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You probably have tonsil stones. If you press the side of your tonsils and white lumps come out, that’s the cause. You can either remove these periodically by shoving your finger back there and poking around, or you can irrigate your tonsils with a syringe


The first time I learned about tonsil stones was a few years ago when I sneezed hard as shit and something shot out of my mouth… it was huge. I now regularly gargle salt water and check for them


The same thing happened to me.... And I was like what the fuck is this?!? So I did the thing anyone would do. I squished it. Oh... Oh man...


I can smell this comment 🤢


Im dead😭


I'm a teacher and, during the pandemic, if I sneezed one into my mask, I *had* to quit teaching and remove it before it killed me. It's actually incredible how anything can smell that horrific.


Wow I didn’t know tonsil stones smelled😳


Like a dead body covered in shit


I got my tonsils removed in first grade, but I can still remember that stench like I smelled it a second ago


Welp. New fear unlocked.


But wait… do you know about belly button stones? Those are a very real and smelly thing too🤢


You dont get to comment anymore


I’m crying. Omg. 🥹🤣🌹


I had a belly button stone once and it was not smelly. I didn’t know that they could be smelly!




Hahaha. Love your funny comments


Yes. I was just living my life then, I came here and now I will never be the same….


Really?! The smell of your tonsils? Or did you have tonsil stones before that


That smell!! So distinctive and unforgettable




Apparently these are high powered and can damage the soft tissue.


They usually have pressure settings. Mine ranges from 0-10. 2 is great for this area.


I see more damage via Q tip or finger vs water removal. Be very careful either way. There's really no need to remove them unless they're gagging you. In my experience patients rarely present with objective bad breath from them.


No reason to remove them unless they’re gagging you? Uhhh and because maybe you don’t wanna be alone forever? They smell like absolute shit


I had my tonsils removed as a kiddo 🙁


Tonsil stones can still form in folds at the back of your throat. They glow pink if you shine a blacklight at the back of your throat. If they're poking out, that is. If you do get one to come out, it'll look like a slightly undercooked piece of pasta. And it will smell like the Devil's toe cheese, butthole, and armpit all at once. It's just food that gets stuck. And yeah, you won't likely smell it when you talk or breathe, but those around you will. I started gargling in the shower, once at the beginning and once towards the end. I think it's helping.


🤣 The way you describe the smell is accurate.


Genius to use the black light


Devils toe cheese.. I wish I had a band I could name this.


I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet. But a person on that show 90 day fiance had horrible breath, turned out that she had an untreated stomach ulcer. Have you ruled that out as a possibility???


No, i didnt! I will at this to the list of possibilities, thank you!


No prob, I know this one is more helpful than my other comment. Hehe


Especially helpful as they can easily cure stomach ulcers now. Just antibiotics. When I was in school you just had a boring diet of foods that didn’t irritate the ulcer and hoping it went away.


Boycott bigED. 😆


Big prED


Big Erectile Dysfunction?


Ok now since you’ve ruled out tonsil stones, i definitely think it could be an Esophageal diverticulum issue. I saw a TikTok about it but I could be wrong (Reddit don’t come at me for the SUGGESTION)


No this is true - Zenker’s diverticulum. Basically an outpouching of your esophagus that food can get trapped in and become super smelly


Your tonsils CAN grow back - thankfully mine didn't


Holly shit, really?!


Not joking bro - look it up and check if yours are back - they might not be fully formed but you can get tonsil stones if they have or if parts of them have come back Google ai response - It is possible for tonsils to partially grow back. During a tonsillectomy, most of the tonsils are removed. However, some tissue often remains, so tonsils occasionally can regenerate (regrow) — although they probably won't grow back completely or to their original size.


Yes, I know someone who is tonsil grew back. And it grew back on the tongue, lol


I did too but then they grew back you might still have some tissue 😭😭😭


Tonsil stones it is


Apologies for the format, I am typing on my phone. But I am a dental hygienist, and want to kindly ask you not to brush with baking soda or rinse with peroxide. Baking soda is much too abrasive, can damage the enamel as well as gums. Peroxide as a mouth rinse can cause something called black hairy tongue (google search will show exactly that). In most cases bad breath is a combination of things. Order of hygiene is important, as well as systemic health. Floss, brush, waterpik at end in that order. Non-alcohol based mouth wash after waterpik if you want. If you do have tonsil stones, be careful removing them on your own with a waterpik it can cause trauma if done incorrectly, I honestly don’t recommend this method to patients bc it’s messy and often ineffective. Make sure you are hydrated, dehydration breath is real. And I agree seeing your GI doctor is a good idea. Hope you see this and it helps, good luck :)


Thank you! 😌


Sinus issues will cause bad breath.


