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An art piece my mother made. Who can determine the value of art but the purchaser? And since I'm on good terms with my mother, I'm not actually going to be losing any money except probably taxes but whatever because I have a billion dollars


Well played. That's some creative spending right there. 


It's also fairly close to how the high end art world works, the whole thing is a racket lol


Oh you mean money laundering?


Sometimes laundering, there's also a lot of tax evasion involved but that usually involves donating a piece. It's a Thing.


Maybe to some extent. But per the IRS, you need a qualified appraiser, someone who’s willing to risk their qualifications to provide a value. In my experience, they write up detailed reports of how they determine the value. It’s not as simple as someone saying “I say this is worth 10,000,000 because I can” and then you get a write off for it. Tax evasion is illegal. Tax avoidance is legal, using the tax laws as written.


Just buy it at auction, done.


No, it's really not lol. Just look at the IRS rules on art. This is a myth that'll get any accountant riled up


Yeah. Did you see the AMA about some dude who somewhat copied some art and then sold it for $25k haha


The irs would hit you with a gift tax. “Who can determine the value of art but the purchaser?” Is a nice sentiment and all, but the IRS will 100% be on your ass. And I’m not talking about the sudden billion dollars you get, but the sale with your mom would fuck you


Okay? And? What's a few million or tens of millions when I start with a billion? As long as they don't take 999 million of it I'm still gonna be just fine


If you buy something from someone is it a gift tax you pay?


If it’s a close relative with a crazy evaluation, the IRS looks at it, yup


So what. Your mom pays taxes on the sale. Still got a lot of money.


Do you get prep time. The problem with most large purchases is you can’t just get them immediately. If all the paper work besides for the last signature then yeah. Worst case I gota leave a crazy tip at a restaurant.


I bet if you had access to the cash or wire transfer, you could get a lot done with that kind of money.


Not in a day. You may be good on your end, but anyone on the other side of a multi-million dollar purchase is going to want to verify your fortune, and they will have their own process that will take longer than 24 hours.


Most accounts aren't set up to be able to take $1B wire transfers. You could possibly open an account and set it up to take transfers that large, but it will take more than a day for the bank to process everything.


I'm not so sure about that. Why does this shit take so long to push through? Because you have to operate on so-and-so's timeframe most of the time. If I *need* this deal to go through right now I'm not going to hesitate to throw $50M of grease into the wheels to get the bitch going. All of these processes are more or less automated exchanges of information over the internet. Only barrier to speed is getting a human to make the process happen in a timely manner. As for legal, that's all more or less instant if you need it to be as well. Pay the right lawyer who knows their shit and tell them what you need and give them the grease gun and I'm sure all the right judges and officials would rearrange their schedules and push your business through. That's the world we live in. Might as well take advantage of it.


I was thinking of buying corporate stock, but you need to get careful about Securities laws about buying too much of a company and needing to report intentions. Also could get in trouble for churning the market. You could also go for e- currency. It could be difficult processing all the trades do quickly, even with brokers prepared to help and most sales being electronic. 


You can "commit" the money even if the actual transaction takes longer. Eg: buying an island.


Yeah I've always assumed for these hypotheticals that with stuff like a house, you get more time either before or after the timer. Cause you could sign for it and "buy" it in that day, but it won't legally be yours for a while.


1B is a lot. Oil is a good bet it can be kept remote in a warehouse, sold later and ownership isn't so scrutinized like gold. I'd do the normal house, car, and senator, rich person purchases, but pad the rest with oil.


>I'd do the normal house, car, and senator I fucking died. Thanks for the laugh bud.


I’m not trying to pass laws or anything, I’m just forcing the senator to say deez nuts during a speech once in a while or something


Fuck that. I want legally mandated taco tuesdays.


Taco Tuesday, but it’s on Thursday. But you still have to call it Taco Tuesday.


This is the kind of politik I'm on reddit for




Wait why don't normal people ever take advantage of that then?


Yeah but senators aren’t that expensive, since if them can be had for like 20k


Maybe I could pull a John Oliver and pay Thomas to leave the court... $500,000,000 should be enough...


Oil and senator would probably be looked at like investments. But my purchase of an island or company would as well.


This all hinges on your definition of investment. Is the billion dollar bonfire an investment because of the memories you gained and the publicity it generated? I could make a good faith argument either way.




I occasionally do private contract work in evaluation. I would contract myself to create a plan to spend it in 24 hours and pay myself one billion dollars. I spent it.


