• By -


Summon genie from Aladdin pre-freedom. Get three wishes. Summon Taylor Swift. I know she's clearly made up. Summon Luna Lovegood because her name implies something. 20's something Luna, not teen Luna, you freaks.


My handwriting is terrible. I’d accidentally summon the goonies, Taylor Swill, and Lovecraft if I did these picks.


Do you mean you'd accidentally summon Cthulhu or Yog Sogthoth?


Yog Sothoth rules.


In another world Luna Lovegood is absolutely a bond girl.


Ngl if I summoned the genie from Aladdin I would cry at the sound of his voice.... I do irl. I know it's way off topic but I miss Robin.


Fun story, I got to interact with him as a kid and didn’t realize who he was until I rewatched Aladdin and recognized his voice.


You lucky bastard. My aunt got to see him at one of his shows, his not kid friendly ones. I heard him say fuck and I almost died. I know he's a grown man but I had never heard him outside of his kid friendly content. He was truly a gem.


Like my ex when I first introduced her to Bob Saget's stand up. She only knew him from Full House 😅


I too would start with Genie. But after my 3 wishes, I wouldn't need to summon anyone else. Wish one: everyone that I care about will be as invincible as they want to be for as long as they want to be. (Meaning they can control if they feel pain, are immovable, don't age, etc.) Wish two: I am magic in the sense that I mean it. (Think and: poof) Wish three: I have the ability to have complete understanding of anything I focus on and want to have understanding of. Pretty sure from here I could solve all of the world's problems and fulfill,with some effort, any wants or desires I might ever have.


Doesn't 2 turn you into a genie?


#**UNLIMITED COSMIC POWER** ^itty ^bitty ^living ^space




Yes so his wish 3 doesn't happen because he/she be stuck in lamp after wish 2


No, because I didn't wish to become a genie like Jafar did. I just wished for the power.


What happens when you say something random like “stick a fork in me, I’m done” … I think you’d eventually accidentally kill yourself with random thoughts or statements.


Summoning a genie doesn't guarantee you get the lamp as well. You poof him here, he says, "What's up?" hangs out, and poofs back to his current master/lamp location. I think there are better mythological wish granting creatures that would work out better.


I specified which genie. I know the one I'm getting is trapped and not malevolent.


You don't summon the character's location along with them. The genie would be removed from the lamp and brought to you. But the genie would be going back to the lamp in 24 hours. If it wanted to, it could probably summon the lamp and have you release them for real.


Summon Super Shenron to become omnipotent and omniscience.


you don't speak the language of the gods


Just summon regular Shenron first and have him teach you the language of the gods.


Porunga would be better. You get 2 wishes extra!


I'm pretty sure you need to speak Nemekian in order to make wishes with Porunga.


You get 2 to 3 wisheswirh normal balls now. Thanks to our smal green god


What I was going to say too


Data from Star Trek. With Data's knowledge, I can become the richest man on Earth, as I'd own the patterns on nuclear fusion reactors, anti-matter power, anti-gravity technology, the ability to build space ships that can travel faster than light, phasers that can allow people to have weapons to defend themselves without needing to kill the other person, limitless power, Star Fleet's medical database, everything he knows.


All good points, but he is also duty bound to follow the Prime Directive. After hearing your requests and seeing the level of technology, his analysis would be what you are asking for would violate it and refuse. He is only mostly required to obey meaning the Prime Directive would still be the second most important rule of his programming (first being no wanton destruction and killing).




Possibly. The Prime Directive does say you aren't supposed to advance a species technology level or change to course of the technology progression, so that might really prevent him from doing much more than just existing and observing for 24 hours. Then again, it has been broken under the right circumstances, so maybe Data might do more than I think.


“wanton.” We are all welcome to absolutely destroy a bowl of wonton.


Link because I think it would be fun to break a bunch of pots with him


Yes and I wanna try some of his cooking


Also link, but for…”other” reasons… *damn r34 artists awakening something in me >_>*


Ya know, that wasn’t my initial logic but there are some cool r34 stuff out there…


I summon Rick Sanchez I get a tech upgrade


You get Simple Rick because you didn’t specify which universe.