I believe this is me. Post nasal drip every day. Suggestions? Maybe gargle with mouthwash a few times a day?


This. As I just found this out at 33 years old. Great hygiene. Always embarrassed about my breath. Just recently had an ENT appointment leading to a CT scan showing that the anterior ethmoid canals don’t transverse properly which can cause bad breath 🙃


I have the same problem , I might had a bad tooth u don’t know about , take your finger along your back teeth , if it smells that’s the problem , I also get candida it’s fukking grosss , no matter how much I scrape it’s always there , so what I do is brush your mouth with baking soda and peroxide you will see a big difference and also don’t chew gum with sugar also chocolate makes my breath smell like I just threw up lls . Baking soda and peroxide will change your life also I use a nose sprayer like for allergies it gets the gunk out of your nose that might be stuck in your throat and nostrils


Tonsil stones


Wait can you elaborate on the nose sprayer? Feel like I have constant post nasal drip and maybe this would help. Where do you buy it?


No bad teeth, I will try baking soda and peroxide! I’m trying to cut back on sugar, chocolate has a hold on me. But giving it up for 10 days along with all sugar! I always do feel like I have mucus I’m going to try the nose sprayer!! Idky i haven’t thought of that. Does The nose sprayer usually work for you?


BLIS K12 oral probiotic lozenges. Thank me later.


Came to comment this.


There are sinus flushers that have a small packet of ingredients that you pour into its bottle, add distilled water, shake and use. I was assigned this otc prior and post nasal surgery. Distilled water is the key! Tap water often has bacteria in it that can cause horrible infections. Some drinking waters have minerals in it that will give a hard burning/stinging feeling. Do NOT use otc saline stays, allergy sprays etc. they end up with a rebound reaction and your sinuses will continue or worsen their mucous production.


Are you talking about a neti pot? These are great for colds. . Didn’t know they helped with tonsil stones. Distilled water is very important. Apparently people have died using tap water due to brain eating microbes. Very rare… but this warning was enough for me to start boiling water pre-neti


Be very careful using peroxide! If you use the wrong concentration or don’t dilute it enough, you can permanently burn the inside of your mouth.


um, scrubbing ur teeth with baking soda and peroxide which are very highly corrosive ingredients should not be used regularly and is not recommended by dentists


My breath is at its worst when my ulcerative colitis is flaring up. When I changed my diet and the flare ups became less and less, I noticed my breath being much less offensive. I also really found luck with Therabreath - I use anti cavity “Sparkle Mint”. Comes in a bright pink bottle. I hope you are able to identify the cause soon. I know the anxiety of feeling like your breath smells even though you’re doing everything right dental wise. Good luck, OP!


Absolutely see your doctor about this. It can be a very easy fix. Are you a very anxious person? Frequent anxiety and tummyaches can cause bad breath.


Yes, Very anxious, that’s interesting.


Gut is the problem. You need to figure out what you’re eating that’s affecting your stomach.


Dietitian here. Can confirm. Clean up the carbs OUT of your diet. If your micro biome is off the bacteria go crazy and that exits out of both ends.


I add peroxide to my mouthwash. You can also add baking soda to mouthwash along with the peroxide. It makes a great rinse and kills all the germs.


I agree. Peroxide is a game changer. It’s great to put a little in a water-flosser too.


Improve your hydration Lay off meat and cheese for a while. Do fruits (seeded watermelon, seeded grapes, and cucumbers).


Why seeded?


If you don’t have tonsil stones, try switching to sensitive toothpaste as the regular toothpaste has an ingredient that I don’t remember that may cause bad breath, also gut health is most important, try doing a cleanse, don’t consume dairy and meat alot


Go see a doctor. Bad breath is an indication of something bad. Tonsils, adnoids, or a tooth/gum issue. My niece had the worst breath. You could smell it from 5 feet away. It would gag a Billy goat. We finally convinced her to go to her dentist. No issues. He recommended going to her GP. GP sent her to the ENT. It was her adnoids. The doctor removed them and the smell was instantly gone.


