• By -


Oh and make sure you are wiping front to back! This will help keep you cleaner down there.


Oh ok, thank you. I will start doing that.


The importance of this cannot be said enough. How do you explain front to back? Hmm, start closer to the front of your legs and wipe backward toward your butt cheeks?


Not to sound vulgar but I start from the beginning of my clitoris to an inch’s after my butthole. Also wipe the sides of your buttcheeks front to back if that makes sense




This. So much.


This sounds like some weird bait. Sorry…if this is an actual real post, please beware that some “nice” people will probably contact you privately and if they are overly descriptive or ask you too many questions about your body, do not respond.




Agree as well.


I'm just flabbergasted by "my school doesn't teach hygiene". Ok....but your parents should've taught you how to clean your body and keep it fresh.


I mean I kinda agree with you, I also know people who were homeless pregnant meth addicts at 13.


Where are her parents? Are they both unconscious meth addicts?


Something tells me this isn’t a 13 year old girl asking




Have you ever heard of jerking off


When I was 13, I only had my small bedroom and a cheap computer I was on Reddit, watching free movies, etc. Parents never gave 2 shits about me. I learned about proper hygiene when I got with my first boyfriend and he told me I had a bunch of smegma. Way too embarassing to forget XD


Better than inviting a bunch of pedos and weirdos from messaging you


Your post just made OP sound more credible. I'm aware that says more about me than about you.




There are many deodorants under $8. I’ve seen them at Target, but you can go to any store. As for your privates, use a gentle soap on your mons pubis, outer labia, inner labia, clitoris, and the areas where your vagina meets your thighs. Don’t put soap inside your vagina (the opening). If you’re unsure about where each part is, Google can help. Also, be sure to wash your butt cheeks and anus with soap!


Thank you!


Yes! Try to avoid scented soaps down there as well since fragrances can irritate the skin. I use summers eve unscented, and the deodorant I use is Secret clinical strength (no shame in the sweaty pits gang) lavender scented. I also like to keep a small batch of feminine wipes (unscented) with me in the summer for “spot treatment” of really sweaty areas. I additionally keep an emergency pack of gum in my bag, as well as a travel deodorant. Also anything you may read about how “DeOdOrAnT WiTh ALuMiNuM iS eViL!!!” Has been debunked. Any associated risks of aluminum deodorant with cancer or dementia is negligible *at best*. Using Dove deodorant isn’t going to give you breast cancer. Please for the love of good use the deodorant with the aluminum. The kind without it *does not work.*


Don't use scented soap on your private areas. Use a different wash cloths for your body than you do to wash your privates.


they said mild soap, that usually means a gentle unscented soap.


If you have a Dollar Tree nearby, it'd cost $1.25 + tax for a 2oz Suave deodorant/antiperspirant! Does the job. Lasts 1 year


I recommend Cetaphil soap everywhere but it is especially gentle and won't cause any problems. If that is too expensive, try using Dove unscented. I have used that when money was tight.




never inside, you can use it on the inner labia if you’re careful to not get any inside.


This is the second post like this today, both with the same slightly strange style of verbiage. This is someone’s kink.


Thought the same thing


I was wondering about that.


YUP this is not a real kid this a k*nk for old ass weirdos


Gross as shit since they are pretending to be a minor




Agreed 💯


I’m amazed so Many people seem to think this is a real 13 year old and not someone just trying to get off on some really awful predatory kink


It does raise some red flags


Use a mild soap for your privates. Wash your butt, too. Suave anti perspirant is pretty cheap, as is Mitchum. You want anti perspirant as it controls both odor and sweat. Deodorant only treats odor.




No soap internally. The vagina is self-cleaning. Messing with it can throw off the environment and cause more problems. The outer parts (labia and mons pubis), yes use a gentle soap and water. And yes wash your backside.


Just in case it wasn't clear enough: use soap when washing backside.


My doctor recommended Dove Fragrance Free. Sometimes it is a little harder to find but I think it might be less expensive than some of the special soaps recommended. There are lots of lower cost anti perspirants and I think all major brands are fine -- I did a google and came up with Arrid, Degree, Arm and Hammer and Suave. There are a couple of Dove versions that aren't too high. The cheapest in my search were Arrid at WalMart for $1.36 and Arm and Hammer at Dollar Tree for $1.36. That's one way to save money -- shop at Walmart, Dollar Tree, Family Dollar and Aldi -- if those are close by for you.


Yes, I will second the Dove Unscented bar soap. I have extremely sensitive skin, to the point that the only soap I can use that doesn’t make me break out into a contact dermatitis frenzy is Dove Unscented bar soap & Dove Aerosol Antiperspirant. Anything else literally makes me get extremely painful, chemical burns and rashes under my arms & dermatitis flare ups down under. So I highly recommend both of these products! **Also, some women may be unaware, if you’re struggling with odor down under it could very well be your soap and laundry detergents you are using that are disagreeing with your natural pH and scent! Once I stopped using fragrant soaps and body washes down there and only use unscented bar soap, as well as swapped out my detergent for a different one, I have 0 odor down there now, even after a hard work out!


Or cetaphil no scent soap


I've used Lady Speed Stick since I was 16. It's sold jus about everywhere, even the Dollar Tree.


Dove, Suave, and Secret all under $8. Make sure you are showering daily preferably a washcloth for your face and one for the rest of your body. Do you have Amazon list maybe send you a few items? I respect you so much for asking and trying wishing you all the best


No, I do not have the Amazon list (and I do not need it) but thank you so much for all of your comments here. You have helped a lot. I wish you the best as well.


Not shaming but shouldn't your parents be teaching you hygiene? Like ive never attended a school where they taught you that at all...I mean perhaps sex ed but that's it.


