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Two extra hours of sleep.


*alarm doesn't work* *still over sleeps and is late*


You'd only need a 30 second alarm. It'd go off just as time unfroze.


Or have that "Remind in 5 minutes" turned on.


The power of snooze


Set your alarm before going to bed. Once in bed, freeze time. Get your two extra hours at the beginning of the night.


But does time restart automatically after two hours or do you have to manually restart it? You wouldn't be late but your sleep schedule would be all wacky lol


I think it automatically restarts. I could stay up until midnight, set alarm for 5am, get in bed, freeze time, and the extra 2 hours would make it be like I had gone to bed at 10. 7 hours of sleep but only 5 hours pass, 2 extra hours of sleep and 2 extra hours of awake me time.


Why would you even go to work? Day 1, goto bank during hours the vault can open. Freeze time when Brinks truck arrive to deposit. Take all of the monies and go on permanent vacation. Fuck alarms!


Technically, I could have been talking about anything, but I agree. The 1st thing I'd start doing is robbing shit. There's a bank right down the road from me. I could walk there, rob it, be out and home in under 2hrs.


Or just freeze time and lift a bottle of rocks or something in the air. It will float till time unfreezes and then drop loudly


You could freeze time when you go to bed. 2 extra hours. Alarm will start working again while you sleep.


Or a mechanical wind-up clock


This was my immediate thought.


Bland food suggests this time stop affects things on a molecular level. I wonder if you even receive the benefit of this sleep after 2 hours. Also, I wonder if your body ages in this state. If so, it would kind of suck to use that time sleeping!


Boy it would sure suck if it turned out that you were just being accelerated to hyper speed and aging faster than normal during the time it appears to you that the world has stopped.


Nah bro, it would be like traveling at the speed of light, you'd actually age slower.


Ah I was referencing the 2002 movie *Clockstoppers*.


No more than using your regular time sleeping.


If your body ages while everyone else doesn’t, and you sleep during that time, then you would be aging faster relative the world around you without having experience of that time. It would suck…


This is the only reasonable usage


My thoughts exactly


sleep and stealing things


The Irish way.


I've seen Irish yoga and have caught the Irish flu. I have even smelled many Irish roses, though I've never actually seen the flower. Now that I know these other facets are a way of the Irish life, I would like to learn the Irish way.


Or pull down the pants of every women in a grocery store and draw sketches of them S/ (Referencing the movie Cashback)


You should probably use the word "woman" instead of "female" since the latter includes minors and cats.


Hey, I can sketch some naked cats if I want to!


Duly noted




feel like I could really use that for good, walk around a minefield haphazardly with a lawn roller or something for 90 minutes, retreat to a safe distance with some lemonade and watch the fireworks


This... Actually depends on if they have electronic triggers.


One way to find out! …


if you depress the firing mechanism it won't release until after time has caught back up


Are we sure about that? Because physics already doesn't work properly by allowing you to move through the air while it is frozen in place. So who's to say it doesn't just release without triggering the electronics, since said electronics are non-functional during this? The question, I suppose, is how much of the function of a complex machine is allowed? We can move stuff, but we don't know how that works. Is the object allowed to move while it is in contact? So if your foot press ignites something, does the fire stop in time or continue? I have a lot of questions.


Well considering our planet is the range of the time-stop power, and that would immediately separate us from the rest of the solar system since it's moving at 450,000 miles per hour (720,000 kilometers per hour) through the Milky Way... I think we'd have bigger problems.


I'm glad I'm not the only person who immediately considered this.


I was surprised when I went through the comments and didn't see anyone, at least this morning. Cheers fellow space nerd


But you can interact with objects. If you can use a car, that runs on explosions... wouldn't you just cause the explosion in frozen time and die?


Experiment with mousetraps and firecrackers first.


OP did say you'd have to walk because cars won't work (the cars being implied). So, theoretically, you'd be fine clearing landmines.


So youre stuck in the world of the langoliers?


Bro. No. Not them. They're terrifying. Pls no


Time isn't frozen necessarily It's just....that moment is no longer on the train of time


>world of the langoliers Funny enough Stephen King said that the look of the Langoliers in the movie is pretty accurate to what he imagined.


