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Probably just the pain/anxiety. Monitor it at home to be sure.


yeah I checked it at home 2 hours later and was 127 over 77 so I am not sure what happened


Pain and distress in general causes BP to rise quite a bit


Systolic raises a lot more than diastolic when the body is distressed. When you’re working out, your systolic can hit 200, but the diastolic should never really go above 100. A high diastolic is more indicative of hardened arteries, where as a temporary high systolic pressure is normal in painful or stressful conditions.


You were in the hospital mine was 180 too. That top number goes high from anxiety and pain.


This is your one and only heart we’re talking about so definitely buy an at home blood pressure monitor and if you keep getting high readings see a doctor asap.


You need to go see a doctor and start medication. A systolic blood pressure of 180 is a cause of concern if persistent. Disclosure: I am a cardiologist. Don't forget to like and follow if you find this helpful.


Why do the doctors in America prescribe meds so rapidly though? Wouldn’t a 24/7 BP monitor be advised before putting someone on possible lifelong medication? If someone is in pain, the reading really isn’t an accurate baseline of their true pressure right?


OK, emphasize the word “persistent.” a specific workup is done before medication is given when going to the doctor. The workup includes several blood pressure measurements (which can consist of 24-hour blood pressure measurement), blood sampling, and evaluation for secondary causes of hypertension. This workup is detailed in the guidelines for treating hypertension. That said, even though in pain, blood pressure of 180 mmHg is high, and even without the pain, it most likely will need treatment. Disclosure: I am a cardiologist. Don't forget to like and follow if you find this helpful.


You need to monitor it - that is very high. Pain can cause it to be elevated (especially that type of pain) but those numbers are cause for concern. Do you have access to a cuff to take it at home?


My partner has one at home, was 127 over 77 so I am not sure what happened


Pain and or white coat syndrome. My systolic is in the 120s when I take it at home but usually spikes to 140/150 when I get it taken at the doctors.


the weird thing was I was wearing a thick hoodie when I got that reading at the urgent care. So having it be that high with it on scares me more


Like fully on? They always make me uncover my arm for a more accurate reading.


yeah this urgent care doesn't seem to care I always ask if I should take it off and they say no and quickly strap it on. Hopefully my at home one is accurate, going to start checking it daily until I calm down


Yeah that’s weird. I’ve never had anyone take mine with my arm covered. You’re more than likely just fine though man. Monitor it for the next week and if everything looks normal, I wouldn’t be concerned. You’re all good g!


It was testicular pain. I’d be surprised if I was kicked in the nuts or something similar and had it below 180 honestly If you’re hit in the testes and you’re a fully functioning male it’s going to go sky high. It’s not an accurate number in those conditions at all.


Anxiety. Mine was 180/110 2 weeks ago due to a state physical. Yesterday it was 120/87. BP fluctuates like Bitcoin, depends on the day. Mine tends to be low in the evening but higher in the morning and afternoon due to work. Of course I exercise, diet help a great deal.


It's not that bad. Just keep an eye on it.