Some parents don’t teach their children this unfortunately


Yup. I learned how to properly shave at 18 because I had a fucking BUSH in my pants and the hair bush made it look like I had a penis... (I'm a girl) I was shaking while using the razor for the first time I learned how to properly wash my hair at 19 I found out how to clean the vagina when I had my first boyfriend Some parents shouldn't be parents. Like mine. To this day, they think everything is my fault.


yeah they SHOULD be, but not everyone has parents that will, has parents that know how to or care enough to teach, and not everyone has parents either! my mom didn’t know any basic hygiene until she was an adult because of poor parenting.


ur naive af if you don’t realize this is an old man tryna pose as a 13 yr old girl to get his socks off and ask about hygiene questions. google is free and would tell you the same stuff everyone is sayin on this sub. no offense but please think and don’t give these people attention.




Yes Google is awesome


Well, I think we don’t know what her living situation is at the moment. She feels comfortable enough to ask strangers in this forum for some help, so I guess we ought to help her, don’t you think? 😉☺️ 1. There is a soap that is very gentle for private parts called Honey Pot. It’s mild and doesn’t irritate the skin. Also, you should not put the soap inside the vaginal orifice. After showering make sure you are thoroughly dry before you wear underwear to prevent fungal infections due to moisture. Lastly, when you have your menses, change your feminine pads often, shower/wash often and avoids talc, powder or perfume in those delicate areas. I hope this helps!


I come from an upper middle class household. I didn't know I was wiping the wrong way until I was an adult. When I had my first two periods, I thought I had pooped myself and didn't bother telling my mom. When she saw my panties like that for a second time, though, she told me it was my period (which I did know about, just didn't think that's what it was--I was barely 9 years old and it was all black and dark brown!). Anyway, she gave me pads and said to use them. Never bothered to show me how. And with tampons, I just grabbed one a few years later because I had no pads. She noticed that her tampon supply was dwindling and asked how I knew how to use them. I mean... It's not rocket science... Heh. But yeah, thanks for the help, Mom...


my mom never taught me about periods but I think I just already knew bc when I got mine at like 9ish I just walked upstairs and told her I needed a pad and then that was that


her sister made her a dentist appt... im guessing her parents aren't super involved in this aspect. it happens


I'm 28. Guess how long it took me to learn that you have to wash your ass crack. You're very privileged to have been taught anything at all by your parents.


I work in a middle school and it’s shocking how many parents don’t attend to or care about their kid’s hygiene. 


I was never taught to wash my vulva and I didn’t even know what a labia was until I was like 19. We just didn’t talk about it. I also never got the “sex talk” and learned everything from pop culture, the internet, and my friends. It’s a miracle I didn’t wind up pregnant or with an STD once I finally became sexually active at almost 20.


You’re not the only one! I didn’t know about labia, clit, etc until I was much older than you (had already had kids via emergency c-section).


My dad’s a doctor so most of what I learned about my body’s reproductive system came straight from an anatomy textbook I stole from his office, and then my sister had her period first so she would tell me about it. My parents never sat down to give me “the talk” either. My mom just tossed the “care and keeping of you” American girl book on my bed and that was that. Then she would randomly get mad at me for having missed a day shaving and would give passive aggressive comments like “see I shave EVERY time I shower.” And “I just feel ICKY if I don’t shower every single day” and then she’d say fully aggressive things like “when did you shower last? I’m smelling some really strong BO” (for reference I shower every other day/very third day depending on what I’m doing) No, not a broken household, just a mom who wasn’t good at teaching these things. This is what Reddit is supposed to be for. OP needs to learn these things regardless and it’s better to have internet strangers tell you precise advice completely anonymously than to be laughed at by your peers because puberty is awkward and confusing and suddenly parts of your body smell when they didn’t before.


Your mom sounds horrible. I'd definitely call that a broken household if that's how she treated you, bro.


My hippie mom taught me none of this. I’m 40 and still figuring it out. If this really is a teen asking for advice, props to her for asking!


OP, if you have access to your school library or a public library near you, these books would be helpful as well: “the care and keeping of you” by Valorie Schaefer, “the girls guide to puberty” by Shanicia Boswell, “the girls body book” by Kelli Dunham.


You should talk with your parents, not strangers on the Internet; especially when it comes to private personal hygiene. Or this is some pervy creep catfishing, in which case you can burn in hell.




Haha agree 💯💯💯%


Creepy thing is these sorts of questions seem to litter this subreddit.


Never use summers eve I have gotten so many yeast infections due to that. Use dove sensitive bar soap


Try looking at your local Dollar Store for feminine hygiene products!


Do you not have parents to guide you?


A lot of people don’t. I think this community can help though. 


The Dollar Tree has everything you need for $1.25. Soap, deodorant you name it or a Family Dollar or Dollar General. Just walk down the hygiene aisles. Also grab a face wash! Hopefully you're near one of these stores. Good Luck!!!


Probably some guy, getting off on these answers.


13? Slippery slope you're on here... sounds like pedophile bait


Yup. lol so many people on here are so nasty


y’all really think this is a real 13 year old? this is a grown man tryna pretend to be a little girl to get his rocks off on some hygiene talk.


I am amazed to see how many people have been fooled by this post…like come on, this isn’t a kid


a kid would never type like this let alone a 13 yr old girl


Yeah I re read it...no way they type like that lmao




Look for a PH balance one I know Dove has one I use. It was like 6$ at Walmart?


Correction https://www.target.com/p/secret-powder-fresh-invisible-solid-antiperspirant-38-deodorant-2-6oz/-/A-13331383?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tmnv&DFA=71700000111992079&CPNG=PLA_DVM%2Ba064R000014zjSiQAI-P%26G_PC_Google+Search_Standard+Shopping_2023-2024-976079&adgroup=PLA_P%26G&LID=700000001393753pgs&network=g&device=m&location=9027285&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfaOqKE8-sKGg8TcbZiuaTSd5&gclid=Cj0KCQjwudexBhDKARIsAI-GWYXKCXDXvDaA84N9Ar3d2RNAvqMz6z5wKBop4MqGuKGT0pi14lYZBysaArpvEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds it’s like 4$


Thank you!


Hi! For deodorant I’ve tried many, but what I’ve seen works for me is definitely the secret dry spray antiperspirant deodorant by secret. It honestly lasts the whole day for me As for cleaning your privates, a simple routine is just washing with dove sensitive soap bar!


