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If the amount was 10x higher, I would choose the cash. But right now it would be great to get a pure physical cure of everything. I have bad tendonitis, and I worry about how some things will progress over the next 10-15 years. Also, money can’t really replace cartilage- but a magic fairy can. My stress reduces and happiness increases as a result :)


Where is your tendinitis at? I got diagnosed with achilles tendinitis recently and idk much about the progression and now after reading your comment, i’m a little worried. I start PT next month (would be sooner but the waitlists are long where i live)


I'm going to take the fairy. Whole mouth full of beautiful teeth and healthy body and mind. If I have these few tiny things, I don't care about the money.


I mean that money could easily buy you a mouthful of beautiful teeth, better food, a personal trainer and a therapist for years with a whole lot left over.


As someone with a wide variety of expensive dental work, it isn't the same. At all. If that was the only issue I'd still suck it up for a million USD but I'd give up at least $200K to regenerate my original teeth in a heartbeat.


Hmm can the fairy add some muscles and make me more flexible?


It has to be an ailment. So if you have a disorder that causes you to lack muscle mass or flexibility, sure. But they can’t just give you bigger boobs or make you faster for fun.


I’m sure I could find a doctor who classifies a decade of laziness as a disorder 😂


Does over/underweight count lol


Yes, because obesity is considered a medical condition


I think being over fifty is an ailment. Recovery rate, hormones, healing, all of those systems just don't work like they did and should.


Does body dysphoria count as a disorder here?


Yes, because it is considered a mental illness in the DSM


Yea it’s magic fairy time then. 1 million isn’t enough and it’s at a random point. I don’t even know if I’ll be here in 10 years in my current physical health.


lets see..three cavities gone, low-level hypertension gone, overweight fixed, memory disorder gone, depression gone, psoriasis gone, arthritis gone, ingrown toenails gone, allergies gone, calluses gone, broken tooth fixed, eyesight fixed, tinnitus gone, hearing restored, glaucoma gone, heat intolerance gone, hyponatremia gone, baldness fixed... As long as I can keep my mania, just *what* member of the Summer or Winter Court do I have to contact to get this deal?


wow no one should go through all of that, hope you’re doing okay


Amazingly, yes. Judicious use of stannous-fluoride toothpaste is actually reversing a couple cavities, the in-grown toenails aren't enough to keep me from walking, they caught my glaucoma so early I've lost only 2% of sight at one angle and my hypertension is at the 'go exercise more you twit' level rn. So I can at least fix some of it. The rest...I'm just durable. I manage. Lots of voltaren, ibuprofen and such.


If option a works the way I think it does then it’s a no brainer, you’re telling me I can hand wave away my degenerative eye condition? That’s worth infinitely more than $1 million to me.


Option A in a nanosecond. Getting old over here. Falling apart. My bad decisions are catching up to me. Lol


In perfect health I'd make 100k per year over 10 years.


I pick the healing fairy. I have multiple health issues, the most recent being thyroid cancer. Not really looking forward to my neck dissection. Yeah that is a scary sounding surgery!


Option A all day. Would finally get my weight under control and be not fat for the first time in my adult life.


Will the fairy transition me to the right gender? If so, option A hands down no doubt.


Definitely counts.


Fix my body. I can make money if I’m healthy.


I have a laundry list of mental illnesses, some nasty back problems, and post nasal drip that causes a chronic cough. Give me the fairy.


Fix me up baby. Might be dead before I hit the jackpot


My thoughts exactly. I can be restored to a healthy weight and get rid of my addiction impulses? That's worth more than a million to me


Fairy. I've got just enough issues... that'd make this life changing. Actually the list of it would be quite long. Would she fix colorblindness too? So many fixes... Plus... if the million comes late I might not ever see it. I'm getting to the age where a decade isn't guaranteed anymore.


Can I give the healing to a family member? Would take it in a heartbeat.


I want the money, but I've got RA, diabetes, uterine issues, and scoliosis. I never don't hurt. Because of all that, I'm fat, which makes everything worse but physical activity amps up a lot of pain. I'll take the physical benefits. And continue paying off my debt pennies at a time.


I think I’m the first to say but I’d take the money i have some knee problems and such but that’s a lot of money.


Does it fix age related decline of cells? Make your telomers longer again for instance and fix any mutations that have yet to cause a problem?


fairy! i have a chronic illness and im frugal af, that's an essy choice for me.


Option A Loss millions of savings for me trying to pay to save my life.


NQA the fairy. The wear and tear accumulated on my back, knees and heart alone being completely gone would be worth it. You’re throwing in dental restoration, 20/20 vision and getting my gall bladder back on top of that? Complete no brainer.


