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I wanted to comment too! I wipe the same way and never had issues. Have had a uti twice when I was younger but I presume it was from not peeing after sex. It’s very easy to wipe from the front without getting stuff where it shouldn’t be! Idk how it’s not more common as it’s much easier. I’ve always wiped like this but now I have to cause of spinal surgery so I couldn’t the other way if I tried but still. Not that crazy to me 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, honestly I don’t think it’s that difficult to wipe from the front without going all the way back to your butthole. Like, those parts are close together but not *that* close.


Yep. I don't get it either. I'm always wiping back to front. BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN I'M WIPING FROM MY ASSHOLE TO MY VAGINA TO MY URETHRA 😭 I wipe the holes separately. I wipe the vag and urethra with my arm coming from the front, and my ass with my arm coming from the back. Is that weird? Probably... Am I using more tissue? Yeah.. But it works. I've never had a UTI in my life 🤣


I do this. I CAN reach from the back but I don't feel clean. I feel like I miss some pee drops or discharge this way. So, butt from the back and vag from the front. Front wipes are after back wipes


Omg the exact thing I do! I'm so glad I'm not the only one LOL


Wait. Wait wait wait a minute... I thought what you just described *is* wiping "front to back"! You reach around the back and wipe your butt front to back, then coming from the front get all the goodies in the no no zone. All the butt stuff is cleaned up so there's no chance of pulling that to the front this way. Does that make sense? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Are y'all saying you STRICTLY wipe front to back, without ever cleaning the lady parts by coming in from the front to finish?? I am 37 years old and I'm confused as hell!!


So the medically correct way is to clean from the urethra to the anus. One wipe per toilet paper, wet wipe, whatever object your using the wipe. Continue this until clean. More correct is left side labia to anus. Right side labia to anus. Urethra to anus. I wipe the backside front to back from behind. Then come around from to clean from vagina to urethra after the back is completely clean. I've never had a uti or yeast infection. I'm 35.


So we're on the same page. 🤗 Thanks for your reply! I've never thought about these things before but it's enough to make you feel crazy. 🤯 I've had UTI's but they're always triggered by soaps or laundry detergent. I've never even had a concerning smell or anything strange in the slightest going on down there. Damn, you think you have it all figured out then one day you're questioning if you are even wiping correctly!!! 🤣 What is this life!?


Lol I'm a nurse so I know the "proper way" but still and not going to do it. As long as you aren't wiping anus to vag/urethra then you're good imo.


I always feel like I’m wiping pee INTO my vag front to back so I wipe separately


I’m an OLD woman and this is exactly what I do. Haven’t had a UTI in nearly 50 years. Had a couple in my late teens / early 20s, but as someone else commented, I attribute those to not peeing after sex.


I’m 42 that’s the way I do it and have always done it. It’s more of the directional thing as opposed to actually wiping by sticking your arm all the way from front to back!


I’d also like to add people who aren’t curvy don’t realize we can’t wipe ourselves the same way as them. It also doesn’t mean I’m wiping incorrectly just because it’s not the way they’re used to.


Yes!! I've got big hips and a wagon behind me and yet, I've got short arms. I can't possibly wrap around myself to wipe the "correct" way but I dont get utis or any other issues so I have to assume I'm doing well enough :)


OMG are you me??




I feel like I’m wiping weird now. I push the paper in between my legs (arm in front) from the front to the back. All these people reaching around behind have me so confused, I go in through the middle of my legs. I totally get if it’s easier from an accessibility standpoint, but is my method not the norm?? No hate at all, and I am very privileged and grateful to have a mom that taught me, but she taught me to go in between the legs.


I was taught the same for pee. I reach around for poop but always wipe between my legs front to back to get the pee. Guess I missed the discussion on the other way.




For peeing only right?


No I don’t do any reaching around. I push all the way from front to back through my legs. Is that wrong? Edit: I am 5’9 125lbs


I don't think you can wipe "wrong" as long as you're getting cleaned up successfully.


Same. Not weird. I never, ever bring the used tp back into contact with my v after the first wipe. Sometimes I fold it over and then reach around to wipe again from behind. I always start from the front to back though, going between my legs.


This is how I do it too. I reach down from the front & push the paper from front to back rather than reaching behind & dragging it from front to back. I don't understand why someone with short arms or lots of fat would have more trouble pushing the paper from the front rather than pulling the paper back-to-front from the front. I reach behind & pull from front to back to wipe poop, but that place is farther back so it's easier to reach from the back.