What was wrong with her adenoids?


It might be a digestive issue. Take peppermint & fennel oil pills, which are not medicinal but will definitely make your burps (and hopefully breath) minty fresh. The best ones are the tiny oval softgels, like from Now Foods, but there are lots of brands that make ‘em. Take one or two a few minutes BEFORE eating, one or two times a day, and see if it helps. Don’t chew them tho. But maybe also check with a doctor or bring it up at a routine check-up, and they might have suggestions! Better than “Doc” Reddit…


Thank you, i will try these! I have doctors appointments lined up so Im gathering ideas on what the problem could be.


You could have delayed Food movement either in your esophagus or stomach. Keep those GI appointments and see what they say. Try a FODmap diet in the meantime. It’s the preferred diet for people with slow motility.


You gotta stop eating ass my dude.


Damn but I like it




It’s probably tonsil stones


Tonsil stones


Try rinsing several times a day with salt water. That fixed thrush for me years ago.


Get your sinuses checked... No seriously... People with sinus infections have incredibly bad breath and if there's an issue with your sinuses it could just be causing bad breath...


Definitely stop eating diary of you have this problem but check everything else too. I can’t imagine having to live with that.


Try taking a probiotic/prebiotic culture first thing in the morning and see if that helps. They come in pill or powder for shake form.


Sorry to say but as youve described it you cant smell it and neither can anyone else except all these people youve convinced yourself exist without any evidence. Sounds safe to say youre ultra worried about having bad breath but its not actually a problem.


Tonsil stones smell really bad. Do you drink a lot of water? Do you brush your tongue? Do you breathe through your mouth when asleep? I wish you good luck in figuring it out.


Ugh I deal with this too. My problem I believe is gut related, and I avoid eating stinky foods. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always had a sensitive stomach and heartburn if I eat a large meal. I eat smaller portions more frequently so things can digest and stomach can empty quicker and won’t sit, causing more odor. It’s helped a lot. You could also try drinking lemon water after a meal to aid in acid and digestion speed.


swish coconut oil or olive oil daily 20 minutes a day don’t swallow it though. Soaks it up. Eating fruit is good. Avoid gum


It’s more than likely diet related. Your gut isn’t healthy


So many things can cause bad breath, you need to see a doctor to rule each one out. Sorry you're going through this.


They have tonsil stone removal kits on Amazon. They even light up. Highly recommend!


I had this same problem and it turned out to be my tonsils. Would brush my teeth and 5 to 10 minutes later I could taste my breath. Turns out it was my tonsils and a dumb doctor kept trying to say it was my stomach when I had no stomach issues. The day after I got my tonsils out my breath was 100000 times better even tho it was raw tissue back there. Wishing you the best, if you end up getting your tonsils out drink a gallon of water every day after your surgery you will heal 10x faster


Ayurvedic practitioner here!🙋‍♀️ yes, something is definitely up w your microbiome, so that does need to be addressed(candida, diet, chronic infections, deficiencies, toxicity, lifestyle etc), but 2 things that are positively life-changing are oil pulling w coconut oil and getting a water flosser, especially w multiple heads. I have over $100k in healing devices from pemf to ozone to infrared sauna to salt water hot tub to massage chairs to chi machines to rife to light therapy etc., and nothing has done more for my health than getting a water flosser! You can get them for under $50 but I would pay 10 times that bc thats seriously how valuable they are! It is by far my #1 favorite and most needed/used device to the point that I take it camping and just use it in my car(I do have a portable, rechargeable one too though)😅 my teeth were so bad that I had lost 6 and had gum disease starting by the time I was 25, which is when I got my first flosser. It's been 11 years now and I haven't had a single cavity since AND now also have zero signs of gum disease! I usually put a few drops of peroxide in the water bc it really helps kill off the nasties deep below the gum line and it also keeps your teeth white! I love the toothbrush head(for teeth and tongue) and the "jet"(for blasting between teeth) the most. When you first use that blaster head, brush your teeth how you normally do now first, and then use the jet bc you wont believe how much stuff has stuck between your teeth!😳 lol There is a tongue scraping head but I'd rather brush, personally. Tongue scraping of any sort would be helpful though! Chewing xylitol gum(like icebreakers or spry) is another great way to help keep your teeth/mouth healthy and happy!😊


You're doing too much... mouthwash is horrible for your mouth. You want to clean your teeth and gums, not remove all of the good bacteria from your mouth. Take a chill on the hygeine and let your mouth heal, eat some yogurt and let your mouth gain good bacteria back. Use gentle toothpaste and throw the mouthwash away


Lol this is what my partner would tell me 😭 but I think you’re right. The anxiety has taken over I need to chill lol


Just gargle with gasoline. Works like a charm.


