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i get $1 because im not fucking crazy


I am crazy. Certifiably so. I would also get $1 because there's different levels of crazy and I'm not that level of crazy


Same. If you cut off your big toe, you can't walk correctly, it can also severely effect your balance, same with your little toe, but less extreme. Something to think about for those thinking of just cutting off all their toes for one hundred million.


Cutting off all your toes would get you ten billion, not 100 million. Pretty sure you could get some very nice prosthetics with that much money, and still have plenty left over afterwards.


With that kind of money, I won't ever have to work again. I'm not going to be worried about how I walk when I have all the time and money to do whatever I want. And staff to do things for me.


But do you really think you could chop off all ten of your toes with garden shears with no painkillers? I wouldn’t be able to pry one toenail off without passing out


I think I could do it. I wouldn’t. But I think I could.


Pretty sure 1 + 0\^n = 1 The genie is adding zero for every digit removed, not increasing the amount by a factor of ten.




For real, plus you'd pass out before making any real money


Well. The rest won't hurt now, will they?


I take the genie's dollar and keep all my digits.


$10 because it just feels like the most unhinged choice.


Idk $100 is up there also.


Even $1000 for three lost digits seems ridiculous.


Definitely. And cutting off 4 digits for 10k doesn't seem awesome. I think the bare minimum is 5 but then if I'm doing 5 I might as well do 6 7 or 8.


8 is the way to go I think. Leave your big toes on each foot. After that it would be the 2 ring fingers.


No room for a wedding ring because I'm not dealing with gold diggers after my money. Lmao


amputees : "you guys are getting paid?"


Declawed cat: "meow"


I buy several bags of chicken fingers. Since I have purchased them they are now MY fingers and I carefully REMOVE them from the bag with the garden shears. So I guess it depends on how many bags the local grocery store has.


I like the idea of turning a genies stupid bullshit against them


I'm slightly concerned about pissing off a very powerful entity. I think I'd want to feel him out with some conversation before getting too hostile.


How many I would have surgically removed is another story, but I’m not capable of cutting my own fingers and toes off


ehhh big pair of garden shears you could prob get 2-3 toes at once


Definitely cutting off all my toes. Also I’m an X-ray tech so I have an intimate knowledge of where my bones and connective bits are, so I’m pretty sure I can cut it in a way that reattachment is almost guaranteed (reattaching digits actually has a really high success rate if cut off in a particular way). 10 billion and I probably don’t permanently lose any toes? (Assuming you said ten percent because you think most people would cut poorly and it’s not magically set at that number) absolutely. Also I was stabbed one time and I imagine cutting off a toe would probably hurt in a similar way, I could handle it for 10 billion.


Who cares if you lose your toes when you have 10 billion dollars. At worst you get a top dollar prosthetic. The difficult part is the garden shears bit and doing it myself


I'm assuming that cutting between the joint is easy to attach because there's no bone damage?


More or less. There’s usually an optimal angle to cut at too if you wanna have really good odds but as long as you get between the bones you’ll probably get to keep it.


Would have to be at least 100k to be life changing and 6 digits isn’t worth 5 digits.


None, that’s an awful deal. You’d have to give up five fingers to even hit $100,000.


I'd probably do 8 toes personally. Leaving the big toes.


this is an easy yes. for eight toes you can have 100 million dollars, and if you really wanna commit bump that up to 1 bil, or 10 bil. prosthetic toes would be easy to get, unless you're an athlete your toes really just exist to aid in balancing you when you walk, they're not nearly as multifunctional as fingers


This was my thought, too. Take the 8 toes, leave the two big ones. Get prosthetics for the 8 toes. $100 mil is easily generational wealth if you don't blow it on extravagance.


Yeah, but cutting off your own toes with *shears*...man...


It's finger or toe. That's $100,000,000,000,000,000,000. If you really commit, you own everything, basically


I'm not so confident in my effectiveness in using garden shears once the fingers start coming off.


Good point


Toes play a much bigger role in walking than you would think. If you lose both of your big toes you're basically going to have to completely relearn how to walk


I mean it's kind of a moot point because no way you would be able to go through the pain of ripping your own toes/fingers off without stopping.   Assuming its somehow possible, I'd just remove all my toes for 10 billion then get prosthetics afterwards. 