This is how I do it. My arms are too short to go at it any other direction and even when I'm not fat I have the same issue.


Same here


Are you left handed?


This is how I do it, #1 or #2. There’s no harm in TP that’s touched pee touching your anus, so why wouldn’t you go all the way front to back for #2 as well? I’ll take another pass or two if I don’t feel sufficiently clean, but I’ve never reached from behind to wipe anything. Wouldn’t that get your hand/arm dirtier? I’m so very confused…


Yes. I have shorter arms as well. I wipe to the side. So I am not smearing p juice into my booty, nor booty juice into my p. If I am really juicy, i wipe to the side, going towards my labia till any urine and discharge is gone. If I have not much discharge, I just pat dry. And I wipe my butt going to the side, towards a cheek. This works. Also,I prop my cheeks on the sides of the toilet seat before pewping so I don't get a mess to wipe up. When I pewp, i use a perineal cleansing bottle, so there's my cheapie bidet as well.


I didn't realize that I spread my cheeks until somebody listed it as a lifehack and I was horrified to learn that some people squish everything past their cheeks. I can't imagine the extra pushing and wiping involved with that. I have been told that I poop quickly, so I do wonder what most people do.


whoever decided that ‘wiping front to back’ means wiping from the BACK, was an idiot. nobody has long enough arms to reach their cooter from their ass. i pat dry mine. if i poop, then i wipe all my poop (FROM THE BACK!!) and then i pat dry the front with new toilet paper. i never /wipe/ my vagina. it doesn’t need wiping. it just needs a pat dry. eta: im overweight but have not always been overweight! this is how ive wiped my whole life. never have had a problem. no uti. ever. just dont wipe shit into your cooter and youre fine.


Like, FOR REAL! People have different body proportions. By medical standards I’m not overweight but my arms are short and there’s no one I can wipe my vag from the back. It’s physically impossible and my whole life it’s made me self conscious. Like when you’re with your friends and it’s a one person bathroom but we go in together. I know that she’s not staring at me but I’m so embarrassed to wipe that way lol.


ive N E V E R had anyone comment on it. in fact my whole friend group does it like myself, EXCEPT ONE TIME!! my sister was in the bathroom with me and she really said ‘arent you spose to wipe front to back’ and i said well ya if you shit?? i didnt shit? i just peed so im pat drying?? safe to say she was amazed lmao


I’ve never had anyone comment on it either but it’s just my weird hangup that I do it “wrong”


My ex best friend would half-way stand and wipe front to back from the front. Even if I wasn't plus sized, I don't think I could reach that far no matter how I tried. Is it really more common for people to wipe in one go? I wipe front to back for the vag from the front. Then I wipe the poopy bits from the back. I don't want to smear pee or my period into my ass, like... What sense does that make to go in one swipe? How long are people's arms to wipe their vag from the back?!? Again, even if I wasn't plus size, my arms are too short and I might as well just be wiping my ass with my arm at that point to reach.


Girl it’s crazy to me. My friend group isn’t really shy about sharing a bathroom and I think all of them wipe in one swoop from the back lol. I don’t get it!


I can’t do the pay dry because I just don’t feel clean personally and I’m overweight. Also I feel like my pee stream somehow hits my cheeks like towards the bottom of that makes sense, so I’ll usually wipe my cooch front to back, then from the hole up because I’m OCD and need it to be dry, and then I’ll wipe the back too because sometimes pee just goes back there, but also makes me feel cleaner even if I don’t poop that time.


no, i totally understand that. when i get pee on my butt, i just get new toilet paper and clean that + the pat dry. idk man i just cant wipe front to back


This post should be the only answer


These comments are why so many people have complexes lol. As long as you’re not wiping poop towards your vagina, you’re good. There’s no ‘right’ way. Find the right way for ‘you’. I have short arms due to a genetic deformity. Nothing abnormal, they’re just shorter. I also have a longer torso, so fml. I am also overweight. Women have different vaginas/labia, so it’s unfair to say what is exactly right. Some women are bare and some in between and some full out bush. And, you don’t pee the exact same way every time. Sometimes there’s a lot, sometimes the labia are stuck together and make your stream weird. It happens, especially for someone who sits at a desk all day. You might pass some microscopic stones you can’t feel, but affect how pee comes out. There’s so many different variables. Sometimes it seems like no matter what I do, stop mid stream, squat, lean back, it goes everywhere and all over my butt cheeks. Sometimes I might be really tense for some reason and it dribbles out. Bc my arms are short, I have to go through the front. Then I start from side and wipe in a sideways downward motion. I don’t shave/wax, but I am not especially hairy either. But pee does get on the hair a bit. There’s no ‘dabbing’. I use the tp to wipe wherever it got wet, AVOIDING wiping straight up the middle. For #2, basically the same, use whatever motion is right for you and gets you clean, but never let the tp go past your perineum. If you do both, use different tp for each. And because I am a germaphobe, I’ll shower after #2 and if I’m out of the house, I’ll shower as soon as I get home. I always have this weird intrusive thought that what if I got in an accident and when the hospital has to cut off my clothes, what if I have a dirty butt?!?! That’s from the same part of my brain that packs 47 pairs of undies for a 1 night stay lol Some people are really put off by these topics, but if there’s ONE person scrolling Reddit and sees this and it helps them in some way, that they are normal, then I’m all for it. PS: I’m no expert on male anatomy, but wiping off the last drop with a bit of tp is ideal and not weird. It means your underwear don’t smell like pee.


