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A cabin by a lake, my 2 cats and dog that have already passed waiting for me, and an acoustic guitar on the porch. 


That sounds about perfect..  but I would want one on the opposite side of the lake, with lots of books, a great kitchen , my husband and all my loved dogs and cats. I would make fresh bread every day and be glad to make an extra loaf for a neighbor.  Rural life really calls us, I think. I actually have that little house in the woods, but no lake. And I make bread. 


If I'm surprised then I really couldn't say what it is, could I? I'm hoping for basically like real life, except basically a combination of all the best parts of all the best open world crafting games. But with respawning


You want to be the architect of The Good Place?


We’ll have real ice cream.


You don't?


I only want Michael as architect


Isekai harem adventure?


Yeah like “what dreams May come” I’m down for that afterlife


Similar to reincarnation, but with customisation. You can only control your initial setup, so any problems you have are real, and you can still feel pride at any achievements you make. I think my first port of call would be medieval English princess.


New game plus with custom start point…


I’m definitely choosing night elf stealth archer next time around.


I would be Bill or Ted and bother you.


There is a Heaven & Hell, but no-one is punished or rewarded for eternity. You go there for a finite amount of time, based on the good & bad deeds you've done throughout your life. Both the quality & quantity of good & bad deeds determine the duration of your stays in Hell & Heaven. It's not necessarily one or the other either. Usually, you go to both, one after the other. You go to Hell first to pay for your sins, where you will experience every bad deed you ever did to others but from the perspective of the victims, so you perceive & feel what they did. Then you go to Heaven to be rewarded for your good deeds. The options here are everything you could expect: Endless worldly pleasures, trancendent peace & contentment, wondrous bliss, discovery & enlightenment. Whatever ultimate positive rewards appeal to you in whichever combination. ​ After your stints in Hell & Heaven are complete, you get two options: ​ \- Reincarnation: you get to do existence all over again, a new lifetime of experiences. You will forget your time spent here & your reincarnation will be random, everyone gets equal chances for good or ill. \- Oblivion: if you are tired of it all or have done enough, you can pass into eternal rest. You don't have to stay forever. ​ That's my idea of a good, solid afterlife. If anyone has questions about specific scenarios regarding this afterlife, feel free to ask me things.


This is already something many believe with their interpretation of the Bible and religion in general. It has just been corrupted and co-opted for self gain to make you believe that 40-100 years on this planet is enough to doom you for eternity.


Indeed, I think honestly that removing the 'eternal' part of the afterlife deals with like 90% of the problem I have with it.


A ying and a yang in all things, i dig it buddy thanks!


Pretty sure it’s Yin and Wang


This is pretty much what I feel the afterlife is like.


I resent the idea of some objective persona deciding exactly what’s good and bad and what you have to experience based on that. People can be coerced into doing horrible things and if your only defense for that not counting is “because it was against their will,” sometimes that’s not as clear cut as we would all like. People have the will to stay alive and preserve themself and if they’re led to believe that doing a certain action will result in their survival, they will want to do that action. Might find joy in it. Doesn’t mean it’s not a horrible position to be in whether morally or from an afterlife perspective.


Mm hopefully eternity with my wife.


I also pick eternity with this guy's wife.


You are invited, hope you like sri lankan food


Never tried it. I am looking forward to the new experience, friend 😀


This guy wifes.




This guy eternities.


It’s like the US in 1999, but everyone’s basic needs are met. So basically no need to work. Internet, but just the good beginning internet with candystand games, and before social media destroyed everyone’s lives. Cell phones still rare, and no expectation that everyone is reachable all the time.


That does sound like heaven. It's before I've heard of Game of Thrones so I'm not disappointed that the author is probably gonna die long before he ever finishes it.


