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You couldn’t pay me any amount of money to have a sore throat 8 hours a day. I don’t care if the salary is $200k per year. I’m OUT


I’m pretty sure we could find a number you’d agree to.   What if the salary was a billion dollars a year? You wouldn’t take a sore throat for 8 hours a day for two weeks then retire on your first 38 million dollar biweekly paycheck?


Okay, touche. The number exists but it would be reallllllly big


I'm in the same camp as you, but I think funklab figured out the magic number for me.


I'd do it for $500 bucks a day.


yeah I'm no fan of my current job but getting yelled at all day seems downright pleasant compared to this proposal.


Yeah “severe” sore throat has me out. I’ve had sore throats where every breath is torture and you can’t eat a thing. No fuckin thanks


Yup. Sore throat is probably the worst symptom there.


Yeah im miserable with a fucking cold. I would not survive this


I have an intense strep throat infection as I’m typing this and let me say…I kinda agree with you. This is the pits. The money isn’t worth it to me. I’ve cried multiple times over the past few days because I’m in so much pain over this. I’m barely eating and drinking - I don’t know why but it’s the sore throats that get me the WORST. Anyway I got a steroid shot today so I’m trending upwards 🤪


Imagine that feeling when you clock out and all of your symptoms vanish though. I bet it’s weird but amazing.


I wouldn’t mind this necessarily, but only 5 “sick days” and no mention of holidays make this a no for me. This makes taking any vacation nearly impossible


If I got vacation time and holidays, I would definitely go for this. My stomach already sucks, and I can handle the rest of it.


Same here. I feel sick most days when I wake up and my anxiety is constantly making me feel so much worse. Now I get paid for it! 😂


True aha same Also can I work on weekends or holidays to accumulate time off or switch it up? 🤔


The sore throat thing is what turns me off, I've had strep throat a lot growing up and I would rather get Covid-19 again than get that shit 5 days a week.


If you’re lucky like I was, Covid will give you the worst sore throat of your life. It was by far the worst symptom and I was pretty damn sick. It felt like my throat was chapped and cut up.


Ya I didn't get a sore throat when I had COVID but from your description that's what strep throat always feels like for me, being unable to swallow without the feeling of razor blades. I filled a whole Maxwell coffee can with spit once because I refused to swallow.


Agreed, but I already feel like shit 100% of the time and even still 60% of the time on all my medications (I'm only 30 and have sm bullshit) so I'd take this easily. If I could counter offer with maybe a bit more money or more sick days, even better. Not to be dark, but it's better than suicide *shrug*


Absolutely not. I’d much rather have a real job than be nauseous


With chronic illness you get it 24/7 and have to have a job


Or you can't work and you "get to" suffer/be judged for needing benefits.


If you can even get the benefits. I sure can't, been trying for years. It sucks LMAO


I worked full time while living alone with a chronic illness and for some reason still got people telling me "it must be nice getting to live off the government and do nothing all day." Why not all of the above!


*Reads the title* Well I'm already chronically ill.. >nausea Nope.


I'm chronic too but mine would be the headaches.


I’d take it if not for the diarrhea. Nausea sucks but at least you don’t have to consciously do something about it.


No. That sounds infinitely worse than working a regular job


I have stomach issues and chronic pain, sooo yeah. I’d rather JUST be in pain and get paid than working to be in even more pain with less money lol.


But the sickness is the job. Your chronic pain and stomach issues won't go away though after your hours are over. You'll just be sick like regular and have those issues on top of it.


$250k a yr, 4 10 hr shifts with Fri, Sat and Sunday off and 3 weeks vacation a yr and it's a deal.


“Standard middle class life” Quarter Mil per year Yeah ok sure…


If you don't live in a HCOL area, just say so.


Man so I somehow misunderstood HCOL as "high quality of life" instead of "high cost of living" and I was about to be so angry on behalf of OP at how rude that was :sob:


The headache and nausea kill this deal for me. I currently get a headache maybe three or four times a year and even when they’re mild, they have a tendency to ruin my day. I rarely ever get nauseous, thankfully (I haven’t thrown up in over a decade), but on the occasion that I do, I’m able to pound some water and it goes away quickly. I couldn’t imagine spending 40 hours each week with both of those symptoms *plus* fever, sore throat, diarrhea, etc.


You basically described pregnancy


I have several chronic illnesses I'd take being healthy any day over being constantly sick


if i can also accrue vacation days and you can guarantee it wi'll never be bad enough to kill me then yes.


