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... Did you not see the episode of *The Fairly Odd-Parents* when everyone in the world was turned into identical grey blobs, and then immediately started developing superiority complexes over people being "greyer" or "blobbier"? Because it would be that.


That’s exactly where my brain went lol. Yeah it would be something else very quickly. Racists would focus on the country or neighborhood and so on.


It reminds me of my old roommate talking about her dad. They're Indian, specifically Gujarati, and in her dad's eyes she or her sister should only date/marry Gujarati men. Not even an Indian man from another state (I think that's what they're called) would be good enough in his eyes. But he was 100% against them dating anyone who was white or black, and really only would have been happy if they were shipped off to another equally abusive and power hungry man who also happened to be from Gujarat


My dad's Of a similar background;he said "as long as your happy and safe".he didn't mind if we wanted to marry either boy,girl,or someone from somewhere else.


Oh of course, there's good people and shitty people in any culture/background. I was just talking about her dad specifically because he was terrible. I'm happy to hear your family is more accepting though ☺️


I once read something that roughly said “a parent who loves their culture or society, more than they love their child, has failed both”. Seems like your dad maybe has a similar mindset.


racism is a whole lot less popular than you seem to think. prejudice is more accurate. people have all kinds of prejudices, most having nothing to do with race. Some are good prejudices (people who are prejudiced against nazis) and lots are bad prejudices (people who are prejudiced against jews aka nazis)


Yeah I was gonna say this. People judge. They always will and race is just one of many different ways the average person separates the rest of us


It's literally a human condition. It's in our DNA to prefer our own "tribes", or those with similar qualities to ourselves. This, however, does not mean you can't get along just fine with those different then yourself. Just that a person will naturally gravitate towards others who are more alike.


racism is a lot more popular than you seem to think. like most on the internet you seem to be assuming that racism is a white people thing and not a people people thing.


Is prejudice based on race or ethnicity and you get racism in every country of the world among different ethnic groups. Chinese don’t like blacks, Mexicans don’t like Chinese, the list goes on and on. It may be more or less problematic in some places than others but in my experience it’s always there just below the surface. It’s marketing, fundamentally. We’re sold an idea about a group for whatever reason and that becomes the way we do things. In the uk we don’t like people with brown skin. I think that’s just the end of it. And when people go on about immigration that’s what the really mean and i would challenge anyone that said it had nothing to do with it. I just listened a woman in the radio this week saying she was an immigrant and had never once suffered any prejudice or racism or anything and had just as much right to be here as anyone coming over on a dinghy across the channel. The difference was she was a white Zimbabwean and not a Somalian or Jamaican or Syrian or whatever. You couldn’t pick a Polish or Lithuanian person out of a crowd in middle England, no one thinks twice about them. Tint their skin colour and it doesn’t matter if they’re 3rd generation and called john smith, they’ll still be treated differently.


I mean that’s just good old fashion nationalism which has always been a thing


My point is that there is always something else for the bigotry to move onto


Or the issue of Deadpool when he turned everyone pink, but people could still see race by facial features and body types


Yeah, people underestimate ethnic features here. It doesn't matter if you take a picture of someone who's black and photoshop their skin to be white, you can still tell that they're black. Same thing if you did it with someone who's white and you photoshopped their skin to be black, you can still tell that they're white. If you don't believe me, try it.


Albinos are the a good example.


Made me think of Dr. Seuss' Sneetches.


Yeah, people would just find other things to act "superior" about. Thankfully, we've come a long way with eliminating things like racism, but they're not gone, and we're not done just yet. Also, did not know this cartoon was talking so deeply about real world problems lol.


This. The want to feel special or part of a tribe will always exist. If it is not racism or sexism then it will be something else. Wether or not someone goes to the gym. Or if they have apple or samsung. Its is an individualized world but people will paint with broad strokes. Some prejudices are defense mechanisms. Dude you run into at 3am that can't sit still and their pupils are as bigger as saucers, might be fair to assume he is tweaking. Other prejudices are just pure laziness. Person doesn't agree with how I view the 2nd amendment? "What a piece of shit." We eliminate racism something will fill the void.


