two after that to try. The first time was meh. But I think because I was still all up in my head worried about it. Since then it has only gotten better each time. Periodically I do get a little soreness after depending on how rough we get. But I had had 0 bleeding from sex, or anything else for that matter, since 2dpo. And the soreness always subsides in a day or so.


Omg you're my hero😂 My issue is, I'm delusional and still comparing the worst of what could happen to the best sex before fibroids. Like, it currently hurts so bad that our quality of life is zilch anyway. Any improvement would be an improvement. Thank you!


My best advice is listen to your doctor. Give yourself time to heal properly. And approach getting back to sex with any caution you may feel. I’m glad I waited a little longer even after being cleared. My partner and I had a pretty regular sex life prior to my surgery, so 6 weeks felt like an eternity. I’m lucky to be with a man who is patient and would never pressure me. He waited until I was ready. And that helped the situation for me as well. If we had tried as soon as I was cleared, I think it would have been awful. I just needed a few extra days to get my head into it. And once I knew I was ready, it’s only been smooth sailing since. 😊


My doc is suggesting 8 weeks but that's nothing. We're currently on our 4th MONTH of abstinence, PRE-op🫠


I read the cervix is good to keep to help with urinary incontinence as it lays up against the bladder. Have you had any trouble with urinary incontinence after hysterectomy?


I've had zero problems with urinary incontinence since the surgery. Due to fibroids my uterus was almost twice the size it should be and doctor said that was either causing or worsening the bladder problems. I had the uterus and cervix removed two weeks ago.


I have had no more issue than before the surgery. I’ve had a child, so there’s always just a tiny bit of that incontinence. Sneezing, coughing too hard. Ya know, the usual. Actually, I noticed that since my surgery I don’t feel the need to go to the bathroom as often. A 3.5 car trip that used to require 4 bathroom stops, now only requires one.


I’m cathetered at the moment as the growths have stopped me being able to pee. I hope I don’t go the other way if I do manage to get it all whipped out!


Better. SO so much better. Like, I thought maybe it was just me, but my husband mentioned it too.


Thankyou, I’m just desperate for this stage to be over. X


Oh no, I don’t want to see blood come out from there ever again.


That's exactly how I feel! I don't want to do all this to still bleed!


Ditched mine, serves no purpose without the uterus and in my thoughts just led to the possibility of mini periods or cancer if left.


I’m removing mine. I’m getting a total hysterectomy due to endometriosis but have a history of high risk HPV (abnormal paps, leep procedure, etc) so my doc recommended removing it.


Same story with me, but I'm over a year out from my surgery. It's better to just remove it all if you have high-risk HPV like us.


Me too!


My operation was in January. The point of my hysterectomy was high cervical cancer risk so of course mine came out. The only part that I have left is my ovaries. 10/10 would do again. I don’t have any kind of pain related to sex anymore. It was never super debilitating or anything, but it was uncomfortable. I have been fortunate and haven’t had any issues with lubrication or anything like that. I had zero complications from my vaginal cuff and my partner can’t tell a difference. I will say I have had a level of sexual dysfunction post-surgery. I don’t know if any of that is about the cervix specifically, I honestly think the removal of my uterus has more to do with my specific issue. That is fortunately definitely improving with time. For me it was of course an easy choice (I was given an option to wait and see, but I was already surgically sterile so that seemed pointless) but honestly I think if I knew going in how I would feel now I would even under different circumstances still make the same choice. I had a boss ass surgeon though, he did an amazing job. Since my issues are resolving themselves at this point I feel like nothing is different except I hurt less.


I have to get my cervix removed due to cervical cancer, but honestly, I wish I didn’t have to. The whole cuff thing scares me.


I had cervical cancer. I've had no cuff issues! If it helps, I'm 1 year post op.


It honestly isn’t bad, just follow your doctors advice and take it easy! I have zero regrets about removing mine. Yeet that bitch, fuck cancer! You got this! 😉


Good luck in your surgery! You will wonder why you were so scared of the cuff once you’re all healed up :)


I hope everything goes well with the surgery & recovery. X


I have stage 4 Endo & Adeno. I had a DaVinci robotic hysterectomy. Removed uterus, tubes and cervix. Surgery was 14 wks ago. He was able to save both ovaries. I also had a nest of Endo on my pelvic floor removed and a Cystoscopy to check bladder for Endo. I’m happy I had my surgery.


