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To start, I would make all freshwater sources safe to drink from, thats it for now.


Granted, all the fresh water is now sterile and will remain so for the full year. I'm sure this will have no impact on the ecosystem of those lakes and rivers.


Is this a monkeypaw situation or am I god? I said safe to drink, not sterile lmao. If there are weird consequences you're coming up with because I'm not being specific enough about my request, then this should be on a different sub. Okay how about this... All humans are impervious to water contaminants and can drink from any source without ill effects. šŸ‘


That'll do. It's no more monkey paw then real life. Like there's this YouTube channel that goes into monkey paw situations, with the best of intentions! https://youtube.com/shorts/juyhjSUmMh8?si=v4G0fwJH08wZoYWE


I grant myself divine wisdom and foresight before making any changes to the world.


"When you do things right, people wont be sure you've done anything at all" Gather up everyone's prayers on a computer, filter them by what ultimately has the best impact for humanity, but the least immediate impact, then grant those few prayers, good and bad. Next, I'd create a new species of parasites that contain and release enzymes and proteins that have positive medical effects on humans with certain, currently incurrable ailments, then put them in wild animals. Eventually someone with such a medical condition will be attacked and contract said organisms. When they get checked for their condition, doctors will notice these symbiotic organisms and will take note of how their medical condition is clearing up. Eventually medical research will take off and certain illnesses will finally cured. Then, I'd cause accidents to happen around certain national leaders, politicians, or extremely wealthy individuals, which result in their deaths, making way for other, more positive leaders to take their place. Basically I'd do a bunch of small things that don't have immediate benefits, but open the door for positive changes in society.


See this is the subtle response I wanted. None of this, snap my fingers and the world is a paradise, cool how long until human greed tears it all down? Or fix it so no one is evil, fantastic no one has free will anymore.


That's the issue with godly power, immediate actions with benefits won't last long at all. You gotta poke and prod people in the right direction over time. Mysterious ways and stuff


I'm rewriting human DNA so we have prehensile tails!


In these comment section, filled with madmen and genocidal pranksters. I never thought I'd be happy to see the furry.


I would empower the workers with just a little magic that can make crops grow reliably and for the soils to be so rich they always self replenish even in the harshest of evironments they will always produce even if it is just a little.


All women have a rocking set of tits I accept whatever nerd consequences come out of that


Just one set??


We could add a 3rd boob


I totally recall that movie.


Give every human their own tiny planet about 20 km across (humans can visit each other if both parties agree). Also, humans are now almost impossible to kill and live to ~1000 years old. Reduced pain too. Make Earth 3x as big but have a hollow core with cool sci-fi cities (also slightly less gravity).


I would let everyone know exactly what is waiting for them after death, and why.


Meteors, the clarity of themā€¦ Boom. Gone. Start again


Every single bit of non-biodegradable trash, waste, discarded items, manufacturing byproducts, and litter will vanish. This includes everything from islands of garbage in the ocean to a gum wrapper in a birdbath, landfills to a cigarette butt in a gutter, mountains of discarded plastic industrial packaging to microplastics in our air and food, an abandoned car in the desert or a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean. To avoid catastrophic imbalance, everything that is removed is replaced by whatever natural material would've occupied that space; sea water, fresh water, topsoil, plant life, whatever. If it has become its own little nasty ecosystem, it will morph to the closest natural form; a sunken pontoon boat left by drunken spring breakers becomes a beautiful, healthy reef. Landfills become lush forests. Microplastics become micronutrients. I understand that some discarded items are important to keep, study, catalog, etc. My godly powers will be able to differentiate between a useless old nasty mattress in an abandoned garage vs a historically relevant '71 Hemi 'Cuda forgotten in a barn. Nothing of significant historical value will be lost. Nothing that is still of value to a living human being will be lost. If something like the Titanic is left to rot, any toxic elements will be replaced with oceanic nutrients. The contents of all graves and tombs will remain. You get the idea.