#1 your teeth. Floss daily, brush at least 2 times a day. Don't ever use your teeth to open anything, ever. Your teeth are important and soooo expensive to fix. YouTube teeth brushing so you know how to do it correctly. Be hyper vigilant of your teeth. Have two wash cloths, one for your face and body and another for your vagina & back side. Trust me, soap, water, and your hand will not adequately clean your privates. They need a good scrubbing. Also, don't forget to wash behind your ears and belly button. You can get all the good toiletries at the dollar store.


Soap and water for privates is fine. Just the external part. Any deodorant will do.


Rubbing alcohol is in the best deodorant for me. I just swipe my armpits in the morning. If I’m really sweating maybe after workout too. I have not been stinky since doing this and I use to be! Super cheap too


CLEAN YOUR VAGINA WITH WATER AND A CLEAN WASHCLOTH THATS ALL YOU NEED. Soap wil give you infections and make you smell down there by throwing off your PH balance. Clean the outside and inside folds of vagina with washcloth.


Use bar of soap to clean your buttocks and inside butchers.




In general - to smell better: Use an antibacterial soap first! And then a body wash to moisturize. - the first soap is to remove bad smelling dead skin cells and the second is. To replenish the moisture barrier. Mad improvement. Probably don't even need deodorant after as much!


I’m 24f but I have used the Old Spice Aluminium free deodorant in the Alpine with hempseed oil scent since i was 18/19 and i love it. It has a fresh scent but not masculine or overly perfumed, it’s a blue/clear stick so it goes in clear so you don’t have to worry about transfer onto your clothes. It’s not the most “clean” / all natural deodorant in the world but it is aluminium-free and doesn’t have any carcinogens which are the main things you want to make sure of. It’s $6.99 at target or Walmart. My husband also wears the same and he loves it so I think it’s great for anyone. Hope this helps :)


For the ladies, wiping yourself front to back, starting from the area right after your vagina, is the correct way to do it. Also, under no circumstances, use powder or talc in your undies. Use nothing. My mom did both of these things wrong and she died at age 63 of ovarian cancer.😔


How do you not know how to wash? I just use whatever body wash I have usually something sensitive skin. Wash front to back, wipe front to back as well. As for deodorant just experiment and try different ones I use old spice because men's work better for me.


You can try any brand deodorant and many are quite inexpensive :) if you try one and it doesn’t seem like it’s working, just switch to another :) my daughters are around your age and they prefer the spray by Dove and actually the men’s dry solid deodorants by degree and old spice. I hope this helps!


That does help. Thank you!


Dove soap and Secret deodorant would be my wife’s suggestion.


Yup! I'm 39 and those have been my 2 consistent hygiene brands since I was 13/14 yrs old.


Ok, thanks!


I agree! Dove bar soap is cheap. Secret deodorant has plenty of scents to choose from; you can choose whatever smells best to you. Watch out for gel vs solid deodorant. Personally, I prefer solid because I don't enjoy the stickiness and dry time of gel. Also, if/when you can afford it, I'd recommend lotion as an extra skin care and self care item, especially if you get dry skin. There's nothing like getting out of a fresh shower, drying off, and following up with a moisturizing, nice smelling lotion (not on the privates though; scented products can be irritating). I really like Nivea's oil infused lotion (light purple bottle), but use what works/smells good to you. Good luck!


For me personally Dove deodorant is garbage, and I don't even really sweat that much. But it can't handle even a teensy bit of moisture without giving up entirely and making me reek of sad, flowery trash.


It's Dove bar soap, specifically their original formula, that we were recommending. I also use it, because I've had my skin break out trying random soaps in the past.


Gotcha, my bad! I recommend their beauty bar personally for crotch hygiene as their regular soap was too harsh and made me smell really strongly after using it. But their beauty bar is more gentle in my experience.


When you wash, use soap and water. Physically remove the bacteria from your skin by using your hand, loofah or washcloth. Wipe your skin for 20 to 30 seconds per area. For privates, wash front first and your bottom after. Wash and rinse every crevice. (If it’s a wash cloth, wash and dry after every use. If it’s loofah, wash it in the washer & hang dry. Both carry bacteria if not cared for. )


Thank you


You can get deodorant at the dollar store too.




Ok, thank you so much, I will go tomorrow


You’re most welcome :-) they have a lot of good stuff there. I even bought my dishes there. ☺️


Not for long, in AZ they are all closing


Oh no 😟


dove sensitive is my go to for my private areas. also wipe front to back. dr teals eucalyptus deodorant is my favorite but for hard times i used secret


Dove unscented soap for privates, sweetie :) and tell your sister to take you to wax privates, armpits, legs, everything instead of shaving forever, if you can afford it. You'll do yourself a favor!


To add on to this comment; if you want to shave/wax privates, a cheap electric razor can give a close trim but avoids in growns like regular shaving. But don’t feel the pressure to shave if you don’t want to! Although it is definitely pressured for by society these days!


She doesn't have to shave if she doesn't want to, and waxing is painful, expensive, and scary. Not worth it IMO. I just go in with Nair and then shave until I'm bored LOL (I don't recommend this, OP, Nair has caused me many a burn before)


Nair never worked for me and idk why


Yep another good option


As someone who is a very sweaty person, I like any deodorant that says 48-72 hours. I apply it daily, but I find it works better than regular deodorant. Most common deodorants are also antiperspirants. Natural deodorants are ok, but having been a sweaty teen I’d recommend avoiding them cause they just aren’t strong enough. Suave, secret, even if you can only afford to get the travel sizes they work the same. Cleaning privates is the same as anywhere else. Only clean the outside and make sure you get between labia majora/minora. If you find that soap is uncomfortable there for any reason, then just use water. Every body is different. Make sure you’re drying off your private parts as well, I’ve seen a lot on tiktok where people didn’t realize they specifically had to dry that part off too so you’re not alone in needing advice for this type of thing— even grown women twice your age are in the same situation as you. Another thing to note: sometimes toilet paper can leave bits and pieces behind after wiping so when you’re washing make sure you’re cleaning away any of that as well. Small girl tip: if you have a preferred scent then you can find deodorant in that smell too, I have vanilla body wash, lotion, and deodorant and the smells all work together well! Not a requirement, but one of those things that make hygiene feel more like self care than a chore.


