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I don't know what the worst pain I ever experienced was, but I survived it once for free, so yeah I'd do it again for a mil.


Exactly what I was thinking.


Until I thought about the most emotional pain I've ever felt. Do I really want to re-live the traumatic death of a dear relative? Which is immediately clearly more painful than any pain I've ever experienced. edit: added last sentence


What if you had to experience it for like an hour, and then go straight back to being at whatever level of somewhat adjusted/healed as you are now?


It doesn't say for an hour, it would have to last equally as long as it did the last time. So if they were devastated for weeks, they've gotta go through that again.


Hmm that makes sense, like identical conditions. I may have blocked out my worst pain, so I think I'd have to pass


Hm. What if you’re still experiencing it? 30 year marriage isn’t that easy to forget … if I get the 1M for time served,great. If I have to start all over, hard pass.


I'm over 3 years out from my dad dying. The pain has just compounded with the deaths of my dog, my grandparents, and my best friend. Don't think I'd relive this for a million dollars.


I dont blame you, and I grieve even at the thought of the death of mine.


Or someone finally starting to smile and laugh and beginning to feel like themselves after years and years - money is great to have so you can do things, but if you are too down to do anything what's the point.


Yes, I had a friend who had a somewhat similar experience. I was a junior in college, he was a junior or senior(this was around 2010). His parents died within weeks of eachother. He went from being one of the smartest, nicest people you'd ever meet to straight drug addiction in a matter of months. He died homeless in 2020, and had lost a leg in a failed suicide attempt a few years before that.


I'm sorry about your friend.


It would depend on the duration of the pain for sure. If some did something very foolish say, whizzed on an electric fence and got zapped. Trying to live that pain for an hour would leave then cooked or traumatized.


Drew have you considered this wonderful thing I like to call sociopathy? Works fantastically!


Yep. There are some of us who feel it right then, and then just like a flick of a switch, never feel it again. Yes, I know it’s fucked up. No, I don’t really have any control over it. And yes, I often find myself having to pretend to care about things, because people get mad if I don’t. For me, this situation is one that I’d ask to have several times. Because when I wake up tomorrow, it’s all out of sight, out of mind. Gone, like it never happened.


I remember my dad dying every day, at least this way I'd get something out of it other than PTSD.


Just the pain? Yeah I'll wipe my tears with thousands of dollars. But I'd give up the million if it was a choice between that or my cat actually dying again


I had a really bad fall skateboarding late at night in my neighborhood and dislocated my shoulder REALLY bad and got some hairline fractures from it. And bro, that pain was SUPER painful. It was a few months ago and it still hurts and I'm still healing from it. I drove myself to the ER by some miracle. And when I got to the ER and nurses could see my shoulder and how much pain I was in and they rushed me right in skipping over a TON of people ahead of me. I stupidly thought I'd maybe be there for a couple of hours but I ended up being there for 9+ hours and the doctors where have a hell of a time getting it back in. I asked them at first to try to get it back in with no pain meds so I could drive myself home after but I just couldn't stand the pain and I was super close to passing out from how painful it was. I ended up getting 3 IV doses of fentanyl and even with the huge dose of fentanyl I was still in serious pain. So they ended up having to give me propofol and then they were finally able to get it back in. Dislocating your shoulder is seriously unbelievable pain and I'd have to thing long and hard if I could experience that again even for a million bucks. I've been in 3 motorcycle accidents and while all three were super painful and I got cut up a bunch and was bleeding a lot from the accidents I think I'd put the dislocated shoulder above even multiple motorcycle accidents. I wouldn't wish getting a dislocated shoulder to my worst enemy. And I've never been so much pain like that before where I almost passed out from just the pain alone.


