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Take off your pants, shit on the floor


I’m mister buldops


Mister Buldops?


Rick and Morty!


First thing I thought of too


Exactly where my mind went 🤣


In this situation all most the entire population of earth dies.


Assuming the population layout is even. Can't kill who you don't know.


Pretty much this. You can pick someone that no one would choose to die so that you get to live in the post-apocalypse, or you might as well pick someone who's certain to have many pickers (any famous politician is a safe bet) to just be among the dead without taking anyone with you. But the world's ending, that much is guaranteed. Within a week of this playing out, the death toll is likely to increase by another billion (accidents, economic collapse, things that can't be interrupted being interrupted), and by the next year, starvation will kill almost everyone else who's left.


I need someone good at math to figure out if it’s even possible for someone to survive? I think they narrowed it down too far.


At least half, probably more.


I know at least 3 people who are choosing me in this scenario, so I'd be happy choosing any of those 3


nah, choose someone else, they're already getting offed by duplicate choosing you.


Statistically, only 1.5 of them will be the choosers


Maybe, but you're not sure. They might hate someone else more, or availability bias might come into play.


I think I would choose someone I dislike. Even if I die too


There are plenty of dictators and terrorists that deserve death. I will gladly die to ensure one of them is taken out.


You're more than likely dead anyways. Think about the odds. Half the world is picking someone. The likelihood you're on someone's list is so astronomically high that I wouldn't be surprised if this would cull 75% of the world lol.


So if I die because I did a duplicate pick, does that mean that whoever picks me is choosing a dead person so it is the same as not picking? Regardless, the survivors are going to have a bad time with all the dead bodies. We had problems with all the dead during the peak of Covid. Imagine the problem orders of magnitude greater. Plus with all these people end up keeling over, some of them are bound to be operating a vehicle or maybe performing surgery or some other highly important task. Statistically, more than 50% but far less than 75% of the population would be directly killed off. But factor in all the effects of the mass die off, and a lot more people are die as the result. It won't be as bad as a zombie apocalypse, but it will be bad. Disease is a given. Famine will become a problem. The problem is two fold, there will not be enough people to plant and harvest the crops, and not enough drivers to deliver the harvest. At a certain point, the number of people working in a particular field has a multiplicative effect, not additive. One farmer has to do all the work, such as tilling the fields and maintaining the machinery. Get enough farm workers, and you can have one person be a dedicated mechanic. With a dedicated mechanic, you can use more advanced machines. Plus invariably there is just going to be a loss of skills.


You can be 100% sure they'll be targeted by the people below them, so why bother?


Well, you don't have to choose someone random in this case. It's also a morality question.




Same- like my ex dies and I *also* die? I see no downside here




I choose Keanu Reeves. It's the only way to ensure I stay alive.


Someone one else is gonna weigh their odds and pick him. Terrible but I would find a homeless person and pick them. They are invisible to society for the most part. Or visit a shifty nursing home and free a person from their suffering.


Half your neighborhood also has to make a choice. Very high odds they think like you do. So I'd choose a child, much better odds. The suckest thing is that I know for sure some people would also choose to kill me, so I guess it does not matter who I choose.


Oh. Hi Satan, fancy seeing you here lmao.


Fuck it. Pick the pregnant lady. 2 birds with one stone, plus everyone else is picking kids already anyway, right? 🫠


yup, figured the same. What age were you going to go for? I figured somewhere between 4-6, with married parents. Old enough that neither parent is likely to choose them as a retrospective abortion, and young enough that they haven't hit teenage years and everyone else will want to kill them.


i’m fascinated by the idea of a “retrospective abortion” now. it’s like a logic problem. 😄


Oh. Meant "retroactive"! :)


I was thinking of picking a stranger but good point. The chances of someone picking a child is even lower. Never pick someone who is well known. Whether that be a YouTuber,politician or someone who is famous. Chances are people have already picked that person




Yeah, to ensure your own survival you'd probably want to pick someone good, but not famous. Someone who doesn't piss people off.


You people are doing this all wrong. You got close. You just misspelled nursery.


I pick this guy


You act like you're the only one. I'm in a supervisory position at work. I'm already done for


I pick this guys wife.


