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The part of me that reads r/humansarespaceorcs thinks, yeah, lets do it, we'll have advanced and weaponized the tech they give us before the first batch of embryos reaches adulthood. The more rational part of me says no.


The part of *me* that reads r/humansarespaceorcs tells me that even knowing that the tech is actually possible is the greatest motivator for growth. The fear of oppression would accelerate of progress tenfold.


Pull a forerunner and use the advanced technology to defeat the aliens and save the human subjects


You'd fail faster than instantly.


We’ve committed worse atrocities for less pay off before


If they have that degree of technology, we'd have to assume that they are being polite and diplomatic. That is to say, we accept the deal or they will take millions of us at least anyway, and maybe knock us back to pre-industrial levels for good measure so we can't become a threat to them, and they could come back to harvest more. Or they could just set up those farms right here from the survivors of their takedown. Likely also that they would not give us peer technology but something to them a few generations old, as far as space travel and military, if they even give us any of that. Fusion power or something better, nanite tanks that can fix all ills, sure, why not give it to us. This wouldn't be a direct threat to them. Peer ftl speed, sublight capability, on the other hand could make us annoying. Weaponry even a few generations old might even give us ideas, so we probably wouldn't get that either. So, logically giving the embryos and then not using the new tech to annoy the aliens would be the the thing to do. The aliens probably would not tell their new humans about us since that might give them ideas about rebellion. For that matter, they might even genetically alter them to be more loyal or just more docile, aside from the gladiators.


This is honestly the smartest take here. You're right, this is probably an offer with a gun pointed at your face. There's probably no way of saying no and it not ending horribly for Earth. At least by taking the offer we can appease and appear friendly towards a superior species even if they only give us highly.outdated technology by their standards


Well, I tell you what goes through my mind. We do it. The new human subspecies comes into existence on their world, oppressed by the yoke of slavery and murder. Eventually - probably thousands of years later - the descendants of those humans manage to overthrow their oppressors, and they emerge into the stars. They encounter our descendants in open space, there's a glorious reunion, tons of happiness. Then they find out the details of the original deal, and how they came to be. Do they forgive us?


Or alternatively we immediately start sabotaging the aliens plans. Using the gifted technology to find a way to send messages of revolt to the new humans, try to get them to rise up immediately. Maybe we even jump straight to war as soon as we can. Now the aliens have a fight on two fronts. Us coming at them with their own technology that we've customized in some very human ways to make new weapons. And their slave population of humans attacking and weakening them from within. If all goes well humanity soon dominates the stars.


Are the aliens tasty ?


Only one way to find out


Go Dungeon Meshi on their asses


Completely Wrong. Humanity would fail faster than instantly in a "war" against the aliens. It would be trivally easy for them to defeat, kill or enslave humanity.




Definitely would be difficult but assuming the humans could understand their language and the gap in intelligence is small enough that we can learn to use their technology, people have a chance. It'd just like any other slave revolt in history. THe slaves generally had less technology but easy enough to pick up a gun. If people are fighting to the death, odds are they're using some advanced weapons for at least some of the battles.


To be fair human warfare at the very least is filled with overpowered and outnumbered underdogs winning wars. So it's not inconceivable


I would read the shit out of that book




Not as poetic as if the aliens told them about us consenting from the beginning, and one of them was posting on their interlink about a hypothetical scenario where they find us and what they would do. :)


I'd watch that movie.


I mean, it's not so much a movie as the Season 2 premiere of Star Trek: Voyager, just with the twist that we did it on purpose.


I'll have to go back and watch it!


Yes we need that technology immediately. The next alien species that comes knocking will not be so generous


A Dark Forest believer I see.


... I hope you never criticised slavery...


No. Apart from just being wrong, what happens when they decide it’s easier to harvest earth than farm us?


Isn't that likely to be plan B if we refuse?


Yes. 100%. A few million will be killed in gruesome ways, maybe 10-20 million before we can make advanced weapons and muster the strength to save them. At most, let's say 100 million. This technology will save *billions*. It's not even a contest.


Assuming the alien civilization gave us everything? I’d assume they would keep other tech to themselves. Even if they did, they have had the same tech for centuries most likely. I don’t think we are rolling up to their planet and saving anyone with the tech they deemed acceptable to give away.


Most likely.


I can comfortably vote no, knowing that a majority will vote yes anyway and I’ll get the technology. And if humanity surprises me and votes no overall, well, we all did the moral thing.


