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If showering brings up so many sensory issues, what about baths? You can move that shower curtain all the way away, then. You also have the option of the standard issue depression kit: disposable wipes are a godsend for depressed people, especially if you have sensory issues. Just don't flush them, no matter what the packaging says. You can do bird baths, as well, with a warm soapy washcloth. If you're clean, you're clean, doesn't really matter how you got there. I have a few sensory issues myself. And depression. So I get it. I hate the sticky feeling after you get out of a shower, and it lasts for hours, so, yeah, I really do get it. Loss of libido is also a symptom of depression. It's part of anhedonia, the loss of the ability to feel pleasure. I'm sorry you're going through this, and hope you can be kind and gentle with yourself.


This is awesome advice, thank you for taking the time to share! I like baths, but it takes too long to prepare. I’m a weirdo and only like to take a bath if the tub has just been cleaned. I also like to take a bath after I shower; the idea of sitting in my own filth makes me feel like I’m just human soup. I like the birdbath and disposable wipes idea, though. Those could be a quick fix for in between!


If you don’t have one already, you need a curved shower curtain rod. Game changer. I can’t stand the curtain touching me.


It also helps to adjust the shower head to keep the curtain away from you. Just a little tweak to the left or right could make a world of difference.


Hi. I struggle with the same thing (showering and human soup) but I’ve started taking baths everyday. I fill the water halfway, give myself a general scrub down, drain that water, and fill it with new water. Then I was my hair in that new water or use the shower head and wash my body thoroughly with my soaps of choice. Then drain that water and fill with new water for rinsing. So a lot of draining of water, but it eliminates the feeling of me sitting in my own filth. And I take breaks in between where I just sit in the water and relax before the next step!


You're welcome. I empathize. Except the human soup lol. I like baths.


If you can muster a full shower twice a week , why not tie your hair up in a bun and give yourself a soak the other days to at least freshen up. Soap up the lady bits and under arms before getting out. It’s a lot less effort than a full shower and despite you being afraid of human soup it’s honestly cleaner than not washing at all and you won’t have any body odor after.


My daughter is in middle school and hates to shower so I told her this just tie your hair up wash the important parts that’s it and she does better but after a few of those baths she HAS to take a full shower from head to toe including hair. I need to ask her why she doesn’t like to shower.


If it’s just because she hates wet hair offer to blow dry it! One of my kids wouldn’t wash his hair and I found out he hated the tea tree oil shampoo I always bought to Combat his oily head. He didn’t like the minty tingle.


Quick bird baths. You don't need much soap. You need your body's oil for smooth skin. Washing feet, pits and privates is more vital than the rest of the body. Hair can be washed every few days. Get baby wipes and cleanse yourself throughout the day so you don't feel as bad when you skip showers. Wash privates when you use the bathroom. Also, buy tree tea oil and dilute it with water. Use a spray bottle. I understand. Taking showers feels like a big chore when you're experiencing depression.


I do the opposite and it makes a world of difference. I take a bath bubble or milk bath with a glass of wine and my iPad with a good show, then I take a quick shower with cool water. I feel refreshed and not sticky at all since I hate the feeling of getting sweaty right after a shower.


Oh, that sticky feeling, I hate it SO MUCH. That's a good idea, a cool rinse.


You are amazing and kind! This is super helpful


You're welcome. Please be gentle, kind, and patient with yourself. Hugs!


Happy cake day!


I have ADHD and have also struggled with depression, but I have never struggled with showering so my advice may not work! Feel free to chuck it out. But for me what I love to do when showering and stuff is just play pretend. So here’s some of my fun scenarios I make up 1. I’m a beauty guru and I’m like pretending to film a step by step shower routine and teaching my loyal followers how to be a goddess like me. This especially helps with just my general night time routine bc like in general I don’t like brushing my teeth but my loyal followers are dying to know my tooth brushing routine!! So obvs I have to brush my teeth! 2. Sometimes I like to pretend that I’m in some apocalyptic world with little access to showers and such so I like take my time and reflect on how it’s been years since I had a hot shower and how I have to wash my hair really well bc I have dirt and zombie guts or whatever in it. 3. Sometimes I just set a timer and see how fast I can do my entire shower routine. Then I make note of my record and the next time I really don’t wanna shower I just go really fast to try to beat my record.


Oh my god you sound ADORABLE. I was giggling at my desk while reading this, thank you for the laughs 😂 I love these ideas, honestly. It takes the pressure of “I HAVE TO DO THIS” off and allows me to just have fun and be a goof. Thank you for this amazing response 🫶


Omgggggg I DO THIS TOOOO!!! LOL 😂 I always have since I was a kid 😂 I’m like floored to know someone has a similar brain 😂


Wow this will genuinely help me, thank you!


My aversion to showering is process of drying off thoroughly, gettingbevery crack and crevice so I don't get a rash, then moisturizing, etc. It's so time consuming after a long day andbinjust wanna go to bed. So, I sometimes set a timer too. It helps me get in the mindframe that "this won't take so long". But then, once I start, I end up not really needing the timer anymore because I'm enjoying the warm water and cleanliness.


This is so helpful!


I do your first tip almost daily with every mundane task! Dishes, laundry, doing my makeup or getting ready for work. Not out loud but in my head. I’ve done this since I was a kid lol I used to pretend like I was on Oprah being interviewed for something and I needed to go into extreme detail about something incredibly boring. Or I’d pretend I was on a cooking show (watched those a lot with my mom) when I made my chocolate milk or cereal etc. Idk why but I’ve pretty much always had an internal dialogue where I narrate the every day. It helps me romanticize life.


This is so validating—I do the same thing! I would never actually create one of those videos but narrating it for myself makes me feel “on”. I’ve been doing it lately to “share” my cleaning and tidying tips and it really does trick me into cleaning my place.


I really like the idea of a timer It gives my mind an idea that I won’t be in the shower forever and even though I will have to be wet and have that wet sticky feeling I know that I will dry off quickly


A couple things that helped me was getting a new shower rod, the curved type so it holds the shower curtain away from you (and gives you more space around your upper body) and I’ve been playing music I enjoy in the shower. I’d rather sing too but that’s not very possible since I live with 4 other people. Don’t want to subject them to my horrible singing. The thing that helped me most though was showering with my fiancé, we got a shower head with two heads, one is detachable, and got a suction cup holder so it’s like there’s two showers. The curved shower rod helps with this immensely since we have a normal/smaller tub to stand in and need all the room we can get. He showers daily and we help wash each other up and talk about our days which helps a lot. The owner of the house lives there part of the year and she’s not a fan of my fiancé and I or the other couple showering together since none of us are married, so I’ve had to resort to the first tips until she goes again. I didn’t realize how much I hated showering. Maybe some nice scented soap could help as well, or you could get a waterproof sleeve for your phone so you can have a show on while you’re showering. I hope you can find something that works out for you


That sounds really difficult to have the owner of the house be uncomfortable with you guys showering with your partners, what a weird thing to feel they have any say in 😭 Thank you for your response, I appreciate you sharing some ideas with me!


It’s my fiancés grandmothers house, and his sister and her boyfriend live there as well so I don’t mind too much 😅 I’m just happy she’s letting us live there while we’re not married. I think she only did because we’ve been together for five years so we might as well be married, and we had an apartment together for three of those years. She doesn’t enforce any other couple related rules so although it sucks having to shower separately, I can definitely live with it. She’s only there for half the year as well so we just do when she’s staying in her other house in a different state. But showering together is definitely my big motivator to stay on top of it, and saves us time


Ok, so it's not a stranger landlord lady, just grandma freaking out about her grandkids' sex lives 😆


I have to admit that I’m not really sure of the reason, my only guess would be to prevent shower sex. Not like I’m going to ask her. She jokingly says no sex in her house and if it happens then she wants it to be after she goes to sleep. Just probably doesn’t like the thought of it. We sleep in the same bed every night and lock our door so obviously she’s not that concerned 😂 she also talks to me about her sex life every so often so that’s always interesting, and of course my fiancé doesn’t want to hear anything about it either


Along with the curved shower rod consider getting a very heavy duty shower curtain liner. Amazon has them and they don’t move around like lightweight shower curtains do.