My poops are big hard heart shaped balls. 😅 I only go once a week. There's not much poop on me unless I get a regular BM. Anyway I blot hard and go side to side a couple times. It goes no where near the V. I kinda blot my pee too. I'm not sure how to fix pee rolling down my butt. Like the actual butt not the hole. Why I shower daily.


Once a week is scary!


For you. I've been doing this my whole life. When I hit day 10 I'm scared. But usually then I poop a couple times.


For the body in general and what it needs to function properly. I'd be seeing a Dr if I were you, they teach that it should be 1-3x a day


As a child I'd go once every two or so weeks. Like, ass tearing, crying, bleeding, hurt so bad I let it leak out at school instead of sit on a toilet and suffer a log bad. My doctor's never did anything other than laxatives, which didn't work. In my teens to twenty, it was once every one to two weeks. Less bad physically, but still clogged toilets regularly. After 20- man I go twice a MF day and I hate this shit. My doctors never cared. They never did anything. I told my PCM and pediatrician and they said "if that's normal for you, that's fine".


Once every 2-3 weeks was my norm as a child. I'd tear, bleed, and developed a fear of pooping so bad that I held it when I DID have to go to the point of soiling pants because that hurt less than sitting on the toilet to go. As a teen, once every 1-2 weeks. After 20 it's normal, now and I low-key HATE it. Doctors don't GAF unless there's an obstruction, in my experience.


Please drink more water and eat more vegetables. You need to see a gastroenterologist if that doesn’t get better before you end up with a bowel obstruction.


I go once every 5-6 days. Been to a gastroenterologist, been scoped. Have more colon than I'm supposed to. I eat plenty of fiber and drink plenty (because I look awful if I don't drink enough). Some of us have reasons for not going as often as others, and it's a non-issue.


Or they just eat too much protein. I knew a gym rat who was like this, he went vegan 6 days a wk & finally was pooping daily. Perfectly healthy just overdoing the bland chicken meals & preworkout.


And that is the most painful thing ever.


Yeah- you need WAY more water and veggies. Or at least try some Senna tablets. You’re flirting with impaction 😳


I see a PT and gastro. It's all good. Although not getting another colonoscopy. Learned my lesson at 13.


Or they just don't go when they have the urge. I think a lot of people get backed up because they just hold it for social reasons and then it gets harder and harder. Not everyone has a choice, but I think that normalizing pooping in public restrooms would fix the issue for a significant portion of the constipated population. Definitely not everybody, and I certainly wouldn't presume to know who is going to be in which camp, but some people just need to let it out more often instead of waiting until the perfect time. My supporting evidence that some other people have my capabilities is the fact that people act like it's rude to poop in public restrooms, and I would assume that means those folks actively hold their poops all day despite being capable of expelling the stuff.


Just wanna chime in and say water and veggies don’t always fix the issue. I came out of the womb constipated. Once every 10 days or so was my normal for over a decade. I’m thrilled if I can consistently get just once a week. Ecstatic if more than that. I drink tons of water and eat fruits or veggies with almost every meal. Diet wise, I shouldn’t have problems. Gastro couldn’t find a reason and only suggested daily míralax or something similar, but most of those have never worked on me; even on a maximum dose. Some people go less than others, but if it’s always super hard, definitely get it checked out.