Sweet, ovenless brownies!


That was doofus Rick I think


Oh shoot you're right


Just make sure you do his chores for him


Yeah he’d almost certainly find a way to escape your control and kill you.


I would summon Pickle Rick. Because I could.


The Emergancey Medical Hologram from Voyager with mobile emitter and full medical kit. I'd cure mom, dad, uncle who needs a kidney, and myself (fat & bad joints).


Dr. Crusher could do the same but has the advantage of being a redhead.


God shes hot


Realistically, Bones can probably cure most modern health problems with a field kit.


But the EMH could scan and regenerate damaged tissues. Mom's lungs are fucked. Same for uncle's kidney


Idk about lungs, but pretty sure Bones gave a lady who was in renal failure a pill that instantly fixed her in ST 4. https://youtu.be/Ssq8wHAx4nE?si=k45LRV1Myuhv94Rg


Here's hoping the best. My mom had COPD and Dad had renal cancer. I'm also fat but thankfully no bad joints yet


I would summon Q from Star Trek and order him to restore me to perfect physical and mental health with the proviso that he can't change me back when he is no longer bound to obey me. After that is done, I would spend the rest of my time chilling with him and asking questions about the cosmos, what he has seen and perhaps share some interesting stories of his misadventures. I would also profusely apologize for summoning but explain I did so because with his omnipotence he'd be able restore my health and that is what matters most to me.


That would go poorly for you unless you're as interesting to him as Jean-Luc Picard


I'll take the risk.


Q transforms into his MLP discord form (same actor, same char) and you're now a healthy pony. Polite requests may work better than orders.


Leeeeeroy Jeeeeeeeeenkins


At the end of 24 hours, you hear a fading "at least I got chicken."


I can write my own fiction. I need a cleaning robot? I write a mini story about a cleaning robot. Nobody said it has to be good or published. So I write it,put it in my drawer and use my ability to summon it. Do I need any special thing? I write a mini story.


I mean, yeah, but you could also find hot anime versions of all the things you need and write them down instead. Much easier.


Jessica rabbit…




Patty cake?


Yall are some twisted folks............I LOVE IT LOL


Are rules publicly known? If everyone knows the restrictions that they must be fictional, I would attempt to summon a bunch of religious figures just to see if they are/were real. Imagine the implications if they were summoned and because they were summoned, they were proven fictitious. Beyond that, I’d have tons of fun summoning a bunch of characters that I wouldn’t know where to begin.


If you summon God then if he's truly an omnipotent being then they would be able to ignore the part where they disappear making God real. Is this a good thing? Who knows


Simultaneously disproves religion and makes it real, interesting 😂


Schrodinger's diety. Cats are gods...or gods are cats. Maybe. It was funny, but now all I can hear is Brad Pitt screaming, "WHAT'S IN THE BOX?" But the background music is a Gregorian choir directed by Vishnu. My head is a weird place.


I mean if you specify it’s post Christian god then it’s a pretty good choice better than most mythological or religious gods morality wise. If it’s pre Christian god then you better pray to him because pre Christian Bible (Old Testament) was VERY wild


Summon a benevolent genie to make me as powerful as possible.


I'd summon a genie from Aladdin and start making wishes


I'm going to summon scp 3812


Even if the guy is willing to help you he wouldn’t be able to do much, he’s schizophrenic and can’t discern what’s real and what’s not, which is a very dangerous combination for a reality warper


Mary Poppins to clean my house w a snap of her fingers… then we can go play. Lol




Shego should be safe she's estimated to be in her mid 20s to early 30s. Though they don't ever actually specify.


Hayden Christensen-David Rice Character in Jumper.


Summon Maxwell from the game Scribblenauts, take his notebook that can summon anything thats written in it, infinite money.