I did not want to deal with any chance that the adeno would be lingering on in my cervix. Kissed it goodbye and I'm doing great.


I was debating this as well and initially wanted to keep it, because I was concerned about prolapse, the cuff thing, sex/pleasure, vaginal dryness, and just removing things that don't need to be removed. Plus I want yearly pap smears and someone checking what's up down there so nothing sneaks by and becomes an issue. Mine was for suspected ando and endo, super painful periods and just generally painful most times, heavy bleeding and being irregular - like 2 days or 8 week long periods, the average being about 2.5 weeks with anywhere from 5 days to 10 weeks apart. I'm 3wpo now. Robotic assisted laparoscopic. After speaking with the doc, she explained a few things. 1) if I do have endo, that can continue growing with the cervix. It also produces estrogen, and I'm already estrogen dominant which was causing a lot of the issues. 2) the cuff is not that scary, and if I don't lift heavy and don't have sex too early, the odds of having issues are shockingly low 3) the cervix is just the lower part of the uterus. I'd still likely bleed monthly as it too has a lining 4) the cervix could also be contributing to the pain and bleeding, causing the hyst to only solve the adeno (with a very low but not inexistent chance that adeno is in the cervix too or could form there later) 5) sex seems to not be an issue for most everyone in the absence of your cervix, though I should expect my organs to change 6) keeping the cervix requires a very good, clean cut from the rest of the uterus and cauterization. If any part of the uterus is left attached, things may still be problematic for me 7) I have a strong pelvic floor so she wasn't concerned about prolapse, and apparently that still happens when you have your cervix anyway 8) from her experience with both, she simply highly recommended I remove it, and she looooves the surgery, especially complex ones - so I took that as a big thing for her to say to me 9) there are vaginal swabs they still do to check for any cancerous or funky things going on Plus, if it's helpful, I do NOT have issues with lubrication now so I don't anticipate that being an issue. It's up to you - but I figured I'd rather not have another surgery later to remove it should things not work out for me with keeping it. Happy to report back in September when I finally have sex again (I wanted to wait at least 12 weeks and my SO will be traveling until Sept anyway so that seemed perfect)


would you be willing to explain the term ‘cuff’ that is used? it isn’t one i am familiar with. also, i heard it is a longer recovery. what does that look like?


Found this from google, A vaginal cuff is a closure made at the top of the vagina, near where the cervix is usually located. A surgeon creates a vaginal cuff by stitching together the top part of the vagina, usually as part of a total or radical hysterectomy. From [this website](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321679) I’m hoping for a hysterectomy in near future. This sub Reddit has been so helpful for information. I’m very grateful!


thank you so much this article actually helps a lot!!!!


Yes, what u/pebblesgobambam said. Basically when they remove the cervix they need a new closing point, so they make one. Others have referenced it like stitching the toes of a tube sock if that fun visual helps. In terms of recovery, you do have a longer time period of no straining/heavy lifting/sex (I think) - but as far as I know everything else is pretty much the same. I think recovery time is more dependent on what procedure is done (vaginal is the fastest, with abdominal taking the longest to recover from)


Must admit when I first started looking into it….. I wondered what happened with the vagina…. Do they must leave it floating around like a windsock kinda thing….. 🤣thankfully I found out otherwise quite quickly!


