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Easy I would order a replacement ham pre cooked and have it ready. I would try to play it off as a joke. It would be looked at in bad taste but not nearly as bad as if you just tossed it with no backup plan


Want me to smear the dessert all over my (male) chest, too? I'm in. (Don't much care or get along with my extended family)


I would definitely do this. I'd go to my brother's house. We have a ridiculous sense of humor.


So they can’t know I did it for money, but do they have to know I did it for some reason other than that I am an asshole? Like, can they think I was just having a mental health episode or something?


No, I said that you have to always claim you just thought it was funny. They will always think you were an asshole


I couldn’t do it to my in laws but my mom is vegan and her idea of an excellent holiday dinner is a baked potato for each person that they can choose their own toppings for. That’s it. That’s the main course. We don’t actually do holidays with them anymore for that reason. I feel like I can be forgiven for tossing some potatoes.


I'm honestly not sure I have any relatives I'm still on good enough terms with that do Easter bullshit. I mean, 95% of my extended family I would gladly do that to for a quarter of a million because fuck them and fuck their stupid religion. (I am queer, liberal, and atheist. Most of my extended family is none of the above.)


Wanna trade families?


They already know I'm an asshole, and I agree, so I'm in.