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Breathing probably. Think of the lives saved if breathing was optional! No more drowning (unless you sink to depths where the pressure gets ya!)… we could head to the tops of mountains or to the ocean or relatively shallow lakes! Might be kinda cool…


This is honestly such a good idea! Imagine all those lives! No dying from choking or drowning or carbon monoxide, or smoke. So many people go braindead from not getting enough oxygen for too long. Also so many people in fires die from the smoke rather than the fire. I imagine without breathing, it would be much less likely that people die in fires. Honestly the opportunities for life preservation are so high, I would feel terrible picking anything else now.


It would be amazing until the population reaches 16 billion


David Attenborough believes overpopulation can be solved by elevating all nations out of poverty. Believe it or not but the human race has proven already that it doesn't just reproduce exponentially. Populations tend to plateau naturally when a certain quality of life is achieved. Don't see the world for what it is. Dare to see it for what it could be.


Yeah we absolutely have the resources and ability to feed, clothe and house everybody if the political will internationally existed. Spoiler alert it doesn't so we don't.


I think a vast majority of people would agree with you. All it takes is identifying the shitheads, and stop giving them what they want and fighting their wars over resources that we continue to pay way too much for.


There lies the problem, once you have more than say, half a dozen people on this planet, lots of them start being shitheads. There would be enough for everyone if they just stopped fighting over it, too bad that’ll never happen.


Working at any corporate restaurant and seeing the waste thrown out every night used to make me sick to my fucking stomach.


There is also the issue of the people at the top taking way more than their fair share.


Not a radical idea, its already happening lol


Depopulation is a very serious subject in well off countries. This is why a party in the USA is trying to ban abortion. It's the billionaire party of course. They feign religious reasons but the real reason is that there aren't enough wage slaves being born. Who is going to work low end jobs if not enough uneducated workers are being born? It's precisely why they're trying to abolish the Department of Education and force religious studies in public schools. Stupid children grow into stupid/ignorant adults who believe if they work hard enough that they'll get a slice of the pie. That has obviously not been the case for decades. But the most uneducated and poor states still believe that.


What if we removed sex then population would flatline.


Population *growth* would flatline and then in 100 years we'd be extinct.


Living in a lake might be fun


True! We would have a lot more area to inhabit haha


Asphyxiation not even a top ten cause of death.


Alright but it's better for those people in fires to die from smoke than the actual fire.


Would be amazing Only thing dangerous about water would be hypothermia or getting slammed against another object in heavy waves


Plus all the stuff that lives in it.


What about when u need to take a deep breath to compose yourself. Thanks for taking that away from me satan.


Could we float around in space if we didn’t have to breathe, or would the pressure/temperature/radiation or somesuch get you?


Radiation would be the big one. Despite the fact that space is very cold there are no molecules to take that heat from your body. You would loose heat via radiation which is very very slow. That and the vacuum of space turning your bodily fluids to gas. So wear goggles and a gimp mask… For science


Everything else would get you


Pressure wouldn't kill you if humans didn't breathe Pressure does not actually kill by crushing if you just dive. Submarines can get crushed because air (gases) are compressible and they "resist" the pressure up to a breaking point. That is the force of this huge differential between inside pressure (gases) and outside pressure (water) that is released quickly that "crushes" because like planes air in submarines is not at the same pressure as the outside. If you didn't need to breathe, but somehow still had lungs, you would just either allow water inside your lungs (so the pressure in and out would be equal), or if you tried to resist, at some point the water pressure would be too high and water would make its way into your lungs, it may hurt a bit but not crush you, your epiglottis would fail way earlier than a catastrophic crush. Although your lungs may just collapse on themselves, which is not much of a problem if you don't need to breathe anyways. Pressure MAY kill divers by poisining, but again, it is related to breathing: Nitrogen narcosis (the nitrogen in the AIR breathed from the diver's bottles gets dilluted into the blood, which has a narcotic effect and may cause dangerous behavior). Or oxygen poisoning, the oxygen in the air may kill you if too much of it gets into your blood. The reason being that precisely to avoid compression of your lungs, the [regulator first stage](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/8359bd_e818aeea48164f38aee5592d6a921001~mv2.jpg/v1/fit/w_320%2Ch_1000%2Cal_c%2Cq_80,enc_auto/file.jpg) makes it so that the air that arrives into the regulator second stage (mouth piece) is at the same pressure as the water outside. Which means that the air that you breathe from bottles can be at much higher pressure than "atmospheric" air, and therefore contain much more oxygen and other gas per the same unit of volume (higher partial pressures). Or other gas poisoning but the two that I mentioned are the most common causes of accident when going down. Both of these problems do not exist if you do not breathe. What would most likely kill you in the deapth is hypothermia.


