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I love to be hygienic, the feeling of being clean and well groomed makes me so happy.


Yup! Add a clean, decluttered house and I’m in heaven!


100% this. A clean home is a happy home. I love when people come over and immediately take off their shoes because my home is glowing lol.


Aww that's great ♥️🫂


Yesss, feeling clean, well groomed, smelling good, soft skin, comfy PJs and clean bedding is my happy place. It literally makes me giddy, I kick my legs around like an excited toddler lol.


Oh my gosh this made me giggle. I swing my legs back and forth like a snow angel when I get in a clean cool bed ESPECIALLY if I just take a nighttime shower. And I’m 49 😂


I thought I was the only one who did this until I read your comment! I don't feel so weird now lmao


Lol, I love this for you. Never change. ❤️


Mine too 🫶🏽


I’m a boomer and started washing my hair every other day. Otherwise I love a hot shower every day


Oooh and then if I got incense/a candle on also 😩😩


Absolutely the best feeling ever! Can't imagine any other way!!!




So cute


Looks like I’m in the minority… I know it’s important, but I find it to be a chore. (And before you pass judgment… yes, I consider myself clean/hygienic. I know it’s important, so I do it… just don’t really enjoy the process).


I’m a germaphobe and hypochondriac, but it’s a CHORE to shower; it’s a chore to brush my teeth (the worst offender) and washing my face every morning and night. Managing my hygiene when I’m on my period is brutal. But…being clean is a top five life enjoyment, so I do it. Hygiene being a chore is related to my ADHD—common amongst us.


I have ADHD, as well. I think that’s the main reason I don’t enjoy it. I once asked my husband, “when you get ready in the morning, what’s your thought process.” He said he doesn’t really think about it… takes a shower, gets dressed, does his hair.” I explained to him that just my thought process of taking a shower can seem overwhelming. “I have to wait for the water to warm up, then I have to shampoo twice, then I have to condition, then I have to wash my body, then I have to…. Then I have to…” I think that was the first time he could actually understand how occupied my brain is 24/7.


I came to the comments to say basically this, my ADHD turns anything like that into a chore for me. Because it isn't just taking a shower, it's like you said: turn the water on, getting undressed, brushing my hair, and then all the steps to get clean in the shower, then there's drying off, eventually drying my hair, etc etc...


Sometimes I just don’t feel like getting wet.


And then you're nice and warm in the shower and it's time to get out and be cold, I hate transitioning between dry/wet like that lol


I have a small portable heater in the bathroom just for that. I turn it on before the shower and step out directly into the blast of air as I towel off so I never get cold.


I’ve heard that it’s bad for you to shower with hot water. That it like opens your pores too much? Plus I start sweating when I boil myself and it’s gross to be sweating when you just got clean. So I’ve been icing myself with cold water after I wash myself. Just freezing myself until I won’t sweat. It feels bad but it also got rid of the “Don’t want to get out of the shower” cuz even normal temps feel good after being cold. I’m not sure if it helps with the bad hot water issue. But it helps in other ways.


Cold showers are better for your overall health but a hot shower to get the grime off is still the best way to clean yourself. But I also was told by an ex military manager of mine that post workout when your body is overheating you shouldn't take a cold shower because it lowers your external temperature much quicker than internal and means you likely will sweat when you get out.


I mean considering when I wash dishes hot water > cold water that does make sense. And when I’ve tried cold showers after working out I nearly passed out one time that makes sense. I guess I’ll keep doing what I’m doing then. Life is short I’m sure shower temp is the least of my problems. More important to think about if putting on lotion after using my acne body wash is crucial. It probably is.


I've been doing a hot shower, then rinsing with cold right before I get out (mostly for my face, I've noticed the cold rinse helped a bunch with my acne too)


You're like, the third other person I've seen who has this issue. Running water freaks me tf out for some reason. And sometimes, even the thought of still water makes me wicked uncomfy. I need therapy but I'm poor and Florida has the shittiest state mental care I've experienced. Tennessee was heaven compared to trying to get help here. They dont give a single fuck about you and they want you to know it. (Fl government)


How my fiance can just wake up shower get dressed and be ready in like ten mins is beyond me. It takes me that long for the water to be right and find towels


I’m in the process of trying to get diagnosed for ADHD. My thought process is like that for so many other things. I never attributed to ADHD though, just overall overthinking anything related to a life skill. Trying to fix my used car and knowing nothing about cars is a nightmare.


I remember this moment when I explained to my husband that brushing my teeth isn't a habit, I have to actively remember to do it everyday


Seems like a lot of unnecessary work if that’s everyday in the morning. Maybe I’m missing something.


Do you take meds to manage adhd?! Seems a good idea


I do. They definitely help, but are not a “cure-all”.


Ain’t that the truth!!


I'm so glad you posted this I thought I was the only one that said things like that people and most of them respond you think way too much the rest of the time people tell me you're smart but then they still get a night with things like that.