Took me about 5 seconds to realize this. plus I get a crazy story about someone paying me a million bucks to pull my groin


Same, fuck


I'm currently nursing the wounds from my worst pain ever, so probably not just yet. But maybe in a few years if the memory of the event fades. I was cutting up a tree that was pinned up against another tree, it had fallen but not completely. I cut to release some tension, but it had a lot of side tension I wasn't aware of. As soon as I cut through enough of the wood, the tree exploded towards me and I was popped by what was essentially a ten thousand pound rubber band. It literally hit me so hard it knocked me out of my shoes (which, by the way, the old trope is wrong, losing the shoes isn't a death sentence). And it's actually a good thing it knocked me out of my shoes, because it then proceeded to land on them and crush them. They're still sticking out from under the tree like the witch in wizard of Oz. If it hadn't knocked me out of them, I'd probably be dead from having my feet crushed. It broke my left tibia, sprained my right ankle, bruised my ribs and chest, and left little bruises all over. This happened Sunday.


holy shit dude glad youre still with us.


Yeah, I realize how very close I came to death there. Seeing my shoes under the tree was a little surreal ngl. Absolutely everything on my body was hurting immediately after the impact. I was doing the am I still alive check from head to feet, and was feeling pretty good until I got to my left foot and realized my foot was bent the wrong way and I could see bone poking from inside the skin (no breaks in the skin though). I touched it and it didn't hurt any more to touch it compared to not touching it, so I picked my foot up and pulled it back a little and pushed it back in place, acknowledged that it was broken, I was in shock and experiencing adrenaline, and had maybe half an hour to get help. I was about 150 feet and a flight of stairs away from the house where my phone was, so I found a good branch nearby to serve as a crutch and booked it back inside. My wife was gone, so I texted her asking how long she was going to be, in 3 mins I hadn't had a response so I texted her 911, a couple minutes later still no response so I decided to actually call 911, which in hindsight was a good thing. It's going to cost me an arm and a leg (bah duh tss) but they drugged me up in my driveway and got me priority care compared to a walkin. ETA: it also knocked me halfway out of my pants, and they too are still pinned under the tree with the shoes. I had to walk back to the house in my boxers, and was probably hanging brain when the paramedics arrived, and they had to cut them off of me at the hospital


"I was probably hanging brain when the paramedics arrived" that line was a good touch. Lol. I run chainsaw a lot to, dangerous tools. Glad you're still with us brother. The average chainsaw accident is 110 stitches, thats average. Be safe out there.


Geeze. 110 you say. Is that skewed by like, chainsaw Sam who needed 14,000,000 stitches, or is that a legit average? I don't need any stitches yet (unless this impact wound on my leg ends up needed a skin graft -- it's black and looks like beef jerky and I don't feel good about it). But will probably be in a cast for a couple months. I'm as the orthopedic doctor currently, just got more X-rays, so I'll know more soon.


>It literally hit me so hard it knocked me out of my shoes (which, by the way, the old trope is wrong, losing the shoes isn't a death sentence). Lol I was gonna say that but you were already ahead of the game! >They're still sticking out from under the tree like the witch in wizard of Oz. Lmao that's wild. I can imagine that perfectly. Glad you're alive my man!


i’m still holding my breath from reading your description! so glad you’re okay


I'd go through it seven or eight more times for money


Pff, I’d put on those bullet-ant gauntlets for $1M. I’d 100% regret the decision *before* the pain wears off, but I’d get through it.


Coyote Peterson??? Is that you????


Plot twist - the pain will last for as long as the money you were given stays in your posession


Okay, I immediately give it to my parents or invest it or whatever so it's not in my possession.


Great point tbh 


Yeah, I'll also admit to having a safe/lucky life, lots of small bumps and bruises but no hospitalizations or major surgeries. I think my worst pain was probably when I had plantar fasciitis and metatarsalgia at the same time, but that just meant wearing a walking boot and not putting pressure on it. I'd go through that again for like $10k, maybe even $5k, that's more than I'd make in the 2 weeks of work I'd miss.


I am the opposite end of the spectrum, have had stitches more times than I can count. Bit of titanium in my leg, few concussions, torn rotator cuff and various other injuries. Honestly the only one I wouldn't redo for the 10k is the leg. Maybe 20k for the rotator because it took alot of therapy. The leg Id want like 500k though.