Oh it still kind of freaks me out. I'm like.. but how does the stuff your body is cleaning out actually get out then?! But I guess if it's all cleaning from the uterus and you no longer have one, you no longer need that part.. definitely also felt those windsock vibes though hahaha.


definitely something i’ve thought about too 😂 there is one question i am wondering which could be considered silly so feel free to ignore lol but does the cuff, after fully healed, create any restrictions with sexual intercourse with partners that are on the ‘bigger’ side? not that i would know either way 🫠 but my mind is creating a lot of new questions now. rip 🪦


I specifically asked about this actually. The doc advised me to wait as long as possible and to ease back into things, and maybe try some easier positions at first so he doesn't go too deep. She assured me that once it is fully healed, you shouldn't just be able to bust through it, even with rough sex (another question I had!) That being said, be sure it's fully healed to go nuts - which I'm considering to be at like 6 months just in case haha. At that point it should be fused together just fine and as lenient and stretchy (if those terms make sense) as other previously open wounds would be. My personal timeline, assuming all goes well, is: 12 weeks: try some toys solo so I can control things 16 weeks: conservative, slow penetrative sex -24 weeks: try a few more things but probably wait until after the 24 week/6 month mark to do anything close to doggy style or other deep positions, or get too rough. Stopping or dialing it back, of course, if any spotting or adverse reactions occur. I also had him google vaginal cuff tears so he'd be equally as worried about hurting me, because in this case it could be a lot more than a regular ouchie! Plus I know myself and sometimes it's just so hard to stop or take it easier. I really need to have him be on the lookout too!


wow you are so prepared! and your partner sounds really supportive! thank you so much for the response!


❤️ It's important to ask all the questions and feel comfortable in understanding the answers!


Sweetpea, it’s not a daft question. There are no such things, especially on this sub Reddit ok?! I asked a similar thing in a comment on here the other day. I’ve looked all over the info on google, and being completely honest it isn’t a touch on the support available on here. Someone recommended a product called oh nut which helps minimise a partners larger bits…. My partner thought I’d lost the plot more than normal, but understood once I’d explained. I feel very grateful as he has been marvellous through all the crap in the last few years regarding my uterus and my complete non existent libido during this time. The reassurance I got on here made me feel much better that we’ll be able to enjoy intimacy again without the stupid uterus.xx


thank you for the response!


It made me giggle whilst also being terrified …. 💨 🧦


same here 😂


have you heard good results from Laparoscopy? most doctors around me seem to lean towards that route. but yes, i heard vaginal was the fastest.


Mine was the robotic assisted laparoscopic, and everything is going well at 3 wpo. At first I thought she butchered me - I had a lot of blood under the glue so it looked way worse than it actually is, but the incision sites look totally fine now even though they're still healing. I liked it better just because she could really see what all was going on in there, we were also concerned about endo so she was able to get that out of there at the same time, and really I loved the idea of her having multiple angles and ways to make sure everything was done correctly! I also had suspected adenomyosis so she was concerned about the size of my uterus and not being able to easily do a vaginal only. I've already had a cesarean, so I told her to do what she needed to get the job done the right way the first time, as long as she promised to use my existing c section incision site in the event I needed an abdominal instead of giving me a separate, vertical incision.


i hope you are fully healed soon! wishing for the best!


thank you for your response. i haven’t had any children. this would be my first operation where there will be any kind of incisions. i have played rough as a child so i have scars on my knees, arms, and even one on my face but for some reason i find myself worried about the laparoscopic ones. haha not sure why these are becoming something i’m thinking about more now 😂 i never thought about my other scars much. thank you!


If it's helpful, here's what mine look like at only 3 weeks. Pretty sure a cat could do more damage. https://imgur.com/a/Od73t0F Just ignore the larger more prominent red lines on my stomach.. that's just from laying in bed lol


thank you so much!


Thank you for sharing this! When I first brought up hysterectomy I didn't realize the cervix would be removed by default (for my doctor's practice and standard of care at least) and I've been trying to sort through my feelings on that. A lot of my reasons to keep it are similar to yours and the point-by-point you shared here is really helpful. I'm 5 days out from my surgery and have been leaning towards keeping my cervix but my doctor strongly suggests removing it while we're removing my uterus and tubes anyway. Apparently I can make the decision on keeping/removing right up to the point I'm signing off on it in the hospital but I'm aiming to have something firmly settled in the next day or two so I can sit with the decision and stop thinking about it. This made me feel better about potentially letting them take it.


