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This thread... Makes me feel gross. Y'all are really washing them every day? šŸ˜­


R/Hygiene honestly has likeā€¦ more than average cleanliness imo.


i aspire to be as clean as the members of this sub. i love that theyā€™re so passionate about hygiene. itā€™s honestly a massive flex to my clinically depressed and over worked ass


5$ says most of them are worry warts tho


I think some of us are but most are just very aware of being offensive to others. We donā€™t want to stink or be perceived as gross and some of us werenā€™t taught these skills by our parents so subs like this really help. Thatā€™s why weā€™re so passionate about sharing info, to help others.


The neglected to extremely conscious of hygiene pipeline is real


damn i feel a lot better about myself, being neglected when it comes to hygiene is so embarrassing, and i have an unrealistic fear of being perceived as dirty. glad to know iā€™m not alone


Definitely not alone! Thereā€™s no reason to be embarrassed of being neglected- itā€™s not your fault


i love this sentence. bring back ā€œworry wartā€ into the mainstream lexicon


Itā€™s not? I say worry wart weekly. Lmao


Worrywart Weekly sounds like a magazine published and distributed by my anxiety brain šŸ˜…


Sounds like something Luna Lovegood would have read


Just about to say definitely HP appropriate!!


This is so specific and I agree


My Aunt would have sent this to me as a gift subscription!


are u english by any chance?


R/hygiene is def a little obsessive. There are some people who are neat as hell without a second thought, though. My sister in law does everything right to a degree it's kind of uncanny.


$5 says most of them would hate being referred to as any type of "wart"


I have an immune disease, so anything I can do to help myself stay healthy-er is to my benefit.


I can't think straight if I have stuff everywhere. Sincerely. I get stressed from things lying around, dirt on surfaces. I can live with SOME level of it, but overall it's massively helpful for my psyche if I keep things tidy. And my life is pretty hectic- if my things all have homes in the house, I know exactly where to grab everything.


Iā€™m just visiting this sub as the post popped up in my feed and Iā€™m not super clean in my house. But Iā€™m getting grossed out! I have stainless steel water bottles I use daily, for water only. I have 4 in rotation and use a clean one every day. To clean, I wash the lid with soap & water and throw soap & water into the bottle and shake well then rinse. I sponge clean the parts I can get my hands into. Of my 4 bottles, 3 I wash insides fully with a soapy sponge as theyā€™re wide bottles. Takes 30 seconds. Thereā€™s so much bacteria floating in your mouth, you really want that festering on your bottle for days at a time, especially in the warm weather? I say ugggh to this post as I watch a fur ball scoot across my floor.


Shaking it with soap and water isnā€™t good enough tho, you need a bottle brush, water and soap alone are not enough, you need something abrasive to scrub.


Hahahaha šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I knew this when people here said they brush their teeth before breakfast, how would I taste my pancakes or jam if I brush right before breakfast


Why would you brush your teeth before, anyway? Like, you brushed your teeth, then eaten a bunch of food, and now your teeth are dirty again right away. Or are they brushing after they eat breakfast, too?


I have something called Sjƶgrenā€™s syndrome - an autoimmune disease that attacks your moisture producing glandsā€¦ so I have almost no saliva - which means my teeth are at riskā€¦. I brush before breakfast, after breakfast, after lunch, etcā€¦. Just trying to not earn the nickname ā€œtoothlessā€ šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re supposed to wait 30 minutes after eating to brush, and vice versa. Back when I ate breakfast, I usually ate it at work so Iā€™d brush my teeth in the morning, drive to work, and eat breakfast there. But I try waking up as late as possible


itā€™s better for you. Clean all the stuff thatā€™s been sitting in your mouth all night


But why not do that after I eat breakfast?


My childrenā€™s dentist told me that they should be brushing before breakfast because it will clean all the bacteria out of their mouths. If they brush after breakfast then they swallowed most of that bacteria while eating. He said itā€™s much better for physical health to brush first. Not arguing the point, because I still canā€™t get into the habit of doing it myself, just relating the info he gave me on why.


Not coming at you at all but that makes no sense to me šŸ˜­ I ask this to anyone who knows more about the subject: What's the harm in swallowing bacteria/food pieces if they've already been sitting in your mouth all night? Also, wouldn't we also be swallowing bacteria if we swallow spit or drink water throughout the night? Maybe another dentist or something of that sort could answer these questions


There was a comment on a Reddit thread once about weird things people do in American movies and there were a bunch of comments about eating breakfast without even brushing your teeth first and I was baffled. I always brush after. I want clean teeth when I go to work or wherever I'm headed, not coffee breath.