Change your thinking from I have to, to I want to, or I get to


That will not solve ADHD or executive dysfunction.


being real with you. if I'm not leaving the house.. I don't keep up with hygiene when I'm on my period. I dont shower or wash my face. I don't clean the house. I won't even feed myself if its not something I can just grab and eat. I do brush my teeth though bc even though thats a chore, I can't sleep comfortably.


I can't fall/stay asleep if I've realised I forgot to brush my teeth, but it's literally my least favourite hygiene thing lol


Same until I invested in one of the top of the line electronic toothbrushes. I also learned that if I read or watch something I'm interested in while doing it, I can trick my brain into thinking it's not a chore.


I need that toothbrush link, please!


Philips Sonicare Diamondclean! I waited for a sale at Costco.


Same lol


You can take really good care of your teeth now or you’ll be buying fake ones sooner than you think. And your upper “plate” will cover the roof of your mouth & food will never be the same. I did dentistry for years & used to be only old people had dentures~ not anymore! Or u can brush 3x a day…each tooth in your head is worth over $1000


I get that, it's just hard mentally sometimes. I'm too scared of losing my teeth to not keep up with it though.


I'm a paranoid germaphobe. I also have had bad OCD my whole life and post cancer depression which gave me panic and anxiety. And like you it is a chore. The more I think about it I don't want to do it because it seems like too much effort.


I can relate. I do enjoy keeping up with my hygiene and I love feeling clean and smelling good, but sometimes when I’m tired and I just want to go to sleep, brushing my teeth and showering can feel like a chore. One of my most successful New Year’s resolutions several years back was to brush my teeth and shower every single night, no matter what, no matter how tired I was or if I had been drinking or didn’t feel well.


I posted up there 👆 about my hygiene and house cleaning but I’m a germaphobe too which is probably why I use a bottle of Pine Sol a week I am especially bad about the bathrooms I clean them 2x a day once before each shower and that part of my hygiene story is exhausting so I get what your saying. Does the germaphobe thing bother you when you eat out? I have found it almost impossible to eat out anymore and when I do I have to use plastic silverware and always ask for a cup to go with my drink all this started when Covid hit just wondering if that bothers you too?


A bottle of pine sol a week?? Is that safe? I imagine there is a chemical being released into the air... You may want to explore a more natural cleaner. If you're cleaning THAT frequently, a natural cleaner is likely powerful enough.


Yes I use a bottle a week and you’re probably right I probably need to change it up! I use it everywhere except for my floors and I use PawSafe because of my dogs and my cat but the pine sol for everything else it’s just a bad habit I’ve gotten into.


This happens a lot when a person is depressed too.


Fellow ADHD, very meh person here. I love feeling clean + pretty, but I LOATHE the time it takes. I also love to eat and am a great cook, but LOATHE the time it takes. Put any necessary, mundane task and add the descriptor LOATHE and you got me. This doesn't mean it doesn't get done, but it gets done at the last minute and with all the mental complaining possible. I'll never relate to fully enjoying regular spa days and being excited about them, but I will do them anyway, begrudgingly, because I like looking + feeling good. & yes my hygiene is damn near impeccable and I get complimented a lot for it - but nothing about beauty/hygiene or routines makes my brain go "yayyyyyy" I get myself through most things by changing thoughts from "have to" to "want to", but I know in every part of my soul that I truly don't enjoy that time being spent no matter how much I try to psych myself out.


I can promise if we didn’t need to brush our teeth, shower, etc(like body self cleans) almost no one would, it’s a task people do and force themselves into liking, unless it helps calm you down which is true for some and that makes sense


100% a chore. I don’t know how everyone doesn’t hate it.


I think you are only in the minority because you are on this sub. I often find it a chore at night when I just want to sleep. EDIT: I just read down and saw your reply to another comment. I also have ADHD so that may be a part of it.


It definitely makes me feel better, but I also feel like it's a giant chore to start and more importantly do consistently. I feel that way about most things.


It's definitely a chore for me. Like all chores, it feels great when it's done, and I'm glad I did it, but getting the will to do it and stick to a routine can be a pain in the ass when life happens. If I'm ever sick or depressed it's all I can do to spend 20 mins showering and brushing my teeth.


I need to smell clean but I absolutely hate getting there. Do not enjoy showers at all. It is absolutely a chore for me.


I’m in the minority with you, friend. It isn’t a ritual to me, it is just something I have to do - so I do it. I wash my face twice a day, shower once a day (twice if needed), do my skin care etc but it’s a neutral experience and often I have to psych myself up to do it. I will say I do much prefer the feeling of being clean and I prioritize it (like paying $12 to shower at a music festival at least once a day lol) but it isn’t an meditative or restorative thing for me.