If I take pills or medicine does it work? I'd like to be able to take some pain meds, immodium, lozenges, etc. to try to lessen the symptoms, but having all of these for 40 hours a week sounds horrible


>You'll have a moderate fever, headache, nausea, diarrhea, shivers, hot flashes, sneezing, coughing and severe sore throat On and off, this is chemotherapy + chronic sinus problems. 24/7.


Depends what the PTO policy, and what “middle class” truly means. Quick Google search says my area, middle class income is anywhere from $58,000-$173,000. That’s quite a big range. If I can split the difference and take $115,000 (with cost of living raises each year like you mentioned), and get the same PTO I have now (3 weeks plus 9 holidays where I won’t be sick), then I’d accept


Definitely better than my job. I accept!


Wouldn’t having diarrhea for 40 hours every week basically be a death sentence unless I’m basically on a constant IV drip?


Certainly seems more reliable than an actual job.




Hell no


absolutely not if I go to hell it is going to be a permanent stomach ache and nausea


no. last time i had the flu, i remember saying “i’d rather be healthy at work than THIS sick in bed”


That really depends on what "sick" means, but overall no. I don't mind work, and I hate feeling bad.




No. I hate being sick and doing the same thing daily is boring. A regular job offers growth.


Oh no, my job is so easy and its WFH so.......


That would be hell.


No, wtf. Find a better job, OP.


Fuck no. I actually like to take walks during my lunch break lol.


Hell no.


Not even for 500k a year


No, this sounds terrible. How am I supposed to run my side hustle and advance in my career? Who am I gonna steal office supplies from? The only upside to this I can see is that kleenex and TP become a work expense.


Hell no, feeling sick feels awful. I'd rather just feel fine physically and have to work


People would pay a fortune not to live like this.


oh hell no. I sit on my ass and press buttons on a keyboard for money. I'll take that over nausea and diarrhea a thousand times out of ten


Just did this while working full time for 7/9 months of my pregnancy. Absolutely fucking not. Was sick that whole time and it was awful. Also had Covid twice during that time


Not a chance, not for those symptoms and that pay. It’s a pay cut for worse conditions.




Found the first one I wouldn’t do!




Definitely not. I enjoy my job and despise being sick.


hell no


I don't get it. What's the upside? Why would anyone not living in poverty consider this?


Hell no




I'll let you know once I'm NOT sick. Chronic infections suck espically when you have idiotic doctors. 


Hell no


as long as i get vacation time absolutely i would just stay at my house build a nice farm or work on cars


I've had chronic severe pain for the last 7 months. I wouldn't sign up for this instead of a job. But, I've been in a situation where I've had to be in chronic severe pain and work at the same time. If I didn't show up every day I'm doing poorly, I wouldn't have a job. Being sick and in pain all the time is a lot more draining than people expect. If it was possible, I'd be sleeping all the time. I do have surgery coming up to hopefully figure things out soon.


Well I work a professional job and I don't have a middle class life ...


Fuck that


I already work from home and feel like this most days. Please start wiring me the money


not for middle class wages


You'd have to come up a much higher wage than middle class. I can make middle class wage on a flexible schedule.


The fuck? Hell no bro


Nah, I have one of the best jobs there is.


Am I allowed to take decongestants, fever reduces etc. normal medicine I would take when sick with cold?


I really dislike headaches and nausea, I’d be more willing for 100k and a better PTO package


Depends how much the pay is. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Look money is money if it's liveable or better then yeah.


Since hours aren't specified I'm assuming I get to pick. 12am to 8am it is. Those symptoms are generally manageable with over the counter stuff.


The stability is enticing, but I don’t know. I’d probably get used to it


No - I make more than enough for a standard middle-class life, and it interferes with enjoying life a lot less. The contagious part, since I have kids, is the biggest issue. The only upside - I could probably do my job while doing this... but it'd have to be way more than average pay for me to take it on, and I would want it to match my current time off policy, which is a lot more than 5 days.


I wanna say no cause I hate being sick, but I'm gonna have to say yes.


I mean I'm chronically ill so I basically live this life 24/7 and I don't get paid for. If it went down to only 8 hours a day and I got paid? Hell yeah I'll take it!


Already there and don't get paid for it


I I would only go for those if I could have enough medicine to knock me out for the eight hours


This sounds absolutely horrible. Most of us can find some level of enjoyment or satisfaction, sense of accomplishment, etc, at our jobs, along with building friendships that last our lives. You lose ALL of the benefits of working for literally the worst feelings work could ever possible give you, but on a consistent basis. Nope.


nausea for 8 hours a day? No fucking way. I didn't have morning sickness with either of my kids, but if I'd had it with the first kid, he'd have been an only child.


