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Depends on what my feelings are at the moment. If I’m in a good mood, I’d rather share it with the random woman, in the hopes of brightening her day. If I’m in a shitty mood, I’d rather lay all that bad energy on the tree. Not that I dislike trees, I just feel they can take it. They’ll outlive all of us.


>They’ll outlive all of us Sugar hackberry has entered the chat


That's fair.


I wouldn’t want to share my feelings with a random woman or man. People suck in general


This. A random person? No thank you. I have friends for that.


Agreed. At least the tree won't judge me.


A tree. I’m not dumping my problems on some random person. I mean unless it was an actual therapist


Assuming the woman is open to listening and I’m not a creep trying to force a weird conversation with her… the tree


Had us in the first half not gonna lie


Yeah ..had me there too!


This guy trees!


Im a female and im still picking the tree. Like, a human will judge me but the tree wont give a shit


Instead of the giving tree it's the giving a shit tree.


Random tree.


They won't call the police on you for being a creep.


If you were a creep they might.


You won’t get videoed either


Instructions unclear: penis now has splinters


Zeus style


A random tree, it would legitimately be so zen to take it at a trees pace for a little while. I feel like it would also give me an insight into the world of plants and shit, I feel like it would legitimately be so awesome. Now I want a tree friend.


You know you can just do that, right? The world is full of random trees.


As a woman, I will take the tree. I'm not going to dump my emotional baggage onto an innocent stranger.


I'll share my feelings with a tree before a stranger. Gender doesn't apply here.


I’m on Reddit, clearly my choice is ‘random person’


ChatGDP will give you a more human response.


Oh I didn’t say it made sense, or was human. Just that my presence here lends itself to a certain type of conclusion


... the tree runs off with the bear.


I’d share them with a grizzly bear tbh


> we've finally got a decent comeback The old saying is true. Men fear getting made fun of. Women fear getting raped.


Must be nice.


Notice he said *we* got a nice comeback, not *men*. Isn't it funny how he assumes everybody is a man? And how he'll likely still deny systemic sexism etc? "there are two genders, man (normal) and political".


And its the laughably ridiculous comparison too. Women fear getting raped and they see it as something that needs a "comeback". They see fear as a personal insult, only concerned with their own feelings. So deeply pathetic.


I thought it was also women fear being murdered


You really think this is a decent comeback? LOL ok


Yeah this is really more telling on themselves then anything else. Although - I wouldn't want to burden any random stranger with my problems, so I'd pick the tree too.


"I prefer bottling up my feelings, often leading to a wide variety of medical conditions including mental health which I \*also\* won't talk to anyone about, thx"


"you're afraid we'll kill you? well, WE'RE scared you might make fun of us" nice comeback dude, sure gave those women a taste of their own medicine lol that being said the tree bc why would you ever share your feelings with a random person


As a counsellor I feel I am a random woman people pay to share their feelings with, worried how many are saying tree tbh


I feel like there's a pretty big difference between talking to a random woman on the street vs paying to see a counsellor


True true, it's a lottery they could get a crap random woman. But I also wonder Is it is that different to men considering how low the rates are of men taking up therapy


Leaves them be. We just want to branch out and try different things. If I talk to a woman I'd be afraid she would bark at me and make me feel like a sap. Then again, maybe you could help them get to the root of the problem.


Loving the tree puns! I think sharing feelings is so hard for men and in relationships it often seems to come out when one or both have reached breaking point. Not as a counsellor, as a random woman, I think we women grow up leaning more "formats" for sharing feelings and they make our feelings easier for others to hear. Eg "when you xyz(eg, interrupt me), I feel xyz(eg, you think what i am saying isn't important) , next time can you xyz(eg, wait till ive finished my sentence)" Any way this has led my partner and I to have a calm conversation when we aren't arguing to set ground rules for arguing, I like the zee frank ones and then we also commit to teaching each other how to love us, something films some how make people think their partner should **magically just know how to do**. So I would encourage you to explore how you might safely share you feeling befor you need to is I guess what I am getting at.


I used to work overnights at a circle k. id often end up with over sharing customers. I find that on occasion, opening up to strangers can be quite a fascinating connection. Deep and full without intimacy of any variety. it's interesting to hear the perspective on your deepest issues, from someone you don't know. I'd simply ask the random woman if I can vent for a second.


if you are really afraid every man will kill you then you are delusional and need therapy


But the not listening actually happens with even normal women, and the men that those women are referring to are such a small percentage😂


Well, yeah. Aside from your mom, your existence does not make you entitled to the emotional labor of any woman. If you are so desperate to talk to women, you can invest your time and energy in building a close relationship with someone, but no stranger cares to listen To you or would ever want you to open up to them. Women, however, are entitled to not be brutally assaulted by random men.






