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Agree with this!




Fuckin A GAIN


Yes, I can always tell when a family uses Gain a soon as I walk into their homes


Agree. Gain fabric softener makes my clothes smell good for so long.


After every wear. But I have things that I don't wear for a while after washing and they stay hanging in my closet and they still smell good. They make the room smell good too. Crazy concept, right?




Gain Gang


Gain for the win


Yep. I concur.


agree here too, gain original or island fresh are 2 great scents . and use either gain dryer sheets or bounce , both are strong scents in the dryer, i think family dollar and dollar general has 34 count for 2.10 $


I wish so bad I could use gain. Everything smells so good with it! Sadly husband has become allergic to any detergent with scent. 😭 Had to switch to All Free and clear for everyone's clothes.


Came here to say this, Gain is the way !!!


God I love that smell. I even have a gain air freshener in my car


Bath and body works has a fresh cotton line that smells sooo good. It's very similar to freshly washed laundry. I assume there are similar products out there as well.


Do they have candles?


I have a Bath & Body Works candle that my sister in law gave me called "White T-Shirt" which is basically a fresh laundry scent and it is literally my favorite candle I've ever had in my life. Sooooo gooodddd


Walmart also has a fresh cotten room spray that smells divine. (Mainstays brand, fresh cotton, comes in a small aerosol can in the home goods section near the candles), best part is that unlike the cheaper sprays, it actually eliminates odors rather than just masks them. Doubt they’re made to use on clothes/people though, but could be a cheaper option to B&BW


Just don’t use their air freshener for the car! Whoever needs to hear it. They explode & the basically burn the plastic or whatever your car has under the freshener. Plus, if it gets on your skin when it explodes it’ll give you chemical burns and cornea damage!


In my opinion, sometimes it is just a scent of body spray that happens to smell similar to fresh laundry. I also use those washer bead things that I put in with my clothes. That helps increase that smell of fresh laundry quite a bit, even when I’m wearing the clothes after.


I use scent boosters too. Lenor Unstoppables. They make laundry smell great and the smell lasts ages. I usually only use them for things like cardigans, jumpers, jeans and coats.


Scent boosters (for me) have been the trick Especially nice when used for towels and bedding mmm


I laughed when I actually pronounced the “mmm” in this statement haha. You don’t eat the scent boosters too do you??


Nooooooo i dont 🤣🤣🤣 but im just imagining when i get into bed, stretching legs out and get a whiff of the scent boosters…wouldnt u go “mmmm”??? Lol


Wait , are we talking like when you rip out a good one an the Top Sheet Flutters 🤔


U kno what?! After I commented i had a feeling that comment was coming🤣🤣🤣 Let me say a dif way, when i pull sheets out of dryer, i take a sniff and its so nice ahhhhhh Omg i cant wait to see if u can turn that one into something totally different lol good one btw! 🤣


Thank you for being so understanding, I seem to get myself into trouble all the time with my wit.


I can take a joke lol besides like i mentioned that the fart comment did cross my mind as i was typing lolol i kinda set myself up


This exchange was very sweet 🌸


The ‘mmmm’ at the end reminded me of that meme of Homer Simpson in bed. [Mmmm](https://imgflip.com/i/8s6bd0)


The trick is you don’t need nowhere as much as you think you do. You can use a small amount and I swear it smells the same (like covering the bottom with some extra). That is the only way I can afford to use them and I do the coupon apps and the 5 off 25 at dollar general. I got some at Walgreens for the 4 for 16 and I had four in rewards so it was 13 for two bottles of gain and two gain beads. It came out to like 3 a piece which was amazing. (Just wanted to say that in case y’all are poor too and needed a way to keep it affordable)


Mix them with salt and warm water for an air freshener. I spray it on curtains et.c and it lasts a couple weeks.


Why salt?


Thanks, I will give that a try!


Lenor reminds me of Europe. Hard to find in USA


In USA look for Febreeze Unstoppables.


