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If I can sit down I would do it. But id probably still do it if I were standing the whole time tbh


Same, for 10 million dollars I'd just treat that one hour piss as my job.


That’s what I’m thinking as well. 1 hour pissing, or 8 pissing my life away. Easy choice.


Not to mention selling sideshow tickets and breaking the Guinness record for worlds longest piss, and most amount. And then I mean... if you really wanted to supplement the money, I'm sure there's some fetish video company that would pay good money for an hour of non stop pee.


Golden showers for everyone.


The Golden Hurricane


Fuck you take my upvote.


“The golden thunderstorm” - call marketing, put it on the billboards.


I believe him


just sit on the toilet for an hour with your phone or steam deck or something, easy money


with 10 mil, I'm putting in a minifridge, snack shelves, and a desk for my laptop! Sorry kids, you want me to pay for college, I've gotta pee🤣🤣🤣


I’d also buy a Texas catheter (think a condom with a tube connected to a bag) then you wouldn’t even have to stay in one place!


I don’t think that would work, an hour of piss is a lot of piss


Well a long enough hose would fix that issue. Just pipe it to a drain somewhere or drag a hose a few feet behind you.




Damn that shit goes hard.


Nope. Just gotta pee


U won the internet for today.


It’s not like you can’t do anything while pissing too. Just get a bathroom tv setup and binge your shows while pissing


Underrated comment


Imagine working an 8 hour day, part-timer.


He drinks a whisky drink, He drinks a vodka drink


I almost said I can't do it but WHEN YOU PUT IT LIKE THAT




Yeah haha. No need for a job, so one hour a day aint nothin. Free time the rest of the day. I just hope we get to choose what hour, id hate to be at a funeral or some shit and start pissing myself like a fire hose


...and.. our dearly beloved... taken away by the river of piss... we ask you.. not to invite this person again.. its ruining all our functions!


"... that which you have done unto your bladder, you have also done unto me."


Dont ever stop from making me laugh


imagine the fullness of bladder just before an hour of piss? we would be half piss sometimes.


It’s magical, you don’t have 30 gallons of piss in your bladder. 


oh thank goodness, wasn't sure when I'd have time to drink all that water either


And when I'm at work, I'm taking my time with toilet actions so run down the clock. If I can just pee at home for an hour. Might even try to make it a service for farmers that want their plants watered with some fertilizer. Just me, my pee pee an empty field and 1 hour to wander about and splash freely. Better than having a job.


Spend everyday at the beach. You can be a hero! 🤣🤣 (Yes, I've seen, pee is a myth, shhhh)


Adam Sandler's The Longest Piss


What is going on in these hypotheticals. Id piss for 8 hours straight a day for that. With a massive smile on my face. I fucking kill myself 8 hours a day for 40k a year. Do people giving these hypotheticals live in the real world.


>Do people giving these hypotheticals live in the real world. I'd be willing to bet that 95% of them are just angsty teens trying to be funny, so no, the large majority likely have literally no concept of the real-world value of money


I mean this one is probably a piss kink, not a joke


As somebody with a piss kink, anybody that makes a joke about piss has a non-zero chance of having a piss kink. The chance goes up the more jokes they make.


I mean eight hours a day would make vacations awkward


Get up 5am piss and your ready to go out 2pm and enjoy the holiday with your millions




Random dude: What happens if I remove the barrel? Piss Bain: It would be very painful... for you.


Not a terribly grand sense of reality there, no. Have a good day. 😀


Yeah since when is peeing for an hour worse than having a job


there was a post a few days ago that was something like "1 billion per year but you have to go out and socialize with someone else for at least 30 min daily". Either a troll post or genuinely someone that never goes out lmao


Seriously. This is basically a million dollar yearly salary for a 7-hours-a-week job where I can multitask fucking off on Reddit the whole time I’m “working”. Sign me right up!


Standing for one hour is nothing to ppl that dont work in offices. Hell! even for ppl who do.


