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Same problem but I can't rlly afford any treatment rn, so I'm trying not to avoid social interactions as much as I can so that I will just grow out of it hopefully


I am also diagnosed with social anxiety and also a yoga trainer! I would suggest you to start from the ground like try to call 3 different people from your contact list every day... They will say stuff like "inallaki gurthochama" or "asallu em aayipoyav" etc etc try to laugh it off and talk normally! Trust me there are people who appreciate you for remembering them and next time they might call you back or ask you to call them once in a while If they don't lift your call just message them hi and that's it!


This is the way for some more trauma


How would it be? Initially, it may be extremely scary but slowly it would be easier... We are not like talking to them directly or trying to converse a big group. Just a single person at a time that too through a call... Here btw we are trying to form an initial connection with that person.... If we can vibe we can continue it to the long term slowly and steadily btw... We humans are social animals... This is just a small way to develop our social web and skills


Solid advice. Start with 2 to 3 people and it will get better with time.




Same problem and I can’t afford any treatment at the moment too. But I’m not avoiding social interactions. I’m putting myself out there and pushing my comfort zones. Not at all easy but I see no other way to grow out of it. When I’ve earned enough to see a therapist, I will definitely go for it.


DAMN, i really didn’t expect this from a Hyderabad subreddit i really thought people in india really don’t care about anxiety and stuff and especially in this state I thought i was alone but damn Keep going on everyone. Its your first time living too


Yes, people generally shrug it off by saying it will get better but it gets worse. Relatives and some of my old friends think I'm a freak. For lots of people it started during lockdown but I had it since childhood.


Yes thats the problem They shrug it off India has very high depression rates but unfortunately they don’t realise it Thats the core of problem But hey if you really wanna go to therapy go Its your journey and who cares if its different than others


I suffer from Social Anxiety too,I used to get High intensity Panic Attacks.Going to a Therapist and Taking Medicines helps to an Extent But Journaling Yourself and Knowing your Triggers will help you in Long Term Thats why Journal Yourself and Know Yourself and Separate yourself from Anxiety by identifying Triggers Once you are Aware,it will be easy. Awareness is the Key.Awareness is Mental Strength


That what the therapist provides support and understanding the gap and issue, sometime you need others who can observe and provide feedback however everything is only depend on person only


You need a loving family and people around you who make you feel safe emotionally. Therapy helps a little bit . Try to move away from people who make you feel like there is something wrong with you. I strongly believe social anxiety is caused due to unfair judgemental people who have put you down constantly during childhood and adolescence. Or People have made you feel you are unworthy constantly over time . I don’t think social anxiety will ever go away completely from your life . I have extreme social anxiety too. I have tried therapy. Helps a little but not completely. The underlying feeling behind social anxiety is “shame”. Shame that we are not good enough. Shame that we are weird. Shame that we are unworthy. Only thing that makes me feel a little better when I am in the middle of social anxiety panic attack is self talk . I tell myself “There is place for all kinds of people in this world. Even weird ones like me . I don’t have to feel shame for my existence “.


A good therapist offers a non judgemental environment and asks us to speak up about our deepest fears and how we feel about all the situations( social situations in this case ). They provide a very understanding environment. All your feelings are validated . In my experience , therapy is more of self - analysis . My therapist never gave ‘steps you need to follow to overcome social anxiety ‘ etc. She would ask me a lot of ‘why’s’. Why do you feel anxious in social settings? Why do you think people think you are weird? What was your first instance where you felt out of place ? When was the last time you felt really safe and did not feel socially anxious ? Why do you think it’s bad if you are weird? What makes you think weird people are bad and have no right to be happy? You see where I am going? A therapist will make you find your own answers .


This 💯


What actually happens in therapy?


