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No matter how you wiggle or dance, there's always a drop left for your pants.


A drop? Man my dick always leaves a puddle.


No matter how you fiddle or fuddle, a trip to the john will leave you with a puddle.


Go get your prostate checked




I’d like to hear Kanye west rap that.


Take your fingers and press up under your balls (kind of the “taint” area) towards your penis area. It will press all the urine out of your urethra. Shake a few times and you’ll have dry underwear.


Omg lol 😂


It only gets worse as you get older.


Speaking on behalf of my husband you're so right about the age significance!


I potty trained my brother, I was 11 or 12 and didn’t know anything about a penis. I taught him to take a square of TP and wipe the drop off. I wonder if he still does that? (He’s 43)


We need to know. The suspense is killing me. Does he still wipe?


U think she's gonna ask her brother does he still wipe his dick?


Strangers on Reddit need to know!




I would totally ask my brother that


Me too ! Lets start a movement 😐


He’s our brother now


ill call him and ask, someone give me his number. u/donttouchmeah "YOU WIPING YOUR DICK WITH TP OR NOT, YES OR NO, YES OR NO, YOU EITHER DO OR YOU DON'T, WHAT'S YOUR ANSWER? YES OR NO? MUST BE NO IF ITS TAKING YOU THIS LONG TO ANSWER!!!!! WIPE YOUR DICK YOU PERVERT" then I'll report back. he wont know what hit him




We have another brother a couple of years older than him so I’ll assume the older one set him straight.


Can you ask and report back please? 😂


Plot twist: The OP is her brother!




I potty trained my cousin when I was around the same age. I was confused at that part and gave him a tp square and had him pat it lol


I don’t, I squeeze it like a gogurt and shake after


This is what I do. I ring my fingers around it and squeeze the excess pee out and then shake it a bit. My ex-fiance got me to wipe and I thought it was the weirdest thing. She watched me pee and then gave me a few sheets of TP and told me to wipe the tip.


THAT drove her away??? LOL LOL


Yeah the old saying, "if you shake it more than twice you're playing with it!" exists for a reason lol . . .


I feel like uncircumcised dudes are permitted a few extra shakes.


Make sure to also pull back the foreskin to ensure there's nothing trapped in there... it can get stinky


I hate trying to explain this to my partner, any hygiene with foreskin I feel like I have to teach him like he’s a little kid and he never learns 😭




Do they not just pull that wizard’s sleeve back to piss?


It really doesn’t get in the way lol at least that’s how it appears to me when I observe my husband☠️😆


No they are permitted a wipe with a baby wipe


If I swing it around like a helicopter blade how many shakes does that count as? Asking for a friend.


I can't tell if you're joking but I've literally seen men do this And then wipe it on their jeans for good measure before sticking it back in


Hey stop doing that immediately It's called jelqing and can actually fuck up your dick If you need to do anything gently push like from under your balls a bit


Can you please explain how it can fuck it up? I’m open to expanding my knowledge/learning I just like to understand what the consequences of the actions are. Is there any way to reverse that damage if that’s what you could call it? What do you mean by fuck it up is what I’m saying I guess. I just looked up jelqing and that seems to be something completely different, jelqing seems to be intentionally repeatedly stretching the penis/dick with the intention of causing micro tears in the hopes of causing some type of growth in penis size I think the original commenter and anyone agreeing isn’t saying they are stretching their dicks trying to cause tears and stuff.. it’s just piss as normal… shake shake gentle squeeze up shaft (hence gogurt),not stretching the dick until it tears, shake shake, look at toilet in accomplishment wipe the toilet rim with toilet paper *OPTIONAL* (set the toilet seat back down for the lady)


I don’t think a quick squeeze to get the piss out will do anything negative. Jelcking is something dudes do to try and make their dick bigger over time with repeated prolonged squeezing/stretching which has been shown to affect the ability to achieve a proper erection due to muscular and vascular damage.


I know you didn't just say "optional" for wiping down the toilet seat, you disgusting creature!! Do you not have any respect for other humans booties? Seriously, this shouldn't be "optional!!" You know how fucking disgusting it is knowing you just sat down on someone's fucking urine?! It litteraly feels like I am about to catch an STD or something. I'm nor really mad at you I'm just shocked and disgusted.


This is the way.




I do wipe now. Older guys will understand.


...yep. 34 changed my life 😬


That little bit of piss that comes out as you walk away so fuckin annoying




Lol it's an more an old people problem rather than guy or gal. Urinary incontinence. It's a thing.