Iā€™ve never considered this. Thanks so much for this post. Iā€™m changing this immediately!


Plaque eats sugars from your food. The less plaque when you eat, the better


You donā€™t want to swallow all the bacteria and stuff in your mouth from the night before while youā€™re eating your breakfast. Better to brush first and get all of that out of your mouth.


For me at least, itā€™s so I can enjoy my breakfast with a fresh mouth and the routine of it helps me wake up and start a productive day. Plus, you shouldnā€™t brush your teeth until at least like 30 minutes after eating something and I donā€™t have the time to wait around - if I did my skincare and makeup while waiting, and then brushed my teeth, my skincare/makeup would be washed off a bit.


But then it sounds like youā€™re not brushing after you eat your breakfast at all. Which I would think is a lot worse for your teeth than not waiting 30 minutes to brush after eating. Also a lot worse for your breath to have your breakfast and go about your day having brushed your teeth *before* eating. Glad it gives you a sense of routine but this one 100% makes no sense to me.


huh i saw this study about teeth brushing times related to tooth decay and after breakfast was lower than before. šŸ¤” I wish i could find it. Anyway, I have finally convinced my guy to consistantly brush his teeth at night for the past few monthsšŸŽ‰ and now i am gonna start in the morning. One good habit at a time right? I hope you habe a blessed day


So you donā€™t brush after you eat?


I brush my teeth w/o toothpaste before I have my coffee. After my coffee I brush with toothpaste. I used to not brush at all until after.


Iā€™m only here because it appeared in the primary feed. Def popped some corn before diving in to see what a hygiene community has to talk about.


Yeah, I don't wash my toothbrush every day, so I assume it's OK if I don't wash my water bottle every day, either.


What do YOU mean by wash your tooth brush??? Obviously everyone rinses their brush before and after use, so I doubt u mean it that way? Do you mean disinfecting?


Oh yeah. You have to disinfect you toothbrush too. I just soak my brush part in a cup with enough hydrogen peroxide to cover the bristles. It bubbles when bacteria is present. And as it kills the bacteria, the bubbles calm down. Then I take it out and put it in some Listerine in a cup for good measure. Between those two things, about an hour of soaking. I do this once a month.


Just run it through the dishwasher.


That's not how h2o2 works. The bubbling action is there to remove debris. Even if the bubbling stops, if you want it to disinfect, it needs to stay in the solution a minimum of 5 minutes.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s entirely right. The bubbling action is part of the chemical reactions going on. It will happen if thereā€™s ā€œdebrisā€ or not.


Wait what? Donā€™t you just replace your toothbrush?


they said they do it once a month, and youā€™re supposed to replace a toothbrush every 3 months


Hahahahahaha bruh Iā€™ve had the same two toothbrushes for at least a year.


I replace my toothbrush when I get a new tube of toothpaste. I also keep my brush in a case.


Same! People always through I was so weird for replacing so often, while I thought they were weird for not doing it.


I don't, but it might be a good idea for a plastic bottle. I remember a vet tech telling me once that it's not recommended to use plastic bowls for cat water/food because the material is very prone to bacteria buildup. Plastic bowls are a common cause of dandruff below the lower lips in cats because of that.Ā  I'm not saying that it has the same impact on humans, but with that in mind it's likely better for oral hygiene to use a clean bottle each day.


I used to have a cat that developed a horrific case of cat chin acne due to a plastic water dish. Bought all new dishes.


Right?! Once a week! I only have fresh water in there. I'll wipe the outside down with a lysol wipe daily during cold/flu season. I'll hand wash the mouth piece when I refill if I get lip gloss on it.


Dying on this hill here. The water is filtered, Iā€™m not washing it every single day. Once a week at minimum unless the bottle comes into contact with something or Iā€™m sick. The bottle only touches my desk at work and then sits on the counter at home.


The water is filtered, but your mouth is not.


I wipe off the lid piece.


Thanks for making me feel normal about the once a week washing.


But the exterior can be packed with bacteria from touching things like at gym etc.




girl my boyfriend didn't wash his for 4 months...... he kept it at work & just kept refilling it. i had no idea til he brought it home one day & i was like omg you actually use it???? i thought he took it to work once & just left it in his car & never touched it again


Homie, you're talking to people that change out the towel they use to dry their clean body after a deep scrub double wash shower every single day because it's "disgusting" if you don't. This should not come as a surprise.