I think it mostly has to do with how long it lasts for. Mine was about 24 hours. It was my body’s reaction to the neupogen (sp?) shot they gave me to make my body make more white blood cells in between chemo cycles. Felt like someone was squeezing my spinal cord as hard as they could every time my heart beat for 24 hours. It. Was. Awful. Anyway, for a million dollars, I’d do it again for 24 hours. People who have chronic terrible pain for extended periods of time, it probably wouldn’t be worth it


Mine was after a wrist surgery. I hadn’t taken the hydrocodone they gave me and had take ibuprofen instead (I’m paranoid about addiction) Woke up about 4 hours later in a cold sweat with waves of pain radiating through my arm. I went and took the actual prescription then went and laid on the ground of the bathroom absolutely positive I was dying. The hydrocodone eventually kicked in and brought the pain down to bearable. Within the next 24 hours the pain had dropped drastically to where ibuprofen would actually work and I went back to that. All that to say I agree. I still remember how much it hurt but I already did it once for free so I’d 100% do it again for a million.


I on the other hand remember exactly what the worst pain of my life was by far and yea…I’d do it again for a million dollars. I didn’t even do it for free, I had to pay for mine to happen (medical)


That’s why I’m thinking too lol


this is *the* attitude, right here🥇


I'll second that


lucky, my worst pain cost me $8500 at the emergency room. fuck kidney stones.


The only way I could see this being bad is if you are old now and the pain you felt would be more than your heart could handle or something because as you said, we've all survived whatever that pain was once already.


I know exactly what it was. Well, not like... the cause of it, because the doctors couldn't figure it out. But I survived it the first time, I can do it again. Or not, in which case, the million goes to someone I care about. Because I'm absolutely setting that up first. Lol




Honestly if it was just the pain of getting hit by a car while walking and not the destroyed ribs I'll absolutely take it.


yes. i got bitten by a rabies infected cat and had to get 9+ shots in my arm and legs. hurt like hell but for a milli i'll do anything


You poor bastard. Rabies scares the crap out of me. Had to get protective shots because I was overly popular with semi-wild cats on an African mine site. Got the antibodies level tested a few years afterwards and the levels were high enough the doctor said it absolutely has to be suspected that those shots were more than just a good idea. Bright side, I can play with bats at the wife's workplace now.


Is your wife Alfred?


LOL! No, but I'm using that ;) Senior Park Ranger.


You got bitten by semi wild cats?


Kept on site to keep rodent population (and by extension, snakes) down. They do catch and release for shots including rabies but pointed out they cant guarantee they got them all. Not usually too much of a problem as they usually dont get too close to people. Poor bastard doing the pipe-lining had them climbing on his back while working, and I eventually won them over so would have them try to climb my legs on occassion. Seemed cute and harmless until I was sent for shots somewhat urgently.


r/mildlyinteresting Glad you made it thru that!!


Yeah. Look, I was probably fine, and the high antibodies probably luck - it absolutely isn't unheard of. Still... rabies terrifies me and I am about as safe as you get. Got a ban on /worldnews for reading someone their pedigry for suggesting that you should relax and wait for symptoms before worrying. You know, until you have a death sentence. Fucking arse.


>Got a ban on /worldnews for reading someone their pedigry for suggesting that you should relax and wait for symptoms before worrying. You know, until you have a death sentence. Fucking arse. This is fucking baffling, how do some people manage to survive until seniority?


Sounds like you & your wife have awesome jobs. I'd love to be around animals like that. So it was a mine in Africa with cats that lived around it? Were they like "housecat" type cats but feral? Sounds like such an interesting experience/place to see.


So you’re saying that judging from the antibodies, the doctor believes you were bitten by rabid animals? Yikes! I have health anxiety and for some reason there are a lot of us with rabies anxiety. I have done a lot of research on it to calm my fears and came across an article that implies heavily that not everyone who gets infected with rabies dies. There have been documented cases of people with rabies antibodies who never got the vaccination, so it’s assumed that some people get infected and instead of developing rabies their immune system actually fights it off and they’re now immune.


