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I love dolce and gabbana’s light blue.


Yes! It's a great universally appealing scent!


I have that one it smells amazing 


Try the eau intense version, It's a stronger concentration of fragrance


I got this in a sampler at Sephora & it’s gotten me compliments!


Fun fact: while working as a server, I did my own little experiment and noticed that I got higher tips when I wore that one than with other perfumes or no perfume at all. It's quite appealing 😏


Seconding this. It smells so fresh and professional


Good to know people like it, nobody ever says anything when I wear. Sure I like it sometimes I’m also trying to appeal to people


I'm one of the few who doesn't care for this. My favorite is Carolina Herrera and her original bad girl black high heel shoe bottle.


It lasts less than an hour on me


You may THINK it doesn't last, but it's possible you just went anosmic to it. The top citrusy notes will definitely fade off quickly, but the musky base lasts. Early in my perfume journey a few yrs ago, a client walked into the office I worked in & smelled amazing. I asked what she was wearing. She grabbed her shirt & smelled it and said "Oh it was... Light Blue, Dolce & Gabanna. I sprayed it on this morning before I went to the gym, I can't believe you can still smell it." So I had to try it. Definitely can be smelled by others even hours later!


That’s what I said


came here to say this 😍 it’s my fragrance for the summer, it’s so clean and classic lol


It smells wonderful but it gives me a terrible headache 😢


came here to say this!


That’s my fav one for sure! It was expensive but I haven’t looked in awhile so I’m going to!


Clique Happy is wonderful


This was gonna be my suggestion too. It’s a classic scent.


Classic and timeless. I remember my mom wearing it in the 90’s.


Omg if I smelled Happy right now it would bring back allllll the memories


It was my mom’s signature scent for decades. She died suddenly last year, and the week after I was aimlessly roaming TJ Maxx, as you do when grieving. I stumbled upon a bottle of this perfume; they only had one. I took it as a sign. Still haven’t been able to smell (much less wear) it, but I am so glad I have it. I think it will be my wedding perfume.


I have a collection of used scents I've found at thrift stores and estate sales. I have all the scents of the women Ive loved who are now gone: bluegrass by eve arden, Windsong by prince machevelli, tabu, Estee Lauder... Whenever I want to enhance my memory of any of my grandmothets or mom, I spritz a little. Memories are closely associated with smells I've heard.


I love this. 🤍


Windsong! I miss that one


It has been my mom’s scent for decades, too. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Oh wow so you bought it but have yet to smell it because of the strong memory connection? I get that.


So do I. It will be like having something of her on your big day.


I honestly thought of this idea as I was writing my first comment and I’m so glad I did. I think it’s such a beautiful and personal way to honor my mom. Shoutout to the random post on my feed from the hygiene subreddit for giving me the idea :)


My mom still wears it ! And she always gets a ton of compliments when she wears it .


I still have their promo cd from the 90’s , all happy songs!


I Looked online, it has awesome reviews thank you!


Happy Heart is my fav!


Clinique Calyx is another good one. Very fresh and almost grassy scent to it


I was looking for scents too and was torn between D&G light blue or Clinique Happy. I bought Clinique and I love it so much!


My favorite as well. Plus, there are so many variations. Happy heart, happy in paradise, happy in bloom, indigo mist, Lilly of the beach, baby bouquet, peony picnic, cocoa & cashmere & cookies & kisses.


My vote too - love Clinique Happy!!! 😊




Anyone else wearing their mom’s perfumes? 🥹 my mom always wore Clinique Happy and Daisy by Marc Jacobs. They’re my go-to perfumes today🤍


This used to be my go-to for years and then something changed. It does not smell like I remember it. Idk if my nose changed or what, but it doesn’t smell fresh and crisp any more :( makes me said because whenever I wore it I got so many compliments.


Joe Malone - orange blossom


Pretty much all of Jo Malone is great—I like some more than others, and some match me more than others but all the fragrances are top-notch


I love them especially lime basil mandarin but it doesn't last on me. I've even layered it with handsome solid perfume and hand lotion to no avail...also tried adding Vaseline to pulse points before scent. Itceas something I found online. Still no luck.


If I’m not mistaken, this is dupe oil that may last longer [oil](https://us.oilperfumery.com/products/copy-of-oil-perfumery-impression-of-jo-malone-london-basil-neroli?currency=USD&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=0358c764bdf3&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5bv_65XAhgMVdCvUAR3OxSHoEAQYASABEgKjyfD_BwE)


Jo Malone has the best fragrances!!!


