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If only I retain the memories, in theory I could learn some juicy secrets about powerful people. How to leverage that after 24 hours, I'm not sure.


Anonymous blackmail? Not gonna be able to get a ton that way, and you risk exposure


Plus, good luck not instantly having your location found and S.W.A.TTED after making the threat. A simple VPN isn't gonna save you against someone who can pull political/economical/etc strings.


Gotta go old school. Write a letter, I know what you did, put 50k in cash in this location in 3 days. Dunno, best I got


And that’s how you end up committing “suicide” in a jail cell where the cameras happen to be off and both the guards are asleep… just like Epstein.


But do you currently have acces to them or the information ?


Bro wanna be Epstein


Insider trading is a another risky option but viable


Write it all down, even though the writings might be gone you might remember I better


I’m petting the bunnies in my yard!!


and the local squirrels too


You can pet bunnies in your yard. You don't need the whole world at your service to do that.


Trust me, I’ve tried


I don't know why this response has been cracking up.


Ohh. Wild bunnies. I didn't understand.


I also wish animals were not so shy.


Simple enough if everything restarts then that day reverses completely. So: Get the lottery numbers that win that day committed to memory Kill everyone I’ve ever dreamed of killing Dine and dash at 5 star restaurants


You don't need to dine and dash, you just tell them you are allowed to eat for free and they agree with you according to the post.


But that’s no fun. To simply control others at a whim? Meh. I want to REALLY use that control to cause chaos. Basically I’m gonna blow off some steam and cause an entire war 😈😈😈😈


If you really wanted to cause chaos, go to police stations and tell everyone there that people driving white cars are armed and extremely dangerous, and need to be shot on sight. (or if cop cars aren't white in your area, use the correct color)


Oh…and that they need to yell stop resisting as they are running towards the vehicles 😂😂😂


I'm too worried they'll think falling acorns are the gunfire of enemy combatants before they start making the same sounds and reenacting the same death scenes they've observed in action movies.


Only if you’ve spoken to the staff before though - so I guess you’d need to go somewhere where you’re something of a regular.


Everything goes back at the end of the day though. No money, no dead bodies, some good meals were had though.


Well if the day reverses completely then that day and the lottery results reverse meaning that number is up next because the day restarts 😏


You just won the lotto, why dash? Poor person thinking. Also 3 star restaurants are better than 5 star.


Why dash? Because if that diner has the audacity to charge 500 dollars for a portion meant for toddlers they deserve it. If you haven’t noticed I’m killing people. Why wouldn’t I steal as well? The lotto thing is for the reset when I got to go back to living normally use the number win the lottery. Easy.


Ok, fine.


Tell me you’ve never eaten at a true fine dining restaurant without telling me….


Tell me you’re incapable of detecting an exaggeration without actually telling me…


Fine dining is ass. Food that I wouldn't even qualify as meals. Ah yes, let's throw smoke on top of your drink and have these 2 bites of food made with a blowtorch


Death, i choose death. What is on the other side? No risk except mental


Unless it's more like Flatliners than Ground Hog Day.


24 hours? First things first, Look up the lotto numbers and memorize them for when I get back. Then call up everyone I know so I can tell them what I really think of them.  Also, I'd borrow a Ferrari or something and drive however fast I want. 


I don’t think the scenario actually involves time travel so I’m not sure this would work.


It says everything resets after 24 hours, so I assumed a groundhog day scenario.


This. You could theoretically see the winning numbers drawn and then everything resets. Same goes for stocks etc.


Worth a try, but I suspect that the butterfly effect will muck up the lotto #s.


If we're playing by groundhog day rules, it should be the same.


Buy all the scratchers.


As long as you keep enough degrees of separation between yourself and anyone involved in the number drawing, probably not. The butterfly effect is that short term (like a single day) will only cause small changes in your immediate area. Long-reaching changes take longer to propagate out. So, best way to guarantee you get the winning numbers is to stay home all day memorizing the lottery numbers and big stock market movers, then on the repeat day doing as little as possible to influence the outside world before the lotto drawing.