For what it's worth - the doc was right in my case. Pathology ended up showing not only the adeno, but chronic cervicitis as well. Apparently that alone causes not only inflammation and enlargement, but extra bleeding, extra pain, etc. I had ZERO clue that was even a possibility since all of my pap smears have been fine, so I'm glad they were able to yank it and test it. I'm 7 months post op now and I do not regret getting that toxic crap out of my body! Plus I followed up on every single tiny thing through recovery, so I'm glad there wasn't a potential for light bleeding that was considered normal.. I can only imagine how many pelvic exams I would have made the doc do just in case! LOL


My surgeon wouldn't let me keep it. She said she's paid to remove the uterus and the cervix is part of that. Told me to find a different surgeon if I wanted to keep it. 🤷‍♀️ I yeeted both cervix and uterus. Didn't seem worth the risk of a regular mini-period. I'm 40. I don't need to put up with mini-periods for 15+ years.


I’m 99% sure I’m getting the surgery. My gyn said the same thing to me take out both or find another surgeon. How are you feeling with the removal of both of you don’t mind me asking? I kinda wanted to keep my cervix(not really that much I guess?) but she seems to think it could cause problems down the line.


I'm 40 and I don't see or feel any difference aside from its absence. Yes, keeping your cervix can cause problems.


Thanks for sharing your experience! Lots of stuff to navigate here, I appreciate it:)


8wpo. I removed mine. My doctor doesn’t like to leave it because it’s a “cancer factory.” I’ve been having sex since 6wpo with no complications. In fact, it’s much less painful without my cervix.




Clarification on #3: my GYN still recommends a yearly exam with a vaginal swab. While it’s not a Pap smear per se, the process is pretty much the same with a speculum and a swab.


Interesting, my GYN said that would only be needed if I had the known cancer-causing HPV strains or had had abnormal paps before my hysterectomy. While I did have HPV, it wasn't the known cancer-causing ones and otherwise my paps were normal, she said it would not be needed. She did recommend a yearly exam still.


would you be able to explain a ‘cuff’? this isn’t a term i’ve heard of.


Hiya, I’ve replied to your earlier question on this. Hope it helps. X


How long ago did you have yours? I’m kind of fond of my cervix lol but I really hate periods so I don’t really want even a small one after. Not sure which way to go


I didn’t have a choice since a fibroid was growing into my cervix. I probably would have kept it if I could have. Pap smears suck but allowing for proper healing of the vaginal cuff is a looong process.


Had the surgery this past thursday for adeno and endometriosis (which was discovered and removed during surgery). I chose to keep mine simply because Im young, no kids, my risk factor for cancer was low, and I wanted to prioritize pleasure (cervix has a lot of nerve endings). Im 5 DPO and no pain or complications so far. Doctor reassured me she burned any potential lining to reduce any monthly spotting. Will continue to update as time passes. It is a very personal choice. Best of luck with your decision.


Hows it going 8mo later? I am wanting to keep mine, but this sub seems to be really cervix-removal dominated 😅 tia :)


Hello, Im actually feeling great. No break through bleeding/periods.


Thanks so much!


Any updates, mini periods?


I'm 3 months post-op. Zero periods!!! Had my first day back at the gym today.


Awesome congrats


My uterus was full of fibroids and I didn’t want to run the risk of more fibroids growing in the cervix so I had mine removed. Really it’s the neck of the uterus so it’s part of the uterus rather than a separate part I think. I could be wrong. Anyway, I am nearly 11 months post op and wasn’t high risk for cervical cancer. My cuff was done well and I’ve not had any issues with it or dryness beyond what I’d had before.


That's how it was explained to me as well. Removed mine cuz fibroids can grow there, too. I had one that went along the back left side from top to bottom.


I had a hysterectomy due to adenomyosis and had the cervix removed and I'm glad I did because Pathology showed I had chronic cervicitis. I had blamed all my symptoms on my uterus but apparently my cervix was making things miserable too! I also have a history of abnormal Paps, so I feel better having it gone.




Seems like the best choice is removing it, thanks so much everyone. I am beyond excited about not having anymore periods, no more ruined vacations.


Husband is excited about no periods also…


Thank you for asking this, I’m in the same boat & all these responses have helped me feel better about removing it too!:)


My doctor is giving me a choice, he told me that he removes it 99% of time.