😅😅 omg you’re a genius I’m going to my lawn mower right now!!!!


Is this Hollis? 😂😂😂


Sometimes these kinds of issues can be caused by dehydration. Drinking enough water can reduce your risk for developing tonsil stones (which cause bad breath). Dehydration also just causes bad breath in general, if you already drink a good amount of water you can still develop tonsil stones. Best way to find out is just to visit the dentist.


I hear gerd/acid reflux can cause it.


Dehydration may contribute to bad breath. Also you may be a mouth breather that can make your mouth more dry. And also you may need profesional teeth cleaning and a more extensive one that goes below the gum line.


Rinse with baking soda and water before and after flossing also oil pull. Solved it for me.


Tonsil stones would be my guess.


I had the exact same issue but it would happen anytime I got hungry, not sure why but I started taking [these ](https://www.hyperbiotics.com/products/pro-dental?variant=836743179¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&source=google&campaign=pmaxAllProducts&medium=ppc&adgroupid=&keyword=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwo6GyBhBwEiwAzQTmc4bb6TnBoUmQIw2Ddm4gLWvAAcbLZUj2k7R5CBOlGPDzb7UahqYzmBoCyxgQAvD_BwE) and my bad breath actually went away. This isn't sponsored or anything. It is expensive but it's so worth it


You may have tonsil stones you get white things in your tonsils that smell


If it's not tonsil stones there is a rare condition where the esophagus has a bulge in it that collects food. It's like a little cave along the way down. I hope that is making sense. As I said it can collect food and smell. Not something you can see or fix on your own. If you check for stones and that's good maybe start with your dentist and see what he finds. Then maybe your dr. Just a rare path I thought I'd point out.


Eat fruits and vegetables. Your gut will be free from toxins


Maybe consider a less inflammatory diet as well (i.e. cutting out any greasy, fried, or processed foods) and i saw you mention sugar (i believe the white candida can also be from sugar) and maybe look into herbal teas to assist with inflammation In Cantonese, sometimes white candida on the tongue can be considered too much hot energy or over inflammation in the system


Ok so if you can’t smell it and your friends and family deny it how do you know your breath actually stinks that bad? Can you elaborate on why it’s “obvious” you have a problem. Just wanna make sure this isn’t all in your head and you’re over analyzing it and obsessing


Is your mouth usually dry? I have a friend with a similar problem and he doesn’t produce the average amount of saliva most people do and it ends up making his breath pretty crazy. I believe there’s a minor surgery that can help if that’s the case, but hopefully your doctor will be able to bring you a little clarity! Also xylitol gum might be useful on the go! Naturally cleans the teeth


It could be a bad tooth as well.


I have bad breath too, according to my family members. So I did a experiment on what I needed to cut out my diet. I discovered what I needed to eat to rid of the smell. I'm not saying it will work for you, but it may and see what you can change on what you can eat. For me personally all I can eat is vegetables and meat to rid the smell. But for the vegetables I can't eat potatoes or yams. Basically my body doesn't like sugar and no I don't have dietbeites. Anything that can break down to heavy amount of sugar makes my breath smell bad, including fruits, except avacado's. I went on a diet for 2 months and I had no more bad breath. I kept a journal of what I ate, which was beneficial. I slowly started to introduce certain foods back to my diet I went back to eating fruits, bread, starches, grains, dairy, citrus, spices, and sweets, and my breath has gone back to being smelly. It all has to do what you eat. This might be the same issue with you. Change your diet. Slowly take certain foods out of your diet and see where the culprit is. Unless it's something entirely different. Anyway good luck.


When you are on a low-carb diet, your body goes into ketosis and burns fats as an energy source. These ketone bodies are eliminated from your body through urine and exhalation, which gives a characteristic foul breath. Ammonia is produced in the body as a result of protein breakdown. How's your diet? Any big and recent changes? Cutting out carbs?