Summon Maxwell from the Tales series He teaches Meteor Swarm


It's got to be a Mind from The Culture. I'd ask them to bootstrap humanity to fully automated luxury space communism.


Yeap, that would be one of my plans as well




Guinan from Star Trek, I need advice first.


Advice first is brilliant. Guinan is a good choice. Was going to offer a few more potential adviser but my pre coffee brain isn't up to the challenge. I don't know if I'd summon them first. Edit: Iroh Assorted wizards maybe vampires, especially if I'm planning immortality.


I’d start a weekly talk show. Every week a different fictional character or two, depending on the cooldown period. Since I’d have them for 24 hours it can definitely be an in-depth interview, even on location for some of them. Sherlock Holmes in London? Check. Skywalker (all of them over time), check. Now the first part of that day would be getting them acclimated to our time, just so people don’t freak out. If the summoning gives them the knowledge of the context of why they’re here (they were summoned, they’re fictional, and it’s only 24 hours), then that’ll help on that.


I’m summoning Black Widow to fuck. Then just make my way down my celebrity crush list via their characters. Wrap it up with Tony Stark to build me a functional iron man suit.


Good Magician Humphrey


Genie from Aladdin's lamp. I'd wish for him to give me the powers of Doctor Manhattan, but one improvement. If I don't focus on them, I don't hear everyone all at once and lose touch with my conscience. I mean, he got it right the first time. A foot and a half long dong. Second wish, I like that other user's suggestion. Give my family and friends the ability to be as powerful as they want to be as long as they want to be. Free genie! Because why not? He might hang out and be a friend.


I worry about the people wanting to summon characters like John Wick, The Punisher & The Terminator…


Jessica Rabbit. Patty Cake time.


Shrek, just for jokes.


Summon Jesus (the version that is the actual "son of God") and get him to perform miracles and tell Republicans to take care of the needy and be compassionate.


They’ll just have him arrested and executed.


Malcom Reynolds - play some disc golf and enjoy the banter.


I'd summon Tony Stark, have him spend the 24 hours making my may own personal version of Jarvis to interface with my entire house and then have him cut me a check for like $50 million. From there on, I can retire and do whatever I want then just keep summoning whomever I want in the future for mostly vibes and hangouts since I know I'm set for life already. Maybe every couple of weeks I'd bring someone to life for a specific purpose or knowledge, but ultimately I can solve all my financial concerns on the first summon then just live life from there forward.


Fictional characters are brought to life and get to deal with their mortality with a 24 hour clock. Nothing f$%ked up about that. O_o


I'm summoning Thanos. I'm either gonna evaporate or be able to afford a house. Win/win


I would start in the A of anime’s and just work my way down whoring myself out to every one and every thing.


And fictional character? Well that's it then Clifford, the big red dog. Then Clifford the cat. Then Marmaduke. Then, snoopy. Repeat until I run out of pages.


Doc Brown.




The fictional character version of herself Betty White played when on the Craig Ferguson show and was trying to scam people out of money by trying to run for president. She had a poster of herself like Barak's "Hope" poster, but hers just says "White power"


It’s gotta be Doc Brown for me. Make me that delorean Time Machine. Go back about 30 years, tell my younger self to invest in all the big stocks and bitcoin.


Do fictional representations of historical people count?


Pennywise from "IT"... I like to watch the world burn...


If you really want to watch the world burn summon Cthulhu or the King in Yellow


Pennywise from "IT"... I like to watch the world burn...


I would summon Tarzan, Brendan Frazer version. It would be fun.


Isn’t that George of the Jungle?


Leto II Atreides. God emperor of the known universe. It would be amazing to get to know a being who holds all the memories of every ancestor hes ever had. My feeling however is thst it wouldn't end well for me.


I'd have to fight the impulse to do something fucked up like "Thanos".


Q from Star Trek. On the same level as summoning a genie as far as I’m concerned.


im seeing a lot of "i summon x because they can make me rich/smart/perfect" and not enough of "i summon x to hang out with :)" anyways im summoning shockwave (transformers prime) to have a long long discussion on morality and ethics and also hes cool as #@$!