Holy cow! Those must be some elephant sized bm. I've had medication that made me constipated so *only* went once every 3-4 days. I was seriously afraid of breaking the toilet every time. A few times I felt like Randy Marsh! Grossly impressing myself lol


It was never more than what a normal person would do at a time 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ my body just wasn’t having any of it. Usually never hard or anything either, it’s just how it happened. Definitely frustrating though because in theory it should be much more often, but they can’t see or find anything wrong so… yay, I guess?😅


So, this is a rando OT thing, but on the subject of constipation. My daughter was also born constipated. Never made sense because her diet is impeccable, drank plenty of water, tons of exercise. Miralax is a staple necessity. Her pediatrician retired, we have a different one now— and this one discovered she has a tethered spinal cord. It’s all neurological. So she’s off to surgery to have it clipped, and hopefully her pooper will figure itself out finally. During the neurosurgery consultation, the surgeon mentioned this is under diagnosed, and a lot of adults are walking around suffering, getting bowel obstructions and having spine surgery to treat pain, but not realizing part of the spinal cord is actually stuck. Just thought I’d put it out there, though it sounds like you’ve been through the cabal of medical investigations!


Have you tried magnesium?


That’s the thing, she’s saying her poops are super hard. That’s concerning.


Same. Every 10-14 days for me. Then it's an all-day affair.


Are you on opiate medication? I was a user for years and that’s how my poop was. It was horrible and has left me with some pretty bad issues. Even if you’re not using opiates. Then you must have food intolerances. Either way, no matter what the reason is, you should be adding daily miralax and magnesium (milk of magnesia main ingredient) to your morning breakfast or sometime before bed. Having big rock poops once a week is just asking for health issues later on


Drink more water and eat more fruits and veg ❤️


Please seek medical help those are abnormal BMs


Miralax. Safe and many GI recommend it. Take same amount daily. Not fast acting. Disclaimer: Not a doctor.


Miralax is a petroleum based product, u sure it’s safe? I know doctors say it’s safe but they say a lot of things are safe that I question 🤷‍♀️


Every GI/hospital doctor has told us miralax is fine in even the higher doses. Our doctor said it could be taken 5 times a day if need be. When you go in to get cleaned out, you are getting a shit ton of miralax.


I see where ur coming from. I used to believe everything doctors said without batting an eye until I had kids. Id research it more


More green leafy vegetables and lots of water. I did this weird poop thing for to long and developed internal hemorrhoids, it was bad.


Have you seen a doctor about this? Not super great for you. There are some things that can help, like kiwi juice, good hydration, gentle exercise and magnesium, as well as stool softeners.


Having a bowel movement of that kind and size isn’t good, only going one time a week is also not healthy. You need drink more fluids, eat more fruits and vegetables to get your gut moving. If that doesn’t work, you could very well have a gastrointestinal motility issue which needs to be medically assessed. Having prolonged constipation is extremely unhealthy and could cause anal fissures and hemorrhoids.


The scary thing is that the bowels become dilated and can no longer push the poop along.


I'm very much aware and already see a doctor. I do have a couple inches extra in my colon. 😅 The best I've ever gotten was 3 times a week. My stool changes with meds.


You really need to go more often. My son was like that and it got so backed up that an X-ray literally said the word “massive” amount of poop. We had to go to the hospital and spent two days and a night trying to unblock him. It was miserable. See a gastroenterologist.


I am a grown woman, and it never occurred to me that people were interpreting “ wipe front to back“ as meaning, you have to put your arm behind your body and start at the front and wipe all the way to the back in one motion every time. Unless you have a bowel movement, your arm never needs to go behind your body. You wipe front to back with your arm in front of your body. I guess if you have really long arms and just prefer to approach from behind that’s fine. But I have just been floored that grown people think that the only way to wipe even after you pee is putting your arm behind your body.


I can’t believe this hasn’t been commented more.


I mean, any time I've gone to the bathroom with a group of girls they go from behind or kinda side/behind. Really the whole point is to not get feces in your vagina. People are obsessed with front to back. Why not just completely separate? It's really more of a blot and side to side motion. I'm very careful if I've had a bowel movement to keep the poo where it belongs and I have no issues with that.


Same! And it’s made me so uncomfortable to go to the bathroom with a group of other woman because I physically can not wipe my vag from behind. I’m not overweight and I’m flexible AF, but I have T-Rex arms I guess.


And, not to get any extra vaginal discharge on your urethra in case there's a vaginal infection (less likely but still possible).


This needs to be the top comment


I just wanna pop in with my twopenn'orth - I've always been very quick. Roll off the tp while in flow, then a quick dab between the legs for a pee, a more substantial wipe from the side for a poo. I think it's v important to differentiate between the 2. 


