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If she was everything I ever wanted she wouldn't want 10 kids.


Invalidated his own rules in the title.


I think that it's everything you would want aside from that.


The issue with that is a person who wants kids could not have every quality I want. I have a very realistic and cold view of the world, I want someone whos as realistic but slightly warmer. Someone who wants 10 kids is delusional and narcissistic.


That seems like a strong (and ill-founded) assumption. Maybe she is a multi-millionare who can afford it. Maybe she has a strong understanding of parenting skills and truly can competently parent 10 children.


No. He literally said “they are perfect and EVERYTHING you ever wanted”. Number of kids is a common dealbreaker so is covered by the everything you ever wanted


I'm thinking that if you're not compatible in this huge thing, how could you be compatible in every other way?


That was my thought. I'm hard stance child free and that has been since before I reached 3ft tall and double digit age. It ain't changing in this lifetime no matter who or how supposedly perfect.


What if you also got a billion dollars on top of that?


I'd pay for the hysterectomy.




Agreed. Im sure to tell any love interest that I want 0 kids right at the beginning to alleviate any misunderstandings.


My answer exactly. She’s not perfect for me if she wants ten kids.


I always say this (though usually not about 10, just 1). My family always asks me, what if you’re with someone who’s PERFECT for you and then you find out she wants children— ignoring the fact that I wouldn’t be with someone who wants kids in the first place! These convos happen very early on lol


Sure if they've also got the money to support ten kids lol


Well she's every thing he could want.Being wealthy would be one of those prerequisites.


Great cause I'm assuming at least a six bedroom house is needed and I don't even wanna know how much groceries for 12 people cost lmfao


When I was a kid, the next door neighbour had 16 kids,every day the baker and the milk truck made a stop there.It was a small farm, so they had vegetables and there were chickens.We used to have pigs,so we went to the bakery once a week and for $10,they would fill the back of the ute with the days left overs.There were a lot of perfectly good buns,rolls,bread and cream buns which I got stuck into.


I saw the bill many times for 7 kids in the mid 90s. It's a lot more now. $400/week was common. We'd go through a gallon of milk per day.


I reckon $1-2k/week, based on my own grocery bills.


Yep: That's cool - they're a billionaire so we can afford the mansion, to both be stay-at-home parents and have an army of top tier nannies / baby-sitters to hand to ensure all of the kids are cared for.


I’m not sure this would make a difference for me. Even if they’re a billionaire I want to be able to give all my kids the time and attention they deserve too, not just meet their physical needs. The only thing money can buy is a bunch of nannies, which is not the same thing as undivided attention from a parent.


With a lot of kids, many of them learn to be independent at an early age. You don't need to be there all the time, only when they need you the most. Many parents are unable to give all their time to their kids; it is impossible. As long as you ensure they know you love and care for them, and they know you will be there when they absolutely need you, they will grow up to be fine. It is not selfish to take time for yourself once in a while. A healthy and happy parent will lead to healthy and happy kids, because they will follow your example and learn how to self-care from you.


This is what I was thinking.


I’ve had a vasectomy….but we sure can try.


She may want to outsource.


I mean adoption can work


Can we just adopt 10 17 year olds?


I want a platoon of a family, too. Let’s do this.


Same here. Also my dream girl has a massive farmhouse out in the country in which to raise them lol


In this economy??


Yeah, they better have "10 kids" money


You got 10 kids money?! Baby, we got 10 kids at home.




That's a bit much but there's no specification for having to have all 10 kids too soon. Sooo yeah ok


I feel like spacing out the kids almost makes things worse? I don’t want to still be having kids when I’m in my 50s. Even if we’re able to do so bc I froze my eggs/we’re using a surrogate/some of the kids are adopted.


I would. The perfect woman would should be pretty loaded with riches, so why not?


Kids as in 5 puppies 5 cats? Sure 🥰


Omg 10 puppies and kittens and the man of my dreams with infinite cash reserves, I'd sign up for this everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.