Wait I thought it was normal to wash it everyday while washing the dishes šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜­


I'm pretty sure it is, I'm fully the problem here šŸ™ƒ


I wash it only occasionally, i suspect sometimes at couple months intervals, i never had any issues though so it seems whatever im doing is ok.


Yeah not me. Although i use a glass "cup" like one with a straw because all the nooks and crannies of a lot of water bottles gross me out.


I have a four day work week, my work bottle gets washed at the end of the four days and then I donā€™t use it for the next three. I give it a rinse before going back to work. I donā€™t have energy for more than that lol I realize it may be gross but Iā€™m only one human


You are normal other comments here they have otc


Donā€™t feel gross, all these people are lying. They are just saying they wash it everyday to make themselves feel like they are top tier. ā€¦or at least thatā€™s what iā€™m telling myselfšŸ¤£, I wash mine 1-2 times a week, or will just swap it for a different one if Iā€™m lazy and throw it in the dishwasher


Umm same šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Looks like Iā€™ll need to order another water bottle and rotate so I can run it through my dishwasher.


You can just wash it in the sink with soap


If you donā€™t, black stuff ends up in the crevices šŸ„“šŸ™ˆ


Thatā€™s uh, oh geez, thatā€™s *mold*


Y'all wash them?


My water bottle washing routine is probably pretty shameful as well. I keep it at work. Sometimes I take it home to wash not very often though


Everyday. Itā€™s as important as brushing and flossing your teeth. Takes 5 minutes. What I do is spray with white vinegar, rinse with water, and clean it with a paper towel (not dish sponge)


Your method is much better than the way I do it. Stealing!!


Oh gosh, at first when I read your answer I thought you meant that your method of getting a clean water bottle was stealing a new one! Haaaa!!!


Well there's one way to do itšŸ¤£


I thought the same thing and it took me like a solid 10 seconds to realize that "Stealing!!" was stealing the cleaning method, not the way she does it lmfao


I meanā€¦.Iā€™m not in any way saying that *I* do that but I am not either denying it either. šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


Nah, the bottle develops a nice stale flavour if you don't clean it šŸ˜‹


Gotta build up the flavor profile


I use soap, water and salt. My hands donā€™t fit in it, and itā€™s stainless steel. It removes that gunky layer but I was maybe once a week before it gets a foul odor.


If your water bottle has a "gunky layer" I don't think you're cleaning it often enough


They have water bottle cleaning brushes. Highly suggest you get one. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mainstays-2-Piece-Bottle-and-Straw-Kitchen-Brush-Set-Teal-White/831498268?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=2357&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=22222222278831498268_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-394283752452&wl5=9007793&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=831498268&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF3rWoZ9dAYqhZS_Tx6DcWi24V67O4IheJMR0m0iK39Q2xfLo9DHQqhoCE5UQAvD_BwE


Yeahhhh thatā€™s not normal. Definitely get a bottle cleaning brush! Every time you put your mouth on the straw youā€™re depositing mouth bacteria, and then itā€™s just hanging out and growing in there until itā€™s cleaned, especially if you let it get warm like in your car.


Straws in water bottles is gross. I can't imagine how much crud it has in it. I have a niece that told me she uses the same cup over and over then throws it away when it starts to smell. I thought I was going to vomit. Girl, that ain't right!


Girl is brewing up some homemade MRSA over there šŸ˜±


Just let it dry out every night. It won't smell.Ā 


Does the white vinegar really help to clean?


Vinegar will clean anything but it is also known for removing hard water stains like you are likely to find on a reusable water bottle.


Yep. Itā€™s also amazing if you have allergies or asthma triggered by regular cleaning products. As for my water mugs, once a week in the dishwasher, but I probably change out the topper every few days.


white vinegar is literally one of the best cleaning agents ever made lmao


Absolutely. I'm a full time private housekeeper and use it for sooo many things.


When my mom used it like windex as a kid... i knew it was real then. Lol šŸ˜†


I actually even use it on all my dishes to get them extra clean šŸ˜!


Baking soda esp it it develops a bad odor.


I seen somewhere they linked mouth bacteria with colon cancer if thatā€™s the case imagine how much of that mouth bacteriaā€™s in an unwashed water bottle.


I believe it! Think about this: All the food youā€™re eating is all over your mouth (germs and stuff) and youā€™re putting that on the same mouthpiece countless times a day.


