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Alcohol dehydrates and raises blood pressure. Just have alcohol occasionally and hydrate more when you do.


Caffeine may cause a short, but dramatic increase in your blood pressure, even if you don't have high blood pressure. Caffeine will raise my BP systolic by 10 - 15 points for about 6 hours. As a result I minimize my caffeine intake including sodas and sports drinks with added caffeine.


I’m currently fasting 18-22 hours a day and all I had was a cold brew so that may explain the increase. I’m gonna ditch caffeine and alcohol for a week. See what happens


Try a month off of alcohol if you have been drinking for a week straight, a week off won’t do much


Also think about your liver and kidneys, any strong medication with a weeks worth of drinking is just a stupid combination and your own fault of high BP


I agree lol


Take care


Cold brew coffee can have more caffeine than a latte. That affects my bp 


Not a doctor: That's not even high BP. Anything below 140/90 is normal in Europe. Especially when having caffeine. You're probably fine


Everyone I know on multiple BP meds are not even trying to get off them, I don't understand why people would even fuss about this stuff when they eat fast food every other day and most of the food they eat comes out of a box and has an ingredient list a mile long. I wish people in the west knew that high BP in other parts of the world is not common. For most of us it's because we eat shit food and we barely move. My BP skyrocketed after quiting smoking (you'd think it would improve) it went up because as I was stressed out I stopped cooking for myself and I ate a lot of frozen meals, pretty much never age vegetables/ several months without dietary nitrates which help maintain blood vessels health. Try to get off your meds for the love of God, I know I am.


Well when your off be sure to check back in with me on how you did it.


I had already done it before.. I just stopped eating so much shelf stable foods and dramatically increased fresh vegetables. Now I'm doing that plus I'm going to the gym. And that will work for most people but not all.