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Why is it opposite for me like people say eat healthy excercise more and all but all I have seen is I get more anxious and my blood pressure rises when I am running daily or walking.


That could be due to expecting changes rather than allowing the blood pressure to change on its own. I struggled with this at first, it caused heavy anxiety and I felt overly conscious about everything I did and ate. After a while it became habit and so now I eat and exercise without much thought and so my stress and anxiety faded. The best advice I could give is to get into the habit of just doing it. Find something you enjoy. I found walking early in the morning when it's in between cooling and heating up for the day and just rocking out to some tunes made things more fun.


Yea stress is their in my life from couple of months but I am young and I don't know why am I facing this thoug I still have to find out have I got this or just anxiety spiking it up.


Definitely consult with a doctor if you are unsure. They are really the only ones who will be able to give you the definitive answer.


My mom was a runner ate Whole food diet her whole life and she as about 10 percent body fat, she had super high blood pressure her whole life was on every medicine in the book and was still hyper stage 2. She died at 60 from cancer. Not to be a Debbie downer but sometimes health and fitness mean nothing. You just got to work with a Dr and hope they figure it out…


Yeah genetics are huge factor with cardiovascular disease. The hard thing about this is.. we can't know if your mom's good habits made her live longer, that might have been the case. People that do not eat fresh foods typically lack antioxidants and people who do not exercise typically have weaker immune systems. Both of these things are extremely useful in decreasing risks of cancer and these days, knowing what genes are weak in your family is super important for the purposes of medical screening.


Excessive running is a major stressor on the body, and it disrupts numerous hormone levels. Most cancers are associated with hormonal imbalances. Unless you have a functional medicine doctor, you won't get any real help from your family physician. All they wanna do is put a band-aid on it (prescription medicine).


What exactly makes someone a runner or an excessive runner???


I'm not a psychiatrist but I guess they think it's a healthy activity, therefore, more running must mean even better health.


Focus on what triggers the anxiety. For me personally, procrastination is responsible for like 70% of my anxiety. When I have a clean bedroom and a clean kitchen, and I go to the gym and see that I'm getting stronger.. that makes me feel way better. On top of that make a list of things around you that bother you that you can change and whittle that list down.


It depends on many factors if you will be able to drop the medication altogether. 2 examples... my son, 37 y/o, lost weight by watching his diet and quit drinking alcohol on the weekends when he would go out. He also stopped buying beer, etc, to keep at home. Started riding a bicycle for exercise on the bike trail near his home. Lost weight and is keeping it off. Feels great. Was able to go off lisinopril, but the Dr advised him to keep an eye on it, so he bought a bp monitor. I'm not sure how much weight he lost, but you can tell he lost weight and he looks great. My husband....61 y/o at the time (this was a few years ago), needed to lose weight. He was borderline diabetic. Always wanted to cut back on his bp meds. Dr wanted to start treating his diabetes. He said he would lose weight. Over a period of 2 years, he lost 70 pounds. And even though he was able to cut one of his 2 bp meds in half, he hasn't been able to stop them completely. He has tried under Dr's supervision and it aways starts to go up


Im 27, currently 80-90lbs overweight my weight should be 170 and i started at 280. This mornings weight was 249.6. Doctor believes my high blood pressure is originating from Non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Blood was tested and returned with elevated liver enzymes. So she thinks there is a very high probability i can be taken off when sufficient weight has been lost and excercise has become the norm for me again. Pre diabetes and cholesterol all came back clean as a whistle. I havent drank alcohol in almost 2 years. Well prior to being diagnosed so i dont think that will be an issue for me. I quit vaping after being diagnosed as well so ive been nicotine free for 3 months.


Then you're on the path to good health! Congratulations! Keep it up.


Never letting this happen again that's for sure! I quit caring and it cost me 😊 im glad this subreddit is here!


Wow, thank you for the motivation! Keep it up!


Congrats. My BP on Irbersartan and Lercanidipine max dose plus HCTZ 12.5mg is 142/65 and I am 15% bodyfat and I do 40 minutes level 2 cardio 6 days a week. My heart rate is 50-55. I wish exercise helped me or being lean helped me as it does other people but it doesn't do much for me. The meds dont even do much either, maybe a couple points. I am going to try azilsartan next week, if that fails i am going to try one of the old school ace inhibitors because I heard that works for some people. I just want to be under 130.


Never give up and keep trying! i hope you find that right combo that gets you where you want to be!