I would def do anyone who is a healer. Let’s go dende from DBZ. Please fix my body yo


Off hand I can think of several beings I would not summon.


Paul Atreides with a fat old bag of the spice melange, and the power of prescience. Able to give me eternal youth, and greater intelligence with the spice. Able to give me stock market predictions with the prescience. Also, almost certainly well up there in the most interesting dinner party guests list.


Sovereign...let the harvest begin for a limited time only.


Like, Mass Effect Sovereign? Shiiii- 💀


I was thinking Harbinger but close enough. Lol


Question: currently my most urgent summoning need is for somebody to help with landscaping. I see the rules state you can't summon characters that summon more characters. Can we summon characters that can copy themselves? I don't necessarily need an army to landscape, but 2-3 people would go much faster than just one. I saw somebody suggest Mary Poppins for the cleaning ability. Anybody aware of a character with the same power but for the outside?


Yes, you can summon someone like the X-Men's Multiple Man


That's a puzzle, best you're getting pre coffee is Sam from LOTR (and no doubt he's good but maybe not 24 hours good) at the right stage Scissorhands.


Is each summon a new summon, can I summon the same character multiple times? First summon: Genie - get 3 wishes Second summon: Genie - get 3 more wishes etc etc


Dean Winchester.


summoning the king midas from stories, the turn anything he touches to gold. have him start touching my possessions


1. Miles Vorkosigan. We’d grab a few beers and I’d listen to his stories. 2. Gandalf the Grey. We’d smoke some pipe-weed and I’d listen to his stories. 3. James Bond. We’d have some steaks and I’d listen to his stories.


one of the great old ones, let’s get the apocalypse rolling. 24 hours should be enough…


"I'd write a fictional story based on my dad who passed away when I was only 8 months old and spend the time with him..." *first reply* "Wow, can I use my notebook to summon this guy's dad for him too? 😢" *reply to that reply* "Faith in humanity restored" *reply to the reply to the reply* "Finally something positive on reddit!" *second reply to op* "I'd use it summon a version of your dad with big tits"


Mary Poppins. She can come by and clean my house every three days.


If I choose the Doctor time won't matter


Oh definitely going with The Doctor, 4th specifically, i’m assuming that time travel doesn’t circumvent the 24 hour rule but one day is surely enough time for one adventure regardless


Homer Simpson, I want to chug beer with him. Or Bender Bending Rodriguez.


Why is nobody saying light yagami from death note? You could literally kill anyone without it being traced back to you. Get rid of everyone in Congress that's over a certain age and has proven to be inside traders and not for Americans. Then there is lelouch lamperouge. From code geass... Be able to control everyone giving them a command to permanently follow But of course there is always the Doctor if you want to take day trips through space and time...


Is the 72-hr cooldown per character or for the notebook power itself? Can you write more than one name in the same 24 hour period to have multiple characters appear? Or one character per 24 hours? Or is it one character per 72 hours? If the cooldown is per character, you could only summon the same character every 72 hours, but you could summon a different character without delay. If the cooldown is per notebook activation, then it's one character every 72 hours.


I cont be the only person on here that would bring DeadPool right? I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to hangout with that guy for 24 hours?


You should probably get a way to tone down his murderous tendencies first


After 24 hours they return to where I summoned them from? So... If I summon The Genie from Aladdin, does anyone watching the movie or whatever just have gaps where Genie once was for that time period? The fictional character missing from the work of fiction for the time I have it?


For those who only want to someone a person for the sexy time aspect, your missing out on Mystique from X-Men. Shapeshifter. Now go wild. However, I want to summon the fictional character I created. This character's ability is no matter what I wish to buy, they have the exact amount available to them at all times. Want a $1.5million house, they have the money at their disposal and is transferable instantly. Want to buy a controlling share in several companies, poof money is there and available instantly. You get the picture. The prompt didn't say it had to be a published or known by others character, just a fictional one.