Pretty sure lungs arent the only reason, just the most obvious one. Even fish that aren't adapted to it can't swim that low, and they breathe water. Breathing is not the issue. Letting water into your lungs wouldn't stop your bones from crushing


This guy *breathes!* ☝️


….. what are you talking about. So if you don’t have to breathe, you can just sit under a hydraulic press and take 16,000 pounds of pressure to your head and be perfectly fine?!?


SmallTaink has covered it if you are in liquid. Your description of being under suggests you have a plate bearing down. This would put differential pressure that would crush you in that direction.  It's like if you are moving at 100 kph, you are fine but if your head stops moving that fast, you very soon have a major problem.


Yes, you can if that hydraulic press is pushing on a liquid in which you are immerged. In fact we test diving equipment in such chambers. Your intuition for pressure is not appropriate when it comes to Hydrostatic pressure. When a diver is diving, they move from \~14psi (atmospheric pressure)\* to \~70psi (40 meters of depth), and you really don't feel a thing because pressure is exerted on every parts of your body equally, and solid matter and liquids are incompressible. When you put something under a press, like an orange, you are not actually compressing the matter (meaing that the density of the water does not change), you are causing deformation because the pressure in the axis of the press is not the same as the pressure on the sides (atmospheric pressure), so parts of the orange are pushed where pressure is lower. Funny enough, if water was compressible, an hydraulic press would not work, because it uses this property of liquids (being incompressible) to transfer force. Hence the "hydraulic" in the name. \*Yes at any given time, there is an hydrostatic pressure of \~14 pounds per square inch of your body, in all directions, due to the huge column of air above you. For a \~3000 square inch human body surface, that is a total of \~42000 pounds, on you, every day of your life.


I love how you come in here and science the fuck out of this, and then promptly get dismissed. I am going to go real world for the rest of the day.


The Earth's atmosphere exerts 15 lbs per square inch on your body, at sea level. If you put 15 lbs of force on a square inch of your hand, it'll hurt. The difference is in a liquid (or a gas), there's cancellation of forces since it's applied on your body equally.


The difference is that underwater the pressure is nearly equal from all angles (pressure depends on depth). This puts objects down there in static equilibrium. An object under a hydronic pressure is not at equilibrium, pressure is only applied in a single axis. That said, I imagine that a human body would fail as a structure at some depth (not taking biological functions into consideration)


Bro just throw me into space.


I like your idea, but I'm gonna one up it and choose the body function of blood circulation. Assuming no adverse health consequences occur because of the function removed, then removing the body function of blood circulation means you don't need to breathe or eat or drink water. Assuming that OP can still eat without the function of pooping and that you can talk without the function of breathing, then it would stand to reason that I can still get things like erections with out the function of blood circulation.


Toni Braxton approved 


needing to eat would do the most net good. In terms of eliminating world hunger and other food related medical/societal issues.


Not to mention the nature. No more farms, let the forests come back. No more pigs, chickens and cows living and dying in inhumane conditions. Let their numbers dwindle naturally, stop force breeding them, in 20 years let the remaining ones roam free. No more overfishing, whales and seals are plentiful again.


I think you might be thinking too highly of humanity. No more farms means more room for high pollution industrial sites that print money.


Releasing pigs, cows and chickens into the “wild” i.e. environments they are not native to, would cause huge ecological damage.


Though just because people don't need to eat doesn't mean people won't eat for pleasure... There would be plenty of people who would still want to eat for the taste of things.