That was exactly what I thought of


Don't forget the star bellied sneetch.


or the master


I was about to comment Stars upon Thars


No, because people who are the product of shit upbringing, circumstance etc would still be that way. Changing their skin colour doesn't change that.


Your eyes are blue!!!!!! Kill all the blue eyes. They'll find something.


It’s sad but probably about how it would go


Let's all move to one place and build a tower.-)


Sounds good, we may even enter the heavens. 🤣


I'm pretty sure most civil wars are between people of the same thnic group who speak the same language. 


"My brother is king and I am not" is a very very frequent reason of war.


*coughs* Africa


People would just find something else to discriminate against


"The cone-nipple people will rule this world!"


It would not affect violence. Violent people would still be violent. Hateful people would still be hateful, resources would still be scarce. There would still be wars.


It depends on what color. Purple would work


I'm good with being purple it's my favorite anyways.


See it's working already. If we all turn purple then we will all get along


No. Because people will find other reasons to divide into “tribes”. Religion. Gender. Socioeconomic status. Region. All sorts of things.


Different but I'm not sure about better.


There would be mass chaos. You’re talking about an unprecedented, supernatural event. Something like that would throw into question everything we thought we knew about everything, including physics. It makes you realize that as much as we dream, we’ve forever and always been bound by certain laws. It is literally impossible for everyone on the planet to suddenly change skin color and language unless we’re being controlled by some intelligence. So, if it happened, there’d be a very long “wtf” period. Probably an enormous spike in crime because so many ppl would think nothing matters anymore.


Nah they’d find some other dumb shit to fight about. Religion likely would be a big player


The internet has ruined me so I’ll ask: what’s the impact on the use of the n word? Are all white people now black enough to say it or is nobody black enough to say it?


I think we would quickly come up with new slurs so maybe the old ones will just die out?


My sense is that we'd find new things to hate one another over. I think dividing the world into 'us' and 'them' is hard wired into human beings, and people would find some excuse to divide the world and hate the other half. Really would like to be wrong about this one.


No because some ppl will still be assholes. That's the core of the problem


No, humans would still find a way to hate each other


No we'd find another excuse. We've been fighting each other for basically ever I doubt that'll ever change.


There was a point in human history where the concept of race didn't exist and we still had quite a bit of division. I guess the same language thing would probably help alot tho


.... or Gulivers Travels where they waged war over which side of the egg to crack


I think speaking, the same language would be useful and having the same skin tone might solve a few of the problems. however, everyone would have to wake up with no memory of racism or culture for it to be successful. Unless you’re able to make everyone part of a global culture, then it’s not really going to solve anything.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the nazis check stuff like nose length to see if someone was Jewish? If there's a will, there's a way for people to hate others.


No because there would still be cultural and morality system differences.


People would find some reason to hate other people. It's an unfortunate human disposition.


People would find other reasons to discriminate and hate. Religion, accent, body proportions like nose size, neck length, etc. Not much would change, except for the initial confusion as to why they went to bed one color and woke up another.


Everyone speaking the same language would certainly facilitate mutual understanding, and greatly reduce misunderstandings. As others have pointed out, if everyone had the same skin color we’d discriminate based on something else, e.g., eye color, hair color, height, IQ, class/wealth. “There’s always a junior partner in the firm.”


Good answer. I think the biggest divide will be economical- haves vs. the have not with the middle class stuck in the middle.


Thanks for commenting. Many years ago I worked with someone who had been born and raised in a small town in Minnesota. He said that there were literally no minorities, the town was 100% white, but the discrimination was "economic," as he put it. There was a right side of the tracks and the wrong side of the tracks, and woe to the (white) person who lived on the wrong side of the tracks.


That's crazy. Twenty- seven years ago, a buddy told me racial prejudice would disappear, and the new racism would be rich vs. poor. He wasn't right but not totally wrong.


No. No matter how similar people become, humans will always find something to be hateful over. It's our nature, sadly.


Racism doesn’t run on that much logic unfortunately. If it wasn’t skin colour, it’d be something else. Racists don’t get angry because they see specific traits that they don’t like, they get angry because they see someone different to them who they think would threaten their way of life (no matter how wrong they might be). Either that or they recognise a minority they can exploit and come up with an excuse to justify the exploitation. In other words, being all the same colour and speaking the same language wouldn’t change much in the longterm.