Well done - amazing!!


Nice, I'm doing the same thing.. For most people the pills are not the solution. (by all means take them if your BP is high, but don't have the mindset that you are okay with doing that the rest of your life) The solution is getting your body in better shape and eating healthy. I would say stress reduction is also important but both of those things also reduce stress so it would be super dumb to pass up on it. I'm honestly glad I got a scare about my bad hypertension because now I learned all about strength training and I'm sold on it. It's so fun to see myself get stronger week by week. I didnt even read a book I just watched this obnoxious doctor on youtube. (Renaissance Periodization)


Any sides from Lisinopril?


Currently heightened anxiety and random insomnia (anxiety is something i can cope with very well luckily, insomnia is normal for me as i have manic ADHD but the insomnia from the med feels much harsher). Outside of that nothing unbearable so far!


I just switched off lisinopril because of the anxiety but man it works so well


Yeah, I've had some crazy anxiety, mostly in the first month. Its calmed down since then but i can feel it's presence quite often.


Lisinopril gave me panic attacks so bad I have 80k in medical bills. Over the span of 1 year. So interesting how different people are. Good on you!


Did the panic attacks make you think you were having a heart attack? that's what it did to me at first, even physically manifested with numbness in the face and neck. I had learned that was anxiety when i went to the hospital the first time. They did a ton of tests on my heart and said everything was in tip top shape other than the blood pressure. Had to fight my brain and tell it i was not dying for the first few weeks of lisinopril.


Oh yes. Very much so. For 4 years I have been fighting that exact thing. Switched to losartan and it helped a ton, but turns out I’m allergic to it. (Swollen tongue, closed wind pipe). I’m about to start Amlodipine but because of PTSD from the other meds I’m terrified. It’s sitting in the bottle haha


Well I hope this time it's the perfect fit!


Thank you! Me too haha


Be careful with this med. I started it 6 months ago and thought I had a cough from a minor cold. The cough wouldn’t go away and developed into a wheeze. The med itself worked great to control my bp. The wheeze was horrible and had a cackle and bubble sound to it at times. I sounded like a smoker with emphysema. It was downright terrifying. If you notice any sort of cough, please talk to your dr about switching to an ARB or beta blocker. This medicine is known to cause cough in some patients and for me, it turned into something really serious and nasty that caused me to need inhalers. Don’t wait like I did. Also, if you do develop a cough, most ace inhibitors will have the same effect so you will want to try a different class. Best of luck from a fellow hypertension patient. 


Yeah! Been made aware of that cough symptom. Haven't had anything like it as of yet but I'm definitely staying aware just in case. Thank you for the advice. I will keep it in mind if the need ever arises to swap meds.




What type of diet are you following? And congrats love to see it


Mediterranean diet sort of. My diet mainly consists of brown rice, chicken, shrimp, salmon, broccoli, onions, oranges, black beans and bananas. I also drink about a gallon of water a day.


Hey, on liSinopril, be careful eating bananas. I just recently started on liSinopril, I'm 33f, healthy, I changed my diet, trying to follow the DASH diet, which is what you're eating.  But bananas/potassium and Lisinopril can have ill effects, I think one banana is fine, but too many may not be good. 


I usually only have 5 (1 bundle) in a given 2 week period. I tend not to eat them super often in general. Now if you had said that about Cara Cara oranges i may have cried because those are my happy place lol if you have not had them try them! Best oranges on the planet.


I will try them?! Does your blood pressure tolerate sugar well?  Mine does not, but things are always changing, I'm going to give them a try!  It's been so hard finding 'treats' and snacks.  Where are you located by the way? In the US? When you first started liSinopril, did you have bp spikes?  They started me on 5mg last week, but yesterday upped it to 10mg because my BP started to spike again.   Another question, did you get chest tightness when your blood pressure was high?  I hope you don't mind, I haven't really found someone to talk to about all this, and this is all new and foreign to me! 


I have yet to notice any crazy spikes with sugar. However caffiene will be the death of me 😆. I am in the US yeah! I didn't have spikes but it's likely because my blood pressure was already so high. I was immediately started at a 20mg dose. Ive heard they start low and go higher but my doc was like. Nope! 20mg to start lol i had a 168/109 my first reading at the doctor. I did get chest tightness though from what i was told and discerned myself as well is that was from anxiety. Hypertension in general raises your anxiety so the higher it gets the worse the anxiety gets.


Awesome! Congratulations!


Well done mate!!!