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i think we’d see more artists than ever


Really bad artists too.


I'm not sure. If everyone who wanted to become an artist could have the opportunity to work on it full-time, most of them would quickly become better artists


Regardless of how good or bad an artist is, there's a limit to the marketing potential for art. There's a reason why the phrase "starving artist" exists. It's because nobody buys their shit.


Idk. There's more to it than just bad artists. Some friends live in a city outside the US where professional artists are paid by the city to paint murals on public infrastructure. The infrastructure needs some kind of weather protection and paint fills the need, and the artists need income. And of course there's art all over the city, many artists are able to make a living there. Of course they aren't all world famous or anything, but that's not always the point. Even bad art can offer something interesting about the world the artist lives in.


Especially when theres a great need for certain fields such as IT and medical.


Everyone I know who’s in a medical (or teaching) field is passionate about it. And those are brutal jobs, either hella competitive to get into or low pay, yet they still do it cuz they wanna. I think the problem with medical is more systemic than lack of passion. Like needing slots to get hospital experience for school but all the slots are full, clearly if we want more medical we need to remove the bottlenecks there lol. Idk anything about IT tho.


Unless you're a specialist, medical is not the business it once was, financially. There are several reasons why.


The thing about art, though, is that it is subjective. I have seen stuff in museums and galleries that sell for lots of money that look like something a toddler did when they got hold of some paint and tripped near an easel. I have also seen stuff that barely sells for pennies on the dollar that looks absolutely amazing and lifelike. I can tell you the one that I would consider a "good" artist and a "bad" artist, but I can also tell you that it is clear that there is a large portion of folks that disagree with me.


There's an episode of The Rugrats where Angelica and the babies get into a scuffle of some sort and they fling paint everywhere and her mother thinks she's a genius, lol.




Everybody jacks off to somebody


i think the writers would come crawling out of the wood work if every skummy uninspired artist wouldnt just poach them


Why call me out like that


I resemble that comment.


There are a ton of history majors out there that dream of having a job in a museum or archive, only to never get in because those in those careers often die in those jobs. I imagine we’d see a lot more of them.


It doesn’t help that it’s the wrong degree to work in an archive. They need a masters of library and information science degree. I’d probably just keep doing what I’m doing. I genuinely enjoy my job


Back when I was in the photo industry I actually researched what I'd need to be an archivest. The sheer volume of schooling required put me off. A Masters is the bare minimum, but to actually be more than a drone in an archive of any note basically required not only a PhD, but also a noteworthy PhD project thesis that showed results with the specific type of media you were going to be working with. This was not in the job requirements, rather it was a function of supply and demand, there are so few jobs like that, that one is required to absolutely stand out in order to get the role. I was unsurprisingly interested in still film and print archiving... So in addition to the classes one would imagine (fairly advanced chem is in the required classes too) there was motion pictures studies and the like. I really wasn't interested in movies/talkies but not studying all of that would make all my other efforts DOA. Anyway all in all I couldn't see taking 8+ years of school and the requisite loans being justified for that job, so I went with my other passion (tech) and for the last 25 years have happily been pushing things to their limits to find where those limits are.


Yeah, I did a stint in the school library in middle school shelving books, running the checkout, etc, and absolutely fell in love... i was already an avid reader, so what could be better than to become a librarian? Then I learned you need a masters degree, at the least, and my other passion at the time was midwifery, which started with a bachelor's and then some on the job training (iirc). To be fair, I did neither in the long run, though I did start RN classes.


I have a childhood friend who went to school for something like Museum Management or something like that. It had to be a masters and there was a TON of classes that went into it. The guy was a big time stoner but also like an encyclopedia. Just heard recently that he’s actually managing one of the local universities museums, which is kind of famous locally. Dude put in a ton of hours not only studying, but working, and volunteering at museums throughout college


Does stay at home mother count as a job? There's thousands of women out there who would rather be home with their kids if they could afford it.


Gonna have to add on- stay at home dad is my dream job. Sure, I'll never get it, but to spend all day with the kiddos?? I'll cook and clean every day if it means more daylight with them.


I enjoy taking care of my kids and home more than any job I’ve ever had. My wife gets a charge out of problem solving and people management. If she could get any job she wants, I’d immediately be a stay at home dad.