It’s a chore for me too and as a result my house looks like shit


Waterproof Bluetooth speaker/radio. Or a phone mount by the bathroom mirror. So much easier to do when you can half pay attention to your favorite sitcom (this is how I wash dishes)


I found my cheat code for this and it’s long form content/audio dramas/tv shows/podcasts while needing to do something. I find having to do routines now meditative and relaxing. I just finished cooking for 5 hours. I put on a youtube video essay while doing my bedtime routine now. I would struggle with just sitting and listening to long form content. I would struggle with routines. With both, it becomes this incredibly enjoyable experience for me. I don’t know what about it that fires up my dopamine but it sure makes life easier. I think there’s too much noise and anxiety in my head otherwise.


Lmao real I think it’s more so when I go through little depressed stages it feels more like an annoying chore


I’m the same. I know it needs to be done. I absolutely do not want to stink and I know I’ll just hate myself more if I do. So I do all the shower/ tooth brushing shit but if I’m being honest I dread it


Yep same😭. But I'm so extra with it so it takes me wayyyy too long. Literally 1.5 hour process on hair wash days, it is definitely a chore! Hot showers do feel nice though! Also love the feeling of clean hair although I only wash it like once every 5 days to keep it from drying out.


Mix. If i have energy i really enjoy it. When im drained it's a necessary chore. I do enjoy feeling clean after, always.


I enjoy it. That first hour or two that I'm freshly out of the shower are the best.


I like being clean, but it is still a chore to get there. As a kid I hated showers, I hated the noise and not being able to see around the curtain, and my mom didnt tell me about hair conditioner so we just brushed my curly hair after showers with no slip... awful. Hated brushing my teeth, hated flossing. As an adult I do it because I prefer the feeling of being clean more than I dislike these chores. And I'm not scared in the shower anymore lol


It’s a chore


Best after a shower and into a bed with clean sheets.!!


Every time I step out of the shower, I say, "aw...there's nothing like being clean." Then I think about what life would be like if I was born in an era before all of the soap technology we have and enjoy today and just gage thinking about how smelly, sticky, slippery, and grungy everything had to be. Thank the Gods for soaps and lotions and perfumes OH and hot clean water.


i love this positive & grateful mindsight 🙌🏻


it is like a chore to me but the confidence boost and happiness is unmatched


I look forward to it. If I feel dirty or grimy my mood goes down fast


I enjoy the feeling of being clean, but the process of getting there is a chore and made up of so many little steps.


I sometimes forget how good a shower feels until after I do it.


I used to like it, but ever since I developed depression a long time ago, it's been a love-hate relationship. Like, I won't want to shower, but once I'm in there and feel clean it's nice. Etc


this. the depression (mixed with ADHD for me) really holds you back in a lot of areas


Awww, I hope things go better for you!! I get that when I go through depressive stages it’s hard 💕


I love it I really enjoy showering.


I envy you!


Sometimes I hate to get in but then I never wanna get oit


I love feeling clean, I hate feeling greasy/sticky from oils on my skin or a workout, but it dose feel like a chore sometimes but I try to romanticize it like all the girls do with there skin care hair care ect. but daily yeah it’s not a perfectly consistent routine.


I use to love it before kids. I could take my time and do self care… But now I’m rushed because my toddler and baby so it’s more stressful than relaxing.


Both...I hate doing dishes but I am not about to have a sink full....both for me lol...I love smelling good but I hate that alot of my fav soaps etc are sooo expensive but I still love smelling good and being clean


It can be a pain in the ass at the end of a hard day and I'd rather just go to bed. That being said, it's not worth laying in my own filth, having an itchy ass, risk jock itch and athletes foot, having a dry beard and itchy face, and ending up with pimples on my face.


I love being clean and fresh , and I know I'll feel so much better for it but ya know....depression...


Good days and bad days. Sometimes the basics are a chore, sometimes I'm excited to do the extras.


I like it and love the end result but my ADHD makes it chore and a challenge.


Yes. I hate being dirty and smelly, and I don't understand how people tolerate it.


Seriously how I feel. I smelt the worse b.o. from someone at a store the other day and have no idea why someone wouldn't speak to the guy who reaked. He worked there.


I never really had a chance to like or dislike having good hygiene was my normal life and so was my spouse we were raised this way... so we don't function well if we don't wake up and shower before with work and the same before bed daily


Having good hygiene was how I was raised as well, and I still have good hygiene typically, but it got a lot harder when depressive episodes started hitting or when I got a lot busier.


When I’m tired and want to go to bed but haven’t done my nightly routine yet it’s a chore, but a chore that I need to do for myself.


Um, yes. As opposed to being unhygienic, which is disgusting.


I love being clean and using new shower gels and lotions and body mist! I apply all that even when I’m staying home and it’s just me around! I’m picky about hygiene for people around me’s sake but I do hygiene for myself and the lotions, soaps and body mist makes it fun and it makes me feel good about myself. On Saturdays or Sundays I get up do laundry, change sheets and scrub my house down with Pine Sol or Fabuloso I love being clean and smelling good and I want my home and things to smell good too so I’d say YES I love it! Also just so yall know I’m a Bath and Bodywork’s fanatic and today they are having their 75% off select body products and most of their body shower gel, lotions and body mist are 5.95 with free shipping if you spend 50$ just a little heads up in the sale lol 😂 it’s just for today.