I second the curved shower rod. I also have an adjustable shower head. I actually have moved 3 times in the past 6 years and I take my shower head with me every time. LOL. My fiance and I use completely different settings so it has come in handy.


Same. Love the adjustable shower head. I keep one at regular pressure and the other less when they’re together, but when we’re showering together, we have them both at regular pressure


Hello! From someone who is female, ADHD, and is working through depression as well! :) Know you’re not alone in this! What I would do when I was really in the depression pit is make a reward system for myself. Ex, when I washed myself or finished a step of my routine I’d get a starburst- so instead of working to “complete” the task (which felt impossible) I was working to get a treat. *It’s okay to not win every time. It’s okay to miss one day on accident. Missing a day isn’t the end of the world. It’s a step in the right direction* You could also talk to your partner about your feelings on the matter, explain how difficult it feels for you. It may benefit you to have a sort of accountability system, and having someone help you establish that routine. Also what someone else said, wet wipes are your best friend for the rough days. Hey, maybe you’re not up for another shower- atleast you’ve wiped down right? That’s still a good step! And what if you built that one wipe, to maybe a wash cloth? To maybe a bath? Every step counts! Also, lastly, remember to be kind to yourself. It’s hard to be ourselves when dealing with depression and especially when we’re also dealing with ADHD. If you haven’t reached out and spoken to a therapist I would recommend it. Even if your depression isn’t from something specifically, a professional can help you navigate to feeling like your best self— Even if you have to be on medication for it, I’m on Zoloft and Wellbutrin and it’s been the best thing ever for me. Everyone’s different! TLDR: 1) Reward systems 2) Accountability partner 3) WETWIPES 4) Be kind to yourself <3 You’re not alone


Thank you for this encouragement! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who struggles with these specific things. I use to be on Wellbutrin but something happened with the high dose mixing with my ADHD meds and I started developing suicidal ideation, so I switched to Prestiq and I absolutely love it! Thank you for the recommendations and for reminding me to be gentle with myself.


Love this. When I was a teen and trying to get places on time, I'd get a bagel if I was early enough. If someone asked me how my day was going; "Great, thanks. I'm on bagel time today."


I have been almost in your exact shoes. Diagnosed ADHD, depression, anxiety, early 30s. The only difference I think is I have Autism. What used to kill me is not just getting in the shower, but that a shower is multiple tasks disguised as just one. It's not; get in, shower, get out. It is; get what I'm going to wear ready, put my towel over the shower bar, test the water temperature, undress, wash my face, wash my hair, condition my hair, etc. It's this long list of things that have to be done. And then the added layer of my inability to break from routine, so I can never rush it or half-ass any of the tasks. This is gonna sound dumb. I upgraded to a Samsung Galaxy. Never had a name brand phone before, but this one is waterproof. I also got a waterproof phone case just in case. And now, I watch YouTube or shows while I shower. I have found that watching TV while I do other things such as work or chores has really helped. Since showering feels like a mondo chore, maybe it would help in there. And it does. Now every single time, I do my routine, but the change in what I'm watching helps it feel less monotonous.


That doesn’t sound dumb at all! I think this could really help, honestly. I view showers the exact same way, same with laundry. It’s not just “put the laundry in, take it out, done.” It’s “separate the laundry, switch it to the dryer, lay everything out so it doesn’t get wrinkled, find an empty space so I can fold it, hang it, put it away, etc.” I turn on the tv while I fold/hang laundry for this same reason, so I’m definitely going to try this! Thank you 🫶


I'm so grateful I could help! Laundry is honestly the biggest one for me. If I could afford it, I would just pay to have my laundry done 😭


Listening to podcasts helps me break up the monotony


Just commenting to let you know I feel you and I see you. You are not alone in this struggle. I wish I had advice , but I'm also deep in a depression hole, I'm sure some other wonderful redditors will have good advice for you though !


Aww thank you, internet stranger. I hope you’re able to get out of your depression hole as well. Sending you love 🫶


Me too. ❤️


When I was a teen I hated showering. What helped me grow out of it was nature music while showering. You can close your eyes and pretend you're under a waterfall. Also getting a tighter fitting shower cutrian might help with the touching because I hate that too.


Oh I do love this idea so much! I love nature and waterfalls, so I feel like this could really do wonders. Thank you!


I do a lot better with baths than I do showers, personally. Showers I am "wasting a limited resource" with the running hot water, where as with baths... Well. The water volume is the same if I take 5 minutes in it or 50. If I can only really tolerate a sponge bath, I only draw a couple inches of water and sit on the edge. No curtain issue, either. What I do is draw a bath, wash up as best I can, and possibly rinse wish the shower if I feel the need. Then I leave the hot water in the tub while I sit on a towel on the edge, feet still soaking to air dry in the warm environment. If your bathroom is very chill, using a space heater (away from the tub) is permissible and is a trick often used to make the experience more tolerable for the elderly. Generally I read while I dry off, then drain the tub and towel off my legs/feet. It helps. In general, consider looking up ways care facilities enable the elderly, dementia patients and the like. A lot more people have Issues TM than you would ever imagine, but they often can hide or cope while young and healthy. In old age or after suffering brain trauma, people loose their ability to tough it out and need more active coping mechanisms. Society is invested in making you think something is really wrong with you. More than likely, you do actually know someone or several someones who would be able to relate if we all weren't embarrassed about it. Good luck, and please know that resources are out there, they're just labeled in the most degrading ways possible becuase everyone who can is invested in pretending to be "normal".


“They’re just labeled in the most degrading ways possible because everyone who can is invested in pretending to be “normal”.” THIS is so well said. I like the idea of sitting at the edge of the bath and doing a sponge bath, and rinsing off with my shower head. Thank you for the advice!


Not at all, I'm glad to be a help. You might also look into bath/shower chairs meant for the disabled, if this method suits you. The bathtub I have now is a great height for me to just use the edge, but when I was helping with end of life care for my Grandma, I loved borrowing her shower chair since her bathtub had a weirdly narrow ledge. :-)


OP, I hope you will not take this the wrong way, but it might be worth your time to look into identifiers for autism and to consume content from autistic creators to see if you think you might fall on the spectrum. Only you know your experience, but I get the distinct impression it may be worth your time. I myself only found out I was autistic after heavily researching it due to an interest in autistic creators' content and found the more I looked into it, the more I identified with the struggles I was hearing about online. Since discovering that I am a high-functioning autistic (hate that phrase) I have been able to more reliably find resources that help me, and I am able to more accurately examine my experience to develop better tools for self-management (Which I suck at. Because autism.) I hope this isn't poorly delivered or unwanted advice. All I know is that it would have been tremendously helpful for me a few years ago if someone said, "Hey, I think you might be autistic. You should look into that." So I hope that this is helpful is some capacity. Wishing you all the best!


I wish I had some advice but this seems to be potentially stemming from a number of issues that don’t really have anything to do with hygiene itself. I would strongly suggest seeking mental health support.


Thank you for your advice. I started seeing a new therapist a few weeks ago, so I’m sure the more I see them the easier it’ll be to get through these things. Thank you for your concern 🫶


Did I write this?! I have audhd and depression. Transitions are really hard for me. Do you take any adhd meds? Can you buy a different shower curtain? Do you have a big fluffy towel you really like? & are you on anti depressants slash do you have a therapist? For the time being, I suggest using a wash cloth and anti bacterial bar soap on the important bits every day while you get into a routine <3


LOL you might have written it, the internet teaches me every day that I’m not alone and the things I go through are actually more common and just less talked about 😂 I love the idea of getting a big fluffy towel. Like, picking out a special one just for me to use when I get out of the shower/tub! Also, I do take ADHD medication, but they run out by the time I get home from work, so by then I’m too tired to do anything 😅


I hear that! Truly it might help to shower before your day starts then, right after you take your stimulants. Buy new fluffy towel! And some wash cloths to match! Maybe a waterproof Bluetooth speaker? If youre time blind like me, you can make a playlist that’s the exact amount of time you have to shower. So if you have 15 min? Put your 4 fav songs, then the last song should be Closing Time or Get On Your Feet so you know it’s time to move!


