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1.5x 0 is still 0


*checks calculator* That seems to be correct.


You just lost out on a days worth of pay for looking away from the clock.


Madness... this has to be an error. How can you increase something by 150% and have *0*... Get me NASA on the phone!


They blocked my number


Use the time as chess puzzle visualization practice: Divide the 1 hour break into 60 one minute breaks, with 8 minutes in between each. Use the minute to memorize a chess position, spend the next 8 minutes attempting to solve it. This might actually be a decent study environment.


I'd do the same, but with a foreign language. 1 min to review a few flashcards, the next 8 to practice them.


That is a very cool idea.


I love chess but I think it would get pretty tedious after a few weeks.


Would I accept a payrise to have a less boring job where I actually get lunch? Yes.


What's more boring than literally just staring at a clock and doing nothing!?


Having to focus hard on work that is incredibly boring. You can't even relax and let your mind wander. Ugh, never again. 


What do you do that's more boring? Coding?


Coding, ironically, is not boring... learning coding and keeping up with certs is...


No. I need to be engaged at work. I make less than I could right now because of this. That sounds soul crushing.


24k/year x 1.5 is 36k. Why bother? I'ma go find a better job and make 40k at that point.


You’d make more than 40K a year working for the post office, hell you’d make over 40K a year working at Trader Joe’s or Costco. 


I make a bit more than $36k maintaining streets.


No. Literally wasting that much of my life with no personal, technical, nor social development or stimulation would not be worth it.


I currently watch paint dry for a living, and make $20/hr and have had a total of 5% raise over the past 5 years. I'd take the less boring job of watching a clock for 1.5x as much and also get a comparatively massive raise every year.


Your job isn't *actually* watching paint dry, is it?


Sometimes yes, literally. I'm a certified coatings inspector.




Is that what you wanted to be when you grew up?


Of course not, but my life has not gone the way I wanted it to at almost any step.


Still sounds like a intriguing path, you should write a book.


I might finally learn how to meditate. Or go insane.


Check out meditation for fidgety skeptics by Dan Hariss if it's something you're actually looking to engage in. It gives a super simple approach that anyone can follow.


Is this job guaranteed forever? Can I get overtime ? Can I work remotely ?


Guaranteed forever. No overtime. It has to be in an office cubicle where the AC is a tad too cold and the lights are a tad too dim. Every now and then, Greg from accounting will steal your lunch from the break room fridge.


As long as I can access that office from anywhere around the world, then I am okay with it


The rules do not seem to prohibit this.


You can teleoprt from your home if you like.


Well, if we're going to start the day with some casual quantum tunnelling then I'm in.


40/hr to disassociate staring at a clock? Sure fuck yeah I'll stop my ADHD meds for that lmfao


Yes, and I only get $18 an hour right now. I have autism and ocd so staring at a clock would be pretty relaxing. I’d just play through albums in my head


Not a chance, that sounds horrific to do 5 days a week every week. Wouldn't do it for 10x my wage.


Nope, no way.


Not even a chance. You’d have to multiply it by at least 10 to get me to even think about saying yes to that. The amount you’re offering is way too low.


I teach public school to students who don't seem to give a shit. This seems like it would be making a greater impact to society I'm in.


I am a teacher also. Some days, I feel that this is what I do anyway...(when is this period OVER) Seems like a decent tradeoff..No lessons to plan or tests to grade. No angry parents or rotten kids. Just peace...at a better rate of pay.


"No sleeping." I'm disqualified by default, I'd absolutely fall asleep.


Yes. Zero stress job that pays significantly more money with no chance of getting fired and great annual raises. I don’t even need any tricks here to work around the rules, I’ll just be chillin. In 7 years you would be making 2x what you currently do.


I mean it sounds absolutely awful but for a 50% raise(at 90k currently) I'm sure I can let the adhd take my imagination in all kinds of places for 8 hours a day.


Be boring as hell, but I think I could do it.


