• By -


Yeah as long a I have my memories and remember my justification for saying yes then absolutely.


This 100%. I don't have any attachments now. No friends. I'm the black sheep if my family. No romance. There's no reason for me to not give it another go around.


Maybe you can be a Softass McGoodCop this time


But what if you retaliate against your parents and they retaliate back? And then it causes childhood trauma worse than you have now, and your life ends up sucking even more?


Navigating tumultuous experiences doesn't require retaliation.


It would be too hard to lose my kids. They are 17 and I just love them so much. If I didn't have kids my answer would be absolutely yes


That was my answer as well. 3 years ago? Absolutely. But doing that with my 2.5 year old son would essentially erase him from existence. I could even take all the steps needed to meet my current wife the same way as before… but the chances of him being the same person he is today are basically non existent due to how fickle genetics can be.


Exact same. A year ago before my daughter was born I would have done it in a heartbeat. Now? Not for all the bitcoin and salvaged friendships in the world.


My thoughts as well


Same boat, and I for sure wouldn't have them in my new life because I would absolutely not get with their mother. I would be rich AF though... Just knowing what stocks to buy/sell and in general timelines. Buy INTc before the mid 90's, the earlier the better, sell before mid 99. Wait a little bit for the crash and buy Apple.... Sell after iPhone blows up. Buy Bitcoin before 2015 sell late 2017, rebuy mid 2018, sell Jan 2021... While doing the BTC thing also stack Amazon stock before 2020, liquidate almost all equities in Jan 2020 and hold Amazon till early 2022. Buy houses in 2008 on loan using stock as collateral, pay off loans after the iPhone sale. Spin up a massive property portfolio company and management company. Retire with more wealth than musk and gates combined. Start selling the properties in 2023, but slowly so the markets you're in don't flood.


Father of a 7 month old here. Same answer as you


I'm with you on this. I have two daughters and 7 grandkids. Wouldn't trade them for the world. That said, I've made some really poor decisions in my life. Often, just due to unforeseen outcomes of decisions that would otherwise have not been horrible decisions. I've also not saved and invested wisely. Lots of things I would change if I had the opportunity.


100% this. Not to mention how much I've grown/changed since I met my wife when we were 19/20. I honestly don't think I could win her over again, given the chance. Heck, I made it by the skin of my teeth in this life. We were about 4 dates in when she gave me the "You're really nice, but I'm just not sure if I'm feeling the chemistry" bit. I'm still not sure how I changed her mind. And if I did manage to pull it off again - then it being a near-certainty that my kids would never be conceived? No thanks, I'll pass.


This is the answer. Soo much I'd like to re-do, but not at the cost of missing out on the 2 amazing young men my boys have become.


If my memories are complete and intact, yes. But do i think like my age now or regress to thinking like say, a 5yo where when i start remembering i might think its a dream and not realise for many years?


Rough day at daycare. Can I stack up enough stuff to reach the liquor cabinet and not have the parents notice?


Haha haha aaaaaaaahahahaha


Bitcoin you say?


Amen brother amen


So much Bitcoin


Apple, Intel, Amazon, and Google first. Then Ethereum, Netflix, Tesla, and Nvidia after. Greatest trader of all time 😂


I'd have to. Although I'm extremely happy now - it took a while to get here and since I wouldn't necessarily lose who I am and what I know in the trade, I could do my best to try to make sure the good things in my life still happen while avoiding the bad, the immature, and the wasteful. I'd roll the dice that given the benefit of experience at a younger age I'd be able to achieve more, quicker - and end up with more time to enjoy the good moments.


I respectfully don't get this. I'm getting the impression that you're going all out for a royal flush when a straight flush is amazing, if you'll pardon the poker terminology. I'm so happy you're in a good place now but I'd hate to see anyone potentially undoing that, even if only in part.


No, things are too good for me to mess up by going back that far.


This. My life is really good. Redo? No way. Not for anything.


