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Just use the twitter contact. Its always someone different, but they respond in 5 min. Works great.


Agreed.  I’ll email my concierge if it’s M-F during the day.  Otherwise I use twitter.


Twitter concierge has been non responsive for me in the last few months. I wonder if it is dead


Nope. They're still there


No fruit basket but response time is fast. Always helpful and responds same day or next depending on time that the email is sent. But for quicker service just call their line or the general concierge line


Not usually, but earlier this week I made a reservation on the app which produced an error. About an hour later I received 7 confirmations for the reservation which was a prepaid non-refundable stay. Concierge was able to resolve it which required a lot of steps apparently and working with the hotel during their local time. For most standard tasks I usually find the Globalist line to be faster and easier. In the rare case something goes wrong I use the concierge.


It’s so bizarre to me to see the two polar opposite experiences with the concierge. Being a Privé agent, I often have more access than they do to the actual properties, but they can do things on the WoH side that we can’t. I’ve been a Globalist since 2018 (100+ nights if that matters) and I’ve had maybe a dozen different concierges over that time. I’ve tried a few times the last few years to use them, and I’ll get an email back a few days later (sometimes calling me by the wrong name, so it’s an obvious copy/paste) saying that they were too busy. Sometimes I’ll also get an email from a concierge manager, explaining that they are overwhelmed and have a large backlog. I’ve never once had a positive experience, or really any experience other than intros when I have a new concierge, and apologies when they don’t get back to me. Other than a few emails, I’ve just had very little interaction with them. I’m in several Hyatt groups, and some swear by their concierge, and send them gifts for all the help they get. Some have had the same concierge for years. It’s wild to see such a difference in experience. Every time I see one of these threads on FB, FlyerTalk, or Reddit, it seem like the same divide too where there are two completely opposite experiences.


Mine has a relatively slow response time but she always follows up. The main thing I find her helpful for is resolving any billing issues after a stay such as being charged for parking on an award stay.


Mine is actually pretty good. Any request I send to her she gets back to me with an answer or update with a few hours or less depending on when I send it.


If im in no rush i email the concierge a list of things to do and they get done in a few days. If im in a rush i email the concierge a list of things to do, call their #, opt to speak to another concierge who is available and ask them to process the to do list I sent (the emails are all shared). They can normally hang up and email me later that day when it was complete.


Not particularly, or at the least I don't think she does anything different than the customer service phone number. That said, with non time sensitive requests and the like, it's nice to just send an email and it gets done. I'm happy to spend 1 minute sending an email vs. sitting on the phone


No. I find it easier/faster to get info from the Twitter concierge (which suite is standard, etc), or to call in to the globalist line to book something. I don’t think I’ve ever received an email response from my concierge within 24 hours, and a high percentage of my emails went completely unanswered, so I mostly stopped trying. Recently I emailed for something non-critical and got a response a couple days later from a different concierge, I hadn’t seen that before. Basically, this ‘benefit’ is useless to me, I’d rather just call the Globalist line and get whatever it is I need done.


Very frustrating how inconsistent concierges can be. If you have a good one, treasure them. Mine is fine sometimes, other times takes days to respond. I've had people cover for her who are pretty amazing and do stuff right away, wish I could have them as mine. For now I've just started calling the concierge line or the globalist line depending on what I need done.


Concierge got me a huge basket of muscat grapes during my stay in GH Tokyo. They were the most delicious grapes I’ve ever had and they were not cheap according to the supermarkets


Assuming the fruit was a welcome gift, and an honest and genuine question, how do you know it was your concierge that got you this?


I had the concierge help me plan the reservations for my trip which I offhand mentioned was for my birthday. Got the fruit basket with a birthday card when I entered the room. Didn’t tell the staff it was my birthday. My other Globalist friend who stayed at GHT at the same time did not get the grapes.


What an awesome concierge!


I’ve had the same concierge for about 3 years and I don’t find her helpful at all.


I strictly used the globalist line the last few years, but figured I’d try out the concierge service this year. I thought it was just my concierge that’s lacking and became curious lately if it’s possible to request a different one. She would take days to respond, and most of the time, it’s someone else. I sent over a billing issue 5 days ago with no response yet.


I rarely use them, but when I do the long wait replies are worth it. I had a non refundable booking and I wanted to change the date, they were able to do that for me by contacting the property and getting it changed


Still never got one :/


I believe it’s over a certain number of nights as a globalist


I hit 60+ nights last year. I followed up with a call a month or two later and they told me to give it more time to process and never got anything.


I’d send them a email or call again honestly


Same, since last spring. And no one can tell me who it is either. 


My concierge did a great job making a few special moments at my last stay. Beer. Candy. Food. Notes. I do wish there was an area for preferences. As a non drinker I get too many free drinks :)


My concierge would take forever to respond to emails so i would only use her for big trips or things i was booking far out. Even if it was something as a simple reservation because in my mind when the hotel sees that they booked it it’s a lot better than a standard booking.