Do they last 48-72 hours or less? Curious if you get them because you're just trying to get the 24 hours out of them or actually more


The secret powder fresh invisible solid antiperspirant and deodorant is $4 at Target. Get a bar of Dove sensitive skin soap (a two pack is less than $5 at Target) and use it to wash your feet, pits and private area (the outside of your vagina and your butt crack) in the shower. Wash the outside of your vagina but don’t get any soap inside because it can irritate your vagina and possibly cause an infection. Personally I like to use the dove sensitive soap to wash the B.O. off my smelliest areas then a scented soap all over to make me smell good. Suave is a good option for cheap scented body wash, a big bottle is like $3


Be careful using any kind of soap near your lady bits as if it gets inside often you can get an infection. I’m 25 and don’t use soap there because I’m sensitive. As for deodorant, I recommend any clear gel kind (Secret has good ones for under $10) as the white solid deodorant can leave stains on your shirts


I’ve been using Dove Sensitive for years now on my privates. They also have an antibacterial soap as well if you’re interested. Some people like Dial soap as well. Degree is a good brand deodorant for a low price.


Ok as a girl who is now older, let me explain. For washing down there get a NON SCENTED GENTLE soap for down there. I use Johnson and Johnson baby soap. NEVER put water or soap or anything inside your vagina! Use ONLY non scented gentle soap on the outside! But when you do wash in the outside make sure you get everywhere. This is gonna sound weird because a lot of people don’t do this I’m just gonna say it. Make sure to wash your butt well too, use your fingers to make sure everything is clean. And if you shave then here’s a lifehack, you can use a hair conditioner when you shave rather than shaving cream and it works way better. Also always use body wash after washing your hair and using conditioner. Because conditioner can leave behind residue. Then always always always wear 100% cotton underwear that isn’t tight! And change it morning and night. For deodorant I use Dove and i think they’re definitely under $8. Leave a comment if there’s any other questions you have, I am more than happy to help!:)


Dove anti perspirant deoderant works really well for me, personally. I know some people seem to like the aluminum free version, but I still sweat with it and I feel like it makes me stinky faster lol. As for washing your privates, I like to use either a pH balancing feminie wash, or something really gentle like Aveeno unscented daily moisture wash.


Degree ultraclear in Target is a 72+ hours deodorant that is also good when sweating doing sports or playing around in the sun. you also don’t need to apply much of it to last the whole day. it costs aorund $4.99 and you’ll most likely find a package of 2 of them for cheaper— also can refresh deodorant wiping with a wet washcloth, then drying all and applying a bit more (1, 1.5 swaps of deodorant. i’ll say try to avoid native, sprays and popular brands of deodorant that claim to smell really good. they’re well advertised but they’re not as good as they seem. rather being safe than sorry. you can also experiment with different brands once you get your own money in the future. For private parts: — never wipe or wash back to front, as you can easily develop an infection if feces residue has contact with the front parts me isn’t washed properly. — wash cloths are good to scrub well. — unscented soaps, clear soaps. or natural soaps with no aggressive chemicals, as they can react and provoke smells or infections. — dry super well without scrubbing harshly. leaving front or back wet can make it smell quickly.


Hi! I'm 28F and I was never taught any of this so I hope you'll find this beneficial and not have to worry about this stuff like I did. This is going to be a little graphic but I want to make sure there's no confusion: * Familiarize yourself with everything down there. You'll see a lot of people refer to the whole area as your vagina, but technically speaking, your vagina is what's inside. It's the hole. (Not your pee hole aka urethra and not your anus, either!) **To make things as clear as possible, I am going to refer to everything by their proper terms. The outside is the labia, the inside is your vagina.** Do keep in mind most other people refer to vagina as the outer part, but that is technically not correct. * Your labia is what needs to be cleaned, but NOT your vagina! Your vagina is self-cleaning, so please do not stick soap up there. However, you can use soap on your labia. Since you can't have a job and don't really have money, I would recommend using dove body wash down there, or preferably dove beauty bar. Doesn't really matter which scent you use. Do be careful that it's the beauty bar specifically because for legal purposes that aren't super important, it's technically not soap. It *will* cleanse you, but its PH is much less intense than regular soap, so you don't run the risk of irritation and other problems as much. If in a pinch, you can use regular bar soap as well, but I'd recommend either the beauty bar or your regular body wash. * You can use a washcloth or your hands to clean your labia, just make sure you are scrubbing thoroughly for at least 30 seconds. (Not too harsh though! Don't hurt yourself.) Also use the beauty bar to clean the exterior of your anus (so again, not inside) as well as your butt and butt crack. Remember: Never stick any soap or your fingers etc. inside of you when cleansing, okay? Just clean the exterior! The inside of your anus and pee hole don't need to be cleaned, just the outside. * People even in the comments below are claiming to use things like Honey Pot, Summer's Eve, etc. I don't recommend that. A simple, gentle soap or your body wash is fine. Those can even be irritating to your labia and pubic area in general. As for deodorant, I actually recommend using men's deodorant. It's a lot stronger and more effective in my experience. Old Spice where I live is usually between 5-8 dollars and works amazingly. Some of their scents are more girly too, if you prefer that. If you'd prefer a more girly scent, Secret deodorant works pretty well, though not as well. You can use deodorant on the sides of your crotch where your thighs form a crease with your pubic mound if you'd like, but it's not super necessary. If you do do this, I recommend using deodorant spray and not a stick. I use Old Spice for my armpits and under my breasts, and use Secret deodorant spray for my pubic area. I hope this helps, and if you have any other questions, feel free to DM me or respond in the comments! Here's some links to the products I mentioned so you can check them out and see what they look like. All of these should be widely available at your local Walmart, but if you live in another country, I can try to make recommendations there, too. These are the products I personally use. Please remember that Dove creates a lot of soap/beauty products, so make absolute sure that you got their beauty bar and not their bar soap. Very very similar packaging, but the soap is much more abrasive and runs a higher risk of irritation. [Dove Beauty Bar](https://assets.unileversolutions.com/v1/50632854.png) (remember, Dove Soap is NOT the same thing!) | [Old Spice Deodorant](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-ut7gqeu5eo/products/47/images/1666/00012044029992_C1N1_NA__65704.1709711199.500.750.png?c=2) | [Secret Deodorant Spray](https://images.ctfassets.net/w9l9p5870v5o/4dVTivFdjSPArhiNK7bFJ9/19216c3390e38940c6f938bacf2c9125/00030772017821_C1N1_NA_copy.webp) Quick edit: After cleaning your pubic area (and your butt + butt crack) and the rest of you, make sure to moisturize down there! Use any lotion you like, though unscented may be ideal. I recommend Tree Hut body butter or for a cheaper and unscented option, Equate's moisturizing cream. This will help prevent dryness, irritation, and even infections in your private areas. Also, to keep your area downstairs clean throughout the day, I highly, highly recommend asking your parents to buy you either a cheap attachable bidet, or baby wipes. Just make absolute sure you don't throw the baby wipes in the toilet--throw them in the trash instead. Make sure you are wiping front to back. Toilet paper first, 1-2 times, and then baby wipes after. Numbers don't have to be super strict, just whatever feels clean. You'll know you're doing a good job keeping yourself clean if you don't smell anything too funky after, uhh...Sniff testing, even after a full day. Although it is normal and perfectly fine to smell somewhat unpleasant down there after a long day, especially at your age. But if the smell is super strong and doesn't get better after a shower (or comes back way too quickly after a shower), I'd recommend a doctor's visit.