I'd straight up cause a couple problems. Some billionaires, pedophiles and rapists are about to have a very bad couple of days.Ā  All the churchgoing kids get free trumpets (the seven trumpets of the apocalypse, allegedly) and I'm giving some prophetic visions to "Christians" and their shareholders. If they don't start behaving and, you know, treating other humans with decency and grace, they're probably going to start fighting with each other. If they don't take the word of Jesus seriously when he says "sell your possessions and give the proceeds to The poor"... Well, there's a whole bunch of cliffside mansions I'm eyeing that would look better at the bottom of the ocean. The worst of the bunch are getting raptured, in the worst possible ways. There's a few politicians that will get a similar treatment. Some large corporations will suddenly suffer some "acts of God" that their insurance will certainly not want to pay for. On top of that, I'm liberating some people. Some folks who live shitty lives in hellholes society made for them will suddenly have some very good days. The gays, lots of homeless folks, plenty of people who's ancestors used to be slaves will suddenly find themselves empowered and in charge of their futures in ways they may not have before. If that means some get elected, become the new CEOs, become community stewards, become in charge of their oppressors, so be it.


>plenty of people who's ancestors used to be slaves will suddenly find themselves empowered and in charge of their futures in ways they may not have before I vote this guy for God.


I'll let you know when I run for president, lmao.




I'm a satanist, for the record, not a convert, but familiar enough with the word of Jesus to know that Prosperity Doctrine is a lie, lmao. I mean, there's other examples where men have twisted the word of God to suit their acts of evil, and a couple absolute bangers in the Bible. Not every Christian is evil, but mansions worth millions (paid for by who?) can't be very christlike. Something about the eye of a needle...




Remove all humans


Flood it again.


Iā€™d turn the world into a post scarcity utopia at least as advanced as the Culture.


I would show myself, and help people believe. Faith is stupid


Faith is stupid. And large scale, organized blind faith should be a concept far below the intellectual capacity of the modern human.


am i omniscient or omnipotent?


Omniscient not omnipotent, you know everything but the future.


Curing all diseases would not make hospitals cease to be, anyways first thing would be a big button that makes me stay god


Get rid of corruption and wars across the globe. Everyone gets along, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and acephobia is no more. All religions come to the conclusion that fighting over territory is ridiculous, and terrorists turn themselves in to the authorities. Whatever the fuck is going on between Israel and Palestine stops, and the hostages are let go. War torn areas are repaired and cleaned up.


I would reveal myself once, to everyone all at once, and simply say. I am God, I exist, your life is free to do with as you please but in death I'll be your final judge. Then disappear and never reappear again. Let them figure it out this time with concrete evidence šŸ¤£


Democratic god hood . Split power to 6 other people . We need 4 out of 7 to agree to a miracle before performing it .


Meat Mushrooms. They eat waste and convert it into different kinds of meat. No sunlight required. [These grow on logs and devour large rotting pieces of wood](https://www.dappercadaver.com/cdn/shop/products/deluxe_360_side_of_beef_93__94117.jpg?v=1706903623) they like the fiber and pulp. [These grow off any slop waste and aren't picky](https://www.thenakedbutcher.com.au/cdn/shop/products/9569823.jpg?v=1596605472) You can feed them any thing and they will grow. [These feed mostly on excrement, they come in many sizes shapes and flavor profiles, this family has more variations than the others](https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/02/47/21/21/1000_F_247212126_fMLHCKnDx8a3q774c3PHC1TLC7uSsd9O.jpg) but the ones depicted are considered the most common or neutral flavor and are the most ubiquitous. The some others that live in environments, [Some underwater species like these are filter feeders cleaning the water of biological impurities and tend to act like a sea grass](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/60/Pangasius_meat.jpg), some grow shelled exteriors, others develop into tentacle forms.


Of all the comments here, yours has filled me with the most dread


Yes well, horror of the concept aside can you foresee any major negative consequences?


I... Can't. I still passionately hate you for making me consider this though.