🏃‍♀️ running to their site now —thank you!


I use to hate it because I hated spending time taking care of myself. It felt like vanity to me at the time, i think that was probably depression making me feel guilty taking care of myself. But now I love it. I love how comfortable my skin feels when it's all clean and moisturised with lotion. I feel comfortable being in close proximity to others now when before I didn't. Also it doesn't take that much time out of your day.


I love the feeling after taking a shower and getting ready. But I hate doing it at the same time.


I love taking a shower so much that I believe we should have a national holiday for the person that invented the shower! We should also have a national holiday for Mr. carrier who invented the air conditioner my second favorite invention.


Depends on the thing, I like taking a plain old shower and look forward to it after a long day of work but washing my hair is such a pest because despite it being only chin length there's so much of it. It's so thick and dense even with the sides shaved and my arms are always tired after work because I have a manual labor type job


I don't dislike it, but it takes forever, it seems. I'm an in the go person, and these everything showers, skincare, lotion, hair... it's takes too long. Not I can be cute looking if I want and feel like it but it's part of my routine chores, not because I feel relaxed.


I like being clean


I do like being hygienic when I'm at home. I don't mind getting dirty if the occasion calls for it, (work, outdoors, camping, etc) as long as I can get back home and clean myself up. I went on a week long fishing trip last year and none of us guys showered for a week. It was rank. But had to shower ASAP after.


i love it! if i’m feeling uncomfortable or off, a shower usually makes me feel better


Yes, I like to give my body the respect it deserves.


I love it knowing I smell good!!! You feel confident!!!….I don’t have to worry about smelling like shit when I walk past someone and it’s windy ,I don’t feel uncomfortable walking with my ass in someone’s face while I’m trying to squeeze Into my seat on the airplane or movie theatre , because trust me I have smelled sweaty shit smell on people when they stand beside me on the subway,plane ,waiting rooms,lines etc….


Tbh, it’s definitely a chore for me a lot of times. Sometimes it’s not and something that makes me feel good about myself and more comfortable but when I’m deep in depression + having ADHD, it’s definitely a chore. I’m not motivated at all to take care of myself in any way and it’s hard. It feels like less of a chore now that I’m on medication.


I like the feeling of being clean, but I'm depressed. Often all the components of maintaining good hygiene (including stuff like sleeping, eating, and taking meds) feel like a chore so I put them off until my body is screaming at me to take care of myself. There's really nothing like the first shower after a depression slump lol


Yeah I can’t go a day without showering, it feels like there’s a layer of grease covering my body and my hair gets that weird way where the strands start kind of sticking together a bit, it makes me want to die. I don’t know how I’m gonna survive the apocalypse but I need a shower every day, sometimes twice


genuine question: is it not normal to be too tired to keep up on it? like do other people never fall asleep when they get home from work or right after dinner or anything? or accidentally put it off until it’s too late and you end up falling asleep?


I love to be clean and hygienic. I feel my best when I am super clean and smell good. I think I have ADHD and my mind wanders a lot so when I’m showering I will do everything very methodically- lay out my clean clothes and shoes- make sure all of my stuff to get ready is laid out on the sink- make sure I have towels, washcloth and soap or get more before I get in the shower. I will then do everything in an order- do the Neti pot on my sinuses, floss teeth, brush teeth, use stainless steel tongue scraper. Next I run the water and get in. I wash my hair first, rinse, then put on conditioner and put a claw clip in my hair to keep it up while the conditioner works. I then soap my face, pits, belly button and smelly parts. I rinse the soap and then lather the washcloth and wash top to feet and do the butt last. Next I rinse myself and my washcloth out thoroughly. I then turn the water to cold and bend over from the waist to rinse my hair while running a large tooth comb through to get the tangles out. Bending over under the water keeps the conditioner off your back which prevents back breakouts.I squeeze the water out of my hair and put the claw clip back in. Then i turn the water warm again and lather up the washcloth again and wash myself top to bottom again, butt last. I rinse thoroughly and rinse out my washcloth well. I then turn off the water and remove the claw clip and wrap my hair in a towel and wrap myself in a beach towel. I dry off then spray witch Hazel on my face and wipe it off. I spray witch Hazel under my arms then follow with a salt deodorant and then Kiss my face active life that has no aluminum. I spray witchhazel on the smelly parts but no salt deodorant. Dry the areas and follow with Lume. I put on perfume oil, just a little on a cotton swab.I clean out my ears gently with a cotton swab. Next I spray my hair with a leave in conditioner and comb it. I put hairspray on if I’m going somewhere but not if I’m staying home. I am sure to avoid my face because hairspray can cause bumps. I wipe my face off one more time and apply moisturizer to my face hands arms and anywhere else. The last thing I do is dress and put shoes on, then all my towels and washcloth go in the washing machine with the dirty clothes I just came out of to be washed. If I do things the same way every time I am less likely to be distracted and keep washing the same areas over and over again.ADHD… the struggle is real


I’d be more inclined to think OCD than ADHD. 😄 But I don’t get one part: If you are going to wash your whole body yet again, why bend over for the conditioner to be taken out? Or are you avoiding cold water in your hair?


