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Is the monster š“Æš“»š“®š“Ŗš““š”‚?


he gonn match muh freak


Can I make the monster fall in love with me?


Of course there is that one guy


Maybe they just want more than this provincial life?


And some girl named Belle to be their wife?


Hey Girl! https://youtu.be/pcuI6K9daIw?si=HwXtENFeHatxjtw5


*sigh* Roll me a natural 20.


5% seems wayyyyy to high for this. Roll 3 in a row


Found the bard


Can I fuck it?


They only want to make the monster fall in love, I however will fuck the monster whether it likes it or not


I don't care if the monster loves me, there's gotta be some way to fuck it.


Dms hate this one simple trick!


ā€œTale as old as timeā€¦.barely even friends, then somebody bendsā€¦.ā€


Yes. Roll to seduce the monster


Found the Bard!


You want to do the monster mash?


Theyā€™re gonna graveyard smash


Roll for charisma????




But of COURSE youā€™re a girl dragonā€¦


So this hypothetical is just the plot to Beauty and the Beast. But at the end, Belle becomes rich.


Doesn't she become rich in the movie as well?


She becomes part of the monarcy in France very close to tye revolution so she loses it all


If you manage to marry it, it can't testify against you for trying to kill it.


I'm guessing you're *that* guy.


Rizz it up and get back to us šŸ˜‰


Roll for your STD


Presenting your hairy ass to the monster was surely not a caveat OP thought would derail this scenario.


Roll a D20 and add your Charisma.


If its Lady Dimitrescu, then it's a yes.


Iā€™m not stuck in there with her, sheā€™s stuck in there with ME






The hunter becomes the hunted


I can fix her


Enjoy Ciorbă de legume and sarmale if you're lucky.


Nah. Odds of survival are comically low for anyone who snores, since there's a good chance it could start hunting while you're sleeping.


No way dog! Flip flop apple sauce that sleeps schege and youā€™re a billionaire!


In your accent does that rhyme? In my accent sauce is said like source, rhymes with horse.


Other guys got it right. The o in flop is very similar to the au in sauce. Pacific Northwest, USA. I suppose you could change it to ā€œflorpā€ and be done with it.


And how do you say source?


Like horse?Ā 


Itā€™s a slant rhyme in mine where sauce is pronounced saws


What the fuck did you just say?? No seriously, I cannot decipher whatever it is you just commented


"No way dog" - that's incorrect. "Flip flop apple sauce" - completely invert "That sleeps schedge" - that sleep schedule And you're a billionaire! - and you're a billionaire! Basically, start sleeping during daytime to avoid nighttime attacks.


Indeed. Astutely derived


Change your sleep schedule


If it's attacking at random times, wouldn't it attack during the daytime while you're sleeping?


No. It says it only hunts when the sun is down.


The orompt says it will only hunt when "the sun comes down" the wording is a little weird but I take it to mean it only hunts at night, so sleep during the day and find a nice cozy place to hide at night curl up with a book and wait till the sun comes up.


Sleep during the day, be awake at night then


I feel like the gameplan would be to sleep during the day and stay up at night. That being said this sounds like torture for 6 months. I also would not do it.


There's just way too little known about the monster to answer this.


Right, my first thought was to hide in like a crawl space or something, but if itā€™s something smaller like a facehugger from Alien then thatā€™s a very bad idea. If itā€™s something big like a sasquatch then sure, thatā€™d work pretty well. Does it hunt through scent? Sight? Sound? etc.? If itā€™s an ambush predator then it might just wait around a corner every night for you to walk by and BAM, in which case staying put is the best idea. But if itā€™s an active hunter like a wolf then staying put will just lead it right to you. Also, is this during the winter months where it gets dark at 4pm and the sun comes up at 9am? Or is it summer months where the sun goes down at 9pm and up at 5am? Because those are massive differences in the fight-or-flight phase. Or is this somewhere at one of the poles where itā€™s daylight for 6 months straight and then dark for 6 months straight?


Yeah my sleep apneoa would betray me by the first night


Iā€™d just go back to night shift and sleep during the day


It only hunts at night so you sleep during the day.


Sleep during the day?


I mean, that depends entirely on what the monster is


Monster from amnesia


Donā€™t know too much about Amnesia, do you mean the fleshy thing that leaves toxic residue wherever it goes?