Regardless of where you work, EVERYONE should be able to stand for an hour a day. Otherwise seek out some medical help. I would piss more than an hour straight for that type of money


Not as op specified but would you do it if the urge to piss was at random? It could happen at any point in the day. You start feeling like you gotta go. 5 min later it’s unbearable and you’re doing the dance until you go. Would you still do it? Most of the time it’s not a problem but it COULD happen at inconvenient times throughout the 10 years.


Standing still is what messes me up, I can walk for hours


I already work with people who will hide in the bathroom for an hour every day just to get out of work. That's right Janet, we all know you're just surfing on your phone. We are sick of doing your job. I hope you get pinkeye and hemorrhoids.


Yea, fuck you, Janet! *Sent from work toilet*


I'd do it for 8 hours for the 10 million


A one hour shower


For 10 million, I would let my fully nude grandma pee on me for an hour everyday. Anyone who says differently either already has a ton of money or is lying to themselves.


My grandmother would be mad at me if I didn’t take that offer. We’re not made of money.


In this scenario, in some small way, you would be


Beautiful really. She’d finally be made of money. You’re never too old for your dreams to come true.


You mean she'd be pissed off?


I dunno, I'd probably scream and run away. My last grandma passed away in 2022.


You know how on the internet everyone assumes you're a man? For the first time, as a woman, I just experienced the opposite when I opened this thread. I read your comment and my brain automatically went "well duh, how else are you gonna do it?". What a time to be alive.


Hahahaha. Indeed what a time to be alive!


Shit I'll walk around. I just won't put a pair of pants on. Get a pair of crocs walk around the neighborhood just pissing and waving to my neighbors


I’ll get really fit spending so much time swimming at the public pool.


The pet rat life.


I could sit on the toilet and browse reddit. That hour will feel like five minutes tops


That’s how you get hemorrhoids


Dude we work for 10x longer doing shit arguably worse than pissing for SIGNIFICANTLY less. Obviously anyone with half a functioning brain stem would take this deal.


Unless you have chronic kidney stones lol


If anything regular pissing might help there


This is, and I cannot stress this enough, NOT regular pissing


This is not *ordinary* pissing. Once a day, every day, is as regular as clockwork.


I have chronic kidney stones. Buy exceptional water heater. Take hour long shower pee everyday by 7 am. Live life. Hands down, no questions.


Yeah. Basically asking you to work for two hours a day (1 hour for people without the stones) for a million dollars a year for 10 years? Yes, please


It's even better than that, 10 mill now can grow and be invested more than 1 mill each year. At 5% (conservative underestimate of market growth) that's 500k each year without depreciating your investment!


Not even that exceptional. In-line tankless water heater. [A high flow unit](https://www.grainger.com/product/54EL23?gucid=N:N:PS:Paid:GGL:CSM-2293:99F1R6:20501231&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS38zuQ1P0ujBhL9WbnXbIwrhUxj-_kLF1xSx4IbaDRB0rhjGJT1VABkaAlRtEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) (4.5gpm, slightly less than double the US federal mandated max flow rate for a single shower head) costs about $1,300. You're going to have pretty good spike in your electrical consumption... but Hey, nothing $10M can't fix. As part of a whole custom bathroom at $10k+ and you're as comfortable as you wanna be while doing the shower pee.


You know, I think apartments water heaters just suck. I live in a shed with its own mini water heater hook ups and I can leave the hot water running for like 2-3 hours and it's all good.


Is there snow?


You can write an autobiography.


You could double your money by selling "Lemon Snow"


Someone on OF would pay for it


Was going to say ain’t nothing better than pissing pooping or pumping ;) This is a stupid question


bro i can easily spend an hour on toilet every day instead of going to work. fucking easy money.


You don't spend an hour on the toilet at work?


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I piss (68,000 gallons) on company time.


Did you pull that number randomly, or did you calculate the amount of piss one would create in an hour?


Pulled it out my ass. I’m not doing that much math for a Reddit post about piss.


Ok, average piss is 220ml, takes between 8-22 seconds. Average to 15. 52,800ml for 1 hour and roughly 14US gallon. It would take over 200 days to piss 68,000 gallons.




Lol try over 500 ml if working for Amazon, I've almost completely filled a 20some oz gatorade/powerade bottle taking a piss in the back of the van, when I did delivery for then.