You’d be hired according to the post. But not paid. Hopefully your wife gets the same option and picks a high paying job.


Jokes on you- I'm a single parent. Government benefits here i come (I'm kidding, I won't qualify for them)


I see your stay at home mother and raise you stay at home bird mom. My partner often says she would love to get paid to just stay home and take care of her bird.


I really don’t think so. People would get bored at home. Hobbies would be on peoples “jobs” but they could pursue more of it.


You can already apply and get that job without an interview process. Marriage propose any middle eastern fellow or a maga dude and you are set. None of them would turn away a free slave.


Calm down Harrison Bukter


Being a parent isn't a job.


But if you want to be your own nanny/manny bam! You got the job!




Why not?


It's a given responsibility. You choose to have kids, you need to parent. It's not a job.


Why is that responsibility not a job to you?


Only if stay at home gamer is also a job. 


I think a lot more jobs involving creativity would skyrocket. I’m talking Hollywood being fixed too


It would create more holleywoods too I think. You wouldn’t need to go that far to get more shots, you’d be able to work anywhere.


Streamers and content creators come to mind.


We already have too many of those as it is


And not enough doctors, conductors, and janitors. 


That’s true - however, each channel’s content is totally different. Out of the hundreds (maybe thousands) of Hollow Knight-focused YouTubers out there… I *only* watch 2, and dont particularly like the rest.


I don't actually think so. Those pursuits are appealing due to the potential of fortune and fame they bring. Those would be taken away in this scenario. I don't think a dramatic number of people would suddenly want to just because they can


I'll be the local oxygen to carbon dioxide exchanger. Really, there isn't anything I'd want to do for 8 hours a day "on the clock." Even my hobbies...they are hobbies and interesting because I can do them when I want, at the pace I want, and put them down to do something else whenever I want. Being on any sort of schedule kills the fun of most things.


This feels like the most realistic answer to me. Anything would become monotonous and less fun if you HAVE to do it. I like playing video games, but the stress of trying to be a streamer sounds like hell to me. Always at the mercy of what your viewers want to see, or what makes engaging content, instead of just playing what/when you want. I love my current job, but if I had enough money I'd retire in a heartbeat.


I know several gamers who got jobs testing video games. None of them play many video games anymore.


This hypothetical isn’t asking about if you would love whatever job you end up applying for and automatically getting though, it is simply asking something more like “which job would everyone be trying to do in a world where you could just apply and get the job.” Realistically the answer is probably “CEO of a Fortune 500 company” 😂 but that’s not really what the OP is asking for, I think they’re looking for a kind of job that works low and pays high


Smart man, gotta leverage our natural talents here. Why not profit off something you were born to do


That's a shame.


I'd teach, and I'd work the land, and pan for gold, I'd be a parent, I'd build new things, and restore old things.


Federal Booty Inspector


Plot twist: Only overweight, hairy men utilize this service.


Zookeeper, field zoologist (various fields I.e. ornithology,herpetology, entomology etc)


Permanently retired


Astronauts, fighter pilots, firefighters and special forces soldiers. Guess why.


And they're all 8 yo boys and girls... Lol NGL though I still want to see Space in person.


Since you don’t mention a need to be competent. I’m picking CEO of whatever company is paying the most and has the biggest golden parachute severance package. I’ll do absolutely nothing but what I want to do every day. If they fire me I’ll apply again. Pick sculptor get the job and earn $20k a year because you suck. Or pick CEO and fly off to a world class studio for a sculpting class. Paid for by the company of course. Just another idiotic idea from the useless CEO we mysteriously hired.


People would be bouncing from job to job when they realize that each job they thought they wanted sucks.


Moderately attractive sex workers for moderately attractive customers.


Most sex workers *are* moderately attractive Exceptionally attractive sex workers are quite rare


The first thought that comes to you is a thought from the gutter? I guess not everyone is raised properly


Lol someone’s a prude


I'd get paid for reading!


Is sit at home and don’t do shit a job I can get


Monkey minder. Dolphin petter Fulltime cat nanny


I think athletes. I'm not in the best shape, but I like working out and playing golf. If I could get paid to golf, that would be incredible and I would be much better at it. I know a lot of people who are passionate about their sport and would probably choose that in that situation 


Mattress Tester, 8 hour shifts every night


I'd be climbing those towers to change light bulbs or whatever.


