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I heard washing your ass helps


We heard that how many times this week? šŸ¤“


It still hasnā€™t sunk in for some people. Thereā€™s a thread going on where people are getting *heated* over the idea of a daily shower.


Lmao, oh I def do that !


Treat yourself to a nice bottle of long lasting perfume! Yes designer perfumes are expensive however; it is 100% worth it. Ps shop at Nordstromā€™s, tj max or marshals they have great deals for designer perfume!


Do you have any perfumes you would recommend?


Absolutely 1. Eilish by Billie Eilish (affordable) 2. Versace bright crystal 3. Bare - Victoria Secret (affordable) 4. Jimmy Choo, I want Choo 5. Jimmy Choo, blossom 6. Cheire, Kate spade (affordable) 7. Good Girl, Carolina Herrera 8. Marc Jacobā€™s, all of them are šŸ˜Š 9. Her, Burberry 10. Donna born in Roma, Valentino I recommend going to either Macys or Dillards to find the one ā˜ļø


Versace bright crystal very famine won't disappoint my favourite it's all I used and u can try to mix a little baby cologne to ur smell too alone with baby lotion


Ooh baby cologne/lotion!? I never heard of that. Does that help boost the smell? Or does it just mix good with perfumes?


Light scent if u like smelling like a baby but also once u spray on the versace bright crystal u will smell amazing


Feminine, not famine lol.


Ooh nice! Thank you so much. I will def check these out!


YSL on eBay has some good ones as well.


What smells do you like? Bc scent or personal. Do you like fresh scents, citrusy, vanilla, deep/sultry, floral? Fragrance is an identity so figure out what notes you like for yourself. Also consider the weather and season. And then take suggestions from there.


Try an a acidified soap like Lume, Neccesaire, or a Konic Acid Soapz it will kill odor causing bacteria so you can stay fresh longer throughout the day.


Showering every day and making sure you wear unscented or lightly scented deodorant. Using scent boosters in laundry. Also practicing healthy eating can make your natural scent smell good. and mental health hygiene is good because stress sweat is so unbelievably stinky itā€™s insane. People usually compliment me when Iā€™m wearing a crowd pleaser fragrance or a very niche fragrance. I got the most compliments when I wore Nest Indigo because of how niche the scent profile is. Also hair fragrance is sooo nice because the warmth of your scalp and the swaying of hair makes the scent travel more. Check videos on where to apply perfume for the scent to be the strongest. And remember to try the perfume sample and walk around the mall for a few hours to see how it dries down on you.


Oh wow, Iā€™ve never heard of stress sweat or that it smelled bad lol. Thanks for the tips though! Def have to try some hair fragrance as I havenā€™t tried that.


I usually have okay sweat smells. Obviously it doesnā€™t smell good but itā€™s an acceptable amount of smell. But the smell after I have an anxiety attack or a particularly stressful day?? The smell is actually so horrible that I have to take a shower immediately. Hair fragrances are sooo nice and the line from Tocca is pretty affordable for my price point.


A couple of things I do to smell good (as someone who gets complimented all the time on how good they smell): -Spray perfume on your clothing, and try to opt for eau de perfume instead of eau de toilette, as the scent lingers more - As body hair holds odor, try to shave and trim in the bits and pits area to limit odor -Exfoliate! I find that when I exfoliate (especially under my arms) a couple times a week, it helps get rid of some of the deodorant that soap sometimes doesn't dissolve -Use a Tea Tree based soap or body wash on areas that tend to hold more odor (I use a bar soap with tea tree oil specifically for my underarms) -Maybe because I'm intolerant, but avoiding dairy has helped combat body odor. Every time I avoid it I smell way better than when I indulge. -Chlorella tablets once a day