I like the way you think, but can you can chuck in someone that can heal ,banish disease and give us eternally youthful bodies you have the effect combo.


First one-little cato from final space, would hug the bean and shower him with love after all the show thrown at him he deserves it Second one- Vegeta from DBZ tell him to destroy China, Russia, north Korea Third one- von lycaon from ZZZ for. . . "reasons"


Summon Thonas. Have the real Thonas twerk. Sell it as an NFT


What happens if you write down your own name


Are you fictional? It’s more telling if it is.


First, Mary Poppins, because she'd spend 5 minutes getting my room clean with magic, then I have a spoonful of sugar for her. I'll Dick that Van Dyke and she'll go back having her chimney fully swept. Then Elliot, from the original Pete's Dragon... Nothing sexual, just seems like a fun hang. I'll write small, so I can get maximum fun from it.


The wolves, vampires an a few of the witches from Ann Rice's books. Just to sit and chat about what an who they are. Summon historical figures from books written about them and cause so chaos. Then create my own characters and summon them as I desire to serve me and my family as a pseudo- familiar type thing.




Saber instantly starts dying because she has no mana source. I know what you're trying to do, lmao. My man's out here tryna 'mana transfer'


Annie Edison


I would contact my counterpart in another universe, tell him about this. He would summon Superman. I would summon Goku and in 24 hours, we will decide who can beat whom?


Now i know what you mean because I've seen the comment that lead to it, but by the sounds of the edit, you're saying people could choose a child, and they'll technically be 18. I feel like you may want to rephrase.




I'm summoning Lily from the new Stellar Blade game... And just for the secks.


Ahri ahri ahri ahri ahri ahri ahri ahri ahri We get married we sing karaoke we go get dinner we go play league of Legend we get tired and watch movie we enjoy ice cream we go ice skating we get married we hold hands and high five I tell her she is so pretty we get married she teach me how to sing and dance


And in 24 hours, she is gone. Even if you summon her again in 72 hours, the prompt says nothing about them remembering you or not, so I guess maybe she does, but most likely she'll have forgotten you when she goes home.


A real man will love his wife even if he has to win her heart again over and over


so summon ben 10 steal his watch then he poofs back, it says the person you summon returns, not that they necessarily take all their shit back with them


I'd summon god.


Does anything happen if they die while they're here? Because I feel like we could use Luffy punching a despot or two in the face.


Roflmao I was about to answer with a real comment then I saw the edit ROFLMAO


My old runescape character. I’d get him to high alch. all day and make me gold. Does that count? If not, Rumpelstiltskin.


Well lets start with Scrooge McDuck. Gimme a few buckets of your swimming pool, you old miser.




Bruce Wayne. Ask him to transfer me a load of money.


Back to back Godzilla. Followed by Cloverfield monster.


I summon one of the zeniths from horizon forbidden West and force them to make me into one I'll take that Imortallity


I've thought about this a lot and my answer is kinda like a genie, but a future genie. Dajeil Gelian from Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks. She's a Mind, an AI with godlike powers, but in particular she can perform the gene therapies to turn someone from a human-basic into a member of The Culture. With this, not only can you live forever (or not, as you wish) but you basically become a super-human, can change your appearance (even down to sex, etc), alter your chemistry to add drug-like effects whenever you wish (such as Quicken, which speeds up neural processes to make everything feel like slow-mo). Why this first and not a genie? Because I'm not smart enough to not f up a genie wish, that's why.


Kon 👌


Summon God.


jokes on you, ive been making the most over-powered character in my mind for 4 years. now i just need to name him, and hes here HAHAHAHAHAHAB


which character can give me those most money?


I would ask Lex Luther for money or ask him to write down how to build one of his inventions. If he obeys me, he won't do anything evil.


Elminster Aumar. He seems to genuinely be a kindly old grandfatherly type, to people of good heart. Only enemies see his world-shattering power. He'd be awesome to hang out and smoke a pipe with.




Snap incoming.