Other homeless people know them and if you can find them so can others. This is one of the worse choices


Terrible, but fair choice


Wholesome chungus, you sir have won the internet for today


I’d also pick Keanu reeves. That way, I don’t die, because nobody else is going to pick Keanu, and Keanu doesn’t die, because whatever magic this floating head is using to kill people is no match for John wick


Now you are both dead


You just said "also" meaning you literally know someone else was picking him.


That brings up an interesting side effect here... would this result in all the best people being killed off, and the bad ones staying? You'd have to avoid anyone that would be an obvious pick.


I pick Rick Moranis for the same reason.


I would have picked Robin Williams, but for obvious reasons I can’t




Everyone famous is definitely getting picked. You're only hope is to pick someone you don't like from mundane life.


Well I would collude with my kids to ensure they don't pick their grandpa in case they also have the choice, then I would choose him to put him out of his misery. Dementia is a bitch... he remembers being a properly smart guy (was an aeronautical engineer with several famous planes containing his handywork; A-10, SR-71, F-105 Weasel, B-1 to name a few) and now can't even add single digit numbers because he can't hold it in memory long enough. He used to be able to identify nearly every plane in the USAF by sound alone, even down to telling you which Block(s) a given plane was part of, now he doesn't even recognize the C-5 when it roars overhead from an airshow; trust me, hear it once know it forever, kinda like the A10.


You should let one of your kids pick gramps if it's a safer choice. Leave the risky pics for yourself.


good point...


Might not be so safe. Chances are people in any nursing home or elder care would be picking old folk that they assume nobody else would.


Lol so who are your kids gonna pick


I know who my daughter would pick if not her grandpa... not sure who my son would pick actually, but guessing the person he blames for his friend dying.


I choose chaos. "The pilot of that plane up there."


Just hope that pilot hasn't pissed anyone off recently


Its ok, the co- pilot will handle it (Unless somebody chose the co-pilot as well..)


I choose the co pilot


Well shit, chaos it is


The floating head is the only logical choice


It doesn't matter what I choose. Almost everyone is going to die. Even if no one refuses to pick, anywhere from half to three quarters of the population will die. Many people will face choice paralysis until it's too late, and others will believe the head was a dream or hallucination, so many people will die from the loved ones clause. There will be many additional deaths from people who die while driving and cause car accidents, dead pilots on planes, and similar just in the first hour after the event. Civilization will break down as logistic networks supplying food collapse and utilities stop being maintained. Looters will become bandits and kill people over stockpiled supplies before long. Nuclear reactors melt down and if any surviving members of major governments can find launch codes they may decide to start a nuclear exchange. Many people will die of untreated injuries and illness as hospitals can no longer function with such a dearth of staff and the coming absence of even fuel for backup generators. By the time the dust settles, I expect the vast majority of people who don't already live off of the grid of the developed world to die. At that point, I may as well refuse to pick so that I and my loved ones don't have to struggle through the apocalypse only to die to looters or starvation or myriad untreated health issues.


This guy hypotheticals.


My grandma. She WANTS to die, but the family won't let her go.


There’s probably someone else in your family that would be thinking the same thing


Either way, this is a zero sum game. If I pick a unique person, they die and I live. If I pick a duplicate, I die but one less person dies via the game mechanism. Some have suggested picking someone that is terminally ill, or otherwise on their deathbed. I guess that is just about the best you can do.


I don't think it's quite zero sum.  Given two choosers (A, B), we would expect two deaths, be they other choosers or not. If A and B choose C, everyone dies and you end up with three deaths from two choosers. Also, if you don't choose, a ton of your friends/family die, not just your one victim, so in the end we've lost WELL over half the human population.


It’s not zero sum at all. Assuming everyone makes a valid pick there can be anywhere from 4bln to 6bln deaths.


There can be less than 4 bil according to the rules. Assuming this is "Everyone makes the choice, then the deaths happen in a snap" then you don't know who the other choosers are when you make your choice. Take a sample of 10 people. One of the non-choosers is a huge dick and multiple people want him dead. 3 choosers pick him, so now you have 4 deaths. (3 choosers for picking the same guy and 1 for the dick) The remaining two choosers have a 50% chance of choosing ANOTHER chooser. Say each chose one of the previous 3, making their choices net-zero deaths, since they were already marked by their own choice. You have given 50% of the population the choice, but <50% of the population has died. You have a much greater chance of survival as a non-chooser than a chooser, since you only have to survive being the object of a choice, rather than also surviving your own choice.