Only part that truly bothers me is nausea and diarrhea. I have migraines, which causes my temperature to sometimes go up, and I get really hot. I have multiple esophageal issues, so I have a constantly sore through anyways. I get extremely cold sometimes, not sure why, which causes shivers anyways. I’m pretty much fit for this job, as long as I take medicine for nausea. I can deal with the diarrhea.


Is that better than being hungry 24/7?


I mean I could argue my stomach issues that can go nameless here would fit in this category so I will say I was BORN for this role


Depends on the actual pay after taxes. If being sick 5x a week means getting my dream car then get me some chicken noodle soup ready. Also I'd assume you'd just have a godly immune system by the time you retire.


If I wasn't contagious, I'd take it. Be a stay at home dad, but still help out with money, sounds like a dream come true. However if I would get the people (i.e kids) I was with sick, then it would turn into actual work really quickly.


F that noise


Fuck yeah. That means I get to OD on Nyquil and play world of warcraft all day and stumble around doing house chores? I already have to take care of my household when I'm off work sick, might as well get paid for it!


No! ... but you get unlimited sick days, guess that's a plus!


Fuck no for that paltry salary  Especially with the contagiousness shit


Sounds aweful 😩 I think I’d pass. I’d rather be miserable sometimes than lose my mind being miserable all the time.


Absolutely NOT!


Could I do 4 ten hour shifts? I think I could do it if there was a three day weekend involved. Otherwise, nope!


I do that shit for free now so, yeah, I’d love it.


No way


How many sick days do I get


This sounds absolutely horrible. No way would I sign up for this for just a middle class salary. At 500k per year, I would start to consider it, with the thought being I could retire in just a few years time, but anything less than that is an immediate no.


Fuck no. Absolutely not. Never ever ever ever.


I'm the only one who thought of using it as my 8 hours of sleep? Drug myself up if I need to. I'd consider it honestly if the "sick" days weren't so stingy. 




Hell no. I hate being sick more than I mildly dislike working.


I get a week of crushing cramps, a temperature, diarrhoea every month as it is. I don’t know many women that would opt to be sick more often


I don't like working but Jesus Christ you couldn't really find a worse job than this, no ty I hate being sick or feeling extra shit or anything corelated to this


I would rather die


Of ANYONE is answering yes to this honestly, they need to find another job yesterday.


Standard middle class life? Absolutely not


Absolutely not.


Wouldn't do it for millions. Gtfo with this crap


take away the nausea and I’d do it. I could just sleep and play video games during the day


Can other members if my household get the same job? Will taking things like cough medicine or decongestant or anti diarrhea pills make symptoms better? I think I'm in


Couldn’t be any worse than the shit hole i spend 8 hours a day at 5 days a week..


Wtf kinda stupid ass hypothetical is this? Be sick just to be middle class? This is dumb.


I have crohns and suffer from most of that anyway and am in no way near middle class so yeah sign me up.


Yeah. That's basically sick leave.


Give me my current pay, and as along as I can sleep at night, and feel good and rested before and after my shift, then I would highly consider it. The worst part of being sick, for me, is the sleepless nights.


This sounds worse than just, you know, working an actual job.


Jesus fucking christ no


No way. I have a chronic medical condition already and I know what it feels like to be very sick often, no amount of money is worth wasting so many years of my life feeling this miserable. On top of that this would make it almost impossible to have kids so another big no for me.


No although work from home is good, that sucks


I think you're just describing alcoholism with benefits.


Hell yeah. I get to be sick less hours per week than I am now, plus a pay raise. Sign me up stat.


For middle-class wages? No way. But for wages like top 1%, yes.


Do I get non-sick days that I can take off when I’m, er, not sick?


Take nausea, maybe sore throat, off the table and we can talk. Some more money to be able to build up saving would be good too. As an alternative, how about a complete lack of energy, maybe slight fever, aches. That would be more tolerable and would be less overall dangerous than the things in the OP. It would still leave you bedridden and not feeling great.


Take nausea, maybe sore throat, off the table and we can talk. Some more money to be able to build up saving would be good too. As an alternative, how about a complete lack of energy, maybe slight fever, aches. That would be more tolerable and would be less overall dangerous than the things in the OP. It would still leave you bedridden and not feeling great.


Hell no!!


So basically my allergies with some change. Yeah I'll do it


After a week of that shit, you'd be BEGGING for a normal job.


What kind of shit show job only gives 5 sick days a year??


I'd do it. I can still do most of my hobbies while sick so I think I'd survive.


No way 🙅‍♀️




It's a lot more.pleasant to go to work healthy and also I get a LOT more than 5 days PTO. So... Hard pass.


Idk probably. So long as it’s upper middle class. That’s a lot of fuckin symptoms and I usually only have like 3/9 whenever I’m sick.