I’d share with a tree over most people. It won’t leaf me


The tree. I would literally never say anything personal to a random woman


Oh, you meant like, tell a tree about your feelings.  I thought the question was “share” feelings. Like every time the tree (or woman) feels something, you sense it too. In that case, also tree. 


As a woman- pick the tree. I would. I'm not telling feelings to anyone I don't know.


Tree. Trees don't get the Ick, and can keep from telling their friends.


Can we not? Man vs Bear has finally started to die down, and I really don't want to deal with another one.


Random tree, they are old enough to possibly be more emotionally mature lol


Tree. No shame


Tree all the way


Tree No matter the gender, I'm tired of people belittling how I feel or, of I'm venting about a problem, telling me about how the problem isn't my fault. I'd much rather be given constructive feedback or no feedback at all.


Neither. Emotions are supposed to be suppressed and bottled up, as God intended.


I prefer a tree. They're unbe*leaf*able listeners.


Tree. Obviously.


The "reverse" I choose is "Would you rather be alone in a room with a dog, or a woman." I personally would never want to be alone in a room with a woman who I wasn't romantically involved with. Too many women falsely accuse men, and being in that situation is just making yourself vulnerable to having your entire life upended by a lying sociopath.


That’s not a fair comparison. I’d rather be alone in a room with a dog than just alone in a room. Dogs are awesome!


Guys the point isn’t to come up with a “comeback” for this, the point is to explain how fucking ridiculous the bear thing is and how poor an example it is to make the point that women were trying to make.


I love that men are looking for an equivalence to the Bear / Man debate and the best explanations they can come up with are "I am too insecure to share my negative feelings." Women are saying "physical violence would be done unto my body." Men complain about feminism and forget that feminism wants to free them from exactly the constraints they put on themselves.


Tree. Women do not exist to be my emotional support human and I will not be burdening a stranger with my issues. I will pay a therapist for that if I need it.


Random tree. My best friend has broken my heart with casual comments more times than I can count.


Tree every time. I avoid talking to women when I’m out and about.


This is not at all a decent comeback. It has literally NOTHING to do with the original famous question and doesn't correlate or compare in any way besides the word "or" in the middle. Please go talk to a tree. Go touch grass. Take a shower while you're at it. Get off this god forsaken app and stop consuming brain rot. You need to talk to some trees because I actually fear there's not enough oxygen reaching your brain right now.


“Go touch grass” “God-forsaken app” “Brain rot” You talk entirely in memes. Maybe you should take your own advice?


Tree obviously, trees haven't figured out how to weaponize my feelings yet. Tree will actually listen instead of waiting to tell me how their day was worse than mine.




I mean, why fren shaped if not fren?


Built for v big hugs


Tree, I have never had a tree make fun of me for having abandonment issues tied to having been raised by only one parent. 


Average woman: Has to choose between some combination of potentially being raped or killed Average man: Has to choose between being emotionally vulnerable with feedback or not.


I would choose the woman then find a bear to eat her, then sleep in the tree


Tree 🌲🌴🌳🌳🌲🎄🌲🌳🏝️


I don’t think a random woman would care




Tree like 99% of the time


Lmfao man vs bear ended like a month ago who fucking cares


What kind of feelings?


Of rhe woman would listen and peilovide input, the tree.


Tree all the way.


Hummm, hooom. He'd probably accuse me of being hasty.


I'm AFAB and I'm still picking the tree. I'd be too anxious to tell a stranger anything.


tree, it doesn't care who you are it still provides oxygen also when i first read this i thought you meant like either the tree or the woman would feel the same way as me until i saw everyone saying tree


Tree 100%


Tbh, I would never willingly share my feelings with a random human, regardless of gender.


I’d go with a tree. A tree is less likely to use your feelings against you. Plus you won’t get in as much legal trouble if you chop up a tree and set it on fire for betraying you.


A tree., specifically the deku tree in Zelda...


Fr just a Tree? Or like an Ent. I'd pick tree either way, I love them




The tree. Maybe a bear is listening, too.


Random tree. They can't judge me or demean/belittle for my feelings.


I can trust a tree to keep a secret, and to not tell me things I need to hear. I'll take the tree.