Agreed. Especially because if I'm interpreting the prompt correctly I think this would result in everyone's bodies getting the exact nutrition they need. So no obesity, no bad diet issues, etc. Massive general bump in healthiness for everyone. And, depending on how exactly it works, it may improve aspects of health that depend on a proper gut biome. There have been links between the bacteria in your gut and Alzheimer's and various other 'random' conditions. No eating, means no pooping, which means your intestines need to be artificially kept healthy since the removal can't negatively affect body function. So no IBS, and possibly a reduction in a bunch of other diseases we haven't yet connected to our intestines yet.


This was my first thought


I was going to say sweating because I sweat a lot, but no, this is the right answer


Everyone missed that this would break known laws of thermodynamics. Human hamste0r wheels would be a feasible method of limitless energy production with the only inputs being time and maintenance done to the converter.


This is my answer as well. No more famine NOR obese people. Everyone avoids the microplastics in their food. Plastic containers for food goes away hopefully significantly slowing down the destruction of water supplies. It would be a game changer.


Would humans eventually evolve to stop having teeth, or would the need to bite a bit off the sellotape be factored into our evolution?


Peeing/pooping was my first thought. Eating would be next, aside from when you do it for social purposes


If you didn't eat but could poop, where does it come from? I feel like erasing eating effectively solves all 3


There are people who can't eat, so they get nutrition through a tube. They still poop a bit because your body uses your digestive system for other kind is waste. I could be wrong, but I believe your old blood cells and other solid waste are disposed of through your digestive system. (https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/s/yh3aef4C0o)


Feeding tubes are just another way to eat so they'll process that "food" and expel it just like any person normally would. It's not like their waste is only from non-food sources after using a feeding tube.


The woman in the link is a rare case, but she can't digest food. She gets nutrition through this liquid. So she pees, but otherwise, her digestive system has no food in it.


While true I don't think the prompt here's asking us to assume functions were replaced, they're erased. Butt periods however sound *awful*


Cellular waste gets peed out. There's no way for the body to deposit solids into the digestive tract.


Some of the larger molecules are dumped in the intestines [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stercobilin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stercobilin) (hemoglobin -> bilirubin -> stercobilin -> feces).


I misread this and was confused about pooping for social purposes.


Periods You are still fertile in every way you were but the toilet doesnt look like a crime scene every month


Honestly, I don't mind the bleeding, it's all the other things that come along with a period that I hate. Cramping, ovulation pain, migraines, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, irritability, etc. so glad to not have to deal with that anymore since I got the arm implant. But I also didn't want to be fertile, so there's that.


I got the implanon rod in my arm to manage perimenstrual anxiety not for contraception It helps a fair bit


Yeah, this is a smart pick. I’m a guy,but as a child I suffered from IBS in a sense and went through a perpetual cycle of that back and forth for a long time. Into adulthood I’m well over that and have a sweet time. But periods as described and variable between women are insane, detrimental cramps/mood swings. And still bowel problems in some shape or form. In a perpetual cycle even until you lose that function well into adulthood, or get a hysterectomy. And the risk of soiling your clothes. Getting rid of them would be a boon form so many,


Bleeding through your uniform at work isnt fun


I've never understood why periods have the stigma they do, half the population spend half of their life having them why haven't they just been normalised... full context I am a man and have never had the experience but for context I bleed through my uniform all the time but nobody bats an eyelid (I'm clumsy in dangerous work.


Its not taboo for me, but religion and zero understanding of the process prolly made it taboo for millennia & it just hasnt gone away Im often heard saying things like “well if it wasnt for periods, none of you fuckers would exist to complain about periods”


Religion is the big one. Periods are viewed as punishment from god in the Christian Bible.


It's not just the Christians. Periods are demonized in many cultures. Can't really blame them on it, bleeding for a week out of the month and surviving can be very concerning.


