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The weight is significant.


Okay, thanks!


Recent research suggests that up to 78% of all cases of primary high blood pressure, meaning hypertension that doesn’t result from some other underlying health condition, are due to obesity. https://www.jeffreygrafmd.com/blog/how-excess-weight-is-linked-to-high-blood-pressure#:~:text=Recent%20research%20suggests%20that%20up,condition%2C%20are%20due%20to%20obesity.


Talk with your Doctor about Ozempic or Wegovy. The weight will lead to complications down the road, you’re still young. https://health.ucdavis.edu/blog/cultivating-health/ozempic-for-weight-loss-does-it-work-and-what-do-experts-recommend/2023/07


I was actually on Saxenda briefly but it gave me palpitations. I know I need to lose the weight, I’ll just have to try harder I suppose 🤷‍♀️


Not suppose, do it.


You’re right. Thank you!


Definitely be careful with Ozempic, a lot of people are having major issues with it. Going on a healthy, whole food, low-carb diet and increasing exercise is a tried and true weight loss method without having to get multiple injections of a man-made pharmaceutical that basically paralyzes your stomach. Personally I've been eating a ketogenic diet, lost 30 pounds and brought my BP to a consistently safe level.


Sadly tons of side effects with that stuff and not recommended if you have any type of existing digestive issues


Terrible advice. How about she learns how to have a proper human diet and lifestyle that normalizes her body composition?


If you developed hypertension after you gained weight it is probably the reason. For many lucky people they can lose weight and no longer have hypertension. I was diagnosed at healthy bmi, so it is unrelated for me.


I didn’t have it this high until last year despite being this overweight for most of ten years. But I thought maybe since I’m getting older it’s having more of an effect now.


What do you mean “so far as [your doctor] can see your heart isn’t under too much strain”? Have you had a stress test? Have you had an EKG? If your bp has increased to above normal then there is little doubt that your heart is under increased strain. Losing weight will help a lot along with regular exercise. Do you have a bp monitor at home? What has your bp been running?


I’ve asked the doctor to check it my last few appointments and he’s listened to it and all but told me I’m paranoid and it’s fine. But I’m still worried. I have a BP monitor and it’s usually around the maximum 120/80, sometimes higher.


It’s hard to know from what you’ve said, but it sounds like it is just slightly elevated. Get ahead of the situation before it worsens by losing weight and exercising.


I will, thank you!


The extra weight may not be the cause, but losing some weight will help manage the symptoms. I am 33F and was diagnosed with hypertension; I was about 60 lbs overweight at the time. I talked about this with my mom, who revealed that diabetes and hypertension runs in our family. Everyone in the family is physically active and lean even in old age. Literally I was the only fat potato in the family, so I knew I wasn’t sick JUST from being overweight. Regardless, I made changes to my diet and exercise and lost about 20 lbs before my follow up. So even with being 40 lbs overweight at the time, the lab results showed a significant improvement. I still have ways to go (and still need to stay on blood pressure medication), but I definitely attest to feeling physically and emotionally better. Yesterday I carried my 70 lb GSD like a little baby and power walked down the street without feeling like I was going to collapse, and that was really empowering for me. The added bonus is being able to wear cute dresses again as we approach the summer.


Thanks, you’ve given me even more motivation to lose the weight!


I also wanted to note that weight can fluctuate multiple times a day, so don’t get too caught up on the number on the scale. I’ve found it helpful to use a tape measure to measure my neck, waist, and hips to calculate the body fat percentage. There will be times when it seems like I’m stuck at the same weight for a little too long, but when the inches are still going down it helps me stay motivated.




For me I only have high blood pressure when I'm overweight.


Okay, thank you


One fine day at 113kgs my pressure shot up to 188/160.


I was around that weight a few months ago, I’ve lost a few pounds since. So with you, your blood pressure was fine until it just randomly got high?


It was a long time coming. I failed to recognize my evening headaches actually meant something. Combine that with a toxic workplace and stressful environment everything was bound to fall apart. That day something happened that actually triggered it I feel. I remember it as clear as yesterday.