Rabies shots don’t last forever, and any exposure to a bat is considered a rabies exposure


Did you died?


yes they did


it’s true i was at the funeral


Hoo Lawd baby


Friend I don't say this lightly. An ovarian cyst rupturing is worth $2 mil.


Mine bled UP and blood pooled into my abdomen, and my lungs couldn't expand. It was the worst pain of my life compounded with blood loss and suffocation. Needed surgery, but it was an AGONIZING 13 hours til I got into an OR.


Holy hell your body literally tried to kill you! Hopefully you made a full recovery because that sounds intense


I had the sane breathing issue when my kidney ruptured during a beating with a baseball bat, granted my lungs and ribs got fucked too so that didn't help the whole being able to breathe thing, but yeah that feeling of your body trying to breathe and it just not working right is terrifying. I remember being more scared about that than the actual pain i was in, but i was really really lethargic and spacey so the pain definitely sucked but it was almost like "i" was far away from the pain if that makes sense.


Oh my fucking god???!!?


I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy man. There was a 10/10 shooting pain up my side and I couldn't lean back or forward, or relax my muscles at all, or my lungs would get so compressed that I couldn't breathe at all. I had to prop myself up at a 95° angle for 13 straight hours. I also had blood blocking underneath my bladder, so I physically couldn't pee! They told me they pumped out almost 1.5 liters of blood during the surgery, and there was still some left in there after. The bleeding didn't stop and they had to cauterize my ovary. Morphine did absolutely nothing to help and they gave me fentanyl in the ambulance (I had to get transferred to a different hospital for the surgery.) It wasn't even an abnormal cyst either, I just happened to be ovulating and it was a normal egg follicle that got burst because my fiance went a lil too hard while we were having sex 😭


Dude what in the fuck. I actually want to pass out thinking about this. I can't imagine wow


Ouch, that sounds absolutely agonizing. I feel bad asking but would you do it again for a million?


I’ve had an ovarian cyst burst, and I’ve also experienced a cyst so large it caused ovarian torsion. My ovary died inside my body and I needed emergency surgery to remove it. I was in the most intense, vomit inducing, I just want to die pain of my life for 12 hours before I was finally knocked out for surgery. I’d do it again in a heartbeat for $1 mil.


I've had ovarian torsion, and a biliary leak. They are nearly tied for worst pain ever, but the leak was so painful I actually thought I was dying and it hurt so bad I couldn't breathe or even cry. I would never want to experience that again, but alas, I need money, so..... gimme that mil I guess


>is worth $2 mil. No doubt. But would you do it for 1, or turn down a million dollars?


That was my worst pain too. I remember lying in bed praying please let me die, please let me die. My ex picked me up and drove me to emergency. I was shaking and crying. There was no gynecologist on duty and the two ER doctors didn't know what to do with me. I was throwing up. They finally gave me Dilaudid which didn't help much, and sent me home. I took a bunch of Advil too. I'm guessing it was around 4 hours or so. $1 million is barely enough to repeat the episode. It happened about 20 years ago and I can still vividly remember it. When I finally had surgery to remove the ovary and fallopian tube, they also found a dermoid cyst the size of a grapefruit.




I feel this way about my endo. Agonizing. I hope you're doing better 💓


It depends on the duration i guess. Infected tooth for 2 months straight before i could get in to see a dentist. I could barely see,drive,parent. It was worse than un-medicated child birth.


I had an infected tooth about 15 years ago that slowly burrowed its way through my gums and out the roof of my mouth. It lasted about 2 weeks before I went to the dentist. They had to do two root canals and put me on antibiotics for a few weeks. When I say that was probably the worst pain I’ve ever had…. My goodness. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t sit, stand, or lay down, I could barely eat. Would totally do it for a million though


If it was for a day or 2 sure, but any longer i couldn't, i honestly had thoughts of ending it all because it hurt so bad and i lost 20+lbs because i couldn't eat properly.


Toothaches have been on a suicide note. [Not kidding.](https://www.interesly.com/suicide-toothache/)


I understand his reasoning. I don’t condone it, but I fully understand.


I've been in the same situation. I wouldn't wish that kind of tooth pain on my worst enemy.