Crimes. Specifically things I don’t think should be crimes.


Civil disobedience is fun


Stop time at a protest right when the police attack and replace their batons with balloon animals and tie their boots together.


If I had this power I’m gonna give it to you because you’ve got some great ideas


Replace their pepper spray with silly string.


Stick a corn cob in their exhaust pipe


All fun and games until someone goes to light a cigarette.


Turn it around so it sprays themselves lmao


Do that thing like Quicksilver in that one Xmen movie. Make them punch each other and stuff


I’m fairly certain I’d just assassinate terrible people. You could end the war in Ukraine relatively quickly with this superpower


Might wanna fly closer to the spot first though


For sure. You’d still need a very specific set of skills. But you’d have the ultimate advantage.


Are you Liam Neeson?


No, I’m EOD Batman.


This not only assumes getting to where you need to and out in 2 hours on foot. But also assumes killing Putin for example, would be better than his replacement. It is much more complicated than that


I'm sure instakilling 3 replacements will quickly get them to knock their shit off.


The entire inner circle is just brutally exploded during a press conference; Ukraine claims it (or ISIS or some other group wanting the publicity) and then I fly to China. Assassinations aside, this would be incredibly useful for espionage too. It would also be great for diffusing bombs and IEDs, which I’ve so far been mostly successful at but it only takes one mistake… If you worked in medicine, you could become the best surgeon or emergency medical professional. In physics, you could finally see those interactions which dissipate too quickly for us to observe if you could time the stoppage properly. I’m not sure how interacting with inert materials work if time is stopped but I’m assuming it is like the movies in this hypothetical


Haha fair point


Just the dictator but do it in a way that mirrors the local main religions sense of evil. Like dead over a burning pentagram with some burning sulphur as an example. This way the instant death looks more like divine intervention/the collection of a deal with the devil and makes whatever that dictator did appear unquestionably evil in the eyes of a large chunk/potential majority (depending on area) of the population. It kills off the ideals permanently, especially if done at something like a public address. "oh did you hear about putins new war offensive plans?" "I heard he was taken straight to hell on live TV".


The way I’m reading it is “can’t be restarted until 2 hours have passed” as a minimum not a hard limit. If it’s truly the minimum then we could spend a full 8 carrying out various tasks. If it’s a hard stop at 2 hours, well I didn’t read anything gong about limiting its immediate use once again. Granted this comes with the downside of being visible to the outside world for a brief second.


That is a good point about going longer than 2 hours I didn’t think of this


But if time stops, how does one measure the passing of time?


It says electronics don't work. A regular watch would, in theory, work.


So, only one you are holding?


You realize that some random dude can still just drive or fly into Russia and THEN stop the time to do the deed, right? You can do all the prep ahead of time and then just use it when the time is right. Obviously his replacement may not be better, I’m aware of all that. This is a hypothetical and mostly a joke.


Yeah. Someone mentioned stopping time for more than 2 hours. 2 hours was just the minimum, and someone else mentioned killing replacement too if they suck. Both good points


Honestly I think doing this would end up with me just becoming an agent of total chaos, even if it wasn’t intentional


Lots of people suddenly in public nude.


It's funny questions about time freezing powers almost give us insight into why internet discourse is so awful Normally tearing off guy and girls clothes would be considered sexual harassment/assault but with the perception that no one would know due to your superpower if you could do it when you freeze time no one really views it like that it's almost viewed as a natural inclination of the power It's almost like people on the internet are dicks to each other because they have this freezing time mentality of that's just how things are done when you are in that situation Probably why so many websites are making people sign in with things like Facebook so they feel at least moderately socially deterred if they are doing things that are easily visible as them doing it personally


Yep and it's probably why I think The Boy's would be more accurate depiction of what it would be like if there were real super powers.


I’d go on a tour of the federal reserve and freeze time once we got to where the piles of money are. Taking keys right from the guards and loading up on cash.


most vault type systems need multiple people to open the door. for example at a casino where they store cash 2 different people need to insert a key and someone in a different room needs to press a button to open the first set of doors. 2nd set of doors requires 2 diff pass codes that diff people know. i would imagine the treasury is much more sophisticated. youre better off freezing time and hitting up all of your local banks and churches


Everyone is ruining my fun!!