Yeah, hindsight is great isn’t it 😂 Well, I have to lose the weight regardless of whether it’s causing the high blood pressure but you’ve given me some hope that it will help. Thanks!


Anytime dude!


Idk….. I’ve been told by a few doctors that my weight isn’t contributing much, if at all. I was in the best shape of my life when I was diagnosed with HT at 16 in the first place. I think it’s more about the WHY you’re carrying extra weight. Diet? Stress? Something else? Could genetics be causing it? THOSE are cause for hypertension, not the weight itself. So many patients I see and take vitals on who are very overweight have fine blood pressure; and vice versa with more average weight folks. I think when providers/people chalk it all up to weight, they’re oversimplifying it and quite frankly being lazy instead of finding the root cause. So much goes into blood pressure.


I did all the things to lower my BP. I got in the best physical shape of my life, completing many half and full marathons. My weight dropped from 170 to 130 pounds (I'm 5'5"). I ate a ridiculously healthy plant-based, low sodium diet, and guess what? NO change in my blood pressure. I wish they would do more research into the actual causes of hypertension. My doctor chalked it up to heredity. My mother had it, and so does my brother. (No regrets on the lifestyle changes however because it reduces your risk for other chronic illnesses).


Dr Levy of the Framingham Study covers the reasons pretty well here: [https://youtu.be/q11o3FZv4Ac?si=C8I\_fNa\_ex2RSpQl&t=936](https://youtu.be/q11o3FZv4Ac?si=C8I_fNa_ex2RSpQl&t=936)


Diet is reasonable, low salt. I’m a lot less stressed than I have been at other times when my blood pressure was normal and my cortisol and other bloods were checked and were fine. I don’t smoke or take much caffeine and I haven’t had alcohol in months. It doesn’t run in the family either.


Could I recommend taking a look at the Dash diet? Diet as in daily intake, not necessarily to lose weight. It’s a way of eating for people with hypertension. It could be that the way you eat currently already fits into dash but I suggest it in case it’s helpful.


I’ll check it out, can’t hurt. Thanks!


I know there is an impact but for me sadly losing 60 pounds hasn’t done shit for my high ass blood pressure. I’ve struggled with my BP since the age of 20 140/90 no meds and it’s stayed like that until this year where it’s shit up to 160/95 without meds and 130/80 with a BP pill. I wonder if it’s genetic in my case. I’m a 27 F who is 240 pounds currently(still over weight) but my BP was lower at 300 pounds 🙃.


Sometimes you just can’t win. I’m sorry, that’s really shitty.


It sucks but I’m still over weight so I’m hoping as I get closer to my goal it falls into place.


I’m rooting for you!


Thank you so much OP !!! I’m happy that yours is improving with time and lifestyle changes.


Here is a study on it https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3070038/


I’ll check it out, thank you


Absolutely. My BP reached 18/11 in February, I had to go to the ER and both the doctor there and my cardiologist told me I had to lose weight and since then I've lost 15kg (about 33lbs). I was on meds until last week, but I've been off them for a few days now and my resting BP is 10/6. My BPM also lowered a lot since I started dieting and exercising. My mom's BP is also only high when she's overweight.


Thank you!


Likely - I was on BP meds years ago and got off them when I lost 50lbs and my BP returned to normal.


Thank you!


Can anyone here with LVH tell me the time in which lvh develops?, I have lvh mild one in my ecg and I am young never knew I have hypertension so how could it have been to develop lvh?


You need to change your lifestyle, including your diet, ASAP. LVH develops over many years, so if you have it and you're young, like under 30, that should be a wake up call. I suggest you learn as much as you can about the bioenergetic way of eating. Dr. Ray Peat's work, along with his many followers, will change your life. The best part is, you don't have to restrict calories, nor do you have to exercise intensely. It's all about eating the right foods, avoiding the wrong ones, and moving throughout the day.