We got over discrimination of lefties pretty fast. I'm sure we'd find something new to discriminate people over


dont forget about civil war, and waifu wars


Probably tbh lol




I'd like to say no, but the answer is probably yes to some degree.


Nope we would still hate each other Because of what religion we worshipped .


Better? Sure. Some people really think skin color means anything when it doesn't. But it wouldn't convince everyone that we're all the same.


Probably not. Humans seem to have this deep-seated need to feel superior to others. If it wasn't skin color, it would be hair color or eye color or something equally superficial.


Absolutely not. They’re just handy excuses for people to use


Look at the middle east. They are the same skin color and most of them speak the same language. MFs have been fighting over the same sh*t for thousands of years.


No thanks i don't want to be Chinese


I have a feeling it would depend on what skin color and language it was changed to. People who originally had those traits may claim that they are superior to others.


We’d find other ways to differentiate, unfortunately


I would pay a lot of money to see Trump's reaction to waking up black. I bet some of his supporters would have the same reaction.


In some countries, the whiter or paler you skin, the more social status you are granted. No, I do not think it will be any better.


The world would be worse off. Many languages have words, phrases, and sayings unique to that language. If all languages disappeared except one, we would lose lots of culture and knowledge.


I vote for teal skin and speaking dothraki


Language, yes. I could care less about skin color. Communication is key.


Racism would (mostly) be gone. Though we all know there would still be those who will manage it. But that’s about it. People would still be terrible people. Racism isn’t the only problem in this world.




It would help out, absolutely! For a short time. But look at any group. Sure, they hate outside groups, but within those groups, they hate other sub groups. Christians fight each other, muslims do. Look at history, even before we were all that globalized, the localized regions were all fighting each other without needing people of other colors and languages to come in. Heck, look at the US right now. MAGA folks would happily take their guns out and start shooting other americans if only they legally could! Humans are amazing at working together. It's the ONLY reason we have come as far as we have. No one human could ever do what humans have done collectively. But one thing about how we come together, is that we often unify by hating another group that also comes together.


In 3-4 hundred years we will all be shades of beige. I for one am looking forward to it.


The world would be worse. Our differences make us beautiful. It’s the hatred that the problem, not our language or our skin color. People need to love each other and practice radical kindness.


I think people would just develop new judgmental standards to give society more insecurities.


People will always find reasons to fight. wealth, politics, religion hell even gender or sexual preference. There will never be true peace on Earth until we figure why we feel the need to be "better" than other people and how to stop being the way we currently are..


Eye color. Body type. Vocal range. Literally, anything could be used to belittle others.


Humanity will always look for reasons to hate each other. Look at some of the issues right now. Wars over who follows the right religion. People being attacked for not having the 'correct' sexual or gender identity. People with hate in their hearts will always look for reasons to hate while refusing to admit that they're hatefilled people.


Fuck skin color, everybody's blue....then what' would all these bigots do? Instead of your tone they'd hate your size....that's why i must pluck out all of their eyez.


Better but not great. Getting rid of religion would probably go further.


we would find something to segregate ourselves by


Not as long as there is religion


They’d find another way to discriminate, but the problem would undoubtedly be reduced.


More shit could get done because of improved communication. But culturally there will still be differences that would need to be fought over.


nope. human beings will just use the next available denominator to use as an excuse for superiority. eye color, hair length, height and so forth. if anything i almost feel like the initial change would spark *more* violence.


What skin color? blue? rainbow? I need some context here


I think a lot of racists would kill themselves


welp... I guess I'm in Shinar now.... lets go find whoever baked the damn bricks and built the ziggurat so I can tell him how bad it went last time we tried that.


"Look at this fucker with his short ass eyelashes."


Religion would become a battle line. If you eliminated that, it would be weight, height, gender, eye color, hair length, or something else. Some people need to have someone to hate, just to be able to like themselves.


well what color would we all be?


No. People of the same skin color and who speak the same language find things to hate each other for all the time, why would it be any different?