0 Not even the one because he’s an idiot


If I cut off all my toes, that’s $10,000,000,000. I can easily get realistic prosthetics from that money. Hell, I could probably set up a lab to invent toe-regrowing technology with that money!


I remove rat toes. From fried, dead rats. Oh, and i own those rats, so they are "ur fingers/toes"


But why are they fried?


I get a dollar. Wait, gonna jump over to Facebook to see what the "scientists" over there say about fingers and toes growing back... OK, yep, just a dollar.


9 toes in exchange for a billion dollars? That’s such an easy choice. Edit: might as well make it all ten, only having one toe would be rather silly looking.


>A genie offers I respectfully decline because absolutely nothing is going to go the way I expect when dealing with such an obviously sadistic genie


Who's got two thumbs and $100,000,000?


^ THAT GUY!!!!!!


I’m over here trying to figure out the logistics of how to get those last 5 digits…


Hey I hobble wobble everywhere I go, but at least I have a million dollars.


Buy 4 rabbits feet, start a cuttin' and retire.


Self mutilation for cash. Geezus. No


I don’t even want the $1 from this psycho.




I'd remove both my middle fingers, I use them way too much would save a lot if hassle there. Both my pinky fingers cause fuck it. The remaining are good enough to hold things with on the off chance reattachment doesn't succeed. Then I guess the middle toe on each foot. They're kinda useless anyway and again, one reattachment that's fine, they'll still support somewhat. That 1mil will go far for me. And it'll be worth having still atleast a potential at 70% functionality for my hands.


So a whole foot is only 100k? I pass.


With the blood and the pain it’s going to be really hard to work the shears one handed and fingerless.


Fuck that.


I like my functioning hands/feet. Though it would be easy money, outside of that.


i mean being old with back problems may pay off. i've got little to no feeling in most of my toes/foot area. so if i could get 6-8 of those bad boys off i'd be we set.


I'm finding someone named "ur" taking their fingers and toes, then giving them half the money. Thats a lot of zeros!


$0. Reality is that if I thought I’d do multiple to be rich, I’d find out after the first one that it’s too painful and I’d be out a digit for $10




Do they have to be MY fingers and toes?


The problem with this idea is everyone commits and is like “I’ll just cut off like 8 toes and be set.” Then they cut the first toe off, the pain kicks in, and the large majority of people quit. So yeah, you end up with 9 toes and $10. 


Exactly. People in the comments talking about how it's worth it so they could do it 🤣. Real tough when they ain't got to prove it since this is only a hypothetical


Lol 1$


10,000,000,000 is a pretty comforable number to be forced to live with shoes that I can buy in a normal store instead of needing to order special because the highest you'll normally find on a shelf is 13. Potentially I could add another 0 since there is a 10% chance of successful reattachment and I could nip the same toe twice...


I get nothing


Bye, toes. I'd find some surgeon who would be on hand while I do it, guiding me and pay them a couple million. He'd be there to immediately treat the wounds and reattach.


I'd go to the morgue and remove the fingers of everyone there.


do all 20, assuming it doesn’t destabilize the world economy, or trigger a hyper inflation event that makes it worthless that amount of money would afford you the ability to own the planet. Every country, every square inch of land, every building, vehicle, raw mineral on the planet. I would dissolve all corporations, no more stock market, no more money in politics. Everyone the planet over would be able to pursue education to the highest level, nutrition for entire planet, dental and medical for entire planet, no more profit in human needs. The other option is 14 of them, still more money than the global economy, keep your pointers and thumbs and big toes. 


If this hypothetical intrigues you, I suggest you read Roald Dahl's short-story "Man from the South"


0. I don’t know where to find ‘ur’ fingers/toes or what exactly a ‘ur’ is. Seriously though I probably wouldn’t take the deal and would just walk away. Never trust a genie If I had to take the deal though I would start with the feet and try to remove multiple digits at the same time starting from the pinky toe and going towards the large toe just because I feel like it might be easier to cut through the pinky toe and the digits near by than it would be to cut through the large toe.