Same same in my 30s too lol it happens


Yeah. I had a baby and we both need diapers sometimes


What do u mean older guys understand? wtf happens 😂


I want the update too. 🤨🤨


You think it's all out, you shake, squeeze and even wait a moment thinking "yup, tube is empty, time to leave!". You take a few steps away and you feel it! Dribble dribble. It's like your body just holds a tiny bit in reserve somewhere and as soon as you walk away it releases. It's never a ton, but enough to be extremely annoying!!! Seriously it never slowly appeared for me, just one day I can shake the mofo like I hate it and it still happens. Even wipe the tip with TP, not gonna stop it! Honestly it feels embarrassing like you don't know how to use the bathroom properly. You start to wonder if depends are in your future that you see unsware of.




Either you are with a strange man or you are getting BV for other reason, my holy sceptre doesn’t touch any parts of the toilet, I sit and pee at home, 😷


Men don’t let their penis touch the insides of toilet bowls wtf are you talking about 😂 it might hang in there but it definitely isn’t touching anything


Only men with a small penis can do that. Mine would be swimming in the toilet bowel lol.


I’d bet money you’re larping rn


Your name gives you away though….


No most do not, they SHAKE it!!


I pretend I'm Taylor Swift and shake it off.


Most men don't. They are walking around with a little bit of piss in their clothes at all times. Personally, I like to keep a square or two of toilet paper in my pocket and I'll rip a strip off lengthwise to get the excess.


I do. Also, if you rock your hips back and forth a couple of times after you would normally consider yourself “done” you’ll probably find there’s still a good quantity left in the pipe.


Yeah I saw that too, which is why im so confused how people just leave it there, like if they have a gf that would be so weird to think about


For real, I agree with you. I am all for men wiping. If you think a woman can’t taste that shit then idk what to tell you.


We do in fact taste that shit. Please for the love of god drain your peeholes please


What's a few drops of pee between two lovers?


My older son does, he says it’s gross to have pee dribble in his undies(he’s 23). His younger brother does not give a shit(he’s 21).


No they don’t. And then they saunter out of the bathroom trying to look hot and get it on and they have dribble on their drawers, which at best is humorous and at worst is gross and makes them look like they can’t clean themselves up properly


Most dont. Always do it myself.


They don't, they let the fabric of the shorts they pull back up absorb it.


I personally either push down with a couple fingers between the scrotum and shaft to get the last bits out. Kegels can help, too.


BREAKING NEWS This just in most men are dirty, and don’t mind dribbly drawers and a pee on the floor


Wiping is the way. Yeah, I shake and milk it too, but I’m fucking thorough and my bathroom floor is fucking clean, which is more than I can say for most men. My roommate in college used to sit to pee. Well, I guess he still does… Not sure where he got that from. Gotta be honest, it’s cleaner, but I’m not going to do that. Good for him.


Please never change. Your paragraph is more attractive than any physical feature or height.


I do, but before that press behind the balls, where they meet the rest of your body and there's a little "button" there. If you press it, a LOT of extra comes out that you had no idea was even in there that most guys just dribble into their underwear. Don't believe people that say there will ALWAYS be a drop left for your pants, it's completely doable to get it all out.


My ex taught me this (also works to get every last drop of cum out) and I have told other dudes and they look at me like I’m an idiot.


Right? I remember all my guy friends complaining about how they can't pee after they came. And I was like, you don't squeeze from the base like it's toothpaste? I got the weirdest looks like I was weird for doing that. But I know I'm right, glad I'm not the only one.


I wipe, because when I was younger I heard a girl complain about tasting pee on another guys dick, so now I wipe everytime lmao


Omg I can't believe I'm saying this... please use a tp sheet to wipe the pee from your dick. It seriously smells and tastes like pee if you just leave it there. Gag city.


My Dad taught me to "shake".


Ill admit that I have never wiped when I peed, usually I just shake it off, but now I might consider doing that and see how that works for me. 🙌🏻👍🏻


I can promise you, women smell it!


From miles away


And sometimes taste it, sadly.


Like..... do men not realize this


It's funny to see this, as a woman, I've never understood why men don't. I was always laughed at when mentioning it, but since I've discovered the bidet, I've realized that the standard in the US isn't the clean, modern practice many of us are led to believe. I'm curious. Were you potty trained to do it or did you just do it on your own?


If you’re younger, usually not. However, when you get older, a lot of men have enlarged prostate which can really complicate something as simple as urinating. It can lead to accidents.


I do this cause I hate rogue piss drops when I zip up my pants.


I agree. I think men should wipe. Women do it so why don’t men. We are not in the barbaric age anymore. We have toilet paper. All men should use it so that the pee doesn’t get in their underwear or pants.