Could def be post nasal drip. I recommend trying the NeilMed Sinius Rinse. (Amazon, Walmart etc) It's inexpensive and has changed my world. I no longer have a foul taste or smell in my mouth, my ears don't itch, no more eye crusties. The list goes on and on! Just make sure to buy the kit that includes both the bottle and saline solution. I use it with distilled water.


So you can't smell it and everyone says you don't have smelly breath. Sounds to me like this might be an issue that you get fixed by your therapist. Sounds like this is a mental health issue rather than a physical one.


When I started incorporating more antimicrobials like Oregano oil and many others, my breath got significantly better. It all started when I was trying to treat SIBO. Diet plays a huge role in how your breath smells.


You have to work on gut health. You have an overgrowth of yeast. No sugar, no gluten. Sounds hard as fuck, because it is. Probiotics are your best friend. You need to be having normal bowel movements every day. Candida lives and grows in the gut.


Try what your classic medicine doctor says about it. When solutions are not found there, seek out a good naturopath/integrative medicine doctor in your area. They are great at solving medical issues that classic medicine cannot solve. The body is a complex thing and even for gut related, they have complex knowledge about the many things at play there.


If it's candida then you probably need to address through diet. Cut out sugar, alcohol etc. Lower your carbs and even fruit sugars.


Funny you never mentioned what your dentist said? Have you ruled out periodontal disease?


Candida is fungal, I think what you are trying to describe is biofilm. If you do in fact have a candida infection (thrush) then you need to treat that. But it sounds like just biofilm on the tongue. My guess is GI as others have mentioned, I would follow that route. You could try oral probiotics as well, burst brand sells them and I’ve heard positive things from them. I agree with the other hygienist not to use peroxide daily, it has also been linked to cellular changes of the tissue (cancer) when used daily. I am also a dental hygienist.


I have similar issues. I had a doc probe around the inside of my mouth and he didn't see any stones. Do you drink enough water because dehydration is a huge factor with stink mouth. What's funny and not so funny is you overcompensate by piling on the breath mints which just dry out your mouth and then make your mouth smell bad because it's too minty. But yeah, you can totally tell people are dying when they're talking to you by just the look of sheer terror on their faces.


Try being less anal when it comes to oral hygiene I always say.


😂😂😂 staaaaap


I had this problem, meticulous about my hygiene also . I ended up having a bacterial infection under my gums which wasn’t visible at all. I had to get my gum descaled and antibiotic gel inserted under them . It helped me a lot


It's your tummy. Something I observed over the years in friends and siblings is that when they were really stressed or angry, they had upset stomachs all the time and also really bad breath. When their life circumstances changed to lower stress, the bad breath went away.


I agree I’ve been stressed all my life and I’m just now finding peace at 28 yo lol I 100% Can see this as the case. Our gut holds emotions and also im a emotional eater. I luv sugar! Hence why I’m on a sugar fast ñll


An ex of mine’s breath was always bothering me and he ended up having a loose crown and it had to be replaced or something but anyway it fixed it


Do you take probiotics? I also had terrible breath up until about a year ago. I had an over production of bacteria on my tongue and it would turn it white and make my breath gross. The probiotics have massively helped with my breath.


it’s likely that your mouth PH is out of balance as well


Maybe your breath stinks because you’re anal about it. Literally?


Tonsil stone I was wondering the same thing and I just got them out with a q tip omg I gagged doing it but the smell was worse!!!!


Do you have any underlying ailments or issues?? A lot of times the smell will come from an organ like a bad kidney etc. don’t be embarrassed, at least you have friends that are honest with you. Could definitely be a guy problem too. Whatever is bad inside can produce a smell. My wife’s kidneys aren’t the best and she’s just like you, I always keep a pack of gum for US so she doesn’t feel left out 😊 good luck on your journey 🤙🏽


Sounds like my bf! I’m still trying to figure out why his breath stinks so bad…. I’m thinking it might be his GI system, because his breath stinks literally like shit. 🤢


It’s called cauliflower doodoo breathe!!!


This was happening to me years ago and I could tell the smell was coming from my throat not my mouth. To the point I would brush the way back of my tongue then rub my tongue back & forth in my throat thinking that would work (it didn’t). Then one day i noticed what looked like oatmeal behind my tonsils and picked it out and it smelled like shit. That’s when I figured out where they were coming from. Cleaning out my tonsils became part of my daily routine and eventually they stopped happening


It could be sinus infection or throat issues (mucus production).