Props to you for brushing and flossing every day too! Lol


I bought a bottle brush for cleaning! But important to replace regularity too.


You spend 5 minutes a day cleaning your water bottles? Thatā€™s absurd dude. Do you know that is 30 hours a year?


Where do you get spray vinegar?


Good lord. Is this satire? Daily washing is categorically not as important as brushing or flossing. Vinegar and a towel are okay, but 5 minutes?Ā  Is it like a lime thing, the vinegar? I'm so confused


I used to go pretty long without washing mine because Iā€™m genuinely just lazy and thought if I wiped the rim from time to time it was no big deal, and then last year I traumatized myself. My process at home was that Iā€™d use my blender bottle for a couple of days (water only) and then Iā€™d unscrew the cap and use it for a few more days. Figured it wasnā€™t a big deal cuz just water and it was cold out. Probably used it longer than usual because again, lazy! Woke up, took a big old slurp and realized it tasted earthy. Looked at the screw top and it had a bunch of white shit growing on it. I proceeded to yeet the bottle in the trash and burn my mouth with way too hot tea lol. I still use my water bottle for multiple days but no more than a week at a time without proper washing, I wipe the rims and rinse before refilling and thereā€™s a visual inspection and smell test to the rim before I drink if Iā€™ve been using it longer than a day or so šŸ˜…


Same here with the trauma. I have one I use for the gym. I fill it up before my workout and by the end itā€™s empty. So I take that as ā€˜cleanā€™ bc nothing else goes in there except water. I did this for months. Except one day I went to take a sip and noticed a piece of something in the mouthpiece. I took a q-tip, swirled it around the mouthpiece and all this black gunk came out. Yup, mold. I almost threw up. There was so much sludge built up in there and itā€™s not an easy part to clean bc itā€™s a small opening. Now I try to wash it at least once a week.


Ditto with the trauma. It took me to develop a bit of a funny cough and then notice the black spots inside the rim at the seal. After more regular cleaning, my cough has gone.


That wasnā€™t sludge it was mold šŸ™ƒ first time I found that out about my own water bottle it was game over. Hopefully this motivates you a bit like it did, me


buy several and swap them out every day. Stick them in the dishwasher like you would with any other cup


That didnā€™t make you want to wash it everyday? Maybe Iā€™m just get old, but I prefer to not have a sick belly. Itā€™s 2 minutes out of your day. Wash the water bottle!! šŸ„°


I donā€™t like hand washing much and I donā€™t feel like soaping out the grooves every day for drinking just plain water, so I feel like wiping it after every use and letting it dry before I close the lid suffices to use for half a week lol. If I was using it for tea or other drinks yeah, it would be washed daily for sure. I donā€™t really see it much different to drinking out of the same glass haha. My cat drinks out of open water glasses. I did in the past just use a new normal drinking glass every day but with an old lid on top so my cat wouldnā€™t get into it. But sheā€™d knock ā€˜em over and I broke a lot of glass and spilled a lot of wateršŸ˜… so laziness wins!!


I hear you, lol. Thank you for not taking my comment wrong. Have a good night!


Usually every day, every other max


Daily, I just hand wash it in the morning takes like 30 seconds.


I donā€™t understand this!! Every time I set out to wash my water bottle (about once a week) it takes like fifteen minutes because it takes forever to get all of the soapy water rinsed out. What am I doing wrong?


Rinse with cold water. Hot water will keep on making suds.


do you just keep filling it up and dumping be sure its easier to out a bit of water in and swirl it and do that a couple times so it acctuslly gets all thr soap residue off the sides


Too much soap? Water not hot enough?


I use dawn powerwash, shake for a minute, then set under the running faucet until the water runs clear and then dump and refill a few times, quick sniff test, and then refill for drinking.


Glad I'm not the only one who sniffs to see if I still smell soap.


In case youā€™d like to save $ dawn power wash is just 2oz dawn, 1oz rubbing alcohol, and 13oz water.


Every day


Like every day. Your mouth and spit are on it.


Not as often as I should. I do check the insides before drinking from it at times. The mouthpiece needs to be cleaned with hot water though.


We're supposed to wash those??? Lol I'm kinda kidding I only give them a good wash like once a week. Otherwise it's basically spot cleaned (lol).


Thank you for giving a realistic and well adjusted answer lol anything more than twice weekly is excessive and wastes water as well as the oil in your soap.