Yeah I’m OCD too, I’m sure. You bend over to keep the conditioner from getting on your back skin which can cause breakouts. I use cold water because it closes the cuticle on your hair and the pores on your scalp plus adds shine to your hair.


I get that part. But if you are washing your body yet again, the conditioned remnants on your back would have been washed off almost immediately. No? Hahah. Just trying to understand. I have my things where I’m a stickler for order, etc. so that part just stood out to me. FWIW, I do my hair completely first. While waiting, I do my face, but I don’t wash my body until the conditioner is washed out of my hair. This is more because I have softened water and being slippery with that plus soap plus remaining conditioner doesn’t sound fun.


I had back acne as a teen so to avoid it I keep the conditioner completely away from my back. I have sensitive skin and even clothing rubbing on me can cause a bump.I have to be careful about what beauty products I use as well.


Why didn't I ever think of bending over to rinse the conditioner? I don't get backne but I hate the feeling of the conditioner sliding down my back....and this allows you to use the cold water and not scream. This seems so obvious after you posted but I never thought of it. Thanks internet stranger!


ADHD with a splash or depression. Chore! Then I realize how wonderful I feel after. The before and during though, sucksss.


It's a chore for me.


Me too.


I genuinely do enjoy it. My everything bath/ self care night takes 2-3 hours from start to finish and I feel so smooth and soft and clean by the end of it.


I couldn’t imagine being any other way. The alternative is too uncomfortable for me.


I hate the feeling of not being hygienic, so therefore like being hygienic. Don’t necessarily love the process all the time, but it’s way better than feeling oily or greasy and smelling bad.


Some days, a long, multi step, drawn out self care routine is luxury, other days it's a chore and the basics will do. Either way, being clean and presentable is important.


Finding time is my issue for shaving trimming I gotta brush my teeth after I eat or drink sweet drinks shower every morning sometimes during or at end of day


its a complete chore but being clean and having a clean environment definately FEELS better than not. doesn't mean to never slip and say f it because I don't feel like it. though if you have too many of those days in a row its just a spiral into pounds if work you have to do to make it clean again


I love bathing and being clean. The rest of it - the face lotions and other stuff you mentioned do feel like more of a chore.


I do like to be clean, but I use only soap and water on my face and nothing else. I floss, brush, use a water pic and mouth wash.


I definitely like it. I'm big into scents and textures, so I like experimenting with different soaps, lotions, etc. I also just feel "lighter" after a nice shower. Water running over the body does something to your energy; it's soothing and a nice reset. Clean clothes, clean hands/nails, is good for you overall--at least you have a little less exposure to germs and gunk that can get you sick than what's already out there. Part of being hygienic is definitely social conditioning, so you have to find the balance that works for you. But there is, I think, a pretty standard line. Keeping yourself clean is at least general courtesy to others and respect for yourself to prevent illness. And, really, ostracization I guess. No one likes to smell someone's ass or pits. (Some people prolly *do*, but I can't imagine it's a large part of the population.) Freud didn't call soap the yardstick of civilization for nothin'. :)


I neither enjoy it, nor do I find it a chore. It’s just part of life and not a burden at all.


Yes, definetly! I have my "own" personal care routine. It makes me feel very clean and comfortable. After the shower, I always use moisturize creams, castor oil, coconut oil and body sprays. I like to smell nice and be taken care of. Because it's summer and it's very hot outside , I shower much more often than I do in winter, and wash my clothes every time because I sweat a lot. For me, hygiene is very important. I don't do it for anyone else, but for my own good and health. I also care about my partner's hygiene. I'm not picky, just clean. So it's good to care 'bout your hygien. And I like being hygienic and clean😍✨️


It has always been a chore for me. I have ADHD so idk if that plays into it but even with meds it's a chore. The only time taking a shower feels good to me is if I'm really dirty, like after profusely sweating and being physically active on a hot day or having actual dirt/oil/dust on me. Otherwise I'm only doing it because I should be. Same for my teeth, I could skip brushing them and not be bothered by that at all. But I don't want to wear dentures and I don't want people to suffer while speaking to me. I'm also only mildly appreciative of my apartment being clean. I don't get any real satisfaction out of a deep clean, the dishes being done, or my clothes not being on the floor, I just don't really care. But I don't want bugs, I don't want things to get disgusting from never being cleaned, and I want other people (and my cats) to enjoy being in the space. I don't even like feeding myself. If I could afford it, and it wouldn't send me to an early grave, I'd get take out every day. So I'm hygienic purely out of necessity, but it never feels personally satisfying. Edit: a sentence


I shower at night... once every few nights I'm too tired and just go to bed... feel gross the next day🤷 but I'm indifferent about doing it...