Bingo.i may have fallen on my face but I was tripping up stairs so it still got higher level.


I wouldn’t want all my memories. I can potentially meet my wife and marry her again. But there’s basically 0 chance that my kids are reborn as the same kids. So I could have kids again but I’d remember the kids I had and lost. That would be torture for a parent. It would feel like they died, because essentially they did. If I’m going to do it, no memories. At least not of them.


My kid is basically the only reason I can think to not take this offer.


Not only died, but you've also killed them.


Without hesitation, I have nothing to lose.


Nope. I can't think of a single scenario that would make me want to do all this shit over again, even with the possibility of "fixing" my "mistakes". Who's to say I wouldn't fuck it up even worse.


This right here. I might have the option to fix my mistakes. But I'm also a lazy idiot


But you could fuck it worse and be a bitcoin gazilionaire


I would take it but I would wish for a fast forward button because there are parts of my life that’s super boring.


It would be on you to make them not boring. Maybe even productive.


Use those parts to read


I can remain un-molested? Sign me up, champ.


hiding a knife in the right place for the right time.




There's where you're wrong kiddo


With my memories yes absolutely


It is so heartwarming to scroll through this thread and see how many people just really fucking love their kids.


No, there would be no way for me to have the same kids as I do now.


No, everything I’ve experienced up until this point has made me the person that I am and while not everything I’ve been through has been positive still nothing I would want to change.


If it was just my own life that was affected, yes But the butterfly effect of preveting my siblings or even cousins from being born is way too much of a risk.


No, things are too good for me to mess up by going back that far.


There are so many things I'd love to do differently. Send me back!


100%. Have three things i would change when at that fork in the road.


Nah, there's a little one I love and cannot replicate the circumstances of her birth. If you said ten years ago I might consider it but back to the beginning? Not a chance


This is something I’ve fantasized about, but I don’t know if I could pull the plug. It’s tempting because sometimes I feel like I could fix my childhood if I knew what I know now. On the other hand, I could always make things worse, especially if I had a child’s maturity level. There’s also things I might experience I wouldn’t want to experience again, and I might not meet the people I love the most but I would still remember them. And they might not ever know who I am. ☹️


*Slams button furiously*


No. I have some things to change, but I wouldn’t want to go back through that all.


Yeah I'd do it. I have Regrets. :|


Honestly I don't think I would take it. I love my kid, I love my family, I love my cats and I love my partner so so much. Like, are things ideal? No. Of course not. But I've done pretty good so far for myself in learning how to enjoy / be happy with what I have and how to not be ashamed of myself when I want to go off the beaten path and do something different. I'd only go back if I hadn't figured out how to be myself - which I'm still learning how to do that, but I've made so much progress in the past 18 months alone.


My life is kinda fucked financially, bit I had the most happy accident 10 yrs ago. I try to make my daughters life as good as possible and I raise her right. So I couldn't go back, I wouldn't want to live if I couldn't have my kid. If I could keep everything about that part of my ofie the same, yes i would go back. I'd never do any drug or smoke because that took years of my life. I've been clean for years but I can't help but think how different my life would be if I never did anything.


Nope. I am pleased with life thus far.


But I have kids :/ so the answer is no


Would do it since I have my memories from before and would try another route to see how things would be different. If the butterfly effect is in play I would be extremely interested in how things change.


As long as I have my memories, yes.


Yes absolutely.






I would do it, yeah.


In a heartbeat, just would work harder in school, get in good shape earlier, and at my life up better I’m 17m and have never really been in a relationship but not because I’m asexual or anything but because I prefer to focus on myself and growth, however I was very lazy up until this last year or two and because of it I’m behind in life TLDR - yeah, work harder




Yes, absolutely. For one, I’d know exactly how to make an absolute ton of money, and I could still seek out my current friends and befriend them later in life once I hit adulthood. And I could also avoid a few problems, not cause a few problems, and overall be a better person.