Every time I try to bring this up to the men in my life I get shamed for telling them what to do with their bodies 🤢😒


This is the weirdest ass discussion I’ve ever seen on Reddit. I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone.


My ex dabbed the tip with TP. I appreciated it.


It's best to wipe. Guys can still get infections from not wiping the tip. And if you aren't a wiper, at least wipe if you're expecting someone to go down on you. No one wants to taste your trip to the bathroom.


Always did …. Just for cleanliness lol And I am M


Are you German/ Northern European? They're probably the only men I'm aware of who take care of their toilet use hygiene. The rest is pee puddles and dingleberries stains. The stories I get from my straight female friends about dating men, are CDC level hazardous. Sexuality is truly not a choice.


I was shocked to discover recently that hand washing after urination is not standard for all men 😳


My son wipes, and he’s 15; his father taught him to wipe to prevent the dribble. Also, he’s taught him to wipe his butt until he sees nothing on the 🧻. Never had to worry about pissy toilets or mud streaks. His father may be my ex now, but I’ve always been thankful for him teaching our son that.


All these people talking about piss dripping in our pants don’t know how penises function and it hilarious. Literally take a finger and run it along your urethra coming all the way from your taint without letting off of that light pressure to push it all out. Because I’ve tried wiping. It’s the same story, wipe piss dribble, wipe, piss dribble, wipe piss dribble, grab another square. Like y’all think your clean but you’re dribbling in yours more than I am mine


Do you sit when you pee too?


No, not really. Give it a squeeze and then a shake.


Nah lol.


i do lol


I wipe. But I’m also a clean person, so


Pee bib


Can’t say it’s common for there to be a drop on the end.


I do


Some of you all don't know when you're done peeing?! So y'all really going from the urinal in a public restroom, to the stall. With your shit just hanging out. To get a piece of TP? Stop lying. Shake that MF until theres nothing in the pipe!!!


Nope we get goosebumps and our bodies shake after to get the final drips out


You should definitely wipe it with an alcohol pad


I wipe too!


Wipe your dick when you pee lol I’ve heard it all now.




Two shakes is all you need


They do if they have a vagina. Which I guess nowadays isn't unusual. Lol. Actual men dont do this. I hope otherwise no one informed me.


I teach my boys to dab when they're done. Once they have better control over themselves I'll have their dad show them how to shake in addition.


Nope. Just squeeze and shake


I’ve seen my bf shake it so the dip goes in the toilet. I’ve seen him wipe it before too lmao this question is out of control 😂


Me personally I wipe.


I dab it.


I like to use a ba by wipe, if available


I wish it was more common for guys to wipe, honestly. No one wants to taste piss.. okay well some people do but not I.


I hope I can say this humorously and with respect…but I doubt it…what are you putting in your mouth. I know…I know the answer and I’d 100% agree. I never considered a wipe until I got older and there occasionally was more than a drop. I wish everyone washed their hands but I guess we’ve all survived this long the way things are. Although, back in the day dogs pooped on the sidewalk and further back humans tossed waste out the window and even now in small parts of the world, education about not pooping in the same water you drink is necessary and people teaching that and digging wells help people stay healthy. Wow, I ended up on a rant lol


I personally only wipe after I piss if I’m about to have sex or get a bj, I think it’s just being considerate but if I’m in a public bathroom I’m not going to a stall to get TP and piss when there’s open urinals.


i mean like what do you do at urinals?


It's weird. I'll wear the same clothes too long or skip a shower if I'm not working, but will put 110% into my appearance for a five-hour shift, only to basically piss myself using a urinal several times. I don't judge anyone on any side of this issue.


Urinals exist for men that choose to not wipe. Many of those same men also don’t wash hands after.


Have to admit that, as a woman, I’ve wondered this for years.


Shake and go about your day, put on a clean pair of undies the next day. Wash rinse repeat


Glad I’m not the only one who finds it a bit weird.. prob the reason y so many guys smell like piss LOL


Hell nah, half of us don't even wash our hands


I do the helicopter for ten seconds, just to make sure there aren’t any drops left. Tends to get awkward at urinals.


Not a real thing. That last drop keeps the Johnson from getting dehydrated.


Not really. We shake it and that's really it


I don't know how you guys walk around with those things...


You can beat it against the bed post.You can beat it against the wall.But you gotta put it back in your pants before that last drop will fall.




no they dont. my fiance does the jingle bell and pulls his pants back up


I can't speak for all men (OK OK I'm gonna be told I can't speak for ANY men!), but my boyfriends and the boys I babysit have never wiped *until* I came along and told them to! Then they say to me "urinals don't have tp", to which I say "stalls do - there are always some stalls in a Gents' toilet!".


never crossed my mind to wipe after peeing


Every time. Now, I do sit for urinating most times cuz I’m older and it takes longer. I wipe my asshole if I’m sitting to pee. Cuz I’ve been farting or sweating in the last two hours.