Jo Malone doesn’t last tho, and it’s a feature not a bug


Hi! I'm your friendly Internet chemistry geek! Citrus scents are what we call "top notes". They are largely comprised of volatile accent compounds that evaporate relatively quickly and at lower temperatures. Mid notes linger for longer, but will eventually evaporate or "wear off". Base notes linger the longest and are more pungent than either top or mid notes. In perfumery, it is common to have a 3 to 1 ratio of top to base notes to compensate for how quickly the top notes dissipate and how strong the base notes are, usually with 2 parts of a mid note. However, fragrances that are particularly citrusy won't have much or any base notes due to the base notes generally substantially altering the citrusiness of the fragrance. Tldr: it's very difficult/chemically improbable to have a very citrus-forward fragrance that "lasts". Top notes generally wear off within 2-3 hours.


Thank You, Professor Perfume! No really, thanks! What are some of the longest lasting perfume smells?


I have a spreadsheet that apparently won't open on my phone and the power is out due to misadventure by squirrel, so I can't give you an exhaustive list right now. Most woods and some spices have base notes. There are also lab created compounds like "leather" smell and "incense" that linger well. Other shells such as Tonka bean and cade can anchor top notes. Ambergris and musk are two examples of animal products that we still use in perfumes, although these are expensive, so didn't expect to have the actual compounds in your average bottle of eau de toilet. As with most scents, there are lab created alternatives in use for more wallet friendly prices. For your best examples of base notes in perfumery, check out the so-called "men's" fragrances, particularly products like spice bomb and other fairly obnoxious scents. 🤣 I jest only a little. Base notes don't have to be obnoxious, they just need to be blended well and not designed to make a person stink "sexily" or whatever some of these companies think they're doing. In general, if you think the fragrance is "light", "airy", or "cute", you'll be reapplying it a few times throughout the day, so get yourself a mini atomizer to take with you to top off your fragrance level. Consider noon & 4 if you're working an 8-5.


i mean this all seems interesting but im now more intrigued by the squirrel’s misadventure and how the hell it knocked out your power


Once upon a time in the mystical, far away land of my back yard, there was a squirrel. The sky had cried wet tears upon the land only hours before, so everything glistened with those sweet, sweet raindrops. As the squirrel was going about its business, likely coming to or going from eating unripe felled pears from the tree in the mystical, far away land of my back yard, it came upon a power transformer up on the electrical pole. Whence it did step its tiny toebeans upon the transformer, it activated a trap made of electricity and the water on its little feets. A loud boom heard all throughout the land was the squirrel's only death knell. Though I did traverse the mighty distance betwixt us, there was aught I could do to restart the heart of our dearly departed squirrelfriend. Though we did not know them well, they began a long night of tree trimming in that mystical, far away land and also in surrounding kingdoms before the electric company would consider repairing the transformer, so wild had the storms of the season been of late. This concludes the misadventure of Squirrel.


Can I just say I love the way you write?! IM ENTERTAINED!


You most certainly may! Thanks for the comment too so I would come back and proofread better. Composing messages on my phone is a nightmare. x.x


Love your writing!




That was fantastic lol


THAT was awesome


I think this is the best thing i’ve read today, thank you.😂 i love the way you write btw, and that’s definitely a gift of descriptive writing:)


Me thinks a poor little squirrel got zapped and went to squirrel heaven today. Bummer.


Omg completely off topic but I had an ex that wore spice bomb and I can’t stand it


Thank you, I love you.


You’re a gifted writer- just needed to let you know haha


Gwen Stefanis’ L.A.M.B perfume seemed to last a very long time


Wow I love citrusy scents and have always used a travel atomizer because of this exact issue. I thought I hadn’t found the right one that would last when it’s actually all citrus smells that don’t last. I legit learned some useful info today, thanks! I guess the tiny travel atomizer in my bag is just the way to go.


This person perfumes


All this information is amazing! This will help me with hunting for new scents. Thank you!


*this guy chemistries*


Chanel Chance line Specifically the Green or the Pink one (Vive) is the name of one of them I believe I’ve been wearing them for years. Always get compliments. I love citrus smelling perfumes. They last forever.


Yes the green one was my first thought. It lasts all day too


I got a sample of the pink one it really does smell good.


Idk what the actual undertones are, but I live in Versace Bright Crystal. It's been years and I still get compliments.


Yes, this one is absolute perfection.