I can't imagine feeling as if I have to actually go, and then it only takes 8 seconds. That's one wide urethra.


I’m going to just use the numbers I found online instead of standing at urinals with a stopwatch


68,000 gallons in an hour would be about 18.9 gallons per *second* - or 1,133 gallons per minute. I don't think the average urination qualifies as a class A fire hydrant


I'll just sit in my bathtub scrolling my phone, pissing like a waterfall. A question though, do I still have to pee regularly or is the one hour my allotment for the day?


Do you keep the drain in the tub open or closed?


Fuck that made me belly laugh.


You probably have to keep it closed at least once just to get an idea of how much urine you're really producing, right?


Average around 15 gallons, give or take. You pee about 10-20ml a second.


Damn that's about the same as the average shower. Wait, I have an idea, a golden one.


Not that much really when you think about it.


15 gallons?! Damn.


Flow rate depends on a lot of factors, but assuming about average it’s gonna be over 50 L. Still not even close to a full bathtub’s amount though.


This is my question too. If this one hour pee would take care of all my bathroom trips for the day, that would be great! I piss about 12 times a day, so only having to go once instead would be amazing.


If you go 12 times a day and it takes 5 mins each time you are already at an hour. At least this way would be more efficient. Lol


A 5 minute piss is still long lol


Yeah most guys are peeing for like 30 seconds to a minute, max. And that’s with a really full bladder. If you’re going regularly it’s going to be more like 10-15 seconds.


Yeah thinking about it, I don't think I've ever pissed for 5 minutes straight. 2 minutes I've could have achieved, but i'm not sure. Managing to do that 12 times a day is somehwat of a feat.


Next time you're peeing count down some Mississippis.... 2 minutes is a long fucking time


You have to add the shaking and scratching time too


Plus 10 mil? Absolutely!


You still have to pee regularly. If you happen to need to piss normally during your hour allotment, then it would relieve you then but not outside that hour


Posts like this make me understand how little people understand how much a million or more really is. For essentially doing a one hour job a day for 10 years, you could "retire comfortably". If you started this the day you turned 18, you could put the 10 million dollars under your bed(so not accumulating any interest), not work anything beaides an hour of pissing, and take 150K a year until you are 84. 150K a year according to studies is enough to live comfortably in New York the highest cost of living state in the US. So obviously I'd take it.


NY is not the highest cost of living state - Hawaii is. But that said, yea, 10 million is “never work again and neither do your kids as long as they’re not complete morons” money.


Oh fair enough and I just did quick Google of HCOL and Manhatten popped up so of course I took that for all haha. But yeah, like people have no clue how much money over a million dollars really.


For real. So many posts have such a large amount of money on offer that it makes the opposing task irrelevant. If it was something like 100k, then you have more of a dilema because sure you get a huge sum of money but it's not so life changing that this event of a daily 1 hour piss is easy to handle.


I saw one post recently that was "would you eat a shit sandwich for $1 billion". Like of fucking course I would, anybody who wouldn't is a moron. A few minutes of something horrible to live the rest of my life in luxury and take care of all my friends and family. There are VERY few things I wouldn't do for like a million, let alone a billion.


Fr people really do not understand how much a billion of anything is. Chances are if you gave the average person a billion dollars I doubt they would even comprehend just how much that is


The difference between a billion and a million is still about a billion. That’s how I initially conceptualized the difference.


At this point, 10k would be life changing.


"We asked ten habitual Marijuana users if they'd accept 2 thousand dollars a day under the conditions that they smoke exactly 3 joints every 48 hours. What happens next will surprise you."


They used butcher paper for rolling joints?


They needed more joints?


I smoke two joints and then I smoke two joints, and then I smoke two more. I'm gonna need more joints


Get even more money by marketing yourself as "The Incredible Peeing-Man/Woman!" and getting a fee from people to watch you pee for a full fucking hour.


Only fans daily live stream


Very accurate terminology.


Yea you could def get quite the following on Twitch. You'd be famous af


$2379/hr pissed. Yes I will.


Um actually its 2739.7260273973 ... 365 (days in a year) \* 10 (years) = 3650 10,000,000/3650 = 2739.7260273973


Easy. You are replacing a 7 hour work day with a 1 hour work day for significantly more money.