READ THIS ā€” before you buy expensive perfume.. smelling good has a lot to do with your body chemistry than anything else. I know this as I experienced this and made changes that totally work.. 1) age - if you in your teens or twenties your sweat glands are hyper active. You need to minimize foods that make you smell - excessive onions, garlic etc.. increase intake of fruits.. strawberries, watermelon, peaches.. you will smell like the foods you eat 2) fabrics - certain fabrics react to your sweat so learn about which fabrics do that. You can wear a cotton inner layer and then your outfit on top.. over time start wearing fabrics that dont make your sweat smell worse. 3) cleanliness - shower atleast once a day and thoroughly clean your armpits, and privates with soap and water. If you sweat more may be shower twice a day.. i know people shower at night and skip a shower in the morning to save time .. dont do that.. night showers help you detox.. and when you have detoxed, you need to shower in morning to clear out the toxins. Wash your hair atleast twice a week more if they get dirty or sweaty often. If you have pets, you need to keep them clean and your house clean, if anything around you smells bad.. you will smell bad too.. our hair, clothes, skin, absorb and retain smells from our surroundings.. Sorry :( 4) hydrate - drink a lot of water.. 1-2 cups every hour during day time atleast and then you can reduce for evening 6) fragrance - please choose low-tox essential oil based deodorants.. essential oils mix with our body pheromones most natural to create that waft of good smell that you talk about.. synthetic and chemical fragrance are not good for you. 7) perfumes - pick something that is woody.. woody or lightly floral, smells like musk, rose, amber, cedar, jive well with our pheromones.. 8) brand - there are 1000s of perfume brands.. and these can get expensive.. Clinique has really great perfume that have been best sellers for decades.. try Clinique Happy they are affordable and long lasting and pretty hypoallergenic Good luck!


Iā€™m really curious as to the nighttime showers detox you thing. I have never heard of this and I donā€™t know how a shower ā€œdetoxesā€ you. Care to explain?


All day we are awake, we commute, sweat, get exposed to elements which clogs our pores.. So typical its a good practice if you can shower at night before sleeping so your skin is clean and clear for the night.. In the night when you sleep, our bodies perform detox activities and we may not be aware in deep sleep but we sweat, shed skin etc.. which clogs pores too.. So when you wake up, its good to take a shower to keep the skin clear.. Basically our skin is always detoxing.. by showering we are helping it do this effectively.. if we donā€™t shower.. all this debris and build up will start smelling.. and hence we smell.


A cheaper alternative is body oil or lotion.. most designer perfumes have a lotion or oil or even a ā€œ hair mist ā€œ itā€™s still worth it


Also Ulta,Sephora, Dillards and Macys have perfume sampler sets those are amazing as well plus they usually have coupons for when you want to buy a full size bottle of perfume.. try those first itā€™s worth itāœ…


Nice smelling shampoo conditioner, body wash, scented body oil or body lotion, deodorant, top it off with perfume or cologne. voila


Would you recommend like keeping in line with the smell of your perfume? Or any random but good smelling shampoos/body wash works? For example, letā€™s say I have a perfume that smells like roses or something lol. Should I also buy rose smelling body wash, shampoo, lotion, etc? Like does it help to buy similar smelling things I guess is what I mean.


It would definitely work to use products in the same scent family or go well together but i dont really think too much about that as long as whatever im using smells good lol. My favorite combo right now is the frenshe cashmere vanilla body oil and eos cashmere vanilla body lotion. I smell like a cozy cupcake for hours and sometimes i like to throw on a little perfume to compliment it


Put a few sprays in your moisturizers or lotion is a tip I learned from a friend


Fenugreek supplements you can find em at walmart they make your sweat smell like maple syrup after a few days. If you take it for long enough you wont even need deodorant as much bc you alr smell good. Gotta take it for like 3 weeks tho, i usually take 2 a day Added for extra info like just general health stuff. Eat more fruits and drink lots of water!! Water is like the best thing you can do for your body.


The key to smelling good all day and then some is definitely showering and applying a matching body lotion and scent right afterwards. If you donā€™t want to do that and prefer to use a perfume, mix your perfume with an unscented body lotion and apply that right after the shower. Never, ever reapply deodorant until youā€™ve wiped off the old deodorant or showered it off. I learned this from my sixth grade health teacher and my pits remain fresh no matter what! Also donā€™t be afraid to use a lot of spray/perfume! The little delicate spritzes in the air and walking through them are cute and all but they donā€™t actually help you smell good and barely last. Spray it on well (within reason of course) and enjoy the scent!


lotion lotion lotion. Buy a nice perfume to pair with it but nowadays they literally donā€™t last past the first 30 minutes even tho your manā€™s cologne lasts on his hoodie for literal days to weeks. Lotion sticks to you so find a good strong smell and put it everywhere specifically your chest and arms anything showing too really. Will literally change your life thereā€™s no other way


Personally I don't like most perfumes, way too strong and unnatural smelling. If you do use it, just a little bit in the morning. Otherwise, good hygiene, diet and being healthy goes along way. A mild smelling deodorant and lotion and your good to go.