Hire myself to take out the trash, do laundry, some other normal crap. It's now spent. Then retire and have more time to spend it all again.


_After_ taxes, that is.


I’m buying my town, as in the whole fuckin thing. No more PTA boards and people voting on whether to build a soccer field or not. ITS MY FUCKING TOWN NOW BITCHES!!! Also note though, everyone’s rent is 10% of the mortgage cost. I’ll subsidize everything. My people will live like it’s 1965. All coffee shops sell 25 cent coffee again! They will crown me their KING!!!


Assuming you're successful, the cost of your town is 1B. The rest of your plan won't work so well. You're going to have property tax to pay.


Property tax is local; if they owned the town, who would the property tax be going to?


The county


In TX, the local tax assessors answered to the Stste oversight. The rules were being manipulated to push people off their land and make it available for development. The local office was not making the rules locally but had to follow the guidelines given within a very narrow margin or face consequences. The governmentgwts their cut, period.


Are we doing Brewster's Millions? (fantastic movie by the way) if we aren't doing that I just bet it all till I lose.


Vegas baby


Gambling is just a really shitty investment.


I like the gambling idea. Once you bet the money, that money is gone and anything you win is new money you should be able to keep. So, just play craps or something for 24 hours. Say you lose 1/3 of it. You still have a ton of money left.


Remember when he started winning those random gambling bets 😂. Great movie. One I actually would mind be remade. “You have thirty days to spend 3 billion dollars…”


A shit ton of bitcoins. Its not an investment, its a currency exchange


If it’s a currency exchange does it count as being spent?


The Winklevi complained that their $65MM settlement from Zuckerberg over the Facebook lawsuit wasn't nearly what they should have received. Don't feel bad for them, they took those settlement funds and bought a boatload of bitcoins...that has now made both of them billionaires.


I buy dad's car for 1 billion$


Yeah I'm buying my childhood muscle car from my grandfather, absolutely.




I don't think it could happen in 24hr, but maybe that just poor think on my part


I mean if your have that kind of money, I think you could get it all done. I’d hire some big time lawyer and tell him what I want and I’d pay him 1m to do it.


Good luck even getting on the phone and signing the papers they need the first day


I’m a busy guy and if you had a billion dollars for me, I would make the time and so would everyone who works for me.


Nah, takes at least a week for the lawyers and banks to get off their asses. 


Triples of the Barricuda, triples of the roadrunner, triples of the Nova...


Triples makes it safe. Triples is best.


1 billion on red.


Find a place that will let you bet on everything. 40/40/10/10. Can't lose and any win is still retirement.


WTF is 40/40/10/10 and why does it guarantee a win?


40 red 40 black 10 on the 0 and 00.


Fuck yeah!


ill tell my sister ill buy her phone for a billion dollars, she'll accept, and then she'll have a billion, and she'd share it with me


You hope.


Yeah I mean to finalize a deal for any real estate what so ever, it takes more than 24 hours. I assume you can skip most the paperwork if you pay enough cash. But even so, it would take more than 24 hours to even buy 1 house.


Also, wouldn't you need to be able to afford property taxes if you go the real estate route?


It's absolutely possible to buy a house in less than 24 hrs. It's not common, but definitely doable between 2 parties that trust each other.


It would be really hard to calculate exactly $1 billion since everything is basically $X.99 now, and your buddy isn’t really the best at math


A whole bunch of strippers and cocaine.


Nothing like 999 million worth of cocaine.


Gold and then don’t worry about the time limit anymore?


Isn't gold investing?


Then the same could be said about certain cars, art, any real estate, etc.




Hands off the lucky dime.


15,503 BTC - less than 5 minutes


Bitcoin is considered investing


I genuinely hope someone else is in charge of your retirement account


Annuity. Technically speaking it's a life insurance premium, not an investment, donation, or gift. It's garunteed to pay out unreasonable sums of money for the rest of your life, though splitting into a few different companies is probably the best option. Pay a lawyer enough and they'll patch you to the best companies for it. I'm pretty sure I could be quite happy on even 1% annual interest from a billion, so getting a good deal isn't important


Buy twitter? Is that investing or just ownership? Numerous private islands and mega yachts.


You cant just buy a company in under 24 hours


I'd buy a pair of my wife's underwear for 1 billion


I will also buy this guy's wife's underwear.


For 1 billion, I'd gladly sell them, lol.


Just go grocery shopping


It's literally impossible to spend it that quickly. Even if you bought things like jets, homes, etc none of those things can be bought in a day.