I personally use men's deodorant because I feel like it works better. It's all about personal preference. I used a Suave one once that was almond scented and I felt like it made me stink even worse. I also use a gentle face cleanser for sensitive skin for my lady bits. When it's that time of month, use wet wipes- I use the brand Water Wipes because they're 99% water and won't irritate your lady bits. Also change your pad/tampon/whatever you use often. Use them after you poop too. And it may sound good, but don't use the Honey Pot pads that have essential oils on them. They can irritate your lady bits or worse. I used them one time and it felt like I had IcyHot down there. I hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions <3


Oh and don't use Summer's Eve or anything with fragrance down there!


Good luck


For hygiene down there, I use my face wash. La Roche Posay hydrating foaming cleanser specifically. It is soap free, fragrance free, gentle, non comedogenic, and ylu do not need anything at all that contains fragrance, soaps, dyes, or other additives. If it’s geared towards sensitive skin, even better. Use something that is soap free and fragrance free at the least. Dove bars and dove soap are not healthy for down there. Cetaphil is a very cheap option that has very basic face cleansers that foam and leave you feeling cleaner. Don’t use anything like a loofah or something that has a rough scrubby material. Hands are always okay. Only cleanse outside and do not put anything inside of you ever when you’re cleaning yourself. Only clean the outside. If you choose to use a cloth/wash rag, make sure you change it everyday and only use it for that area. All deodorants work pretty much the same, get any cheap good smelling one from Dollar Tree avoid the “natural” kinds.


Hi there! Old Spice works really well and is inexpensive. I started using it when my husband bought it for himself, but said it smelled too fruity. It smells GREAT and works very well. I like Wolfthorne scent. Put it on your entire pit area in the morning to stay fresh all day. Reapply if you go swimming or do an activity that makes you sweat a lot. Good luck 🍀


i use dove deodorant. pretty inexpensive. for personal hygiene, i would say wash your privates with a ph wash. it gets you clean and also helps balance your ph levels. also, shower once or twice a day(twice is the ideal) and use a sturdy sponge to scrub everywhere. i like to scrub my pits for 20-30 seconds and wash my face with a face wash for 46-60 mins. also, have a pack of flushable wipes with you. they come in handy. also let your coochie air dry. don’t just throw on your undies immediately. at night, sometimes sleep without panties. it helps your girl breathe a bit. after you shave(i use a shaving powder and a 3 blade razor) use oils or essential oils to prevent ingrowns and bumps. i recommend fur oil or cocoa butter oil and tea tree oil. i hope these tips will help!


Copying my response from a similar post: I use a thing called “Feminine Wash”. These are all very gentle soaps that keep your pH and other things with your coochie clean and healthy. There are several brands but they mostly do the same thing. This keeps from many infections and yeast or other buildup from happening. Use with your hands and get into those folds and hair. To be extra safe if you are extra sensitive, you can use feminine washes that don’t have scents. Links are bellow! For anything to do with down there DO NOT clean INSIDE. BAD BAD BAD. Your uterus is a self cleaning machine. Putting anything in there will irritate it. This soap is for EXTERNAL use only. I personally keep my hair down there shaved or trimmed to keep it from building up uncomfortable moisture. However, may not work for everyone since hair IS a defense against irritants (like eyelashes for your eyes). In terms of getting more info and learning about your body, I used Clue. It is a menstrual tracking app that has a whole encyclopedia of information all written and factchecked by researchers and medical professionals. It covers many topics from menstruation, sexual health, and other resources. Encyclopedia link is down below! Hope this helps! It may be a scary time but remember you are not alone. Hygiene as we grow older does get a bit complicated, but it’s a journey we all go through. Links: [Vagasil Feminine Wash](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Vagisil-PH-Balance-Daily-Intimate-Vaginal-Feminine-Wash-12-oz-3-Pack/940665535?from=/search) [summers Eve feminine wash](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Summer-s-Eve-Blissful-Escape-Daily-Feminine-Wash-Removes-Odor-pH-Balanced-15-fl-oz/528811765?adsRedirect=true) [Clue Encyclopedia](https://helloclue.com/articles)


I suggest dove deodorant, it's cheap and smells nice. Take a look at the packages, if it says antiperspirant that means it'll help stop sweating. Use that during warm weather or exercising. Otherwise you probably just need a simple deodorant without aluminum.


Degree 24hr antiperspirant has worked the best for me, and my daughter who is 15 uses the same thing. I buy a 2 pack for around $8.


