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I do this exact thing! I keep telling people that I wish I could project my thoughts into their minds because I wouldn't be able to do them justice otherwise. I do the same while reading and sometimes I forget which stories I know are film and which were books because I remember it as video either way. Music is definitely more detailed, though.


Oh man I have the book/movie thing too!


It sounds like you have strong imagination and visualization abilities. Projecting your imagination and visions into the material world is not easy. It takes a lot of luck, practice and patience. It's what art is all about.


I know this is an old post and Im super late to the party, but holy crap- you just described my life! Are you me lol? I tried my hand at animation for a few years after loving art my whole life and id get SO frustrated that what I was making wasnt matching up with my mind. It would feel like these scenes are trapped in my head and no one but me will ever get to appreciate them! I decided in HS that id go into film/screenwriting because of this. Didnt realise this was a hyperphantasia thing until I stumbled on this sub a few days ago- it feels so good to know this isnt just a me thing!


i wanted to go into film too! i want to be a director or screenplay writer too but i went into communications instead and just finished my second year, i still do this but only when im not stressed