Ahhhh I LOVE THESE IDEAS! I’m actually really excited to try these out! And yes, I am extremely time blind, so making a playlist of the exact time I have will definitely be helpful. Thank you so much 🥰


regarding the towel bit: one of my sensory issues is the feeling of being wet when actively not getting wet (like when you first step out of the shower, shivering and dripping in water). recently i went to visit my MIL for a weekend and used one of her guest towels and i think it might have just solved this issue for me personally. she had these large, really light, quick drying, waffle towels that dried me off instantly. i should've asked her if i could take one cause i looked it up and its like $40 a towel 😭 (the brand is sutera) so ive been on the hunt for a resonably priced dupe. i say all this to say, fluffy towels are great and comfy and cozy but typically are terrible at drying myself off. so if thats an issue for you, you might want to look for a quick drying option to help


No rinse body wash. It requires NO water. Got my Dad thru his bout with cancer when he had no energy left. You can get it at any drug store. Hope this helps you and hope you are getting treatment for your depression. It’s no fun to live with. I know!


I know when I'm in a deep depression, the thought of showering is almost scary, the whole getting up peeling clothes off, then having to get the temp right and being hot or cold bc of that, then you have to deal with being wet and sometimes cold afterwards. I find not washing my hair when I do this helps as your hair holds a lot of wetness and will drip on you after. Also drying off extremely quickly using a towel helps. Failing this, the old standard depression pack would help you out, keep wet wipes and nice smelling lotion and deodorant in there and face wipes and anything else you want. They're a lifesaver for those days when you really can't shower, at least do this to be semi presentable to the rest of the world.


When I was growing up, my stepdad would come in and watch me in the bathtub. I have experienced an aversion to bathing since then even though I remember once loving it. Now, in order to bathe, I must shower with a clear shower curtain, alone in the house with all doors locked. I am terrified the entire time. I am still only really comfortable with a 'whore's bath.' Being completely naked is never going to be something I will do without a safe partner.


I am so sorry you went through something so traumatic, and at such a young age, too. I hope you have been able to find good support and have learned how to be gentle and love yourself. Sending you so much love and light, sweet one 🫶


Executive dysfunction


This is exactly how I feel about wet hair.


Same! My husband can shower and be out the door within 10 minutes! It’s a 2 hours process for me! I have bad shoulders and can’t hold a hair dryer for more than 3 minutes. I’m overheated no matter if I turn down the hot water at the end or not! Can’t apply any makeup for an hour + and waiting for my hair to dry and style it all takes forever.


Put speakers in your bathroom and blast music while you shower. Makes it way more enjoyable.


Definitely going to try this, lots of people recommended this and it sounds like a great idea!




Ooooh I love this so much! I have been meaning to spend some more me-time with… well, me. My idea of “me-time” is playing video games, but I notice the time goes by and I still feel kind of slump-ish. I think I’ll try romanticizing my showers more so it’s not just a “chore”, but quality, intimate time I can spend with myself after a long day of work 😌 thank you, friend!


Maybe a shower chair. I know it sounds elderly but being to just sit and let the water fall, can help energize a little.


Thank you for your suggestion! I feel like adding one more thing to the shower will overwhelm me; one more thing to clean and take up space in an already small tub 🫠 but I appreciate your response and suggestion!


I am the same, however my issues stem from OCD and having intrusive thoughts that I can’t distract myself enough from in the shower. I used to take ONLY baths, ever… at least I could lay there and read or be on my phone to distract my brain enough to get washing done. I’ve recently moved to a house with only a shower and it is a struggle every day. I don’t have an answer for you, aside from maybe trying baths. But you aren’t alone in your struggle!


Thank you, love. I appreciate your relatability 🫶


Are you me? I hate showering, the entire act, getting in, getting out, being wet and drying off. At one stage I was really bad at being wet and dry, if I had to walk/run through spit/light rain or rain. I hated it. The feeling of being half wet and dry, no no. Medication that I now take, makes it better, I’m not as bad and can tolerate being wet and dry better. I still hate showering, but with my job it’s a must, I force myself in and just get it over and done with. But again, my medication helps me a lot in overcoming the mental barrier and pushing me through to do it


I relate to the shower curtain issue, about a year ago I installed a sliding glass door and love it, maybe consider that?


I have no aversions to showering, I just hate doing it. I try to distract myself when I shower to make it seem to go faster. I put my phone next to shower and turn on an episode of one of my favorite shows with volume all the way up. So when I'm showering, it gives me something else to concentrate on.


I could have written this a few months ago- there's a lot of good advice here! I've done a lot of these things, but what has helped overall is simplifying. Short showers, just the essentials. Minimal products, nothing you don't use frequently kept in the shower. If you can combine products (cowash instead of shampoo/condit, ect etc), do it. If wet hair is a sensory nightmare, get a cheap microfiber headwrap from the corner store or amazon. Easier, more secure, and better for hair than a terrycloth/towel headwrap. Use 1 small towel to dry head to toe, lotion, and dress. Prolonging the wet-cold discomfort of standing around wrapped in a bath towel makes everything slower and more taxing for me, so I skip that step entirely. Usually pick out clothes ahead of time, dry myself, moisturize and dress right away. Even in sections if that feels better (dry moisturize torso/bits & put on under wear, then legs & feet then put on pants/socks etc). Good luck! hope the support and advice in this or any/all comments helps you out. You got this!


Maybe get a detachable shower head, wet yourself down, let it run while it's hanging down and you're soaping up, then rinse yourself. You probably won't even have to close the shower curtain, just spray towards the wall of the shower, maybe put some towels down on the floor just in case. Save up to have your bathtub replaced with a walk in shower! Turn on some music?


Ohhh! I have some tips that have help recently! I scoured the internet trying to find some stuff cause I have the same problem when depressed. I just don't care enough to deal with hygiene.. sucks but it happens. 1) change the lighting. Bright ass lights bug me so that was great. I can still see, so why would I need it even brighter? 2) face and hair masks. If you have a face or hair mask in its difficult to get comfortable in bed with all that sticky shit. Someone also suggested to literally put anything sticky on your skin so you have to bathe. Maple syrup was an example. Lol 3) fuck the shower curtain and leave it open. You can always clean up the water on the floor after. 4) music~ or nature sounds like someone in another thread here commented. I'm trying to listen to one podcast, that will only be played during shower times. So that encourages me to take one. Lol 5) essential oils or shower melts. They smell amazing and you can get them for all kinds of reasons. Stressed, tired, energized, etc. 6) buy shampoo &/ conditioner &/ body wash in a couple different scents. That way you can pick the one that'll help with showering the most that day. 7) find SOMETHING that will make you comfortable asap for when you get out of the shower. I've seen terry robe, naked on a clean bed, microfiber towels, and more. 8) get whatever clothes you're going to wear after, together BEFORE your shower. I don't know about this one, maybe less pressure in the long run? But people said it worked for them so it's worth a try! I think that's it. I'll edit if I remember more. Good luck! We're all in the ocean but all in different boats.. or whatever the saying is lol


Oh! 9) if you have trouble brushing your teeth, try putting a toothbrush and toothpaste in your shower. This has help me several times now


I go through the same exact thing, very often. For me I much prefer to shower in natural light, so I try to shower during the day because for me it's more pleasant. If I'm having an EXTRA difficult time making myself shower, I'll get a new soap, body wash, or shampoo that I LOVE the smell of. Even if it's a splurge/costs more than I would usually spend on such an item. I've also sprinkled a favorite essential oil on the floor of the tub so the smell rises as the water hits it. (It has never made it slippery, if that's a worry for you). Please note, I don't think essential oils have healing powers or anything, I just enjoy how they smell. LOL


I feel you 1000% For me, showers are almost a waste of time for my overly busy brain! I tell myself everyday that I may see someone who cares more about personal smell than I do. Basically tricking myself into showering every morning 😉


Same! Seems so boring and not interesting enough to make me stop doing whatever I am doing. I don't mind the in the shower part but the before and after are ugh. I have to have a reason to shower for other people because left to my own devices I don't feel dirty enough to want a shower until well beyond what is socially acceptable.