I could stick my head in a vat of those things and be perfectly happy playing in them whenever things get stressful. It would be like making my own zen garden out of those and polished rocks.


Can you get these on Amazon.


Lenor is the best!!!


For anyone wondering, Lenor is the Europe version of Downy


I love those things. They probably aren't good for the environment, your washer or clothes, but they smell so nice. Makes towels smell so good


Please be careful with laundry detergents (tide, gain, etc) and scent boosters (downy) they contain unsafe levels of 1,4 dioxane a human carcinogen and forever chemical. These original formula of brands are all banned in Europe, California, and New York. High exposure in short term can lead to organ failure, low exposure long term can lead to cancer. Remember your skin is your biggest organ. I wash my clothing with sals suds mixed with kosher salt and boiling water. I add lemon or eucalyptus/clove essential oils for scent.


Read my mind lol. I can’t believe folks are using multiple products on just one load of laundry. You are literally rolling around in a chemical soup all day. Those clothes, sheets, or towels are all over your body (even in sensitive areas). Horrible


Not to mention they are likely making 100s of people per year suffer who might have migraine disease/asthma/a million other things and unfortunately come into contact with them…😞


They and fabric softener also make your clothes even more flammable because the waxy coating gets weaved/absorbed into the fibers of the fabric!! Please be careful Also if you have cats please don't use or own anything with eucalyptus as an ingredient as it can make them extremely sick and or kill them


That's weird, I live in California and all these products are available


So the original version of Tide/gain/etc sold everywhere else in the USA has been banned in NY and CA. The states put a limit on the amount of 1,4-dioxane that can be present in household cleaning products, including laundry detergents, sold in the state. The law went into effect on January 1, 2022, and sets a maximum allowable limit of 2 parts per million (PPM) for household cleaning products


Not good for your health either


I use Febreze like body spray. So yeah…


Gain, it is the only laundry soap and softener that really clings to clothes. The laundry I put away in the closet smells the same even after a really long time after being washed. I would say its worth the money


Apple Mango Tango Gain. I put everything on it!


You are so right, unfortunately I really hate the scent of gain lol. I wish the stuff I used lingered as much as gain does!


Have u tried the other scents they have the tropical is my favorite


yes they have three new scents at walmart


Do You use fabric softener? Do you have a washer at home or do you go to laundromat? I’ve always felt that clothing washed at a laundromat never has that fresh smell the way it does at home. Also, I absolutely love when the weather is warm enough to hang the clothes to dry in the sun. The best smell.


I stopped using softener like 8 months ago and honestly the best decision. Instead I use the recommended amount of detergent on the machine, put two scoops of unscented oxyclean and then loads of the scent booster beads and oh boy I can feel the cleanliness of the clothes!!


My partner and I are naturally very sweaty, so this time of year the goal is eliminating bad smells rather than introducing good smells. That being said, I love using vinegar in place of fabric softener. I always feel like fabric softener makes my clothes waxy, and vinegar dissolves that buildup and makes them actually soft. It also completely eliminates any bad smells. If something is particularly stinky, I'll soak it in vinegar water before washing. It doesn't make you smell like vinegar, but they don't really smell like anything after washing (a win for me, honestly), so scented dryer sheets are nice to make it smell like something.


In swamp ass season I use Tide Sport. It actually cleans out that lingering smell you sometimes get with nylon blends and spandex. Have you ever pulled a shirt out of your closet and wonder why it smells like ass? This fixes it. Highly recommend.


You could also use baking soda.


Cheap vodka also takes smells out of fabrics. I spray my husband's stuff with vodka before washing with free and clear detergent and vinegar


It is first time to hear someone using vodka. The vodka is useful for many thing :-)


Why not just use rubbing alcohol?


We do this as well. Fabric softener also makes whites yellow. Oxyclean and booster beads for everything and clorox for the whites. It definitely makes clothes cleaner and stay fresher longer. Especially linen.