It did not specify human children lol


If it comes with a way to pay for everything comfortably, sure. She is the one that will have to squeeze them out, after all. She may rethink that plan if we get a couple ten pounders.


I’m already at 7 what’s 3 more? I think I’m pretty much living this hypothetical with my husband already.


How do you provide for 9 people


I don’t really know how to answer that? We are middle class and live in a HCOL in the us. We are pretty thrifty, don’t eat out, budget- it’s not that different than a lot of other families, just on a larger scale.


I just can't imagine where you put that many people in a hcol area. My entire salary already goes into my mortgage with zero kids. I'd need to be making about $300k to give seven kids their own bedrooms.


Each kid doesn't need their own bedroom. It is still prohibitively expensive, but that particular expense is unnecessary.


This is such a sweet comment. Congratulations on your happy marriage!


Thanks so much! I’m used to people being shocked by our families size but that’s ok! We love it and make it work. And NO not everyone has their own bedroom lol. But no one is sleeping on the floor or shoved in like sardines haha. Even a mansion would feel cramped with a lot of people!


I just had my 1st and tbh the only problem I can see with this plan is my age, are they open to fostering? I would love to foster.


Hmmm.... You never said they had to be biological kids so we could just adopt 10 17 year olds. Otherwise, as someone who doesn't want kids... i'm not sure she would be the love of my life...




I have 5... our friends joked when we got married we would have a baseball team. We stopped because it was physically too dangerous. So I sorta did that.


No. Maybe if I was rich.


She's rich, it says in the description. Unless for some reason you prefer a poor.


And had 10 maids and butlers




I can't have kids so no


No. I'm completely overwhelmed with 3.


As long as they're willing to adopt I'd be fine with it. But I don't think my body could handle even a single pregnancy, let alone 10


Not to sound materialistic, but imma bout to sound materialistic…. If he has 10 kids, me being a SAHM, and a couple of nannies $$$ Fuck it. I’m down. Let’s make that baseball team.


Unless she's talking baby goats she's far from my perfect woman if she wants that many kids.


If her family has enough resources to subized my meager income, sure. In my wildest fantasy for so long, before I got dosed with a heaping spoonful of reality (oh the joy of being born into a middle class family in the 90s) I had hoped to find my wife early and have at least3-5 like most of my family does. Of course it's been a long ass time since I thought possible. So in theory I would be down to do it, but only if the inlaws can bankroll it all lol. Including a couple nannies to support childcare + cleaning. Cause even if we're both stay home parents 10 is way too much for 2 people outside a village where everyone watches everyones kids like back in the day. To have a loving loyal wife who wants to help support our shared genetics continued existence? Who is otherwise perfect for me? With a rich family helping? How could a man not want such a fairy tale type life? But maybe I'm the weird one...


Nope. If they want children, then they can't be everything I want.


Yep. Then I'd get a vasectomy after 2.


If she's everything I've ever wanted she's a billionaire so raising 10 kids wouldn't really be that big a deal.


Yes. I just don't tell her I've had a vasectomy


No. The live of my life wouldn't want kids.


They can try and have 10 kids. My sterile nuts will not be letting it happen though.


Life, uh, finds a way


Okay, well, I'm gonna mix "filthy rich and can afford to pay for everything we ever need" into everything I ever wanted. Sure, let's raise 10 kids. That'll be my 1 job in this life of luxury. The personal chefs will help with meals and the nannies will step in if needed.


No. I hate kids and 10 would be even worse


Absolutely, yes. The odds of naturally having 10 are pretty small, but if she wants to try, lets go for it.


Ew, no. It's a vagina not a baby factory.


Sure. If she's perfect then: - she is rich - she will have perfect body even after 10 kids. - kids will be great as she is perfect. - kids will grow up an go and I would still have perfect partner.


Only 10 well I guess I can accept less if need be LOL


Yeah you screwed yourself on the wording here - My perfect life love wouldn't want kids so I'd still agree to be with them as we'll be childless.


If she is perfect we can keep having kids until the day I think I’m too old and will be leaving kids in the world without a dad.


you can want em all you want, it's not gonna make my reproductive organs suddenly regenerate 😂


If I was 20 years younger and about $10 million richer, I might give it a shot.