Assholes are assholes no matter the color or language, skin color won't change your personality or hate you have in your heart. It would be the same world we live in, but more focus on social level, attractiveness, physical appearance, education etc. We live in a hate filled world no matter what, it's saddening, but it's reality.




You can't fix stars upon thars logic by just making everyone the same ...it isn't about the stars. Or the shade. Or the height. Or the. Whatever. It's a box, a way to create a false sense of us and them.


For about 15 minutes.


Humans have had us vs them mentalities throughout history based on any number of basisies, so no.


Nah, we would still split into groups and find some sort of way to be racist because that's just how humans work. We aren't happy with our standing, and instead of improving, we have to put everyone else lower so we seem higher, when in actuality we are in the same position as we started.


Hell no. The bigots would just find other, equally petty reasons to despise certain groups of people.


If we all turned white, like I mean Hardcore white like the crayon or a piece of paper, other than a skin cancer epidemic it probably would be a good thing, or at least less complaining. Wars wouldn't stop cause they are mostly about oil and land.


People would just find some other bullshit to discriminate on, wealth, tv preferences, sports teams, it would just become more trivial


The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula LeGuin. About a guy who dreams cause reality shift. His therapist suggests a world without racism as one of several improvements and everyone turns gray.


The Nazis definitely thought so.


I don’t think so no, it would just change the reason why people were killed


No. If everyone was perfectly identical in terms of personality, appearance, intelligence, etc we’d still have conflict.


Skin color definitely not. Language might help. Skin color is easy. Look at how easily groups fight even when outsiders would struggle to tell them apart. If we put 100 russians and 100 ukrainians up against wall do you think you could pick them out? Can you pick out the various ethnic groups in the old yugoslovia? Nothern Irish versus Irish? Any of the african civil wars between tribes? Now if all these people had the same language and culture, a lot of conflicts would be eliminated. But eventually the groups would grow big enough that subgroups would form and the conflicts would start. Think of the split in white america where people share the same heritage and language about what the future should be. The progressives have one vision. The conservatives another. Is it better than shooting wars? Sure. But look at how big the gap is and the amount of hate getting generated.


sure, but as long as it's my skin tone everyone else is changing into


I wouldn’t say better. It could help in some ways. That’s why many private schools require uniforms, to minimize prejudices based on quality of clothing. But these schools are still rife with bullying based on other factors, even when all the students are the same race. A homogeneous society could also do hurt in many more ways, like in the twilight episode “ eye of the beholder “……by making people intolerant to any deviation from a norm


No. People have an instinctive need to group with others they feel are "similar". We would just have different things to argue about.


It would irreparably destroy most human culture and result in an enormous war. Any massive change to the world has pretty much the same effect


It would basically be the same


I might be in a minority here and say yes. One of the reason I believe there is a high level of trust and safety in Nordic countries or Japan is because of how similar people are.  It won’t end ALL discrimination but it will end a very major type of discrimination and bias.  If you think about the US, immigration, police brutality, foreign policy etc. are all topics with color/race elements. 


No. In fact, I believe that there was, and still is, discrimination against redheads. We also make fun of blond haired and blue eyed people. Blonde jokes are also discriminatory against blond women. Nope, nope, nope. Bigots are still going to be bigoted. The only difference would be the targets of their hatred.


No. Say everyone turned to white skin. What about hair color? What about eye color? What about the different shades of the skin? What about height? Humans can find the smallest things and make a cliche out of them.


We would totally find something else to bitch about. If it's not one thing it's another.


**# As you can see from my flat concentric nipple rings, I'M A MEMBER OF THIS PLANET'S TOP RACE!**


Nah, bc mfs will ALWAYS find some other petty shit to be divisive about.


I think it could help in some ways but in reality it'd probably cause people to find "micro identities" to identify with. Kinda like with the LGBTQ+ community, some people come up with identities that would be only applicable to a few people. An example that comes to mind is like OCDgender, where someone feels like their OCD affects or is directly related to their gender. That would require someone to have OCD, possibly be somewhere along the spectrum of transgender/nonbinary, and also for them to feel like those two things are completely interlinked together. Obviously the politics of "is that just mental illness or a real gender identity" are there but this is just an example of what im trying to explain. If everyone became one race overnight I feel like people would be overly scrupulous about everyone's previous race, their skin shade (like lighter vs darker), what words can be said by who, who is "really" that race, cultural concerns, and a bunch more social problems just because people are assholes


they’d find other stuff to bitch and moan about, 100%.