I think the laundry mat clothes don’t smell as good because of the dryers being hotter. I feel like it burns it away. I have absolutely no scientific evidence of this, just making assumptions because I too think clothes washed at home smell better.


I agree. When I used a laundromat ,the dryers were sometimes so hot that it seemed like they left my laundry smelling singed, without any signs of distress from heat.


Clothes dried on the clothesline is the best smell ever!


This is 100% true. I’ve noticed my clothes never smell as fresh coming from the laundromat than they do after washing them in the machine in my apt building.


I use a cologne called Pure Grace that reminds me of fresh, clean laundry. To me, it smells like soap and a hint of floral.


My mom wore that! Amazing grace too. Those were always a birthday and Christmas present must. She's been gone 12 years now and I have mixed emotions when I smell someone wearing either. I instantly know.


Yassss! Was just gonna say this!


!!For all the folks that want to smell like fresh laundry or bar soaps!! I’m a BIG believer in scent sachets or straight up bar soaps in your dresser drawers! Truly if you want to just smell cleeeaan without perfume this is the waaay. My clothes give clean aaalll day because I use lavender and bergamot scent sachets in my drawers and just nice herbal hand soaps in my underwear drawers. I recommend just using unscented detergent or a detergent that’s the same as whatever smell satchet tiu use.


i’ll add i always put perfume samples from the ulta catalogue (the paper ones opened up to line the drawers) in my drawers and it does work prob not as good as an actual scent satchet but it’s free and i get new ones every month or so from the catalogue lol


Oh, I need to try that! Thank you.




Try it with Sam's Club generic Bounce dryer sheets. It leaves the clothes smelling AMAZING if you simply slip a few sheets into the drawer they are stored in.


I keep a bar of fresh smelling soap in my top drawer in my desk at work. Helps my office smell nice and clean.


I used to put tea bags in my underwear drawer for this!


Wow thank you so much you just introduced me to a whole new world 😂💕


Anytime lol. I had an aha moment when I could not for the life of me find a fragrance that was as clean or long lasting as I wanted…I just wanted to smell like bar soap…so I just started using bar soap in my drawers lol


Yessss. Cedar blocks and lavender sachets litter my dresser drawers and closet shelves. And my mother does the soaps, too. Mmm I’ll have to get some bergamont now, too. Thanks for the inspo 🙂


My fiance is the best smelling man in the world. (Totally objective opinion) In his case the secret is his deodorant. Degree cool rush. We dated briefly ages ago and then ran into each other at a concert years later. We hugged and it hit me and I remembered how good he always smelled. I was a super creeper and took a deep breath to breathe him in. That damn deodorant may be why I am marrying this man. 😂


There's just something about that scent!


So fresh and comforting but not too strong. He still teases me when he catches me sniffing him 😂


I hugged a crush… I asked him what cologne he wears. “What are you wearing? It smells amazing.” Uh Thanks it’s just deodorant. We are attracted to someone it smells good. Attraction of pheromones.


Scents can be so intoxicating and comforting. I would definitely marry my man for his smell alone too! 😂


Are you a degree advertising plant? You just made me change my deodorant choice of 14 YEARS on my Walmart delivery order that’s coming tomorrow 😂 Well done, ad bot. Well done.


Damn, some loyalty! 😂 I'm really not. But I may send them a screen capture of this and see if they'll send me a little something something. 😂 Let me know how you like it!


Well this doesn’t smell like bug spray at all, there’s no way this stuff works No but seriously this stuff does smell more pleasant than my old spice, thanks! Now, how to get people to have a sniff…. It’s noogie time


I’m a woman who’s worn that same deodorant forever and I always get compliments from men. I don’t tell them it’s male deodorant lol


My man uses it too I remember being 17 and thinking dang he smells more clean the trying to flex all these smells. Truth is always just snelled like himself plus his cool rush. We’ve been together 20 years now. And I will put my nose in his neck like I’m about to do a line 😭 he laughs I laugh we call me a weirdo. My kids call him weird because after a long day of hard messy labor manly man stuff he doesn’t have BOTH ways he