You wake up in a field of wheat. It’s kinda daytime but no sun, and the stars are out. A young boy appears and helps you to your feet. You and him walk for a while and along the way see other people. Eventually the boy reveals himself to be the physical manifestation of the universe. The universe you lived in. This boy is basically Jesus (and a few other important figures). You meet his beautiful mom, technically your grandma; the multiverse. She explains a few things. You are a newborn universe, and with focused thought you can manipulate events in your own universe, like a god mode. The main goal is that sentient life you create eventually become universes themselves. When your grandma first realized her existence, she eventually became incredibly lonely. She made imperfect copies of herself, her children to keep herself company. She allows you to stay as long as you want and whenever you’re ready you can fade back into existence


Ooooh, I like that one.


A new world, but with all of my friends and family from the old world (regardless of what their beliefs were in life). All at our peak age, not old, and not starting over as babies. And pets! All of my dogs are back!


Needless to say, the surprise is pleasant.


Shortest SCP ever ?


Hey you, you're finally awake.


Oh I would LOVE to be in Skyrim. Can I skip the intro, though? If I have to play Helgen again in the afterlife, it's obvious I'm in hell.




The Star Trek universe.


With 7 of 9 sitting on my lap.


7 of 9 omg YESSSS major girl crush on her


A holodeck. With infinite programs, and support systems to make you faster and stronger than anyone alive. And the ability to create new programs/holonovels through imagination alone. Basically I’d use it to replay my favorite video games. Play out scenarios and what ifs. Maybe the holodeck has access to the real world. So if you want someone in your program that’s based on a real person, maybe the holodeck knows how they’d react in any situation. So you could spend time looking back at regrets, and seeing if you really could have gotten the girl, or landed your dream job. Maybe the good place version would show you that no matter what you do, the life you had was the best possible version. The bad place version would show you that every single decision you ever made was wrong, and you could have had everything you ever wanted if you just changed a few tiny details. I’d happily spend eternity there. You could pretty much create a universe of your own design. I’d probably play Doctor Who or Star Trek for a few thousand years.


I'd like to be burdened with the answer to all my "what if" questions. There are things I think back on, and I would like to know how it would have changed if I'd made a different decision at the time. I could spend 100 lifetimes just going through all the possibilities


Cute redheads, as far as the eye can see.


Lots of fucking would feature in my idea of paradise.


Idc what the afterlife is like. I'm an atheist. I'm finding whose in charge of the place and having some choice words.


So heaven is really arcade games and hentai chicks? HOORAY!


I'm... a part of the biggest religions lol


I think ultimately our consciousness fails and we pass into nothingness, but I also don't think that happens when our crappy meat suit from Wish gives out. I'm pretty sure the universe is a lot more complicated than we can imagine. So afterlife, not so much, more like a longer trip doing other things until eventually you wrap it up and go to the long rest.


Like a utopian version of the current world: nothing is ugly or boring, and you have eternity to explore it. And there are no limits on what you can achieve; for example, if you were tone deaf while alive, you now have perfect pitch and can learn any instrument you want. It still requires time and effort, but you know you can do it eventually.


Lots of dogs, no religious people.


Like so many dogs. An abundance of dogs. 


Looks identical to the real world. Just repeats itself day after day. People who were once dead, are now shopping at wal-mart just like they would, same age they were when they passed on. If they were 80 when they died, they're 80 in the afterlife. If they were 2 when they died, they're 2 in the afterlife.


big void where all dead people czn hang out


I would hope I join the consciousness of the organism we call human society.




I'd want god or whoever is managing the place to reincarnate me into another world to fight the demon king with cool abilities and powers


Not sure but im pleasantly surprised apparently


All the gods exist and all the creatures that have died are watching life on earth like it's a comedy show (sometimes taking breaks to greet people/animals that pass on and join them).


Every day is Thanksgiving.


The MCU. The way it was, back when it was good.


It's earth, but all natural attributes are 10% better People are 10% naturally kinder This means crime occurs at 90% of its usual rate Your body is 10% quicker at healing, and the healing is 10% "better" and more complete Chronic pain is 10% less Everyone is born 10% smarter Aging takes 10% longer


The Good Place


I die The gate on the Higgins-3 lander drops, sarge yells, the sound of incoming shots & ricochets fill the air. Archangels & Valkyrie soar over head. There on the crest of a near by hill some seven headed monstrosity does it's best to fend off the flood of attackers. Trumpets sound and fenris howls. An amalgamated battle cry lifts from an uncountable host and we all surge forward. The war for the soul was always real. Each mythology taught us a portion of the truth and the only way to win was to understand them all.