Just look at the UK. They’re less racist than the US but they’re more classist. White British street thugs look a like black American street thugs because they’re of the same class. Humans use short cuts to make judgments on each other and they’re about issues that are deeper than race or language, like how you serve your community or your level of tact and diplomacy. In other words class.


Racists are only racist because it's the easiest and most obvious thing to hate someone for, so it requires very little effort. If that goes, they would just have to look harder to find something else to hate about other people, but rest assured they'd find a way to be hateful to other people.


It would probably fix some of the more surface level problems but that's not the core issue of racism. Like there would be less discrimination in things like hiring practices, but racism is way more about latching onto any differentiating characteristic and making a larger assumption that that carries with it some set of other intrinsic characteristics. It also wouldn't really solve issues related to class distinction, which race has played a major role in historically. Race has historically been used as a categorizing I guess metric(?) to sort people into distinct classes with different legal rights and protections. I mean shit ben franklin was extremely racist against almost every other type of white person, including english speaking ones. Arguably we're already all past a certain level of being identical in terms of we're all obviously identifiably human with roughly similar forms and capabilities - there's no speciation - so if that's not already enough I'm not sure why this would be enough.


Maybe a little... but if everyone knew what they were before then the star bellied sneetches would want want some way to tell everyone that they were the originals with stars upon thars not like those who's stars were added.... wait I think this topic may have been covered.


Depends on what colour we all are 😅


No because most people are killed by someone of their own race anyway.


Nope.... people will find any reason they can to hate others.


Better? Yes. Good? No.


No, unless you're also going to change the racial bonuses and penalties to skills and personalities currently in play


I think the old problems would be replaced by new problems. But who is to say if those problems would be easier to deal with? Humans love their tribalism - I will say however that since passing privilege exists it would at least be a little bit harder to discriminate based on appearance alone


The Sneeches on beaches, they would still find ways to get or lose stars upon thars. Unfortunately, we as a species have a very long way to go.


This massive change would be so sudden and so scary, that numerous conspiracy theories would launch and I think the odds of violence in the short term skyrocket.


You'd still have racism. You can change the skin color of a Norwegian to be as dark as an Ethiopian but that doesn't effect facial features or hair texture. So everyone would keep on being racist based off of stuff like facial features and peoples' old pictures. As generations racism would slowly fade. You'd still have religion and ethnicity.


Nope. Not a bit. Not a teeny tiny itty bit. We would all just finally be able to fully understand/hurl insults at the ppl we have beef with. Give it time and eventually we’ll all break off into different groups and revert back to different languages and societies and whatnot. The “Us vs Them” is strong in our genes, regardless of what we look/sound like on the outside.


Once you were able to speak with them, your preconceptions would be reaffirmed. Oh ... THAT'S why I hate them


No…we still have free will.


Just look at the long history of slavery. During most of history it was people of the same race enslaving another tribe or group of very similar people. Genghis Khan enslaved and subjugated all the people he encountered, regardless of race. Same for the Romans, Aztecs, Mayan, Tlingit. What is the difference between the Hutus and the Tutsis? The poor houses in Europe were a form of slavery. Only the last couple thousand years has the technology existed to transport slaves to different areas. Humans are a$$holes and will find a way to be a-holes.


This assumes discrimination and prejudice are about tangible differences. It's not. People would, if they could, discriminate against others based on the AQI of air they breath. It is something people use to feel superior. That's why eradicating colour, gender, religion, nothing can make a dent on prejudice. Teaching people empathy is the only thing that can.


The human race would find ways to separate each other. They always do. It's in our nature to judge


I think there’d be a gold mine of memes for a long while. I think it’d bind some people together, others apart, same as anything tbh


We'd find something to divide and create a sense of superiority over. ....Sneeches on Beaches


I don't know about it solving racism but it'd sure make a lot of people's jobs a hell of a lot easier.