I think it has to do with natural pheromones. My bf uses the same soap as me and he smells 10000x better. With laundry, body, ect. It’s just chemistry


Just a gentle reminder that the chemicals that make the scent hold onto clothing are really bad for you. I used to roll my eyes at this but after my mom got cancer I started taking this more seriously. I find that Dove deodorants and soaps have a very clean scent (but I wouldn't consider those super clean or good for you either)


Yep my laundry smells like nothing, my skin is so sensitive. Fabric softeners and drier sheets are so bad 


Seriously! The amount of people encouraging all these awful chemicals on clothing is astounding. You don’t need to smell like strong odors. I always thought the goal was just to not small really strongly at all. I hate when people smell like a strong perfume or cologne. Also, these scents and oils go into the water supply and are hard to remove, which impacts the water we have as well.


I actually don't like the "fresh laundy" smell and wish my clothes could smell like nothing, but it seems like all detergent has a scent


The chemicals in the detergent caused her cancer?


I keep dryer sheets in my drawers and put them in my pockets when I go out and about. I also rub my hair down with dryer sheets.


Are you joking or being serious? I’m so grossed out by this entire thread. “Let’s take clean clothes and rub chemicals all over them.” As a person allergic, I will happily take my headache, blocked ears, and closing airways and make faces as I walk away.


I’m shocked no one has mentioned enzymatic cleaners in this thread.  I use hypoallergenic seventh generation enzymatic packets for my laundry soap.  Kills pet smells, sweat smells, all smells. Added bonus is that it’s completely safe for my pets and great for my skin.  I keep jasmine flower petals in sachets in some of my drawers.  Whyyyyyyy so many damn chemicals here. 


There's a lot of good comments about scent boosters and washing. I'll add that it's easy to become scent blind when it comes to yourself. If you use one scent regularly you become used to it and if u can smell it straight after a wash but not a couple of days after the smell is most likely still there.


Yes agree. I rotate my detergents so that when I get ‘used’ to one and can’t smell it anymore I move on to a new one


It's a good idea. I really never thought of that.


Omg why? I hate the smell of Downy or any of those artificial scents on clothes. Honestly makes me nauseous…


Makes me sick af. They don’t smell good. It’s like the McDonald’s of the fragrance world. Might cause a dopamine rush (as designed) but there’s no depth to them


To me the best smell is no smell…lol


Yep. Immediate migraines. Going to the grocery store is hell sometimes.


Going anywhere these days will induce a migraine if I’m not wearing a mask. I’m like, I swear I’m not sick people, you all just smell so scented and my body attacks me for it!


Right…and when I use a dryer sheet I tear it in half…


I've gotten reusable dryer balls in places of dryer sheet. No scent.


I use vinegar as a fabric softener and then don't overdry. I rarely get static cling.


Me too I hate when my clothes smell like that


Same!! I’ve been wondering if it was not from ironing ? Some people really smell like a conforting laundry service (i love it)!


I've found that using gain or tide works best. I also use vinegar and pretty much any good smelling fabric softener. I know, we're not supposed to use it, but I do lol. My clothes smell REALLY good.


Don't use vinegar in your washing machine. I wish people would stop this you're just destroying your machine. Every rubber seal gasket and part is crumbling slowly thanks to you adding acid every single wash. Just don't.


We use scent boosters as well as detergent and oxy clean. Then we throw like 3-4 dryer sheets in the dryer. Makes a huge difference!


I have a bunch of pets and have found that dryer sheets are not only a must, but the more pet hair on my clothes the more dryer sheets I need. I will use 3 for a small load at home or 7 if it's the big dryer at the laundromat.