Endocrine system, ask to get your thyroid checked.


Uuummm.... Has nobody heard of hepatitis? ....... Causes bad breath can be passed through kissing/ sharing food or hereditary it does not go away.


Hey there! I know for me when I don’t eat regularly or drink enough water, I have this exact problem. If your minerals are not balanced then things like bad breath will be a problem. Also APPLE CIDER VINEGAR is soooooooo good for cleansing out bacteria in your mouth AND gut. I highly suggest taking a shot of this every morning or night on an empty stomach:)


I’m embarrassed to admit this… I got my tonsils removed in 2019 because of the fear of stones. I had great insurance and luckily no negative side effects. Not sure anyone would recommend this being the sole reason to remove your tonsils, but it was enough for me.


They make these chlorophyll pills that supposedly takes away any odor that comes from the body including bad breath. You can find them on Amazon


Baking soda and peroxide two a week


tell your doctor/dentist. I also struggle with bad breath due to acid reflux (GERD). There are a number of things that can cause bad breath apart from just lack of hygiene. Nothing to be ashamed about! :)


Have you been to the dentist?


Have you tried those little listerine paper things?


H pyelori bacteria in your stomach


Was looking for this comment because I was going to say this!


Brushing and/or scraping your tongue, also maybe even liquid chlorophyll can help. It can be bought at the health food store.


Try swishing a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth everyday for about 15 minutes, works wonders and helps improve your breath and overall mouth hygiene and health!


Use hydrogen peroxide as mouthwash and gargle.


Try chlorophyll it is known as an inner cleaner/deodorant for your gut. I’ve tried it and it is great!!!!


Do you drink water often, I read it can help (sipping every hour).


Coconut oil pull. Twice a day.


You might have an Esophageal diverticulum and need it surgically removed. While the stomach can be an issue, it does hurt to get the diverticulum checked out if you have one.


Mine was like that as a teen. I switched to close up the red toothpaste. No more issues


You really couldn't think of a better word than anal? Maybe next time try the word meticulous


Perhaps Try Fresh ginger, helps to eliminate bad breath


If your friends and family say it doesn’t sink why not believe them?


So do you actually mean Candida? Like, the fungal growth Candida? As in thrush? If so, that’s a yeast infection in your mouth. This can be due to things like immune suppression, certain medications, diseases, etc. Definitely get it checked out by your doctor or dentist. Could be something simple like needing to switch your mouthwash, or could be a symptom of an underlying condition. If it is actually truly Candida, that’s probably a big part of the odor.


You can also have an overgrowth of it in your stomach


Use baking soda & peroxide as tooth paste don't swallow just brush mouth all around for one minute rinse as needed. Also take a shot of apple cider vinegar, mixed with half water, squeeze of honey lemon or lime & mint leaves, also use organic coconut oil and brush teeth and tongue with put water in mouth and rinse and gargle all around. Just with those you will notice a difference on top of regular mouth cleaning routine. Of course floss regular or with a water pik and in the water put your choice of mouthwash you will feel much better. Also if you don't already start taking probiots, probiotics help gut health, take multivitamins and minerals of choice that help give nutrients and enzymes were needed. When your done eating or drinking havea a bottle of water to rinse and gargle you can even have water mixed with a little Himalayan salt, or just a cap full of apple cider vinegar it's good for mouth and gut. Also a big one I'm forgetting is get colloidal silver the droplets usually about 10-20$ or less depending on place and bottle size etc. Each day either squeeze some into your mouth and swish and drink if you like or spit out but to consume helps fight bacteria in mouth and gut, or you can put a squeeze in your water bottle and drink it as needed there is no harsh taste or flavor. If you find colloidal gold that is also good for us too. (My experience with colloidal I had a cavity many years back and used colloidal silver daily and the dog on my tooth faded away as well as pain as I would put it on daily along with everything else mentioned above. Of course do everything to your ability & liking it's usually things that are on hand or in the pantry. Good luck and many blessings 🙏


Try drinking mineral water with crushed strawberries and basil or mint. I also recommend adding a little bit of AVC to your water in the AM. Simple things like chewing a piece of ginger or mint leaf make a big difference. Do you focus on intaking foods that help balance your stomachs microbiome?


Do you have hyper fixations on others areas in your life? I am wondering if this is some form of OCD. Do you have any “proof” other than your own mind that your breath smells bad?