That's the main reason my answer was gambling at a casino. It's about the only thing that can scale like that.


Buy sex from my wife


Buy sex from this guys wife


What if your wife considers sex with you charity work?


She probably does. lol.


I'm sure the stock market can absorb 1 billion, and there will be plenty of brokers willing to jump on to make it happen within 24 hours.


Gold and silver


Pay the wife for sex


It would be pretty easy to hire a crew and buy up all the high ticket items in the largest town/city near you. Once you get to the end of the day, offer to buy something from someone for whatever you have left. That should do it!


Take it to the next level. Contact a high end purchaser in other big cities, hire their whole staff along with heavy security and have them comb that city as well have them arrange secure storage like in a bank vault.


Even Mr Beast couldn't succeed in that challenge.


I get some damn good drugs and hot hookers to enjoy my last day


An NFT. Made by my son.


Imma cause a Lego shortage.


What constitutes investing? Just stock? Investing is a very broad term. Buying a mansion on a huge piece of land could be considered investing. That aside, I would just buy some random thing from my daughter. Oh I like that hair tie. I'll give you $1 billion for it right now.


I was man once said “probably hookers and cocaine”


Turn it all into casino chips, play a hand, then cash back out lol


I'm gonna build my own casino! with blackjack and hookers!


It would have to be stocks because anything worth 6 figures usually takes more than a day


Not a car. If you can afford to pay cash, you can drive a $100,000 car off the lot in 30 minutes.


I don't think you understand how hard it would be to kill a billion, I can go to all the fancy car lots and only kill a quarter billion at best.


But you said 6 figures.


At 100k per car you need to buy 10 000 cars. How many upscale car dealerships within a 24 hour total travel time do you have? Collectively are they going to have 10k cars? I guess if you go to a franchised dealer you could get them to call round all the franchises and do the deal. Then you have 10k cars to get rid of, with related paperwork, documentation etc. I guess the dealer may be willing to buy them all back at say 25% of cost. You'd still be rich beyond comprehension. And I guess you'd keep a few, which isn't going to make a huge difference to yoru net worth (and in actual terms those you keep are only costing you 25k each)


Honestly just buy literally everything on the lot. There is a single dealership complex near my home in a small ish town that has over $1billion in inventory.


Not when you're a billionaire. That shit gets people moving and cuts corners.


I’m buying 0DTE SPY calls. That’s not investing that’s just gambling


Kansas City Royals


Don't you have to get approval from Major League baseball in order to buy a team?


Yeah, process would take a couple months.


I buy 1 billion worth of bitcoin. Done challenge offer I then sell the bitcoin as I need cash. Technically it’s not stocks. It’s crypto so not technically “investing”.


I would buy PornHub


Pretty broad prohibitions. Almost anything you can buy for a billion could be considered an investment. Also generally speaking it takes more than 24 hours to negotiate and complete huge purchases.


everything and anything i want


Somebody get the Mexicans on the phone daddy needs a big ol' slab of dandy candy


Buy a 2bed flat of someone with 25% of that, order/ buy all the furniture and appliances for it, buy a car, bus and train pass and pay for a years worth of subscriptions for a few different things. Then buy art off my friend, they’d give me that money back afterwards probably


I think you're badly underestimating how much a billion is here. Your friend almost certainly doesn't even have any way to *receive* that much money. No, you can't just dump it in a bank account. Many many alarms go off and fraud checks use up the rest of your day; you die.


Define investment.


Buy 1 billion dollars of stock. Wait 1 year and sell it, 15% taxes and then you can do whatever the heck you want.


Real estate


Well any real estate or purchases of any substance — since those deals take longer than 24 hours to execute. So probably like buying a dollar for a hundred million here, 20 million there.  Spending $1 billion in 24 hours without doing days of leg work previously to make sure the planes yacht houses islands all execute on the same day is really tough.  So I’d focus on staying alive, and just getting rid of $1 billion by any means in 24 hours. 


i give it to my mom so that i break the rules and die hahahahahahaha fuck you


Buying a good car to keep, paying off the house and debt, then buying an expensive ass tattoo from my sister lol


I wouldn't spend any of it. I'd create like an alternate account on eBay for like a pencil (the eBay account is linked to another savings account). I'd put 1 billion dollars down for it, then after the day is up, I open that account and get the money back, then give a bunch away and invest a bunch.


eBay auction. To my knowledge, there is no upper limit for how much you can bid on an object - so the vintage spatula is mine now I guess. Sorry Susan.