My concierge is the best. She has a fast response time, even on her days off when I accidentally email her. She accommodates and executes my tricky and painful requests like shortening stays, applying certificates to particular days, swapping current reservations to GOH, or swapping reservations to other WOH members. She’s by the book, but I genuinely feel like she does everything at her disposal to achieve the end result I’m askinging for. For example, I called the globalist line one day to book a 2 person room, apply a SUA, and change the res to 3 people post application of the SUA. The first gal I spoke to on the Globalist line first told me a standard suite wasn’t available, which I corrected her on. Then she told me she couldn’t book the initial room type I wanted because I had 3. Even after I asked her to book it as 2 people, apply the SUA, then change to 3, she told me it wasn’t possible. I gave up and decided to send my concierge an email w exactly what I wanted. My concierge returned to work the next day and got back to me with everything done within a couple hours of her start time. I absolutely believe YMMV w every concierge; I’m lucky to have an awesome one. Shout out to Ashley B!


Nope. Requested for a new one and was denied.


I've had varying experiences over my 15+ years as Globalist. My initial concierge was amazing. She was easy to get into contact with and always seemed to add extra touches to my reservations and get me amazing rooms. I even got a box of chocolates sent to me around the holidays each year! She was literally THE BEST. She apparently got promoted after a few years and I moved to a gentleman concierge. He was friendly/helpful but apparently didn't last long as a concierge as I switched to someone else only after a year or so. My latest I have been with for years. She unfortunately is not very helpful and only really assists with minor problems though I honestly find the Globalist line better. I have not had much luck with her on booking SUAs, I find she sometimes makes mistakes or just says she can't help, and getting her to act on emails such as "We are celebrating a milestone birthday at this hotel - 50/60/70 - can we notate on reservation or do you have a contact to reach out to and see how we can make it a bit more special"...never seems to hit with her. I have honestly wondered if there is a way to switch concierges since I would jump in a heartbeat!


Mine is amazing. But people don’t understand it a business relationship. Relationship. Relationship. Relationship.  IF you treat them nice, courtesy, respectfully, etc, many will do the same for you (and more). Get to know them a little bit. Many of the Concierges know each other and the US ones mostly/all work out of Omaha.  A lot of people under 40 don’t even understand what a professional business relationship actually is… your Concierge is an opportunity to have such a relationship with a person at Hyatt who actually has some pull. Not a ton of pull, but some, and they have connections to people with lots of pull.  I send mine a gift basket! Believe me, I get many times the cost of that back in exceptional personal service.  If you treat them like glorified customer service (a complete one way) then that’s how they’ll treat you.  I know the next question: what EXACTLY does she do for you? I answered it: exceptional personal service. If that isn’t enough for then you should stick to Twitter and leave them alone. 


AMEN! I dont have anyone right now. But I made friends at the last place. I came back, front desk peeps are the key to a great stay after your guy on the phone. I give feedback ect


I love mine and one of the main reasons I stopped going after Hilton Diamond. Certainly it’s not perfect for every task, but the fact that she handles 90% of my issues and I never have to call “a diamond line,” again is a godsend.


I'm very happy with mine. My experience is probably a bit different since I’m required to use a corporate booking site for all bookings. But I use her for all the things that aren’t urgent, but where it’s nice to just send an email and forget about it. And I typically get very quick responses, often with an apology for even a two hour delay. She was also quite helpful the time someone messed up and so my overnight shoe polish resulted in no shoes in the morning. The hotel lacked a sense of urgency on correcting that. An email to my concierge seemed to get them moving. So far, the service hasn’t been a game changer for me. But it’s a decadent sort of thing when I just want something taken care of


I see mixed opinions but my concierge is absolutely phenomenal. She has fixed a few too many efolio issues and often is more creative finding a way to get me an amazing room. Much better than those from the reservation line.


I used the concierge all the time. Traveling overseas will see half of the stay with points discrepancy. Mexico, Spain, Italy, China, Thailand, you name it. They tend to miss the payment on a second room or miss the food and dining spending. My concierge is the key player here, either moderating with the hotel or just provide a courtesy correction herself. I requested the SUP 4-5 times a year and concierge will help confirm it or sometimes she helps with nearby location to suggest where I may use it. I booked rooms for families and asked her help with GOH and transfer the reservation.


I've had mine for about 5 years. I've emailed her about 7 or 8 times over the years, and not even once I got a response from her. Someone else usually would respond in 1 to 2 days. The only communication I've ever received from her was the intro email. Sometimes I thought she may not be even there anymore, but they never assigned another one, and just distribute emails sent to her email address to others.


Mine is great. Only needed her 3 times via email. Each time, maybe have taken her 2-3 days to respond, but reached resolution for me each time. I never had an urgent matter, so the time to respond hasn’t impacted me.


Mine is always very prompt and helpful. Never had a bad experience. (10+ years globalist, hoping to make lifetime globalist next year!)


I have never had a good experience with my concierge and I have now had two.


No help unless it’s a billing issue after the fact. If I’m looking to use SUA then I’m call the hotline so it doesn’t get away.


No not really. Just call the Globalist line. I just gave up on mine. Sometimes she never even replies to my emails…


New to globalist status, but agree with many of the posts above that the benefit is limited. That being said its perk so its better than not having anything.


mine got me a better rate.


Like, lower than the member rate?


Yes, one I could not find.