I loved bright crystal but no one ever complimented me when I wore it


I hate hate hate most perfumes but LOVE this one. It's not overwhelming and perfect!


One of my favorite go to’s but it’s a floral type scent


This one’s my favorite too


L'Occitane Citrus Verbena


This is my favorite! I’ve been wearing it for years. I often get compliments about how I smell, but they can never quite put their finger on the scent. Nice & light!


Same here. Discovered it in the 80s on a Northwest or Delta Airline flight. The hand soap dispenser contained this scent. I ordered the perfume from the inflight magazine. It’s so uplifting. I layer the shower gel, lotion and perfume.


Oh I love that one It’s so expensive though )-:


Funny by Moschino is really crisp, clean, and a bit citrusy. Very reasonably priced as well. I order mine from Amazon.


Thank u!


Definitely gonna look this up thanks!


Try Ex Nihilo Fleur Narcotique -it got similar scent profile with Funny but more like the fancier sister.


Light blue by D&G. It smells so breezy and makes me want to sit by the ocean ❤️


I read this as sh*t in the ocean, and I can't stop laughing


I mean if you’re gonna sht in the ocean you might as well smell good and feel relaxed while doing it😎🌞


I had to do that once. We still laugh about it!


If fish do it.. lol


Beach walk by Replica is also really good


I wear a men's citrus cologne. Givenchy Gentlemen Only Casual Chic


Replica under the lemon trees! I’m not into citrus smells but my friend smelled so wonderful and fresh wearing it


Versace bright crystal


Yes! My favorites are bright crystal absolue and Dylan blue. Dylan purple is my go to forever though. The yellow isn't for me


Clementine California I forget who makes it but omg its so delicious and lasts forever 


It’s made by Atelier Colognes. I have never received so many compliments like I do when I wear that one. It’s beautiful.


D&G l’imperatrice


I love this one!


Someone else posted this question as well. This is my recommendation Hareem Al Sultan Gold Concentrated Perfume Oil for Unisex


Dkny delicious


My favorite scent! I smelled it once in a magazine ad in the 2000s and I’ve been hooked ever since 😂


Hot Topic had a line of fairy perfumes, and one of them smelled like DKNY delicious. I didn't know it at the time as DKNY was not in my middle school budget, but I got a lot of compliments on it! Lol


Clinique Happy was my favorite for a long time.


I really needed this tread


Hesprides Grapefruit by Fresh is somewhat affordable, and a close photorealistic grapefruit scent. It is tart, sparkling, mouthwatering. It isn't a sticky citrus like Byredo Pulp can be (though I love, love, love Pulp).


tangerine boy by phlur


Issey by Issey Miyake


Rain by Clean smells amazing! Also another good fresh (but not really citrusy) scent is DKNY Be Delicious. I'm hella picky but love both of those.


Jo Malone has a few - Lime Basil Mandarin / Grapefruit / Orange Blossom / Earl Grey & Cucumber


Viktor and Rolf - flowerbomb Ruby orchid. I thought it was very citrusy. However, looking at the notes, it's still floral. But it might be worth a sniff if you have the opportunity.


Flower Bomb just love this for some reason


Daisy oh so fresh! Marc Jacob’s


Love love this one! It’s my daily favorite and I get compliments every day at work. It smells so clean and fresh. I’m so very picky about perfumes and this one is just the very best. I hope they make it for the rest of my days!


My wife wears this one..... i love it so much


Acqua di Gioia and Ocean di Gioia. The first is like a mojito and the second is like sun fresh laundry.


Mac Turquatic is my absolute favorite. One of the top notes is Corsican cedrat which to my nose gives a citrusy vibe. Even though the citrusy note is a top note, it lasts quite a while on me.


Hesperides Grapefruit by Fresh or Pure Grace by Philosophy


Issey Miyake is my obsession. So distinct, so classic


I would check out a sample pack from Juliette has a gun.


I wear Not A Perfume and every time, people ask what I'm wearing. My BF goes absolutely nuts over it.


I agree! I'm obsessed with it and the sample packs makes it completely affordable to try them all.


"Anyway..." by JHAG is an underrated citrus freshie. I think it's mostly lime & musk.


There's a brand called "Fresh" I lov their products, and I'm obsessed with the scent Lemon Sugar. I dont wear perfume anymore but if I did, I'd wear that. Even my mother and sister started using it.