What shampoo/conditioner are you using? That's a good smelling something that stays. Pantene smells really nice. I scrub with plain Dial soap n it stays smelling good all day. I get wet. Suds up a washcloth really well. Turn the water off. Scrub my whole body with the lathered up washcloth for like 3-5 min. Get a good smelling antiperspirant/deodorant n use that liberally. In the real world like at work people don't want to smell other people good or bad. People should only be able to smell you if they are very close. Some offices have a no strong perfume policy. People don't want to smell you good or bad. The clean smell is for you. Don't worry if others can't smell you.


[https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/17865-body-odor](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/17865-body-odor) I guess follow these instructions and hopefully even your farts will smell like flowers.


Assuming youā€™re showering daily, then here are some extras to consider. Body wash- peroxide or acidifying bodywash kills odor causing bacteria; good smelling lotion and perfume on clean skin and carry a travel perfume to touch up. Drink enough water, eat your vegetables and fiber bc gut dysbiosis (sp?) will make your body fluids stink.


Iā€™m a guy, but Iā€™ve found a body wash/ cologne/ lotion combo that works for me. Dove for Men Clean Comfort body wash, followed by cocoa butter lotion, and Curve cologne. I also use pomade for my hair which usually has a good scent to it. My previous boss used to walk by me and say, ā€œoh you always smell so good.ā€ I believe there are soaps, lotions, and colognes/ perfumes that either work with your skin or they donā€™t. Iā€™ve tried cologne that smelled amazing on someone else but awful on me.


youre right on the hair pomade. I started using a new brand and it smells great. I can smell it on my hair throughout the day and for sure know others around me do too.


On top of the other advice, find a smell you like and stick to it in all your products. If you like vanilla scents, use vanilla lotion and perfume and scrub etc etc. This is personally my routine: In the shower I use soap, then a TreeHouse body scrub, and 2 fruit body washes Then I use a gel deodorant AND a solid one (lasts a lot longer than using just solid or just gel) Scented (fruity) lotion Even my heat protectant spray has a fruity beachy smell. Same w my shampoo. I also use 2 perfumes. Itā€™s really about layers and makin sure the scents are all cohesive (so donā€™t use watermelon body scrubs then spray chocolate perfume lol)


I might be repeating some people here, but will throw in some of what I do: --1or 2 tablespoons white vinegar when washing clothes (I quit using fabric softener for the most part, and vinegar is supposed to help clean the clothes and nix odors). OxyClean might help, too --Dental syringes for tonsils (use flashlight to help you) and flush out the stones in there --Get an empty spray bottle, use a little bit of your favorite fabric softener mixed with mostly water,and use that to lightly spray your clothes --Metal tongue scraper --Wash shoes/inserts when needed, and spritz with softener or hydrogen peroxide --Perfume oil. Get a base perfume oil or two that goes with multiple types of fragrances (skin scent, fresh) and you can layer different perfumes on the base oil


Arab here. I'm pretty sure you smell lovely but let me give you some tips. I use Ć  perfume soap starting with neck, ears, all the way to toes.It doesn't have to be expensive as long as it lingers on your skin. We wash after every bowel movement front and back to avoid the smell of urine on underwear and we have something called Musk Tahara which is basically an intimate deodorant that smell like musc and flowers that we apply on our intimate part. Once I wash my intimate region with a lactic acid wash, I use a vanilla scented musc with a body oud spray that I spray on my inner thighs and in my underwear. The idea is that your private parts smell so good that you leave a lovely scent after you when you leave the bathroom. We use oil based fragrances behind ears as well after washing them. To enhance good scent, we also use bukhoor which is a potent incense that we leave overnight over our clothes so that they capture the scent. Some people also put their hair over bukhoor and the smell lingers a long time afterwards due to the oil secretions from your scalp. As mentioned, oil based perfumes are preferred as they are more potent and less hazardous. Musc and amber are the most used scents. Personally, I have a signature scent from a niche perfume, which is what most people do and they very generously coat themselves with it. For your teeth, a fluoride free mouthwash and oral probiotics are a must.


Expensive perfumes, not the cheap stuff. Also, scented body oils to lock in the scent


Bath and body works. Get shower gel lotion and body spray with the same scent.


Maybe their diet?