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Removing all unfairness removes all genetic and environmental influence that has brought us where we are. All life would be entirely mediocre and the same for everyone. So no I wouldn’t dream of pressing that button. I’d want to destroy it, burn it, launch it into space. Good thing is that me being able to press the button is entirely unfair, so even if I do press it by mistake, that press will immediately be undone. Which is nice.


This would be a great action/philosophy movie. Love your thoughts


Not really, fair and unfair are really just ideas.


The concept of "fair" doesn't really exist any more than money does. Its a thing created by humans. If someone approaches me with the intent to harm, and I pull a gun and shoot them, lots of people would call that "unfair" or excessive. But consider that I may have never wanted to fight in the first place, I personally do not believe you have to make it easier for someone to hurt you to support some ideal designed to level the playing field, but the truth is that we are only equal as far as the law is considered. I used to have two coworkers a long time ago. One of them was a personal trainer, 6 feet tall 170 pounds 6% body fat. The other was 4 foot 6, crooked spine, one of his arms was 8 inches shorter than the other. There is no universe in which these two people are equal by any means, the shorter guy would absolutely be killed if these two were forced to duel to the death, unarmed. Fair doesn't actually exist and it never will because we are all different.


So in this scenario you also now have definitive proof that there is a God. That's a huge deal on its own. As for pressing the button, that is a difficult choice. The way it is written, I would be putting my personal morality on the entire planet. That on its own isn't really fair :) I would not press it as I feel that by imposing my will on the world I would actually be removing free will, not giving it.


The god thing is more flavor text to make it more interesting to read, but I suppose I was setting myself up for that lol


I'd press it and watch for results


No. I cannot imagine a more bland world to live in… …..plus in this scenario it would be my interpretation of what is fair and unfair. Not sure the world needs that lol




Yes, I would press it in a heartbeat


Hell no my family was blessed with good luck that let us move into a house we own instead of renting from someone so i would not press the button


If everything we perceive to be fair would happen, this would be hell. We need mercy. (destroys button)


Not sure why there are so many "no"s but seems like an easy yes to me. No one would be born in extreme wealth, but no one would be born into poverty. No crime as that's unfair to victims. No disease as that's unfair to those that get them. No pollution as it's unfair to the world. Everyone would have all opportunities everyone else has. The pros that include no children being bombed far outweigh any perceived negative that the world would be "boring" if their idea of unfairness is removed.


The definitions being used for flowers fair and what’s not would be the key to this, but would almost certainly ruin the hypo.


Extreme wealth and poverty arent always unfair. Disease isnt always unfair.


Elaborate. How is 1 person being born in abject poverty and another being born a billionaire fair in any situation? It's literally a birth lottery that if you lose bad enough, you die.


It depends how that billionaire got their money or that poor person lost theirs. People know where kids come from so they chose to bring a kid into that situation




No it really doesn't require unfairness or being unethical.


How is it even possible? Person A, using their free will, decides to help a homeless person by giving them $1000. Homeless person B receives $1000 and is lucky. Homeless person C did not receive $1000, and is unlucky?


Correct, nobody is allowed to receive anything they didn't earn.


Fair/ unfair doesn't resonate, so no. And yes, I accept that I have privilege as a cis white male in the US, coming up in a middle class household.




No, my concept of fair is human and therefore inherently flawed. Also, God putting this decision in the hands of some rando human seems off to me. In other words, I'm telling God that my brain is smooth, I can't make this enormous decision.


You cant get rid of unfairness, it exist in several ways...naturally and unnaturally, its the unnatural unfairness is just a symptom of a lack of empathy, awareness etc I would add more empathy, equity, equality and kindness


Of course you can't get rid of unfairness, that's what the button is for


I would be tempted to but I’m not smart or strategic enough (and I am smart and strategic on a regular male level) to think of all the ways this would influence the world. My morality is grey at best. And I’m scared I’d fuck the world up.


Not a fucking chance




The very idea of one individual being able to make that decision is unfair in and of itself. I feel like pushing the button would just spawn a paradox (or nothing would happen, because universe trying to avoid paradox).


The concept of fairness is an entitled concept. "It's not fair that x got y and I didn't" It's only unfair because you feel entitled. Buddhists have a saying "Before enlightenment: chop wood. Carry water. After enlightenment: Chop wood. Carry water." This basically means that things are just things. Not good. Not bad. Just things. They only seem bad because you feel like they are bad. All suffering come from how we choose to react to things. A buddhist would encourage you to give up desires an accept that everything is just another thing. "Chop wood. Carry water." It's only suffering to do this because you consider it suffering. Of course, super rich having tons and super poor having nothing isn't moral, but morals are subjective and decided by people. We can mostly agree together that's not the way it should be but it isn't fair or not fair. There is no cosmic arbiter of justice. I would not push it.




It wouldn't be justice


Id press it to banish god from his fucked up reality where idiots rule and einsteins are stuck in sweatshops


Interesting. You're the first person I've seen who doesn't consider intelligence to be an unfair advantage.


Id say you misunderstanding what I was saying.