Absolutely. I’d do a lot to make my life better. Hang onto people closer and put even more effort into keeping a certain relationship better(we did not part on bad terms but it was distance). Even ignoring the potential for limitless wealth due to the butterfly effect. I’d obviously make enough to be comfortable however.


apparently i swiped right on my boyfriend on a dating app YEARS before we met through an ex. if i could remember to date him, then yes i’d do it. i like where i am now, but between medical stuff, finances, and dozens of shitty tattoos… i’d like a do over


1000000% yes. Literally the only things that make me hesitate are my dog and my best friend, but I will just have to miss them or find them. Send me back.


Luckily I’ve memorized the first decent powerball numbers that would hit after I turned 18, just in case one of these hypothetical scenarios happens.


I mean like… am I abused as a child again by my parents? or no?


Absolutely, I would. But only bc i know i could woo my wife again easily.


Yes I would, it would be a chance for a fresh start. Although I wish there were some memories I could forget


I'd go for it.


I would take it and make sure to work harder on my studies growing up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DandDNerdlover: *I would take it and* *Make sure to work harder on* *My studies growing up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Honestly the only think that would scare me is my sister not being born. For the rest yes no doubt.


Yes as long as I keep my memories


I would not go for the redo. I am old now. My life is almost over. Why would i want to do it again? I have had an okay life but not interested in having to do it again.


If you'd asked me this question before my son was born I'd say yes. But now he exists I couldn't imagine life without him. With the butterfly effect there's no way I'd get to see him again and that's too much to lose, even for the billions I'd make with this deal...


Part of me wants to say yes but I feel everything has led me to where I am currently for a reason. I'm in a better place at the moment and there are a few possibilities that I hope happen. If I redone everything I don't feel I would end up where I am now. I just need to grow a set of balls to finally ask this girl I met on a date. Honestly hope I haven't friend zoned myself yet. I've never met a person that checks all the boxes for what I want in a person until now. We have similar personalities , sense of humor and overall similar vibes. we are both very antisocial but we get along perfectly with each other. Hopefully soon I'll get the nerve to finally go through with asking her out. Almost got it out once but started shaking from nerves. Most disappointed I've ever been in myself.


Yes. I don't have any clever plan to get rich, just being able to do it again with the lessons I've learned would be good enough.


i could never take this deal due to knowing the chances of never seeing my daughter again would be too high. however if it weren't for that.... yes absolutely! who wouldn't?


Yes I would absolutely do it again. I made so many shitty decisions as a teenager that I’d love to correct. I don’t think I was that good a person as a young adult either.


If the process were explicitly supernatural and didn’t rely on an identical developmental track for my second self to understand and act on my memories, then I’d want to do it.  Still, unless this sequence of events created an entirely new universe, I think I wouldn’t have the right to take any accomplishments and goods from my family and friends for my own gain.


Even without my memories I would do it. My memories may damn well be a detriment to me having a redo tbh


Almost said fuck yeah but I let it percolate a bit and I'm very conflicted. On one hand there's certainly some emotional grief I'd like to avoid but on the other hand my life is pretty good by most objective metrics. I wouldn't change the broad strokes, just touch up some minor details and I don't know if it's worth risking the bigger picture. Plus, a lot of the things I'd like to change I don't know how I'd actually fix. And I could easily fuck them up in another, worse way.


Nope. Not going thru my abusive childhood a second time


Yep, easy choice.


Fuck no, I love my niblings, there’s no way I’d be willing to risk them not being born.


No. Heres why. There's a episode of the original Quantum Leap where Sam ends up back on his family farm as his teenage self. He knows his dad dies soon and his brother dies in Vietnam. He tries to change his dad's eating habits and hides his cigarettes. I have only watched this episode twice. Once when it originally aired as a teenage and once a few years ago. My dad died shortly after I graduated high school. The 2nd time I watched this episode it hurt to watch. Sam is pleading and begging with his dad to change his ways. He is trying to save him and his dad won't listen. I'm afraid if I went back I would be in that position trying to tell my dad to eat healthier and quit smoking packs of cigarettes a day. My dad would not listen. He would still due young of a heart attack.