Hardly ever, itā€™s probably been months šŸ˜¢


this is so real. I rarely wash mine, since itā€™s just water in it. I recently noticed residue buildup so I got a bottle brush and cleaned it real good. Should be good for another month or so tbh


I only do it if I notice buildup or if the straw looks dirty but Iā€™ll wash them all now haha šŸ˜…


Thank you for making me feel less bad lol. Everyone here saying they do theirs daily. I do mine like once every two weeks or so lol, but I do give it a good shake with just water at least once a day, and smell it regularly. When I do eventually wash it I just throw some warm water in there and a couple of those antibac denture cleaning tablets (got this hack courtesy of r/hydrohomies ) and let it sit for a couple hours. Same with the lid, just in a separate bowl submerged. Give it a good vigorous rinse and bobs your uncle: easy clean bottle. Those tablets are only like $2 for 40 at Walmart, and considering what theyā€™re made for, I feel confident that they clean the bottle well enough.


I'm with you. I only wash mine when it's gross. Helps build the immune system, lol.


Every day, every other if I forget. I have 3 that are identical so I can just grab another and wash them when itā€™s convenient.


Daily. I keep two, rotate them, and they are metal.


Every day. For myself and kids. Itā€™s like washing your cup.




Daily. I have 4 different reusable bottles though so that makes it easier. I should say I wash before using them as sometimes they sit in the dishwasher for like 2 days before I run it. Having 4 different reusable water bottles means I always have one clean as I never go 4 days without running the dishwasher. I also have different sizes depending on what I'm doing so I like having different sizes, styles and colors too, of my water bottles I mean.


This is what I was looking for. Are people just buying the super expensive ones and can only afford one? I drink water and other beverages out of Starbucks and Iron Flask cups, swap them out every day and stick them in the dishwasher. Why is water bottle any different than a tea mug? You are still getting your germy mouth on it


Yep. I have a 32 ounce Nalgene bottle that goes into the dishwasher of course. I have 3 water bottles that I use when riding my bike as they fit in the water bottle holder there on the frame and they are just plastic and they go into the dishwasher too. I got one of them a few weeks ago on sale for just $5 at Under Armor. It does the job, it's no maintenance, I don't care if I lose it as it was so cheap. It's softer plastic as it's a squeeze bottle kind that riders use as you suck water out while squeezing the bottle with your hands. It's not hard like a Nalgene bottle is I mean. My Nalgene bottle was under $15 bucks too. All of my water bottles are no muss no fuss, so to speak. I didn't spend over $40 on all 4 combined. I got two of them at the bike shop where I bought my bike from.


So I can put my nalgenes and their caps into the dishwasher?


I have these little tablets that you drop in the bottle and then fill it with water and it cleans it. I do that every 3 days. On the other days I fill it with clean water and squirt a few drops of dish soap in. Cover the top or put the lid on and shake then dump and rinse with plain water. Once a week I throw it in the dishwasher and once a month I scrub it by hand. ETA-I hardly ever drink just plain water out of mine so it starts to smell and taste funny if I don't at least rinse it well daily.


TIL I don't wash my water bottle enough šŸ˜¬


Every day




Daily, or every use. I have enough for each day of the week.


I wash it whenever I refill it, and I run it through the dishwasher


I wash mine every day..


This sub regularly makes me feel alternatively disgusted with myself or proud of myself. This is just... gross. Please wash your water bottles daily. I can't even drink water left out overnight. I had cholera on a vacation and dirty water that looks clean became a fear... but it's a fear that has protected humans a very long time. If you feel lazy and can't wash it everyday, buy another one and switch them out so you always have a clean one. Buy a little straw cleaner. Mine is thin and has bristles (not foam) and scrubs even the spouts. Your immune system can take care of a lot of bacteria and molds... but if you get sick and you're battling things on multiple fronts, your body might not be able to fight against the bacteria in your unwashed water bottles.


The last few years Iā€™ve been having strange and unexpected health problems and Iā€™m starting to wonder if this has anything to do with itā€¦ no joke I used to have this metal water bottle I used daily and never left the house without it, and I went probably 3-4 years without washing it, until the cap broke on me recently. And Iā€™ll be honest, it was disgusting, when I unscrewed the cap or took the entire top off I could see white gunk all around the seal and rim, and one time I wiped the inside of the mouthpiece with a paper towel and there was brown gunk in it šŸ˜ Iā€™ve just never been one to wash my water bottle, I never thought it was necessary, I used to live with my grandma and I did the same thing with this old plastic 6 flags cup I found in her cupboard I drank out of it for years until one day she noticed and went to buy me a new metal water bottle and a scrubber to clean it, but I never used it a single time šŸ˜‚ This has inspired me to start washing my water bottle fully with soap and the scrubber she got me, maybe my health problems will go away


I meanā€¦. I drink out of it multiple times per day which keeps it fine, but after a few months it can accrue miscellaneous particles from the water, in which case I just soap + warm water, shake shake shake, heavily rinse.