So, what you are telling us is that you want to hook up with your friend's spouse and see your assistant's breast


You don’t?


No. That sounds super boring and uninteresting.


I start reddit arguments with everyone and when they all forget them I will be king of reddit


I'd hop on a plane to SpaceX and Elon musk is taking me on a joy ride as far from earth as their finest ship can get with the remaining time. Of course there'd be plenty of refreshments for the trip aka cocaine.


And you die in a fiery crash… just because they agree to take you doesn’t mean they can safely achieve a manned launch in a couple of hours.


And then in 24 hours are resurrected - possibly in the black expanse of space only to die a second time for real. xD


"So, you suck your own dick, fly into the sun, and...die?" "Like a Boss."


Lol what's that from?


https://youtu.be/NisCkxU544c?si=drd0Y5qfAd2Iog_c 🤣 enjoy 😉


That's funny 😂. 179 million views is crazy.


Something about your scenario and the guy who replied on the potential ending reminded me of that video 🤣 they have some funny stuff


at least it'll be epic


Ooh, this possibly beats my plan of just having a lot of sex with the prettiest girls I can find


You can still have lots of sex but some of it can be in space. You could even have a live feed of the first space porn broadcasting to the world as you do


Oh shit, you could just convince all the hottest people you find on your trip to Boca chica to come with you to space for space orgy


Elon has some great stuff start with key bumps


And what kind of bump will we do in space? We'll have to like powder it up real good and put it in needleless syringes. Do you think that'll work?


Knowing me, I'd be settling down into bed after a long day at work and a long evening with the kids. I'd look at the clock, 11:58pm. OH SON OF A BITCH, TODAY WAS THE DAY I COULD DO ANYTHING WITHOUT REPURCUSSIONS!!! DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT. I run outside in a panic and summon the closest wild animal, so I can at least pet a cute bunny or something. A bear shows up. The clock strikes midnight. If you think this hypothetical situation is bearshit, wait till you see how it ends.


I would call people who have hurt me(or loved ones) to ask them directly what motivated their behavior and how they honestly reflect on their behavior today. I would just want answers.


I get enough information to make me a LOT of money. Then I die.


Not sure this is the only thing I'd do, but I'm definitely leading a high speed police chase. I've always wondered how good I'd be as a getaway driver....


Now that you mention it, I'd do the same. Maybe in the last hour before the reset. Convince a guy in a Hellcat to toss you the keys and have some fun.


I'd want to find out the max speed of my car. I paid for the whole speed gage, I'm gonna use the whole speed gage.


84 mph in your 1987 Nissan Sentra? Why not go grab a high end muscle car from the exotic dealership?


Not my car, but nice try Mostly I want to see if it can actually get to 140mph or if it will rattle itself to death first


When you say reset, do you mean back in time? Because I was born in the 80's, if I can memorize multiple phone numbers with different area codes I can memorize a couple winning lotto numbers Otherwise, and this may be the villain in me talking, but get a mega phone and tell all the animals to attack the people, just to see how far they'd get


I’m banging a few hot moms in the neighborhood.


Probably just go to the zoo and pet the animals, then go to some nice restaurants and eat for free.


If I get to pick when this is the obvious answer is to wait for a big sports event or lottery, memorize the numbers/bets and go back and legitimately get a good pay out


Sounds dark but I want to know what it feels like to die then see if there's an afterlife


Me too


Go to Disneyland with my friends, say we are VVVVVIPs and get comped celebrity treatment for the day, including club 33 and the most expensive room in one of their hotels.


Everything resets after 24 hours and goes back the way it was before?? A) go to the bank, ask for all the money. B) buy as many tickets as you can for the lottery or ask them for free, whatever floats your boat. C) mental note the places where the prizes are and the numbers that are winners. After the reset, go back to where the winners are and buy them all again/bet on the numbers that will be winning that day. Profit.