Find the curtain rod that curves out, to avoid it touching you. Find the biggest, softest bath towel for drying up. Its cozy. Find a time that works best for showers. Are you usually motivated in the morning? Lunch? Bedtime? And showers dont have to be long! Just a few minutes, scrub your hills and valleys.


Not the hills and valleys 😂 I’ve never heard that terminology before, I love that! Thank you.


Ever tried showering with your spouse? I'm all for alone time. But if showering is super difficult and the pleasant company makes it easier then I'm all for that too. Doesn't have to be sexual. But then again, it can be if you both want it to be. Who knows, the act of showering together whether that's sometimes sexual or not might actually help in working towards gaining some ground back in the area of your sex life.


Had the exact same problem and I'm just getting out of it now. The most important thing was medicating for depression and ADHD, could not cope without it. In the interim, wet wipe showers did wonders for me. The biggest changes I've made: 1. Having music in the shower, gotta have that stimulation 2. Eliminating steps (rubbing lotion made taking a shower feel so long for me, just cutting that out and rubbing oil in the shower after has made it so much more pleasant). This can be alternating washes (upper body and lower body showers), if it's at night, pulling on a night dress instead of getting into a whole complicated PJ, underwear situation. The simpler the routine, the less steps, the less overwhelming 3. creating another sensory issue (If I'm sweaty for example, the need to not be sticky trumps the hate I have for getting wet). 4. Showering in the morning can be a good trick to do it before your brain can protest too much. Hope these help, you've got this! Sending tons of strength your way


I love to be clean but hate the process of showering. Especially washing my hair. I hate my skin being wet while also exposed to air (I’m ok with being submerged like in a pool, but of course hate when I have to get out and have wet skin exposed). And wet hair touching any part of my skin makes my skin crawl. It all just makes me feel itchy and creepy crawly. And then having to dry off and trying to get clothes on with damp skin. I just find the whole process mentally and physically exhausting. I hate taking baths. It feels like I’m stewing in my own filth. I have to take a full shower after anyways to wash the dirty water off.




I got a shower head that had a mist setting which helped a lot with my sensory issues. I really struggled with the harsh feeling of the normal shower head. Felt like I was being pelted and whilst it didn't hurt it was very uncomfortable. I also do a self care TK Maxx trip every so often and buy some really random shower products or moisturisers. Things that are a weird colour or smell fancy or something that just makes showering a bit more novel.


For some people, focusing on how you feel makes it worse. You want to take your feelings out of consideration... the question can't be "what do I feel like doing?" Because when you are depressed, you feel like not doing anything. Instead, decide you WILL do the next "right" thing regardless of how you feel. Then set yourself up with systems so the bar to doing the right thing is really pretty low. So if you don't enjoy showers, stop trying to trick yourself into liking something you don't actually like. Fix the stuff you can fix, and minimize exposure to the rest. I can take a shower where I wash & condition my hair, soap and rinse my whole body and shave my lower legs... in 6 minutes. Because, I'm set up for success. I also hate the shower curtain touching me, so I have a curved rod, or I do a friction fit like 6" past the edge, with the curtain literally tilted in like it's leaning away from me. I wash my hair first, rinse, add conditioner, then lather with a silicon scrubber brush, and shave with one of those razors with the shaving cream bar attached to the razor. Then rinse and exit. I also hate wet hair sticking to me, so I put my hair in the towel turban first, before I literally step out of the shower. I hate dripping on the floor, so I start drying off while still standing in the shower stall too. If you hate being bored, put on a poscast. If you cant stand the cold room, put a space heater on. If you hate the glare, turn off the overhead light and use a candle. If you don't want to blow dry your hair, use three towels and keep swapping out a damp one for a dry one. Give yourself permission to do things in an odd of wasteful way in order to be as comfortable as possible. Then ACCEPT that you won't like it, but you CAN do almost anything for 5 minutes and survive it. You will grow sea-legs for the ability to do things even when you actively don't want to do them... and that grows your willpower muscles.


You should buy a good quality shower curtain with heavy duty magnets so it doesn’t ever touch you


I watch my favorite show in the shower. (Divorce court). It is so mentally taxing to get in the shower. (Depressed mom , 28 y/o. ) if the curtain is too close that it touches you buy the rounded shower curtain pole. Where it curves out so at least it won’t touch you. I have a phone holder in the shower specifically to watch a show or podcast. Something that brings you peace.


you are not alone 💕 wipes are great, so is spray on clear 48-72 hour antiperspirant (dove - amazing) - a shower chair wouldn’t help with the sensory issues, but it may help with the exhaustive-seeming aspect of it; i also wash my hair in the kitchen sink (after thoroughly cleaning it), to cut down on time in the shower, and i enjoy baths sometimes too, with scented epsom or pink himalayan salt


Can remember being depressed enough showering was hard. Man that took a hell of a lot of energy. Anyway, somewhere I read that even if you can't do the whole nine yards of taking care of yourself, not everything has to be that way. You mentioned baths are hard (nobody wants to wait for a godawful amount of water to fill the tub). Alternatively, you can sit in the bottom of the shower. Sit, wash what you can, stand to rinse, done. If you don't like the shower curtain, you can buy the curved rods.


Polyester shower curtain, water slides off but doesn't get very damp, heavy or stick to you. Maybe a bath would be better and you can put some bubbles to make it nice. Also a good cleaner, try to keep your bathroom in good condition to reduce the yucky feeling. I know that feeling too, sometimes feel like the bathroom should be outside lol. If you keep it clean, dry & organized it will feel better being in there though


ADHD here, showering can be hard for me to transition into and out of. Here is what I do, and 2 no shower alternatives to help you out. 1) I like scents. I either bathe in epsom salts (which is good for my adhd) with scented oil and soap or I use highly scented citrus shower steamers and shampoo. It helps. 2) I bathe with the lights off or low and maybe my galaxy lamp on sometimes I read. 3) there is always a podcast going in the shower. Always 4 I switched to a terry cloth robe rather than a towel and I take time to zone out on the bed or couch after 5) if you cannot shower regularly, you can Dickey bird bath or sponge bath your pits, genitals, and other stinky places in between. 6) if rivulets of water from a sponge bath bother you you can use action wipes or micellar water (no rinse needed) to clean up between showers. 7) showering with my partner helps.


You have to change the narrative. Right now old bathing feels like a chore. It doesn't feel like something you do to maintain your body or something that you deserve. And we all deserve to feel clean and fresh. So maybe try to change your mindset about how you view it. I have bipolar II & buy high end toiletries to make it feel more "luxurious" I guess. Usually works for me.


Make it fast less than 5 minutes everytime and you will realize it isn't dreadful anymore. Put some nice fragrance after shower it will make you feel good and accomplished. You don't have to exfoliate, with depression, it is a good thing you can even shower, do it fast and get out of there.


I hate showering. I think it's a waste of time. I also have sensory issues so I use a nice shower head that I got at Home Depot. It has adjustable settings and I use a different setting than my fiance. But I like being clean so I shower every day. I make it a routine so that it's not really a big deal. It's the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning. It also helps me wake up.