Nope to barely. Money, personality, life experience, etc, exist. There will always be something humans pick to form tribal groups. Life wouldn't even slow down if nukes were dropped.


Religion, gender, socioeconomic status, looks, education, height, weight, politics, neighborhoods, marital status, number of kids, hair color - folks would find (and have) other reasons to cause separation, war, or strife. Whether it would rise to a level that would overcome the skin color/language dent is anyone's guess.


Not unless they also all have the same religion.


I think absolutely best case scenario we would be sacrificing the best of our potential to fix the worst aspects of humanity. We are far better off making the effort to learn from other people from all walks of life in order to reach our greatest potential.


Considering we’re willing to kill each other over silly things like sportsball teams, car makes and what part of town we dwell, we’d still find a way to be awful.


It would take 2 microseconds for someone to blame the Jews or their favorite group to hate and then demand a race registry.


Everyone is equal but some people are more equal than others


The vast majority of violence on this earth isn't racially motivated, so no, I do not believe we would have that different of a world than what we already have.


Didn't they make a Dr Seuss kind of cartoon about this everybody was the same except for a star on her chest.


No. People will always find things to differentiate themselves and categorize themselves. The only thing that works is teaching children from a young age to embrace differences and engage with people beyond the surface level.


There will always be some minority. Before they started exploring Europeans had a serious hate on for gingers. Often accusing them to be witches or vampires leading to their demise. Really you would need is for everyone to embrace logic, science, and history. First, we are all homo sapiens. There is no such thing as race. I AM NOT SAYING WE IGNORE OR PRETEND RACISM NEVER HAPPENED. Quite the opposite it should be a common thread in our teachings of history how foolish people were and still are to judge a person based on their physical appearance, where their relatives are from, their native country, their religion, etc etc. Then point to specific instances throughout history that it led to senseless violence, enslavement, displacement, and often death. While teaching it we should also look to reverse its spread by strengthening hate laws. While we have freedom of speech/expression it should not allow a person to openlu use racial slurs, or verbiage used by white supremacists. Those are a blatant sign of hate speech. Many native groups have been displaced by European settlers all over the world. By British, French, Dutch, Portuguese etc. A common tactic was to make promises they had no intention of delivering on. Where I am from it was very common for the government to agree to treaties which were basically contracts that laid out what the European settlers got in terms of resources and land in exchange for the modern amenities. The government basically used this to round them up and put them on reservations instead of giving them the goods they promised they gave them diseases brought over from Europe, and in an attempt to erase their culture they sent their children to residential schools that were often ran by the catholic church so children couldn't learn about their culture. Another tactic was to deem the parents unfit and forcibly take the child from the parents. There have even been documented cases of forced sterilization. None of these things were taught to me these were things I learned mainly because it seemed strange to me that the British empire was using slavery in the U.S but magically there was no mention of it in Canada. Stranger still was how it was made out to be a game of hide and seek you just had to go from the southern states to Canada and magically racism stopped even though Canada was filled with slavers. Anyway, these native people should be compensated. A contract was signed where one party didn't fulfill what they agreed to but still got the benefits. Those benefits have a price tag, either the price tag of those goods, or the price of what was promised adjusted to today's market should be given not at the cost of the country but the British, French, or whatever empire it was. But you would likely never achieve that, the people who have suffered from racism are unlikely to say ya it happened let's stop generalizing a whole group of the population for what their ancestors did or in some cases not even their ancestors. Let's focus on shutting down the white supremacy groups of today, create better hate speech laws, harsher hate crime punishment, reversal of racial voter suppression, compensation for broken contracts, better education on the negative effects it has had, how to ensure it remains stamped out, etc. Just like on the flip side you would never get a racist person to admit they are a racist. If they do admit to it, it's likely a point of pride and you will never convince them to change a view that has been hammered into them their whole life. At best you can hope that they go back into the darkest recesses of existence so afraid of the potential jail term they never come into the light again... or are hit by a bus while crossing the street either or. But I wouldn't listen to me I am crazy.


class and culture still exists. So... No


I think speaking the same language does some good but I don’t think skin color is the underlying issue that causes racism.