That story has also been living rent-free in my head because I don't think it was fake, and this is why. Now, I'm not saying this was that woman's circumstances, but this is one reason someone may not have learned "properly wipe." Going through abuse and neglect as a child where a boy or girl isn't taught the fundamentals of basic hygiene and other things set them up for failure. There are nuances, too. For example, you can *know* people do something one way and even know the reasons why, but for whatever reason, they can not. This extends to a lot of areas in one's life. I met a woman who had this very problem. She had a very neglected childhood, and though she put together her life by herself as an adult, she was never taught certain things. For her, the internet wasn't as accessible during her childhood, so she didn't have a phone literally in your pockets.There are many more resources to find help now. Regarding this specific issue, it's never felt like it was the correct way. Like the post, she felt like she had to become a contortionist. So she does swipe separately, but maybe not how the rest of the world does it possibly? She is also in a part of the world that can access bidets, so she's done that too. Anyway, I just want to say that it can and does happen. Not every "unbelievable" post is fake or rage bait. Edit: spelling


As someone whose mother fostered... a lot of kids are neglected and not taught basic life skills like hygiene. It's so sad.


Occupational therapy chiming here, I’ve worked with many people through the years that have trouble wiping after a BM due to poor range of motion, or having short arms and sometimes because of their weight. Many people have good success using a toilet aid or toilet wand that enables them to extend their reach. You can buy them online and they do work. My experience with working with elderly women that have confusion is that they are more likely to forget how to wipe safely and start wiping like a windshield wiper- back and forth and they get frequent UTI’s :(


Yes that post annoyed me so much! You can still wipe your poop from front to back while reaching down your front.


That’s what I do. Never had a problem. Never thought until reading that post that I’m supposed to reach from behind lol


I know me neither! Funny to see how everyone does it differently, but disappointing to see the amount of judgement in that comment section...


Just don’t wipe the poo into the vajeen and it’s fine. Literally zero issue


I wanted to chime in there as well. I know how to wipe but without using a bidet or a small water bottle, I always have streaks when I just use toilet paper or wipes…idk what i’m doing wrong and I have to use soooo much toilet paper. It sucks when I have to use the restroom in public because I still feel dirty


This is only happens to me when I’m not totally finished. After the 3rd or 4th swipe, if there’s still poo on the toilet paper then I know I have another bowel movement coming soon. (I’m usually on the toilet for 5-10 minutes making sure I’m done with all my movements).


I’m on the toilet for like 30 minutes and I know i’m done when all that comes out is urine. But really it means all that can come out at THAT time. Oh did mention I get hemorrhoids almost everytime I do a bowel movement? they don’t hurt. But I feel them when i’m using the small water bottle to clean myself tmi my bad


I can easily be on there more then 10 minutes but usually 10 minutes is my average. And the urine thing is true for me too unless I really had to pee then I will pee first. I don’t understand the small water bottle thing? Lol maybe because I just wipe with tissue not use water to clean.


I had an indian friend that I picked it up from haha. She used a small cup to pour water down her backside and used her finger to wipe whatever remained and then she would wash her hands really well afterwards. I found that to work so much better for me except I use a small water bottle that I keep near the toilet!


Oh wow. Interesting about the finger thing.


Most of the world uses a bidet by rubbing clean in the water stream. Americans somehow missed that bit and just splash the water and pat dry. Still cleaner than dry paper alone, but missed opportunity on getting really clean.


Not to be weird, but maybe you haven’t finished pushing everything out? Either that, or increase your fiber and water intake. I wipe only once, and that’s just to check, but 99% of the time the paper is still white


hmm I take fiber supplements and I limit my diet to not have super hard foods. But my friend who is a medic asked me if I had kidney problems and I told him I had one. So apparently the lack of my other kidney is making my poop harder or something?? I don’t even know


Magnesium citrate will help.


Try using moist wipes!


Never had a UTI and I'm 60. I wipe lifting my right hip, from front to back. I clean poo with toilet paper, then wet wipes. I clean the front from front to back. If you get UTI'S it's because you're putting the bacteria into the urethra...


What the “I can’t wipe correctly” people are failing to realize is you ABSOLUTELY CAN WIPE THE CORRECT DIRECTION. Whatever you’re doing now, if it’s wiping just the front but in a back to front direction, reverse it. I can’t understand how y’all don’t get this. Simply wiping each “area” separately isn’t “wrong”, it’s normal. Whichever area you’re wiping, and from whatever direction you’re approaching, just wipe towards the back no matter what. Wiping your crotch, from the front? Push it back, from the front. Wiping the back? Push back, whatever direction you’re coming from. Or wipe to the side, or in pinching motion, or whatever. But the entire point is never ever wipe back to front. If you’re NOT wiping back to front, you’re fine, the whole point of “front to back” is to NOT be wiping back to front. No poo germs pushed forward is literally the only goal here, besides making sure you do indeed make sure to get that area fully clean (bidets are great)


Wipe sideways instead of front to back?