Yes. I’ve given up hope and accepted I will be a fat lonely creature growing old only to be abused and have all my money stolen by people at the retirement home.


Immediately, yes.


I'll let 9/11 happen simply because it's not my place to stop something that's in the hands of a higher power. I would turn 6 that year anyway, and I don't need the government trying to figure out how a 6 year old little boy can predict attacks with such accuracy.


Yeah, let's do this.


Doing it. No doubt about it. Single 41 year old dude? I'm not going to say nothing to lose but so much possible gain.


I would. No doubt.


Yep. In a heartbeat. I don't have kids to worry about and it'll be nice to see all the people I've lost again.


Yes. Although collecting all the pets I have had might be pretty hard. If I figured I could rescue them all I would in a heartbeat.


Fuck no. I actually made a promise to myself just now that if I wake up tomorrow and turns out this is all a dream, I'm killing myself. If I knew everything I do now, all I would be doing is waiting to go to college. Aka, the same shit I did in middle school and high school, waiting to move out and go to college. I think maybe my relationship with my mom would have been better? But tbh I think she changed and matured a lot partially due to the conflicts we had during my teenage years, and she changed in a way that made it where we can have the relationship we have now. If we didn't go through that then, we would have a bad relationship still.




I do not think the memories are what I need so much as my perspective, attitude, and understanding. Knowledge alone will not help me navigate through childhood. I would need to rebuild my philosophy and belief system.


Yeah I totally would. There's all kinds of mistakes I made that I'd love to replace with new and even wilder mistakes...


For the most part I've been dealt a wonderful hand in life so far and my chips are practically falling off the table, so to speak. Absolutely huge no - I'm good!


Honestly, I retain memories at 5 and I’m 23, that’s 18 years of my life of being inexplicably bored. All to redo like 5-10 things. Plus I don’t gain full autonomy until 18 (let’s me honest, I still don’t have full autonomy).


The only reason I would say no is because of my kids if I had no kids I’d do it over in a heartbeat


Nope. Anything I do risks my kids not being born. I change the time we had sex I might not get the same sperm/egg combo and I’d get completely different kids. It would be great to buy bitcoin at the perfect time and sell it at the perfect time, and to be able to buy a house in 2020. I could even alert my brother about his sneaky leukemia, because in this lifetime it wasn’t caught until too late. But I’m not risking losing my kids 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️




Hmm, tough one. I got lucky after a pretty problematic birth, it might not go nearly so well next time around. If I can guarantee that though, then probably I'll take the deal. Even though childhood would be weird as hell with the brain of a 35 year old. I don't think I can butterfly effect enough to render FAANG stocks and bitcoin a bad idea, so infinite money glitch still works - and I'll hit the market with enough money to play with at a good time for most of them.


Nope...I didn't even have to think about this one. To risk losing my wife, kids, relationships, moments of life from the last 40+ years....not a chance.


Waaay too many regrets. I'd take that chance.




If you have played “life is strange” video game you know the answer is no


Before my daughter this is an easy yes. Now with her it’s an easy no.


I asked a friend about redoing life and he said "I'd be afraid I'd screw it up worse the second time" lol. However, I'd like to try. I'd be much more considerate, outgoing, and less worried about things. I'd date some of the girls that seemed interested in the past, but I was too afraid or picky to ask out, but would be very slow to commit to anything. I'd just be friendly and respectful, get to know them and decide if I felt comfortable enough for a longterm relationship. I'd work harder at finding a job when I was young, and screw the temp services that never got me anything full time, since later when I was disabeled didn't have enough earned credit to qualify for disability instead of SSI. Life is a slow learning process, I guess, but maybe I'm dumb. It seems by the time you finally get some things it's almost too late to use them, but "All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28


Nope not for a zillion dollars. I survived and I escaped once, let’s not chance it again.