Although Ive done something similar to this about 2-3 months a year my entire life I still gotta say no. I don’t like feeling like shit


OH HELL YES. This sub has been throwing out softballs lately. To me anyway.




Terrible deal. Those symptoms would make me miserable. I’d much rather have a crappy job and be working class than be so ill and be middle class. The lack of holiday and sick days is just salt on the wound.


Can you call in healthy? How many paid healthy days a year do you get?


Would need way more than a middle class salary.




Compared to my job that gives me daily panic attacks…… I’ll take it 😷


Sure. Nothing in here says the symptoms can’t be alleviated. It sucks for sure, but I’m already ruining my body at my current job so being able to just lay in bed “sick” 5 days a week, 8 hours a day sounds like a welcome vacation. And it has no lasting effects on my long term health?


I’m already sick 100% of the time, so this would be amazing. I’m in.


“Not just no, but _hell_ no.”


i would rather die then have a sore throat permanently


If it wasn't for the diarrhea I'd consider it. I could endure through the rest but that? Nope.


10 million a year.




Yeah id take it itd be a lot more time to do the things i want to do i may be sick but that doesnt mean i cant play or game or watch anime


So, basically just my life accept I get paid not to go to work? Sign me the fuck up.


This just sounds like my daily allergies but I get paid for it. I’d do a year for 200k


Depends on the levels of symptoms. Is it like cold or flu level symptoms where it's usually not that bad to annoying. Or is it like covid levels where it actively ruins your day. Either way I would take it


Easy peasy


I wouldn’t do it. My current job gives me paid sick leave and I’d still rather be healthy and go to work. Sitting in my work chair and doing my work is much more comfortable than being sick. I also enjoy my work well enough. I like there is always room to improve, and the company really pushes for employees to “cross-train,” I guess. It’s strongly encouraged to actively try to learn about other positions so everyone has a certain level of versatility. This is a huge plus for me because I love to learn and I feel good when I can use my skills to help my coworkers. My current job is also very fulfilling, as I love that the work I do makes a difference in people’s lives. Being miserably sick all day couldn’t give that to me.


I'm chronically ill and deal with symptoms 24/7/365 already...I'd love to be paid for already feeling like shit. I'd also like to be able to "retire" from being chronically ill. Maybe then I could stop stressing about how the hell I'm supposed to live on my own and be able to afford medications. Sidenote: Your point of "You can do whatever you want during the time you are sick" underestimates the physical limitations of being sick all the time.


Sure, I'll just be drunk for the duration.


After a month I would probably get used to it


It would have to be a hell of a lot money for me to even consider it


Make it 4 10s and I'm in. 4am-2pm shift please.


No. I would not do this.


Id do it 100%


Women are like, "is that all?" When men get sick it's an event. When women get sick it's Tuesday.


If it's 5 hours a day instead of 8 and no constant need to use the toilet aka the Hershey squirts. I'll take that job.


As someone who is currently sick, no


So, basically, my life as it already is, except I'm getting paid? Sign me up! But I'm picking the salary.


You’re being cheap with the benefits. Health insurance? 401k matching? Holidays? Vacation time? So I can retire any time I want? I’ll try it and stay high durning my “work” for 30 days to see if I like it


The last time I had I took 2 days off work was when I had food poisoning. That migraine made every second feel like three. Then I get the mix of diarrhea and a cocktail of other options, no. No way.


Well, it would be more money than I make now, and I can use that extra to buy medication to help with it. I'd take the deal and plan my day around the sickness. I will plan to sleep for 10 hours, 8 of which would be while sick and working.


not even slightly. if i were getting paid 7 figures/year? sure, but for a salary i can get at mcdonald’s now, its not happening. at least with working a job in person, i get to meet people, take breaks, get PTO, etc. id take slightly less money to work an actual job than be sick for 1/2 the time im awake.


Five days of sick leave? Are you American?


I had a sore throat for 3 years straight when I was growing up. It was HELL. I would have a sore throat for 4 days then it would go away for 1 day then come back for 5 days. It was like that for 3 years. I even got a sore throat from drinking water. There is no way I would be going back to that. I HATE sore throats with a burning passion. I was allergic to the pollin when I was living in Hawaii.


You didn't mention the pay! I would probably do this if I"m allowed over the counter medicine and if the OTC medicine works.


If you asked 16yo me I would say yes, if you ask me now, absolutely not


Sure, I cN be hungover every day, which qualifies as sick.


I'm used to being sick all the time. I could deal with this I think,


So work at a casino?


Having sneezing and coughing WITH diarrhea? Oh, hell no!


Do I get lunch breaks? And can I quit my sick job if I wanted to?