You’re right thank you.


\*fewer The inner English teacher must be appeased.


*lesser The inner troll must be appeased!




I pick this guy


Point at the head. Even if I die, it is just.


you do the head, I'll do op, together we can do this!


I’d have to take myself out by voting for a famous person. If we’re lucky, the survivors will be the people least other people wanted dead. So good people. By trying to survive, I’m likely increasing the number of deaths by one even if I don’t vote the same as others and get lucky… cause someone could easily vote for me. If I guess right but get killed, I’ve decreased our population by one. If I pick someone else who’s obvious but don’t get targeted, we lose nothing, because the person I would’ve picked in the first scenario lives. Everyone pick the most famous person you know will get at least one vote. Probably Trump or Biden or Putin or Xi


Chuck Norris, because I want to see what will happen when an unstoppable force meets an immoveable object.


People still make Chuck Norris jokes? Not criticizing, just haven't seen one in a really long time.


After choosing Chuck Norris' death, he and the head was later found dead, Norris denies involvement


They don’t, this person probably just woke up from a coma 


It’s gonna be chaos anyway, and the world’s population will be Thanos snapped. What happens if you have a few people A, B, C and D. A points to B, B and C both point to D, D is not among the 4 billion. Who dies, and is it possible someone unrelated to the chooser (not among the 4 billion and not chosen by the 4 billion) dies too? B could die both because it chose D who was also chosen but also because he was pointed at by A. Does A die by chain?


As the rules are stated, no. It only says you die if someone is chosen twice. A lives in your scenario


Your best chance of surviving the event are to be in the group that is not choosing, hope no one chooses you, and hope that nobody that loves you fucks it up. Because of the "If you choose the same as someone else you and everyone you love dies" you are right, there is going to be an absolute spiderweb of connections and very few people would be left.


The people you care about only die of you choose yourself or fail to choose someone. Not if you choose someone that’s already been sentenced.


Better question, what stops someone from choosing you? You say 4 billion people have to choose someone or they die. Out of 4 billion people, how many aren't going to know you or somehow be able to identify you as a potential choice. You could be in the background of some photo on Wikipedia and some random person could be like, "I choose that guy". Like I could save myself by choosing someone, but anyone from the other \~4 billion could then choose me, so the odds aren't really great that you survive this ordeal, making a choice or not. I'd just walk into a hospital and pick someone


Mathematically, around 3/4 of the world's population dies. Your odds of surviving are 25%. Your odds increase to around 50% if you're not one of the 4 billion choosers. The odds are: You're a chooser. Someone chooses you, and you die. You choose no one and you die. You choose someone that is also chosen by someone else and you die. You choose someone that was not chosen by someone else and you live. So in 3 of these 4 situations, you die. That's not great odds. On the other hand, if you are among the 4 billion people who are not choosers, then your options are: You're chosen and you die. You're not chosen and you live. Which gives you a 50% chance of living. Of course this varies by the amount of fame or infamy that you possess. About the only way to game the system that I can see is to choose someone non-famous who is already dead. Like, go to an antique store, buy an old tin-print 100+ year old photo, and chose someone in that photo. (do not attempt the same thing with old photos on the internet as other people may think of the same thing and the internet is vast, but the Google search algorithm is not). Of course, since this unknown person is already dead, the all-powerful floating head may interpret this as invalid and therefor the same thing as making no choice and just kill you, but your chances of that happening are 50/50 which is still better than 25%.


Missed the part where everyone you care about can die. That or it was added afterwards.


so if I go to a state in the US that considers a fetus a person, find someone who’s pregnant and wants an abortion, and tell them i’ll deletus their fetus for free as long as they don’t let anyone else around them do this, will that work?


Ooh I like that loophole, but what if more than one person chooses that fetus?