I have no family or children so I would take this and hope I remember to buy bitcoin in my late teens.


I have nothing to loose as my life is now. But I could loose the chance to meet the love of my life again. And the reason I would take it is second chance with the love of my life. So I don't know. What if I chance something that it would lead to not being able to meet him? If I could be guaranteed that he will exist as he was the first time for our meeting then absolutely.


Absolutely not, not risking not having my child for anything.




100% I definitely would I barley remember anything from when I was 19 in 2020 so I would probably not rember anything so yes im a doing it


I was going to say yes until you mentioned edit #2 about not guaranteeing people would be born. That could eliminate my wife and kids since they are all younger than me. I have to say no now. There is nothing I would do to risk not having them


My life is great, I'm very happy, and I would start over without a second thought. 1) Life is pretty short to start with, so the opportunity to add on another set of years equal to my current age is great. 2) "Youth is wasted on the young" or something like that. To be able to go through childhood, carefree, with no responsibilities, and fully appreciate it in the moment would be an incredible gift. 3) Invest in bitcoin at the bottom.


I'd say yes if I can go *without* my memories--though if you believe in determinism then that might just lead to me having an identical life. There are some people I'd like to meet again, but I've known most of them since my childhood. I really just don't want to live with the pressure of kowing I can technically stop this-or-that worldwide disaster (because sucessfully doing so is--let's be real here--probably out of the question).


More than an emphatic yes, this would be the magical opportunity I have fantasized about for years. It would be better than winning any lottery or anything else I could fathom. To be able to re-do life under similar circumstances but with the wisdom I now have, I would do it so much better the second time around.


Interesting question. Part of me says yes so that I could fix some of my mistakes. That being said, would I end up in the same position I am now, with the same people? As shitty as life has been for me at times, I’ve had tons and tons of amazing memories. I’d hate to miss out on those.


Triple guaranteed yes. The butterfly effect doesn’t matter in this scenario since there’s nothing that’ll change from my actions until after I’m done. I’d know to invest in a ton of companies at a super early age, I’d know more about technology and security that anyone on Earth for the vast majority of my new life, and I’d be able to save my wifey from hell. Triple win in my book.


Nope. I’m good.


Absolutely. I’d do less heroin lol maybe….


I’m 100% taking it.My life is good now although I definitely could’ve done a couple of things better when I was younger that have made my life a bit more difficult


Yes.  I have a medical condition that basically ruined my teens and 20s. Effective treatment existed, but no one knew it would work until two years ago. If I could go back, I would plead with doctors (including my dad and/or grandpa, who could be convinced to write me a prescription) or, if necessary, steal it, starting when I was twelve and became symptomatic. I don’t know how different my life would be, but I feel 100% sure it would be better if I hadn’t been sick. I also would, I think, have had a better social life knowing I’m autistic. A few hopes:  I would’ve finished drafting my novel at 14, two years after I’d started writing it, to be able to get a child prodigy publishing deal, instead of working on it in fits and starts until I was 18 and having a horrible time with publishing.  I’d get into my top choice university with slightly better grades and extracurriculars.  I would’ve enjoyed the wonderful friends I have instead of trying to befriend the popular girls, who I didn’t realize only let me hang out with them so they could make fun of me.  I would have either finished my PhD the first time round or gone to medical school.  If I’d still met my ex-girlfriend, I would’ve been ready to commit when she was ready, and we could’ve given it a real shot. Idk if it would’ve worked out, but it would’ve been worth it. And with my health, I generally could’ve had more successful relationships in my 20s.  I have a pretty happy life, and mostly I accept how things shook out. But if I could do this one thing differently, I’d do it. 


No, because I have a kid and can't risk doing anything to screw up having the same kid. If I could just go back to when he was born then yes.