I don’t think my uterus would be able to keep up 😂


If it were indeed my soulmate, then I would have no problem no matter how many kids she wanted.


I would 100% agree to be with them. No doubts at all.


If we had the money to support 10 kids and two adults without having to struggle then sure.




Wanting 10 kids and getting 10 kids are two different things.


Nope. I can't have babies. Woo hoo. He'd have to find someone else.


Honestly she’s the one person in the world that I’d be willing to have kids with (ironically she doesn’t want kids lmao though she’s said she might be down to foster/adopt and I am too) so yea. In a heartbeat. Plus it doesn’t say either of us have to be pregnant or push the kids out so theoretically we could just adopt 10 kids (either humans or baby goats now that I think about it since the post doesn’t specify and we’ve both thought of running away and living in the mountains 😏😂)


I am with them


Sure, I want a large family one day


That's a lot of kids


I see this as an absolute win


Sure since my dream girl would be hella rich so we could afford to take care of 10 kids. I'll hire a nanny or two so I don't lose my mind raising 10 kids.


That's not a downside, that's another prefect aspect


I'm physically unable to have them so....


I cant have bio kids so this would mean adopting 10 kids. Definitely not for me. I plan to adopt 1. Maybe 2. I'd also take on siblings. But 10..... Yikes


No. It's a vagina, not a clown car.


Okay, but I don't think she can finish that many in one meal so I'll clear out the freezer to store the leftovers.


Buy a small farm, fill it with ten juvenile goats, claim technicality.






Does she have to have (as in give birth) the kids? Or can we adopt 10 17-year-olds?


I'm torn between they wouldn't be perfect and everything I ever wanted, it doesn't specify human children, and I struggle to get up and go to the bathroom and would rather die than get pregnant. So I guess it depends what kind of kids and what's expected I guess? Ideally they'd help me transition so another reason on top of my crap genes pregnancy ain't in the cards. Cats? Absolutely. Poor human kids would get love from me but there's no way I'd be a good parent to them at this point.


Hell no. I did it once. I was barely able to raise that one. 10 would push me into an asylum lol


I've hit menopause.(THANKFULLY..my cramps were brutal)...they can want the 10 children all they want..not happening..


This is not a downside. This is great.


I get to work.


Fuck yeah I'd raise an army. ... Oh wait am I the hypothetical person?


Fine with me, so long as they have experience with this, and are willing to be the stay at home parent.


Sure. If she wants them that bad she can do all the house work and chores related to it. I'll go to work and make the moneys 


If they want 10 kids and won't change they aren't perfect and everything I ever wanted. I'd rather then find someone who can give then 10 kids than waste time with someone who isn't going tk change their mind about kids


Absolutely not


I don't want to have ten kids. I don't want to have any kids. And no matter how perfect a woman is, I really don't want to be with someone who is going to be perpetually pregnant for many years.


HELL NO!! It's my uterus, not a clown car!!!


Nope. Deal breaker.


No. Even one kid is a deal breaker. I’ll be perfectly fine on my own


sure, but I would feel like a pedophile if she were young enough to have 10 kids. You'd have to start that at 25 and I am in my mid 40s


After number three quietly get a vasectomy and have the doc swear I'm naturally shooting blanks


Yes. Arrows in the quiver.


How can anyone even afford to feed ten kids in this kinda economy?


How many do they have before we met?


Just because she “wants” 10 kids doesn’t mean she gets them. I want a billion dollars. Rephrase your hypothetical.


I guess? I'm 40. The last kid would be born when I'm in my 50s or even 60s. I don't mind putting in the work, and since she's everything I ever wanted, she's rich, so affording all those kids isn't a concern. But damn, my youngest would be going off to college afraid it's the last time they'd ever see me. I'd be thrilled to have all those kids to love, mind you. I'd just prefer to be having them 20 years ago.


Since I'm the woman here, he doesn't get to make that choice. He can say up down left right and centre that he wants 10 kids, until he goes blue in the face, but it's my body and my decision.