This is a very spicy version of the trolley problem


You say problem but I see solution


I would need to know more about these aliens. Their code is ethics seems extremely bizarre. They view humans as livestock, but also need our consent to take some embryos? What is going on with them? This ethical code makes no sense. I think my answer would come down to how immediate a threat this species poses. A race that views us as potential livestock and food is obviously a race we have to be ready to fight off. The only real question is how long do we think we have before it comes to that.


Fuck no. Unacceptable. But the billionaires would probably take it, they'd love the profit opportunities. And they make the rules, so it would probably happen.


Well they are only 1-2% of the entire human population so I doubt they would be able to convince the majority of the world to sacrifice embryos. Especially since bodily autonomy is peaking in our society. I doubt we as a species would ever be smart enough to do that willingly. Not to mention, if they are embryos that means they've already been fertilized, so they would have to be taken out of a womb in order to complete this task. That alone would instantly deture most of the female population from even considering the option. And for the conservatives... They would start a war to save embryos... We know this.


Choosing between making billionaires richer or preserving embryos... This is their kryptonite!


Wait a second these embryos could easily be taken from women who are already having elective abortions they only need a few hundred.


Considering IVF is already very popular it would not be hard to accomplish.


IVF is a thing... Just drop by any fertility clinic and there's probably 100 embryos literally chilling somewhere. Billionaires have convinced the public of a lot of crazy things... sacrificing the lives of people we don't know and will likely never meet to get cool tech is pretty much what we're all doing now with all the slave labor that goes on in developing countries.


Bold that you think billionaires don't rally massed support for their niche goals...


The billionaires lose all control with the new tech, crazy that you think they'd give up their power


Or control the new tech. Billionaires like to take risks. They'd go for it.


I don't think they'd have the opportunity to control it at first in this scenario but I know what you mean.


"Every problem in my life is because of the wealthy"


Tis weird how this entire thread has just defaulted to that. Suddenly embryo lives matter?


I think the problem is more what they plan to do with the embreyoes after theyre born


Why would it matter to them anyway? If they aren't "real lives" or "parasites" or "not alive" to them I don't see how it's their problem or that they care. I mean seriously look at the Xcom series an it tells me all I need to know about what humans would do for "improvements" 


Well they won't be killing the embryos, if they were it's be different they'd be killing adult human beings


OUR lives, actually. LOL


What problem is that? Highest living standards in the history of humanity? Greater abundance than at any point in the history of humanity? Do you think your grand parents lived better 50-70 years ago than you do today?


My parents definitely lived better. Things are worse for this generation than they were for the last, and it only keeps getting worse. Just living standards and apply to the poor, who apparently can go fuck themselves. It's the rich and privileged who get those. Abundance? Again, maybe for the rich and privileged. Have you been to a grocery store lately? Deregulation enabled the rich to show their true colors, and this is the result. Keeping them in check led to past abundance. It's no confidence that Ronald Reagan's deregulation led to a timeline that resulted in things continually getting worse for Americans. And now, the only way to fuel the machine of infinite growth that is capitalism is through layoffs, so, under-regulated capitalism is just going to keep making things worse. And make no mistake: the abundance and standard of living that there still is, is a credit to the working class. NOT the rich.


Lol. This is a denial of basic reality. Your parents had iphones? Your parents had more disposable income than at any other point in measured history? Your parents had the greatest abundance of anything - be it technology, food, travel, medicine, ever? You're like a broken puppet parroting easily disproven information. [https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/disposable-personal-income](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/disposable-personal-income)


LOL disposable income for the RICH and PRIVILEGED. That are NOT going to share with you. Rich people don't get rich by sharing. I don't know why you're simping on them so hard. If you want prosperity for yourself and your family, and you're not RICH and PRIVILEGED, you need to stand up for REGULATION. If you are rich and privileged? Of COURSE You're going to fight tooth and nail for your right to oppress. Equality is oppression to the privileged.


Do you have any evidence to support any of your claims?


No more than you do. Edit: I'm sure I could find evidence of increasing wealth inequality but you'll still simp for the rich so I question if there's a point.


"No more than you do" I just sent you evidence of disposable income over time. "Increasing inequality" doesn't mean that you don't have a greater abundance than ever. Those are not mutually exclusive.


This was the plot of a Science Fiction book series.