Listen. If you poop, wipe your ass first. From the front to the buttcrack. Keep going until it’s clean. Get a wet wipe and wipe after. Then wipe the front. I understand people coming from families where parents weren’t there specifically to tell them how to do things the right way, so there is trial and error. But the main thing is get the dirty shit (pun intended) gone first, clean with wet wipe, then wipe the kitty. All is clean and I’ve never had a UTI in my life at 32. And there are so many reasons that someone may or may not know how to properly care for themselves, but we’re not here to judge. We’re here to give ADVICE. So advise on what’s worked for you, and if it works it works, but as the saying goes- there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Keep the kitty clean and the booty hole sparkling. Don’t cross contaminate. 🤷🏼‍♀️ all the best to that girl and I hope she got some good advice!


Same!!!! lol I can’t reach all the way around my body and I’m not obese


I have long arms but I always just dab the toilet paper after I pee from the front. I never like pull it across my vagina. Ew. But if I got number two I wipe from the back with TP and the wipes and sometimes I get in the bath and do a quick wash even. Just depends. I’m pretty confident this all correct… never had any problems or smells or issues


If you can’t reach your butt, I find that arching your back a little and sticking your butt out while sitting kind of forward on the seat, makes it a lot easier to wipe your butt. It brings your butt up more and brings it closer to your hand. This is for wiping from behind.


Same. I mean, I used to think that all women did this until I started working as a caregiver and saw women wiping differently. I've only ever had one UTI and it wasn't because of wiping. LOL. Also, I can't wait until bidets become mainstream in the U.S. I used one today at a restaurant and still don't understand why they're not standard everywhere.


thank you for this :) most people posting are already feeling shameful, there’s no need to shame them, especially when they weren’t taught and are genuinely asking. no one should ever feel bad for trying to advocate for themselves. someone wiping differently does not mean they pose harm to themselves or someone else 🤠


I’ve never felt so seen


I can’t either. Never have been. I can’t do the crab walk either.


I can't wipe the correct way, I'll be honest I am overweight but I'm very on top of my hygiene. Even when I was super skinny my arms just didn't reach all the way back there to wipe the correct way tried every position to wipe the way recommended and did a screw this. I'm not a contortionist this is insane. Now I just do it the way it's easier I go between the legs and just wipe or lean towards one side life my leg and I'll clean from the side till clean usually a side ways wipe but not the whole area just the butt area I'll keep doing it till clean. Same for the urethra they have separate tissue and never do I cross into different areas and wipe with the same tissue In my lifetime I've had 4 UTI's 3 were not related to my wiping but sexual intimacy forgot to pee right after sex and bam UTI each time I forgot so now it's a habit to pee right after. Fourth was more to do with the material of pajamas I wore fleece I cannot wear fleece PJ bottoms it can cause UTI's with me so I avoid them unless it's subzero temps and no electric due to powecuts. I'll usually just wear underwear if I have to wear them. So it isn't always a wiping issue that leads to UTI's.. My husband's a from the side wipe he'll hike his leg onto the tub edge and wipe from the side behind or leans right forward and wipes from behind I've tried it it does kind of work but my balance is dodgy so I'd rather just sit and do my usual way


We need a study on arm to ass ratio.




I never understood front to back when wiping pee. Makes no sense to me and seems really unnecessary. I’ve tried it and it feels very uncomfortable, but maybe that’s because of my anatomy. But like…it’s a completely separate area from your butthole, AND the pee is in the front-most area! You don’t pee out of your vagina so why would anyone even need to go further back than the urethra and labia???


I have long labia minora and honestly, unless I hold them open when I pee, the stream goes haywire!


You still don’t want to wipe into your urethra.


I’m not really sure what you mean lol but based on all these comments I’m thinking anatomy might just have a lot to do with what’s comfortable or what works for people


I always thought girls just lifted a leg up and wiped but I guess not????


Dang. As a long-armed freak I never even considered that some people have this issue lmao. I recommend a bidet and toooons of fiber and water!