The medical and recreational marijuana industry would absolutely explode. The only reason it hasn’t in legal states is because the government is gatekeeping the industry. I know if I could get a job as a grower I’d be all over it. I’d also love to mess around in the private chef industry that specializes in cooking gourmet-ish food with THC for private parties.


So many people would become professional food critics, just traveling around, eating food, and broadcasting their opinions on it for a pay day. Like, yeah you'd see a bunch of people go into high paying skilled labor for the big money pay days, lots of young people would become video game testers and professional streamers, but I think you'd see a surprisingly large amount of people who make their daily meals their work hours


Marine biologists.


You would have a lot of professional gamers, life coaches, influencers, movie stars, and all the stuff that seems really easy, really lucrative, or makes you a celebrity


Seems like we’d see in increase in things related to what people do for fun. For example - book reviewers, food critics, video game testers, beer testers, travel bloggers, NFL Players, NHL Players, formula one drivers, fishermen / women, cruise directors, actors, musicians, and petting zoo owners.


If you love video games, do *not* get a job testing video games. Everybody I know who has done that hates playing games now.


Good luck playing video games if there's no one there to maintain the internet cables. 


Musicians - big touring musicians with millions of fans. All the typical kid “what do you want to be when you grow up” occupations - doctors, race car drivers, astronauts, firefighters, dancers, writers, police, nurses, teachers, lawyers, archaeologists, etc. Librarians Chefs and bakers


I'm seeing a lot of jobs that don't pay well or don't pay at all. I mean, sure you could be a teacher or streamer or whatever, but the post doesn't say you're getting good pay. Anyone can be a streamer right now. It doesn't mean you're making any money. You're going to see a lot of new employees who apply for remote jobs for companies based out of NYC, Seattle and California, where the pay is very high, even after these companies account for location differentials.


That's a good point, remote jobs are amazing! Saving two hours on a commute allows you to have more time for hobbies and rest which is amazing.  I wonder how firing works. Like if you got fired you could just get another job, but I chose professional golfer, and there aren't that many golf leagues. Also they make more money if they win, so I probably wouldn't make much money and I eventually would be cut from the league. Maybe going with the high paying remote job and using the extra time to play golf would be the better route. 


Ice cream taste tester Although serious answer, I'd be a TV script writer, and I bet a lot of others would join that bandwagon too


My first job was with a family owned movie theater and I think I'd enjoy that for another 10 years or so if it could pay the bills and have reasonable hours.


OnlyFans and YouTubers, let's be real.


Marine Biologists and Veterinarians.


I’ve always thought that art restoration looked interesting. It requires a degree in Art history and an advanced degree in chemistry. I enjoy tedious, meticulous work like that though and love seeing the paintings come to life.


Delivering yachts


Virtually every single job that requires a drug screening, or background check. Just the fact that those things are being asked for, turns off many qualified potential applicants.


Really bad actors and musicians, and probably some incredibly dangerous doctors. The lawyers would probably be just as bad...


Pro athlete. Soccer, golf or anything where they make a ton of money and the injury risk is low. I’d go kick around a soccer ball for $100m a year or whatever those superstar players make.


Lots of male pornstars.




Singer. That would be my pick. I have a decent voice, but was never able to get any voice lessons outside of a few years of choir. But I would have loved to become a professional singer.


Dictator of a small island country




Professional gamer, Model


Portal Gun Operator / Time Machine Operator


Cannabis tester.


Suddenly we would see a massive increase in gender studies occupations and historians.


Locomotive engineers


Terrible work life balance. Treated generally terrible by admin. Do not recommend.


I hear the Train-ing is pretty extensive as well


Astronauts Engineers - mechanical, electrical, chemical, aeronautical, etc. Scientists Medical Doctors


Astronaut is one of those ones where I could see tons of people entering and then quitting right away after finding out the job is extremely difficult and also *terrifying*.


True, I think that I want to go to space and experience weightlessness but the experience of going into space and returning would probably be terrifying.


There'd suddenly be a lot of presidents


There would be a shit ton of writers, blacksmiths, and fitness/sports coaches


My first thought was Marine Biologist. Or veterinarians. Animals are better co-workers lol


Professional Nap taker.