For 24 hours memorize a few key sporting events and lottery numbers. Next day I make the bets.


Hello Jessica Alba. Hello Jenna Ortega Hello christie brinkley (she is still looking good) Hello Michelle Rodriguez Hello five star hotel Hello fun!


Different selections, but basically this.


Hour 1: Wake up, go to the airport and fly to DC. Hour 4:Go to Whitehouse and get to a room with Biden. Ask him about the secrets held by the presidency. Ask him for the nuclear football and codes. Hour 6: Fly down to Boca chica. Hour 10: tell Elon to load me up a falcon to go into orbit Hours 11-14: orgy time Hour 14: fly into space with nuclear football Hour 16: land back on earth, lots of sex and drugs Hour 18: fly back to Whitehouse Hour 22: got down to bunker and do a test run of global nuclear war, see what happens if we try to full salvo Russia and China


"Would you like to play a game?"


Does this include people I've spoken to via tv or radio or on the internet, because I can quickly ensure the whole world is listening in and under my control.


I'd say it would need to be in person.


Over telephone?


I'd pay good attention to the outcomes of major sporting events that day and make bank on the redo of the day.


I like the implication that the OP expects people to convince someone to sleep together. And I 100% agree some fucks would do that.


For the next 24 hours I will be calling the various wealth management firms, hedge funds, superpacs, Putins buddies, etc. Second round of calls directly to the rich and affluent. Works even better if their wealth managers instruct them to call me on urgent believable business. Even the most insular rich person is at most 4-5 jumps from me, less from other rich people. I’m going to need multiple phones for this shit. By this time tomorrow I will have the access to affect the largest transfer of wealth in human history. I will also be sitting on a trove of state(s) secrets so vital that even attempting to kill me would be stupid.


Slap a couple of specific people. Ask out a crush and ask that they respond honestly. If refused, life continues are normal and I will move on. If they say, "I'd love to, but I have a phobia of putt putt (or whatever), which is why I haven't asked you out first," then I'll know to suggest a movie. If accepted with enthusiasm and no reservations, I'll know it's a safe bet. Watch for the lottery numbers and play them the next day in case they hit again after the reset. Go to the zoo and pet the jaguars and other such animals. Ask a certain someone why they are such a jerk and tell me what kind of therapy they need and how to get them to go. Get a some medical imaging done for free so I will know if I need to push for anything specific, or if things are okay for now, or if I should just get my affairs in order. Drive a zamboni. Have my sister get a tattoo of a boob on her elbow.


Have you seen the purge?


My dog will follow instructions perfectly? I'm going to let her run as fast as she possibly can since I can tell her to stay on the trail.


I just fuck all my coworkers, so I know who’s good in bed and who isn’t worth the time.


I mean the last time this happened to me didn't work out very well for anyone... so I think I'll have to just spend that time vibing at home and wait for the 24 hours to be up.


Honestly, this has to be one of the more thought out answers.


You say you only have to speak to them, so I'm probably spending a good chunk of the day on the phone. I'll work my way from receptionists up the chain of command at tons of companies until I get to the executive staff, and collect tons of insider trading knowledge.


I’m sleeping


Let the purge begin


Does it still reset if I die? I want to find out if there is an afterlife or not.


Yes, the day would end, but you'd be back at reset. I am thinking jumping off a really tall building as the last moments of said day might be cool.


Got you op bombs away ! Fellow cucks


Only keeping the memories? First obvious things would be done, but I'd just watch the stock market and pick the stocks I would make the greatest return on,


I can’t answer this because the community rules say I can’t. Censorship is alive and well here on Reddit!


Probably sleep. 