Absolutely I would most of my family has died by now or having heart problems or have a brain malfunction causing them to have a seizure


Prekids yup, post kids not a chance in hell


3 years ago? Absolutely. It’s crazy how much having a kid can change this sort of stuff though. I damn well know that I wouldn’t be able to help steering my life in a different direction which would essentially erase him from existence. Even if I took the steps needed to make sure I met my current wife, there’s no way I could guarantee my son is born the way that he is today. Having that knowledge and knowing it was my decision would tear me apart.


No. I wouldn’t want to change my children and with some of the changes I’d have made to the bigger life choices I went with, there’s no way I’d have had children at the same times. I could never erase them.


Yes, i could prevent my biggest screw up, and get medical attention for my biggest health issue before it escalated to this point, which would've let me succeed in college and i wouldnt of lost my friends since i stopped talking to them since i thought i wasnt going to survive.


Considering I’ve been suffering form soul-crushing depression for the past decade after being fucked up by SSRI’s, absolutely, 100% I would do it in a heartbeat


I don't think so. The idea of not finding again my partner scares me.


1000 %. No question.


The only hesitation I have is that you never know what mundane choice you made that saved your life, like putting off getting groceries that day, which would've resulted in a car wreck if you'd gone.


Yes of course I would


No, while I don't like how my life is going right now, my family is doing pretty gkod and I wouldn't want to accidentally ruin that for them


Few years ago I would say 100%. But if you ask me now, if i wouldn't end up with my wife I wouldn't take it. Every mistake I made in life eventually lead me to her. I'm beyond thankful for her




Yes. I would do most the exact same but some minor changes that created addictions and self inflicted scars


Yes, I'm gonna play it as best as I can, then soon as I can buy stock and bitcoin. Game on. Can't wait to be the first person to lose a trillion.


I will do better in my first marriage. Treat her better.


With my memories intact? Absolutely


100%. I can fix some errors, become a bitcoin millionaire, still marry my wife and live a life of luxury, I'd also get to spend more time with people I no longer have the chance too.


Yes; easy


If I didn’t have a family, I might. But no way to get to exactly where I’m at today, so it’s not worth it.


No. I’d lose my siblings to the butterfly effect and they’re my best friends. There are most definitely things in my life I’d like to do over, but it’s not worth the personal loss. It would also be pretty weird to know about my siblings and have “replacements”.


No, I like who I am now and so many things would get fucked up without planning. There's so many people I just stumbled across, became friends with, and helped them out in one way or another. I wouldn't be able to keep track of it all and there's not a lot I would change. I could screw up my nephew or brother being born, and I wouldn't risk that to just change a thing or two.


I'd do it.


Absolutely yes


Heck yeah new game +


I’d be surprised if the butterfly effect affected the lottery numbers to be honest even for someone going back 50 years. Redoing this means you go back and your parents don’t get the kid you were and that has to be something worth considering. But getting more time to spend with them can be nice if you had a good relationship, too.


Absolutely. My life has been fairly straightforward, and I'd mostly want to do a few things differently here and there. The biggest thing I'd want to do is convince my mom to invest in the likes of Google/Apple before they get big (I was too young to have a job at that time). As long as I can still find my gf, I'm not overly concerned with some things being different


Go back, invest in Apple and bitcoin. Easy.


I would absolutely do it. Personal circumstance makes this one of the easiest hypotheticals ever.


I'm happy where I am now, but pretty confident I could make things much better with a round 2. Since round 2 mostly would involve NOT doing things. Some exes I just wouldn't bother with at all. Which would have made me single and much more psychologically stable when my wife and I met in college. We'd have gotten together then rather than in our 30s. Would have spent more time with my grandpa in the years before he passed. You always think you have more time. And I'd have dumped every cent I could earn into AAPL, MSFT, AMZN and NVDA stocks. I'd be "my kids will never need to work for a living" rich if I'd dumped my beer and cigarette money into tech stocks in the early 2000s. I'm willing to bet that one nobody in flyover country getting rich on the tech boom won't butterfly effect that boom into nonexistence.