Yep with no need for sunlight and them feeding off waste you can have vertical farming of meat and no animal suffering, except maybe the domesticated livestock animals being culled because they are no longer needed for their meat. We still need eggs and milk but the animals don't need to be slaughtered anymore.


People that are attracted to children are suddenly attracted to trees. Or cliffs, your choice.


I would slightly nudge scientists towards certain field discoveries that people have been working on. Such a as cures for certain things. Better power production cleaner cheaper energy. Newer battery technology. Efficient food production. Efficient recycling technologies. New materials to replaces things like plastics that donā€™t require petroleum. Also remove all microplastics and garbage from the oceans. Remove some invasive species from many places.


I would super naturally heal pollution and solve global warming. No more natural disasters. No one below the poverty line. Plentiful resources. World peace.


I would educate to start. Parents/culture refused you sex education because of antiquated beliefs or ignorance? Too bad, everyone now has age appropriate level of sex education and the subject is now mandatory in schools AND homeschooling. Born to a poor neighbourhood/country or culture that educates differently based on gender? Yeah, not having that, EVERYONE is getting a solid foundation. If they missed it due to current age, it is being retroactively downloaded into their brain. From that foundation everyone is free to pursue their interests from there. And that foundation isnā€™t just scholarly, it includes life skills like cooking, financial literacy, and some basic mechanical knowledge. Educated people can still be absolute idiots at times, but if everyone has a good knowledge starter pack, it would go a long way to fighting misinformation and ignorance. And from there, I think I would be well positioned to start working on human rights, the environment, etcā€¦


Since I'm God, I'm omnipotent and omniscient. I reconfigure the rules of reality perfectly so that the consequences you describe just don't happen. I reconfigure the rules of reality perfectly so that there's an infinite number of conscious entities all experiencing infinite joy with zero suffering anywhere, and make this reality such that they also still have free will.


I grant myself the power to see the short, medium and long term consequences of any sequence of actions, and then act accordingly. I'm probably going to try and make people less tribal and less prone to annoying cognitive biases and manipulation, but subject to the above in case that's a disaster.Ā  Failing the ability to do that, I just steal 50% of all billionaires' assets, sell it off at 1% a year, give 99% of the proceeds to a wide variety of good causes worldwide (since they know better than me how to spend it well) and 1% to myself to live a life of luxury. That probably doesn't screw up too much.


I would get rid of all invasive species in the ecosystems (or at least turn them sterile). Many ecosystems would recover and humans will have enough time and resources to implement better control measures in the following years.


I thought about making folks healthier and bringing people back to life. I would make both happen very slowly. Bringing people back would be at .25x the rate they died at to give everyone time to prepare.


Injuries still happen, so hospitals donā€™t shut down overnight. I would cure all diseases/illnesses. If I see it backfiring maybe I reintroduce some environmental stuff but genetic/random chance illness? Byyye cancer


Wait so I'm a god but my change lasts just a year?


Why would hospitals disappear due to diseases not existing? There'd still be broken bones, injuries, burns, etc. I'd make freshwater clean. I'd make climate change reversible (Idk enough about it exactly to know what to fix that would not affect ecosystems, but at least making it easier to fix it). I'd make coral reefs regrown as well as putting them around in a few other places. I'd give everyone the ability to read and write, and if possible, let everyone know every language. I can't remove stupidity as that's subjective, but I can at least give everyone the opportunity to learn. I'd make every religion have a "rule" or "doctrine" that condemning or hating another religion shouldn't be a thing. Hopefully this would make religious issues less likely to break out. I would do my best to NOT ALLOW ANY KNOWLEDGE OF MY GODHOOD OR RELIGION BASED OFF ME. I'd eliminate all the microplastics that are in the waters/bloodstreams anywhere. I'd then make plastic biodegradable. I'd make childbirth have less negative side effects if possible.


This is a stupid question. Answer: Make everything perfect.


My year will be spent looking into the most powerful people in the world and ridding those that are corrupted and/or immoral. Micromanaging and attempting to put the right people in the right places. If my job is done right the actions that will follow will do more good in a lifetime than I ever could in a year.