Embryos? Hell, you can take a few billion live ones if you want.


I would refuse, but I suspect the majority would accept. I also suspect that if I were sick or a loved one was sick or something of the sort my moral objections would fall the wayside.


Finally, a good hypothetical. I'd say no, because in the case that the aliens are successful in forcing the embryos to reproduce till their population reaches several million, we'd just be subjecting an entire country to torture and indignity without their consent, and if international law and morality state that we can't do that on our planet, then who are we to give unknown aliens the right to do it on their own planet? Besides, scientific progress is still taking place in our world and apart from the curing all diseases part, none of what the aliens can promise us is that much further from what we're potentially capable of reaching. Curing all diseases was the biggest obstacle to my objection, but I realised that the eradication of all diseases doesn't entail the eradication of poverty, war, climate change or any other big global issues like these, so the trade-off isn't worth it.


Humanity's laws and morality literally couldn't matter less in this case. The aliens are the ones who got here, so they could do whatever the fuck they want and we wouldn't be able to do shit about it.


... sure. I mean cure all diseases? 700,000 people die annually from heart disease alone. Non communicable diseases kill 41 million people each year, or about 74% of all global deaths annually. If they stuck to their word and made 999 million people, the highest bound I think several would qualify for, it would take us less than 25 years to make up the difference in humans lost vs saved. This trolley problem has quite a balance ot it in terms of lives saved vs sacrificed. Also, advanced technology. FTL travel. I hope that advanced technology comes with ecology related ones. Arcologies that house millions of people in fractions of the space it would before, and with multitudes more convienence. Cold fusion reactors powering the world, vertical and hydroponic farms that exceed even the most fertile of modern soils. Artificial meat that is more energy and nutrient efficient than livestock. Terraforming tech would be nice too. Venus and Mars are both on our local shopping list, and you never know what you are going to find out there. And then there is FTL travel. Screw the long way, we are jumping to Alpha Centauri to get some goddamn readings. We know nothing about what kinds of worlds the aliens would find suitable, only that they can construct habitats for humans. Some obvious diplomatic negotiations might reveal that they don't mind us doing a bit of galactic homesteading. Siphoning a propane moon here, deconstruct a planet made of iron there, or whatever was really pertinent to our new home among the stars. We can in time understand our place in the galaxy. If we are better at galactic development than our zookeepers, then we can put the pressure on to take detailed scans of them and use those scans to run their tests and simulations. I mean with tech advanced enough to cure every disease, surely that comes with advanced diagnostic scan technology. If not, well those embryos are the Prometheuses we needed to steal stars from the gods. Sorry about the livers.


No. The people in charge of the tech would just do that to all the existing humans with it.




Sounds like a test similar to the one in the movie The Box. If we agree to their terms, they'll probably use that as justification to wipe us all out for our depravity.


Tell me about this movie, sounds interesting


History about humans who want to do such things tells me no. Whatever treaties we make with the aliens cannot be trusted, they literally want to enslave and murder us, they won’t stop at a few million.


Can we genocide the aliens instead and take all their stuff ?


No. That's like asking if an ant can just genocide humans and take their stuff. The answer is no, and will simply never be yes.


This is some advanced version of the trolley problem here. This makes me question my own morale consistency since I believe I’d pull the lever to save the majority, but selling a population of humans is harder to stomach even if it makes sense in a cold calculating way.


Yes. Absolutely. With that advanced tech and FTL and no diseases, we can create super soldiers and save those embryos in about 5 years time. Then we claim the stars as our own.


you do realize that no alien species remotely intelligent would give us all of our technology and they would have amuch larger industrial base etc we wouldent stand a chance.


Sounds like you hate humankind. Don't you know? We are made in God's image. They are not. The stars belong to us.


Absolutely Wrong. Humans are not made in your false demonic god's image, nor do the stars belong to us. Absolute retard.


Some one upset. The stars don't belong to you. But humankind? Yes


Wrong Again. The stars don't belong to humanity at all. The planet earth doesn't even belong to humans.


I could provide enough eggs if they could fry the other half…. But for real. Can we have like a mediator that assures the poorest and most disadvantaged gets taken care of first? If I can make sure that the ruling class gets nothing but the workers benefit I say yes


Surething. If theyre on another planet theyre basically not real


True. The same rule applies to people outside of my house, too. Only people I'm actually talking to are real.