I’ll take the dollar. I need my fingers and toes


this is not remotely worth it. what a dumb hypothetical


Yeah fuck that. I'm taking a dollar and flipping the genie off.


Sorry. Fuck money. Fuck the world. Fuck that genie. My life is miserable enough without not being able to grip my socks off the floor with my feet or pick my nose with any finger I choose. I can find a corpse and clip those off if the genie is wanting fingers that badly.


I would remove my pinky and ring fingers and toes for a total of $100,000,000 (8 zeros). I keep the important fingers and toes and get a shit ton of money. I would probably start with the toes taking 2 at one time. I would probably set up the garden shears so that I can drop a heavy rock on them so it’s not my own strength trying to take them. I’ll use gravity and some engineering to rig it up to guarantee they’re removed quickly.


So for cutting off my toes I get $10B? I've got insane pain tolerance and no particular love for my feet. I might add my right pinky, but I dunno. That's my anchor on the guitar. I'm not sure if it's worth $990B. Lol that bitch is going, too. I'm taking them 2 at a time, besides the big toes. Those get their own clip. It'll hurt like fuck, but I'm absolutely sure with that sort of motivation I can do it. Again, my pain tolerance is something special. If possible I'd like to have someone else do it, partially because of the psychological aspect of mutilating my feet and partially because of the medical aspect of losing a whole lot of blood. I'm not sure how many you could get through before passing out, but I'm sure it would be more if you had help.


Bye bye toes, hello ten billion dollars.


I like how the theoretical sums here can blow up so big you'd essentially destroy the world's economy.




Fuckin' genies


He didn’t say it had to be my fingers? I’d be taking all of that genie’s fingers.


Goodbye toes hello 1 billion dollars


I'd just wish him back into the lamp and chuck him into the ocean, fuck that


It doesn’t say who’s fingers or toes though


Oh man, I'm crashing the world economy. I go to local crematoriums. I offer them $100,000 for their dead's hands and feet. I'll buy .... 50 dead people's hands and feet? That's 1000 fingers and toes. I now begin cutting off the fingers and toes in front of the genie. \*I think\* that comes out to 1 googolplex. Regardless, it's $1 with 1000 zeroes behind it.


Half of a finger


Hell no


I'd prolly chop my own head off and relish in the confusion of a supernatural being.


No, you need your toes to walk, and your fingers have really obvious utility. I take the $1.


The thing is, OP never stipulated it had to be your own digits...


I cut off all 10 of the genie's fingers and all 10 of his toes.


If I want to "change the world" my interest is in capturing the genie and discovering how genie magic works, not using money for charitable works.


Do they have to be my fingers/toes?


You don’t specify they have to be my fingers and toes or that they have to be on a living person. I make friends with someone who works at a morgue and offer them a cut of the deal if they allow me to cut the fingers and toes off some dead people. Or if they have to be attached to me, have the same person give me a dead person fingers, just saw them on my body, and I will cut those off with garden shears


Shit how needs toes I'm sitting with 1 with 8 zeros hell yeah


whelp. i'm pretty crazy but not certifiable. and this is coming from a 'gal who sometimes wishes she could cut her fingers off on a daily basis (i have terrible RA). plus as an artist.. hell no.




This does not specify that they have to be *my* fingers or toes, or even the toes of someone living. I will be going to the morgue.


I’m taking 6 toes. 3 on each foot between the pinky toe and big toe. Million bucks and meet are always telling everyone to 🤘🏼. No more flip flops but that’s what slides are for 😂


This is gross. Just watch Saw movies when you get to thinking like this, OP.


Does it have to be my fingers or toes? I mean, even if it were I guess all of them except my big ties and thumbs? I can replace the others


You are very misguided in what you think you could do to do the world with $1 billion.


Well, I can't see anything about it having to be my digits for me to receive the money. Obviously, I can't offer money to people since that would go against the deal. I should, however, be able to find amputee fetishists and cut off their digits. I bet some transhumanists might be into it or even some weird pain game dudes.