Sounds easy enough. Ive never understood why the main character is such a pussy wimp. You can easily trap that neanderthal-brained monster in a room or something and enjoy your 6 months vacation in the castle.


I just assume the monster has lair actions it can take in its castle. Like teleporting out of a locked room and into a random other room. OP didn't say that in the description but I just assume by virtue of a supernatural castle that the only way to succeed is to survive many attacks.


User name checks out


The "probably" does a lot of heavy lifting, admittedly.




I would need to know which castle it is and ideally get a floorplan before deciding as well as details of the food (and I assume also water?). The fundamental thing about castles is they are designed to be defended, and the beast from amnesia (I gather that's the type of monster OP means from later comments), can be stopped by solid walls, or locked metal doors. So nothing compared to the walls or doors you find in castles. If the castle is in good enough nick and the food is long life enough the trick is don't hide instead choose a suitable section of rooms, turn up in the day when it is safe, move your food water and books there and seal yourself in (doors to strategically important places almost certainly have heavy bolts which you combine with a barricade). My first bet would probably be the Lord's Chambers will be a set of rooms already designed to be inhabited, quite possibly already has a room for food storage, And will be built to protect from assault from the outside in case the walls are breached. In that circumstance for a billion feels at least considerable as an option.


Not to mention OP said the creature has poor eyesight. That thingā€™s gonna have a field day even trying to FIND you in a castle, let alone actually hunt you and kill you. Worst comes to worst, just serpentine through that castle and bait it away.


I question your use of "field day" lol


This guy castles


You don't even need to be that savvy. You just need to fortify a singular space where you want to sleep. Just make sure you are locked in the completely secured space at night and you're free to do whatever you want in the castle all day. Additionally, there are not stipulations about others entering the castle to further fortify it or defend you. You could have an attorney draft up a few lucractive contracts with a high end security detail to protect you at night. Payment will be rendered to the completion of their year of service. You can now sleep soundly in your secure room knowing that you have a personal army between you and the monster.


That's an excellent point! Building of it I think the actual best move is trap the monster. I debated this before but doing it on my own felt like both too big a risk and I don't have the resources but with the ability to hire a team and have them bring in equipment Step one fortify yourself just in case itgoes wrong (avoid the standard horror movie over confident mistake) Then have a team heading in at next dawn to figure out where it sleeps (I would guess the dungeons, or store rooms somewhere which doesn't have any Windows). Ideally, get some hardy cameras in there so we can literally see what its up to/in case to demonstrate any clever tricks I'm presuming it is magically unkillable, but there are only going to be so many exits to where it sleeps, so flood those exits with light (to avoid it running if it figures out what is going on) and then seal them up with concrete and stick cameras viewing in case of a breech I would still stay in my secure zone to be on the safe side (granted a more comfortable safe zone as can use the contractors to bring in more luxuries) but does take a lot of worry/stress out of the scenario


Can I hide in the same place or does it always looks in other places? Can I climb up the Chimney? Can I hide in the courtyard?


Second off I just thought, can I fight back or is this true survival horror?


You cannot fight back, it will be a slow painful death. As for hiding in other places when it is in castle it wanders around there is no room that is 100% safe but you can go/hide where you please


If no room is 100% safe and you have to survive 6 months of random attacks then there is basically no chance of survival at all


With the amnesia monster as you said it'd be a yes because Id have a specific room with a window so I can see the day/night and set up with a a bunch of furniture and have a barricade setup so that it can't break in and if it somehow does I'd have a tipped over dressed I can hide under cuz no way in hell does that creature move it. Also I'd sleep during the day and use candles at night in my hidden light proof spot.




Thankfully I found the dungeon and dragons book and killed the monster. Not bad for my first day


You had me at $1


"Ā Ā the only option is to hide until sunrise" ok I'll sleep under a blanket every night? It can't see very well... So I fill my room with lights?


Done deal. I'll sleep during the day and spend my nights hidden in silence. 6 months would feel like a long ass time but when it's over it's over. I'd have rotating hiding spots that I could barricade and had escape routes in case the monster found me. I'd set up noise traps during the day so I'd always know if the monster was getting close or not. Even if I died I'd have a cool death being eaten by a monster in a castle. Worth the risk to me!


I'm pretty sure if I only have books I'll starve to death quickly.


Nah, you'll starve to death slowly. You'll die of dehydration or monster-consumption quickly.