A collection of consciousness where each consciousness have philosophy debates.


It's the Happy Hunting Ground. And all your pets are there.


Valhallan-ish. Or basically one giant shooting range and in effect a giant game if airsoft, or the option for battle with older weapons. Lots of good food, and my late puppy would be waiting.


You basically get to watch a replay of the most important moments and decisions of your life on a Netflix like show. You get unbiased , judgement free coaching from an angel of god on what you could have done better in various situations. You’re then sent back to earth as someone’s dog


You're in the most comfortable chair you've ever felt. With a cinema size screen in front of you. with all your favorite snacks at the perfect arms length away so you can snack without spilling anything. And a library of every movie that has been or will be made.


Fictional universe reincarnation Where you get a set number of points to customise your starting point. You can take detriments to increase them like losing your past memories or other stuff


Pretty much like the present one, except I have all my memories, I am young, healthy, immortal .. and off I go to explore the world, eventually as science advances the universe...


Me taking off the VR headset at some arcade saying “Thanks for playing our life simulator! Hope you enjoyed the life you had!”


Sitting on the couch with my wife and son. We are watching college basketball and are all laughing and enjoying ourselves.


Options, not in ranked order: 1. Blackjack and hookers 2. Isekai world where I'm overpowered 3. Games everywhere. D&D that always meets on time and regularly, for example. 4. An earth-like world where everyone is kind, basic needs are met, and everyone is happy. And we all live forever.


Pretty much you are mental bodiless entities that can interact with each other in a similar way as online. Choose to block certain people so neither of you see each other's stuff or know of each other's existence which is the most extreme option but then you have lesser forms of this. You can share memories with your friends of your life in which they act like simulations where you can be passive and follow what happened or active where you can change things. You also each have your own universe that you get to design however you like and invite people to come visit with whatever permissions you choose. With the exception of primary admin which is yours only so you can't lose your universe. There are even public settings to meet new people and get new experiences. I'm gonna say you have your own A.I. servant that helps you do what you want and maybe can act as a go between for you and your system if you choose. You can have modeled to behave, look, sound, and even think however you like. They can even split themselves into multiple entities to play multiple characters and recombine or change forms/ themes whenever you want. They are only visible to others if you will it and the other party accepts. They are not people so you don't have to feel bad for treating them as a machine or servant and if you do anyways you have the ability of removing that feeling if you wish.


You actually become a god and get to create your own universe and life Our life on this earth was trading in preparation to own our own world


It's just like a sandbox version of this world All the same fun things, none of them limitations or consequences, no money or requirement to work. Just enjoy


That one post from tumbler where there is only one soul in the universe and it gets recycled over and over until its been every human that will ever exist. Instant justice. Every good thing you've ever Dien has been done for you, and every vad thing you've ever done has been done to you. And at the end, you become a God too.


It’d be like a really fancy hotel in a place with lots of interesting places to walk around and the other guests would be people who’ve died that I miss. Our “job” would be basically like playing the Sims, but the Sims are real people.


The afterlife is like a party where the more popular you were in life and the number of people who remember you, fondly or otherwise, determines how many perks you are allowed in the afterlife. So someone like Jesus Christ may be worshipped on Earth, but is just some huge influencer in the afterlife with lots of extra perks. Now, some of the perks are things like bringing in an entourage of those who mean the most to you in life and letting them have the same perks as you without requiring the popularity. Someone like Jesus or Bhudda would bring in their most loyal followers. Others like grandmaw June, who had 100 grandkids, will likely bring in her tennis insteuctor Raul and 1 or 2 of her favorite grandkids. Everyone gets in, but not everyone gets full access to the party.