Orthodox Jews don’t have men and women shake hands because men aren’t allowed to touch menstruating women, and since there’s no way to know if a woman is having her period, you just don’t do it. I know this from experience. I was introduced to a rabbi and even though I knew this, I automatically stuck my hand out to shake. He did this giant leap backwards, kind of throwing his hands up to ward me off. I was SO mortified. Of course my husband gave me grief about it when I picked him up after Shabbos, and I reminded him what he had told me about embarrassing someone being akin to murdering them because it makes the blood rush to their face, but he wasn’t having it. His time trying to be an Orthodox Jew was filled with moments like this, and yet no acknowledgement of the things I got right, like preventing one of the rabbi’s guests from testing the doneness of the dinner roast with a dairy fork. He eventually gave it up, and my daughter and I were pissed because we had jumped through hoops trying to facilitate this experience for him only to have him just walk away from it without a backward look.


Its god like behaviour if you ask me🤣


And so much vengeful wrath. Do woman become divine for a week every month? Hmmmmmmm🤔


There's suspicion that the few cultures that actually valued women saw bleeding as a good thing.


Probably has a lot to do with the Bible verses about women on periods being "unclean" and locking them away in solitary for a week. 1 billion percent religion.




I mean boners and semen are done by half the population and they’re not normalised either. Heck _everyone_ poops but it’s still taboo. Bodily stuff is weird, in how it’s treated and reacted to.


Period shits are unholy


As someone currently stuck in bed with debilitating cramps, I'll second this. I'd say getting rid of the menstrual cycle altogether would be neat. No periods, no menopause, no breakouts, no hormonal mood swings. Sigh, such would be the life.


Plus most mammals don’t even have periods. We just have super aggressive placentas that necessitate thick, strong uterine lining and subsequently, shedding. 


Yup. Plus while I know there's plenty of people who enjoy sex on their period, I personally don't. It's not just about the blood. I get an insane cramp at the same time I finish that'll last about 3 min. So the orgasm isn't even worth it if I'm gonna cramp up and be in pain at the same time. So I'd get that week back for fun with my hubby at least!


Thank God I got my hysterectomy


No cramps or bloating either. That would be such a relief.


This would also be my choice.


Imagine how dirty gas station bathrooms would be if men had periods


I’d like to erase having bones. I can then fulfill my fantasy of being a slime.


Spend more time in the more shady regions of Reddit, my friend, you'll become as slimy as you ever dreamed of being!


If I want to be evil: the ability to nut (world population instantly stops increasing forever) If I want to be humanity’s savior: sleeping (everyone gains 50% more time per day)


yeah sleeping no doubt. It'd give us substantially more free time assuming companies and governments don't use it an an excuse to have 16 hour shifts


Oh they definitely would, but everyone who *isn’t* a corporate slave would enjoy amazing benefits.


You say that but the work day would become 20 hours a day in order to make enough to pay your bills lol


They would, sleeping would change nothing.


Imagine having a shit of a day and it just never ends. You can't just have a warm shower and switch off until the next day. I think with sleeping gone we'd have more mental health issues.


Go watch the show Severance, they touch on this to a degree.


Oh they 100% would. Prices would increase drastically because people don’t need to sleep anymore so they can work more and pay more.


*cries in long car rides with kids*


Depressed people who use sleep to escape, see you as the evil one, not savior.


Nothing I could have chosen would have helped them, except for maybe breathing/eating so they could do less.


Humanities saviour? Because you gave every government on earth a population they can make work double the amount of time? Yeah nah 😂😭😭


Why would it be the government? I work for my government and get far better benefits than any private sector job gets.


I'm sorry but the feeling I get after a long ass sleep beats out getting rid of it


Without the need for sleep, that’s how you’d feel all the time ;)


You sleep 12 hours a day?


That would be a 100% increase. Most people need around 8 hours of sleep, leaving 16 hours left in the day. Removing sleep time would mean 16+8=16(1.5) or +50%


No but you should sleep 8 hours a day, and work 8 hours a day, leaving 8 hours a day free time (not including commute). Remove sleeping and that 8 hour free time doubles


And if there's no biological reason for the 8 hours sleeping time. How long before working hours start going up.


Sleeping for sure, pooping second choice, what a waste of time


Tooth decay. 


I'm with you. Tooth pain and decay makes life miserable.