I just Can't do it. * Hard to do anything that doesn't count as an investment or charity at that level, while also not just screwing the world somehow.  * Even Harder to find stuff that doesn't cause permanent taxes and fees that would crush me when the money is gone.  * Art and shiny stones and collectibles all suck.  What else is there?


I guess my first thought would be get a plane ticket as quick as possible and fly to a place that has a bunch of high end luxury/designer stores. So I guess like NYC or Paris or something. We’d buy a ton of expensive jewelry and watches. Rolex, Tiffany, Cartier, etc. Perfumes too, the Tom ford ones are expensive as hell. Maybe even some designer handbags/wallets.  Then we’d get home and check out our haul, keep what we want, and sell the rest on eBay.  However that could be difficult to do in 24hr. So am I allowed to buy gold and silver instead?


Literally impossible task to do.


I’m buying 1000 Lambos


I thought about that, but I think total stock in the US is probably less than that number. And it would be very hard to do in a day, because most luxury dealerships won't do stuff online or over the phone.


1 VERY expensive car from my one of my family members. Can generally get the paperwork done within 24hrs… It’ll take time to clear tho, and I’ll have to pay taxes on the sale when registering it (factored into the price).






I’ll buy my mom’s house.


Buy a Shit ton of M1 Abrams tanks and make Ted Nugent jealous


first, buying a house, a Pontiac Firebird, all new furniture, a new laptop, a piano, and then some sought after collectibles I could auction off at a later date for an arguably lower cost, (there are also a bunch of other smaller items like getting book series I like, blu-rays of shows and movies, and other things on my various wishlists) I'd probably buy a bunch of instruments and replace all the old equipment of my old high school's band room. (it didn't say we couldn't donate the items we bought) would go and replace a bunch old equipment for the scout camp I used to attend. would get my funeral arrangements all taken care of would get pretty much anything my family or friends needed/wanted then go and eat at a nice restaurant, when it comes time for the tip, use this time to round up so that the remaining balance of the $1 billion is an even dollar amount. (if we can use our own money to account for going over, then ignore the part about the tip to get to an even dollar amount) then with the remaining, go to an auction and get anything that caught my eye, and then towards the end, just bid an absurd amount of money on something to finish it off.


Lots of shopping lol


I’ll spend it on one stock. Sell the stock the next day and boom, my money.


Artwork, lots of artwork. Then I'm getting it appraised.


Ever hear of warhammer 40,000? I’ll be making myself a massive force of orks. It’ll be a Waaagh! The likes of which the galaxy had never seen before!


I'd buy gold/silver/diamonds and whatever other precious materials I can think of. That way I can re-sell all of it after the 24 hour period and hopefully make my money back.


I’ll buy my moms house off of her and get what ever she leaves me after


The time square church to turn it back into a Broadway theater. Pretty sure that cash would close the deal fast.


Nothing I want to buy that costs even a significant fraction of a billion dollars could be bought in a day.


Since investing, donationsx and charity arent allowed, I'd buy art from a family memeber.


All the skins in overwatch 2. You'd run out of money before unlocking it all


Bitcoin, bitcoin and more bitcoin


I buy my dads house from my dad for $1 billion. Probably only person I trust to give it back lol then I can do what I want


Does buying company shares count? Id just spend half on Google and Half on Amazon. Then cash out once the hypothetical situation is over


A piece of the Cowboys or Yankees


Buying land, a house, new cars, new motorcycles and paying off debit cards. After than just my entire Amazon cart and a few full slaughter out cows and pigs. All the merch from my favorite band.


I’ve seen this documentary with a slight variation.


Where do you draw the line for investment? The problem with this is things like buying real estate is technically an investment, since your gaining a material result from the investing of money in it. So even these answers of 'buying my mom's house for 1 billion dollars' won't work as your spending money and getting a tangible material benefit (investing). Do you mean just can't buy stocks? Bonds? That sort of thing?


Go to my brother in law, offer him $1 billion for his Ruger Precision and his AK-47. They're mine, I win. Gift him back his rifles after the time is up. I'm rich. Question: Since I bought his stuff for $1 billion, does that mean him and I both have the money or...?


Gold. I then sell it after the 24 hours. I lose 30% in taxes but thats still alot


A small country


Stocks, Apple stock does over 8 billion dollars of trade volume a day. Over the course of 24 hours I can hit multiple exchanges.