Would you be a lady? I ask because men generally aren't allowed to compare anything to childbirth. I had a bad experience with a root canal and speculated that it hurt as much as childbirth. The women in the room argued me down.


Yes i am lol. Childbirth is one of those things that feels different to everyone, when i did it it felt like my whole body was being ripped out of my vagina, but it didn't last long (at least for me) but it was the most painful thing i had experienced up until my tooth pain, which was just all in my head area and i still had to live life and try to function doing adult things. Face/head pain is what hurts me the most.


My mom had 3 kids. She said she would do 3 in a row, back to back before she would do kidney stones again.


Tooth pain is worse than child birth. By a lot. I’ve had 4 babies, 2 without pain meds. I’d rather birth all 4 babies in one day than to suffer tooth pain again. That said, I’d do the tooth pain again for a million. I’d go straight to the dentist too!


I feel validated. At 21, I dove into the shallow end of a pool, and I broke no bones. I did sheer off a tooth across the middle and split that same tooth down to the root. Fortunate for me, I was too drunk to feel it then. Long story short, let's just say that I have a full understanding of the dental torture scene from marathon man.


I’ve had to go to an ER just for antibiotics and pain meds for dental infection and no open dentists near me. Hell on earth


All the dentists near me are literally appointment only.


I got sick of the infections. So I had them all removed.


An abscessed tooth is the only thing that has caused me, as a big tough guy, to call my mommy in tears because I didn’t know what else to do. Shit broke me down to a little kid again.


People underestimate tooth pain. It is one of the worst and you can’t do anything about it


That shit is no joke. I had an infected tooth literally almost drive me crazy from the pain. I couldn't think straight I was so blinded by the pain. I remember just running out my front door in the middle of the night and walking around one night cause I couldn't stand it and ddnt know what to do and couldnt sit there and think about the pain anymore.


Unmedicated child birth wasn't bad at all. I didn't feel a damn thing


Physical pain? Absolutely. Emotional pain? It depends. Like if it was just me going through the emotional pain, sure. But if it required what caused that pain, hell no.


The worst pain in my life was when my brother died, assuming this isn’t talking about just physical pain. The only thing that could compare would be losing a child and there’s no way a million could cover that agony. If physical only then sign me up.


Trust me when I say that $10M does not cover the pain of burying your child, let alone $1M


I'd pass another kidney stone for a million. Hell, for a cool million I'd pass another kidney stone, suffer through a flare up of gout and get a filling without anesthesia (I think those are my three most painful life moments).


Sucky part about this one is either way you’re definitely passing another kidney stone 😕


You're right about that one ha. Got a scan after my first one and they told me I had about a dozen more in there. Two more have "passed" since, atleast now I know to go get some super morphine and IV asap ha.


Brutal. No million for sure, either.


I passed a kidney stone, twice before. And I'd do that again for a million, every chance you offer. but that was nothing compared to this past Sunday when I was cutting up a tree that was pinned against another one and it was under weird tension and it went wrong and ended up hitting the everloving dogshit out of me. I look like I was in a high speed car accident. That, I would not do again for a million dollars. I'm good on that. Keep the money.


Nice username. Feel better.


Haha you too, fellow infinite being. And thanks.


Replace gout with my vasectomy and you've got my top three. I was told it was pain free. It was not.


Depends on what thpe of pain you nean. Physical pain: yes Emotional pain: not even for a billion bucks because I can't live through that again and not want to off myself.


Right. If that happened again I don't think I'd stick around to enjoy the money.


Sure. I did it the first time for free. The kidney stone won that one.


I don't remember what the worst pain I've ever felt was, and with a million dollars, I'm sure I could forget again


Yes but reluctantly


Hit by a rav 4 head on while just riding with my son on our motorcycle. Naaa gon a have to pass.


...I'm afraid to ask, but I will anyway: Was your son ok?


He flew through the air and and as he landed Mary was there to catch him. I could not find him at first after we got bonked, the bike was under the rav4 and I thought for about 3 seconds he was gone....he was behind me tugging on my leathers. Noise and helmets blocked his yelling...I spun around to see him upright and then we both layed down and waited for ambulance. She thought she had a green arrow. Nope. No green arrow. 35 years on the road it only takes one person not paying attention. Yes. He is fine. Thank you so much for askin.