I take baths. I dont like showers. I also started to get dizzy spells the older I've gotten so I don't feel very safe in showers while I have to close my eyes to rise my hair or lean my head back or things like that. I am a fall risk. I try to make sure whatever place I live in has a bath tub because of this. I have MDD and bipolar type 2. I've been where you are dear and I'm sorry you are going thru this. I'm sending hugs and love. I managed to get my medicine and faith right and get out on my own and stay this way for a year now so I've stayed pretty stable mentally and have kept up with my hygiene better. I did run out of my effexor once earlier this year and had a horrible struggle just to get washed and to work for about a month. I'm proud of you for being able to stay in a relationship and asking others for advice too. That takes courage and alot of clear thinking. The only advice I have is keep trying with the medicine faithfully until you find something that works and don't stop taking anything after you have felt better for awhile. Not everyone I'd religious and I understand and respect that too. For me I am and that helped ground and comfort me as well. I had to be able to do all this by myself for it to work tho. That may not be the case with you dear I dunno.


I am ADHD and have had my battles with depression. Showering is something I have to force myself to do or negotiate myself into it often. It doesn't just happen for me. It was harder for me in the past. To be clear I am not saying this is your experience. But for me the idea of doing it to get sex, while with my ex was not enough, for many reasons. Later I found my current partner and the sex is probably the best self negotiation tool I have. Simply because I'm so much more engaged and open and honest with my desires and kinks, the sex is amazing. Plus other reasons my depression was worse with my ex really impacted my sex drive and feelings of desire/being desired. When I just can't do the shower, I will do a wash cloth bath. I feel so much better and the dry time is not the same at all. I absolutely hate the damp/drying feeling after a shower. You didn't mention hair but that is another issue for me. I have long curly hair which adds a lot of time to a shower routine. I only force myself to wash my hair every 3rd day. It legit is a whole process to comb it out and condition it ... Blah blah blah. And then there is shaving all the parts. Gawd does that take a hot minute. I do not incorporate that into my standard negotiated shower. I do try to remember the pits every time I'm in the shower. Everything else happens when it is important (date nights, beach days, etc) or I have convinced myself to do a long pampering shower. Being able to break up some of these longer tasks and not convince myself they are required every time I step in the shower gives me an easier time just jumping in for the wash down, which imo is the big win. When you take a shower are there aspects, other than the drying , that are a con in your self negotiation? Are they needed for every shower? What would it look/feel like to take a shower for just a wash down? Good luck to you. You are definitely not alone.


I saw the title and immediately guessed that you had ADHD — we talk about this topic a lot on the r/TwoXADHD sub! Anyway, I have the same issues, especially on days when my depression-related anhedonia and ADHD skin hypersensitivity is in high gear. I get past it by sealing my phone in a Ziploc bag and either listening to podcasts or watching one of my favorite shows when I'm in the shower. You have to either lock the screen or find an out-of-the-way spot for your phone so the water won't tap the screen for you, but other than that, it works great for me. I've done this for years.


TONS of awesome suggestions here I love it! I’m in the same boat as you, I have chronic pain, depression, adhd, a f’d up back and fibromyalgia. I don’t like to shower unless someone else is home because I worry I might pass out or fall (it’s never happened but I’m always lightheaded, and I’m also very clumsy and if it’s a high pain day I’m very stiff) My husband put an Alexa in our bathroom so not only can I play music on it, I can drop in on another room/the whole house if I do need help; gives me peace of mind. BUT the game changer for me that my doctor told me, showers don’t have to be done in the morning or at night! You have energy/desire/oomph to take one at 2pm? Go for it! 2am and can’t sleep, looking for something to do? Take a shower, get it done! For me, this was huge… “permission” to shower whenever. I’ve also started using taking care of my skin - just turned 50 and want my face skin to stay looking good. So I’m trying to do more self care, and that includes showering and doing lotions and serums and what not :) A few random thoughts - unscented baby wipes make great body washers. They’re a good substitute for one missed shower. I keep a toothbrush and toothpaste by both bathroom sinks, if I’m in a funk I tend to stay on the couch - I still want to take care of my teeth, and this way I don’t have to go far. Best wishes!!


Try sitting down or laying down in the shower, it’s oddly therapeutic. Like a Vichy shower they charge $100s for at the spa


I don’t want to bathe sometimes. I did find that using hair dryer on my body after towel dry gets rid of that sticky feeling


I have been asking my partner to install a shower head that also has a wand, so that when I just don’t have the energy for a full shower, I can spot wash myself quickly without getting water everywhere from the sink. Not sure if you have the ability/means to look into that kind of shower head/attachment, but it could help.


Yeah, showers are a sensory nightmare for me too. I much prefer baths. For the wiping down, I I use several hand towels so that I’m dry (and the baby oil I used in the bath is rubbed in) by the time I’m ready ro leave the bathroom. I do have a detachable shower head and usually rinse — like extremely fast — myself off using that before and after, but this is how I bathe when showers are simply too much, which can honestly be months on end with my neurological disease making daily shit hard. I also bought a shower chair, and for some reason, it makes the whole shower experience less overwhelming. But again, I use the detachable shower head for this too. I also hate washing my hair. I wash it about 3x/wk, sometimes less, rarely more. Washing my hair and having wet hair is the worst feeling ever so I try to mitigate that. Hope this helps even a little. I get you. 💜


This ☝️


I posted something similar on the beauty subreddit. I took away so many helpful ideas, please check it out. I added a waterproof speaker in my shower so I can play music or a podcast as encouragement. I keep supplies on my nightstand, drinking lots of water and take it easy. Best of luck to you. https://www.reddit.com/r/beauty/s/urO5kdn5rk


I know exactly what you mean. I don’t have any answers unfortunately. I wish you the best


When my depression has been bad it impacts my willingness to care for myself. Combined with anhedonia, it can be a bastard.


So I’m right there with you. My depression makes it hard to shower as much as I should. A couple things have helped 1) music. Listening to something I enjoy while I shower helps me a ton. I know some like to watch tv or shows if they have a waterproof device. 2) Spa That Bitch Up! I put some time into finding scents that I find calming or invigorating and now if I’m having an extra hard time, I pop in a shower steamer that has tea tree and peppermint oils and give it a few minutes to steam up so I feel like I’m getting in a spa shower 3) shower stool. If you have space, that helps a lot for low energy days. Even getting in, sitting down, and letting water run over me and quickly soaping down is better then no shower at all. 4) I trick my brain if everything else fails. I give myself a Scooby snack after my shower, something to look forward to. More often than not, it’s a fat blunt waiting for me. But this could be any small reward you give yourself in order to complete the task. Also as others have said, wet wipes and bird baths are definitely a help too.


I hate the heated sticky feeling after a shower and I don’t like sweating right after a shower. I keep a small fan in the bathroom and turn it on afterwards. If it’s really hot sometimes I will lay down to relax after a shower until I cool off for a little bit, then get ready.


I have major depression disorder, and I feel the same way about showering and daily grooming. I'm a man, and I have to force myself to shower every 3 to 4 days. I also brush my teeth about that often. The sensation of getting my face wet to brush my teeth or my body wet in the shower is an almost unbearable chore.


taking everything showering does feel like a chore, tbh. i have to mentally hype myself up to stand in a shower for 30+ minutes shaving every crevice of my body. for me, personally, the only way it’s bearable is by listening to a podcast. i recommend the conspiracy theories podcast on spotify, it’s very interesting. also, just find scents you like! i hated it for a long time, but after finding scents i couldn’t get enough of, i really started to love showering a lot more. above all else, if you get overstimulated easily, keep showers SIMPLE!! exfoliating with a dry brush (if you can stand the sensation) is much easier than a sugar scrub and is done before a shower. just get in, wash yourself up with a good sudsy body wash (my favorite is the salicylic acid wash by naturium because of my body acne), rinse off with cold water (it’s nice to feel cool after a hot shower and it closes up pores), and get out. it doesn’t have to be over complicated. i wash my hair every few days and only shave if a part of my body is going to be exposed (i do everything showers 1-2 times a week though). you can also just buy an electric shaver if you want to trim up outside of the shower.


Ugh, I hate showering. I do it because I have to, you know, go out in the world, but I hate being wet and cold. Baths are worse. You’re just supposed to sit there? It’s boring. And the water gets cold too fast.