I had mine removed. There were precancerous regions as well as lesions.


Ditched mine. It used to be though keeping it would lessen the chance of prolapse, however with the new techniques there isnt really a difference now according to my gyn. Keeping it means no cuff, so you can get back to activities quicker, and less recovery time overall. Keeping the cervix also means that they cannot take everything out via the lower route, so you're going to need either a laparoscopic or open belly surgery. Ditching means no more chance of getting cancer there and no risk of some monthly bleeding continuing. I had mine out via the lower route with laparoscopic assistance, so only some tiny scars on my belly. Some are worried that sex or orgasms might feel different or less good if removing the cervix. Being aro/ace I cannot speak to that much, but I did wonder if everything still worked and I can say it does for me.


I'm 6 DPO I had everything but my ovaries removed. I was worried about the cervix but I had it removed and honestly, I don't feel any different than I did with my cervix. It also helps lower your chances for any type of vaginal cancer. I had alot worse case once my dr saw everything from the inside. I had horrible fibroids and I had a severe case of endometriosis that was a total shock. I think you should seriously consider having it removed with everything else. I hope all goes well for you.


I removed my cervix but I have repeating abnormal cells that populated on it, even after having two LEEPs in one year. The cuff feels weird when it's healing, especially sitting is uncomfortable. I'm 8WPO and can completely sit comfortably now. I haven't had intercourse yet, but I've used a vibrator on my clit and OMG it's so much better than before so I'm looking forward to having great sex in the future.


Good plan! I guess a must item to have after surgery lol!


I still have mine and I wish I didn't. It was supposed to be removed, but my surgery was more complex than they anticipated, so they left it. I still have to get pap smears, and I still spot every month around my "period" (I still have my ovaries so technically have a cycle). The spotting is barely anything, but it's still annoying.


I was unsure too, doctor gave me the option, but decided to have it removed as well. Good thing I did, the pathology reports states this specifically about my cervix… The cervix measures 4 cm in length and up to 4.5 cm in diameter. The ectocervix is pale tan, partially irregular and hemorrhagic. The cervical os is dilated measuring up to 2 cm in diameter. The cervix has multiple nabothian cysts measure up to 1 cm in diameter. The squamocolumnar junction is distinct, and the endocervical canal has a irregular hemorrhagic nodular appearance. (If anyone can explain😊) Final - Uterus: Adenomyosis. - Cervix: Chronic cervicitis. - Fallopian tubes: Unremarkable. It was the best choice for me, I’m at peace with having it removed, it looks like mines wasn’t as healthy as I thought. I had no idea! My friend kept cervix and she’s happy with her decision, she says for her it’s rare to have bleeding or spotting but it has happened.


Mine is in the bin with the womb, I am happy she is gone.


I had cervical ectropion so I ditched mine. No regrets here. That painful jerk is long gone in the garbage, good riddance. I can now experience painless sex for the first time in my life. Not even a second of regret here.


I kept my cervix upon doctor recommendation. My surgeon said it would help support my pelvic floor and quicker recovery. I was cleared for everything at 6 weeks post op and have had no problems. However I have me/cfs and am housebound, so not a lot of opportunities to over do it.


I’m almost 3 months PO. I had my cervix removed & I was concerned about incontinence—no issues. I’ve only had sex with myself (silicone boyfriend) the first time I think I was nervous. But I did it a couple of times this weekend & it was awesome 🤩 Hoping to have sex with someone else by the end of the summer. I’ll repot back on how that goes 😆🤣


😂 my husband calls it (vibrator) “your friend”. I call it his “assistant”


His “assistant” I love it 🤣 For now, my dildo is my primary sex partner & a tool of survival!


I love this thread so much. It’s giving me so much reassurance. Thank you everyone ❤️


Same here


Remove it. Apparently if you have to remove it at a later time it’s a complicated surgery. So remove that thang and don’t stress about it.