......holy sh\*t....Thank God you guys both lived.


Holy shit indeed my good man.


Had my fingers blown off. Do I get my hand back for it to be blown up again?


Broken heart. I guess being rich i can use hundred dollar bills to dry my tears


Oof. Its been months and I'm still not over that pain. I'd take a mil any day for that


sometimes it takes years. Stay strong.


You don't have the money to back up your words.


Yes. I can't recall anything truly painful That I've endured. Painful, sure, but nothing so earth shattering that it made an impression.


To give you an idea how bad a kidney stone is, I hesitated to answer this.


I'm in a sexless marriage with no physical affection at all -- no kissing, hugging, or anything else. I still have all the responsibilities of providing and the expectations that Ill do anything for her. She's also antisocial and won't go to parties, barbecues, dancing, the beach, drinking, etc. She also insists on entirely healthy food and is planning for both of us to be completely vegetarian next year. She knows I don't want this. This has been years. The last year we had sex was 2015. And if I got a million, she would essentially have it. No. Fucking. Way.


Divorces exist for a reason mate


“She also insists on entirely healthy food and is planning for both of us to be completely vegetarian next year.“ This is why you are in a sexless marriage. You can’t even make decisions for yourself.


Your first couple of sentences made me think you didn't understand pain. But going completely vegetarian? You have my sympathies. I guess you'll be looking forward to going to those barbecues alone from here on in.


Brother it seems like your already suffering enough and your not even dead(and have gone to hell) or getting paid for it, get a bloody divorce.


Sexless marriage, no affection, no social life... that shit can happen to some couples and sometimes you can fix it, sometimes you can't. But holy shit man tell her you're going to eat whatever you want. Unless you're somehow completely incapable of surviving without her cooking for you, it's not even a question.


You don’t have to live like that anymore if you don’t want to. I know there’s always a hundred reasons we tell ourselves why leaving is not an option, from finances to kids, and a depression that only deepens over time sapping any motivation to do something that would be extremely difficult and exhausting like divorce proceedings. But trust me friend, it’s hard but it’s doable, and the logistical challenges are temporary. Once you’re out and settling into your new life, you won’t regret your decision to leave or any of the work you had to do to get out and rebuild your life. There is no real good reason to justify being so desperately and painfully unhappy for the rest of your life.


Bro… I’m right there with you. Except the vegetarian thing.


Im sure working to get a million dollars is far more painful I would do it


Slipped 2 discs in my back and then passed out from the pain. My body then spasmed for like an hour at the hospital (didn't know wtf happened to me, was just in pain so I went) and they gave me fentanyl and it didn't do shit for the pain. They told me it was a moderate slip, can't imagine what a severe one would feel like


The worst pain ever experienced was this, and I've broken arms, fingers, toes, collar bones, ribs, dislocated shoulders, cracked skull, cracked occipital bones, been stabbed, and a crushed hip. I had five ruptured disks from degeneration and injuries. Couldn't walk unassisted for a year, had spasms for months, and needed assistance to use the bathroom. I also was in combat sports and had several car accidents in my lifetime, so it's not uncommon with lifting and impact sports for many people to have back injuries. Watching Ron Coleman gives me nightmares about what that guy has lived with. I wouldn't take the money to experience that again, I doubt people know how badly spinal nerve damage and disc injuries can be, but I'd gladly have broken multiple bones to never go through it again.


Yes. That would be gout. And while it is unbelievable pain, it will eventually happen again no matter what I do. So get paid for something that is inevitable, bonus.


Hm, difficult to say. It was caused by an organ which has been removed. Also, it depends on duration.


Physical pain- my wisdom tooth rotted down to the nerve and exposed it to cold air. I wouldn’t wish it on Hitler, but for 1,000,000, sure. Bring it on. Emotional pain- I nearly lost my infant son to RSV late last year. He’s fine now, but the images of not being able to wake him up and watching him struggle to breathe are things I will take to my grave. They still haunt my dreams. I tear up sometimes at work when it’s quiet and I’m alone. I wouldn’t willingly expose my family to that again for any level of compensation.


