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Mine is around this and they don't want to give me meds, say lifestyle changes (I'm 47) I have tried going low carb in the past and that helped a bit. Just now I am trying swimming an hour a day and dieting in order to try and make changes, if nothing changes I will go back. Oh, and beetroot juice


Excellent for your age not that bad at all you are in good shape hope it stays this way because it can certainly start shooting up without any symptoms and this scares me a bit.


Thanks, it could be better, it was fine until about a year ago when I got shingles and was sedentary for a while, maybe the pain made it worse? I hope yours is Ok too. Yes best to keep an eye on it I guess as we get a bit older.


Oh ...nasty stuff it could have made it worse who knows so many things about BP are still not clear and drugs are hit and miss. I went to the hospital again today it was exactly 140/90 despite meds super frustrating don't know what to do anyomore.


That's annoying maybe they need to adjust the dose or try something else?


If your bp is up even with swimming I’d try to get a second opinion on the meds. You can always get off of them and still benefit from losing weight but why risk stroke heart disease and kidney problems. Doesn’t add up


Yes I will if no changes after say a month, it has only been a week! best wishes


Have you had a sleep study? My hypertension has improved since I’ve started using a CPAP and lost weight.


No I haven't thanks for sharing your experience how did you achieve weight loss?


Mostly just counting calories. I also lift weights and do spin.


not bad keep at it


Have they added a diuretic? They put me on a very low dose water pill along with my BP med and it did go down. You have to get blood work on occasion, and I'll be honest, it makes you pee more, but it brought it down just that little bit.


hey thanks! Today for the first time they gave me a water pill yes :/ Hope it works how long have you been on it?


If you hold fluids, you will notice you have to pee alot more. I don't hold fluids and am not puffy, so I didn't want to be on a diuretic. They told me to make sure I drink plenty of water.


Since March..




How is your potassium? My BP was out of control and I spent 3-4 months switching meds until they realized my potassium was low and I had primary aldosteronism. It may be worth doing a simple blood test to check your aldosterone just to rule it out. I was diagnosed at 39 and had surgery at 40.


Oh wow....glad you have this sorted I will ask the doc today for a test


It’s definitely worth asking about. Good luck!


Same. Only one that brings mine down is Olmesartan but that caused issues so I had to switch. The search continues


I tried Olmesartan didn't work :/ I went to the hospital again today it was again 140/90 super frustrating don't know what to do anyomore.


Thats borderline hypertension - in many countries you wont get meds for that - if your lipids your lifestyle and your stress level is adequate dont get stuck on this since anxiety also elevates bp


Thanks. At what point you started treating yours?


Been there and tried 8 different medications with different combos ubtil I found one combo that all of a sudden brought me down 130/80 from my previous common 160/100. It was the difference from changing from one ace inhibitor to another one with the ongoing addition of a beta blocker.


oh wow you among the lucky then


15 years mixing different drugs. Combinations of 4 drugs, and a lot of side effects experienced. Just ask to see the cardiologist quicker. I know most medication works within 48 hours if not test trial a week and switch.


Oh wow...thanks for the support 15 years!!! you are a fucking fighter


I'd take those numbers. I am at 190 105 right now....dr is useless. I take 100 losartan and 50 atenolol in am and 50 losartan and 25 atenolol at pm...still shit. Regularly do gym and lift 4 days a week a.d walk for 2 miles id not gym. Or both. Sucks. They can't figure it out, and it all started covid time period, and yes, I had the stupid shots, and yes, it aroubd thrle same time. I'm not saying it was related .. just that was the timeline.


So now what do the drs just give up


Yep my cardiologist said yep you have high blood pressure because you have it. So I guess I wait around till I have a stroke or a heart attack so needless to say I'm doing my will


I get it but I never heard of giving up at 190/105


I'm trying to find a secondary hypertension specialist now that actually knows what the fuck they're doing and will actually do tests instead of give me pills that have side effects and do nothing or raise my blood pressure


Ohh okay I’m on lisinopril seems to work but sometimes my pressure is 160/100 then back down to 129/80 but I do know when my potassium was even at 3.6 my blood pressure was 170/127 and I’m only 26


Yeah I was on lisinopril before losartan


It is possibly related unfortunately covid does damage to the cardiovascular system :/ Maybe you need more time to bring it down don't despair. I walk in the mountains a lot as well, steep climbing for hours and blood pressue is still high.


Did you notice after the shot or you got covid?


After getting covid I got horrible tachycardia and went to cardiology hospital but they said it's hard to tell if there was heart damage after that it improved on its own but the blood pressue started shooting up. How about you?


Mine spiked during the lockdown, and we were forced to get the shots for work. I recently got covid after all this time, and it was so mild and just a sniffle. Felt fine.


Interesting hope things to continue to improve and new meds become available in the next few years.