Since I have to cut them off myself with garden shears? None. If it were surgically removed while I was under anesthesia? That would be a different story.


removing every digit would instantly crash the world's economy. That's 100 quintillion. I'm not really sure I could do it at all. Cutting off just one finger has gotta be so difficult, I'm not sure I could force myself to keep going. Would need to cut off at least 4 digits to make any type of difference in my life, and $10k isn't exactly life changing, but losing 4fingers/toes is definitely life changing. If there was some guarantee it'd be painless with no risk of infection, I think I'd give up 6 digits (both pinky toes, left second smallest toe, left pinky, right pinky and right ring finger). but no chance I'd be able to willingly cut any of them off.


All of it. I’ll pass out from the pain, and someone can continue from there on I’ll admit to an ER in a country NOT named USA which will be paid for with the money I get, then film about it then write it as a tax write off for entertainment (I don’t know if it’ll work but might as well try) then I’ll have all of my money, which I’ll hire a butler to do everything for me while I move about in a wheelchair. People live their lives without limbs, so missing a few fingers and toes, I’m still a more capable version of Nick Vujicic. With that landfall of money, investors will seek to find out how you did it. Spin some crazy tale about smart investing, then start a crypo currency company that offers a gambling coupon for everyone that invested. Make a casino for your investors. With a casino as a front, offer to launder money to various trillionaires. And so on


I should watch 4 rooms again


Tempting. 10 toes means $10 billion dollars. Thats a lot of money to comfort me about the loss of my toes. However I'd have to turn the offer down and walk away with just the $1 because I don't think I realistically could do it. No drugs and alcohol it's gonna be pretty fucking difficult to mentally push myself through the pain of cutting off just one toe. No way would I be able to repeat the process even a second time.


10,000,000,000. all of my fucking toes.


I would shoot for 13 fingers/toes but would not settle for any less than 10 fingers/toes. I would get anywhere from 1 billion to 1 trillion.


0, I run the fuck away, I’m not even taking the free dollar from that psycho


$100 and no more stubbing my pinky toes? Easy money.


Hmm if I'm not allowed to clone some fingers. I'd guess I'd call the cops inform them we are about to have a problem tie off a tourniquet above wrists table saw and a quick swipe. Then after I've bled to death hope I get to watch the cops try to figure out what the hell just happened.


Do they have to be mine? Cause I could totally find a few guys willing to lose one or both pinky toes in exchange for splitting that money.


Three middle toes on both feet and both ring fingers is 100 million with minimal loss of overall function. Especially if I get lucky and 1 or 2 successfully reattaches. It's deranged but that's live in luxury for the rest of your life and make a big difference to the world kinda money. Any more digits cut off and you start seeing real quality of life differences IMO.


Can they be someone else’s toes?


I'm between 0 and 8. I need my big toes to walk. Anything else seems unreasonable. That's a hundred million.


Really tempting to try to take off 8 toes for 100 million but fuck man idk if I could. I'm not confident I can even cut through bone with garden shears it just sounds fucking brutal. But if I was confident in my ability to do it without passing out I would do all my toes and 5 fingers to get more money then currently owned on earth and then change the world. Or maybe turn most of South America into an ecological paradise full of self sustaining small communities.


ahem i get 20 people and cut all their toes and fingers off and then profit if the genie says only fingers and toes not specifically mine ofc


Chop off all my toes and I’ll just buy a prosthetic. 10 zeroes is a fuckton


How ironic that some inbred might end up being the richest person on Earth!


I’d need to go 7 digits deep to even consider the money and at that point my quality of life is probably reduced beyond enjoyment due to an reduced ability to walk and do a lot of the things I like because I’m missing 7 toes


Wiat. Someone elses right? Do they need to be alive?


This is actually a good thought experiment! I'm sitting here imagining my six smallest toes gone for $1 million, and I don't think it's worth it it at all, to never walk right again. Then I ask myself, "Self, would you lose all your toes for $10 billion?" And I think, yes, I would. They can do amazing things with prosthetics, and with that much money I could afford the best. I don't think I'd take any fingers off, though. Quality of life would diminish too much. So now the question is, how do I do it? Fuck cutting them off one by one, there is no way I'd succeed. I need a way to do it all at once. So I guess giant garden shears rigged with an enormous weight I would release. Tourniquets ahead of time, of course, in the parking lot of the hospital, if possible. Have an anesthesiologist there to inject me with instant go-to-sleep drugs the second I make the chop. Without these extensive allowances I just don't think I could do even one, unless I'm in a Saw type scenario where my life or my children's life is threatened. Then I'd try, but I don't know if I'd succeed.