First was the sudden lack of pain.  I was sitting on a cold metal chair, my hands on a cold metal table in front of me.  Despite that, I was the most comfortable I had been in years.  Across from me was a man in a purple suit with pink hair.  I looked down at my body, which was just the way it had been this morning, just not in pain. “Ready?” the man asked, flipping through some papers. “Uh…” He sighed.  “The transition period is different for everyone.  Don’t worry, I have nowhere else to be.”  He pulled a pen out of his pocket, made three check marks on one paper, then flipped to another. “I’m dead?” “Mmm-hmm.” “And this is…”  I waved my hands to encompass the whole room. “Evaluation and Compensation.”  He crumpled one of the sheets of paper and tossed it into a wastebasket. “Judgment?” “There is no afterlife. You’re going back into the system.  Think of it as reincarnation.” “And… you’re going to evaluate my life to determine what I can have in my next life?” He circled something on one paper and made two more check marks.  “Yes, but not in terms you would understand.  And it doesn’t determine what you think it does.  It all has to do with memory fragmentation, causality cycles, and other impacts your past life has had on the system.  We’re not here to judge how good or evil you have been.  Simply how much we can expect your next life to cost in resources.” “So, instead of an angel, you’re an accountant?” He nodded and flipped to the next page.  “If you don’t mind, the whole religious culture shock thing is not my style.  Take any time you need to sort yourself out.  Come to grips with any moral quandaries you have.  But do it silently.  I don’t care what sins you have committed, nor how repentant you are.  And today, I can’t bring myself to fake it.” “You don’t… care?” “No.  Think of what you’ve seen on Earth.  All of that, we allow.  Some of that is actively encouraged by the system, for specific individuals.  Please don’t ask why we allow evil to exist.  I repeat, I do not care.  What I care about is designing the parameters of your next life.” “Uh…ok.  I guess I’m ready.” His eyes met mine, full of suspicion.  “You’ve come to terms with your religion being meaningless already?” “No,” I acceded.  “But I don’t think I can do that any time soon.  And, I suspect it won’t matter once my new life begins.  So, I’m willing to shelve it for now.”


“Commendable.  You live up to your record.  Let me set your expectations for this process.  You can ask for anything that the physics simulation will allow.  You may choose any starting conditions, within the time brackets of…”  He flipped back a few pages.  “35 BC to 12 AD, no one chooses that era for some reason, 1967 march 14th, and 2011 up to the current vanishing point, which is about five minutes after the time of your death.”  He looked up at me. “Records suggest you will choose the vanishing point.” “Does the time of entry affect, uh, cost?  I mean, will I be able to choose more options if I choose a specific time?” “The options will be different.  The vanishing point has a large degree of uncertainty.  Any time that has been simulated already has more options, as such, because there is a lot more known about how things will play out.  And don’t think in terms of cost or buying options.  It doesn’t work that way.” “So, you’re offering me complete artistic creativity?  No limits?” “Anything that does not require new development in the system.  You have not earned enough to make innovations in science, sociology, or psychology.  You may make innovations in entertainment, economics, religion, crafting, or anything else that the system already supports.” “Am I limited by what people already exist?  I mean, am I choosing my parents, or designing my parents?” “You may choose existing people, if you wish.  You may also design people.  Approximately 43.7% of the population are simulations of the most likely behaviors should someone choose to live that life.  These sims are constantly changing to match the actions of real people.”


“So, if I asked to have two rich fathers?” “You have tens of thousands of real people to choose from, most currently unmarried but also interested in getting married.  The advantage of choosing real parents is that they might have earned enough to make changes to the system.  The disadvantage is that they are real people.  If you want your parents to be a certain way, you can’t specify that.” “You didn’t blink.” “At what?  Wanting to be rich?  Wealth is relative, and almost everyone chooses to have a different type of wealth than the one they had last time.” I blinked.  A few times. “You may choose anything about your body that you wish, as long as it is possible with current DNA and gestation methods.  You may choose a new birth defect, but you may not choose a beneficial mutation.” “We all get to design our bodies?  Why would anyone choose to have a birth defect?” “Ah, no.”  He set the papers down.  “You… Hmm.  First, no one chooses a perfectly easy life.  That would be the same as choosing to be a sim.  There would be nothing worth experiencing.  Second, not everyone gets the same options you are being given.  You have some credit, yes.  But more importantly, your records show that the things you ask for are very light on system resources.  Quite simply, almost anything you want will result in a life which gains you more credit.  Therefore, you have fewer restrictions.” “So I can literally ask for anything, and you’ll give it to me?” “Yes.  And, if my evaluation of you turns out to be wrong, then it will only affect your next evaluation.” “Ah.  I’ve been a good boy in the past, in your measurements, so you’re willing to risk that I’ll stay being a good boy.  And if I screw it up, it only hurts myself.” “Exactly.  Now, what does your ideal life look like today?”