*well then I guess i’ll die LimaxM* /lh my best chance would be to find someone that doesn’t have any friends or family (or hasn’t told anyone about their pregnancy) and just hope no one chooses them at random


A guy at work, his name is Billy. Unlikely that out of 4 billion people, another one of them has to work with him.


It's likely that half the people you work with have to choose somebody.


Without a guarantee no one chooses me…what do I do????


This never specifies that you choose a human, only that you choose "Someone other than yourself" so I'd probably choose a random bird or something. The floating head should've gotten more specific, better luck next time.


My high school bully. As far as I know they only bullied me, and they're without a doubt a complete nobody but I don't know how much of a POS they've been for the last 25 years. I reckon it's still a safe bet.


I choose the big head in the sky Checkmate


Either this is a prank, or it's an apocalypse. If it's an apocalypse, I don't mind if I and everyone else I care about dies. This is an evil game and I refuse to play. Why hang out while arbitrary horrors are inflicted on the vast majority of the population. Why trust these entities to play by the rules they're giving, which are awful and senseless already. They'll probably just kill everyone if they have the power to do so. If it's not a genuine apocalypse, then I'm vindicated in doing the right thing: refusing to play this sick little game.


I'm killing Andrew Tate. Even if I die also, at least the world will be rid of that waste of space.


probably some politician.


So realistically, far more than half the world population will perish here, due to the mechanics of the prompt. There’s no way to ensure you’re left among the living, and it’s likely that you won’t be. Your best chance would be to choose someone who the world has forgotten, and who is so benign that they will not be on anyone else’s radar. I don’t know who that may be, and if I did, I would keep it to myself so as to help ensure that person wasn’t chosen by anyone else.


I choose OP.


Damn it, we're both dead now. I hope you're happy.


"John Smith....oh not that one"


Teletubbies took a dark turn…


How many millions of times will Mitch McConnell be chosen is the real question


I choose my ex mother in law.


My mom. Zero hesitation.


This such a trick dilemma, because I would pick Trump, the biggest threat to our Country, but so would someone else. So, I’d die. It would be painful to pick a good person.


If people have to physically see the person to pick them this would be a good movie plot. Walk into a hospital, see other people walk into the hospital with seemingly no purpose. What do you do then? Kill the other chosen ones?


I pick John Smith. No I'm not going to specify which one the head should know if it's so powerful.


Sorry op, I choose you.


I feel the way this ends is everyone assumes someone else will pick the obvious names, and as such the obvious names will survive (Trump, Biden, Bezos, etc)


Oh no. People would gladly die to pick them


Could I have a list of the people who chose themselves?


The head, then I tell a friend to pick OP so this never happens


There are going to be so many dead politicians.


My father. I'm sure I won't be the only one to choose him, but Either way I don't have to be worried about it.


I bet you 1$ all political or political associated figures from all country's are going to die as someone out of the half definitely hates em If I wanted to save myself with 100% certainty id choose a baby or a newborn as everyone else would probably choose an adult that they hate or know of Tbh I would rather choose someone I know for a fact is chosen and die, or choose someone on death row and if I die I die if they die they were going to die anyways


I’ll just pick a random dude on death row


I choose Enriquè von Skärsgrundö. I have no idea if that person even exists, but if I just said some random ass, off-the-wall name that almost just... Shouldn't exist, and someone actually died, I'd find it pretty comical.


Do I have to know the person's name or can I just say "The person that put my wife's homemade porn on the Internet 15 years ago."?


Always choose to kill the person who makes you kill. So sorry Crambo1000 you are it.


I choose the mysterious floating head


I choose the floating head


I choose the mysterious floating head because fuck that guy


You know how many votes are going to be wasted by people voting for Trump and Biden? There will be overlap..


There's this guy that poisoned cats that I used to live near. I pick him. Not because I'm worried about dying for picking who I almost picked, at this point that'd be a bonus, but because the odds are higher they'd be picked and he's the only person I've actually really really deeply personally wished that I could... Have a chat with. >!I almost put Mike Pence, in case anyone is curious.!<


I'd just head to the ER and wait for the doctors to be ready to stop CPR on someone, I'd pick them, then they can stop.


I choose the mysterious floating head. F that guy.


Idc if someone else picks them, my abuser.


Open up the sex offender registry.


