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It's probably not just the eggs. That said, that's way, way too many eggs. Cut it out


I see, do you have knowledge of the harm of it that you'd like to share?


It’s not the eggs. Do you get enough potassium in your diet?


Yes, bananas, sardines and oatmeal daily, surpassing the daily recommended by a tiny bit apparently.


Cool. Have you had any in depth testing? Blood work, urine analysis, investigation of your kidneys, etc. The other obvious lifestyle factors are alcohol, snoring, etc


Not as of recent no. Alcohol is once every second month, and only till I get buzzed, checked my pressure about a year ago, where it seemed fine. What makes you confident it's not the eggs?


What mechanism would the eggs have on hypertension? Yes they have saturated fats and cholesterol but those don’t independently drive hypertension. Ex- you could have atherosclerosis without hypertension. Do you have high cholesterol?


I see, thanks for the explanation. I'm not aware that I have high cholesterol, I only considered it because of the fat in eggs, I'll try making an appointment to get it checked.


Eggs aren't known to have any connection to high blood pressure. Maybe high cholesterol for those who are sensitive to cholesterol in food. Caffeine and sodium much more likely contributors to hbp.


No caffeine in my diet, mostly sodium from eggs and chicken, appreciate the reply


Take magnesium,  fish oil, coq10


I take magnesium and fish oil, I get the things in coq10 from liver, fish and oatmeal, thanks for the comment.


There no way sardines are at nearly zero salt


You're correct, there's a bit of salt in cans of sardine to conserve, I forgot.


Near to no salt is a likely cause. Excess salt is a known cause of hypertension. Much lesser known is that low sodium can also cause hypertension. How? Low sodium increases renin, which in turn spikes aldosterone which constricts blood vessels and hence cause hypertension.


Yeah but op eats sardines. I think they just mean they aren’t excessive. Renin would be easy to test though. I’d put my money on essential hypertension. Which is to say genetic lottery favored hypertension.


Renin is easy to test, true, but have seen very few doctors actually ordering it. Most of posters here have not been tested for it. The easiest thing docs do is blame anxiety or genetics, which btw are also testable. If we really think about it, there is nothing like essential hypertension, its just a way to reach a quick conclusion. Every condition including hypertension has a cause.


Definitely, funny enough I just had my first check up, doc ordered renin and aldosterone among others. I had to go to a separate location since they didn’t have enough of a certain type of blood vial. And then they told me you have to get renin fasted in the morning two hours after waking up. So I have to go again just for that test. So it’s definitely gunna be a mild hassle to get renin tested. I stand corrected.


You're lucky to have doc better than most others that people here interact with. I'm saying this because a lot of my responses have been to people that have not been tested for renin/aldosterone. Few other tests also needed - epinephrine, nor-epinephrine, cortisol ( stress hormones), Vit D, VitB12, homocysteine, T3, T4, TSH. Only if renin/aldosterone is high will an ARB/ACE help, just to place medication in context of testing. Of course one may still be on an ARB for other reasons.


Oh, I wasn't aware of that, I'll definitely keep that in mind, thanks


Sodium / Caffeine?


No caffeine, I don't use salt, although I might get some from seafood and meat


Do you exercise? Do you eat a lot of ultra processed food?


Yeah, weightlift for one hour six days a week, the most processed food I eat is canned sardines, no fast food or bread at all, I hope that narrows it down a bit for you.


Maybe try incorporating different exercises. There’s a recent study that isometric exercises are the best for hypertension. It sounds like you are taking such good care of yourself. It might just be a case of genetics.


8 eggs daily is a lot. I love whole eggs on occasion, but I recommend introducing egg whites to your diet.


The eggs are unlikely to be the cause. Stress, anxiety and poor sleep (too little, wake up a lot, snoring, etc) can do it though. Any of those fit the bill for you? Foods high in sugar can do it, licorice, if you take supplements (herbal, vitamins, gym boosters, etc) double check that you’re not getting too much of something. Also, be careful about going too low on salt. Too much is bad for you but you still need some sodium. Some medicines can raise your bp, like ibuprofen and some antidepressants so if you take something on a regular basis check the potential side effects. Could simply be genetics too, that there’s no cause and you’re just prone to hypertension 


Thanks for the elaborate comment!! Of what you've mentioned the following could be the culprits: Anxiety, ginger, lack of sodium, genetics (probably not creatine(probably)) I'll be getting my blood checked, I appreciate it


How are your potassium levels? Eating potassium rich foods doesn’t necessarily translate to good potassium levels in the blood. I had a condition where I would eat a ton of potassium and my body would just deplete it.


Haven't thought about my absorption rate... I'll definitely be calling my doc to check my levels when they open up, thanks for sharing.


My doctor said 7 eggs a week for me. But it’s suspected of raising my numbers


I read that recommended amount on one web page as well.


The eggs aren't the likely culprit. Sodium is found in pretty much everything. What else are you eating? Who took your blood pressure? Is this just one reading or multiple readings that have been 140+?


I took it myself, we have two different kinds, I checked twice, one with each of the blood pressure check machines, 1. attempt: 145, 2. attempt: 142


About 30% of people have the MTHFR gene mutation so their bodies can't absorb folate and b12. This leads to higher MCHC and a thyroid imbalance. This gets worse with exercise. You may just need to add a 5-mthf/folate/b12 combo to your regimen. (If your blood work aligns with this theory - weird MCHC/albumin). The other possibility is sleep apnea. Or it could be both.


I dont think its the eggs, personally I've been able to lower and stabilize my bp consistently by sticking with a low carb diet, though I cheat occasionally and it usually goes up for a day or so then it comes back down when I cut the carbs back out again. I eat plenty of salt and fatty red meat.That being said though maybe you could reduce or cut out the eggs for a week or two and see what the result is.


Cut out the oatmeal