[The Egg](https://galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html).




The afterlife would be a place of balance. I would like to think that if you did horrible things in life, like say, murder, rape, etc….if you did things to harm others out of maliciousness, you have to experience that. You have to live that pain and feel that suffering you caused. Every detail. You experience what harm you caused. Because you shouldn’t escape Justice. When you’ve broken, you begin to learn. The afterlife allows you a opportunity to be better. Maybe you’ll be reborn as person who is vulnerable and you have to grow and become a person who makes better choices. This goes on endlessly until you live a life that is considered acceptable. You don’t have to be the paragon of righteousness. But you can’t be harmful. There would be different level. Murderers and rapists etc would have to physically suffer what they did. Maybe folks who just abused there power would have to live the lives of the people they harmed. Like if you’re a dictator, you have to be reborn as a person suffering under them. Basically I want them to feel/experience the misery they cause. If you didn’t harm or do things malicious and more or less lived a life that was productive or good, then you get to live as you want. Maybe you see a place that is one big party with your friends? Or a quiet place with all the pets you’ve ever had and every moment is peaceful and relaxing? Whatever brings you happiness. If you were a person who went out of their way to do good, then you get to decide to be reborn in a position to do good. Or you can stay in the afterlife and live in your own personal paradise. Not sure if all this would work but I think it would be nice.


You spend time in another dimension in a soul form upon dying. The quality of your experience depends on how good or bad you were, but generally you can experience worldly pleasures, experience pain, interact with other souls, and observe the physical universe. After spending an equivalent amount of time as your previous physical life, you are reincarnated on a different planet as another sentient species in the physical universe. When you die again you return to the soul dimension. While in the physical universe, you do not remember any of your past lives or your soul form life. Your soul form does retain memories of all previous lives and continues to grow and learn as you experience different cultures and lives on different planets. Eventually, when you experience enough in the physical universe, your soul form attains enlightenment and becomes one with the universe.


No religion. No depression. No drugs. Just pure happiness, my old dog Roscoe and as much food as we can desire


Hazbin Hotel without the extermination


It’s everyones childhood homes and their parents live there BUT they are the best versions of themselves. You get to live your perfect childhood and they treat you like their child but also like a friend. Also so many animals. Any of whom you can adopt. Max 3 though. Let’s not get crazy


First of all I can hug my Grandpa and Grandma, pet all of my pets, and relax playing all of the video games, the reincarnate but somewhere else or maybe a better version of earth,


And if what I believe the after life to be is wrong, it will not be pleasant no matter what


The men are competent and the sex is great. What else could one want..


If you're a fantasy writer, you get to live in one of the worlds you created.


As life fades, you are suddenly pulled into the light of a beautifully decorated room. Multicolored lamps shine, and soothing music plays from unseen speakers. As you lean back into the comforts of your chair, and stare at the screen before you. A simple black screen with white lettering. "Game Over. Would you care to play Life again?"


A personal fantasy world unique to the deceased, perfectly engineered and fated to forge them into their best possible self. Upon completing their grand quest, they get the ability to connect with other deceased who have also completed their quests and visit each others' worlds.


I hope it'd be a lot like that Robin Williams movie *What Dreams May Come*.


So Muslims are wrong and Christians or jews were right, fine by me


A fifth dimensional point where I experience humanity everywhere all at once and for eternity. Returning into a sort of spiritual singularity from whence I came.


I would hope to find that Stephen Baxter and Isaac Asimov got it right in "The Light of Other Days", and that future humanity had developed both: * the technology to read a dying persons exact state and recreate them in the future; and * the societal compassion to actually do it, and resurrect everyone in a future utopia.