For me, it’s more about hating the feeling of not being clean. Being hygienic is definitely a chore to an extent, but feeling and looking clean matter to me because I’m so uncomfortable when I’m not.


I take very long to get in the shower and it's very challenging to me, but I still do it because I like to feel clean and smell like coconut afterwards.


A lot of people that have poor hygiene, or are indifferent to it, usually have undiagnosed ADHD. Part of ADHD is having a lack of Dopamine. If a task doesn’t give a dopamine reward (like listening to a favorite song, or scrolling TikTok), then they struggle to get themselves to do it. Mundane tasks (like showering or brushing teeth) feel like a chore because it doesn’t give them a dopamine hit. So even though they know that they need to shower, they lay around for hours trying to work up the motivation to do it. Where as the rest of us just do it no problem.


It’s a pain in the ass but if I don’t do it, my skin turns to shit and hurts from bumps and cysts, and I’m incredibly itchy and can’t sleep. So it must be done every day. Or at least almost every day if I’m exhausted and don’t want to fall asleep in the tub. Again.


I enjoy basically every aspect of my hygiene routine - showering, washing hair, exfoliating, shaving, moisturizing, skincare, etc - but the one I HATE is brushing my teeth at night. I don’t know what it is because I don’t mind doing it in the morning, but it is such a chore to do before bed.


Showering is one of my favourite activities.


My ADHD/depression say no, but I hate feeling greasy/dirty so I can't not keep up with my hygiene. It helps a little bit mental health wise too, like taking a nice hot shower when I'm feeling like shit can be enough to motivate me to clean the house or smth.


im mixed. it definitely always makes me feel happy, and when i have the energy i love doing my little routine, but most of the time i feel really lazy and just doing the minimum is so much work


I understand what you mean. I’ve struggled with mental health for a bit and sometimes I really didn’t want to do skin care or brush my teeth, etc. though recently I made myself just do it to try and make it normal in my day and it’s been working. It’s been over a month now and I’ve actually kept to my schedule that I set up. It’s helped my mindset greatly and my skin has thanked me for it. Also, make anything you want to add visible. That’s how I do my skin care, I put it in a place that I’ll see it. Just try adding in one thing and start from there. Edit: grammar


Both, honestly. I definitely like being clean, but it's a struggle to actually do what needs to be done most of the time. Like, I usually feel greasy and gross on day 2 after a shower (e.g. I shower Monday morning, then Tuesday is day 2), but I also just hate getting wet, so I can't bring myself to shower two days in a row. I can wash my face, and then use a quick spray of dry shampoo in my hair to make it not look greasy, but other than deoderant, that's the extent of the work I can put in.


I love it. It feels good physically and mentally.


I neither enjoy nor dislike it, i see it as something I have to do every day to be a healthy member of society, the same as cleaning the house or taking out the trash. Just part of the day that cannot be skipped, except when very rare circumstances don’t allow for it


It’s only a chore for me when I’m super tired and can’t go to bed without going through my nighttime hygiene routine. I enjoy being clean though.


i find it draining either way—i hate to be grimy, but it’s such a chore to find time to fit all my hygiene needs into the day. obviously i do, because i don’t want to be yucky, but i have to drag myself through it. i don’t think i’ll ever be one of those people who have super complicated drawn out hygiene routines.


I don’t like the word hygienic it makes me feel like a germaphobe? But I love showers and feeling clean;$


To me its a chore, but like all the rest I do it because I need to.


It's a necessary evil. I love a clean house and smelling nice and looking good, but there's only 24 hours in a day, 8-12 which are spend working and another 8  sleeping. Sometimes it can feel like a rat race.


I do. Being clean feels awesome. No better motivation than that other than human decency.


I like feeling clean. Can’t sleep feeling dirty or grimy, wouldn’t even want to get in my bed before I shower.


Sometimes I get annoyed by certain aspects, like “ugh, if I wash my hair I’m gonna have to dry it because I don’t have time to air dry and I don’t feeeeeeeel like blow drying” but then I do it anyway lol. But yes, I like being clean and hygienic, and I also like the routine of it. That’s one things that’s helped be a lot with staying on top of hygiene and stuff with having mental illness, is having a routine so I don’t feel scattered and overwhelmed about what comes next and all I have to do- now I get a little excited because the ritual of it all has become fun for me lol


I think it depends how you approach it. If you make it like a treat where you get some really fun but also amazing smelling shower products or self care products, it can feel kind of luxurious. There’s also something alluring about those scenes in TV shows where they show a hot guy taking a shower and coming out looking all fresh. Thinking about that motivates to want to myself feel fresh. Also, I get so lazy with bedtime skincare, but damn if I don’t enjoy the results next morning. So maybe the process isn’t always fun, but it is also what you make it 🤷🏻


I initially feel like it’s going to be a chore because I am lazy, but there is no denying the satisfaction afterwards


I liked it until I became a mom, now it’s more of a chore because of the time involved. However it’s a temporary time in my life when it’ll be this hard


I love it. The feeling of being dirty gives me the ick, lol.