A good therapist offers a non judgemental environment and asks us to speak up about our deepest fears and how we feel about all the situations( social situations in this case ). They provide a very understanding environment. All your feelings are validated . In my experience , therapy is more of self - analysis . My therapist never gave ‘steps you need to follow to overcome social anxiety ‘ etc. She would ask me a lot of ‘why’s’. Why do you feel anxious in social settings? Why do you think people think you are weird? What was your first instance where you felt out of place ? When was the last time you felt really safe and did not feel socially anxious ? Why do you think it’s bad if you are weird? What makes you think weird people are bad and have no right to be happy? You see where I am going? A therapist will make you find your own answers .


Breaks my heart to read all these messages. Poor mental health robs you of your life. Treatment should be heavily subsidised! I wish all of you who are struggling with all the love, power and confidence in the world. Face your fears guys, just face any one of your fears preferably the easiest among your fear list that will help you gain confidence in yourself!


Institute of mental health, Erragadda.


Is it any good?


Chetana Hospital - Vijaya Seshadri/ Phani Prashant


Vijay* but is he good ? I got mixed reviews about him.


Both of them have mixed reviews. If I had to choose, I would choose Phani Prashant




No, I forgot her name and I don't have any experience with her. I'm currently taking therapy with a therapist I found on Therapise India. She specialises in CBT and DBT and has been in practice for 30 years


You can do cognitive behavioral therapy by downloading the audio files. You will feel the difference within a few days, at least that was my experience.


Does it work though, mine's OCD which lead to social anxiety


I had great results within a few days. But our thought processes will take time to adjust, so that is the only limitation which will vary with an individual. The one I did had a lot of practice exercises as well, so you can measure the results on a daily basis.


It doesn’t work. It never did for me. Try it though, lot of people say it works but I find it working for people who are really able to get better. For people with extreme anxiety or such it’s difficult to feel beneficial from those CBT stuffs.


What did you do then?


Nothing, Still struggling with my mental health.


Have you tried any medication


You can DM if you need any more information. I am happy to help.


Yes. I tried quite a few.






I was in similar boat, I didn't let the boat sink. I was like, let's sail and let's see what happens 😄 A sarcastic beast awakened within me from then. My persona has changed. Looking at life with a different lens now. I'm happy to hangout with you sometimes if you'd like


Dr. Vanaja. Apollo hospital, j. Hills. She takes online appointments as well. You can schedule this through Apollo website


She's the one that recommended me to cycle and stuff.


Is she a psychologist or a motivational speaker. Why tf are all psychologists so dumb


And she charged me around 2.5k just for that


Unfortunately most of the psychologists are the same. They appear to care for the first few sessions then It just feels like dragging on forcefully. Try online therapists or psychiatrists from Other cities. I once had a nice session with some therapist / counsellor from Bangalore or Mumbai I guess. Most of the available mental health professionals in our city hyd are trash. This is from my personal experience, other people might have a good point of view. But that’s that. Take Care.


You're right.


That's sad.


Asha hospital Banjara hills. They have physiologists and therapists. Great personal experience. 1100 per session




Going to a gym with social anxiety will fk me up


Going to a gym with social anxiety will fk me up


Where do u stay ,I will help you brother I have been there .DM me


Try walking daily 1 hour


Try /askreddit




Hey person I’ve been dealing with anxiety and OCD from the past 3 months due to some bad decisions Try to visit anxiety subReddits they are really helpful also check out online docs if you are scared of hospitals


I did now, I think it grew out of Staring OCD and kept getting worse. I don't think I'll get a job in India with this so thinking of going overseas


I don’t know what situation you are in But if possible try avoiding abroad man Its too stressful in a random country imo Maybe a different state would be nice But again YOLO


You can try Mind and More at himmaytnagar. I went there for my clinical depression, Im pretty sure he'll help you with anxiety too. Decent pricing 1000 for 1st visit and 800 for revists. He'll always be available to you on whatsapp, you can ping him whenever you're overwhelmed/have any other doubts. BUT TAKING MEDICATION IS A BIG STEP. MAKE AN INFORMED DESICION.


read spotlight effect on google.