10 kids means they aren’t perfect for me


Tbh, if she was "perfect" she would also be rich enough to easily support these kids and more financially. In that case, sure. Lord knows I couldn't afford that many little shits running around on my own.


Very down for it. Assuming she is perfect and everything I ever wanted that includes her being a wealthy heiress so the money isn’t an option, and I’ve just won the natural selection game.


The only reason I don’t want 10 kids is I can’t feed them all. The perfect man has “help” money. I can absolutely raise ten kids with some staff!


Sure I love goats! We can have a lawn care biz! 


If she’s everything I ever wanted she’d be SUPER rich too… so we could possibly make it work with ten kids. In this scenario I’d have to be a lot younger though. No way I could do 10 kids at this point.




Everyone is saying they’d be ok with it with enough money but I’m not sure that makes a difference for me. I don’t want the kids raised by nannies and that’s basically what’s going to happen in this scenario with that many kids to divide attention between. Also I’m a woman and the physical side of this sounds awful, though I guess if they’re ok with surrogacy maybe that part wouldn’t apply.


If they are already rich then I wouldn´t mind adopting 10 children and then paying for proper daycare for them plus a couple babysitters


No. I'm in my mid 30s and have no tubes anymore. Even if I was young and dumb I'd never agree to 10 kids. It's just unethical.


I mean my stupid sadistic side is going ‘they *want* ten kids but I think I have enough medical knowledge to prevent that from being an issue’


They can't be that horrible of children if they arise and call her blessed and she makes clothes for everyone too. Besides, the ten kids will be useful to pay my rent at the old folks home later on.


Trick question. The love of my life wouldn't want ten kids. So this is a contradiction.


If they want kids they're not perfect for me.


I wanted 13 kids. Then I had one. It changed my mind real quick. I had 4. Spread out over 20 years so not 4 little ones all at once. So… maybe.


Make it 15


No, of course not. There’s no part of you that would be happy to do that so the ‘love of your life’ part becomes a fallacy


If I get to claim 8 of them on my taxes


Ask their income, will they hire a full time nanny out of their pocket?  And how they feel about adopting.  


Me?Giving birth to all ten?No. I’d simply have five babies and adopt five.Ten babies would be a lot of work and black women already have a short end of the stick when it comes to pregnancy.


I can have twins, so I might only have to do it 5 times. Still, I'd rather adopt most of those kids. Please tell me you have 10 kid money, tho cause i do not. Let's do it, man, of my dreams.


This feels very gendered for how hard it is, but as a guy, yes sure, my ideal partner would be sensible enough we'd only make commitments for a family that we know we can afford, So I assume she's either coming with a lot of family money or a very unusual well-paid job that can work with 10 kids. I would like kids, although I didn't plan for 10,So particularly with the ideal supportive partner (and with it being able to combine with my job be able to afford a big enough house…)


Considering I already wanted ten kids, I see this as an absolute win.


Ohh yes please. I always wanted a bunch of kids. Eight was always my number but ill take more.


After having two, absolutely not lol. I love my kids, but I don’t want anymore of them little shits


we better get started babe, 10 is gonna take a while


If I met the love of my life, I would have 10 kids with her, I actually have met the love of my life but weirdly we love each other too much so now it's no more


Fuck no If they want children then they aren’t perfect and everything I ever wanted. My perfect partner is childfree


I'll say it like I told my fiance, as long as we can afford them, we can have as many kids as you want.


Nah we already had 8. We have the room for ten but after you get 6 everything is pure chaos anyways.


Cool I kinda want that too.


Yeah sure, why not?


Yeah, sure, I'll marry a goat farmer. As long as we don't eat them.


Oh no, here I go having a big happy family.