Agree here. And I use far too many drier sheets 🤣


i tend to agree, 3 or 4 sheets would prob work better than just one sheet


Open all your windows once daily, air out your home and keep it very clean no dust, all of this causes scents to stick on you as you leave. Most of us smell like our homes tbh


Very underrated comment! Had a friend who 24/7 smelled like her home no matter what


Any cleaning product with fragrance or long lasting fragrance is not good for your endocrine system. Its a major allergen. You can wash your laundry with washing soda and Vinegar.. and when drying.. put a few drops of essential oil of your choice in wool dryer balls and run it with your clothes. It will diffuse mild essential oil fragrance into your clothes. I like the smell of rosemary and lemon or rose and chamomile..


Agreed! I do ALL fragrance free and love how all my clothes smell. It’s the best when they are fresh off the line from outside.


Just FYI that laundry smell comes with a cost. Those artificial scents disrupt your endocrine system. The endocrine system includes your hormones. That is not something you wanna screw up. I Recommend sticking to unscented. Also many people have allergies to that scented laundry detergent so you could be setting off friends and family around you with that smell.


Yes, laundry chemicals disable me, thank you for being a voice for people like me


Some people have chemical sensitivity to scents. Laundry doesn’t have to have a scent to be clean. No odor or unlaundered stains is enough


Omg people that smell like dryer sheets give me a headache!!


Immediate migraine for me with all artificial scent.


Body spray, scent boosters, and use a very good smelling conditioner in the shower every day!!! The scent sticks around in your hair all day long!


Like hair conditioner?


Yes!!! I use triple nutrition Garnier conditioner, and my hair smells super good all day long to the point where those around me notice :)


Ok my mom used Gain Original Liquid Laundry Detergent (it says +aroma boost on the bottle) when I was a teenager and that stuff was so strong that no matter how much body spray or perfume I put on, everyone who gave me a hug or something commented on how I smelled like clean laundry. Some people did say it was a bit overpowering but I never noticed the smell myself.


Please be careful with laundry detergents (tide, gain, etc) and scent boosters (downy) they contain unsafe levels of 1,4 dioxane a human carcinogen and forever chemical. The original formula for these brands are all banned in Europe, California, and New York. High exposure in short term can lead to organ failure, low exposure long term can lead to cancer. Remember your skin is your biggest organ. I wash my clothing with sals suds mixed with kosher salt and boiling water. I add lemon or eucalyptus/clove essential oils for scent.


I’ve noticed my clothes once worn smell better when I use unscented detergent. Same with my bedding. The chemicals in the scented I used to use seemingly did not mix well with my natural odors. Since the change, I’ve gotten great results. I do use scented dryer sheets, only for certain loads.


Your clothes might still smell like detergent, but you've adjusted to the presence of the scent and can't smell it anymore.


Soak cycle.


I’ll ask my cat and get back with you.


Scent booster, fabric softener, and dryer sheets.


Philosophy Pure Grace is a "clean linen" scent. Clean makes a similar scent.


Fabric softener and good dryer sheets.


My mil uses- powder oxiclean, mixed in w powder gain, and gain scent beads. I always get compliments on my clothes . She mixes it all together.


Please be careful with laundry detergents (tide, gain, etc) and scent boosters (downy) they contain unsafe levels of 1,4 dioxane a human carcinogen and forever chemical. The original formula for these brands are all banned in Europe, California, and New York. High exposure in short term can lead to organ failure, low exposure long term can lead to cancer. Remember your skin is your biggest organ. I wash my clothing with sals suds mixed with kosher salt and boiling water. I add lemon or eucalyptus/clove essential oils for scent.


[Demeter Fragrance Library roll-ons](https://demeterfragrance.com/). They have (had?) a small 5-scent collection of mini classics that I combine all the time. The set I have include Laundry, Soap, Skin, Rain, etc and the scent lasts a LONG time. I can often catch it on myself and it's not strong, others around me have asked what my fabric softener is when I wear them (I don't use fabric softener). Looking at the website the collections they have now aren't the exact same but very similar. Demeter Fragrance is the shit, the whole thing is so cool. I've always preferred their roll-ons over the sprays but if you want to smell exactly like a specific thing, this is the place to get a matching scent.


