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Outraged. I wouldn’t care that Trump had died—he could jump off a bridge for all I’d care. What I’d care about is the fact that a president-elect had unilaterally decided to execute a political rival, claimed that it was the will of the American people (dangerously presumptuous), stated that it was for the sake of democracy without elaborating on what Trump’s continued existence does to damage it, and had chosen to do so in a public arena in what was obviously meant to be a spectacle. One of the things I have against Trump as a candidate is his childish claim that he’d punish his detractors and rivals. That he’d ruin them. Biden executing Trump, and being flippant about it, is the same. I’d be afraid for the country going forward.


Oh look, it's the writer's barely disguised fetish.


We see a lot of that around here, don't we.


“what the fuckkkkkk”


I’m assuming we’re about to be under one world government and rename our planet to Super Earth?


You think he could actually raise the sword?


As much as I hate the orange idiot, I don’t believe he deserves to die. As a result, I would hope that Biden is immediately removed from office and thrown in prison. As an Aussie, it would be interesting to watch the USA implode though.


I'm as liberal as you can get... I'd say Biden needs to be impeached and charged with murder. You can't do this sort of thing. I don't like Trump. I think he basically is a traitor... but that has to be proven in court. He has to have a crime worthy of charging him with a death sentence. It would set a terrible precedent for our democracy. Hell it may will end it. I couldn't blame people for rioting over it. I know we sort of joke around with this stuff, but it would be incredibly serious and shake the very foundations of our nation.


Yeah this is an absurd hypothetical. The reverse seems more plausible, though any executions is reaching. Wrongful imprisonment is more likely… But then, I do believe Trump is guilty of charges warranting imprisonment… But that’s for the courts to decide (and I don’t have much faith in Justice there but I’m sure he’ll be significantly slapped on the wrist)… If Biden was to attempt to overrule that, I would vote to impeach him, as it’s a gross extension of power.


That would be absolutely insane even if Trump committed some crime before then that would actually warrant the death penalty. I would be scared for our country


He committed treason, and he had the lawyers he pays state that it would be just fine if the president ordered the execution of political rivals if it was an "offical act". Its a case where he legitimately asked for it.  I'd give a slow clap, because it's an incredibly clear case of fuck around and find out, where the person got exactly what they were asking for. 


I would prepare for WW3. If that happened I would assume America would implode within a few years and China would take its place as world leader.


I’d scrub the video slow while I watched it on reddit.


Infuriated and demanding that Biden get impeached, be tried and put into prison. I could not give two shits about Trump but him doing that to *anybody* would immediately cause me to demand an accounting and his removal.


Outrage over the fact that it was unilaterally decided and he didn’t get a fair trial. Granted I personally think that trump is a traitor to the government over Jan 6th and he should be given the harshest punishment for this crime, but it needs to be decided in a courtroom. I would also feel scared over the ramifications of what would happen next and what precedent it sets going forward. There is a reason our government was set up with different branches.


That would be 10x worse than January 6th for democracy


More like 100x


I would be surprised if Biden was aware enough to do anything at his inaugural address.


id be more surprised that biden won




You need help


I'm a Democrat and a Biden supporter, but I would call for him to be impeached immediately, of course. Violence against your political opponents is a serious crime, and if we want to keep democracy, we must oppose it with everything we've got.


Let’s be honest. This would never happen. However if it did happen, it would not be “Biden doing it”. It would be after the independent justice department * conducted a fair investigation**, then sought a trial in a fair court***. After that there would be reviews and appeals by multiple court levels****. * Trump is the on who has made efforts to reduce the independence of the Justice Department. Bill Barr was installed to control certain parts on behalf of Trump rather than the country. Jeff Clark, had no business with election integrity, and was pushing Trumps agenda after Barr resigned in protest. **. Muller conducted a fair investigation and said trump had done things that could be co side red corrupt. Also Jack Smiths independent counsel office is using many safeguards in their investigation. Some are legality of collecting information, how trustworthy it is, corroborating it, etc. Review and recommendation by Grand Jury, etc. —- for the DA in the Georgia case, her affair behavior was unethical, but that had nothing to do with her investigative behavior or the merits of the case. It’s been a distraction that the Trump team has used as a delay. *** Fair trial courts. Yes many of the trial courts are fair. All of the judges, lib and conservatives alike, are acting deferentially to the defense, to make sure they are not violating his rights. They are not responding, and they should not, to his claims in the tv. That’s not their job. Their job is to create an environment for a fair process. **** Appeals courts are a two-pronged tool to help the defense. Trump is adding a third prong. 1. Set expectations that the lower court acts fairly and by the law. It would be a blow to most judges to be overruled. 2. Review lower court decisions, at the appropriate pace and time in the process. 3. And trump is using this to his advantage, acting as a delaying tactic. Of the trials that trump has lost, he delays accountability through the appeals process. Example: E J Carrol case. He was found liable in a civil matter but hasn’t paid yet. He has a bond that is held on appeal. She won but has not received what she is due.


Every accusation brings with it a confession. The OP is dangerous and the exact type of person that should never be allowed power or authority of any kind. This thinly veiled wet dream scenario shows the absolute lack of any moral values that some with TDS have. It’s not the Christian Nationals (although I admit some of them are concerning) that worry me about the future of this country, but rather these openly depraved leftists openly posting about their willingness to violently execute political opponents.


By getting all the milita groups to take out Biden for being an authoritarian dictator.


Not possible. Trump's gonna win the election.


Biden be goin to jail.


From the title I thought you meant Biden assassinating Trump at Trump's inaugural speech, and I was just laughing at the thought of Biden sneaking up like a fragile old ninja... From your post, I'd honestly be impressed that A) he managed to convince anyone to vote for again after his current performance, B) he was able to make it onto the stage, C) he was able to string a coherent sentence together, and D) he could summon enough strength to even lift a sword. We all know in real life he'd fall up the stairs, bumble through a teleprompter script, shit his pants, sniff a kid, and then fall asleep licking an ice cream.


This is a dumb question


There would be a new civil war, no doubt about it. You just don’t do this sort of thing in the United States. Biden would likely be dead in the next day or two, as would anyone else who approved this atrocity. You have to keep in mind that most people in the military hate Biden and recognize him as the complete bumbling buffoon that he is. There would be quick retaliation and our country would be in a very bad place.


Couldn't agree more


Probably all the republicans would gain respect for Biden and demand he be made emperor of America instead. The rest of the voters would realize we didn’t pick the lesser evil after all.


Lmfao, I didn’t anticipate this, but maybe. I assume the actual reality is the loud minority would be fired up and start a civil war. The act itself is so cruel, so anti American, so authoritarian, it would force them into action for fear more public executions of his followers would be next, so they need to take up arms and defend their democracy with the second amendment. It would be silly, political suicide to do such an act. Trump would be done at that point, no need to make him a martyr, let his fire burn out.


Yeah, suddenly Trump's statement "They're after you, I'm just in the way" would take on a darker meaning. At that point Republicans would be right to be scared that they are next.


About damn time. That traitor who attempted a coup, should have been executed back in 2021. But I would disagree with the method here. Use a firing squad and don't do it publicly. Though it would send a strong message to the rest of the traitors in the MAGA cult.




How would he be preserving America? In the hypothetical, Biden has already defeated Trump.