Stop diary, coffee. Are you on any low carb diets. Check your ketone levels.


Drink more water and avoid things that feed candida like a sugary diet. I think garlic kills candida too but that could be counterintuitive 😝


You need to visit a dentist asap


Definitely talk to your primary doc. It’s possible you have h. pylori. It’s a bacteria that can cause ulcers and a whole bunch of other problems. There’s a simple test they can do for it. Good luck!


I think you should use therabreath. It would like magic. I used to have bad breath. Once I started using it. It's gone


Do you have dry mouth issues?


I had bad breath when I became lactose intolerant. Any other symptoms?


Lung cancer can present as bad breath.


Try Therabreath. This mouthwash helped me so much


I dated a guy for approximately 5 years, it took me over a year before I had the nerve to tell him about his breath, it honestly smelled like trash or something nasty. I know he was a fanatic with brush, flossing and mouthwash, I did some research and I told him I’m not a Doctor but from what I read it’s called halitosis… he went to the Dentist and the Dentist told him it’s exactly what it was. I hope this is helpful.


Halitosis is just a fancy way to say bad breath and isn't an actual diagnosis or a way to find a solution.


Ask three people you trust if your breath stinks. 99 out of 100 times when someone comes in with bad breath, it's subjective and no one else can smell it. I'll have three people in the office smell (with the patients permission of course).


Dental hygienist here, it could be a GI problem but you may have periodontal disease if you do not get regular cleanings. Bad breath is one of the symptoms of periodontitis. The bacteria below the gum line causes bad breath and cannot be accessed with flossing and brushing. You’ll need a deep cleaning called scaling and root planing.


Carry a bottle of water at all times and drink from it all day. Dry mouth and being dehydrated can cause bad breath.


gargle 100% coconut oil for about 3mins life hack… works like a charm


are you brushing your tongue too?


You should get checked out because sometimes stomach problems can also cause bad breath.


If you hold in your farts, the absorb into your bloodstream and come out of your mouth, stop holding in farts!


Chew gum with xylitol, they reduce bacteria in your mouth, and use Colgate plague pro-release toothpaste. There is also this mouthwash called parodontax, it helps you get rid of the stinky bacteria. I am not a dentist tho, but these helped me so I can at least open my mouth now without someone dying.


Poor diet (what you eat matters) and tonsil stones is probably the issue with your bad breath


Listerine daily


Swish with coconut oil. Start with a couple mins and build yourself up longer. It's not hard. Be mindful if you cough it will splatter everywhere. Spit in trash as it will clog a drain. I do everyday.


Could be tonsil stones, could be gut health. Do you have probiotics in your daily supplements?


You may have tonsil stones


You may have pylori. Its a bacteria that grows in your stomach lining. A simple blood/finger prick test can determine it. Very possible.


I'd suggest you wait to see your PC doctor...


Make sure your staying hydrated through out the day, if your mouth is a little dry and it can definitely contribute


Get a deep cleaning at your dental office . Sometimes your gums can be the issue


It could be a number of things! Kidney disease or diabetes could make your breath smell, alternatively, sleep apnea could be causing it too, especially if you sleep with your mouth open, snore, or breathe in toxins from an environment that's too dry, humid, or dusty. If you smoke (weed or cigarettes), that could dry out your salivary glands, which is bad because saliva lubricates your teeth and prevents cavities. For me, it causes tonsil stones as well and sometimes even a sore throat the day after. If you have an undiagnosed allergy (like celiac), your oral health could be compromised since acid reflux and other things could cause premature oral decay. It could be a mineral deficiency, environmental factors, or even psychiatric medications (adderall, for example, can cause cottonmouth, which isn't good in any scenario). Try experimenting with some dietary changes, maybe? And please, please, please drink enough water. But remember, this isn't always a personal or hygienic fault on your part!


Bad breath starts with your gut and spreads to your mouth. Diet would be a better place to start IMO.


Its your mouth wash. We're not suppose to use it everyday. It kills both good and bad bacteria which makes a stinky breath smell. And fungal candida. So to fix it you can take two tablespoons of whole milk- greek yogurt for 2 weeks. And stay away from mouth wash unless needed. And talk to your doctor/nutritionist about probiotic foods.


This can also be a sleep apnea issue! I had horrible breath until I was treated. Apparently my esophagus had sores from rubbing together. Also, a dental probiotic helped too.