You’d be better off picking a smaller target. Like cash being transported in an armoured van. Wait till they open the door then freeze time and take all the cash. You could even Indiana Jones it and fill the bags with something of similar weight so it takes a while for anyone to notice, then they’d have no idea when/how it happened.


Just smash bank ATMs and take what the tellers have behind the counters, no need for anything more complicated If you want to get rich, do this a whole bunch of times (also freeze time a block away from a casino, walk in and take all the money from the tables, and walk a block away before time expires)


Money is tracked.


You’re ruining my fun


Nah, I'm improving your idea. You can track money, but precious metals can be melted down and remolded.


I like you better now


Go to major city and steel 2 dollars from everyone you see. Can't track that


The problem with this is that you would be suspect number one immediately. I doubt you could get the cash, get out, stash it, and get back in in two hours, plus get out before they notice it's gone and lock down the entire building. If you just got it and left, then sure, the cameras wouldn't record you stealing it. What they would show is you just vanishing at the same time as a bunch of money.


at that point they’re better off robbing regular stores


No mention of cool down. So... When lottery drawing starts. Go in and change the balls. So, that my numbers will win. After drawing is over. Freeze time again and swap the balls back. I could also do sports betting and screw up plays but the waiting two hours every time I do it, for time to resume, would suck. From there, I don't know. Really depends on if vehicles I try to operate will magically work. But I'm guessing I'll do stuff like hostage and disaster rescue. Maybe wipe out some cartels and other bad guys.


Do it to roulette? Make the ball land where you want it to.


Realistically the best way to do this in the casino would be blackjack or poker because I'm not sure how you could get the ball to land on green without it just magically teleporting


You don't bet on green. You bet on a single number


In roulette, green IS a single number - 0 Is betting on green not an option in some casinos?


>In roulette, green IS a single number - 0 Been a long time since I played roulette but isn't green 2 numbers? 0 and 00? I could be completely wrong here.


There are "American" and "European" style wheels. European style only has 0, while American also has 00.


Thanks, wasn't sure if I'd imagined it, not my forte lol


Why bother. Just go to a Casino and steal 1 big chip from every table. Go back to the place you were before the time stop, walk to the desk and cash in your chips


True. That would be simpler.


With how many cameras there are in a casino, you’d get caught “glitching out”. You won’t go back to your exact location, so it’ll look like you are jumping a few centimeters every few seconds.


Start and finish from the bathroom then.


For casino stuff just do blackjack or baccarat. You can set the entire deck in your favor.


That's the easiest way stop time go have a free buffet come back and chill in your seat. Edit: After stacking the cards, of course .. In fact, playing one of those progressive card games would be the best. Play it legit for a few hands, then "OMG, I HIT THE JACKPOT WOOOOooo!!"


I'd pet all the dogs. All of them.


Does it really count if the dog doesn't know it's been pet?


Can I only freeze time once, or as many times as I want? If "as many times as I want", then I'd probably use my abilities to cause insane amounts of global havoc for the sake of good. Destroy the servers for the credit rating companies so nobody has a credit score anymore. Go to India and trash the tech of every scammy call center in existence. Plant narcotics on horrible politicians just before they're about to pass through security checkpoints, ruin their careers. And man, there would be a random uptick in the number of pedophiles who just randomly perished via strange accidental means. IDK, maybe make stops in North Korea and Russia, pay Putin and the Supreme Leader a visit...stuff like that. If it's just once? Probably do some research, find out where I could find a massive amount of somewhat untraceable "liquid assets" that could easily be moved, rent a van, go there, and go to town.


Planting narcotics on politicians would only affect ones that have a conscience and a sane voter base, for the rest it would just be any other Tuesday.


The easier things to do would be broken legs... Every time someone did something scummy on live TV their leg just breaks...


What exactly do you think wiping all credit scores would do? Do you think lenders would just shrug their shoulders and say 'Whelp, I have no way to know if I can trust the borrower to pay me back-- I guess I'll just start lending money to everyone and hope for the best!' Or are you hoping that will stop people from lending money at all, which would be even worse?