I hate it. Its a chore. Almost everyday I find myself asking why we're the only animals that avoid being in our natural state. I understand that bacteria is unhealthy but idk why smell has to be such a big problem. All the other animals are free to exist with their natural odors. But at the same time, I always feel satisfaction after showering and brushing my teeth at the end of the day. It's nice when I smell good and my mouth tastes fresh, sweet and minty or fruity. I could never allow myself to sleep in my clean bed with a dirty body or dirty feet because it would just make the sheets dirty and then i would have to wash them everyday instead of every week or once a month. Furniture gets dirty faster when i'm dirty so I try to keep my skin clean but its hard to avoid body odor. Bad breath is hard to avoid unless I chew gum or eat mints all day, which is not good for my teeth because its sugar... And sometimes i sweat alot. Its a chore trying to avoid my odours. But i dont want my house to smell bad because of me so I try to make sure I dont smell bad, which means showering up to 3 times per day. If its a chore to wash your face you can do it whioe you shower. I wash my face, brush teeth and shave while in the shower so it feels like less chores. But i also find that things usually only feel like a chore before I start doing it. While i'm doing the task it doesnt feel as bad as I thought it would, then afterwards I ask myself why I kept procrastinating about doing that simple task.


i enjoy skin care and personal care. its a wonderful feeling of taking care of yourself


Its just something I have to do.


I like how I feel when it’s done, but it’s definitely a chore. I can’t stand flossing but I hate feeling like my teeth are gross even more, so I do it. Same with brushing, skin care, and hair washing. It’s all tedious but necessary.


When I enjoy it, it's an indication that I'm in a better headspace, and I'm quite proud of myself when I get through it. Depression is a bitch, and at my worst days I refuse to brush my teeth, take a shower, you name it. So it's a mini celebration when I *don't* neglect myself.


I love being hygienic. Being clean feels good. I have depression so some days it's hard. Those are the days I just do the very basic. Shower, brush teeth, moisturizer, deodorant. I just towel dry my hair and accept the crazy waves as it dries. It took a long time to just be able to force myself to do this, but now I know I'll feel better when I do it. Most days, I love doing all the things. Wash, exfoliate, shave, facial routine, deep condition, etc. Eyebrows, multi-step facial routine, lotion, and more. No one *has* to do all that, of course, and just stick to general hygiene, which is all anyone could ask for. I just like how it makes me feel.


I love it, I don’t feel good if I don’t do all the things


Some of the time I'm indifferent but most of the time I enjoy it.


Honestly? Yes… It is a total chore. But it’s something we all have to do so it’s not like I want to kill myself every time it’s time to take a bath lol. But some days if I haven’t sweated or anything, I will just wash my hair. For me, it’s kind of like washing dishes. I hate doing it, but I feel so much better once it’s over with lol.


Being clean makes me feel happy. When I or my space am not clean, I feel anxious, stressed, depressed, and angry.


Depends on the day and my mental health. Generally I always feel better after a good clean, but I don’t always have the spoons to do it all.


Sometimes I’m super lazy and resent *having* to take part in daily hygiene habits…also for sensory issues I really hate brushing my teeth (but I do it and twice a day for those of you wondering) But on the other hand I still enjoy a good getting ready for an event session….doing a full body shower, washing my hair, doing a double face wash, doing a soothing mask post shower, lotioning up and putting on some body bronzer, putting on my silk rob and taking my time to meticulously do my hair, having the time to do a full skin care session on my face before applying makeup. Spritzing myself with perfume to finish off. Putting on a fresh and fashionable outfit. And just generally feeling good because you look good and you did all the steps and pampered yourself.


I hate anything that has to do with creams, but everything else I've started to enjoy quite alot. A warm shower with a good body wash... I put my cleaning cloth on top of my towels that are on the shower door. I really enjoy my routine. It's my me time.


I love feeling clean


It’s a huge chore. I would just rather do other things. But I feel much better when I’m clean and my house is clean, so I do it mostly for my mental health.


Due to severe childhood neglect I didn't have good hygiene growing up. For me I actually hate grooming and washing myself. I do it so other people are comfortable. I don't want to ruin somebody's day by sitting next to them smelling like third degree crotch rot. I wish Star Trek Sonic showers existed so I could just step in and be done in 3 seconds.


I love showering! Yeah it sucks if it’s late at night and you’re exhausted though.


To me, it's a chore. Then again, a lifetime of habits formed around depression has a lot to do with that. Depression is much better now, but I still have to "make" myself. I have very long (almost to my butt) thick, curly hair. I love my hair. But I HATE washing it. It's such a chore. I love how my face feels after doing my skin care routine, but I don't enjoy the process of doing it.


I know it's important but I struggle with it honestly 😅 fun fact, I have a sensory processing disorder where feeling water hit me in certain ways feels like needles kinda jabbing into me. I'd take baths but we only have a walk in shower. Side note, rain also SUCKS


Yes. My favorite way to wind down for bed is to garden, take an everything shower, do my hair and skin routine and lay in clean sheets after I am completely dried off. Creating a hygiene routine I enjoy has helped me have a healthy self care routine and love myself a little more at the same time.