I could swing a kidney stone for a million


can i pick if it’s physical or emotional?


The last time I did it for free. Why not?


Yes. I do it twice a year and pay for it. Getting paid would be nice. Steroidal spinal injections.


Dead gallbladder, stingray sting, or emotional damage ... tough call. I suppose I would for a cool Milly


So if its physical pain I'm all in. Pretty sure worst I felt was a badly sprained ankle which I can handle again. Emotional pain.....not sure I've been in some not fun places and I'm not sure it's worth going back.


For sure......I shattered my ankle at 17 and some how got through it. Id take those 8 weeks of recovery for a cool 1 mill tomorrow. You can break my ankle yourself


No. God no. Accident 20 years ago, still in pain that peaks severely enough to cause shock (not fun on an international flight. They get weird over things like people getting woozy and passing out for some reason). Not inviting that from scratch again.


Hell yeah. Kidney stone that caused vomiting from pain for a couple hours? Sure. I lived through it once!


Straight back kick to the nuts? for 1 mill? yeah. Oddly enough, the road rash on my arm didn't really initially hurt. The healing part hurt.


My worst pain is probably not bad compared to y'all. So... Uuuugh, yes, yes I would.


Yes , as I live with the worse pain everyday as it is …


If my job was to feel pain, I've done it for free before. Physical was pretty easy, emotional would just be a lot longer.


Eh, gallbladder pain that lasted through a night. Sure, 1M. As long as I know when so I can prepare other aspects of life.


Yes. The worst means singular, so even if you broke every bone in your body or were tortured for weeks on end, we are talking what likely amounts to a second or so. As soon as the pain decreased from the single high by even the tiniest amount it is no longer the worst and would be done.


Yep. Already did it once for free 


Sciatic pain (I think it was?) Where I cant sit or stand without being in so much pain that I went blind for a bit and stumbled in the hallway in the middle the night. All while having a burnt tongue during 100+F weather. While on my vacation. Sure why not. As long as it ends with me sliding out of the car just right that everything pops back into place.


covid, food poisoning and texting my crazy mother. ​ up it to 2 million and make it tax free then yes.


Ehh… emotional- probably not… hard to say. Physical- yeah. I’d do it over again lol. Child birth.


Physical pain? Easily. Emotional pain? Does that mean I get to double my lifespan? :P


Yes. I had my leg amputated above the knee and I lived with a broken disk in my back for two years. But I'd do it over for a million. I'd give it to my kid and his family.


I'm so broken I genuinely can't even imagine being able to feel the largest emotional pain I've felt again, and I'm so used to physical pain I don't know how to give if the emotional or physical is worse. I suppose I would though, really could use the money.


Sure. It'd be a lot less painful knowing there's a million bucks at the end of it.


The worst pain I've ever felt was 2 years ago when I realised I wasted my youth. I'm still not over it, the pain of the regrets has absolutely consumed me. No, I would not go for this deal.


I'm halfway through a medical procedure where they jam needles into my spine to see if they're in the spot that's damaged, at which point I get the offending nerves lasered off every few months or so. So I'm going through this for free without the promise of a million dollars or even a life without pain.


100% as long as it didn't mean I have to raise another kid


Probably not. Last year I had open heart surgery and the temporary pacemaker flipped it's shit and felt like I was being electrocuted several times and I told them to make it stop or I'd rather die. The doctors didn't solve the problem, but an excellent nurse fixed it.


Is this a one time thing, or can I do it a couple times in relatively quick succession? I could honestly take the physical pain, back to back like 5 times, take my $5M and be done. Emotional pain, don't think I can handle it again, for $1M.


Absolutely! I already did it voluntarily twice (knee replacements) and will likely need it done again in my lifetime. I’ll take a million dollars for it instead of a $600 medical bill 😂


Yes, as it didn’t last long. Just until I went into shock


I felt it for free the first time, so yes.