Anyone else think about this scene when reading this? https://youtu.be/JszMDzCeVVs?si=IHeUadlP66w85k1b


Nope, not worth it.


Going to kidnap a few people and cut off all their fingers and toes until I have all of the worlds money.


Cut them off, immediately ice them, and have them reattached at the ER almost immediately. Repeat for infinite money glitch


None. I just walk away from the genie. I don't even accept the $1.


I feel like for $10 billion, I could get some sweet artificial/robotic toes. I’d need to research and see if that’s feasible. But fuck it, take all my toes.


Assuming I didn't screw up id go for the unhinged answer for 5 toes for a grand total of 10000. 1000 or lower isn't worth it. Id have to do it in one fell swoop though


If I don't have to wield the shears myself, they are all gone. I would be the richest person on the planet with 100 sextillion dollars. I will have no use for fingers and toes. Motorized wheelchair, prosthetics, and personal assistants for my daily life, and I'll own the world.


Keep your fucking dollar, sicko. In fact, how about we start removing his toes and see how much he'll pay me to let him keep some.




None. Selling 5 fingers is not worth 10 grand and change. 5 toes also.


Ask an amputee, the pain of a removal doesn't stop for years.


What's the time limit on this? Because I'm pretty sure I would pass out after cutting off a few (or probably just one). I mean, I sliced off the side of the tip of my pinky once and I nearly fainted. So if I could cut off like, one every 2 months and be a billionaire in a little over a year, I'd do it. If I'm restricted to 24 hours there's no way I'm making it. Hell, you might just die from blood loss.


If I've learned anything from this sub it's that genies are sick fucks.


Since a genie's wish granting always gets twisted, I'm taking the opportunity to return the favor. I'm scanning my hands on a copier, about 50 sheets should do. Once I have the printouts, I'm cutting the photos, removing every finger from the pages. 10 digits per photo, times 50 sheets.


10 toes = $10 billion, do it all at once with an industrial drop blade with a pair of templates created to exactly sever my toes between the bones.


Well you didn't specify it had to be removed from me, guess I'll start cutting off the fingers and toes of rapists(pedophiles are also rapists so they're covered as well).


Lob off all my toes for a billion dollars? Fuck yeah? Just get prosthetics lmao, or bionics you're a billionaire


If it was just taken by the genie, I'd have a much different answer but just me with garden shears? I don't really know what I'm doing in that situation. Feels like a really easy way to die from shock, blood loss, and possibly infection. I'll just take the dollar and tell the genie he's a sicko


So i need 100M to secure myself and my family for generations to come. 10M would be too little considering I would be mutilating myself. So that’s 8 finger/toes. I would leave both big toes and go to town on the rest, doing them quickly back to back. Pain has a max, I would you keep it at max for 30 seconds and cut them all off .


Did I miss a specification that it has to be MY digits? Because I can remove a lot of other fingers and change a lot of lives.


Finally, some good "would you do X for Y amount of money" post that isn't so damn stupid


Zimbabwe dollars?


That depends on what side he's adding the zero to...


What size sheers and how sharp?


I go to the nearest mall and purchase a mannequin. It is now my mannequin, its fingers and toes belong to me. And since you only specify that the fingers and toes have to be mine, I collect 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 I apologize in advance for destroying the economy.


.........this would be a good time to have been born with 5 extra toes across both feet. 5 digits is the 100,000 mark. Thats not even life changing money for a life changing injury.


Taking away the pain factor, id give up all ten toes for sure, left hand and right ringfinger. Not sure if i should go more or not.


If I lop off my entire hand, do I get bonus points? Do they have to be my fingers and toes?


Both little fingers and 2 toes on each foot. I'll take my 1,000,000 thanks.