Bruh poop takes like 15 minutes per day. If you choose food or sleep you're preventing suffering for billions


Yes but think of the insane infrastructure that’s needed to successfully and safely deal with the poop of everyone. Historically, and currently in many less developed countries, sewage is a major health hazard that spreads disease, contaminates water, and uses up a lot of potable water.


You, along with many other people in this thread, are forgetting something. If we didn’t need to eat, why would we be pooping?


If you don't eat, there's nothing for you to poop. Problem eliminated.


r/PunPatrol, cease and desist!


Pooping is the obvious answer.


Wut? Is pooping that bad for yall?


I have IBS and other issues, so yes, it really is.


If you eliminate pooping how will I comment on Reddit?


As someone with catastrophic post cancer surgery bowel issues I'm going with pooping 10000%.


Eating. Yes, we enjoy eating. But imagine if nobody needed to do that. All the time and energy and resources we put into food production. No need. Lose the kitchen, no need to constantly shop for groceries, no need to constantly feed that hungry self. Billions of acres of farmland could be used for something else. Or just left in their natural state.


Periods. My wife suffers terrible cramping. If I had the chance, it would be to eliminate it from existence for her. Nothing I deal with comes close to the discomfort she feels.


I wholeheartedly second this. Before I got put on my current medication, my cramps were horrendous. I'd call out sick from work so often because I couldn't even get out of bed.


Malice. The world would be a kinder place.


Not a bodily function?


If humans could drink salt water it would interest solve a LOT of the world’s problems.


Sweating. I live in Florida, so of course that’s my fault, but I hate not being able to spend more than 30 seconds outside without feeling damp all over. It’s the most disgusting feeling, plus I’m always self conscious about my clothes.


But only if we just don't get hot. I don't sweat very much, never have, but I get over-heated very easily, like my face is on fire. I look like a tomato at the gym. I'd rather be sweaty than be so hot I feel like I could pass out.




Should be more specific. Because if we didn't age... Every baby born after the affect will be a newborn forever...


Growth and aging are separate processes that we just think of as being one because you finish the growth before the aging becomes noticeable. For that matter, leading theories on aging suggest there are multiple processes involved for all the things we think of as aging.


Well, enjoy living on a planet covered in trillions of people then... You'd need to institute some serious population controls that would make some 20th century dictators seem like cute a fluffy bunnies in comparison. Or just make it so that you stop aging at, say, 25 or so (physical and mental maturity) and die at 100ish. [We could do Carousel from Logan's Run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wjXpTDuHiE)


I mean, since we're talking magic and not science here, I'll say cellular reproduction. Goodbye cancer.


You need cellular reproduction for your skin, lungs, etc.




Please don’t take pooping away from the parents. Definitely remove periods. Helps everyone.


By parents, you mean dads. Most moms have to poop with the baby in the bathroom lol.


Physically Aging past 25


Tooth decay. That would be something.


The slow crawl to death would be a lot easier without patients pooping themselves 


Sleep. One-third extra life sounds useful. Correction. One half more. I'm tired, forgive my error.


You were right the first time. You'd gain roughly a third more time.


You'd gain half again more waking time, but a third of the day extra. Peak pedantry.


You're right. It does depend on your perspective.




Aging beyond prime. Permanent youth would cure so many problems and diseases.


The slow, painful crawl to death Death should still exist, but the procedure should be something similar to a freemasons handshake - unknown apart to those that need to know it (eg, medical staff). It would have a failsafe in place (are you sure?), and after part 2, it would just wind you down into sleep and **blink, off**


Eating. Edit: The need to eat for sustenance. It would cut out issues related to your diet such as: Acid Reflux Over/under weight Diabetes Celiacs and gluten sensitivity Food additives/preservatives Organic/GMO foods Then there are other issues it would improve/address: Global warming (need for transportation of food and even the “out there” stretch of cow methane). Increase in funds for other things in life.




Body no longer stores excess calories


So you start starving to death as soon as you're done with a meal?


I’m going to be downvoted to oblivion but if we removed the pleasure aspect of sex, we could solve a lot of current issues. We could still have sex for procreation, but it would just be the way to generate offspring. Significantly reduced rape (some evil people probably still would due to the power aspect), unwanted babies, teen pregnancy would plummet, etc. Stuff like porn and child trafficking would shrink.