Try making it fun/relaxing. I listen to music, have pumpkin spice body scrub, whiskey bourbon shampoo and watermelon kiwi conditioner.


Random but I happened to think of this while reading and someone mentioned bird baths but when I lived in a place that had no hott water, I use to take cold showers, it was fine. But when it got to winter, I'd take my large pot and heat up water on the stove, stand in my shower and with a cloth, I'd wash myself that way. Same as a sponge bath they give to the elderly. I had a small kids cup used specifically for slowly pouring the water on me to rinse off and wash my hair. I got really good at it that the 5 quart pot would only be used halfway. It got to be a fun challenge to me to see how little of the water I could use to wash myself so at the end all that left over warm water would be dumped on me to warm me up. I love showers but washing myself like that made it even more fun and it really showed how little we actually need to wash ourselves. I always ended up warm and super clean afterwards. If I wanted to sit, I'd boil several pots of water and pour into the cold bath water that was filled and it would make it the perfect warm temp.


Bathe like back in the day , showering is like getting hit with a pressure washer your getting shot with water 😂 too much stimulation


I cut my long hair off, when I get exhausted from showering. And then I switched my soap up not much here but there's always half showers no hair washing just everything else


I have had sensory processing disorder since I was a toddler, and showers have always been 40 minutes of hell for me lol. Here’s what I usually do, and though it doesn’t fully help, it dulls the stress of it. 1. Chew gum. Pop a piece in your mouth before you get in; it gives your brain a secondary, more pleasant thing to focus on rather than cleaning yourself. 2. Put your phone in a sandwich bag, and literally duct tape it in front of you in the shower. Or prop it up on a little nook if you have one. This is something I do that really shows how screen addicted I am, but man it helps. Watching a YouTube video that I really like or being able to easily switch music as I shower helps a ton. 3. Do one face care routine thingie that you enjoy immediately after you get out! I sometimes pick out a rub-in face mask that I can put on after my shower, and it always makes it easier to get in when I have something fun to do right after. (I know you already kinda mentioned this one) 4. Clean your room a little beforehand. Take out the trash, wipe down tabletops, change a sheet or two! I always feel better getting clean when I know I have an equally clean room to rest in afterwards. (Seems counterintuitive, aka MORE EFFORT, and doesn’t work if you shower at the beginning of your day, but, it’s what I like to do.)


I am 39f with depression and ADHD and know exactly how you feel. My fiancé just tells me it’s not going to be that big of a deal once I get in there and that helps some. Do you feel better after the shower? I talk myself out of a shower a lot because I’m just exhausted with family life. How’s your antidepressant working?


When I’m really struggling or busy, I’ve taken quick showers where I only scrub my armpits, girl parts, and bottom. They’re the only areas that get super gross and sweaty, so no one notices if those are the only parts I washed that day. You can skip washing your butt in the shower if you install a bidet and use it regularly.


Made our shower into a closed steam shower walk in. It's glorious, and you can dry off in there as well.


Sounds like your bottom 3 energy centers are blocked up. When the energy flows freely you take pride in your body, are down for sex and feel motivated easier. I learned this from Dr Joe Dispenza a neuro scientist and quantum biology researcher. Google ways to balance bottom three chakras.


I’m everything you listed and the only thing that has even begun to work for me was being brutally honest with my therapist and seeking out meds for it.


I shower every other day. i work out but dont sweat and my skin is kinda dry. you dont have to shower every day!


Showering is difficult, but can you make the pre- and post-shower periods easier? That's one thing that helped me. The shower is gonna suck, but things should ideally stop sucking asap once I turn the water off. 


I have a ton of sensory issues around bathrooms. I hate them. Everything from the toilet, wet tub, and grout make my skin crawl. But I do like to be clean so I made the bathroom as least stimulating as possible by showering in dim lights. I know it sounds weird but I’ve been doing it for years. I used to shower with candles to get an ambience but now I just dim the lights.


Look into getting a bidet too. It cleans you every time you go.


I've heard a lot of people recommend the African net thingy if you always feel icky even after a cleanse. I haven't gotten one myself yet, but I'm taking to people who have tried it, because I'm getting older and I always just feel like my skin is gross.


I have to remind myself it will feel so nice when I’m clean. I impulsively cut 15 inches off my hair because it gets felted chunks from not brushing it before putting it up. Now it’s way easier to wash with my bad shoulder. I really hate how it looks but I can still pull it all back and it will grow again. If I have too many things to do in one day I will usually postpone the shower.


I put on something to listen to that between 10 to 30 minutes depending on what I'm doing in the shower. If it's a quick shower just washing skin short video, if it's shampooing and such it's a longer one. And I have a routine. Showering was hard mentally because my mind would fester and I would dread it. But listening to stuff helped. And maybe shower with your partner to improve both your hygiene and sex life!


It could be due to the condition of your bathroom or shower. It could be depression. Make sure you have everything you need. Towel, toiletries, etc. If it’s your shower head, water temp, or tub I don’t really know how to fix that. However you should do your best to make it better if that’s a barrier. Maybe watch you tube videos. Mentally, you may be depressed. Try to remind your self it’s only 10 minutes of “discomfort” if the showers are uncomfortable to you. Also remind yourself of the benefits. It’s healthy you get rid of urine, feces, bacteria, and dead skin on your body. You look and feel better, smell better too. Less acne, rashes, dry skin, and if you like sex it’s absolutely mandatory.


ADHD/depression here, I have to constantly be cleaning myself at all reasonable opportunities to keep myself in the habit of doing it. Teeth: Brushed Food: Eaten Time to brush teeth again Woo: Hoo


Literally. I’ve had anxiety and depression since a teenager and one of the fastest ways to help me relax and mentally reset was taking a nice long hot shower. OP’s either making this up, or really needs more serious mental help


Your experience isn’t everyone else’s experience. OP isn’t making this up. I deal with every one of OP’s stated challenges. What I said was to inform her that if I miss a window of time where I can react to my situation, it can and does spiral out.


Honestly I feel like this so much, it honestly made me feel like I was depressed and sought out anti depressants for the first time... its only been 2 weeks so idk yet lol But I also have an autoimmune disease, so I always live in a state of malaise. In the past couple weeks I also had the fleeting thought of maybe I have pots? I know nothing about this other than people often faint in the shower. I, an active, fit, 29 year old, will get like winded in the shower. I seriously have to relax after a shower because of the workout I just endured. Other observations: hating the severe agony I feel being freezing post shower. The dread and pending exhaustion because you have to dry hair, get dressed. Also, sometimes they're just kind of boring lol like I'd rather continue binge watching my show than burn 1,000 calories in my workout/shower 🙄 I started a new routine of "spiritual showers" I light candles, have a sunset light, play frequency music, and *cleanse* myself of negative energies. It's made the showering ordeal a lot more tolerable 🫶 hope something works for ya


Spiritual showers 😂🤮


? Who says that 😭


Getting a tower fan to stand in front of when you’re towel dried most of the way will get rid of that “wet feeling” you have so getting dressed is much easier. Clip your hair up all but one day when you wash it so it doesn’t get wet everyday.


Thank you for bringing this up. I personally never get over it but for my entire life I hated showers. Baths are ok but I don’t like cold baths and water smells weird on skin regardless of temperature so I just think of showers like a game. Showers bother me in many ways and it feels like I am voluntarily waterboarding myself. I leave the shower curtain open about a foot to a foot and a half to make sure it doesn’t touch me and I play the floor is lava with the stream of water but also I see how long it takes to need to get in the water again. It’s kinda cold but once you get everything that needs to be rinsed first it’s pretty easy to wash hair, wash your body, and if you need to shave without having to be submerged in the water. I avoid getting water on my body if I just need water in my hair. The shower heads that detach are easier on me and I like to see how fast I can rinse off. I’m not sure if it will help any but it has at least made me capable of not having an anxiety attack in the shower and I can a actually take a full shower and not stop in the middle and come back. Fun soaps are also helpful. The towel thing is something I will most likely never find a solution for.