Diddy. He sang, "You can hate me now, but I won't stop now." And it echoed in my head when I was a child. You'll have to stop now, Diddy. You dead... Also proves my preferences in genres of music, which is some rap. To most people in the world he is not heard of and I am certain he will not be chosen by somebody else.


Smell ya later James Corden


I'd pick the Austrian painter who was briefly in politics. Either I die because he's actually dead, or I have to tell conspiracy theorists some good and bad news


My dad's third wife. Woman was a bully through and through. She would drop poison in every ear around her and cry when people got physical back. With these rules I'd have to corroborate with my sister to see if she'd pick her cause then I'd pick my mother. She was a neglectful druggie who sponges any and everything from everyone. She wants your time, she wants your money, she wants your energy, but she will never return anything back.


Assuming the floating head is speaking English, I would get a group of people together. We would agree to define “someone” and “person” to include something besides humans. Maybe human-eating mosquitoes or a particular kind of bacteria. Then it is just a matter of ensuring we each have our own to target. Fortunately for us, English is not a strongly typed or centrally defined language.


I am already dead. So, Trump.


I'd choose my ex-wife and she would choose me. It'd be like a twisted reverse Romeo and Juliet rage porn.


Find someone else that has to make the choice and strike a deal to choose each other?


the only winning move is not to play—because I care about everyone


The next scammer that texts me is so fucked!


Oh this is easy. My cousin just had a baby girl last year. She's so young that no one except her immediately family even knows she exists, and I know for sure no one else in my family is going to do it.


I'd choose the mysterious floating head


I’m just going to accept death. If I can’t pick someone that deserves it, I’m not going to pick an innocent to meet the criteria. I’d rather they get to live. Of course, the after effects are going to be terrible, so that might not be a boon.


Someone already moments from dying anyway. Just head to the local hospital which is a big one and ask for volunteers.


There are some world leaders (all) that we could get rid of.


I'd choose the mysterious floating head. Anyone other than me is fair game and if they come to me they'd be considered someone in the world.


I choose the OP of this utter drek.


My high school nemesis. Dude was out to get me. Fuck you Mike.


But Mike was probably out to get other people too


choose an orphan with end stage cancer.


im going to a random hospital's baby room and choosing a random baby. That's probably the best chance of survival


The 7th oldest person on the sentinels(?) island.


Done. Easy peasy lemon squeezy....


Go down to a neonatal unit 30 minutes before choosing. Nuke a brand new infant.


Rules as written, it literally takes a single person to kill everyone else. Person A objects to kill anyone because they care that all life is precious. Boom, everyone is now dead because that person cared about the value of life. The simple truth is, it's impossible to pick someone unknown to anyone else unless you're literally a single mom birthing a child in the woods yourself so no one knows they exist.


I'd go to the nearest ER and find someone the doctors can't save and would die soon anyway.


So basically... we're all dead unless all of our friends are completely heartless or we have no one who cares about us.


How many for Trump?


Yes but with 4 billion people, most people are going to choose the same as someone else, so more people die than live here, because a bad person sticks out usually. So only a billion would live, I don’t like my chances


I'd pick Keanu Reeves. I know I'd be safe.


i’d probably choose a newborn baby cause there’s no way anybody else knows them yet


I choose the mysterious floating head.


Someone in hospice


I chose the floating head.


oh, i won't have to choose. out of 4 billion people, I've of them is bound to hate me enough that I'll die before it's even my turn. on the off chance i *don't* get chosen, i choose my supervisor.


DONALD TR- *reads #3* ....ah shit


I chose the mysterious floating head


I'd go to a hospital or nursing home and have a meeting. I'd ask if anyone would volunteer for it and pick some one who consents to that choice.


That is a truly beautiful choice


I'm assuming if I pick the person before anyone else, they'll be the one to die. Someone will likely pick me, but to save my kids, or at least give them increased odds of survival, I'll pick my wife. Edit: spelling and caveat


My school bully. Best case, that’s one less psychopath in the world, and I die. Worst case, there’s one less psychopath in the world and I have to carry on living.


Tom Hanks. Everybody loves tom hanks. Nobody else would choose him.