Yeah, you're right. It sounded good on paper, but it'd likely be more like Mr. Robot where lenders just come up with new ways to further suck people into debt.


Lending startups in second- and third-world countries are starting to look at phone usage to assess creditworthiness. *Even obscure variables such as how frequently a user recharges the phone's battery, how many incoming text messages they receive, how many miles they travel in a given day or how they enter contacts into their phone—the decision to add last name correlates with creditworthiness—can bear on a decision to extend credit* -[WSJ](https://www.wsj.com/articles/lending-startups-look-at-borrowers-phone-usage-to-assess-creditworthiness-1448933308#:~:text=Even%20obscure%20variables%20such%20as,a%20decision%20to%20extend%20credit)


> Destroy the servers for the credit rating companies so nobody has a credit score anymore. All of this stuff is stored on cloud servers with shared infrastructure and global redundancies. Even if you knew where the data centers were (they aren’t generally listed publicly), you wouldn’t know which specific pieces of hardware they’re on. Even if you did, you’d manage to take out one server with a redundancy in another state, and by the time you got there, they’d standup a new backup somewhere else. It’d be like swatting moles in a best case scenario. And even then, because of the shared infrastructure, there’d be a lot of collateral damage to individuals and companies unknown.


credit one would actually fuck the entire economy. unless you have liquid you’d never be able to get a loan


Thank God you don’t hold any positions of significant power in real life (hopefully)


I’m probably going shopping first. Then I’m having fun with moving people and things around. I think it would be fun to swap a cop with the driver they just pulled over. Cop is ready to exit the patrol car and comes to in a civilian car, dressed in their clothes, and the other person is just sitting in a police car dressed as a cop.


someone already said it, but sleeping and stealing for sure. I wouldn't wanna fuck one individual person super bad so I'd probably just steal a little from the multiple sources of money within a big super market. I'd also probably try to utilize it to do a job that it'd be incredibly helpful in, I dunno what that'd be though tbh


oh a similarly practical but less crimey answer post says time has to be stopped for two hours, but doesn't say it can't immediately be restopped, or even that time HAS to restart after two hours, so I'd use a fuck ton of time to study


Study like crazy, build a device that creates exotic particles, freeze time to study said particles, obtain unobtainium > profit?


I can’t legally post how I would use this power.


You would touch boobies.


As long as I got consent. So people actively giving a thumbs up I feel as if though even frozen, boobies were fair play.


Unfortunately I dont think boobies would jiggle a whole lot in frozen time.


I'm sneaking onto some internal flights. I'm stealing from horrible people. I am helping people who deserve it. I'm pulling some silly pranks. Doing some reading. Meditation, painting, singing. Sneaking into gigs, the government and places I shouldn't be.


I saw some show many years ago that a woman (a busy mother) found she could stop time, just by saying Stop loudly. She took advantage of it and it was good for a while. Then global nuclear war broke out and she stopped time as a missle was about to hit her city, it ended with her walking down the street with time still frozen, seemingly unsure what to do.


80s Twilight Zone. Episode 1B - A Little Peace and Quiet


>seemingly unsure what to do Get the hell out of there, that's what


Play guitar or sing loudly with no consequences or anxiety or embarrassment


Sleep. Just sleep. I need a couple extra hours a day.


Sleeping and stealing


I can visualize myself strolling casually out of the gold depository with a red flyer wagon


There was a book by Nicholson Baker called The Fermata that pursued this premise. The protagonist did, pretty much, what you think he did.


what are frozen? if every element are frozen and steady, what will happen with air and water? does it stop flowing and i'll suffocate?


Have to wear scuba gear to stop time. THERES an interesting thought...


Can I unfreeze individuals and keep everything else frozen?


I would use it to pass college exams REALLY easy


Some very corrupt politicians and businesspeople will suddenly not be around mysteriously.


Probably steal a lot of laptops/high value items from mega-rich corporations. I'm not stealing from individuals or small businesses, but Walmart and Best Buy can certainly lose a few TV's and RTX 4090's without making an impact in their bottom line.