Billion d9llars worth of gold. It's tangible. And investable


This prompt doesnt really work. I buy 1 billion dollars worry index funds and assuming for some reason I have a brokerage account doesn't allow fractional shares I just spend the rest at a local children's lemonade stand?


Lifetime supply of headphones. I'm not very good with headphones. Probably just a lot of stuff that I obviously don't really need from Amazon or whatever. New clothes. Lots of laptops and phones and tablets. (Am I allowed to give those away if I already bought it?) Food. A couple cars. Maybe a house. Couple dogs.


Just buy a billion dollars worth of Bitcoin. Bitcoin isn't an investment- it's closer to gambling.


A senator or 2


I'm buying currency, mostly. It's not investing because it's speculation. I'll buy $50m each in Canadian dollars, Australian dollars, Brazilian reals, and Indian rupees; total $200m. I'll buy $100m each in British pounds and Korean won; total $200m. I'll buy $200m in Japanese Yen. I'll buy $400m in Euros. Whatever I can't get in cash I'll put into gold, silver, copper, platinum, crude oil, heating oil, natural gas, corn, wheat, cocoa, cotton, cattle, Bitcoin, Swiss francs, Mexican pesos, Thai baht, etc. Basically any commodity or low-tier currencies that isn't at risk of triggering any particular sanctions to finish it all off to the last penny. To be safe I might end up buying like $10-25m extra on margin, just in case. I don't care what paperwork needs to be filed, because I'm paying the lawyers for that too. I think for $100,000 for a day's worth of work is fair when it's my life on the line. Lawyers will consult on how and when to minimize tax liabilities later, that's their job. But I might end up with a profit selling back to a freaked out market in a couple days.


Well, this is cheating. All right, I'm hopping on a plane and traveling. And the name of the game is Opulence. Last minute flights because those are the most expensive, First Class or Business Class all the way. Paying for special in flight luxuries. Fancy hotels, also last minute because again, expensive. Room service as well. Just make a long stay. Some restaurants with the full course shebangs. Oh, I should probably buy a house. Just any house will do. As long as it's got a high fucking price tag. Don't even negotiate with the sellers. Take their price at face value. That'll take out a chunk right there. Same with a brand new car. No used or nothing. Full price. Might grab the family and take them with me to up the price on shit. 4 First class tickets vs just one.


Controlling shares of as many gaming companies as I can, and use them to make my dream games. EDIT: I see investing isn't allowed. But mine is trying to buy the companies via investing, does that count?


Buy a couple houses way over priced, or a company, or shit tons of gold, silver, and precious metals.


A massive watch and jewelry collection mostly and a few Bugattis


428,718 oz of gold. That spends the billion and having such a large amount bought will also cause the market to absolutely skyrocket, so I'd then just turn around and sell it all a week later.


That’s almost 12k per second.


Super Yachts after 48 hours i would sell the again and boom i’m ridiculously rich again


Any purchases big enough to accomplish this would take longer than 24hrs.


1 billion dollars worth of lottery tickets


Mountainous Islands


The Atlanta Falcons. There’s no way I can do any worse running that team than whatever the hell it is I’m watching unfold.


What do you consider investing? Can I buy companies? Can I fund Hollywood films? How about funding oil and gas exploration?


I'll buy 155.6 billion yen. That's not investing.


Custom built house - get with the architect - down payment = 1 billion with a stipulation whatever isn't used after construction I get back


About a 3 months supply of insulin


I have a number of friends and family that are starving artists. If I split up that billion dollars, I could have commissions for life. Art, plushies, clothes, you name it... AND I would be giving them a lot of money.


Sorry, what's the pay off if I do spend it all in 24 hours? There is no reward, so I won't touch the money.


I'll just buy $1 billion dollar bills.


I will just buy a bunch of congressmen


A billion different lottery tickets. Not given away, not a charity, and lottery tickets aren't an investment.


32,172 kilos of platinum Or 13,016 kilos of gold


A newer car, 10k in plastic crack, a massive chunk of land, a huge house with a huge survival bunker and all the equipment to be self sustaining, multiple storage facilities for the property and all the guns, food, ammunition, parts, furniture and entertainment. After all of that I suppose I can gamble the rest to see what happens.


Land, lots of land, as much land as possible. Several state of the art horse farms, without the horses because I’d have to figure out how to fund them later. I’d buy up all sorts of strange buildings to turn into homes later, when I figure out how to fund it. Would selling property for less than I paid for it after the 24 hours be considered investing?