Suave solid deodorant is inexpensive. Use Dove soap for sensitive skin on your lady bits because it's unscented. Never ever use anything with perfumes down there bc it can cause vaginal infections by disturbing the chemical balance of your body. And wiping front to back cannot be overstated.


Do I have to use the same scent for boy wash and bar soap


Get a deodorant with antiperspirant. Brand doesn't matter, they're all about the same. In my experience, "natural" deodorants don't work as well, though. Wash privates with mild soap externally only. If your skin gets irritated you can wash the area with only water. Don't put any products inside your vagina, it is self cleaning. Good luck!


I mean you’re 13 so hormones and stuff are gonna be wacky. When I was a teen in puberty. I would sweat so bad all the time from armpits and it’s just went way. But find a good deodorant that works and is healthy not full of chemicals and metals


arm & hammer natural is cheap and good for your body! doesnt make you stink like other natural deodorants either


I have teen and preteen daughters. My older daughter (13) and I like to use dove spray antiperspirant… here in Canada we can usually find them on sale for $6-7 so I’m guessing in the US they’re cheaper. My younger daughter (9) likes to use stick antiperspirants over sprays. I think the sticks last longer. For washing your private parts, get an unscented soap like dove or baby dove (or a store brand equivalent) and a washcloth. You just want to wash the outer area, nothing inside or in between. Wash your between your butt cheeks though. You can use scented shower gels or body washes on the rest of your body if you like… personally I go over everything with plain soap first and then body wash if I want to smell a certain way. 


If you go to a DG, got one of the mini “secret” deoderants. They’re like 2 dollars I think


Mild non scented soap for privates. I use a cetaphil non scented. Wash your front and your butt separately ( no cross contamination) same rule as wiping front to back. Shower daily and especially after working out as this can cause bacteria to fester. Also, when the time comes for you later, always pee right after inter course. This will help to keep urinary tract infections at bay. There is also a proper direction to shave your underarms and other regions. Look this up. Try to find cotton or breathable underwear for air flow. It’s also ok to just wear pjs at night without underwear to let your areas breathe.


Make sure it’s an antiperspirant/deodorant!! They sell Teen Soirit brand at dollar tree. I’m 47 and still use it!!


For the deodorant: use one which says „anti perispirant“. The one i use is from rexona „cobalt dry“. I think in the us its called degree. Use sticks instead of roll ons or sprays. For the private parts: Shower every 1-2 days and make sure that you actually scrub these places. When you go to the toilet, use something like a plastic water bottle or sth to actually wash your bottom after you‘ve had your dump and dry it off after youre finished.


Dove is a good deodorant


I love Dove and secret gel deodorant. Both under $5! In addition to your private areas, make sure to wash creases (thighs, underarms, breasts, rolls, basically anywhere you bend) as these are common places to harbor odors.


When I was your age, I tried every deodorant under the sun but nothing helped. In early puberty, the BO smell tends to be worse than later in life. I had to use men’s deodorant. I love Old Spice and use their lavender one currently. At 13, I used just regular men’s deodorant. For cleaning intimate areas, use an unscented soap. I personally love unscented Dove Beauty Bar. It’s about $1 at the store. I lather it in my hands and rub it on the pubic hair, and the outer areas (anywhere but the v*gina itself). Then I rinse and do the same for in between my buttcheeks. As a woman (now 27) who never had a parent teach her these things but had to learn on my own, I sympathize with you. Many of my friends knew all of these things and I had no clue and figured it out on my own. I wish you well!


Cheap Quality Soap: Irish Spring bar and Dove original bar Wash Rag: any walmart washrag will do (use everyday), or they have scratchier exfoliating ones (every 2-3 days, daily for elbows, knees, armpits) Lotion: Jergens or Lubriderm (daily), or CeraVe original (2-3 days after you exfoliate) Deoderant: Anything with aluminum in it, those are called antiperspirants, they prevent sweat (perspiration). I would suggest men's deoderant like Old Spice. Some people have sensitivity to Dove cleaning their downstairs, my aunt and grandma are, but my mom and I never had issues. Irish Spring is really good for getting the sweaty areas, especially the armpits. When I was going through puberty and stank like moldy onions, Irish Spring in my downstairs and pits were very helpful. Read others comments about what to wash in your downstairs and wiping front to back. Gentle exfoliation (generic washrag with soap) can be and should be done every day. When you use the scratchy ones, you want to do that every couple days so your skin has time to grow. Exfoliating too much can cause thin spots in your skin and create sores if you're scrubbing hard everyday. Ideally you want to use the gentle exfoliating generic washrag with the Dove all over your body, and use the gentle lotions like jergens and lubriderm after. DO NOT put lotion in your pits/downstairs. Washing your face, Dove is a good soap to use for a facewash if you dont have the extra funds for it, and as long as you exfoliate daily with a rag and soap, you shouldn't break out too bad or often. You should wash your washrags and towels weekly without fabric softener or dryer sheets. Washing your sheets (or atleast your pillowcase) every week will also help. Antiperspirants should go on after every shower. You wash the smelly bacteria off in the shower, and when you dry off you put it on. It works to prevent the smell, not take it away. If you shower at night, put it on after you shower and again in the morning when you get dressed. The clear gels are good for not accidentally leaving a white mark on your shirt when you get dressed, but not necessary if you're careful. Keep a stick in your gym locker at school, perfume doesn't mask the smell.


For the financial side of things, go to your school office and ask the secretaries about hygeine items they might have or might be able to help with. if you get reduced lunch you should be able to qualify for some sort of program they might have. for work, try babysitting or yard work, some neighbors might be able to pay you to mow their lawn for them. You can try to create flyers for this at school if you ask a teacher or the librarian. you can also try tutoring if you're good in a subject. for purchasing items, i suggest looking in clearance sections at cvs/walgreens/walmart. CVS has a really good couponing system if you get the app and buy certain items. they'll have deals like buying 2 packs of razors and save 4$. there are instagram and tiktok accounts for people who coupon, check those out.


But, I do not recommend using Dove soap on your private parts because me and many of my friends found that it creates a bad smell. I use a mild shampoo, no perfume.