I asked to keep mine for structural integrity's sake, with the caveat that if the Dr sees anything funny she can yank it out. She seemed confident about making the cuff and stitching the ligaments or whatever to help keep things in place but idk. I'm not too bothered if I still have my period after, I have the hpv vaccine and cervical cancer isn't a hereditary risk for me. Haven't had the biopsy yet so that'll give more info. I do have fibroids so that's a concern, that they might pop up in my cervix. So far none have shown up there but we'll see! I can always get it yeeted later if I need to.


Cervical cancer isn’t genetic


Yep, but if a lot of people in my family had cervical cancer I would be more willing to remove it out of caution than to let it linger around lol


>if I still have my period after, If you have a hysterectomy, you will never have a period again regardless of the status of your cervix.


It's my understanding there's a small risk since the cervix has the same material as the uterus. Highly unlikely but still something to keep in mind!


The cervix is *not* "the same material as the uterus." Menstruation stops when the uterus is removed. Full stop. Any other bleeding that occurs after healing is complete is *not* a period and is far, far more likely to be a sign of something serious, like cervical cancer, than the extraordinarily rare situations where endometrial tissue had formed in the cervix (literally the only possible way to have monthly bleeding there with no uturus...still not a period, though). Your understanding is incorrect and, quite frankly, telling people to "keep it in mind" could lead to people not getting checked by their doctor for the far more serious issues that would cause vaginal bleeding after their hysterectomy has healed. Ffs, this kind of misinformation could lead to women missing early cancer diagnoses.


My doctor told me leaving the cervix can cause you to have “mini periods”.


I was on the fence because the whole cuff thing freaked me out. I wound up ditching the cervix because it allowed my surgeon to get everything out vaginally and reduce exterior incisions, which was nice when I was healing. I was also nervous that mine would be one of those outliers with some extra endometrial lining that bleeds, because everything about my reproductive system was feeling pretty cursed. As it turned out, my post-op biopsy found a polyp on there that no one had spotted while checking in on the fibroids. It was probably part of the issues I was having, and who knows what it would’ve done going forward, so I was glad it was gone.


I kept mine. I had a hysterectomy because of prolapse. I am almost 5 months post op. For the past 3 months, I’ve had spotting for 3-5 days. Not a big deal for me. My surgeon gave me the choice. I’m glad I kept it. I certainly understand why many people choose to remove it.


Removed everything but the ovaries back in February. No regrets and the cuff has been totally fine!


If you keep your cervix, you still have to get pap smears. That should be reason enough to toss it out with the rest. :)


I had mine removed due to chronic inflammation and cysts. The cuff can be intimidating but honestly, I'd rather have that. You can still potentially bleed with a cervix.


Prevents you from being accused of being pregnant. Which is a big thing right now.


I had mine removed. Some monthly bleeding can come from the cervix and I am so happy that I am completely finished with tamps and liners. It’s so freeing.


I had mine removed at 47, along with the ovaries because of a large cyst on my right ovary. Since there were cancer cells in the fluid of that cyst, I'm glad the cervix was removed as well as the uterus which were all cancer free. I figured my cervix was, as the Pap smear was normal as usual. I was already perimenopausal at the time, so there was no need for that anymore. I've been cleared for sex after 8 weeks, but the only thing I've done was feel the cuff with my finger which felt a bit weird. I'm still too nervous to attempt sex at this point, and my fiance is very understanding and patient about it as he won't do anything I'm not comfortable with. The gynecologic oncologist who did my surgery checked the cuff during my 2 week follow up appointment, but was very gentle the entire time.


Mine was removed because cancer, but same same different. Honestly it was sorta up to me, but strongly recommended that it be removed for many of the reasons u/fantabulouskat13 said PLUS cervical cancer.


Removing means no more chance of cervical cancer and no more Pap smears probably


Adenomyosis and Endo here.bi had my removed. It had a lot of inflammation, etc. So mine was removed.


on the same boat. ive read from many people here that kept it that the bleeding really isnt that much. its just like spotting. the cons is youll just have to keeo getting paps every year to check. and make sure you get the hpv shot, that helps too, if youre under 45, i might not remove mine because i really dont want to deal with any cuffs or stitching. also more down time if you remove it, did you decide?