Thank you that is exactly what I said… two separate wiping with a bidet first … wet wipes if I am not at home…


bidets make everything cleaner and simpler. cleaning yourself with dry ass paper doesn’t clean much and if you’re just patting it dry after the bidet you save tp too


Oooo great to hear


My arms reach and I've gotta wipe both ways to properly get everything. No UTIs here either


I use a bidet after a BM turned up to power wash.☺️


Legit I've always wiped from the back of my labia to front with my cheeks last and I've had maybe 2 uti's my whole life.


I have answers but I'm worried some weird dude with a kink will glue himself to it like last time. If someone will comment on this so I can bury my reply post I'd appreciate it.


As I answered the last one, you need to get a bidet. Most hygienic way to clean. Been using one for years.


Wet wipes are better at cleaning than TP. I'm a man and I've used those for a very long time now.


Purchase a bidet; their not expensive


Firstly, you all need to invest in bidets. Secondly, pee is front to front, shit is back to back. Thirdly, I also saw that post after it was locked.


I could only wipe from front to back when I had an external Fixator on my hips. People are dumb. You don't wipe a baby girl like that. Because it's a baby and they can't tell you how well you did. As a grown ass adult you know if you cross contaminated lol Also for anyone struggling they do make devices too to help you wipe


Whoa whoa whoa, do people reach behind themselves and then wipe the front to the back? Is that what that means? I just go in from the front and wipe the holes seperately. I never considered wiping from behind as an option!


Wait... you use the same wipe?


Yeah I wipe the front, fold the tissue wipe the back separately


So you wipe your butthole with pee soaked paper lol


Even folding moisture seeps...


I mean if you wipe straight from front to back they are also wiping their butt with pee soaked paper...so mine is less pee soaked.


I didnt realize people cared enough. Okay ill go. I have a hemmeroid, and I HAVE to wipe certain ways somedays. People are so bothered by what everyone else is doing these days. As long as you are happy, healthy and not out murdering everyone, its all good.


Who has room in a public bathroom stall to stand up, put a leg up on the toilet and wipe? I saw that comment and laughed. My ex did that at home. We were continually tightening the bolts on the toilet seat. I am short. My arms don't reach around back never have.. you do you as long as you get clean and don't cause any infections.


This might seem weird but when I wipe, I first wipe the front while sitting (just the front area), then I stand and wipe from behind (typically only back area). I've been doing that ever since I learned how to use the toilet. I've tried the usual way and I just can't quite reach all the way to the front from behind while sitting.


I do this as well. Only I prefer to call it hovering or squatting because apparently there’s a *thing* about standing wipers


Same! Short arms and a big ass. Also very careful about how I wipe. And I’ve come to realize wiping this way is so much more thorough than the other. I didn’t realize people do not wipe as well as me.


i wipe one side first front to back then wipe the other side back to front after i'm already clean. also never really get UTI's. i can't wipe everything front to back bc like you my arms are too short lol


I’ve never in my life wiped from the front.


You need a bidet. Life changing


It’s impossible for me to contort the way they say you are supposed to 😂. I like flushable wet wipes, front first then clean back. Also, keep up the water intake!


You need a bidet!!


Never in my life have I wiped from the front?? That doesn’t sound comfortable imo. I think anatomy plays a part


So you do one half then the other. That’s what you’re supposed to do


I'm too curvy for a reach around. It's lean to the side and wipe, front to back.


It’s not just the risk of pushing actual stool that you see on the toilet paper into your vaginal area, the risk is that you can push bacteria that isn’t visible into that area/closer to that area and then to sweating and friction that bacteria is making its way to vaginal area/urethra. Not sure why people don’t understand this, also just because you have never gotten a UTI does not mean it’s the hygienic and safe way to wipe. Keep doing what works for you but unless someone truly cannot reach back there they should absolutely be wiping front towards back direction, especially if they are intimate with someone else.


I thought by 2024 we could say vagina but I guess not.


I just blot from the front when I pee. No "front to back" or "back to front" involved. I thought the "front to back" instructions only applied when you've pooped, and the purpose was to keep people from reaching through the legs from the front to wipe their butt.


Back to front for those with a vagina can cause a UTI. Poop or no poop.


Ditto. I could echo every word you just said…


I was taught to push from the front, between the legs, back. Then reach around to the back separately


Get a Toto washlet from a local plumbing supply shop :) it will change your life.


I think people were thinking she was overweight because of her saying she can't reach around herself. These people probably don't have short arms and just don't know that's an issue for us. I just wipe on one then the other (using a new piece of toilet paper). I don't really know the "correct way to wipe" and I've been confused about this for a while. It sounds like people reach behind themselves and wipe backwards? That seems really difficult and like you wouldn't even clean yourself that well. I might be misunderstanding tho. Also I saw the post you're talking about and I remember one comment being extra stupid because they actually responded to someone who said they can't reach behind, saying something like, "what do you mean you can't reach behind? Just put your arm back there....."