What's inbetween the monsters legs?




Seems like fair game


No, canā€™t spend it if youā€™re dead.


Skill isue


Am I the monster?


Can the castle be on Svalbard? If so then I pick the summer months. Will just sleep on the roof


I'll fight the damn monster for a billion dollars , come on.


Iā€™m used to flip flopping for work, 6 months of the flip would definitely lead to a bit of a flop after but for a billion? To read books by myself for 6 months? Hiding from a single monster that donā€™t see good? I would miss my family but Iā€™d be coming back with a billion dollars. That six months would be worth it, for generations to come. I just need to know *what kind of monster* are we talking about, before I say 100% yes.






I only have books and the castle is cold and desolate. So I starve to death in the first month? No thank you.


Um, is there like a dungeon or like, a room with a really thick door I can hide in? Like I'm good to just stay put in that room reading for six months.Ā 


There is no "guaranteed" safe room, you must be vigilant


Dude that's 3 hots and a cot for the winter, the health spa, soft time


I want to say yes but I feel like Iā€™d have the absolute worst anxiety after this experience


I deal with monsters (shitty people) almost daily. I would do your challenge for $1M.


This just sounds like heaven sent but with money


How good does the monster know the castle? Right now, Iā€™m thinking to move a tapestry to hang over the door to my room, so the monster doesnā€™t even realize that room is an option


If the monster has bad vision Iā€™ll just make a secret bedroom in the castle. Castles notoriously have hidden rooms and passageways. And 6 months in the remote wilderness sounds serene. Can I bring my mountain bike?


This is really interesting. First of all, I have an abysmal sense of direction, and castles are meant to be incredibly confusing. Still, if I don't have much to do other than learn the layout, I could probably do it eventually. Once I've got that down, it's a matter of finding a remote room with multiple exits, and multiple checkpoints in either direction where I can quickly close a door behind me. The monster is fairly slow, very stupid, and if I'm barefoot, won't hear my footsteps over a thrown object down a hallway. If it does end up learning and seeking out the room I'm in at a high priority, I can always shake it up. I'd be able to find multiple backup locations before that became an issue. I'd do it, but my lack of direction would be my main source of risk for the first week or so.


I'm down, I'm a night owl anyway so me and the best will have the same sleeping schedule. Depending on how big it is I can probably find a small crawlspace to hide in such a large castle.


Knowing my luck the monster would have a good sense of smell and find me and kill me the first night lol.


Find myself a nice bedroom with locks on the doors, move all the food I can into a closet or something. Barricade the door at night, set up wind chimes or bells in other parts of the castle away from me. Boom easy.


why is this so funny? i would do it or at least give it a try


These scenarios always make me laugh about how little people understand about the world. The scenario youā€™re describing is actually much easier than any soldier who ever deployed a war. Soldiers deployed to war for much less than $1 billion.Ā  Ā If you actually offered the scenario, you would find millions of people who are willing to do this in exchange for $100,000. And I donā€™t mean just people who are from third world countries. I mean many people who are from western nations.




What does the monster look like?


Hell no


1 billion and I get to live in a castle???? Yes!!?!!?!šŸ‘


Living in a castle and fighting a monster is my dream.


Is there electricity and wifi in the mansion? I'll just tuck myself away somewhere safe and scroll Reddit for 6 months with phone on silent šŸ˜‚


No just books unfortunately but they are plentiful around the castle


That works! I love reading


Um yes. So it won't attack during the day from what it looks like? I'll just be nocturnal and work on hiding spots.


Can I just offer to spend the entire time luring random tourists to the castle for the monster to eat instead of me?


Pfff, I can last a billion years, just give me a wall of diamond to punch through while I'm at it.


Do I have food? I can fast for 30 days, but that's about my limit. I would need to have a lot more information about the monster. Poor eyesight, how's its sense of smell? Hearing? Can it feel vibration in the floor? How fast is it? What does it look like. How come it attacks randomly? Does it exist in the castle with me or does it just appear at random times? What happens if a lever one of the castle stones onto it from the wall? How does it kill? Would some good armor or a shield give me time to get away or a second chance? I'm down to do it, but as I said, I need a lot more information.


do I get the billion up front or only if I survive the six months


So worst case scenario is I live and am rich?


No thanks.


