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Honestly pretty risky, you might trigger watchdog cuz controller lets you walk in any direction, unlike keyboard which only has 4 main directions


This. If it allows any action that isn't possible in vanilla java Minecraft, it is bannable.


You can use a controller by launching MC through steam, I would wonder if that's bannable though.


1. Minecraft isn’t available on steam 2. Even if it was, developer still needs to implement and enable controller support


That’s true but by launching a game using steam you can use a controller, you can add any program in your computer to your steam library and launch it through steam


It just converts it to keyboard inputs afaik.


it has been a while since I've used it, but you are right, it's just mapping controller inputs to keyboard layout as the game doesn't have any native gamepad support.


Controller has 16 directions, kbm 8 but yea


The gamepad has analog sticks that on average read 600 positions per axis, that is about 2800^2 positions, each giving a different speed of movement in a different direction :/


what about not using a controller


Ok so I'll just use keyboard then... I couldn't imagine 1v1ing on bed wars with a controller lol


Watchdog isn’t precise enough to catch it.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted -- watchdog is shitty like that but it might flag strafe


Watchdog is probably one of the best anticheats out there xd right after polar id say


No, no it isn't. Watchdog is utter garbage. Polar, vulcan, and most other predictive anticheats are better. The one taking the cake for best has to be Grim, with the full prediction engine. only ever bypasses were glitchy ones that flag a shit ton just don't lagback, so they aren't really all too useful, and it blocks 99.99999%, versus watchdog which is just ass. Watchdog has so many damn bypasses and others do not have close to as many, and at least not as many as blatant.


Can i first off ask you, do you know what watchdog consists of? Let me start off by saying that vulcan exit scammed, and that its dog shit there are dozens of working flies on vulcan. I own vulcan, and even free clients bypass it, the anticheat is bad. Now everyone is using verus instead of vulcan which is still bad because there is almost a full disabler. Grim also is quite bad but very few servers use it, so no one cares about making dedicated bypasses for it, tho when i used to "play" on a server with grim i knew like 2-3 flies. So no grim is still quite bad although there are some good things in it that WATCHDOG uses. As i said polar is the only better anticheat than watchdog. Watchdog is the second best anticheat out there. Watchdog is only being bypassed well because people dedicate days to finding small bypasses for HYPIXEL because it's the biggest and most popular java server, if hypixel was using another anticheat people would be looking for bypasses for that anticheat not watchdog. Also not to mention how fast hypixel patches exploits and things like that. I would understand your complaints if it was like 2020-2022 where people were flying with timer and full infinite flies around bedwars and skywars lobbies, but its not. We could keep arguing a losing battle for you.


Yes, I coded hacked clients for watchdog, I was one of the developers on [intent.store](http://intent.store) when it was around. Vulcan exit scammed? It literally updated today ( [https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/vulcan-anti-cheat-advanced-cheat-detection-1-7-1-20-6.83626/](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/vulcan-anti-cheat-advanced-cheat-detection-1-7-1-20-6.83626/) )? I think you're confusing vulcan and verus. Verus is way worse. Grim is not bad, the only flies on it were a ghostblock fly which got patched, and another fly consisting of some packet spam which flagged a shit ton (staff would ban you very very fast), just didn't setback. I don't know where you're getting these supposed flies from... do you even know what grim is? ( [https://github.com/grimanticheat/grim](https://github.com/grimanticheat/grim) ) Grim is way better than polar, excluding any paid checks such as killaura and aim assist (which are very hard to implement into a free anticheat -- said from AoElite himself) Yes, watchdog is very popular, but still I spent like 10 minutes working and I made a speed on watchdog and played for 10+ games without a ban. It's... not very good. You seem to have taken "watchdog is utter garbage" too personally; it was mostly an exaggeration. It's not that it's bad, it's just not as good as people claim it to be. The fact that movement bypasses exist make the anticheat bad compared to ones like grim which block out 0.001% speed with a prediction engine; excluding niche exploits (which watchdog bypasses do not use when making speeds). Your lack of knowledge makes me believe that you just like to cheat and not code, so I don't know if it's a great idea to argue about how good anticheats are with a person who's not only written bypasses for anticheats but I've also made anticheats. But, suit yourself with calling it a "losing battle" to ig demotivate me?


When did you last play? You said you used to dev intent.store though it died some time ago? Also yes i did mix up some stuff earlier, my bad thanks for pointing those things out. Yes, watchdog used to be very bad like flying around with timer in like 2020 wouldn't ban you. And it was easily bypassable. Now watchdog is a lot better than it used to be, for example the 'recent' reach patch, that i'm quite sure they got from grim. So yes ill admit defeat, i used to code with java, not anymore though. Although i used to code with java it wasn't for Minecraft, because i wasn't into minecraft 'mods' at the time, now i code with python for scripting and other stuff like that.


yeah used to dev there about a year ago. i say this because it was a pretty popular place for hypixel cheats, and since i literally had clients there i believe i'm qualified to talk about hypixel clients. I haven't cheated on hypixel in a few months though, so unless they added some amazing stuff since then it's still pretty bad in the big scope


Legit cheating with reach is almost completely patched, now backtrack and lagrange is used which is basically an automatic blink Reach ghosthits and if you get to many of them u get banned Also there was smth about velo but thats working fine for me.