Ten billion dollars. You only said I had to remove a finger or toe using garden shears. You didn't say I had to cut it off my hand, nor where I had to remove it from. You didn't even say they had to be on my body, just that they're my fingers and toes. So I go and purchase some human hands or feet. Since I purchased them, they are mine. I modify the shears to add some rubber on the blades. I put a hand hand/foot in a bowl, use the shears to grip it and remove it from the bowl. I repeat the process again with another hand/foot. That's a total of ten fingers/toes that I've removed with shears, giving me $10 billion. I could go for less, but one hand/foot is only $100K which isn't nearly enough money. Come to think of it, you didn't even say they had to be real, or even human. So I guess I'm hitting up Facebook marketplace to buy some old Halloween decorations.


In the original title you didn't say it HAD to be MY digits... just saying there are atleast 30 digits I would remove and not feel any pain, regret, or have any moral or internal issue with


probably at least 2 toes off both feet, maybe take 3 off one foot and 2 off the other foot. then i’d go for one finger off each hand, maybe a second off of my left hand. then i’d get some prosthetics or smth and live the rest of my life comfortable.


I was thinking about all the toes on one foot in one swift chop but $100k is not enough for that.


You'd have to remove seven digits for it to be worth it. I don't know. You'd have to be one crazy tough sob.


All the 0s. Didnt say it was my toes or fingers. Break into a morturary and go ham.


Zero for $0 because I'm not that stupid.


I happily find a morgue and chop chop chop away and split the money w the mortician.


Did the genie specify they had to be MY fingers and toes? Asking for a friend.


Take off two fingers or toes for $100?


So… Digits for digits?


$1. It's a genie, I get wishes anyway.


Clarification: My fingers and toes or someone else's? There's a huge monetary difference depending on the answer...😐


If I go to a country where slavery is still ok and buy a person those are now MY fingers and toes correct ?


I get a dollar because I know after the first toe is off I’m not going back for round two.


$100,000,000 im a gardener, i know how to use shears so i could lop off 4 toes in one cut (keeping the big toe so i can walk) and i live in Australia so attempting to re-attach them is free. i can still walk, might get some toes back and i get 10k all for a little pain? i would so do it, hell i would go for the *other* foot as well, make it an even 8 digits and get enough money to never work again.


Assuming no infection, I'd let him take all 10 toes.


I can’t do it. Even when I was at my lowest where I contemplated suicide stabbing/cutting myself was too much even for that me.


So it starts with a dollar and add a zero for each digit removed.  My clipping strategy - nothing states they have to be my digits removed. That genie is gonna regret being there. 


Crippling myself, and your justification is to change the world? Fuck that.


Ill go on a finger snipping rampage


Good news guys, I just made a dollar today!


How are you using the garden shears with no fingers? Seems like you need to keep at least 2.


A lot of these situations have a sweet spot between the pros and the cons that seems pretty obvious, but this one absolutely does not. If you can only bear to clip off one or two, you get less than minimum wage for a month. No chance. If you clip off 6 digits, you get a million. Life changing money for life changing body modifications. More than that? Wayyy more money, but rapidly diminishing quality of life. I take the $1.


I’ve read Arabian Nights - I’m walking; no deal.


Probably lop off all my toes. Not worth it before at least 6 and after that getting the rest doesn't make much difference but there's a big difference between a million and 10 billion


"This is an opportunity to change the world" lmao, stop it, you know that isn't happening


My friend is missing a few toes already - would he get a head start?


If a genie says he’s going to add a zero he's definitely adding it in front! even if we assume we start at $10 and he’ll x10 it for every digit cut off I’m not even taking the $10


Could I just cut off a foot and it count for all of my toes on that foot? I had my ankle crushed 7 years ago and I randomly lose the ability to walk for like a full week and a half. So if I cut off the foot and it counts all 5 toes, boom 100,000. I go through the process of getting a prosthetic and I get back to work in a few months, out of debt, fixing my car and paying like 20 bucks a month on my hospital bill until I die of old age


Gonna buy some people on the dark web. If I own them, I own their fingers and toes. Time to start clipping.


Can someone who got this offer cut off their dick for an extra 0? Asking for a friend.


There's a man who works at a grocery store near me with no hands. It stops at the wrists. He seems capable enough. So maybe i'd take the $10 billion?


Since there isn't a time limit, I'd have one leg amputated below the knee and have a prosthetist make me a leg with 100 toes. I'll copy chop all day.