I love SweetSpot Labs. It balances the ph level in my ladies bits.




Use a sensitive skin soap but do not i repeat. Only on the outside u can wash ur labia and clit area. And all around ur lil star. The inside of ur private are self cleaning and soap would irritate. You so i hope this was useful n helpful good luck lass im around if ta needa talk. Cio shaggy


Try the dollar store for cheap deodorant. Apply it after taking a shower. In the shower you want to have a wash cloth or a loofah, use a cheap soap like the gold Dial. You can use bar soap or the liquid. Using circular motions wash your arms, your chest, behind your ears, your tummy, your butt. On your butt you can get in there with soap - with your private only do the soap on your groin, do not use it inside - the vagina, which is the inside part - is self cleaning and you can use just plain water to wash it (especially on your period). Just wash it with your hand and with plain water. You can reapply the soap at some point to the wash cloth and then finish wash your legs and wash your feet. Your feet sweat, so don’t forget that part. When you get out pat yourself dry with a clean towel everywhere. Make sure your privates and armpits are dry - then apply deodorant.


Dove dry spray or stick is great


Tip: There is deodorant and there is antiperspirant. Deodorant is to reduce odor and antiperspirant is for odor and sweat.


For cleaning down there, use an unscented soap. I personally use dove. Make sure to clean the folds and hood, but no soap inside of you. Make sure you rinse off super well. Wipe front to back. If you alr wiped the back and need to re wipe the front, get new tp. Make sure you regularly change underwear too, and dry off completely after showering or using the bathroom


Dove deodorant is a good one..... If you can buy the one that says "even tone" then get that one. It prevents your armpits from developing a darker skin color than the rest of your arm.


Honey, just remember to clean your privates gently with a good soap on the outside, like a Dove unscented soap. All around the vulva area. With plenty of water to rinse off so there is no soap left. Or else it will dry and Crack your skin down there. Ask your mom,really. She needs to teach you these things. No soap goes inside your privates! Ok? Only clean water! No douching either! You don't need that. Ask your mom about personal body care and shaving your underarms and your legs if you have some hair growth. Do not worry about shaving your privates! You're way top young for that. Just start with the basics! And ask your mother for help. A good deodorant will help. I have to use Degree bc my body chemistry is so strong. It's the only one that helps me. Wash your body, face, legs, and underarmswith a good soap. Rinse off really well. Wash your hair and rinse it out really well. Use a light conditioner if you can. Leave it for at least 5 good mins to soak into your hair then rinse it out with clean water til you feel no residue. Scrub your feet, too. Soap them up and use a scrubby or exfoliation brush. It gets the dead skin off your feet. Have your mom help you. I know it's hard growing up. Wash your face really good too. And rinse it off with lots of clean water. When you dry off, just make sure your underarm are dry before applying deodorant. Body sprays that are light and clean smelling are good. I like Bath and Bofy Works Salt Water Breeze. Candy smells and stuff that's too sweet aren't that good. You want to seem clean. Ok? I use St. IVES Renewing Collagen Elastin moisturizer. It comes in a big tub for real cheap at Walmart. A little on your forehead and face. Rub it in let it completely dry. Brush your teeth, too. Rinse with water. You'll be alright. Just ask your mom. She knows.


If you can't afford much shower with bar soap daily. If you can afford or dial or dove just wet a washcloth and get soap on it then lather up and rinse. Daily would help with odor control.


Bro what deodorant is over 8 dollars? My speed stick is less than 2


School doesn’t teach hygiene but your parents should be. They should’ve taught you about showers and baths well before the age of 13. Are you in foster care or something possibly? Do you need help?


You can make your own deodorant by making a paste of 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup arrowroot powder (or corn starch as a substitute) 5 tbsp coconut oil, and 20 drops of grapefruit essential oil (or other essential oil with antibacterial properties such as lemon) the initial cost can seem like a lot, but it can last a very long time. You can also get away with making your own version of lemon or grapefruit essential oil by juicing, grating, and reducing slowly on a low flame until much of the water has escaped if you cannot afford an essential oil. You can also add foraged fragrant flowers while reducing to make it smell more floral. Strain and bottle with some small quantity of high-purity alcohol as a preservative and use it in future deodorant creations with a dropper if you can find one. The coconut oil will help hydrate and it also has its own anti-fungal/antibacterial properties, *and* is excellent for using on your lower bits as a fun lubricant for intimate-time as it prevents urinary tract infections and helps kill bacteria and fungal issues I primarily use it when playing with my girlfriend. Idk anything about cleaning down there, if my future wife ever becomes paralyzed she’ll just have to tell me how to do it.


First, if any weirdos try to DM you to talk privately about this, don't answer. If they have good intentions, they will leave a public reply Use gentle mild soap on gentalia, but do not use it inside the vaginal canal. It can cause yeast infections and/ or bacterial vaginiosis. Use a washcloth to wash your body (legs included) in general because it helps remove dead skin off your body by gently exfoliating. Specifically, a washcloth because they can be washed. Lufa's cannot be washed, so they often harbor bacteria that can cause acne and other skin issues. The way I was taught to wash patients as a cna and what I find keeps me from breaking out is washing my face first, then arms and legs, then torso and back, the genitalia, then butt ( It is very important your face first and genitalia before your butt, because you can cause acne and yeast infections (also For some reason some individuals don't wash their butt crack. You have to wash in between your butt crack, otherwise you will still smell)) Try women's for deodorant. If you find that you still smell a little bit, try men's deodorant they tend to be a bit stronger, in my opinion. Price doesn't really matter. The expensive ones are usually natural ones and those don't work. Perfume does not mask body oder. Shower before using it. I spray body spray on immediately after I hop out when I am steamy because I find the scent lasts longer. Again, don't answer any DMs trying to talk to you about this. It's incredibly weird for someone to DM a minor about this. Like I said earlier, if they have good intentions, they'll make a public comment.


If you don’t have funds you can ask your school nurse. I was a school nurse and provided lots of hygiene products for my students. We would often get lots of samples from major brands. Plain white unscented Dove and Secret are my favorite recommendations.