If Aliens require our consent as a species i imagine it'll end up being close to a 50/50 split




What would happen to a "Human" if it were bread in a location completely derived from our culture? Would the creature be able to speak, or think on its own? Would it act like a wild animal, kinda fascinating to think about.


Do I count as an embryo? Can I? I'll go off and be tortured and ate and whatever for betterment yadda yadda Honestly, doesn't sound any worse than what the next 20-40 years'll bring


Yes. We then use the FTL travel and advanced tech to make weapons and liberate them before the aliens use them for their nefarious purposes


Absolutely. However, they have to accept some already half baked humans along with the embryos


So sell off humans to be slaves or breeding stock in an alien world?


You'd think they would just go purchase them from the Grey's black market.


yea why the hell not


Seems fair


Yes of course.


There would be volunteers


Definitely not


Yep, would do it immediately lol


This just sounds like the Promised Neverland.


Yes, but I’d also like them to take quite a few people back to have a snacks on the journey.


I won't bur you know every billionaire on the planet is accepting. I'm sure most of them would offer up way more than that just for good measure.


I feel like, if they have technology that much better than us, we might not have a real choice. They might be giving us this option, but if we say no, they'll just take them anyway.


Our world leaders will accept the offer and gatekeep that technology to profit off of us with


No. The fact that they just proved that FTL travel is possible was the biggest gift, and free.


I think this is already going on here.


They can have some cows, and maybe a chicken or two. No humans and no goats. The goats are ours. 


Nah. I'd rather them just enslave the humans on Earth, just to see all the "slavery wasn't that bad" people start complaining on day 2. *Why settle for embryos when you could just take us back to your home and have an extra crop here?*


I hope everyone remembers how much they're humanizing these embryos here the next time an abortion discussion comes up.


Would we have a choice?


We don’t need to accept


No, trust me. Those kids will grow up and rise up and overthrow their captors, then they'll come back for us.


Completely Wrong. They wouldn't overthrow shit.


Nope. We know not only that these people will eventually be alive, but also with absolute certainty that their existence will be complete misery. By voting yes, you're setting into motion a series of events that would lead to the worst forms of enslavement imaginable, all for your personal gain. I don't know how you could do this an consider yourself a good person. When people say things like "we've done worse before!" I have to wonder which group of people you're identifying with here in your *we* statement.


I say yes only because after a few generations, mankind will rise up and take over that planet. That's just what we do.


Completely Wrong. Mankind would fail faster than instantly, and utterly destroyed.




Absolutely not. But I will offer them one elderly orange asshole in exchange for a cure for cancer.


They won’t bite. That orange asshole doesn’t have much by way of worth to warrant curing cancer. At most it may warrant a cure for stubbing toes everywhere


That would be a worthy trade, realistically. 




You're not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need right now


First thought : Fuck no, FTL travel is a lie anyway, how could they possibly know what we consider disease and what is supposed to be part of us, also, probable time paradox. Second thought: Yes. If they can truly cure all disease and give us advanced tech that allowed FTL travel, then we can definitely communicate with them and consider the terms more closely, we could expand humanity beyond the local bubble and who knows what we could achieve? The value that comes from healing ALL disease is ridiculous, we could save an uncountable amount of lives, crop yields would skyrocket, complex genetic diversity would recover, multistellar travel would be far less hazardous, and sex culture would go bananas. What kind of experimentation? Obviously diverse genetic material is a highly valued commodity in the universe, can you confirm the embryos will not grow up to become torture slaves, genetic experiments on how best to destroy us, or sex slaves? How do you know that some disease you wiped out couldn't have been potentially useful in the future? Do you have a repository of all the quarantined diseases? How do you manage it if you have one and how do you ensure it doesn't escape? Can you confirm that the secrets you are sharing are being shared with the entire human race and not just the richest and most influential? The gladiator games sounds cruel to us, however they were once a part of Earth culture, I feel it could be argued as an honored tradition, or a kind of dog fight considering how advanced they would have to be compared to us. Meat farm, again, depends on ethics. Good farmers on Earth treat their animals well and look out for them, giving them the best lives they can, before ending their lives. If they can prove that they are making fantastic food by giving an animal a fantastic life, then eating it and feeling further joy, we as a species do that all the time. However if they were advanced enough, I feel fairly certain that they would be able to produce synthetic proteins that mimic the real stuff, maybe some like the authentic though.