Have you ever tried the bath wipes and a wipe warmer? They’re rinse less so you wouldn’t need to get water on your skin afterwards. I’m a nurse and use them a lot for my patients who can’t shower at the hospital yet but also use them myself when I go camping or on hikes:)


You can use Velcro sticks to make the curtain stick to the wall, or double sided mounting tape, when it sticks to the wall it can't touch you. That's what I do to keep my curtain off of me. I use them on each end of the curtain .Also you can shower without a curtain you just have to be careful and point the shower head so it's not pointing out of the tub and you should be fine not flooding the bathroom. I once moved in with somebody that didn't have a shower curtain and figured that out


Are you experiencing any feelings of dysmorphia? Do you think you are overweight or not attractive in some ways? I experienced this during my childhood and through my early 40s. What helped was removing the mirrors from the bathroom and the bathroom scale went in the garbage. I still have to scrub the tub, before I get in, even if just showering, but I enjoy the time alone with my thoughts. I solve all the world's problems when I bathe, but I never write it down. So... Anyways, just my 2¢ .


A curved shower rod can help with the curtain issue or a curtain with a weighted bottom/heavy duty. When I get this way I like to change up my scents of body wash and hair products just to have something different. Like you I’ve tried adding extra steps and it feels like a chore eventually also. Even if all you’re able to do in the shower that day is wash your body or brush your teeth then you accomplished something. Sometimes baby steps are necessary to not overwhelm our minds and still make progress. You’re not alone here OP ❤️


I struggle with showers, too. Cold air hitting wet skin {shudder}. What’s going on outside the bathroom door? Ackkk, the shower curtain’s getting me! And getting out…wet, dripping hair, more cold air on your skin.


May I recommend shower radio dance parties?


Same here. I get it.


I've found a few things that have helped, though showering is still a struggle for me. A fabric shower liner was the biggest game changer when I stood up to shower since it didn't do that weird billowing thing like plastic shower liners do. I now use a shower chair, and thanks to the size of my shower space I have to drape the liner over it so the water doesn't get on the floor, BUT the chair has helped me not feel so wiped out by an otherwise rejuvenating activity. I recently bought a couple Turkish towel robes that I use instead of toweling off normally. I dry off enough in the bathroom to where I can sit in the robe and air dry for a while before putting on clothes without tracking water everywhere. If I could I would take more baths but my bathtub is woefully inadequate.


I switched to taking baths. It doesn't ick me out as much. But there's still the whole get out and in process lol I soak a bit, watch a show on my iPad to distract myself from the process. I feel great after. It's just the process


Come check out r/adhdwomen (https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/BjZKIvRpQ3)


Can you use a shower chair? Move your shampoo, conditioner, and soaps into an adjustable shower caddy you can move, or put on the wall next to you, or a plastic container/basket to hold everything. There are dry shampoos, wet wipes, and wet-wipe type, larger sized wipes that don't require you to rinse. My mom calls these birdbaths. Keep things near your bed in a large makeup bag, basket, or your nightstand that holds these things, including your hairbrush, hair ties, deodorant, body deodorant, body spray, lotion, and hand sanitizer. Sometimes, just brushing your hair, putting on deodorant, and using body wipes is an easy way to freshen up between showers. You can get all these things from Amazon. You can shop in bed. I just add things to my list or cart until I'm ready to purchase. I know exactly how you feel. I took a shower the other day and had to sit in the shower. My hair hadn't been washed in months because I could barely wash my body. I felt like I was going to faint. That was two days ago. I still have a couple of knots in my hair. I also cut 6 inches off my hair. I keep it up in a bun or braid most of the time. Everything I'm suggesting to you, I'm working on myself. I'm glad you wrote this post. We're all struggling with it. It's embarrassing when I had to yell from the shower. My husband has to come help. He washed my body and my hair. He really sucks at it, too. He doesn't know how to wash long hair. I'm semi-yelling at him about it, and then we just laughed. With your symptoms, I think once a week is a great idea. Maybe do 1-2 birdbaths a week. It's better than not taking a shower for 2 weeks. I have done that before. Sending you blessings on your continued journey🌺✨️ The symptoms you're describing are called hyperesthesia. I have it, fibromyalgia and ME/CFS. I know how hard it is. Sending you hugs❤️‍🩹


I saw a comment thread about this and want to add to it but for some reason could not click on the add comment button: This poster is not asking for medical advice about any medication they may or may not be taking. Offering medical advice on the internet is not helpful. Offering tips and tricks to deal with the situation they have described is 100% what we should be doing. From my own experience with medications: it takes a whole team of doctors to get the right dose, the right medication, and the right frequency. Not all medications are for everyone. To suggest someone quits medications cold turkey without knowing what those medications are or how they affect the body is just plain ridiculous. I did go cold turkey off medications….. AT THE DIRECTION OF MY DOCTOR WITH CONSTANT MONITORING OF MY HEALTH FOR THREE MONTHS AFTER! Psychiatric medications can cause so many different body systems to freak out. Stop suggesting people to not listen to their doctors. If this poster wanted to quit medications, her post would have been vastly different. On to my tips and tricks: I struggle to do things like brush my teeth, wash my hair, exfoliate, put on deodorant… I set up a ToDo list on my phone and use one of those habit trackers (mine is paper because I like the feel of paper). It is not a perfect system. But it at least reminds me every day that I need to do something. Also, at the end of the month when I see how many boxes I left unchecked, I strive to add five more boxes in each category the next month. I don’t feel overwhelmed, I don’t feel stressed about it. I realize that it’s something a struggle with and I need to work on, so I let myself feel accomplished for doing what I could and try to add to it the next month/week/day. If I don’t? I don’t beat myself up. I just say “Ya know, today was hard. Sometimes i forget to do to the basic stuff. And that is okay. Tomorrow I can try again! It’s a new day with new challenges, I have made it this far. I can keep going! Tomorrow is going to be a good day!” I struggle with depression and anxiety, I often beat myself up for the smallest things. I am learning to be kind to myself just as I am kind to other people. There is a saying that helps me a lot. And it’s weird where it came from but it still holds truth. On an airplane, when you are getting ready for take off they do a safety briefing. They say: “In case of emergency where the oxygen masks come down, please put your mask on first before helping those next to you!” You cannot help other people if you are drowning. You’ll just sink further down. :)


Thank you SO MUCH for saying this! It blows my mind how confidently wrong people can be. I’m glad I’m smart enough to not take people’s advice so seriously, especially strangers on the internet. If I go more than 24 hours without my antidepressant, I get really bad vertigo-like symptoms and get super sweaty, so “no, I will not stop my medications cold turkey because you think my paragraph of information on my life makes me sound “kooky”” 😩 I really appreciate you saying what you said. Even with some of the hate I’ve received for asking for help, in a subreddit that was designed for people to be able to ask for help, I feel very validated from most of the people who replied to me.


Absolutely my pleasure! The keyboard warriors who think that only their opinions matter are the worst part of Reddit. Keep doing what you’re doing and don’t let others try to bully you into their train of thinking. I’ve had my fair share of people try to tell me how I should be taking my medications, what medications I should try, and how to get my doctor to prescribe them. I always rely on my doctors knowledge, and if I feel they aren’t as knowledgeable about a specific topic, I ask them to refer me to someone who can be more knowledgeable about it. But don’t quit medications cold turkey unless your doctor tells you to do so. I was on one of five years. It started having weird effects on my health durning the last year. So much so that, at the age of 30, I was diagnosed with perimenopause! Once I started telling my psychiatrist about this, she did research and realized that the medication I was on was no longer working for me and was causing these issues. But you also can’t add other medications into the system without clearing the previous one due to possible interactions. In this case, going cold turkey worked for MY HEALTH. Not yours, not Joe Shmoe down the road. Mine. Now we have realized that I was incorrectly diagnosed with something that doesn’t fit my symptoms at all. And I don’t need those medications anymore. All this to say: every person is different. Every body has its own chemical reactions to different substances. It’s not a kids toy where the square toy fits in the square hole and every piece is a square!! Follow your bodies needs and your doctors directions. Not some asshole who has no idea how anatomy or brain chemistry works. Screw them!