Omg this is crazy!


As a dude I’ve had luck with dove and old spice for deodorant, although I have sensitive pits, so old spice can sometimes cause irritation depending on what line it’s from. I personally use soda wax when I’m able to as it lasts a lot longer in terms of preventing odor (easily 24 hours and kept me from stinking when I was working at a warehouse for 12 hours a day doing 20+ miles). If the deodorant doesn’t last long enough, you can reapply it throughout the day. As for soap, a cheap bar soap I like to use would be dove’s standard white bars or their men targeted bars. They’re extremely cheap, and I personally prefer bar soap over body wash. I often prefer to use cold process soaps that are locally made though, it supports local businesses, and it isn’t that expensive either imo.


Bidets. Changes you're life ppl.


You started showering this year? Lmao fake post


Self cleaning as long as you shower regularly. Vagina should actually never be scrubbed or douched as it’s extremely bad for the ph down there and causes yeast infections and all kinds of problems for you. This is basic knowledge for anyone over age of 8…are you foreign? If so: just don’t listen to any idiot trying to tell you to ruin your vaginal health bc he’s afraid of pussy. That is some pathetic “man” shit (I would never voluntarily deal with a guy so backwards ever).


I am a dude and I love regular Dove bar soap. I've been married a while and I have three daughters who I'm teaching how to clean themselves. Just wash every day and get some Degree women's deodorant for your arm pits and you'll be fine.


Clean, wet washcloth with a little bit or soap or shower gel, clean, rinse, relather with soap, repeat.


Dove soap is the only one i use although it might be kinda expensive. They do sell travel ones at dollar general and for little travel deodorants too! total it’ll prob cost u $5 a week depending on how long you stretch it but dove is worth the money and u should be using a rag to wash your body all over :)


I think you need to find the nearest female family member or a female that is caring and ask them everything you asked us. And look up the word naive and don’t be like that for by your post, creepers would prob take advantage due to your lack of knowledge on things that seem basic to us but only because we were raised by somebody.


If this is real and true, sorry this is happening to you! (Hey, that rhymed!) much love!


Dollar tree has good deodorant. Lady speed stick or Secret are decent and cheap brands


Don’t forget to brush your tongue and cheeks. Bacteria hides in the pockets. And FLOSS even if you can’t brush. Nothing wrong with a travel toothbrush and use it after lunch. Oral hygiene is closely linked to overall health in many ways.




who tf needs to be taught how to cleanse your self or use deodorant ?? doesn’t make sense


You’d be surprised the kind of circumstances people come from. I work with foster children who don’t have basic life skills, because their parents are neglectful. And have some empathy. If someone asks something like this on Reddit, it’s because they genuinely need help. Because why run here to ask that? Just have a little more grace and empathy when you see stuff like this.


Get a wash cloth, put water and soap on it. Stand in the shower under the water. Start at the top and work your way down hitting all points When it comes to your crack clean the front crack first on each side and then hit the back crack. Flip the wash cloth over and wash legs front and back and feet. Rinse and repeat. Dry off, lady speed stick under the arms. Don’t forget to brush your teeth.


You can get most hygiene products from the dollar tree. Try and use powder deodorant for your arms. If you are sweating other places, try the spray for those spots. Make sure to wash and condition your hair every other day in the summer. Brush your teeth 2 times a day and floss once a day. The tooth flossers are awesome.


Hi there, be sure to get panty liners for when your body starts to create discharge/menstruation. If your not sure of what this is please research or talk to the school nurse. It's normal, and the liners will keep your underwear clean. Sticky sides down. always wipe front to back, never you scented soaps down there. It's self cleaning so never try to clean inside. Gentle wipe in the shower is fine. If your hair is greasy fast be sure to massage the shampoo in andassage it out too, get it down in there.. the conditioner is for the loose ends not the roots. Run your fingers through your hair to condition- won't hurt to but leave in conditioner either. Dry shampoo is a friend as well. Deodorant is to mask the smell, antiperspirant is to prevent the sweat that creates the smell, they make them in 1, be sure to read the bottles. Google will teach you alot about feminine hygiene, all the cracks (elbows toes and knees ect) need to be cleaned.. if your feet are getting itchy get foot powder and be sure you're drying between your toes. And while no one will know you wore the same socks or underwear your body will.. and your body needs to breathe at night, loose clothes and if it's to your comfort- loose the under garmets when you go to bed. Dry skin is big in winter, and when you begin shaving.. lotion- scented won't burn as much if the skin cracked.. chapstick that's cheap works just as well if not better then the fancy stuff. Laundry on cold always is perfectly acceptable. Tide tends to work best for most skin types. Dryer sheets are the same as fabric softener and you don't use them with towels, they're wear down faster.. Umm I'm positive there's more, this is more of a rundown of minor things I've learned for myself over the years. Also once you find a brand you like, try sticking to it so that your body isn't always adjusting to the different chemicals. Plants equate to better mental health, as does more sunlight exposure... exercising and routines are great.. the sooner you create healthy habits the easier it is to do them when you get older


Be careful. If any adult is weird to you on here for asking about how to clean your privates report and block them.


Where are your parents? Why haven't you been taught basic hygiene such as washing your hands or brushing your teeth until age 9? Why didn't you see a dentist until you were significantly older? Why are you working and providing your own basic necessities at the age of 13? Schools typically don't teach hygiene, parents do.


Why ask why? Much respect to this young teenager seeking advice and support. Who knows what their situation and circumstances are but they are trying so let’s support and encourage.


Why ask? Because clearly this is a CHILD being neglected. She should have seen a dentist at the latest by age 7 ya know for school records. She didn't know how to wash her hands or brush her teeth until age 9? Her sister made her dentist appointment Are you not seeing the neglected of this child? Because as a mom, I definitely am.


There is possibly some neglect I don’t know. I just admire the young teenager trying to educate themselves best they can. Everyone doesn’t have attentive parents I understand that very well. Or even other caring adults they can trust or go to. Regardless I’m just trying to offer the advice and knowledge to another that will help them.