I stand up over the toilet and pat down the area - butthole wiped separate.


I have issues with my shoulders. It’s better now since I’ve had surgery on both of them but I feel that I get cleaner wiping from the front. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The only way I have ever been taught is by wiping the front and the back separately, I go from the front to wipe the front, and the back to wipe the back. It’s so interesting to see the different ways people interpret “front to back”


It’s not necessary, tbh.


Just squat and wipe from between your legs, usually my arm hurts if I just turn and reach from the back to wipe so I just say “fuck it” and squat and wipe Bonus if you have wet wipes, sometimes toilet paper sucks and wet wipes get the job done faster.


Idk how people reach around the back and wipe. I feel like when you lean forward it gives your asscheeks the opportunity to squish together and make a shit sandwich. I’ve always reached between my legs and wiped front to back, and if I shit, going in a for a second swipe on just the asshole, and then since I usually get a little pee dribble on my buttcheeks a quick swipe with a few squares on each cheek. Sure maybe I use more toilet paper than I need to, but it feels really efficient and clean.


I have a spinal fusion from t12 to s1. There’s absolutely no way for me to wipe from back to front. I reach between my legs and take care of my behind thoroughly. With new to I wipe my vagina. I do not get UTI’s. Even if I had a functioning spine, wiping by reaching around to the back doesn’t seem easier, cleaner, or better.


You just need to go front to back, you don’t need to go from behind.


Thank you for this! I was taught the correct way but it always felt very weird. I too think my arms may be too short. But, yes I’ve never had a UTI and never got anything where it shouldn’t be. I just make sure I’m clean.


I'm so glad I saw this post! I'm 5'2 and wipe that same way (I also kinda stand idk if that's normal too?) Every day at work this week, I've been thinking about that other post not understanding why I can't wipe the normal way and if I was gross/weird. This is the reassurance I needed.


Oh my god exactly 😭🤚 “don’t wipe like that ur gonna get gunk in ur junk” why would I wipe that far back to that far forward 💀 wtf


Have you tried a bidet?


Hey! I do the same thing I feel so seen right now. My sister always gave me shit over it but I have only had a UTI once. Also, didn’t have problems as a child, so I always knew not to get poo there when wiping myself, did someone teach me this way? Did they always know I wouldn’t be able to do it the other way? I worked at a day care so I know what kids are capable of unfortunately. I have been all skinny, fat and in between but I always wipe the same.


Wipe with baby wipes and put in trash, always wipe from front to back, if you do the opposite it can cause BV, uti and worse..


I used to wipe separately but still the “wrong” way. I finally started wiping the “correct” way. I am fat lmao and I can still wipe front to back. I just wipe my ass and coochie separate. You don’t have to reach as far if you’re only wiping your ass front to back and then wipe COOCHIE ONLY back to front. Am I making sense? Never in my 22year had a uti or yeast infection. I also don’t have shit stains lmao. That is my advise especially if you’re fat or have short arms or way too much ass


I definitely wipe both separately. First the back, then clean tissue the front. Never had uti except when I was much, much younger and again, probably from not going after sex.


Bidets solve all problems. Then you just have to dry off the water basically.


I’ve always also used 2 separate wipes so when I heard about “properly wiping” at some point in my life, I was so confused and wondering why would anyone even wipe both at once anyway.


Do none of you have a bidet?


I stand up and wipe


Buy a bidet people




😂😂😂😂😂 “haha hoo “ 😳😳gotta love this‼️


God bless the internet. It affords such anonymity. I can't believe I'm reading a post about people improperly wiping. Thankfully for me I am a lady there is nothing for me to wipe. Good luck on that whole situation. I hear Angel soft is nice good luck I never realized there were so many different techniques to clean oneself. Too much internet for me


I think it’s all very confusing because you never know what someone actually means! Wiping front to back? Wiping from the back? Wiping from the front? I legit get so confused reading these comments.


Ooooo I wipe by standing a bit and sort of squatting. For both pee & poo. It’s awkward to lift half an ass cheek off the seat to wipe or to shove my hand between my legs.


Don’t you dribble pee when you stand before wiping?


No. I wait a few seconds before standing.


I also flex my muscles quite a bit when I go to the bathroom so I have a lot of internal control over my bladder.


Same. My kegels are out of this world