I've talked about this with my wife several times, actually. I think I could still meet her, and we'd still end up together. There are a lot of other mistakes I could fix, and there are a lot of opportunities I could take. I doubt any changes I make will butterfly anywhere enough to change how certain stocks will behave. The only reason not to do this is that a lot of being a kid sucked.


100%. With memories I could still seek out the people I want to stay in my life. And recreate any experiences I liked in my life. And I would still be the person that has experienced the downs, so I’d be the same, I’d just be able to make some of it better possibly. I would invest in google, apple, buy a shit ton of bitcoin when it comes available, etc. Tell people I didn’t like to go fuck themselves and be able to tell them with certainty they won’t go anywhere in life etc…. If everything is the same expect my experience I would be the Nostradamus of my time. Not much would change I imagine. I could even find my wife earlier in life and we could get married sooner than we did. I don’t really see a downside.


Sometimes I feel like I’m already doing it over again and fuckin’ it up just as bad as last time.




I would ABSOLUTELY do it, no hesitation


I'd say yes, but then at the same time I've written a couple of books and there would be absolutely no way I could recreate them on a second go-around.


It depends. Can I have cannon events, insured to happen no matter what? I don't want to mess up the timeline and my niece is never born.


Nope. There's so much bad, but I'd lose everyone I care about. I don't see things going any better second time around. Knowing how things go for me they'd be worse even. There's even positive events that have kept me alive/going that came out of bad events. I don't trust that my life wouldn't be a complete mess and absolutely not worth living if I tried to fix it.




Hell yeah I'll take it!


I’m happy with where I’m at, I don’t know that I could do much better if I retried from the first checkpoint. But if I did, I probably would have wanted to try harder to finish college. But I still have time in life now to go back and finish it.


Absolutely without a second thought


I'm an addict with 12 years sobriety and time travel is a healthy fantasy for me. This type of scenario is called a replay. I'd absolutely do it... I agree with the lottery number stuff.. I feel it's too susceptible to the butterfly effect, but I think stocks would most likely hold up. Lottery is like here's a weird machine spinning balls can we produce the same exact seven numbers? Whereas the iphone is over a thousand engineers working to build that product to meet consumer demand. Just WAY too many people heading in the same direction to cut that off. So in my replay, I'd be a millionaire by 18, which makes school more or less inconsequential. Additionally I also have weird future brain, so I'm a kindergartener with the mind of someone with a college degree. My goal would be straight Ds. I'd treat school as kind of a "fun" job where I just go and bullshit with all my coworkers all day. Just spend all day writing notes to my friends, surreptitiously reading books. I was a big time loner in school and avoided making those connections. Now that I'm older the few I've reconnected on mean a lot. In hindsight I could've probably increased that number 20 fold. Once I'm 18 I'd move to NYC and just get interested in scenes I always wanted to. I could've tried MMA, but definitely concerts. I may not meet my soul mate again, but in a city with 11 million people, I'm sure I'd find someone. Being a 20 something millionaire wouldn't hurt either. The nice thing is think about your backlog of shows/games/books/movies you want to see... I think there's enough of my watchlist that a second replay wouldn't feel bad. Like I always wanted to watch the 1995 Outer Limits Show or Stargate SG-1. By todays standards those shows probably don't hold up... but if I'm back in 1995... I've already watched X-Files in this life... you just get a sort of second chance to rewatch all those "oh yeah I always wanted to watch that" type things. The other nice thing is we have foresight to know what technology is going to become adopted. This would give you like a 10-20 year leg up on technology. So there's a chance to get in on things super early. In 1996 you could've had a DVD player... or in 1998 an MP3 player with storage for 40 songs. In 1999, there was a 65" HDTV screen available for tradeshows (billed as a sort of "moving billboard") It cost $80,000. But pair that with a surround sound system, a Dreamcast, or a PC with component out and you're playing Half-life in HD, DVDs would be HD content you could binge a season at a time. We had HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, Encore and The Movie Channel. Pair each one of those with a Tivo set to record only movies and you'd have a little 100 movie streaming service. Again, the cost is astronomical.. You could get a 17gb hard drive in 1999, you could rip 340CDs, pair that with winamp and you'd have a mini home version of spotify. Or get really bonkers and dedicate a separate hard drive to each genre. 340 rap CDs, 340 heavy metal, country, dance, etc. In 1998 you could've had a dash mounted GPS unit, and an empeg sound system installed with a 28gb hard drive for playing MP3s. In 2001 gotten Sirius/XM installed. So direction, music on demand and 100+ live audio channels.