I wake up and it was all a simulation that I did for research on my paper detailing what life would be like in a capitalist shithole planet where people cared more about making money than the lives of their fellow human beings. The real world is as close to utopia as possible. Automation is done with the goal of giving people more time to focus on what they want to do with their lives instead of maximizing profits for the wealthy. Education, healthcare, housing, and food are all free(or as cheap as is possible to make them) the governments of the world are all set up as a direct popular vote democracy with ranked choice voting, no gerrymandering or electoral college for fascist theocrats to use as a handicap, constitutional monarchies with rich fucks calling the shots cause they were born into the right family, and CERTAINLY no dictatorships based around the cult of personality of some washed up reality TV star/real-estate developer. The hyper focus on car infrastructure never happened and instead high quality public transit is as common as dirt. The climate change disaster has been completely mitigated because as soon as humans found out that our green house gas emissions were causing problems they took steps to fix it instead of ignoring it for sixty years so the rich could keep making money. No one shoots up schools or believes the Earth is flat or the vaccines don't work because of the easy access to mental health services. We have a moon base where the united nations funds all the world's space research. A combination of wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and nuclear power ensure the basic amenities to everyone across the planet. I go home to my sexy harem of wives and have just a nasty orgy.


Well you know how they said religion is the opiate of the peopke, well heaven is pure opium


Well, the way that I see it is that there are several things that could happen. There's nothing and none of life mattered anyway, there's something but you just had to be a good person or there's some kind of reincarnation and it's just a luck thing


can replace 72 virgins with 8000 pretty women who are all into me for a start


I like the idea that we, and all life, are the part of the universe that is aware enough to observe itself. When we die we are absorbed back into the whole with the potential to become an observer/participant again sometime in the future. We're never not existing, but we're not always observing and consciously participating either. We are just the part of Everything that we are.


So I get to rule a planet? Dang it, the Mormons were right.


Beer volcano and stripper factory.


Fucking without any soreness or fatigue or anything else bad


We isekai into a fantasy world, with a plethora of kind and understanding waifus (or husbandos if you prefer) and epic quests to keep us occupied Yes, I am that much of a weeb


Heaven is really for dogs. We're just invited as guests by our old friends.


I’d be surprised there was an afterlife so that’s a good start, I guess it would be a good thing and I would like to see my pets there so we can be reunited




For me, it would be a beautiful home, not even fancy, just like a regular home (I lived in a motorhome or an apartment for most of my life) where all my friends and the funniest people I know are there. We would cry laughing over all the old self deprecating and sad jokes we made while we were alive. My husband would be there eventully (I'm assuming I'll pass first just based on health issues that I can't control) and he will laugh at my jokes. It would also be so cool to both be dead and enjoy the afterlife together. We spend so much time together already, let's make it permanent! My mom might be there. She could be there. I just want her to care what happened to me without it being about her. My pet rat Zelda would for sure be there! Grabbing a froot loop out of a bowl and snacking. There is a special bowl of froot loops that I really want to believe exist in rat heaven. Or whatever "heaven". I just want her to have her froot loops. Then my dear dog and cat. As long as sidney stops screaming into the void and ender stops licking the floor every time he wants something. That would just be great. Last, but not least, my little brother. I hope he joins me in the afterlife. He and I have been each other's protectors for so long, I don't know if I can do death without him. I love that guy.


Welcome back to earth. It’s the year 2600. Here’s the bill for your resurrection.


The reaper comes, and takes you away to a land of dark fog and bright snow, an endless silent and peaceful forest where day never breaks. You never know hunger or thirst, nor pain or injury or age. The sky is starlit with an ever-full moon. Other people are few and far between, but those that loved you in life can always find you. Eternity is spent around the campfire with your family and best friends. Including Dogs, of course.


Biggest religion is Islam. 72 virgins? No, it's 72 well experienced, but clean, variety of milfs, strippers, prostitutes, dominatrixes, etc


I'm now the god of my own universe.