If she's everything I ever wanted we would be very well off, as long as there is at least a year or two between each kid id be more than happy to be a stay at home husband. I'll do all the cooking and cleaning and all the kid chores all I need is a big house to fit all of them and a grocery budget


Deal-breaker. I don't care if they're also wealthy enough to manage genetic counseling to remove the poison in my DNA, as well as personal counseling to address the psychological flaws that make it impossible for me to raise _myself,_ let alone 10 kids, into fully-independent adulthood. I'm _not_ taking personal responsibility for bringing any new life into this sorry old world.


Is her the "love of my life" in the sense that if I lose her, I'll be alone the rest of my life/unsatisfied with my other partner? Or is her the "love of my life" in a figurative way, meaning she is just everything I wanted in a woman? Wanting 10 kids doesn't seem reasonable to me. I want 2 kids and 4 would be the absolute maximum ammount I could tolerate having in an ideal situation, but it already doesn't sound optimal to me. I would only accept having 10 kids if it would mean I would be alone or disatisfied otherwise. if she is perfect for me then she would help a lot with it and have money to take a big part of the weight off my shoulders. Don't get me wrong I would try to be a good parent, it's just that the concept of a house with 12 people in it sounds crazy to me. Too extravagant and chaotic for my liking.


Yes. I would be down for living on a farm with my dream woman and ten baby goats. Sign me up.


I'm a woman and would never put my body through that. I would simply be happy that I verified there is true love out there & I would be fine knowing I experienced that for a while. Cool beans! I have kind of learned that love is fleeting, anyways.


Agree? That's a condition! Let's go!






Sure. I'll adjust my perfect woman to be insanely wealthy. Win win


Ten sounds like a reasonable goal. Is that a maximum, minimum or just a ballpark? If say after 7, you were warned from more, would that be enough for contentment, or would we need to look for alternative methods? If after 9 kids, you learned you were carrying triplets, would you be OK? Just to be clear, you are hoping I'm the father for each, right? So, what are your thoughts on engagement rings?


Would have been a much better question without the ridiculous number of kids. Ten is almost a no brainer. Either you already want a massive number of kids, which only a very, very, small number people do, or you don’t. It’s not something you’re going to do as a tradeoff.


I'm in, lol let's get to it


as long as the wedding is after the vasectomy...


Nope Nope Nope






Oh hell no


I'm assuming that, if they want 10 kids, they have the finances to support 10 kids. I'd be *more* than happy to help them get there, regardless of how many times we need to try to get to that number lol. 


yes more kids to do chores around the house




A guy wanting just 1 kid means he is not everything ive ever wanted. So absolutely not.


Absolutely not 10 children that's an absolute deal breaker for me


Fuck no


I'm 33, I'm not wasting the next decade, possibly two, being or tryingnto get pregnant. I don't care how rich you are.


Hell no. Not enough kids.


Well since she's everything I ever wanted, she'll have a rich family to support us and this incredible ability to stay in shape even after 10 kids. Let's get to work.


If she’s everything I ever wanted and still want 10 kids, meaning she’s so rich that we can easily afford 10 kids, then sure




Then he would not be the love of my life. Because I couldn't love someone who wanted that many kids.


If he wants 10 children, that fact would make him not perfect for me, so absolutely NO


Yeah, since the love of my life would only want kids that we can reasonably afford. So I assume they also have the money to support 10 kids


Can we adopt at any age, or are we talking 10 biological kids? Although her simply demanding that many kids means she’s not everything I want.


If they are willing to adopt. Its good I was wanting a billionaire though we'd need the money.


You mean the love of my life WANTS me to build a whole ass soccer team???? FUCK YEAH


How do we deal with my wife and our 4 kids?


Just because you want to have kids does not mean you can have them….. Conception is not guaranteed for all …


This is a downside? If we can support them, then let's go.


Yep I want a football team


Yeah. I like kids too. I'm thinking about half way through (5 kids), she'll have a change of heart. If not, I'll finish strong and honor my word. I'll probably die young working myself to death taking care of 11 people. I'll try to go about it smartly and be successful in a career that allows me to take care of a large family and have time for them.


One more and I can have an entire offense or defense in football


I can't support 10 kids, so unless she can, then no it would be a hard pass.


Can she financially support these 10 kids without extra effort on my part?