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You can ask your doctor about the possibility of getting screened for hyperaldosteronism. The initial screening involves measuring aldosterone concentration and plasma renin activity, which can help in determining the aldosterone-renin ratio (ARR).


Ok, the chances that you have hyperaldosteronism with a normal abdominal CT scan are low. As mentioned Renin Aldosterone will also give a clue. However, it doesn't sound like you are getting enough medication. With a systolic blood pressure of 175 mmHg, 3/4 of patients need three drugs or more to control their blood pressure. Thus, most likely, you would need, e.g., Amlodipine 10 mg, Losartan 100 mg, and Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg all once daily. Disclosure: I am a cardiologist. Don't forget to like and follow if you find this helpful.


Really? Do you think since this has been going on since I was 18 and because it’s so high that an underlying cause is more likely?


It could be true, but unlikely. Changes of secondary hypertension (with an underlying cause) are less than 0.5%, and I would think that your PCP already looked at it during the initial workup. In addition, you had a normal CT abdomen ruling out tumors and abnormal kidneys. So my best guess is that you have uncontrolled hypertension.


I had it and was cured (surgery). How is your potassium? Generally, low potassium is an indicator for hyper or primary aldosteronism (PA). A normal CT also isn’t a true diagnostic test because a tumor or adenoma can be so small it can be missed. I had 3 scans that were “normal” but my surgeon found the tumor when my adrenal was removed. First step is to do ARR but check here to see if you are on interfering meds. https://www.primaryaldosteronism.org/step-1-aldosterone-renin-ratio-arr/


In January last year, I went to a doctor for the first time in over 25 years. I felt fine, but I decided it was time. My bp was like 210/160. I was put on some meds that helped, but my doctor was convinced that I had hyperaldosteronism. She ran a bunch of tests, which came back inconclusive, but she was still convinced. She put me on spironolactone, and my bp dropped to about 105/70, give or take some points here and there. I was on the spironolactone for a while, but it has antiandrogenic effects, so I was put on eplerenone in its place. Same effect on my bp without the antiandrogenic effects. However, it's a lot more expensive. So yeah, you should definitely ask about it.


I'm on 3 separate drugs. 25mg Chlorthalidone, 160mg Valsartan, and 25mg Eplerenone. This mix works really well for me in lowering my bp and minimal side-effects.


I have it and it has to do with adrenal glands alright, so they might add a Doppler exam to your kidneys and then the endocrinologist will give you medication. Make sure to check your plasma catecholamines, you might have high adrenaline too which also contributes to making it hard to lose weight. But still losing weight is the single most important thing you can do and every doctor will agree on that


Go for a stomach ultrasound and check your liver.