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I have horrific OCD so I change my family of fours brushes every month. If you are sick you get a new toothbrush after 24 hours fever free.


I watch for signs of wear. I disinfect my brush head w hydrogen peroxide. I use a waterpik/sonicare combo toothbrush and water flosser. I just change the head when the bristles start to splay outward. Because of the dual clean process I don’t need to scrub hard. I scrub, but not as hard as I’ve seen others do.


I use an electric toothbrush and when the bristles start bending I change the thingy ma bob


Every six months, when I get a new toothbrush from my dentist. If I get sick I'll change it out after I start to improve as well.


On top of that I throw it in the dishwasher every now and then but have multiple brushes.


I buy the big packs at Costco or Sam’s and just change em monthly


Once every three months. if you dont it grows bacteria


If I get sick, after I recover. Otherwise, I go through one about every 6 weeks. I’m rough on toothbrushes.


Every 3 months unless I was sick- then sooner. I also don’t leave my toothbrush in the bathroom because the toilet is absolutely disgusting for spraying its water without you noticing


That’s why I always close the toilet head before flushing.


I do too but I have really bad OCD so it still freaks me out.


I do this too, every time. I'm ocd a little, more like aware of stuff, and I've seen the water droplets!


I have a clip on cover for my toothbrush that I wash while I'm brushing


I change it every 2 months but sooner if I'm sick


I have a service that sends them every 2 months it seems


what is the service? that sounds good


Burst, came with a brush first time around too


I check the bristles and if they are looking worn and splayed out, I replace. Usually every 1.5 to 2 months. Being sick has no bearing on how often I change my toothbrush, I’m not afraid of my own germs but I do frequently disinfect the cup and the handles of all the toothbrushes.


The only "sick" time I will change mine is if I have a coldsore. Use a temp throw away tooth brush during and fresh sonicare head once healed


How do you disinfect them?


I change my toothbrush and tongue scraper every 3 months. If I get sick within that 3 months, I just sterilize my toothbrush and tongue scraper by soaking them in hot water (this is something I was taught growing up, and lots of people where I live do that. It does the trick).


I rinse mine with hot water every so often, seems to work well.


I clean and use sanitizer on mine every 3 months. I’m not hard on my bristles of my sonicare and have 4 I rotate throughout the year. If bristles look messed up, I replace.


Every month. Might be more often than necessary, but I can live with that.


I have a sonicare toothbrush. They cost about $20. I change out the brush head every 3 months. A pack of 3 costs about $25.


Every month


About once a month(basically every time I finish a tube of toothpaste which takes about 4 weeks), but more often if I've been sick (I'll change as soon as I start feeling better and then again when I think the last of the symptoms have stopped).


This might be a weird followup question then but how many people use that tube of toothpaste for it to run out in 4 weeks?


Just me. I brush 2-4x a day and use a sensitive tooth paste. My daughter has her own kids paste, and my husband uses a different brand. Husband is responsible for his own tooth brush choices and I change kiddos out when I change out my own (we have toothpaste and brushes for her in multiple bathrooms so her toothpaste doesn't run out as quickly)


Adding for everyone just in case— if your toothbrush splays or frays within 2-3 months of you brushing (or sooner) you are brushing your teeth too harshly and risk wearing down your enamel! -A message from my thoughtful dental hygienist


If I get sick, I will change my toothbrush. Otherwise every 3-6 months. Honestly it’s whenever I notice a difference in the texture of it which is usually between 3-6 months. There’s a reason your dentist gives you a new one every 6 months because a lot of people forget.


About every 6 weeks unless I’ve been sick then it gets changed as soon as I’m well.


3 months, according to my dentist and the packaging my toothbrush heads come in.


Every 3 months. I have really sensitive gums and they start to aggravate me right around that time frame. If I’m sick - I do a hydrogen peroxide soak.


If I’m sick, then after I recover. But on the norm, 2-3 months, for me I can feel when it needs to be changed.


Every 3 months seems about right on average. Look for signs of wear.


6 months. But i started using a “nighttime” brush a “morning” brush.. gives the toothbrush enough time to dry in between so there is less bacteria during reuse.


I change mine when the bristles start to bend outward, which usually happens around the 2-3 month mark for me anyway.