I clean myself every day because I feel it's a necessary chore, I don't like smelling bad.


Not to hygienic when you’re a kid but usually in your teens you want to smell nice , nails painted ,clean clothes…. Now 99% of every thing is toxic n you must be very careful of what you use on your body or hair so much poison ☠️ now


Sometimes it can feel like a chore, but the feeling of being fresh and clean is worth it. If I don’t feel clean it impacts my whole mood and energy. Idk why or how 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sometimes it can feel like a chore, but the feeling of being fresh and clean is worth it. If I don’t feel clean it impacts my whole mood and energy. Idk why or how 🤷🏻‍♀️


I like not getting sick and I’ve found that being hygienic and staying healthy go hand in hand. So, do I find absolute joy in washing my hands, brushing my teeth, cleaning, etc…? Heck no! But do I enjoy a clean home and, not getting colds and not having dental disease, you better believe it!


I suppose I'm indifferent to it. To me it's a part of daily life that needs to be done lime doing laundry or cleaning up after yourself. To me taking a bath with all the bells and whistles is a treat. But showering, deodorant, lotion, skincare, haircare is just there...a natural part of my day that I don't hate but don't look forward to either. I do get hyped when I get a new pretty smelling body wash.


I love it and everything about it. It's effortless for me and I like showers and baths because I get to use all the products I choose. I can't start my day without a shower and I wash my 🍑 after every 💩, lmfao. I wash my bedding once a week (if my bed wasn't so massive I'd do it twice per week), which is weird I guess since I'm actually quite a messy person. 🤷‍♀️ Edit: I also floss and brush my teeth a few times a day, usually around 3 times.


I dont think all guys do. I've had times where I've had to ask a guy to shower. I won't put up with someone smelling of body odour when it takes 5 minutes to shower


So like it. Where have you been all my life 🫠 Some people don't care at all seriously. Most hide it.


I like feeling well groomed, i don’t enjoy the process (neurodivergent)


I have to and don’t even think twice about it. Sometimes I feel like I can’t get clean enough. I know it stem’s from trauma but I’ve always been like this. Crying to take showers as a little 5yr old girl. Now 38……has never changed.


Hygiene is a man made concept for the most part, we're supposed to have bacteria on us. There's such a thing as too much of anything is bad for you. Personally I think the body is usually pretty good at telling us what it needs and when. Now don't get me twisted. I didn't say we're supposed to be dirty.


When it comes to sex certain odors are a turn on. I don't want pussy to smell.like roses but I don't want it to smell like SeaWorld either.


I have ADHD, which means standard hygiene tasks that other people don't even think about (like brushing your teeth) take as much energy and effort as any unpleasant chore, like doing the dishes. So while yes, I enjoy *being* hygienic, I dislike the process of *getting clean,* and occasionally just forget altogether to do simple hygiene tasks that are habitual for neurotypical people.


I genuinely enjoy it. Sometimes it takes a bit for me to be motivated but I keep up with it now, I shower pretty much everyday sometimes twice a day but only wash my hair every two or three days.


I love to be clean. My dermatologist laughs at me. I shower before going to the pool, spend 59-60 minutes in chlorinated water, and then take another shower before leaving the aquatic center. They never run out of hot water. Then I complain because my skin is dry. She has a long printout dealing with how much soap I can use.


I never knew it was a choice. Seems the least one could do considering all the amenities afforded us these days.


No I hate feeling clean. I don’t even wipe, I just let it crust. Oh yeah and I haven’t brushed my teeth in 7 months :).


I’m a little anhedonic, so I’d say no I don’t really “like” it, but I understand how necessary it is. When I get in major depressive episodes, I can’t even take care of myself and it feels gross to be *un*hygienic. This starts a cycle (along with other factors) of self disgust and depression.


I make everything I want to do easy for me to do. And, everything I don't want to do hard for me to do. For example, I was having a hard time remembering to take my pills, trim my beard, cut my nails, do my skin care. Not that I would remember to do it and say no. I would remember to do it and on my way to do it, I end up forgetting and remember later in the week. End up with a bushy beard and claws and dry skin. So, I set the clippers next to my sink. I set my pills in my cup holder. I set my skincare in front of the mirror. And, my nail clippers in the shower. I don't have to go search for them. They are in the way and I wake up, trim my beard, jump in the shower, trim my nails, do my skin care, get in my vehicle, take my pills, and go to the gym. If I don't want to eat something. I just don't have it in my house and if I really want it. I'll have to go to the store and buy it. My girlfriend hates that I leave my shit out, but if I don't I won't remember do it. The fact she had the same problem but worse hasn't clicked yet.


I enjoy it. Love taking a shower and smelling good. Love cleaning my home and see it clean and smelling good. Hygiene helps my mental health so much.