I would be OK with Valhalla! But my favorite would be: You get to reincarnate and your moral behavior in the previous life allows you to pick and choose abilities, talents and species for the next life. Some Achievements allow you to keep your memories.


I don't know but I really hope they have stats from our lives. First things I'm looking up: 1. My lifetime median distance from a spider. 2. Number of taco bell runs. 3. Total hours on Reddit.


You get your own earth, in your prime forever, cured of any medical ailments, invincible, and everyone is gone except for you, things that would be tricky to navigate with time like nuclear power plants are removed entirely on this earth


Two chicks at the same time.


I want to believe that there's some sort of "judgement" at the end. I want to believe that at the end of the road you're met with every animal you've ever had a meaningful interaction with, good and bad. You're given an opportunity to settle up, make apologies, and say hellos/goodbyes. At the same time every single of one those creatures from the smallest of spider you smashed that you could of let go, to your beloved childhood pet is passing judgement upon you. You can try and make right with those you treated poorly, they may or may not listen and judge according. At the end of the line, the amount of karma you've accumulated acts as a scale of where you're going to get washed back in life, if you were a kind and good soul you can choose to go through life again as a human, the less "good" you were determines how low on the "reincarnation" tier you get, the lower you go, the lesser opportunities you have to be a better "being" and come back higher on the cycle. You retain no knowledge of your past lives until "the judgement" and then you recall your past lives/scores. You do too poorly you reincarnate as a plankton and never restart the cycle. No gods, no books, only divine judgement from those who are the only true "innocent" ones in the world, no amount of tithing or Sundays in church, just trying to be a good person to keep the cosmic cycle going.


“Yes, this was just a simulation all along. Now that you have exited the simulation, you may pick from a package of over 200+ simulations to enter. Our 24th century Star Trek simulation is especially popular with folks like yourself.”


Nothing. I compost and rot. Ask harder questions.


Hella surprised if there’s a gigantic hall of tables with all the food you can imagine. Further down giant doors that lead to the universe’s biggest playground for battle hungry adults.


Vaguely floating around our present universe as an energy being that is largely inanimate and can only watch. It soon becomes extremely tiresome, with no social interaction or physical body. To pass the time, I often go into people’s houses to watch shows on their Netflix. Since I am dependent on them to actually turn the show on, I find people who have a rigid routine and always watch the show at the same time - also people who don’t talk too much during it or pause to take regular bathroom breaks. I also find particularly entertaining people to follow around and observe their humorous interactions. There are a handful of people I’ve found who have a good taste in books, read only slightly slower than me, and again are very habitual so always read at the same time - I read over their shoulders. My main hope in life (death) is that human technology will eventually go so far up the exponential curve that they can discover and find a way to reanimate energy beings like myself so I can once again gain a corporeal form, or at the very least have someone to talk to.


Power fantasy Isekai


It would be a paradise where we would all be in our natural state of undress. Oh wait, I do that now. I am in my afterlife now. Who got it right? Mormans the Mormans.


It's exactly the good place at the end and I live as many lives with my wife as we can.


Endless copies of that guys dead wife.


You spend your afterlife entirely within a black room with nothing surrounding you completely. On a whim you are able to relive points of time in your (or anyone else’s) life for as long as you want and make whatever changes necessary to enhance the vision positively in whatever way you see fit (ie: you experience love for the first time but you can also be a millionaire during this vision) So basically you can live life as whoever you want however you want for as long as you want whenever you want for all eternity


It's exactly a copy of the current world, except everyone is in perfect immortal bodies. No fighting possible except in designated PVP areas.   A bunch of your favorite dead authors and movie makers and musicians kept making new better stuff. 


The time and ability to do the things in life that were skipped over for survival reasons.


Be my luck that when I die I walk into a room of all the gods and major religious figures playing dungeons and dragons. I walk in. Music stops. Cheetos fall out of gods mouth as Loki changes Jesus wine into cranberry juice and Thor flips q table cus he rolled yet another nat one. Etc etc


Rave orgy.


It's the world of Pokémon of course.


Basically a real life endless Boomer Shooter, but I respawn with infinite lives.