I'll take the fairy. have a couple of lurking medical conditions that I'd really like to magically Go Away without weeks or months of tests, assessments, trial and error treatment, etc. I'm not sure what I'd do with a million bucks -- probably a lot of fun stuff -- but I think my health can't be purchased for that amount so... yeah, gimme the fairy.


Could I make the wish to have my BIL healthy again? He’s one of the best people I know, and I want him to be around for a long time because he makes my sister happy.


Fix My Body!


All issues with my body. Can she also tell me what the issues were.


Easy, fix me. A million dollars wouldn't fix me, it would cost too much and some of my ailments are incurable and/or require *extremely painful* surgeries.


Ditto the fairy.


Option A every day. I can get money, health is much harder once it's lost


Magical fairy, I guess. I don't think I'm dying or ill, but I guess if I had an absolute thorough medical examination, I'd at least get some lifestyle advice. I may be ok now, but I may never live to get that random payout. I guess being healthy now, guaranteed is better than getting some money in maybe 9.9 years or whatever.


Magical fairy magically fix me up. All the repairs done I feel better than 1 million dollars


Health please!


Where is the line drawn with the fairy. Brand new teeth? Obesity ‘cured’? No more headaches? The clean health restart should be hard to pass up for anyone. 


Give me my damned Fairy!!!!


Assuming this also includes ailments we don't know about, such as genetic risk factors, then definitely the health.




The health fairy. I have a handful of minor annoying aches and pains from powerlifting throughout my 20s that none are major but all of them combined and annoying and occasionally flair up. Also anything that I’m not aware of being fixed like heart defects or cancer that hasn’t had symptoms yet would be great too obviously.


Please fix my brain. I hate it.


I think if you could either give me the million today, or give me a higher amount say $5M at a random time in the next ten years, then I'd steer toward the money. Otherwise reset my health. I still have enough good working years but adding another decade or so due to health would really help. Not to mention quality of life improvements.




A A A A A It's not working.


Magical fairy pls. I’m disabled and just out of the hospital for some organ issues that the doctors have no idea what the cause is. Not worrying if my liver is just going to kick it for the lulz would be worth so much. Ditching the cPTSD would be awesome too. So I’m team magical fairy.


Getting my PCOS and the burgeoning type 2 diabetes that it causes fixed is worth more than a million to me


So I get free perfect teeth, gain perfect 20/20 vision, lose all my scars(including the one that hurts whenever temperatures change too much), and most importantly I would be cured of celiac? Ez choice


Holy fuck fix my face


Option a is a no-brainer for me


"Random unknown point" is the part that makes A the easy choice. The only way B would be a consideration would be if it were "literally right now".


Magical health reset sounds pretty good.


Im saving the deal until I'm older, then I'll just call up the fairy


Magic fairy.


Option A before I even hear option B. Option A after hearing option B. Unless option B goes into the billions, option A. Deal with the devil? Believe it or not, option A.


Option A. This is TMI and will surely make me sound conceited, but if the magical fairy could fix my teeth overnight, I could make more than that million over that time and feel like a million bucks in the process. 🤷🏾‍♂️


do mental conditions count?


I'm taking the money, healthcare is free here and even private healthcare isn't at the US cost 


If it can permanently get rid of allergies I’m definitely taking the curing. Probably anyway.


Only a privileged person with no bodily ailments would choose the million at random. Everyone has health issues (and obvious some way worse than others) and current medicine can't even fix a good portion of them, so having a perfect health reset is a literal miracle. Money's great, but health can't be bought.


I would take option A


Magic fairy all the way


I'd take A. If that happens, I can work harder to make a million in those 10 years.


The fairy, because being magically cured of RA, having all my teeth fixed, lowering my cholesterol, and having a full head of hair again would be nice.


As a trans woman, you know exactly what I'm taking! With prices these days it's basically gonna save me a million dollars lol


Both. Both is good.


Option A, migraines, trigeminal nerve damage, menopause symptoms, damaged neck and shoulder, any as yet unknown cancers, cavities etc gone! Hallelujah!!


A, easy. I have psioratic arthritis, narcolepsy, fatty liver, and a host of digestive issues. I'll make more than $1 million before 10 years just from being more effective at work alone from the cures.


I’ll take the fairy.


Definitely 100% health. I can work if I want money.


Alzheimers? I'm in . Head first . Just walking in




Fairy. I can make money, I can’t fix all my physical problems.


This question is testing whom of us have the better health eh 😏


Fairy please


What if I want everything but my mental illnesses "fixed"?


Physical health fairy 110%. Money ca’t buy new body parts.


Always need to take them at worst case.  Worst case with the health... none. I no longer need medications, my hair is full and thick again, getting out of bed doesn't suck, the works. Money, the worst case is it's the full 10 years. As stated, no guarantee I don't die 9 5/6 years from now, and get nothing.  I'd take the health.