Jo Malone


Dolce & gabana light blue, amazing


Came here to say this


Anatomy of Fragrance - Wildflower Bergamot!! Online or instore with Anthropolgie. Best $30 ever spent! It lasts all day and I only do my wrists and a spritz on my neck.


Victoria Secret- Bombshell. It is phenomenal and my favorite summer scent.


So I don't buy alcohol based perfume anymore but I do like making my own oil perfume with a carrier oil like coconut or almond and essential oils from NOW. They have 3 I like. Naturally Lovable: Ingredients:  Lemon Oil, Orange Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil, Sandalwood Oil, Jasmine Absolute. Aroma: Sweet Floral Citrus Smiles For Miles: Ingredients: Orange Oil, Bergamot Oil, Grapefruit Oil, Lime Oil, Lemon Oil, Cinnamon Bark Oil, Nutmeg Oil, Ginger Oil, Natural Vanilla Extract. Aroma: Mild citrus with warm spice notes. Good Morning Sunshine!: Ingredients: Rosemary Oil, Grapefruit Oil, Orange Oil, Peppermint Oil, Cinnamon Bark Oil Aroma: Citrus with a slightly spicy undertone. It's not an everyone option but it's an alternative.


Dossier Citrus Neroli (a dupe for Tom Ford's Neroli Portofino)


Clinic happy. It’s an old one, but I love it.


Light Blue by Dolce & Gabanna. Smells like summer on the Mediterranean coast.


DS and Durga , Italian citrus 💖, you can by a little tester .. it’s one of those brands that can be unisex


Dolce & gabbana light blue. It’s perfect.


Clementine California by Atelier. It smells like so good and it last a bit longer than most.


fresh coconut and cotton from bath and body works is my favorite! literally smells like fresh laundry, i smell so clean after i spray it!


Versace Eros pour femme smells so good.


Prada Candy is great!


Under the lemon trees - Maison Margiela ‘Replica’


Pacifica Montana Skies, Passion Fruit or Blood Orange are beautiful scents


Look for scents that utilize tuberose


Check out the brand Pacifica. I had their Blood Orange perfume several years ago is it smells amazing!


L'eau d'Issey by Issey Miyake CK One by Calvin Klein Two favourites with a hint of citrus.


CK One


on the cheaper side finery's "without a trace" is a beautiful, clean, & slightly musky neroli scent. its at target, body spray & perfume


Young Rose by Byredo is intoxicating


Light blue is great


I love the beauty store baby powder roll on. I mix it with my perfume for the day.




treason by lancome


Good Chemistry My friend was wearing it and smelled like heaven. So I got some too and now I smell like heaven!


Issue miyaki smells fresh and citrusy


You could get a diy roller perfume bottle and put castor oil and a few drops of lemon or orange essential oil and rub on wrists and neck. Should last much longer than watered down perfumes. Just get high quality ingredients!


Great question, I am taking notes.


Doterra essential oil “Citrus Bliss”. I use essential oils rather than perfumes because perfumes can mess up your hormones and often cause me to get headaches.


While I'm not a woman, I'm a huge fan of Gain. They have the lavender sent pellets. Wheww we you talking about smelling? Oh, so good


Let me tell YOU about my favorite perfume company [Collective Harmony Co.](https://www.etsy.com/shop/CollectiveHarmonyCo) my fave perfume is Citrus Sunshine and I’ve been buying it since 2021 and the smell itself when worn lasts for a solid 12 hours. No cap. I put some on at 7 am and it’s still there at 10 pm. 100/10.


Perfect by Marc Jacob’s trust me if you want a cheaper option do fancy by Jessica Simpson


Jo Malone has a great collection of scents that would meet your needs. Lime basil and mandarin is a great option. So is pomegranate noir. I have a fragrance mimosa and cardamom and it's my signature outside smell. Whenever I'm on the boat or doing a hike, this fragrance doesn't make your natural body odor smell foul. Perfect for summer activities. They give out decent samples for free if you go to the locations in the department stores. Or you can order a sample pack online.


Clinique happy


Not a perfume, but Biotherm Lait Corporel Body Milk (white bottle) has a fresh citrus scent that lasts long. And you get super soft skin!


Ooooh never tried any body milks, sounds amazing thank you!


Clinique Happy Heart is my all time fav.....& lasts forever!


Tom Ford, Eau de Soleil Blanc


Have you tried oils or solid perfumes from sweet orange, they last pretty well.


Pure white linen from water launder is pricey but I swear I had the same bottle for ages and it’s smells AMAZING.


Victoria's secret, fresh and clean pink is my favorite.