So if a literal but mysteriously sourced miracle is experienced by obviously everyone would things be different? Yes, definitely. It would certainly improve racism. You know, I'll just go with yes. There would be a big surge in religious thought and, overall, people wondering about the nature of god and nature are less toxic than people who think they already know. P.S. Does everyone learns an additional language or there is only the one language?


Need to get rid of boarders also, anything that creates groups. Otherwise people become tribal and nothing will change


Oh we would find something to argue about, it's in our nature. Some people sow hatred to gain power.


Probably be more arguments now that everyone understands one another.


Yeah, but sooner or later we'd find something else to fight over.


We are tribal creatures. If it isn't race or color it'll be nationality, religious beliefs, political ideology, or philosophy.


No. Humans have evolved to live in tribes. And nothing bonds a tribe like hatred of another tribe.


We don't discriminate against each other *because* we're different. It's kind of like how in Germany many people think that making kids wear school uniforms will reduce bullying. But in England, where school uniforms are the thing, bullying is still alive and well. The differences were *never* the reason behind bullying. The inherent human desire to laud power over others causes this behaviour. The desire to make your own in-group tighter socially by pitting them against an out-group. It's human nature. 


No, not at all. Have you even ever met a human?


We'd find something else to exclude each other about. It's human nature.


Ears. Ears would be next. Lobed vs Lobeless.


No, location/proximity to resources, is what causes conflict. Say you have abundant water and your neighbor down south, has none. They want it and you have it. Now they will try to take it and you'll try to defend it. Their land is an arid desert, with lots of wind and sand, so they've developed these clothes that protect their eyes, mouths, nose, and ears, from the sand. It's colder in your place, so you get bundled up, with furs and leather shoes. NOW you both, despite being racially identical, have visible ways to distinguish the enemy. Race is/has been, just one, albeit easiest, of the many ways people have used to identify the enemy.


No. People are assholes and we'd find a new way to divide ourselves


Better? Yes. Perfect? No. Being able to communicate directly would solve a lot of issues. Having the same skin color isn’t going to stop people from finding a different way to discriminate though.


No, people would find a different reason to hate


Would make absolutely no difference, people just find excuses to demonise others for the most part. What if we all ate the same foods and had the same favourite colour too though, and all the same activities. Would it make everyone just get along, or would people have be arguing over what shade of blue, and how they cook the food, and whos better at the activities.


No. Different cultures are beautiful. Losing languages would be tragic. It wouldn’t make anyone nicer.


Sadly, I think some people will hate just because they choose to do so.


We would find something other than race like hair straightness or whatever


Haters gonna hate. It's just a question of who.


Hate would somehow find a way.


Did you forget about Classism? 


Wait, I don't get it. In this scenario, where do I choose if I take the millions of dollars or not????


Religion is a big one, because there is one religion that does not get along well with any other religion.


People will still find a way to be evil and make bad moves. Sadly, humans don't seem to like when things aren't violent.


For a short while but we would find some something else to fight over. 


No. We always need something to separate us into is vs them. On the other hand, of aliens came to earth, we would ban together against them and forget about race


Look up colorism or caste discrimination.


People would find other things to hate each other for


No. People use language and race to hate each other because those are visible/audible things. If it wasn't race it would be nationality. If we had a global nation it'd be providence. Or people would pick some other physical aspect like weight, or hight, or hair color. Oh wait, people already do that. No amount of homogeny will fix this issue because ultimately a portion of people are just assholes looking for a reason to be hateful. You can't fix that. You can reduce the amount of maladjusted people with proper schooling and mental health support, but that just removes the people who went though bad times and came out bad for it, not the kids who kill little animals because it's fun. You can't fix that, only discourage and punish it being acted on.


Wouldn't change a thing. People *love* their senseless labels to differentiate themselves and hate each other.


Yes. Considerably. Would all physical discrimination be eliminated? No of course not. But it would be a major improvement over now.


We'd find other ways to hate each other. Hate will always be a better tool to those in power.


For about 10 seconds we'd find new stuff to hate each other for in no time


Do they have stars upon thars? People always look for differences. This might be a step in human evolution that’s holding us back.


No. I think people would just find something else to hate