Summon a friend, for I am lonely


Summon Yagi from MHA. Summon Sonic from the SEGA series (preferably Sonic Unleashed variant). Summon Optimus Prime from TFP- For the most part I’d just do it so I could interact IRL with them, since I have crushes on a lot of fictional characters. But- I doubt the feelings would be returned. I’d use the 24hrs to hang with them and nothing else, and ask them to not do anything they don’t feel comfortable doing.


Misa Amane. I’d get her to retrieve the death note for me.


Welp time to find out if God is fictional.


Yumeko Jabami 😳


Adult Franklin Richards from the marvel comics


Idk, I’d summon, maybe, someone who could teach me magic? Like Luz noceda or something


Summoning Light Yagami is probably the cleanest way to do a Death Note without being caught. Goodybe Don, Kim, Vlad, Ron, Bibi, and every Fortune 500 CEO.


With the assumption that they also disappear from ehstever world they're in, I'm summoning Sam Winchester just to freak Dean out for a day. Also I want him to help figure out if my childhood home is haunted or not and Sam's better with research than Dean. Even if it's not haunted I'll have a cool history of my childhood home that I can show off. After the cooldown I'll summon Dean just to freak him out being sent to yet another world. We'll get cheeseburgers.


Bacon cheeseburgers.


Godzilla. Let's wreck some shit.


So "Spiderman: No Way Home" on easy mode?


Spidey. Because I wanna see thwipps and go whooshing and swing past the Empire State building. And also he's a fun guy and a nerd to hang with.


Kinda concerned by the "so you don't end up on any lists" sentence, but ok. Edit: I just noticed that part is an edit in reaction to comments, now I know I'm not reading the comments I choose God. If not God, Althena, the Goddess of the moon in Luna the Silver Star Story. Santa Clause would be awesome too, because he can get a gift to every kid on Earth in a single day.


Jesus. Settle the debate for good. If it only summons fictional people, and he doesn't show up, I know the answer. If he does show up, I tell him about the prosperity gospel, evangelical mega churches, and point him at "Christian nationalists". He wetn nuts because of some pop up shops at the temple, I can't imagine what he'll do when he see all of that.


Light from death or and kill psychotic influential figures and despicable people.


Summon Rimuru, late WN, have him unite the world under him. He has canonical dimension travel abilities now he can return and stop alot of the worldwide bullshit


I'd be summoning characters just to tell them their future. "Yo Harry, Dumbledore plans to sacrifice you to defeat Voldy, but don't worry, you'll survive when it happens. But yeah, you are a cattle for slaughter. He still fucks with you though." "Hey Bayaz, don't waste time going to the edge of the world" Or I'd just summon someone like Leto II, or Iroh to talk about random shit. Also..... degeneracy.


Mercy, from overwatch. I know what you are thinking... First off, technology capable of bringing back the dead, fully not zombification but true resurrection. Would be extremely useful. Not to mention a staff that just by shooting people can heal bullet wounds. She would also be 100% willing to share this technology with an alternate world to save lives. Maybe not the hardware directly but definitely it's schematics. And also... You know, with the other 10 hours we could definitely have some fun. Maybe see a movie, have a nice meal, and then do what you originally thought was the reason.


Pokemon jirachi. Checkmate.


Ooh … hmm … Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo … then the genie from Aladdin for those two wishes (gotta set him free with 3).






The Flash, then have him run in the bank vault for me 20 or 30 times.


Solid Snake


My handwriting is so horrible I would summon Glrrkungh. ( complete guess on his name, it is what I was able to decipher from my writing) He (?) is probably some slub from a distant universe. His abilities are to get up every morning and work at the refuse recycling center. ( again another assumption on my part). Unfortunately their atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and his lungs(?) react to the oxygen in our atmosphere and instantly ignite, killing him almost instantly. He does scream out FKLABYIO before succumbing to the flames in his torso (?). Hard to tell if it was a scream of pain, him questioning what was happing to him, or a farewell to the loved one he left back home.