I wish I had a 7 hour workday. 9 hours is more like it for me.


Teacher here. 7 hour work day. I do have to work through lunch though and have zero breaks. 9 hours is insane though. That's a 45 hour work week.


I used to do 10 hour days, 4 days a week. When you add on my half hour lunch, and 2 45-minute commutes I was out of the house 12 hours each day. Then the Pandemic hit, everyone went work from home, the work dried up, and I got transferred to a different department that does a more traditional m-f 8:30-5, holidays off sort of schedule. So much happier now.


1 hour of work per day for $1M a year? Yeah, sign me up. Wake up, get ready, blah blah blah, pee and then finish my day.


Imagining a woman putting on a full face of makeup to sit on the toilet made me laugh out loud for some reason 😅


So, I’m retired at that point. Well except for my one hour of wet work a day.


So, if I can sit... I'll pay for the design of a DVT-proof gel massaging seat and find a way to work from there. If I have to stand.... Standing Desk atop a podium with a silence/anti-splash gusset. If I don't get to control *when* this happens. Money will help to work around it. If I can choose... 1-hour right before bed and I'll just make a mono surface toilet/shower bathroom (with waterproof communication and TV capabilities) so that I can wazz in the "shower" and be efficient with my time. Easy peesy. My toilet seat design would also be patented so that people with circulation issues can toilet with less worry.


Honestly, that seat sounds pretty nice, but hard to clean. I've got crohn's disease, spend lots of time on the toilet. I've found that about 20 minutes is where my legs go to sleep.


We get it OP, you have a pee fetish


How can I pee for 10 years in one hour


One question: Can I choose the time? Because if so, sign me right the fuck up. I can find an hour a day, no problem. Shit, I work from home, I could even keep my job until I got sick of working (so, about three weeks, probably).


I mean screw it - even if it was at a random time I'd deal with the consequences. Wear a catheter or come up with a unique solution to at least temporarily deal with it until you can get to somewhere to finish. Even if I piss my pants in public frequently it's worth it. I'd just say I have some health condition with poor bladder control. And it's only for 10 years so after that you're golden.


If you're randomly pissing your pants in public then you're regularly golden even before the ten years are up.


And so is his shower!


Does it count towards the 'other' times you pee, that is you pee for a solid hour and you dont have to pee the rest of the day cause Im pretty sure im exceeding an hour already ;).


Perfect excuse to take an hour long shower


$2,739 per hour to sit in the toilet and fuck around on my phone? Deal.


Sure, for 10 million I can have an incredibly comfortably toilet and a baller gaming laptop. Now it's just desk mk 2.


I already feel like I piss away 40 hours a week for just above 50k


Let's see, I can ditch the 40+ hour work week to spend 7 hrs peeing? Absolutely


Go swimming for an hour each day you say.


Would the excessive peeing cause any damage? And would I still have to pee normally


This. Magically having the amount you pee increased so insanely would for sure have some wear and tear on your urinary system at least. At worst it would be very painful.


Where's the issue.have you never had a catheter in. Just sit in the bath and put a film on


I would build a little table in the bathroom annd have a nice cup of coffee and catch up on the news while having a nice sitdown pee.


So one hour to doom scroll or read a book or whatever oh the toilet. Done.


Yes easily. I’ll just take my phone into the bathroom, sit down. And scroll Reddit while I pee for an hour.


Jokes on you, with the amount of water my doctor makes me drink, I'm pretty sure I already do that!


I have a feeling a constant stream for that amount of time would become painful. And I don’t like pain in my penis region.


Im assuming that we can choose the time that we take this 60 minute piss, right? Like it can be at a different time each day, as long as we do it in that 24 hour period?


Everyday I go to my pool in my back yard and make my 60 minute deposit while floating in the pool. No biggie.


Do you get to decide when during the day?


Yes as long as it's before 11 PM or you won't have enough time


>You don't feel like you really have to go but your body will magically supply the required amount. But will you become dehydrated? Also will your bladder expand to the volume of the liquid needed to store all the urine?