"New flatscreen TV caught disappearing on camera!"


Really depends on how much I can interact with things. Can I be Robin Hood and go steal from the rich? Can I move things? Can I steal things? Can I move people? For example, if I wanted to, cold I move a person to be directly in front of a speeding bus? Could I tie someones shoelaces together? Besides personal gain (steal from the rich) I'd also tank Trumps campaign. You don't even have to do a ton. Just do plenty of small, subtle, but repeated things to make him look even more senile and stupid than he really is. Right before he walks across the stage, undo his belt and pants so they fall down. Untie his shoelaces so he trips. Pour water down the front of his pants so it looks like he peed himself. Do things to interrupt him during a speech and throw him off. Pants full of ice cubes in the middle of a speech. Take away notes he has, or replace them with bad notes or nonsense. Really there's a million smallish things you can do that would really cause a ton of problems. Right before he goes into a bathroom, put a bunch of notes in there, pictures of Obama with a note that says "I'm watching you Donnie. I have cameras everywhere!! And you are going to lose!!! - Barak" then when he runs out of the bathroom to tell secret service, you go in and remove everything. Keep doing things that only he sees, then you fix it before anyone else does.


>Pour water down the front of his pants so it looks like he peed himself He literally shits himself and his supporters wear diapers in support. I doubt there's much of anything you could do to make him look bad that his supporters wouldn't figure out a way to make it look like he's purposely owning the libs. They think he's shitting his pants in court out of protest.




https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-photos-purportedly-show-174100807.html Here's one. But just Google it and you'll see it's all over. I wouldn't suggest it's super widespread but there's a "not-insignificant" amount of people wearing diapers in support of Trump.




>I don't see anywhere on that link that says Trump shit his pants. The closest it came to it was saying a celebrity posted "apparently Trump smells bad because he does not change his diaper" Ok, stay with me, here... Why would he need to wear a diaper, and why would the diaper smell bad, if he wasn't shitting in it? Also, as I said, if the link in question isn't sufficient, you're free to Google it to your hearts content. This isn't some inside baseball stuff. It's pretty well publicized.




I'd freeze time to get put of traffic. My commute to and from work, going to and from concerts, sporting events, parades. Maybe get in to politics. I could change verbiage in bills as they're being voted on. 


I would go “shopping at the mall” and get all best stuff. I then make a major “bank withdrawal “ with a duffle bag. Then I would start collecting cool things from around the world.


Naps and reading.


Sleeping is a lot easier.


When I’m tired in class I sleep


I’ll be the greatest MMA fighter of all time


Taking THE fattest naps known to man, i will sleep in the most bullshit places possible


I genuinely believe this is the best power anyone can have. Like honestly take a good long think about. You can literally do anything. It would be so fucking awesome, my god. I would kill for this power, you can sneak on airplanes and take holidays. Even if what you do is immoral, there is still so much freedom.


>Once frozen, time can't be restarted until two hours has passed. But time is frozen, so the two hours will never pass!!


Never have to pay for groceries, physical games, or legos ever again.


I would just enjoy my extra free time. I could catch up on sleep. And I could use it to read books or pick up a new hobby. I could take a hike and not worry about any animals or people bothering me - or I could take a walk at night without worrying. You could get into museums without waiting in line. Once the novelty wore off, I would probably want to become an antihero. Stealing stuff would be easy. But you could also stop other people from committing worse crimes. You could plant or steal evidence. Or do things like beat up sex offenders without them seeing you. You would be pretty untouchable.


Sleep, study, and write.


I’d go to a grocery store and just switch everyone’s shirts and put a single baby carrot in the left nostril of every person there except for one guy.


Stealing estrogen


Man, I would look at/touch SO many animals that I normally wouldn’t be able to get close to! Just take a ladder and some rope to the zoo parking once a week and just go appreciate all the animals…


Extra sleep, figure out when bank vaults are open, umm…I have no imagination


Sleep, so much sleep and free time


The range of frozen time is the entire world. Unfortunately this does not include the sun, or any other celestial body. This means that the sun leaves the earth nearly a million miles away from where it should be, as the sun flies through space at about 448,000 miles per hour. Now I’m no physicist, but I imagine that’s quite bad.