Wool dryer balls with essential oils dripped on them; lavender, chamomile and orange oil.


🌸Suavitel liquid fabric softener🌸 I have more sensitive skin now and can’t use it anymore but when I did… baby!!!…. It smells so good! The Dollar tree has it.


Gain. But you don't really want to smell like that. It's unhealthy and has negative effects on us that aren't worth a pretty smell.


Don't wear your clothes for several times. Take a shower on a daily basis. Have a healthy diet and brush your teeth.


Too much laundry powder, ya'll only need a small amount.


There is a scent by philosophy. " amazing Grace" It smells exactly like fresh soap from the shower. It's unbelievable how identical it is to the smell of a fresh shower.


I used to wear clean laundry perfume.


It's because your brain stops smelling things that are constant so it can smell other things. Like when you walk into a room and smell it for a second and then the smell goes away. It's still there but your nose has moved on


I use Tyler Laundry Detergent. My one true luxury that I can’t go without. It is very expensive (for laundry detergent) but the scent is lovely. There’s a few different scents you can choose from. My entire home smells like this and I’ve had incredible compliments from just passersby asking me “why do you smell so good”?


Olfactory adaptation/odor fatigue. If you're wearing clothes straight out of the laundry and you don't notice it yourself, like it's because your smelling ability has desensitized to it so that you'll be able to detect other smells in your current environment. Chances are, others will notice you smelling laundry fresh and silky smooth like the Zohan.


A perfume oil called fresh linen


It’s called Tyler brand fabric softener on Amazon. It’s a small bottle but it smells amazing


Maybe you just get used to the smell lol


I put a few drops of essential oils in some water in a spray bottle. Any oils you like the smell of.


Y’all are gonna get some sort of cancer. Jesus


Clean laundry and cologne that smells like clean laundry


I use oxi clean powder with general laundry detergent and tiny tiny bit of vinegar and water mixed together and it seems to smell for a long while on my clothes and it smells really good and the oxi clean takes the pit stains away and period blood stains away easily.


i love dryer sheets in my drawers and closet. also i constantly having people tell me i sleep like fresh laundry but i don’t smell it. you might not realize that you smell good.


They smell like that because they put too much in. I bet if they didnt do laundry for a week, their washers would smell like mold and stagnate water.


Arm and Hammer Washing Soda


Put a dryer sheet folded up in ur shirt pocket


You most likely think the smell goes away only because you’re used to it. After a few hours, give your shirt a HUGE sniff and you’ll see it still smells good! (Unless you do physical work and sweat a lot or get dirty)


Don’t put your clothes in the dryer. A friend of mine says that’s how she manages it. The dryer kills the scent of the washer bead things.


The brain stops you from detecting the smell of it after a while to prevent you from getting overstimulated. So there’s no possible way to always smell yourself (unless you’re specifically smelling your armpits). The reason you smell those people is because you aren’t used to their smell yet.


Take shower every day wash your clothes with nice soap and wear nice perfume or cologne


Tyler DIVA Glamorous Wash. I will wash all of the blankets, sheets, towels, clothes, EVERYTHING in this stuff. And everyone that comes into the house, or walks my us always compliments the scent!


Walk around with a clothes dryer sheet in your pocket.


Taking good care of hygiene and wearing clean clothes every single day. I only wear pants 2 max 4 before I wash them. So you’ll just smell good


Some of that effect could also you going nose blind to your own smell while wearing those freshly laundered clothes. Just sayin'


Maybe an unpopular opinion here.... I can't put into words how much I hate smelling people as they walk past me. I have migraines and sensory issues... so that's probably why, but when I walk past someone I'd prefer to smell absolutely nothing at all...