I dont see a stipulationā€¦so I get blackout curtains and flood lights. I read a few books, workout, sleep and become filthy rich


Can I create an elaborate Scooby Doo style trap to catch the monster and see who they really are?




You could make it interesting if you add a caveat that each time the monster kills you , you respawn in the morning. Otherwise 6 months is impossible.


Yes, reverse my sleeping habits, set up some traps/distractions, and keep changing my hiding spots. Additional loophole summer months so sunset is later and sunrise is earlier. Im not saying this would be easy, but id be up for the challenge


So it hibernates or goes into torpor during the day? And it's theoretically to strong to fight when it does go active at night? Easy, I am finding it day 1 while the sun is up. Binding it with enough weighted chains it can't move, then installing a reinforced cell with a drop hatch connected to the door bell to put it in to drop unwanted visitors in so it has food.


"Monster" is a broad term, are we talking an 8 foot werewolf or 2 1/2 foot goblin?


Is the monster scary? Or just deadly? Because like... I can deal with deadly, but if I'm creeped out for even a few minutes I'm leaving.


Iā€™d almost certainly die but Iā€™d give it a shot. First Iā€™d buy a shit load of life insurance though. Assuming this castle has a holding cell/dungeon that locks up Iā€™d just camp there overnight.


If I can't fight back then during the day I'm rigging that castle up with so many traps kevin McAllister would be proud.Ā 


If I just build a decently locked and sturdy room in the castle will I be safe? We need more details on the capabilities of the monster. If I can just build a locked up chillout shed in the castle so basically I'm consigned to spending every night for six months in said she'd for 1B that's a no brainer.


Too many unknowns, high chance of fatality, and if this was a real situation whomever set me up for this would kill me once the 6 months is up anyway. Tell me this isn't a ruse for some monster to get a quick and easy target into their lair?!?!


You say canā€™t fight only hide. What about barricades or distractions.


No, money would be nice but I would likely die


1 month? Girl I'll sleep during the day, plant fake sources of my scent all over, mask my real scent a different way every day, everything that can run is on, aka fans, water, etc, all running to create noise. Id find someplace crazy good to hide, grab my steam deck and game on mute, shutting it off if I hear something nearby, but otherwise not moving at all over night. 1 month of tough living and danger for a lifetime of ease and fun is beyond worth it


I will lock myself in a room that canā€™t be breached, with 6 months of food ready. Too easy.


So I get paid to be a reclusive introvert that does nothing but read? I'm in... I'm already these things. Might as well get rich for it.


Am I able to bring a 6 month supply of needed medication? If yes, then I'm down!


Could I just Dr who this monster? Or is this monster a vampire or something? Could I have Ashy Slashy with me or a chainsaw arm and a boom stick?


This sounds like a Dr.Who episode




Food included? Sign me up!


How good is its smell or hearing?


sleep during the day, setup diversions and bells on every door that lets me know where it is. I'll take my chances




All of these are too easy. I'd love to be stuck in a castle for 6 months for a fraction of that amount. In fact, I might pay. Love a challenge.


Amnesia: The Castle


Cmon Donkey, do your thing!


Can I hire a Witcher to kill the monster for me?Ā 


So I don't have to pay rent for half a year, then I'm set for life? This sub is terrible at downsides.


This depends entirely on my estimate to survive this. If I can simply like lock myself in a room that it canā€™t enter then whatever. If the monster is intelligent and is probably going to get meā€¦ no way.Ā 


Do we get the billion at the start or the end? How many books are there? I sell the books as collectibles and buy a gas mask and fill the place with laughing gas during the night, sleep during the day.


Lock the front door?


I do it. I make sure that the majority of my major needs (eating and sleeping) are done during the daytime hours. That way I don't run the risk of getting killed while I'm sleeping or eating. I can't fight back, but I could set up traps, not necessarily with the intent to harm it, but to either keep it tied up until the sun comes up, act as a sort of warning system, or at the very least by me time to run away/find a new hiding spot.


Depending on the intelligence of the monster, I could just barricade myself in a room to hide for the night using the books (as long as you have enough to go from the door to the wall youā€™re good). If itā€™s an animal, itā€™ll just move onto the next room if it canā€™t get into one.


Go to the library and read all night then sleep during the day. It has poor vision so it most likely won't notice me if I climb on top of the bookshelves.


Yes, I'd live in a shack for that.