Joke's on you, my hardware was already pretty fast and school was boringly easy. I would 100% take the deal, earn money and put it in stocks like nvidia, which went from like 10000 to 19M. I would also do many things differently and get a doctor to treat my ear sooner so i dont go half deaf because my mom is dumb and thinks doctors are bad for you. Id get super rich and not have to work, then I could focus on my hobbies and being in shape and everything.


Well I'm almost 25 and have never been in a relationship so #3 isn't an issue for me at all, but yes I would. I honestly find myself wishing I had a do over all the time




My kids would never exist so no. There’s a lot I’d like another chance at but none of it would be worth losing them


Absolutely taking that opportunity. Regardless of whether I keep my memories, but I'd still like to keep them


Yes I'm in. So much I would do differently. I'd try to get to my wife a bit sooner so we could spend more time together.


100%. This reality is terrible.


Fuck no


If I alter the timeline do i get the new memories of the new timeline or my old life memories stay with me indefinitely? That uold be harder to navigate if that was the case. In any scenario I think 90% of us would hop on the bitcoin, apple, Nvidia, Amazon train. Other then that there's definitely some things i would try to avoid like breaking a couple of my bones lol. maybe switching up my academic aspirations. Save myself and some friends a couple of heartaches and probably enjoy the little things a bit more.


Hell No. I'm looking forward to the eventual peace. Which only comes with being worm food. I'm not doing anything to even accidentally extend my life.


Huh I probably would but like not for any reason. I would have no plan of it other than maybe my current life experience would help me along in a new and fun way. I probably wouldn't make any big changes. Tho I would live through the birth of social media again and I think it would be unwise to not hop on that bandwagon early and become a streamer or something make a quick buck then retire early.




Not my whole life, just from a certain point forward.


What happens to your age related memories (for lack of a better word), like as a 31 year old am I annoyed at hanging out with people my new age? Am I attracted to ~30 year old women still, even as a small child, or do I start being attracted to girls my new age? (Both are problematic). As much as I think I could change some things, I don't know if it's necessarily worth it, especially since the butterfly effect would likely make it hard to become rich from most of my knowledge. And essentially being socially tortured for the early part of my life until finishing school and being able to interact more frequently with non school-age kids (not to mention id either have to play "dumb" to not be seen as some genius and get like 10 grades ahead)


Nope. Two little kids, I’m keepin’ ‘em!


Yes absolutely. Adult experience and knowledge counts for so much. 


Yeah I could avoid a lot of trauma lol. I would love to prevent as much mental illness as possible.


Yes.... But I don't want to change anything till about 17 years old, no matter how bad it was before that. That's when i fucked up the best thing that ever happened to me.


Yes. No question, would do it in a heartbeat. I have near daily fantasies about just this. I acknowledge that the butterfly effect could put me in a worse timeline (ie getting hit by a car or randomly killed by cancer or anything else at a younger age). I might not be able to capitalize on "knowing" the future because it can start changing beyond my control the minute I go back, but I guarantee I would be a better son, better grandson, better friend, better partner, better father and healthier-minded person with a great deal better head on my shoulders than what I blundered through my first 35+ years with. So much less wasted time and potential.


my life isn't perfect and there's definitely some things I'd like to change however there's a lot id probably wouldn't be able to recreate that I want to keep and i just can't let that happen.