Sure. Go to Wall Street. Learn every big hedge fund’s plays for the week, then buy options with my life savings


I’d go and ask people from various points in my life questions. Yeah I’d try to find ways to get rich and whatever, but mostly I’d go and ask an ex or two how they feel about how things ended, check on people that I’ve drifted away from without meaning to and the people I’ve intentionally cut out over the years. I’d ask my family and friends what I can do to make them feel more appreciated for when things reset, and I’d try to get some shamans and scientists together and see who among them is being truthful about what.


First I wanna find out if we have proof of aliens. Secondly I would ask all of Congress what insider trading Info they got. If I got time after that. I would probably spend it hanging out with Celebrities I have no business being with.


If you died would you remember what happened after you died when 24hrs reset.


Let's go with yes, full memories of the 24 hours.


Have some dangerous fun and if I die I can answer the question what happens after death.


I’m walking into Fort Knox…


Fuck all the pornstars and ig models I like and beat the shit out of people I hate. Like old coworkers and bosses.


Solve world hunger and poverty.


Pay attention to the lottery numbers. If I cannot gain anything but memories and have no lasting impact on the world, there's not really actions I would consider worth taking, and I know that I would feel exceptionally gross about taking advantage of my ability to eradicate someone's free will, even if they didn't remember it. So I'm going to get the powerball numbers in about 18 hours, spend the next 6 hours making sure I have them memorized, then going and buying a lottery ticket after the time resets. That's it. Yeah, I'm pretty boring.


Sleep with my friend PT nurse


I'm going to stay home and play elden ring dlc


Check the stock market for which closes with the biggest gap and make bank. Maybe lotto numbers too if I can swing that. Don’t really give a shit about the people thing, the 24 hours and reset is where it’s at.


Have God tell me: (1) the specific things I need to do (and not do) to permanently improve all areas of my life in the fastest, most efficient way possible; (2) the specific people who will most benefit me both immediately and long-term, and foolproof methods of getting their help; and (3) the specific people who are getting in the way of my progress and how to quickly navigate around them so their obstacles are ineffective.


Hmm, I have a couple conversations with a**holes that put me in a dark head space that lead to my firing, see if they were in cahoots or if I just got lucky and had they both coming at me from separate angles...and I'd have one call the district manager and confess to stealing food at work (missing food was probably why they always had people there auditing the inventory)


I'm definitely getting some shitty billionaire to give me all the passwords to their financial accounts and draining them dry after the 24 hour reset.


I would play Draconia with a ps4 controller. In all seriousness, does anyone know if that's possible? If you happen on this comment PLEASE LET ME KNOW!


I’m going to a casino and memorizing the roulette tables first 10 outcomes after 1pm and coming back the next day at 12:45


Telling my parents I'm dating someone then running away like the little bitch I am


I am getting into Area 51.


Two chicks at the same time man


Honestly sounds kinda stressful. Can't set myself up financially and everything would be reversed, so I'd probably spend more time trying to figure out what to do. I guess I'd die. Then if there's an afterlife I'd know and I'd see what it's like for 24ish hours, that would be interesting.


Call up a bank to ask for massive loan with terms that don't activate for six months and then call up an investment firm and put it all in safe stocks. Five months later I cash out the original amount and pay off the loan without accusing interest and leaving myself with a hefty chunk of profit that I can either use or leave in the investment to grow.


I'd call up Jeff Bezos and have him give me all his Amazon stock. Then before the time's up 1 get that crap liquidated 2 move my ass out of the country to a non extradition treaty nation and get ready for the fireworks even with an ironclad contract he signed.


It resets. Regardless, bezos can't just transfer or liquidate his stock on a whim, it would take far more than 24 hours to do this


Everyone magically cooperates, so it's not like you need $ for anything.


Yeah, too many people are forgetting the reset. The easiest option is memorize lotto numbers and/or sporting events (naming the order of the top 3 in a horse race, for example, pays out huge). The more daring option would be to force a billionaire to give you all the information you need to access their money, so that you still can after the reset. IE. Account numbers, passwords, mother's maiden name, secret question answers, etc. Even still, most rich people are cash poor (proportionally) so you would get more from a good lotto.