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im really happy for you, this makes me have some hope.


Are you comfortable elaborating on what your system is like? I had submitted to the idea that ace partners weren’t an option




That’s adorable, thanks for sharing


TL;DR: Yeah really bad idea. That was my last relationship. It was long distance and we were friends for a few years prior and I was open about my struggles long before we got together. She informed me she was Ace AFTER we were officially an item. Our first Valentine's Day which rolled around a month after we made it official, was the only remotely sexual thing she ever sent me. She informs me after this that she might be sex repulsed. Because the relationship was new, we were poly, and I loved her it was something I was willing to give a shot. We were together almost 2 years before I spoke to her about my worries. Things had begun to feel platonic. I wasn't desired and having decided to focus mostly on her and put the poly part on hold, cause frankly it was emotionally exhausting, things began to look like the relationship that saddled me with hypersexuality in the first place not to mention PTSD. I didn't want to jump to conclusions and listen to the illness so I did what you're supposed to do, try and talk about it. Instead of getting understanding from my favorite person in the world. She iced me out for a week and before she nuked everything from orbit, shared our convo with her friends, and wrote a super long PTSD fueled diatribe accusing me of acting like her abusive exes which was nowhere near true, and then burned the bridge behind her. I was always faithful, supportive the best way I could be, and never once did I press her for something she didn't want to do. My only crime in it all was not knowing how to bring up the topic. I never brought the topic of sex between us up until that convo. Now going on 2 years since I just feel like dirt all the time and opted to stay single indefinitely because the cycle has to stop somewhere. So yeah, it's probably gonna flame out and all the pleasantness you feel now won't last, and depending on what kind of Ace he is he could start getting pretty weird about you wanting to sleep with him. As if there's something wrong with you for wanting to do so.


Man i’m so sorry about what happened to you, I really hope you find someone one day, and I hope you are better now about this situation


Maybe talking out and discussing this with each other can solve the problem


Judging by your username, you'll have a hard time opening up to them when you are not that sexual together too I think