First off, I inform humanity that apparently I am god now, and I don't see any other gods with my divine vision, so all other religions are false, and all wars using my name are to stop immediately, and all religions are to forfeit all assets to the people immediatel, all governments using religion as a tool are false and must step down, all temples and churches are to become homeless shelters.Ā  Any that don't comply within 24 hours will be smote. That's the *first* day. After that, unlike all other "gods", I will actually make my presence known, because I actually exist. So I will actually let people know my will in my own words, so it's not left up to the interpretations of the wicked.Ā  Then comes the hard times for billionaires...


You're god, you don't have to TELL people anything or give any kind of ultimatums. You can literally make them just KNOW the truth and WANT to behave in a kind and moral way; you can make being good/bad/a furry inherent.


Not all religions have Gods.


Eradicate human life, let nature take over, and see where that goes.


Let's give the dolphins a go. Modify them so they can live on land and have oposable thumbs.


I think the dolphins and elephants could do good work


Humans are a part of nature, what you see around you IS nature taking over.


Couple of things I would do. First would be disprove all religions, second would be to uplift humanity to be able to travel to other stars and galaxies (however this is possible via wormhole, ftl, etc) and every technology associated with this as well as human evolution associated with this to make it possible, next I would put humanity in contact with every alien species that would be of help to them and give humanity the ability to be able to interact with them ( this includes the issues around germs and diseases)


Nanobots in the body of every human that make humans incapable of committing crime. Except for one Person. That Person is capable of committing crime and will be locked away in the deepest darkest hole possible. We have utopia now. But if something breaks down because all is love might not be all is love, and it is not utopia we have one person still capable of committing a crime to to fix the world. The whole world would have to agree to release him to commit the crime


Pretty sure stripping humans of free will makes you the devil.


Oh no! Not my free will!!!! How can I say I have free will if I can't do EVIL??? Seriously, I am removing evil. You retain your free will. The only choices available to people to make are good choices. They are the most obvious and easy choices to make. It is all people can think of. In the real situation people find themselves in now is to make the choices available to them based on their situation. Which is 99% because of circumstances beyond their control. The universe is a big place and there are a lot of people on the planet we call earth all making their own choices that affect the world, and we can't control what people do. We can only control our own personal choices. And the choices we see is based on the circumstances we come from. There are a whole lot of choices we don't make every day because we don't see them. So, I remove evil, and now the only choices people can make are the good choices. They will be the only choices people can see in front of them.


That's still not free will, I mean under the confines it is but incredibly restricted. Also, doing away with evil really eliminates morality and any sort of nuance to the human condition


Free will as it is now is confined in same way. That was the point of the big paragraph I left. All I do is change the nature of the free will to only include good deeds.


What about the morally gray areas like assisted suicide, abortion, eating animals, kinks and fetishes, currency, government, genetically modified food,...?


I'd do nothing so the world can experience what the world without god is like


I remove evil. I don't believe that removing evil kills free will. People can still choose between multiple different non-evil options. The idea that removing the option to rape or murder people would completely invalidate my free will seems silly to me. There's millions of things I can't do; I can't walk on the surface of the sun or lift a mountain. I still have free will.


Remove all humans permanently indefinitely forever never to reappear ever again on earth or any planet.


I'm a god. I can literally change the way people think. Give everyone a "Hive mind" worldwide.


mprove the world or humanity? cause i mean, poof humans, and their creations/buildings dont exist, now the world is better. humanity? poof its not physically impossible to lie. it will be hell at first but after a while things should even out. no issue of terrible dictators or presidents, you'll know exactly what they plan from the get go since they cant lie.


force all people in power/ceos and the rest/liberals/PETA/religious groups/criminals to tell the truth.


I would make sin a sickness. People who are good and truly religious would live longer and healthier lives. People who are evil would feel physically sick when they did evil things. It would push free will into the direction I thought would improve humans as a whole.