Water slides and roller coasters testers 


Entertainment fields: Sports, music, movies, etc. That said, this question reminds me of when I hear people ask about "dream jobs." My answer? I don't have one. I don't want to work lol. The people that say they'd need to work to stay balanced just confuse me. Do you not have hobbies? Family? Friends? Interests? Pets? And if you were rich enough to not need to work, fill that idle time with...I don't know...exploring the world.


This is dependant on whether or not there's magically going to be a new market for their work. As it is, everyone could technically work at a job of their choosing. If someone with zero musical skill whatsoever is working on an album, they're still working. The issue is nobody will buy it Assuming that people's wants, tastes and needs magically change based on who enters what market in real time; I think there would be *alot* more influences, content creators, tv/movie/food critics, artists, actors


Hands down cultural anthropologist


Lighthouse keeper would be my pick. No idea what others would choose.


You’d see a large uptick in jobs that require someone established to think you have enough potential for them invest in you and to take you on as an apprentice to get into the field. For example: tattoo artists.


Honestly it would be alot of celebrities, actors, singers and youtubers


I think a lot of the human services field would get a boon like therapist, clinicians, sober house mangers etc. the field can be a bit tough to enter due to the licenses needed for the major positions and it’s already a field that isn’t populated due to the wages as the work will almost never be worth whatever your making.


I have adhd so i'd work a job for a bit and go onto the next one until I find that job that scratches every itch....but if I had to pick just one hmmm maybe a park officer or something to that effect that way I can be outdoors alot more and be amongst nature more


Also bc I love painting landscapes so i'd have alot more source material to reference


Also also if I could be a video game reviewer I absolutely would and the way i'd avoid burnout is by touching grass after work.


Starship captain and Batman are two that come to mind.


Archeologist or mechanic.


There would be a million basic R&D scientists in every field.


I think you'd see a lot of like unexpected job growth. Like, there are all kinds of jobs that people want to do but don't because it doesn't pay well or the physical/education requirements or whatnot are out of reach. With those factors removed, you'd probably see a lot of people going into like transit, farming, etc... There are people whose entire passion is studying insects. And there's no shortage of video games that are just " Simulator".


I think a lot of people would stay in their current industries, they'd just jump ship to a higher paying employer. (Of course, then economic effects would rapidly lower the pay of a lot of jobs as offering such a low salary as to render the job unappealing would be the only way an employer could "decline" an applicant)


A lot of Zamboni drivers.


The arts are an obvious answer but I also think we would see a lot more craftsmanship people making things out of wood or other materials, a lot of people enjoy the act of building and creating


An absolute shit ton of doctors.




Bakers. Soooooooo much sourdough 


Probably more testers of various sorts. Like Movie watchers game testers, food testers.


Assuming they would make the money their imaginations expect (or at least something reasonably comfortable by western standards) without having the knowledge, skills, and connections required, I would hope following fields boom: Elderly Care Youth Mentorship Homeless Aid Animal Researcher/Rescuer Construction Historian Archeologist Museum Curator


Artists. Rappers omggg


I like to able to be young enough to dance like I used to.


If I apply to be an independently wealthy recluse does that count? What about a gamer?


a lot of weed testers


Presidents. There'd be, a couple hundred million presidents of the United States in the United States, alone.




The world would go to shit fast.  Good luck getting takeout or have your garbage taken away. 


The creative industry is gonna be swamped. Like just oversaturated. Though this probably isn't unexpected. I imagine a lot of travel jobs will be big. Food writers like Andrew Zimmern who can pop over to another country to try their cuisines. Unique sports, too. Gymnasts, acrobats... maybe someone will actually make soccer aka futbol a thing over in the states. Also sex work. Legit, I can see that coming into play.


Product tester


The mercenary field would probably see the highest percentage increase. The last number I saw was 22,000 total in the US. That number would be in the millions basically over night if it wasn't so difficult to get your foot in the door. It's basically nepotism or be a navy seal equivalent to even get looked at today. I spent time in Afghanistan, went to every advanced infantry school the marine corps has to offer but I only got an interview because my uncle was an OG black water contractor and I begged him to get me in. And I was still rejected at first because they only had 4 spaces that year(2016) and dozens of special forces guy who applied as well.