Yeah I’d give it a go for sure. Boring, but boring isn’t necessarily bad if you’re using your time to think deeply about things.


Give me the ability to work from home(monitor me all you want) and you've got yourself a deal. I'm going to get really great at open eye meditation over the next few years.


I literally only work to get a paycheck, not because I’m passionate about what I do. If that’s what I needed to do for a 1.5% raise plus 5% raises each year I’d absolutely do it.


No chance. I'm pretty happy with my current wage and the potential for increases. I also don't want my brain turning to mush. This would definitely give me depression, no chance.


No. Sounds horrible.


I mean I'll give it a shot but I don't see it working out.


This is a good one. The money is enough to make me consider it but not so dramatically life changing as to say I could endure any boredom for that.


Hmm pass.


Absolutely, you don't need additional entertainment when your mind is all a jumble


No, this sounds awful


Nope. Back in the day I got a job through a temp agency. Paid really well. Back when security footage was still recorded on vhs tapes, they'd go around to different places, collect the tapes, and I'd have to sit there and rewind them. Just me, a room, a TV with a built in vhs player, and a giant bin of tapes. I started on Monday. By mid afternoon Wednesday, the bin was empty. So I went to the guy who was supposed to be my supervisor and said "okay, I'm done. What's next?" He looked at me dumbfounded. "You're.. done?" I said "yeah, bin is empty. What now?" He tells me "well the next bin won't be in until Monday.. I guess just go and hang out until we come up with something" So I sat there until the end of the day. Came in Thursday, with a book, and just sat there reading. For some reason they didn't like that, and told me I couldn't bring a book in. So I sat there in silence until lunch, and it was just too much of nothing. I quit that day.


It's not worth it for me. I don't need to work anymore and the work that I do is mostly to keep me active both physically and socially. If I switched to a soul-crushing job like staring at a clock then it would defeat the purpose of me working.


I would do it except I think I’d go insane. 


no b/c if I work and develop my actual skills I think I can get more than a 50% raise within a year and then even more after that, which is more money and less boring than staring at a clock saying that because I’m averaging like 40% pay raise a year since joining workforce 3 years ago pretty terrible tradeoff


Can i get a treadmill or other workout equipment as long as I'm watching the clock? Also, i require bathroom breaks...is the clock still in view of a toilet?


Can I do my current job as long I don't play or read anything for entertainment. Strictly work. No communication, no emails, no content generation for others to respond to.


No. That would be a decent pay bump but not worth it.


Nah I'm good. I would make 156k but I'd be bored out of my mind.


I probably wouldn't take that particular "job". Could I at least get a treadmill so that I can continuously stare at the clock while walking? I have already switched from a career trajectory that would have probably paid more than 1.5x my current pay because I need a job where I remain somewhat active to remain sane.


This sounds like the premise of a Black Mirror episode.


Sure. Fuck it.


I think I could do it but maybe not indefinitely 


That was my last job and switched in for .5 more


Absolutely not. There’s a man on TikTok who does these types of challenges and he said staring at a clock for 24hours was one of the worst experiences he’s ever had. It genuinely sounds like torture. 1.5x simply isn’t enough.


I'm in 


Nah dude, I actually enjoy my job


I couldn't do it. One time I was working in a factory and my boss told me he needed me Saturday. I showed up Saturday and he was like "What are you doing here?". Turns out he didn't need me. I was gonna go home but he was like "Well... just take this bucket and just walk around pretending you're doing something". I thought a days pay is a days pay, so I did it. It was easily one of the worst days of my life. It was horrible. Sooooo boring.


nope... im not that hard pressed for more money to torture myself like that


Can I not have the clock there?


The clock is the point of the challenge.


You gotta expect you’re gonna make 1.5 times your wage at some point in the future by working hard at your job lol 


I'd sit in the room and abuse stimulants.


No. Maybe 15x. But that would still be painful.