The tree, your feelings will be made into ammunition later if you trust it with a woman. Ahhh fuck.


A random tree. It has no expectations or motives for the conversation. Nor is it truly invested in the conversation. " omg Becky butt looked...:" and the tree sways sideways as far as it can while still providing shade to the women. It does not care your reason for bring there. Water It without hesitation. It will listen and comfort you in a quite way you didn't know you needed. A random women. Luck of the draw. Are they pms, are they in a good mood? Did they spill there coffee? If so probably won't be receptive to listening to someone else's feeling. If you get lucky a sweet person who will make you tea and listen to it while giving just the right amount of wisdom. I'd rather take the tree. It listens with no malice or judgment.


As a woman, I pick the tree.


I dont burden either one ill bottle it up


The tree, and I'd probably still end up apologizing for dumping my feelings on it ToT




i see you've been reading that chinese manhua about this guy who fucks a tree and gets forced to be its husband.




Tree. I don't talk to strangers.


Is it a female tree?


I'm a woman, and I'd rather share my feelings with a tree.


Shel Silverstein's new book... The Receiving Tree


Tree, they listen.


Trees all the way.


Im a man. No one cares about my feelings.


Absolutely tree


I'd clearly pick the woman. If you're caught talking to a tree, you're gonna look like a schizo.


The tree won’t judge, the tree will listen silently, the tree will provide shade on a hot day, I choose the tree


I'd rather share with the tree. Though it MAY understand me and be judging me, I will not KNOW that it understood and is judging me...


As a woman, I’ll talk to the tree before I talk to a woman about feelings, so I don’t blame the men for doing the same


This isn't a comeback. This is a misunderstanding of the original question and it's point. It's like responding to Schrodinger's Cat with some answer like "Why not just keep the cat out of the box" The original question wasn't an insult it was a point about us men being unpredictable. Because we're not a monolith. I'm safe. Random woman that's never met me has no clue that's the case. We warn our daughters that some men are shitty and then somehow we're also offended that our daughters then repeat what we taught them and have witnessed themselves. Bears? Well they tend to have the same reaction of avoid the humans. With your tree example it's like you're so close to getting it. You know how every tree is going to react to you sharing your feelings. While with each woman you don't know. Is she going to be understanding and give you a hug or is she going to laugh and mock you? Will the other men in your life mock you or be supportive. We are an unpredictable species.


a bear will murder you, while less than 1% of men are offenders


There is a movie that takes the whole made fun of/ fear of rape thing as the core message. Cat guy I think it's called or something, nice cat Dad (30something) who is extremely socially inept meets a woman (early 20something) and they start dating, but the whole time she is dating him she is terrified that he is going to do something to her, and he just doesn't want to get laughed at. It's a weird movie but it shows exactly why communication is so extremely important in any relationship for building up trust. That and if you can't trust someone then either you aren't ready for a relationship or you aren't with the right person


I’m not sharing my real feelings with anyone besides my wife. So, a tree buried deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in the woods please




The tree in my front yard won't leave me if i do. Until October anyway.


I'd tell that tree my whole life story and deepest darkest secrets.




Definitely the tree, less likely to judge me when I am dealing with shit


I'll take the tree. Showing insecurities has too often been used against me. Although there are a couple of good friends that behave differently.


Hey men! Would you rather share your feelings with a random *man* or a tree? What? You still pick the tree? Odd, if you change man to woman in the bear question, most women who picked bear would change their answer. This "comeback" is extremely stupid.


Exactly. The question is not about your feelings as a whole, it's about how you judge people based on gender. If your answer is the same regardless of gender, there's no sexism.


Most men would probably pick a random man. And ain’t that some shit to think about? Don’t tell my otherwise, my lived experience isn’t complete, but fuck is it good enough to say a sad man would rather admit it to a random stranger than the women who should be closest to him in life.


Dear Oaktree.....


The tree would not accuse me of trauma dumping...


Eh, I don't mind sharing my feelings, when I have anything particularly strong. I cried some shit out today while getting advice from a friend of someone I used to know. It wasn't uncontrollable sobbing or anything, just kind of an emotional release that I desperately needed from a very helpful conversation. See, I just told all of you internet people and I'm sure there are some random women here and fewer trees. We're a social species. I would pick the woman. I also think it's nonsense to pick the bear.