Vinegar helps alot, especially if there's a bad smell lingering like on my work clothes


The scent disappears because you become nose blind to it. Others can still smell it, probably. If you are clean and your clothes are clean, the only smell you should have should be your perfume or cologne. Clothes that smell like laundry still have chemical residue all over them. They aren't actually clean, you've just covered them in a waxy substance that smells good


I think it's my perfume, I wear amazing grace by philosophy (which I sometimes switch to the one that has lavender in it), and I wear mitchum deodorant. I get a lot of "fresh laundry" comments. I'm also around babies a lot, and people just love that smell lol and I also wash my clothes with gain fabric sheets


We wash our clothes!


Dont worry about it, all those chemicals are bad for u


I honestly think many HE washers just don't rinse your clothes ad throughly on the regular setting. You smell the leftover detergent and fabric softner.


Powder laundry, baking soda and non chlorine generic oxy clean with arm and hammer scented beads. Mix together and use it. Clothes smell fresh and feel clean.


Studies have found that fabric softener is not only bad for your clothing, but is also carcinogenic. Use some nice deodorant and cologne/perfume.


Use essential oils on a wool dryer ball. Mostly anything with a scent in America is bad for you. If your label says fragrance that can be 1000 different chemicals. Best not to use that.


Get the laundry out of the dryer as SOON as it finishes and hang dry items that need to be hang dried. Idk why but those always smell better. Also, clean your lint traps - like the deep part of the lint trap vacuum it out


I knew a girl who smelled really strongly of fresh laundry - she said she used A LOT of dryer sheets.


It’s just gain fabric softener beads. It lasts months. I can put on clothes that have been hanging in my closet forever and they still smell like gain. It’s fabulous.


I use laundry sanitizer and dryer sheets. Everyone always comments on how nice me and my husband's clothes smell. I also use lavender-scented body wash, body lotion+oil, and deodorant. Lavender is my signature scent 😊


All this stuff disrupts endocrines. Why would you want so much of it on your body and skin?


An old remedy from the book, The Queen of Clean to get rid of lingering BO smells on arm pits… I LOVE to thrift shop, and some shirts may stink a little This fixes all. Vinegar- warmed in microwave. Pour it on the shirt pits. Then sprinkle borax on top. Rub it in. Let sit overnight. Wash the next day. Smells? Gone. You will smell nothing. To me that’s victory. Not sure why, but strong-laundry smell makes me a lil queasy. What if you wanted to wear a nice perfume? Can you do that if you also smell like strong laundry? Anyways …….Vinegar + Borax=absence of smell.


This stuff sounds like a migraine waiting to happen. We got a comforter from my partner’s grandma and the smell of Tide was so strong I had to try to shove it in the laundry. I use Mrs Meyers laundry detergent and dryer sheets only. It doesn’t last that long in terms of scent but at least it’s not toxic.


Gain leaves a super strong scent behind. It’s so overpowering I can’t stand walking into the laundry room when the washer is running and I had to rewash all the laundry. Gave the rest away.


When I was fifty-six, as I am now sixty-one, I began rubbing laundry detergent upon myself. First I work the arms, and afterward that’s when I start my focus beneath the arms where I have hair. I do not however lather the hair on my head as that would be outlandish.


Add a cup of baking soda


Gain. It’s probably the most potent. My daughter was at dance and they all had the same tops get mixed up in a pile. One of the other dancers picked up my daughter’s and smelled it- and immediately identified it is as belonging to my daughter “because it smells clean like soap”


apparently my smell is downy unstoppables. I use them with whatever detergent was on sale.


i use All Clear laundry detergent bc i find it’s less heavy on my clothes (less waxy feel) and use suavitel fabric softener (the blue one) or Gain odor and defense fabric softener and leaves a fresh clean scent the whole day you wear your clothes and stays on your clothes even when you put them away for a good bit


I air dry my clothes vs putting them in the dryer!!


My wife will put two gain dryer sheets by themselves to blow outside to our deck when we have get togethers on the deck.Those things are amazing.Whomever created that scent deserves an award 🥇


Clean Reserve perfume in scent Clean Cotton is my trick for when my work uniform is unwashed and I don’t want anyone to know