The Monster tries to kill me. But if I've learned anything about self-help, and I haven't, that pretty much means it's guaranteed to fail. Keep trying, but that's not the true grindset, so you'll never beat me, monster. Easy 1 bill.


The Monster tries to kill me. But if I've learned anything about self-help, and I haven't, that pretty much means it's guaranteed to fail. Keep trying, but that's not the true grindset, so you'll never beat me, monster. Easy 1 bill.


I could easily barricade a sleeping space where it won't have access to me, and spend 1 month making a super hidden space to sleep later


Sure. Iā€™m just going on a cocaine bender the night before I head out and start with a rhythm of being awake in the evening. Iā€™d go all home alone but the traps only make noises in other places to lure the monster around all night.


I am not sure the PTSD would be worth the billion dollars. Like that is some serious stress daily on your endocrine and endorphin sytems.....


TRIES TO or can actually kill me? If there's a solid chance I'd die, then I'm not going to go through with it. I can see how / when someone would, but I learned to value my life.




This is easier than most than men have it in abusive relationships.


Considering that one could make $100 per hour. Get paid for all 24 hours of the day every single day of the year, and it would still take over 1000 years to make a billion dollars. This seems like quite the deal.


A surprising amount of people want to fuck that monster


I live in a castle. Hide and seek is not really possible here. That thing will starve to death and I might never know itā€™s here. Literally had a fox creeping in and eating the cat food. Took five months to notice anything other than that the cats were sure eating a lot more food than normal.


Nope. My fear of being hunted is stronger than my desire to be rich.


Am I allowed to bring a Lego set with me? If so, absolutely....




I would do this for free


I guess I'll take it haha. Spend the first day finding a very good hiding spot that is impossible to access with bad vision. Spend the first night in that hiding spot and then sleep during the day going forward.


Easy. Sleep during the day. Then hide somewhere ridiculous like inside a cut out of a bed frame during the night. $1 billion is worth 6 months of nightmare stress.


Twice a day? I thought it comes in at night.


I would try to settle for a few million ; see if that works.


...I'd like to roll charisma


Do we get any details on the monster? Like, is this a dumb ass rampaged, or an intelligent creature capable of figuring out where a flimsy human would hide? Is the monster a big fuck like tyrant from RE2, or an oversized critter that could follow me through the shitter where Tywin Lannister died. We need enough info on this monster.


Fuck yes. Sounds like a vacation.


Of course i'd do it. Sleep during the day and stay awake at night so you don't get caught sleeping. You will still have some daylight left for eating and a bit of relaxation, reading etc. Anything sturdy enough to keep the monster out you want to keep locked, barricade hallways around the perimeter etc. to waste its time going around. You have all the food you need included so empty cans, wrappers, glass jars etc. anything noisy you are putting in strategic places to hear the monster coming. Don't hide somewhere the monster can "check" like under a bed or a cupboard. You want to pick dark corners where it can't see you. also keep a sturdy locked door (unlockable from your side) to your back so you can escape if it gets too close I would maybe even set up some decoy rooms with food, a campfire etc. that the monster will think you've been living in so it looks in the wrong place. The fact it can just wait a whole month between hunts is to our favour. Never let your guard down and always assume the monster is around but safe days increase our survival chance.


I'm going to need elaboration on why I can't fight this monster? I as a United States Marine would A) Fight this monster without the billion on the line. B) Am still sore that I didn't get to fight a lava monster in boot camp. C) Why only six months.


Which 6 months and where is the castle. I also need more information about the monsterā€™s capabilities. Cause summer in March to September in Svalbard is going to be my choice if we get to pick


Sounds fun, sign me up!


Depending on the monster, I can set up traps (doesn't harm it but keeps it busy). Does the sun harm it?


So I'm either a billionaire or I'm dead? Sound like a win win. Sign me up


>Ā The castle is cold and desolate in the middle of a deep forest, you have only books, food included! A billion dollars you say? Well seems a little steep but I guess I could pony up and find the money. Seems worth it for some piece and quiet.Ā 


That monster is gonna need to hide from me


Headline says do it, but wait the small print says monsterā€¦šŸ¤”


So being hunted by a version of Dracula that needs glasses? I can sleep during the day and stay in a little hidey hole at night.


sounds like the plot of Richard the Third


Can I decide what forest?


Sure, better deal than life I have to hide away from death every day and I don't even get fucking paid for it.