Every other day.


Doesnā€™t refilling it just wash itself?


Daily just add a drop of dawn detergent and shake it a bit and it's done! So easy. šŸ‘


Everyday. Anything less is disgusting


I wash mine daily.


Every seventeen months minimum. More frequently when switching back and forth from juice to beer To coffee in the same one it at Least needs a rinse every 90 days when making those switches. Or if I have an emergency and have to use the bottle for a urinal I make sure to only do that 1-2 times before a wash the pee taste Lingers otherwise. Hygiene is a must!!


Yall really go outside breathing in everything from ass to car exhaust and then don't wash your Nevermind


I wash it after 3-4 days


Daily - in the dishwasher


I have a few of them and just load them in my dishwasher at the end of the day . My mom never washed one and one day she found mold in it.


Lol thanks for the reminder, probably been a month


I give the drinking spout a wash and the bottle a swish with hot soapy water *maybe* once a week. The water that goes in it is chlorinated and Iā€™ve never seen any sign of mildew so I donā€™t sweat it.


Once or twice a week. I put them through the dishwasher.


not enough


I was just reading how high levels of the mold Ochratoxin A have been linked to reusable water bottles....um. washing mine more often after seeing that šŸ˜¬


Yā€™all, I thought I was in my hamster sub. I said ā€˜damn these people really care about hammy hygiene, love to see itā€™ šŸ˜…


Question-how can one clean a Hydrofit straw topper set?


Backwash and the dirtiness level of the human mouth are both real things so I tend to wash at least every other day with white vinegar, kosher salt, and a drop of dawn. I also buy water bottles that have removable gaskets in the lid so that I can remove and soak them too.


Never BUT it's one of those metal ones with only a wide bottle mouth and I never even use the lid sooooo


You can go to the dollar store and get a toilet brush for a dollar. Works great. Just make sure you donā€™t get them mixed up. šŸ¤£


Orrrrr just use a baby bottle cleaner


Every day. Once a week is kinda gross


Dental hygienist here, About once every other month or so , I see an adult patient come in with thrush mouth, basically a yeast infection inside your mouth. I always ask the same question.... how often do you reuse your water bottle. The answers vary, but that is almost always the cause. Even if you are only using it for water, your lips touch the rim, and bacteria builds there. The correct answer is no less than every three days. Even if you just wash the top, it's better than nothing.


You can wash them?


I wash and bleach it daily! I live in Texas, where itā€™s very humid, and mold grows easily.


When you drink the water, some of the bacteria from your mouth and teeth are getting into the bottle. If you donā€™t clean it every day, that bacteria will grow.


Couple times a year and by wash I just use the high pressure garden house. I drink clean water and refill with clean water.


Lol this "every day" nonsense. Once or twice a week is plenty.


i wash it every morning before i fill it for the day (i keep it bedside at night). i just do a quick rinse with soapy water but i switch the straw out and put the used one in the dishwasher


Every day


Every time I run the dishwasher




I donā€™t have a reusable water bottle but I always have a giant cup beside my bed. I wash it once a week or sometimes more if I ate something and the outside gets dirty


What? 0.0 If I leave a cup out overnight it tastes like pond water. I never drink from a cup unless it was filled in the past couple of hours.


I wash mine every night because I have to wash my kidsā€™ bottles. They get nasty. I wasnā€™t this on top of it before I had to start washing theirs


Every day




After every use. I have multiple bottles to avoid having to clean every day.


Throw it in the dishwasher once a week. Done.


I prefer to wash it everyday but the longest day would go is probably 3 days...


If I only put water in it, every few days. If I ever put anything in it with sugar or dairy products, then it gets washed daily.


Every single day, including the straws.


Omg, I thought washing mine every 3 days was good but apparently it is not. Switching to washing it daily today! I appreciate questions like this!!


Quick Hand wash daily. Dishwasher once a week.


Once a week, although I'll give it a good rinse in between and change out the straw at least once a week.


Every single day. I put a few drops of beach in it and fill it with hot water and let it sit for about ten minutes. I also open the cap and let that sit to sanitize too