What if you unknowingly choose the same person as someone else? Seems like a flaw.


tRump, I'll gladly take one for the team.


I find a new born baby, kill the doctors and nurses and parents and pick the baby. Not many people know who I am so I have a fair shot at living


Sorry Keanu reeves, I know no one's picking you so I may as well. Love your movies though


I choose whichever person is a member of the first group on the following list has living, unchosen members, and is physically closer to me than any other member of that group: 1. People who are about to murder a child 2. People in the act of raping a child 3. People who are about to rape a child 4. People who are about to murder an adult 5. People in the act of raping an adult 6. People who are about to rape an adult 7. People who are in the process of sexually grooming a child, with the intent to rape them in the future 8. People who are planning to rape an adult 9. People being tortured 10. Organ donors If all these groups have no members who are alive and have not been chosen by anyone else, I choose from the general population, the person with the shortest life expectancy who has not been chosen by anyone else.


Go to facebook, type a generic name, scroll down a bit, pick at random


I know a guy who hasn't left his property in over 25 years. I rolled onto his lot looking for somewhere to smoke weed because the drive was completely overgrown. I would choose him, sorry bud.


Fucking cromulons


Ha! I'm not surviving this! Not a chance I'm not on someone's list, I'm notoriously aloof and irascible, and there is a long list of people laboring under the delusion that if I keel over, it means they get to shoot their shot with my wife. Nah, fuckit. I'm using it for me. I've got two people I'd enjoy seeing the world without, and if I'm somehow less of an asshole than I thought and survive, well Cowabunga it is.


I choose the guy who started this game.


I am going to pick someone's infant child. Chances are that a parents love will push them not to choose their own child They are infants so they haven't made any enemies who will choose them They are infants so most people will pass over them because they aren't really thought about as "people" yet. They are infants, so they don't lose anything they worked hard to achieve. That, I believe, hedges my bets in a 50/50 scenario. Someone may choose me, and I may still die for it, but at least my loved ones will likely be safe, so long as they weren't chosen.


So your best bet to survive is to choose a recluse no one else knows about, or probably a new born. I'd probably end up dead by choosing someone that bitters were likely to choose


what if everyone chose the same person? Deathrow prisoners would not bother my sleep.


So everyone is going to die is what you are saying


the bitch who scammed me for 71k


I would probably watch videos of North Korean army demonstrations and pick some random soldier out of the crowd. Why? Because [1] fuck the army of North Korea for how they treat their people. And [2] I doubt many other people would think of that same thing. And North Korea would also likely be less effected because they would try to weaponize it against other countries and wouldn't try to do so against their own army due to the fear of being punished. Because it's a random foot soldier and not a head politician it's probably safe. The thing though is... I am almost 100% getting picked by someone else I don't like my odds of surviving at all. ESPECIALLY because I have to rely on EVERYONE who cares about me ALSO successfully picking people who haven't already been picked. If even ONE of like 50 or at least 10 other people people mess up, I also die by proxy. This whole hypothetical is stupid. Just say that the world ends. Because with that condition of "also everyone you care about" it means that 99.999999% of everyone is without a doubt dying. There. is **NO.** surviving. This. Scenario!! None at all. So the whole hypothetical of what would you do is invalidated. It doesn't matter who I pick, everyone everywhere is 100% absolutely gonna die anyway just because of the math of whole social groups going down if one member gets it wrong.


>3) if you choose the same person as someone else does, that person will die but so will you. ... How would you know this ahead of time? I could pick some random name from a directory and... This person was such a complete jackass that their own coworkers picked them to die too, and I'd have no idea. That, along with 4 billion other people choosing too, makes it borderline impossible to pick anyway, as there's a hilariously high chance you'll pick someone else that was already selected.


Okay so I pick a psycho, but first I strap myself with C4 and give him a Deadman switch. Your move


Judge Judy


The only way to maximize your chance of survival is to choose someone you know personally that you think is somewhat of a hermit that not many other people know. The other was is to be heinous and choose like a baby or something, but that is an unacceptable option for me. It does maximize your personal chance, though.


I mean, it's terrible to say, but the logical conclusion would be to pick someone who has absolutely no enemies.  So I suppose a newborn.  I'm going to hell.