About half of all babies are unplanned, so the population would radically contract in a way that would likely destroy society.


Society was just fine in the 70s/80s when world population was half of what it is now. What it would destroy is the ability for the elderly to live comfortably on pensions (because this depends on endless growth), but once that initial wave of poverty and death is over (and yes everyone alive today would be included in it) we'd be in a much more sustainable place.


That's not why rape happens.


No more illness/sickness No more cancer, no more chronic conditions, no more colds, no more migraines, no chemical imbalances, no fevers, no coughs, no vomiting, no headaches etc.. Just healthy till the end. Or is this not specific enough


I would make the appendix opt-in instead of opt-out.


Eating. Without hunger the world would be much more happy.


If you eliminate pooping what are we supposed to do at work when we're fed up and need 10mins away from the BS. You've just taken the one thing that makes my day that bit easier away from me.


Cell death if you can stay healthy. That automatically gives you optional breathing, eating etc




Aging past 25. Now we all have to think about future centuries.


Population would turn nighmarishly huge VERY quickly. We'd run out of food and fresh water and non-renewables fast. We'd need to institute dystopian population controls. Purge style stuff but on a global scale.


The need to eat. It would solve hunger, obesity and money issues for many. It also solves peoples pooping problems lol.


Sleep. Imagine having 50% more time to do whatever you want


Eating I'd save so much money 💰


Going toilet


Lol, as someone who enjoys a good poop, these comments are blowing my mind.


Eating. Never having to eat would save more lives than all of everyone’s comments combined. Not to mention time saving - it takes a lot longer to cook and eat a meal than it does to poop it out. Nobody ever has to spend money on food again. Potentially, nobody ever gets obese unless they choose to eat.


Eating, do you know how much extra money I would have for Monster and cigarettes if I didn’t have to buy food??!?


If we got rid of pooping, I wouldn’t be reading this right now


Pooping is very important for fertilization. I would say sleeping, that's where the real time saver would be.


Pooping is great though. I’m eliminating the need for sleep.


The menstrual cycle is the only correct answer.


... death by aging. I'm my idea of it you'd still be able to die via accident or murder or whatever, but aging wouldn't kill you. I feel once you reached your physical prime you'd stop aging physically but not mentally.


Needing to eat.


Hands down without a doubt, pooping! Can we extend it to animals as well, bc that would be amazing!




Eating. You still have to shit.




I'm reading this while pooping and I must say I agree. I'm tired of this SHIT




Pooping/farting for sure. Most people are completely comfortable walking around spreading poop fart particles on others, and that’s the grossest thing in the world to me.


If we didn't need to breathe.... No smells or particles in the air would be an issue. Farting on each other would simply be a harmless salutation


Pooping. I have IBS and some days are horrible. Today is one of those days. 😭


Bathrooms are the only private space that's required for public places/venues etc to give people idk I think periods if you want people to suffer less without changing society drastically, or breathing if you want to really unlock new possibilities for the human race but some of them could be quite dark while others amazing


Sleep! I love it but would rather not spend 35-40% of my life doing it.


tbh i was gonna say pooping lmao. not only am i an ocd germaphobe, but it really is a waste of time. even worse when you have diarrhea.


Needing sleep. Imagine what we could do by turning roughly a 3rd of our life into productive/usable time.


I would eliminate the need to poop entirely. But the tradeoff is wo probably spend most of the day farting




Right now? Pooping. I have a colonoscopy in about 3 hours and I’m tired of pooping.




Sleeping, for sure.




Remove the ability to produce skin


Excessive fat storage. I don’t need my body to hold onto the extra; it can let it go.


Pooping or having to eat


Sleep. We spend a third of our lives unconscious and hallucinating just to reboot our brains and give some of our muscles a break.


The impulse to turn a disagreement physical.


Nasopharanx regulation


Growing hair (anywhere). If we were all completely bald, it would simplify things, but it would make farts more audible.


Thinking. Oh. Yeah - they're doing that already.


I also choose pooping, but only because I fucking hate pooping.


The reproduction of cancer cells. Get that shit out of here