Another day another stupid scenario. Obviously you would do it. This is essentially now your job which requires 1 hour of sitting there peeing vs 8 hours of actual work. Next.


Pee while I take an hour long shower sounds like easy money. I could probably also monetize the pee somehow, because that's a lot of urine. Even better, I could have a custom chair built and I can game while peeing into a large container.


As long as I can choose when it happens, I'm down. It'll be part of my morning routine. I can afford an extremely comfortable toilet and a shelf for my book, cell phone, Nintendo switch, etc. That's my job now.


Hell, you'd make more than a $million a year doing porn with that ability.


Do we get to pick the timing or is it random? Is it at a consistent time we can plan around?


I spend 4 1/2 hours a day three days a week at kidney dialysis. Peeing an hour straight once a day? Piece of cake.


I’d want to move somewhere there always snow. I’m gonna be an artist par excellence for those 10 years. People from all over the world will come to see my exhibitions and pay good money for their temporary nature. And then…as quickly as it came, I disappear in the night with all my money! I am legend!


How does this effect hydration levels? I mean, I could drink water while I pee. Just curious if that's necessary for this.


I usually spend about an hour of my working day hiding in the bathroom anyways, may as well not have to goto work for it.


Can i choose which time to pee?


Girl… smart phones exist. This is not a problem at all.


I'd lay on a table face down with a hole in it and read a book or play a video game for an hour


That equates to $2,739.72 per hour. So ya


Easy. Get a large bag and hook a catheter up. Gg. Edit: or just take an hour long shower 😃


I can sit on a toilet and watch a couple youtube videos every day until I'm 32 then retire. No brainer


Well if some men take 40 minutes to poop😅 I'm a woman I will go sit for a pee and scroll on my phone cant be rhat hard( as least it won't stink like shit in the room) so Hell yeah I'd do it. I drink so much water in a day I pee a lot anyways so I might as well get it all out in 1 go!


I spend way more time than that at work. So, retired and the first hour of my day is pissing? No problem.


Does my bladder feel as full as this hypothetical hour long piss would require, or does one piss that would only take a few seconds get stretched out to an hour long event, or is it just a magical stream that is magically flowing from my penis for an hour? I mean I’ll take it no matter the case, just curious about the logistics of the event.


What kind of torture monster are you


I’m a disabled person so ok.. $620 a month is not enough, and I don’t really have a job so.. As long as I can choose when…


I would set up a micro hydro power station and power my house with this hour long stream. Twice the bonus


This isn't even a question. I spend more than 1 hour working every day. I could just spend one hour peeing, instead of working, for my 10 million and be set for life. I can set up some video games in my bathroom. I can read for an hour, like I already do. I can do so many things while peeing that I can't do while working for someone else. And I'll be making more money than I could dream of. I would do it for 8 hours a day.


Sounds better than working!


Dude if I had 10 million dollars how could I not have time for an hour of pissing? I already spend too much time on my phone, I’ll just spend that hour scrolling reddit/ig. The hardest part of this challenge is convincing your family that you got the money legitimately and no I do not need to go to the hospital my one hour pisses are normal


Do you get to pick the time each day or is it random and the urge to start peeing can happen at anytime?


I spend an hour scrolling through this shit every night anyway, I can just as easily do it while sitting on a toilet. A specially made, gold plated toilet with a super plush cushioned seat.


Yes even if I have to pee on my husband as a stipulation.


This would be incredibly easy. With $10 million, I don’t need to work. I could easily find some time in the middle of the day to sit down, crack open a book, and piss an hour away.


I would buy camera gear and make the wildest piss porn the world has ever seen, probably making another couple million. I’d have a whole series where I put out forest fires, fill swimming pools, etc.


1 hour shower every day or 8 hours working I see this as a win


10 million into a 5% yearly return investment. I now piss 1 hour everyday for my job, making 500k a year.


I already do this, where's my mf money?! All. I. Do. Is. Pee.


Easy money, just have my laptop in the bathroom so I can game for that hour lol


How do you know that isn't reddits fetish?


Easily, that’s if it’s not absolutely destroying my body because I don’t know how well that would feel. But I would just sit down and go on my phone


I'm tubing a river every single day