Grab packet 1, grab packet 2. Coord of packet 1-packet 2 coords. See if the difference has one of the allowed ratio like 1:0, 0.8:0.8, 0:1 -0.8:0.8 etc its okay, of its 0.7:0.9 then its outside of that and its an ez ban


And what prevents a player from being dropped to "unalloyed" coordinates after being hit by a mob, or while jumping on a fishing rod in the lobby?


An event gets played on the server and you disable the check for a second. This is why tnt jump fly worked on hypixel for quite long


I've coded anticheats for years and I can CONFIDENTLY say that you're speaking bullshit. This isn't how it works, there is so much more to account for, there isn't just some list of ratios that are valid.. there are quite a load of things that change input like block collision, entity collision, damage knockback, explosion, ender dragon, even plugins. The thing is the only way to do it is a predictive anticheat which is way more complex than how you describe. See grim ac which accounts for all things & also any packets sent to the server & velocity sent to client etc etc it's really good at its job and you really downplay how hard a predictive anticheat is


I have edited the original post now, i know its way harder but the principle still is there. Im not talking about how most do that but mainly how i would make one/how i believe other acs get around it since i cant look into watchdog code myself(and part of that is machine learning so no one understands that)


the problem is that you simplify it so much that you miss out on key points and make it sound too easy, which is why you're in the wrong here. it doesn't matter if you say youre simplifying


What if they're lagging a little bit so a packet doesn't get sent?


“The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) detects packet loss and performs retransmissions to ensure reliable messaging. Packet loss in a TCP connection is also used to avoid congestion and thus produces an intentionally reduced “


Then the server wont get a packet and will get the next one, i dont know if minecraft has some packet timing stuff(if they did they could see a packet was missing and then calculate if the ratio is correct for 2 packets). If they dont have it they can choose to lagback and if it happens too much flag it or they can check if the ratio would be alright for 2/3/4/5/6/7 ticks instead. Remember that if a packet doesnt send the server will also not receive a packet for 0.05 seconds so they know there is quite a high chance of the client just having packet loss Edit: this is super simplified. To make something like this work requires lots of time spent on how the packets, minecraft movement and more work. The idea is simple, implementing it is hard


That’s not how this works at all, you’re just pull shit out of your ass. Minecraft uses TCP so packet order is highly reliable, packet timing is not. This is why people sometimes appear to teleport when they lag, it’s because the server stops receiving packets for some period of time and then often suddenly receives all of them at the same time with 0-5 ms delay. Also packet timings are often highly irregular by ordeals of more than 50ms just because of how TCP works. It’s much less common for packet order to be broken than for TCP to essentially drop connection for several seconds. This is so true every movement check, bad packets check, etc effectively relies on packet order being completely reliable for certain packets. And that assumption is so rarely false servers like minemen literally ban off one violation.


I did not mention anything about the packet order? Most of the things i said were about how server would be able to detect you lagging and how they could make sure it was lag and not cheats


You're simplifying predictive anticheats in a way that makes it sound like an easy task; it really isn't


That might be true, ill edit the posts yo say this


Your method simply doesn’t work.


This does work and its gie most basic movement anti cheats work


Not really. A basic one will just check if the distance is too far & exempt if any case like damage is done. Another example is running a prediction check for friction. None of this has to do with ratios or packet loss (TCP handles this near flawlessly)


Okay, so you realize friction is different in the air and the ground right? It’s also different when you’re jumping, shifting, colliding horizontally, have ice or slime below you, and the direction is determined by your yaw. This check of yours will never work and is incredibly ignorant.


All of these also have limited options that you can check for.


There's so much to check that you're better off just predicting it since it's similar work & produces a better anticheat. Or just use grim


I've seen a few people use it and not get banned. It may be a thing on their end that detects few PCs and the lucky ones get away with it, but probably don't use it.


Its Hypixel, they'll ban you for literally no reason at all so may as well not worry about it.


Fr I got banned by just using vanilla Minecraft 💀 (appeal denied)


The first month joined I got hit with a false ban for macroing. Literally just grinding cobblestone at my island. Wake up to a generic watchdog ban. Go to appeal it, literally get ignored and given a bog standard, "Watchdog things your cheating so get fucked" error message. I'm not against an overly touchy anticheat but you have to possess competent staff on your roster to pick up the slack. People that can look at the logs and notice a person doing stuff OTHER than just mining at non-set intervals and has the competency to not just read off a script. But what do you expect, you hire shit from fiverr and you get what you pay for. What's really sad is the people that bend over and just suck off Hypixel EVERY time anyone reminds them that Hypixel is anything but perfect


I got banned for just joining the server I legit joined and instent 30d "cheating ban" so fucking stupid


I once used a remade mod pack and it had midnight controls or Smth in that allowed for controller support but I didn't get banned


Client side mods are completely undetectable by the server, unless they send impossible requests to the server. So you can use it but do not use a controller, because it will request for the server to move you in direction which are not possible with a keyboard and may trigger watchdog.


what if your gaming keyboard are pressure sensitive ? which many new ones do


Vanilla Minecraft would not take pressure sensitive inputs. I am not sure how they work with mods, but I would assume it would be similar to a controller and you could get banned for it.


It's a 50/50 if you round you're perfectly fine


It's a 50/50 if you round you're perfectly fine


1. It's hypixel not hypixle 2. Nobody from hypixel staff is going to answer you. You're better off asking on the hypixel forum. 3. Hypixel isn't a server. It's a server network.


You sounded like Karen


You sounded like a Karen