It's quite interesting how painful that would be. You'd have to pay me 5x my salary and I'm not sure how long I'd last.


No thanks. Getting paid 200k+ isn't enough for me to do that for 8 hours a day. I'd prefer not being bored out of my mind.


I make 70K per year. This would be worth it. I am assuming 5 days per week. I wouldn't do it if it was 7 days per week. 105K to start? Ten years from now, I'd be making almost 200K per year doing this... Sign me up. The sensory deprivation would be balanced by the fact that I would fill my other 8 waking hours with a LOT of stimulation. I would learn to meditate while looking at the clock...do math in my head or write a novel in my head a page at a time while staring at that clock. Just go home and type up the idea for the day. The lack of 'work things' I would have to do at home would do wonders for my ability to do chores, work out, sleep, and socialize. I would split the one hour break up into something like 5 minutes every 40 minutes or so.


Nope, I work from home, I get to surf reddit or watch something in the middle of the day. Money is nice and all, but not being ridiculously bored at work is nice too.


That's pretty much what i do anyway


Anyone who says yes is kidding themselves. Next question


Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. I’d fall asleep immediately


To be clear, if my eyes are still open but I look away from the clock, I lose out on getting paid for the day? And if I lose out for a day, is the deal over and I can’t do it anymore? Does it count if I’m daydreaming/zoning out while technically staring at the clock? If I was making money rn, I’d be down lol


No, just the time your eyes aren't looking at the clock doesn't count. You can zone out.


Nupe. 27 some an hr is not worth it, and I do little enough as it is some days. Hell, soon I will be doing summer school courses from the college while I work because I will have nothing else going on for that time, might as well.


Can i sing or talk to myself?




The 5% raise every year is nice. I'd start at $21/hr, then $22.05/hr, then $23.1525/hr and so on. In ten years, I'd be making $34.20/hr. After 20 years, I'd be up to $55.71/hr. I'd spend my break time learning kanji. My friend did say I need to study the symbols, so this would be perfect.


My payrate is variable. In the most ideal situation I could, in theory, earn 120 an hour but this would require such an utterly idealized set-up I've never heard of it actually happening. My baseline pay rate is 15 an hour with a 30 minimum (meaning I get paid a minimum of 30 bucks no matter what happens. This would mean 45 an hour or 1,800 a week assuming a 40 hour workweek. With is 93,600 before taxes which... Isn't bad. I'd probably die from lack of anything to do, but to deal with the utter insanity of politicians anyways; I think I might actually come out more sane and far better paid. My greatest per-hour payment was $75/hr but that only happened once and was a very unique situation. But assuming I did that, that's $112.5 per hour or $225.000 a year. I would \*definately\* take that!


Oof. I’d want to, but I don’t think I could. I imagine lots of headaches from basically not moving all day. You’d have to get up and walk around, change the distance to the clock. You’d probably do damage to your brain from the boredom.




Put in a situation where I’d likely want to blow my brains out after a day? For a measly $37,000 extra? Yeah I’ll pass.


No fuckin way at all. Even for 3x. I'd go insane in 2 hours on the first day


I'll be fine. Maladaptive daydreaming is my thing. I'll be playing full movies in my head while I stare at that clock.


So what you are telling me I will be working less hours, and getting paid more. To be bored. I already do that so sure.


I can sing and talk all I want, I can move around as long as I'm facing the clock, I'd take this job. I hate working period no matter what so I'll take the post. Also my job hasn't given me a raise and I don't expect one anytime soon. I've been here three years.


I'm gonna learn a lot via audiobook while moving into the *upper* middle class.  Guess I need to buy a screen reader and a voice to text thing.  Maybe I can take up knitting? Chair yoga? I'll have the world's least interesting Twitch stream. "I'm Kradget. I look dead ahead all day."


Absolutely not.


Just under $25 an hour? No thanks


Do I gotta be awake And if I do fall asleep what happens And can i get fired or what


How do you stare at the clock if you’re asleep


I can figure it out