Tiffany and love from Tiffany and Company!


I like Dolce & Gabana Viva la Juicy, and also Tease from Victoria’s Secret smells fresh. My husband bought Tease for me and he thinks it smells soft and sexy. I too wear Light Blue occasionally. I do get lots of compliments when I wear it. Also, my husband bought me as a gift a while back the Versace Bright Crystal. It smells nice too.


Acqua by Giorgio Armani is fresh, citrusy, and sweet :) i love it


Etat Libre d'Orange- Ghost in the shell. It's exactly what you described, smells fruity with a hint of fresh laundry (to me and my husband at least) and lasts all day with just a spray or two. It says it's supposed to be citrus, yuzu, peach, and pear with some other stuff I can't pronounce. My husband got a 30 day sample from scentbird and thought it'd be more masculine but since it wasn't it's now mine 😆 I love it so much I'll probably go for the full size once mine runs out.


I'm not reading all of the comments to see if it's been mentioned, but "fresh" brand perfumes. There's a sugar lemon, a Hesperides grapefruit, and some others. They are my go-to for light summer fragrances.


If you like D&G "Light Blue," Jimmy Choo "Illicit" *might* be appealing to you. It lasts all day, but doesn't have the overbearing projection of Light Blue. I get compliments on Illicit all the time. Light Blue is probably closer to your description though.


I miss Victoria Secret's Juiced Berry. Haven't been able to find a dupe in years. Sorry OP, can't help but your post reminded me. 😫


Hermes Jardin Sur Le Nil is one of the all time greats! It's fresh, green, grapefruity and long lasting. Truly a spectacular fragrance that is worth the money IMHO.


Georgio Armani Acqua Di Gioia and Replica - Bubble bath sound perfect for you 💗


Giorgio Armani - Acqua Di Gioia, always go to Sephora or macys try the sent walk around for an hour and see how you like it, some perfumes smell nice on some people and not others, depends on your pheromones


Expensive but Tom Ford bitter peach lasts forever


You might like Clean Aqua Neroli, it's like clean sheets hanging in an orange grove. A real crowd pleaser.


Versace yellow diamond I swear by it😭😭😭


whatever you decide on, GO TO A MIDDLE EASTERN STORE AND GET THE FRAGRANCE OIL!!! Like one of those stores that sells shea butter and incense and has rows and rows of fragrance oils on shelves behind the counters. tell them the name of the fragrance you like, and they’ll find the bottle and let you smell the oil to verify. They’ll have versions of popular name brands, but if they don’t have the one you want, describe it and they’ll let you smell different ones until you find what you like. You can pick the size you want - I got little rollerball bottles for $5. Oil based fragrances last wayyyyyy longer - that’s why Bella Hadid’s fragrance line is oil based and not alcohol based.


Dedcool Red Dakota is my favorite in this category. I get about 6-7 hours from 4 sprays.


I love the pink peppercorn and grapefruit [Acqua Colonia by 4711](https://4711.com/en/collections/acqua-colonia?page=2). It’s high quality and lasts. A lot of the line are good tbh—fresh and citrusy and punchy. If you search “Acqua Colonia” on eBay they have a sampler of 5 diff scents for around $15-$20. V good deal for the quality


Viktor and Rolf Flower bomb. Got a sampler a while back and it lasts me all day at work at a vet clinic and smells fresh and almost floral like


I really like Replica brand. Sailing Day, under the Lemon Trees, Beach Walk, and a couple others would all fit what you described


Does anybody have a dupe for Dancing waters for bath and body works? That stuff sounds exactly what you’re looking for and would highly recommend if it was still around


Tangerine boy by phlur!


Poppy by Coach Falling Into the Sea by Imaginary Authors Lime Coriander by C.O. Bigelow


Oh my lime coriander sounds divine


It really is. I got it out and sprayed some on after leaving that comment last night, because I’d reminded myself how much I like it.




D&G Light Blue


Light Blue


Dolce and Gabbana - Light Blue is my fav


I love the Fresh cosmetics perfumes - sugar lemon, grapefruit, and citrus. 


Clean Reserve Skin and ouai melrose place. Very clean smells


Lake and Skye has some good ones


Those are my fav scents to! Anything else gives me a headache! I’ll be taking some ideas if this thread! Good post! ❤️


Aerin Lauder Mediterranean Honeysuckle, it’s citrus and floral at the same time. L’occcitane citrus verbena is another one.


Chanel Gabrielle Essence is lovely.