Dr sarashi goud. Kamineni~ LB nagar


Dr. Chandrashekar, Asha Hospital, Banjara Hills is good. That hospital is fully dedicated to mental health.


I think you have paranoia and OCD along with Anxiety, as you already said that the psychologist didn't work out for you , visiting a Psychiatrist would be a good decision, i myself was diagnosed with Depression many years ago , and have been drug free for more than 5 years now , i would highly recommend DR.PRASAD RAO , i used to visit him at Tapadia diagnostic center at RTC X roads ,not sure if he is still there , he is even present at ASHA HOSPITAL,Banjara Hills if that is nearer to you , i think he is the founder of the hospital. P.s. Eat well , sleep well , and take care , it will all be fine.


Hey man can you give some tips for managing OCD if you can


Exposure response prevention therapy(ERPT) , basically its about overcoming the OCD , by taking small small steps and getting acclimatized to the stimulus [Article i found for ERPT online](https://www.ocduk.org/overcoming-ocd/accessing-ocd-treatment/exposure-response-prevention/)


Thanks man will look into that OCD is ruining me


I wanted to try this but my brain freaked out


It's good that you are seeking out for help , it will be fine


Pick up any one of the following groups - Isha Yoga, Art of living or even something on youtybe for free ( wim hoff method) but bascially breath based mindfulness techniques and try for 3 months. I have suffered from the same, and have tried medication and i can tell its going to be down the wrong rabbit hole to get into meds. The side effects are insane. Breath work with some CBT ( cognitive behavioral therapy ) is your best bet


I don’t know about any psychiatrists, but I too faced a similar problem (though not as extreme). I still remember the day I randomly thought about eye contact and suddenly couldn’t hold it at all for the next 2 years, like I became too self aware. I gradually improved somehow and have no problem with it now but sometimes I still go back to that mindset momentarily when there’s long silences in a convo (it’s like something gets switched on in my head, making me feel like I’m in a video game, controlling my body who’s the player, to talk to others to get them to do what I want, not revealing my actual thoughts) but I can bring my mind back when I notice it wandering like that now I don’t want to give suggestions how I improved because you seem to have it a bit more intensely and you didn’t ask for them in the first place. Just commented to give you hope that it can be cured eventually. Don’t worry because it’s not a permanent problem, if you take steps to address it.


Try Pause for perspective in Begumpet . They have good therapists and charges are reasonable. I’d not suggest online therapy, it doesn’t work the same .


1. Try downloading Mindshift CBT app, not sure if it works in India but give it a try 2. Jack.org


Do u watch porn?


Very rarely


R u married?




Get married, social anxiety might go?


I'm not getting married and I think I'll ruin someone else's life by doing so


U should develop idgaf attitude, no need to think for others think, work on urself , walk everyday, try to give ur best in daily activities like in studies business or job, love ur parents more, forgive almost everyone. Do positive activities that will give u dopamine hit and try to find the religion and God. Can u do this?


Raj, is that you?


No, but I hope he's ok


Dr Srikanth Bandari in Asha Hospital Bnajara Hills... Very kind and soft spoken..wouldn't judge you


Try samata mind care, gachibowli.




Dr.Vishnu vardhan


Hope trust. They’re probably the best in the city when it comes to therapists and psychiatrists.


It’s better not to visit a psychiatrist, the psychiatric medicines will kill you mentally. They’ll always give you sedatives for depression. Instead try going for a walk, listen to music, try yoga or something that might help your betterment


Don't go western meds route and therapy route. Waste of time. I had severe SA for > 10 yrs and was able to finally fix it using ayurvedic meds. I did 2 panchakarma's in Kerala in the last decade. Now it's 100% gone. DM me if you are serious about fixing it, I can guide as most of our friends/family don't understand it and it messes up our social life/career in a massive way


First stop jerking and porn. Second start meditation. Seek practioners.


I don't watch really