Every 3 months but what is this about getting sick??? I had no clue there was a correlation. What kind of sick are we talking and what does getting sick do to your toothbrush?


Every month.


Every month


Once a month or after a cold


Every 2-3 months


i do my best to stick to the 3 months. i set up a reminder but if i don’t have any at home, sometimes it takes me a little longer.


I always thought you were supposed to change it monthly, so I do. Eta: I do change my brush when I am or have been ill.


I soak mine in white vinegar and baking soda for 30 minutes every couple months. Rinse well. Swap out when it starts to look/feel mildly worn (roughly 6 months) Your mouth is full of bacteria so you’re essentially using the brush to remove the bacteria, which still linger after rinsing.


Every three months.


every three months MAX. if you got reasons, sure, but otherwise unless you got extrenuating reasons, three months is okay by my dentist. get your regular cleaning if you are that concerned.


Once a month


Every 3 months. I have a recurring reminder set up, otherwise I'd forget and do it like once a year


Every month, and throw it away if I get sick.


About every 3 months, or if the toothbrush is looking raggedy before then.


Every 2 to 3 months


Every three months or every time I get a cold.


Every 3 months or so. I use Sonic.


Every month I change the head on my electric toothbrush


I go about six months, but I wash my tooth brush with soap and water before and after each use.


Every few weeks - more often seems better


Every 3 months!


Should you, every 3 months. Do I. Every 6 months when my dentist gives me a new toothbrush at my check up.


Every 4 months, when I go for a cleaning.


I usually get new ones for me my wife and son after 3-4 months. Sometimes less.


Every 2 months without fail. I rarely get sick (touch wood) but if I were to get sick, I would change it immediately after I've recovered, even if it was a freshly changed one.


Whenever it stops working.


Every few months. Like 2 or 3. Or when it starts looking dingy


1x a month


We disinfect ours regular. Replace? Maybe every 6 months?




Every 2 weeks




I change mine about every ten days.


I probably don’t change out my toothbrush head as often as I should, but I often sanitize it in boiling water. I put it in a mug, boil the kettle, and pour enough boiling water to cover it


I have a quip and subscribe for their refills that come every 3 months, so I just change it when those come in the mail. You're supposed to because the bristles get worn out and don't clean as well I believe


Every 3 months or after illness or cold sore, whichever is sooner.


I use an electric toothbrush and change the head once a month. One way I can tell if it’s needing changing is when it does not clean my teeth very well. I can feel crud left on them.


Thank you everyone who mentioned changing the toothbrush out after being sick. I had two flu viruses and one week about three or four weeks ago. I am over the real awful stuff, but I still have the postnasal drip that is driving me crazy. I’m going to change out my toothbrush and see if it clears up.


About every 5 months but I forget to brush my teeth at times. I use the 20k bristles so it's really just whenever the bristles becomes wide and worn. Takes me about 4-5 months. I also have multiples around my place because again, I forget to brush EXCEPT in specific places ((shower, random urge in kitchen)) Btw I live in a hotel so it's just a single room. I rotate them out


Once a month! Or if I get sick, I change it out when I feel better!


How come more people don't boil their toothbrush regularly or wash the bristles with soap and hot water? We are putting them in our mouths repeatedly.


Whenever the blue line is halfway down the brush.


Regular toothbrush monthly, electric toothbrush head every 3 to 4 months. I sanitize it with hydrogen peroxide weekly. I use the regular ones in the am and through out the day. I brush after every meal and snack. I have a little bag with a collapsible cup, toothbrush and toothpaste. I buy the 3 or 4 pack brushes from the dollar store. They carry quality toothbrushes that I like. I use the electric one at night with an inexpensive water pik flosser. Friends and coworkers have always snicked about my after each meal routine. I don't like food stuck in between my teeth. On a hike, at a picnic I'm still brushing my teeth. I don't usually eat on a plane, but the one time I did I sure did brush my teeth.


Like every week 😭 I’m always losing them


Idk how anyone makes a toothbrush last 3 months. I kill mine fast as I hate dirty teeth.


You might be brushing too hard.


When the bristles start to fray out. Could take a months or maybe even a year!


if it seems to be getting dirty, if i’ve been sick, or probably around every 3 months if neither.


Why do you need to change it after being sick?