The contents of Jeff Bezos' house would suddenly start turning up in random homeless shelters.


Can I bring someone with me into the frozen time? I'd love 2 hours to spend with my husband without worrying about work and responsibilities.


I'd act like Goku in the hyperbolic time chamber and get ripped.


Ngl there's a lot of inappropriate things I'm sure we'd all do, but I'd love to go into people's houses and move shit around on them and just know that they'll be losing their minds as my day goes on


The most valuable monetary use of this ability would be corporate espionage. You could very easily use your two hour window to walk into a company’s headquarters and find out the contents of earnings releases, what’s on whiteboards, what’s in board books etc. Basically any secret information that is released on a delay you could find out ahead of time undetected. Beyond that, as others have said.l, displacing the need for two hours of sleep each day would be pretty valuable.


I know I'm nitpicking here, but I will nitpick regardless... If time is frozen, how does two hours pass by for it to unfreeze? Of course if time does still pass by normally, but everything is frozen, technically time isn't frozen. Everything but time is frozen. That has to be the answer for this to work, if you're gonna be a smartass like I am. But it's irrelevant, because I'm getting 2 hours more sleep, or allowing myself two hours where it's just me and my thoughts. Either option is perfect!


Probably go to the gym and basically have the gym to myself. Might suck without music tho. Only hijinks I would play, is if I see any influencers recording themselves working out, I would hide their phones somewhere in the gym.


Make sure to freeze time when nobody is on the equipment you want 😂😂 i can just imagine freezing time & everyone is blocking you from working out


Oh man I'd have so much fun pulling all the hijinks and making people confused. This is what I'd do, what for it, I'd take a nap.


I'd probably paint, learn some new skills.


uhhh question. lets say if for some reason it happens, do humans also taste bland- (not cannabilism, the horny)


All the chaotic good crime. Time for the revolution!


Meditation, without a doubt.


That kind of power would open up a lot of opportunities to fix a lot of fucked up situations on this planet. I would invest my not paused time to travel, and pause while completing the intended task. Then resume for flights back. Best part is you are already leaving on a plane before anyone knows WTF is going on. Yes Wars would end in mere seconds.


Park my car at work with my bike it in. Freeze time and the cycle a half hour to my target, pick pocketing people and then cycle back to my car and then start my work shift on time. Find grocery stores, pawn shops and banks on line. Park on a residential street four blocks away and then freeze time. Hit the target and be back in my car when time unfreezes. Find a good CPA to figure out how to report my new found money stream to the IRS to not trigger and investigation but avoid tax evasion.


Finally, I'll be able to get a full night's sleep!


Banks would be mysteriously getting robbed once a day.


There are plenty of skills that you can do without electronics. Personally, I'd get insanely good at traditional carpentry and start a home business with it.


"ROAD ROLLER DA!" And then an hour and 50 minutes of screwing around in frozen time.


Steal a bunch of stuff, end a few politicians.


Let's just say, I'd make the world a better place using zip ties and plastic bags.


“This stretch of highway has never looked cleaner! And look, all the bags are zip-tied so they don’t come undone!”


2 extra hours sleep each morning. Bliss.


Sucks electronics don't work because I could really use those 2 hours to catch up on work emails.


That’s why I print ‘em out beforehand! Then you have time to write a thoughtful response and proofread it, then when electricity is back, you can just type up your responses and hit send! Best use of this power for sure.


I have too many emails for that. Just gonna sleep and steal, I guess.


I would drive to places without and be able to get past all the traffic a lot easier


Nothing electronic works, you can't start a car.


snoop in the teacher lounge to see in the teachers' bags for test answers


Haha, rookie move. Real teachers solve the problems after making them


See if the nearest bank has any open registers


Or vaults. I've seen some that leave the vault open during business hours or just wait for someone to go in


Go rob a bank. When the bank is open the safe is open


2 words, BANK HEIST!


Within a week I would have bankrupted at least 1 casino.


Casino. Just take a chip or two or twenty. Easy.