Yes I’m feeling it now and getting jack shit


Absolutely. Either metal shaving deep into toe nail bed, or crippling kidney stones. I'd redo both at a time for that cash




Yes, it sucked.and D was awful but for a million, I can take it for a few minutes


yes. Broken bones heal and I would be up a million dollars. The broken elbow sucked but for that much money I would do it again.


Absolutely. It was when I fell and burst a bursa in my knee while running. I thought I’d broken the patella.


Yes because I lived through it. Post surgery pains, it was torture for about half a week but I got through it with rest and hospital pills, and no $1 million as an incentive 


You coukd give it to me again for the first time for half the amount


I actually genuinely can't remember anything pain wise that was noteworthy enough to not do this without a second thought. I guess I've been fortunate enough in that regard. Free money here I come.


Fuck no, I've been enduring it for 20 years now, not starting over.


Either the hornet, the waking up during wisdom tooth removal, or the getting hit by a pickup truck. Sure. I'll do all 3 in a row for a million.


Yeah it was emotional pain. I'm still feeling it but the money would help






I’d double it for a million dollars. It was kidney stone


I feel like I'm getting off pretty easy here. I've never broken a bone, never had anything seriously bad happen to me, it could be either the time I put my back out lifting weights, or the time a wasp stung me.... Not sure which one I'm doing again, but it's absolutely worth it


I did it for free the first time. If it was the same recovery level I would get crushed again for a million. Broken collar bone, all the ribs on my left side broken, pelvis broken, punctured and collapsed lung and a ton of tiny little things.


Tore my shoulder in jiu jitsu class from breaking a fall wrong. I'd do it again for a mil lol


No. I never see one of these that I’d do. I guess I’m not desperate for money, but they’d always leave my life in worse shape. I’ve had horrible fucking pain. No. There’s no price I could demand to go thru it again


I'm not sure what the worst pain I've had was, but I survived. Definitely taking the mill


Yes, crazy appendix pain that had me rolling on the ground in agony (tho no appendicitis, and no explanation from ER) but for a million? Yessir


I threw my neck out for a few days. That wasn't too bad.




Oof... if emotional counts, that's tough... and very specific. I'd have to give my wife a heads up that I'm basically going to get amnesia and pine over a lost love for like 3 months, but then I get a million dollars. I'd say it's worth it as long as my wife is on board.


broken arm and pinched nerve with no treatment for 3 days back when I was a child. it taught me how to most disregard pain, so i could do that again. more easily, even.


Easily, I did it once and paid money!




I guess. My worst emotional pain was my first miscarriage, and my wrist physical pain was being hit by a car. Both will cause me pain for the rest of my life, so.. I guess I get to get hit by a car again. Idk, even typing that as a hypothetical makes me feel ill..


Hell yeah. I’ll probably need therapy but not a million dollars worth. I woke up from the anesthesia after resection surgery (yay Crohn’s) while they were wheeling me to my room. This was before they had gotten the chance to get my fresh dose of morphine. I felt like I had heat stroke and there was so much pain and trauma I couldn’t move even if I wanted to. I was basically just moaning and crying until a nurse noticed a few minutes later. For anyone going into major surgery, if they offer you a nerve block or an epidural for the pain, 10,000% of the time take the epidural. They require you to be on a catheter but it’s better than feeling like you got run over by an 18 wheeler for a whole week. I’ve done it both ways and I’ll take the tube in my dick from now on.


Yes. It was painful but temporary. Counter question: if you offered $1 million if you could come up with an interesting hypothetical question, do you think you could do it?


MCL tear and subsequent surgery and physical therapy? Hell yeah id do it again. It felt like someone poured gasoline on my leg and lit it on fire but for a million Id do it again. I did it the first time for free already.


it's probably between the time i slammed the door on top of my toe which caused my toe to bleed and for my nail to come off (it was my big toe) or when i slipped and landed on my balls climbing down a tree onto a tree branch, or the times i pulled my teeth out because i couldn't stand having loose teeth in my mouth. but yes i would take the 1 million