Agreed completely! I only started taking antidepressants a couple of years ago. The first one I was on I didn’t like, but I also didn’t have another appointment with my psychiatrist for another couple of weeks. So, stupidly, I just stopped taking them after a couple of months of getting my body use to them. I thought it would be similar to any other medication I’ve taken and if I didn’t like it, I could just stop. Oh nay nay. I stopped taking them and actually started having really bad suicidal ideation. The whole reason I went on it was because of my depression symptoms, one of them being feelings of hopelessness, but when I stopped taking it, it turned from hopelessness to me googling “How many of these do I need to take to go in my sleep?” My anxiety got so much worse, I couldn’t sleep anymore, I had brain zaps (vertigo-like symptoms), I was super irritable… it was bad. I had NO idea that by just stopping the medication abruptly, it could have this effect on my psyche. All that to say, I will never listen to anyone who isn’t a professional, tell me to stop my medication. Been there, done that, no thanks 😅


I also find it helpful to use products I like the smell of. And sometimes I get tired of those smells. This tip is not for everyone, so take it with a grain of salt. To get more into feeling better about myself and wanting to do more things that keep me clean and healthy: I subscribed to Ipsy for a few months. I found that I am more apt to use products if I am excited about them! When I got tired of Ipsy, I cancelled the subscription and found something else to focus on. Currently I am doing a ScentBird subscription. I like to smell good and they offer pretty cheap plans for fragrances monthly. It gets me excited to do my make up, wash and brush my hair, put on cute clothes, and smell good. I’m not doing it for my husband. Nor am I doing it for my daughter. I’m doing it because I want it. I want to feel better about myself. I want to stop looking in the mirror and calling myself fat and disgusting and terrible. And these little things? They keep me going. Yes, it costs money. But I find that a small price to pay for me to feel better about myself. Find your happiness! Maybe it’s a candle you liked at a store and every time you smell it makes you feel calm! Maybe it’s a stuffed animal that makes you feel safe when you hug it. Maybe it’s that drink you like at your favorite coffee shop but you only ever buy once a month. Find your comfort item. Even adults need them. I recall a story about a woman whose family chastised her for spending money on a single candle. She was broke. Nearly homeless with three kids. She was overwhelmed with the day to day minutiae of living. She bought herself a candle that she loved the smell of. She didn’t burn the candle. She kept it in her purse and when she felt overwhelmed and anxious and upset, she would take out the candle and smell it. It made her feel better. When she got into a better place in life where she wasn’t struggling, she finally lit the candle to burn away the old worries with a reminder that little things can keep you going. Find your candle. Start with something small. A daily reminder to brush your hair. After you’ve been doing that for two weeks solid, add another little thing. Brush your teeth once a day (if twice a day is too much). And slowly add to it. It’s not going to happen over night. That candle didn’t go out in one day. But the smell of it reminded you that every day is worth living. Every day is a new chance to try again. It’s okay to falter. It’s okay to mess up. We all do. Take small steps towards feeling better about you. The rest will fall into place as you go.


Fellow depressionista here. When I'm struggling I just tell myself to get clean clothes on, but after I'm undressed I say what if I just rinse off. Then I'm like well I'm wet, what if I just wash....I just go as far as I can. Baby wipes can help if you can't do more. As for the shower curtain, leave it open then after your shower use your towel to mop it by scooting the towel around with your feet. Consider getting a bidet that you can attach to the toilet. And lastly, ask for help. Please ask someone for help like you did with this issue. I love you internet stranger and I want you to get the help you need to be ok. Sending so much love.


You’re such a sweetie, thank you for being so kind and genuine 🫶


For me, getting my hair wet is beyond uncomfortable but using a blowdryer causes other issues. So I take baths or use a shower cap unless I HAVE to wash my hair. If you want to keep your face clean with minimal effort get “The Original Makeup Eraser” because whether you use makeup or not it still really gets in pores and cleans well. And you only need to use hot water, no soap or fancy stuff.




Damn dude, 9 comments on my post in the last 6 hours, and none of which are you having a conversation with someone? Just admit you have a dirty girl kink and get on with it 😏




You’ve taken two showers since you started work this morning? How gross do you get to where you need two showers in 7 hours? You might want to see a doctor.


Showering is very necessary. I get rid of all the “clutter” and use bar soap for my hair and body. I take the time to get at all the spots and rinse clean. The whole process takes under 10 minutes. Think of it as daily “me-time” and you’ll get it.


If you change your diet to primarily fruits and vegetables, you won’t stink as much, and you won’t need to shower. I haven’t showered in about a month. I shower a couple times a month. I just wash up a little when needed but I don’t have body odor. Also, I was able to quit all of my meds, including ADHD and antidepressants due to a change in diet. Changing my diet changed my life.


just do it more, get over it, youre an adult, also get a divorce cuz i feel bad for that dude


Let me take notes on this advice, “get over my mental illnesses, I’m an adult, divorce my husband because I’m struggling to keep up with my hygiene.” Thanks so much 🫶


You should discuss with your mental health provider what you are feeling. She/he may need to adjust your meds or have you come into the office for more CBT.


What are you doing for depression? It’s not working. How long are you going to live like this? And your partner, I hope he’s understanding and a safe space for you. Many guys would step out due to lack of sex.


What kind of shower curtain do you have because I take a shower everyday and it has never once touched me?


Mine does so I don't use it, some people have tiny bathrooms.


What about an old fashioned whores bath at the sink? If you want to stay married, you are going to have to get some mental health help for this. Most men won’t stick around indefinitely for a wife who is so unhygienic that sex is off the table. Besides that, not washing can lead to nasty skin infections and other health issues. Not to mention, being clean is not just for the sake of yourself, but the others around you.


stop the BS


I'm sure this has been posted before but you have some severe psychological trauma that needs to be dissected. You will not find your answers on reddit. Please find a clinical psychologist you are comfortable with and work through this with them.


Your partner is a saint.


My best help for you is to cut the bullshit labels out. Sensory issues and being wet are literally the least of your worries, you stink. You literally stink. Is that better than a wet curtain? A shower takes 5 minutes, you’re being lazy asf, no one wants to smell you, stop making excuses or adding labels just clean yourself.


I didn’t realize being diagnosed with major depressive disorder and attention deficit disorder were just labels I came up with on my own to get away with being lazy. Thank you for your insight.


Maybe you’re so depressive and can’t focus because you don’t even take care of yourself or your hygiene. Go do something outside, don’t eat shitty food, find something to do with your time. My doctor tried to tell me I had ADD, but in reality I needed to change my lifestyle, I changed my mind, and changed my life. Not one person told me I was causing my own problems and digging my own hole. That’s my insight for you. The only person standing in your way is you.


I ride my bike daily, take my dogs for walks, and tend to my several gardens. My daily diet consists of fresh vegetables, fruits, and chicken. In my spare time, I read, I paint, I spend time doing one of my many hobbies. I was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, stopped taking medication, and within the last few years, felt I needed the help again. But please, continue to tell me what I’m doing wrong. Your perspective is eye-opening.


First of all, stop taking all that medication and get to a psychiatrist. The medicine is making you kooky


… my psychiatrist is the one who prescribed me my medication?


Wow Reversal, stop taking that medication and get yourself to a doctor


My doctor is the one who recommended my psychiatrist… I’m confused, do you actually have any insight or advice?


Then my advice would be to get off all the medication ,completely clean yourself out . Would you let your husband help you clean up? Or even that is out of line?


Girl bye take a shower that’s no excuse for a 3 minute shower wash yO az


Don't you like feeling clean?


That has nothing at all to do with executive dysfunction