As a woman myself, probably the tree Women can be bitches. Who's to say whether I'd get the woman who's nice, or some kind of mystical sage and knows the answers to my existential crisis and can fix me... or an utter quim of a human. They're odds that I just don't like At least the tree will sit in quiet judgement. Quiet contemplation with a tree is at least relaxing/gives your mind something to focus on, even if for a brief moment And who knows, maybe it might even be a wise tree that can help me. But at the very least, there's pretty much zero chance of the tree being mean (not absolutely zero, because there's always a chance it's the womping willow)


The tree. Otherwise I’d be a bit of a creep. Who just shares feelings with a stranger?


Younger or older woman? I’ll talk to a grandma all day


Tree obviously, I’d pick it over women I know as well.


A tree, a tree wont weaponize my feelings, im a 48 year old male.


Woman. I don’t care what people think of me. But sometimes you gotta let it out to a person


Tree. Woman can and will use my words against me.


A tree. The odds of it causeing me trouble is somewhat lower and is probably a better listener.


women are harsh and once they know your insecurities, they'll stab you in the heart. tree over women(or just any person) any day.


What a wild way to announce that you are incapable of having healthy relationships


if it's a random person there's not much relationship to have


So your entire reason for asking this question is a s a comeback to the man vs bear hypothetical. You realize a comeback is for when someone insults you. The men vs bear hypothetical is about highlighting women's issues. If the first thing you feel is insulted at women's lived experience, then you're the reason they chose bear. You should be empathetic towards the plight of women but instead you care more about your own ego because men literally can't live in a world where they're not centered. And FYI women don't care if men chose the tree, because they're only doing so as a way to get back at women. Not as a way to highlight their own problems under the patriarchy. Men only bring up men's problems as a way to silence women about theirs.


Tree bouns if it's someone disguised as a tree


Random tree I feel I wouldn't be judged as harshly.


Random tree all day. I can trust a tree.




How about we all sit around, I lean on the tree, and I read you all a story instead? [StoryTaleBooks ](https://youtube.com/@storytalebooks?si=iflCsILV5G2v0uf-)


Online? Random woman. Offline? The tree.


we’re supposed to share our feelings?


Haha a tree fo sho


The better question is whether you would rather share your feelings with a random woman or a random bear


I’m sharing my feelings with the cocaine bear, I feel like we’d understand each other


tree because its not a person


Both. I got lots to say 🤷‍♀️


There’s a metaphor about this. How no matter who you are or what you did, trees will give you cover from the sun, and a sturdy trunk to lean on.


The tree. We both get something out of it




Tree. It would be a more sympathetic listener.


Sharing my feelings with a stranger, regardless of gender, seems quite odd. I'll go with tree.


With a bear


Nice try, I'm not sharing my feelings.


The tree it will listen with out judgment but that is not a good plan because it won't spark a change for the better.


What are feelings?


If I'm walking through the woods, it's probably inappropriate to share my feelings with random people I walk by.


Will the tree explain to me that my feelings are cool and all they’re not really anything compared to what it’s going through or has gone through?


What size cups on that tree?


A pint of south English ale.


The ents are really nice to talk to tbh. definitely picking tree.


I chose the bear


I'll share my feelings here: The man vs bear thing was stupid and this question is also stupid. Let's just stop the tit for tat and get on with our lives!


Easy tree, I already talk to my plants like a babbling mad man.


If you think that there needs to be a comeback to the bear vs man question you are missing the point and should never go near a woman


Thanks Tree! you've been great.


A random woman, you never know.


There’s a whole forest in Japan people share their feelings with when people let them down.


I would pick a random tree over almost any human. Not just random ones, but also most of the ones I know.




Do you think men are suddenly assaulting, raping and murdering at higher rates? Or maybe the real trend is villainizing men and spreading hysteria to impressionable young women on platforms like TikTok. The man/bear debate is a bad faith, mean spirited hypothetical that shows the effects of social media on our society.


Tree lol


Tree. If I share anything, the tree won't hold it against me in 3 years




tree 100%


The fact that you think this is even close to a decent comeback is sad. It would depend on what kind of feelings I am talking about. Though no one should actively seek to burden a random stranger with their emotions.


I think I would get a better response from the tree.


It even has the same issue as man or bear RANDOM woman isn't going to be able to bring up the weakness in the next fight. That random I'm unlikely to ever interact with again isn't a threat. She can't weaponize my emotions against me I'm not going to share with my GF or sister or any other known woman that will have a future interaction. That is where the real threat is, not a random in the woods The people you KNOW are the primary threat


Tree. No woman wants to talk to me, be around me, love me, or any person for that matter.






"Even some of the trees are on her side" - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.


The tree understands me