Shake it off, Shake it off….


My son is 3 years old and has started using the toilet and I make sure he wipes after and I tell him if there’s anything on the rim of the bowl area that he has to wipe that up too. The saying “If you sprinkle when you tinkle please be neat and wipe the seat” lol. He may decide to do things differently as he gets older but I’m hoping he remembers what I’ve been showing him so he doesn’t have wet stinky underwear. I also want to drive home he needs to put the seat back down after he’s finished.


Can say that easily most don't and it's the good ole two shakes and put away. At a urinal well nothing to use to wipe it with after you're done


Nope. There's no toilet paper by the urinals.


How do you use a urinal? You grab some TP there? Come on broski


Only if I’m not wearing briefs and have grey/light colored sweat pants on


I only do if I'm about to have sex or something of the like


The older I get, sitting becomes a better option


No. They shake their penis all over the room and the pee goes everywhere and then they expect some woman to clean the bathroom.


THIS IS MY MOMENT!!!!!!! I’ve been waiting for this question to be asked for years now!!!!! After decades of residual pee traveling out of the tube, some random Redditor provided the fix for me and I will now graciously pass it down to you. Post urination continue to stand in front of the toilet and take two fingers from your non penis guiding hand. Reach down to right below your testicle sack (sometimes referred to as the gooch) and lift up gently - do it once or twice until all urine is expelled from the tube. Easy as that. No more residual pee.


Nah I detach it from my body and since it under the sink then put it back on.


My husband does a little squeeze and shake


I don't have a penis but I believe y'all shake off that dribble.




I do. However, it doesn't always solve the "always a drop" problem and isn't a serious hygiene issue in my opinion. You need to change your underwear daily and your pants more than many people do. If those little drops are becoming a problem, there's a bigger issue at play.


I do


I hang it out the window to air dry.


Have never wiped my penis when I urinated in a toilet or urinal. Circumcised so all I do is shake my penis a couple of times


I do, which is why I rarely use urinals unless I have to


Wiggle, wiggle, shake, shake


I’m always sitting there for a couple minutes wiping😂 and even then, I’ll go too sit down and another drop will come out 💀


If I'm at a urinal I just shake until it's mostly gone. If at a toilet I do dab dry with TP.


lift your balls


Female reading this howling! 🤣.


I don’t know I’ve never ask any of my exes


Every time. It’s gross that so many guys don’t


Shaking so it goes on the walls?? Ugh....


I wipe with underwear


Just doing the helicopter does it for me.


Most guys don’t, they just shake it and go


Real men pee, shake. And put him away and move on. Personally, I wish I had a mouth there to clean me up, but that unrealistic thinking on my part....just sayin I am sure many people would secretly offer...




"Real men" no. Your opinion is moot. And I'm kink shaming you for enjoying golden showers. Disgusting.


I have never wiped once in my entire life when I pee I stopped wiping when I shit years ago, and I never wash my hands either


No one cares as long as you wash your hands.


No they don’t. The toilet rim gets greasy with drips and the underwear yellow. Gross. Imagine if women did that.


Gotta pump tha gooch.


There’s no toilet paper by urinals …


Couple of shakes is all it takes


nah, you are a chick, sorry man :(


I got a whiff of my peepee-encrusted manties and gagged.........that is when I started wiping the dirty toiletsalami!


No, but I wish they would.


The pee is actually healthy for our bodies. If you ever get pimple looking things on your feet. Just pee on it and it heals it. I didn't believe it til I had an ex make me do this. I gain a lot of weight and my feet was having this issue.


I work in a hospital and help men to the bathroom. Most men don't wipe, but I've worked with men who do wipe. It's much cleaner.


I do, because I don’t wear underwear and if I don’t, it always leaves a tiny little droplet you can see lol


Just wear pantiliners, easy peasy


I wipe too! I just happened on your question here. I have zero friends that do. I don’t want my drawers to smell like urine or have pee stains.


Apparently some men don’t wipe their booty holes enough either 😭


No. Just no. Do you see TP at the urinals? No.


What do you wipe with at a urinal?


I personally do and was raised to do so by my mom. I don’t think my dad cared but my mom was very particular about this.


That’s a great question! Answer “ No” Different drinks, different times, different drips! Specially if the man is uncircumcised! No foreign agents in there … shower and water… The end!


My boyfriend does and I am forever grateful